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New Records and Distribution of Marine Free-Living Nematodes in The Maldivian Archipelago

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127(1):35–46. 2014.

New records and distribution of marine free-living nematodes

in the Maldivian Archipelago
Federica Semprucci* and Maria Balsamo
(FS, MB) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, della Vita e dell’Ambiente (DiSTeVA),
Università degli Studi di Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’, Loc. Crocicchia, 61029 Urbino, Italy,
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract.—Biodiversity estimations, in particular in tropical regions, are a

useful tool in research focused on the knowledge and conservation of
ecosystems. Inferences on the biogeography of marine nematodes are often
difficult due to the poor knowledge of the species distribution. In particular,
limited information on the composition of the free-living marine nematodes is
available from the Indian Ocean and Maldivian Archipelago. This study aims
at providing a checklist of the free-living marine nematodes associated with
coral sediments of the Maldives. Forty-six species, in 28 genera and 10
families, are newly recorded for the Archipelago, increasing the number of
known nematode species to 111, in 79 genera, and 25 families. The
distribution range of the species is updated, and a noticeable faunistic
richness is recorded for the southern archipelago. The presence of six species
described first in Maldives by Gerlach and still known only for this region is
confirmed. The present synthesis of the faunistic and taxonomic data available
so far for the Maldives Islands integrates the global information on the
distribution of this phylum and provides information for future interesting
comparisons from a zoogeographical perspective.

Keywords: biodiversity, conservation, coral reefs, Maldives Islands,


Free-living nematodes are an important of the most productive and diverse ecolog-
component of benthic marine ecosystems ical systems on the planet. Out of the 34
both in terms of abundance and biomass existing metazoan phyla, representatives of
and are closely related with other organ- 28 phyla have been found in coral reef
isms playing a key role in trophic webs (see communities (Adrianov 2004).
Giere 2009 for review). Knowledge of the Documenting species diversity and its
global distribution of marine free-living spatial patterns are fundamental for defin-
nematodes is overall satisfying, but many ing priorities in programs of conservation
geographical regions are still poorly and management, and this is particularly
known or even completely unknown. An urgent in tropical areas (Montiel et al.
example is the Indian Ocean, where only 2011). Here, the major causes of coral
fragmentary and mostly dated investiga- death include overfishing, frequent hurri-
tions have been carried out (see Semprucci canes, water pollution, surface water heat-
& Balsamo 2012). ing, and specific diseases. Most of these
Coral reefs occupy only a small fraction factors are due also to local environmental
of the oceans, but they are known as one conditions or global climate change (Gor-
eau et al. 2000, Barton & Casey 2005).
* Corresponding author. Despite of the increasing scientific interest

for these habitats and the problems related of 300–400 m (Ciarapica & Passeri 1993,
to their conservation, studies on meio- Gischler & Kikinger 2007).
benthic biodiversity have been overall
The present work is part of a research Materials and Methods
project on the biodiversity and ecology of
the Maldivian Archipelago (Semprucci et Samples were collected from the central
al. 2010, 2011, 2013). This area is peculiar atolls of Felidu, South Malé, and Ari, the
for appearing as a double series of peripheral islands Rasdhoo and Thoddoo,
numerous atolls close to each other. Here, and the southern atoll of Suvadiva. The
the coral bleaching episode of 1998 caused central atolls were investigated during
widespread coral mortality, up to 90% in scientific cruises carried out in May 2005,
shallow coral reefs (Wilkinson et al. 1999, 2007, and 2008, which mainly focused on
Bianchi et al. 2006, Lasagna et al. 2010), back-reef platforms, lagoons, and outer
and a consequent remarkable change in reefs (Semprucci et al. 2010, 2011, 2013).
the composition of coral communities at Samples from Suvadiva were collected in a
the genus level (Tkachenko 2012). All of lagoon habitat in May 2009.
these changes may have had, and still have, Samples for the study of meiofauna and
a notable influence on the associated nematodes were treated using standard
meiofauna, which occur in a great variety techniques (for details see Semprucci et
of micro-niches in reef sediments. Biodi- al. 2010). Nematode specimens were iso-
versity estimates and the compilation of lated, transferred in glycerine, and mount-
species lists are crucial for the development ed as permanent slides (Seinhorst 1959).
of conservation initiatives aimed at pre-
Identification at the species level was
serving local species richness. The faunistic
performed using a light microscope
knowledge of free-living marine nematodes
equipped with Nomarski optics (Nikon
of the Maldives is based on the data
Optiphot-2) and was aided by the pictorial
collected during the Xarifa-Expedition
keys of Platt & Warwick (1983, 1988),
1957/1958 and published by Gerlach
Warwick et al. (1998), and the NeMys
(1962, 1963a, 1963b, 1964).
The present paper aims to provide online identification key (Deprez et al.
additional information on the presence 2004), and the literature by Gerlach (1962,
and distribution of marine nematode 1963a, 1963b, 1964).
species in the Maldivian archipelago. The species collected by Gerlach during
the Xarifa-Expedition 1957/1958 are in-
cluded in the present paper in order to
compile a complete list of nematode
Study Area species known so far from the area. They
The Maldives Islands are situated in the were found in the northern atolls of
Indian Ocean, in the central part of the Miladummadulu, Fadiffolu, and the pe-
Chagos-Maldives-Laccadive Ridge. With ripheral island of Gaha Faro, in the central
21 atolls and some 1200 islands, Maldives atoll of Ari, and in the southern atoll of
extend in a north-south direction from Addu.
about 7806 0 N and 0842 0 S in latitude, rising The taxonomic status of the species
steeply from the abyssal plain, 2500 m reported has been checked by consulting
deep eastward and 4000 m deep westward the following literature: Gerlach & Rie-
(Fig. 1). The sea floor of the lagoons inside mann (1973/1974), Verschelde et al. (1998),
the atolls is 50–60 m deep, whereas the Deprez et al. (2004), and Tchesunov
channels between the atolls reach a depth (2013). Specimens of all the species record-

Fig. 1. Study area.


ed are present in the first author’s collec- respectively), followed by Enoplida (8 and
tion, at the University of Urbino. 22), and Monhysterida (6 and 18) (Table
1). The highest number of species is
recorded in the families Desmodoridae
Results (36 species in 19 genera), Cyatholaimidae
(9 in 9), Chromadoridae (8 in 6), Oxy-
Sixty-five species were found overall in stominidae (6 in 5), and Xyalidae (5 in 3).
the present survey. A comparison with the The most widespread families are Desmo-
species list from the Xarifa-Expedition doridae (9 localities from northern to
1957/1958 (Gerlach 1962, 1963a, 1963b, southern areas of the archipelago), Cya-
1964) reveals that 46 of these species, in 36 tholaimidae (7), Axonolaimidae (6), Oxy-
genera, and 16 families, are recorded in the stominidae (5), and Monoposthiidae (5).
archipelago for the first time (Table 1). The most widespread genera are the
Most of the new records are from Suvadi- Desmodoridae Desmodora (7 localities),
va (25 species), the others from Felidu (13), Desmodorella (6), Eubostrichus (6), Zalo-
and South Malé (7). In general, the new nema (6), Laxus (5), and the Xyalidae
records are mainly species belonging to the Theristus (4). The most widespread species
families Desmodoridae, Chromadoridae, are Desmodorella tenuