Saurabh Jain Resume
Saurabh Jain Resume
Saurabh Jain Resume
Mobile: 8857963190/07869566760
E-Mail: [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected]
A dynamic individual, seeking senior level assignments in the areas of Software
Development/ Project Execution with an organiation of high repute prefera!ly in "# sector
$ocation Preference% &um!ai
!edica"ed #ro$essional %i"h o&er 8 'ears o$ e(#erience in)
Project &anagement Software Development 'lient (elationship
&aintenance support #eam &anagement $iaison ) 'oordination
*ained #ro+cienc' in end,"o,end de&elo#men" o$ so$"%are #roduc"s $rom re-uiremen" anal'sis "o
s's"em s"ud'. designing. coding. "es"ing. de,bugging. documen"a"ion. im#lemen"a"ion and
droi" in #ro&iding efec"i&e resolu"ion "o cus"omer -ueries/ im#ro&ing rela"ionshi#s %i"h "he
cus"omer b' an"ici#a"ing cus"omer $u"ure re-uiremen"s. "hereb' ensuring a #osi"i&e cus"omer
0(#erience o$ %or1ing %i"h cus"omers. business managers and "echnical "eams $or securing 2 e(ecu"ing
concurren" #rojec"s
3as cul"i&a"ed a s"rong s1ill "o ada#" and unders"and ne% domains easil' and -uic1l'
4ro+cien" in managing "he en"ire so$"%are de&elo#men" o#era"ions in&ol&ing re-uiremen" ga"hering.
de&elo#men" o$ $unc"ional s#eci+ca"ions. design 2 de&elo#men" and co,ordina"ion %i"h cus"omer
4ossess s"rong communica"ion. anal'"ical. anal'sis/ma##ing and nego"ia"ion s1ills
5on&ersan" %i"h)
o 6indo%s !es1"o#/ 7ure. 8"ru"s and 9a&a. 9200. 3iberna"e. 8#ring. 6ebser&ices. 9:8
o !ocumen"um 6. 5 and 5;;
o <racle 9i and 4=/8>=
o 6indo%s 7ure. 0cli#se and ?e"@eans
o 4=/8>= !e&elo#er and 9@oss 4.0.1
o @0 6eblogic 8er&er 9.2. 9AB. an" and 8C?
o Domca" 4 and 5 and Dor"oise,<bjec" <rien"ed :e"hodolog'
o gile :e"hodolog'E8crumF
Si!e Ja"#$ %o J&e"'# TATA Co(&l%a!) Se*+i!e(, -el.i a( A((o!ia%e S)(%e/ E0iee*
A1%e* %.a% I 2a( i 3oi0 M %e!. a3 !lea*e3 GATE 4#'' 2i%. 567'8 9e*!e%ile a% %.e (a/e
%i/e I 2a( 3oi0 %ea!.i0 2.i!. 2a( !o/9&l(o*) 2i%. M %e!.7
Ke) Re(&l% A*ea(:
So1%2a*e -e+elo9/e%:
:anaging re-uiremen" ga"hering. s's"em anal'sis and +nali7a"ion o$ "echnical/$unc"ional
!esigning. de&elo#ing. "es"ing. "roubleshoo"ing and debugging o$ "he a##lica"ions
4ro&iding #os",im#lemen"a"ion. a##lica"ion main"enance and enhancemen" su##or" "o "he clien" %i"h
regard "o "he #roduc" / so$"%are a##lica"ion
5oo#era"ing 2 communica"ing %i"h o"her "eam members $or eGcien" managemen" %or1
Aden"i$'ing documen"s rela"ed "o com#onen"s and main"aining de"ailed s"ud' o$ "he same as #er "he
#roduc" changes. b' ge""ing in "ouch %i"h "he #roduc" de&elo#ers
<&erseeing "he en"ire #roduc" li$ec'cle) $easibili"' "hrough sco#ing. re-uiremen"s de+ni"ion "hrough
s#eci+ca"ion. design. de&elo#men". -uali"' assurance. in"egra"ion and im#lemen"a"ion
P*o:e!% Maa0e/e%:
nal'7ing user needs and so$"%are re-uiremen"s "o de"ermine $easibili"' o$ design %i"hin cons"rain"s
Hnder"a1ing "he design 2 "he de&elo#men". "es"ing. debugging and "roubleshoo"ing o$ "he
<&erseeing smoo"h im#lemen"a"ion o$ "he a##lica"ion
An"erac"ing %i"h "eam members "o ensure #rogress o$ #rojec" %or1
:oni"oring and ensuring cus"omer deli&er' during "he "ransi"ion #eriod
0nsuring adherence "o "he -uali"' norms "hroughou" "he im#lemen"a"ion #rocess
2013 :.Dech 3
8em. $rom 580. =?5D. @ho#al. B*4C 73.2 5*4
2005 @0 EAn$orma"ion Dechnolog'F $rom B*4C. @ho#al. Hni&ersi"' Ans"i"u"e o$ Dechnolog' %i"h
67.41I 8*4
Hndergone "he $ollo%ing)
o 4rojec" :anagemen" Draining "hrough 5om#Dia 4rojec" 4lus in 2014
o 5res"el Draining in Delecom @illing 8's"em a" 0li"e5ore. hmdabad in 2011
o !ocumen"um Draining in !ocbase. !oc@ro1er. !oc##. !>=. Cersioning. =i$ec'cles. 6or1Jo%s.
Bendi"ions. 6!K. !:5=. !L5. @<L. 6eb 4ublisher and 5= a" D58. :umbai in 2007
o Ani"ial =earning 4rogram in 8o$"%are 0ngineering and =i$e 81ills a" D58. Dri&andrum in 2006
o Draining in <&er&ie% o$ Des"ing 4rocesses D58. Kol1a"a in 2007
8igni+can"l' con"ribu"ed in de&elo#men" o$ $ollo%ing business ideas)
o u"o 8er&ice , Dhe au"omobile deli&er' %as "a1en a" "he s"ar"ing "ime o$ "he sho% and deli&ered
a$"er "he end/ "his %as done in #remises o$ #ar1ing o$ mall. Dhe deli&er' o$ "he au"omobile %as
"a1en onl' i$ %as #ossible "o deli&er "he same %i"hin 3 hours
o 0s"ablished "he use o$ read onl' #en dri&e $or deli&er' o$ mul"imedia con"en" and omission o$ !C!
and :43 4la'ers
o <nline ne%s#a#er si"e $or indi&idual college %here ne%s could be #os"ed go" deli&ered on "he mail
o$ s"uden"s. Dhrough "his si"e cor#ora"e and social 1no%ledge o$ s"uden"s %as sus"ained
o !omain name Mea"a"'our#lace.inN has been regis"ered on m' name and under "his si"e
unorgani7ed $ood mar1e" %as brough" under one umbrella and deli&ered "he $ood #roduc"s
"hrough o%n deli&er' s's"em
o @randed ou"le" $or car s"ereoOs inside a mall %here colla"ion o$ s"ereo %as done in #ar1ing and "ha"
%as simula"or con"rolled b' com#u"er ca#able o$ #la'ing all sor"s o$ combina"ions #ossible o$ diferen"
brands o$ s#ea1ers 2 #la'ers
o u"oma"ic do%nloading o$ original 3! con"en" $or DC and mobile de&ices in %hich user had o#"ion
o$ li1e 2 disli1e/ "he songs 2 mo&ies %ere re#laced au"oma"icall' b' cri"eria o$ disli1e on L5L8
Beasons $or Lailure o$ !a"a 6arehouse Ani"ia"i&e
D'#es o$ K4As in diferen" "'#e o$ !ashboards o$ !a"a 6arehousing
Hse o$ !a"a 6arehouse and Bela"ed Dechnologies in 8#or"s
u"hen"ica"ion $or 5loud 5om#u"ing 0n&ironmen"
n ##lica"ion o$ Lu77' =ogic $or A4=,5 5ric1e" =eague 4redic"ion
!esigning o$ Drading gen" 8's"em Hsing 4rome"heus :e"hodolog'
8uccess$ull' scored 95.18 #ercen"ile in *a"e 2011
8uccess$ull' com#le"ed cer"i+ca"e $rom :AD( in 0n"re#reneurshi#
8uccess$ull' com#le"ed cer"i+ca"e $rom :AD( in @ig!a"a and 8ocial 4h'sics
c"i&el' %ro"e "he $ollo%ing)
o :an' s"ories li1e A =o&e m' 5ri"i-ue. Kal#ana. 8hoshan. =i""le :'"hological. 4
Adio". 5asano&a and
o d&er"isemen"s i.e. 5 ads $or Dreasurer @an1 EDhe one %ho "a1es care o$ 'our DreasureF. :en"os. Adea
and :an Lorce
o 8mall #la' "i"led PHni$ormO
!a"e o$ @ir"h) 2
9une. 1981
=ocal ddress) Boom ?o 4 Khane1ar @uilding <##osi"e 5anara @an1 3inje%adi 4une
4ermanen" ddress) 36 ?irmal 0ncla&e @i""hal ?agar =algha"i @ho#al
=anguages Kno%n) 3indi and 0nglish
4lease re$er anne(ure $or $ur"her de"ails
Ti%le: H&/aa Me%o* -o!&/e%&/
5lien") 3umana ="d.
4eriod) 9anO09 "o 9unO09
!e"ails) Dhis #rojec" in&ol&ed de&elo#men" o$ 3 %or1Jo%s in !ocumen"um 6.0. and
%or1Jo%s in 4rocess @uilder "ha" sen" 2 recei&ed mails "hrough #rocess
in"egra"or. 5arried ou" ma##ing in e,mail ou"bound and inbound s"e#. Hsed
correla"ion iden"i+ers $or iden"i+ca"ion o$ mails uni-uel' $or #ar"icular %or1Jo%
ins"ance. 6ro"e cus"om me"hods $or %or1Jo% ac"i&i"ies in !L5. es"ablished "imer
$or no"i+ca"ion and handled message errors. Hsed !. 6eb"o# and Be#oin"er.
crea"ed users. $olders e"c. Lired !>= -ueries
8olu"ion 0n&ironmen") !ocumen"um 6.0. 4rocess @uilder. 4rocess An"egra"or. !. 6eb"o# .
Be#oin"er. @0 6eblogic 9.2 ser&er. 0cli#se
Dools) 0cli#se. :88,C88
Bole) @ac1u# 4=
Lunc"ioned %i"h business $or unders"anding "heir re-uiremen" and "ransla"ed "he same in"o "echnical
<fered "echnical in#u"s "o "he "eam on &arious #rojec"s/"o#ics
5arried ou" ins"alla"ion o$ &arious a##lica"ion #a"ches
:ain"ained coordina"ion %i"h <nsi"e 5oordina"or
ccoun"able $or de&elo#men" o$ "hree 6or1Jo%s
!e&elo#ed !L5 code. "es" cases and e(ecu"ed "hem "hrough manual "es"ing
5onduc"ed Lunc"ional and Begression Des"ing
Ti%le: E-I ; eFili0 AMS <US-=
5lien") gilen" Dechnologies
4eriod) 9ulO08 "o !ecO08
!e"ails) Dhis #rojec" in&ol&ed main"enance o$ cus"omi7ed a##lica"ions $or gilen"
Dechnologies around $ollo%ing "echnologies)
Lile?e" a##lica"ion sui"e is "he cen"ral archi&ing solu"ion o$ gilen". !ocumen"s are $ed in real "ime
$rom &arious sources in"o "his sui"e %hich basicall' com#rises o$ Amage re#osi"or' and "he
cus"omi7ed scanning a##lica"ions. Dhe user in"er$ace is %eb,based and is di&ided in"o "hree diferen"
regions %i"h o&er 2000 users.
8"ellen" sui"e o$ a##lica"ion #ro&ides "he documen" re#osi"or' o$ li&e documen"s. Dhere are 3 se" o$
a##lica"ions associa"ed "o 8"ellen" based on "he "'#es o$ documen"s li1e con"rac" documen"s. 8<Q
com#liance e"c. ll "hese a##lica"ions are %eb,based and are used in $ul+lling "he =egal
0!A is basicall' a 5 based da"a rou"er #ro&iding real "ime documen" #rocessing and rou"ing ser&ices
"o all "he 0!A documen"s Jo%ing "o/$rom gilen". #ro&iding a single in"er$ace "o "he
8olu"ion 0n&ironmen") Lile?e" EA@:F Amage 8er&ices. 8"ellen" E<racleF 5on"en" 8er&er and 8<Q
@4: Dool. 0!A Bou"er and 34 H?AQ 11i/6indo%s 2000 ser&ers
Dools) 05:8. 5learcase. 4u""'. BeJec"ionE(F $or 34
Bole) Deam :ember
:ain"ained co,ordina"ion %i"h @usiness and *Q8 E&endorF on &arious 0!A re-uiremen"s
:oni"ored "he Lile?e" and 8"ellen" ##lica"ions.
Ti%le: Ma*>e% ?ie2 $ Le+el Hie*a*!.) @ Niel(e Olie
5lien") ?ielsen <nline H8
4eriod) 9anO08 "o 9unO08
!e"ails) Dhe #rojec" consis"ed o$ e(is"ing "hree le&el hierarch' con&er"ed in"o 6 le&el
hierarch' "o de&elo# "he s's"em more Je(ible and be""er com#arison be"%een "he
8olu"ion 0n&ironmen") 0cho2. 3iberna"e. 6indo%s Q4 and <racle 9i da"abase
Dools) :' 0cli#se and 5C8 E$or source code con"rolF
Bole) Deam :ember
5olla"ed "he re-uiremen" $or a##lica"ion $rom "he 4roduc" <%ner and &arious !e#ar"men"s
5arried ou" documen"a"ion o$ #rojec" and $unc"ional s#eci+ca"ion
ccoun"able "o ascer"ain "he de#endenc' o$ :ar1e" Cie% 6 =e&el hierarch' Dool %i"h o"her "ools
Ti%le: -o!&/e% I/a0i0 a3 Ao*>Bo2
5lien") 5i"i @an1 9a#an
4eriod) 8e#O07 "o !ecO07
!e"ails) Dhis #rojec" %as under"a1en "o enhance "he eGcienc' and reduce o#era"ional
cos". 5KA has decided "o go im#lemen"ing Amaging and 6or1Jo% 8olu"ion.
Bole) Deam :ember
8olu"ion 0n&ironmen") !ocumen"um 5.3. Ko$a( 7.1
Ti%le: S)(%e/ So1%2a*e G*o&9-Coe!% Kol>a%a
5lien") D58, An"ernal
4eriod) :arO06 "o ugO07
!e"ails) Dhis %as an in"rane" #or"al $or D58 Kol1a"a "ha" aimed a" $acili"a"ion o$ all in"ernal
$unc"ionali"ies "hrough "his #or"al. A" is an oGce au"oma"ion #or"al used a" D58
8olu"ion 0n&ironmen") 9boss 4.0.1. 9a1ar"a 8"ru"s 1.0. 6indo%s 2003 8er&er 00 and <racle 9i
Dool) 0cli#se 3.0.0 and :8,C88 E$or source code con"rolF
Bole) Deam :ember
5olla"ed "he re-uiremen" ga"hering $or a##lica"ion $rom concerned de#ar"men"s o$ D58 Kol1a"a
ccoun"able $or de&elo#men" o$ &arious a##lica"ions E%ri"ing ja&a code and 9848F
<fered main"enance and su##or" "o a##lica"ions a&ailable on "his #or"al
!e&elo#ed Des" cases 2 scri#"s and ensured "heir e(ecu"ion
Ti%le: Mea3o2( P.a*/a!) S)(%e/
=oca"ion) D58 Dri&andrum
4eriod) 9anO06 "o LebO06
!e"ails) Dhis 4rojec" in&ol&ed "rac1ing o$ #rojec" and de&elo#men" o$ &arious re#or"s o$
#rojec" using 984 and :'8-l.
Bole) Deam :ember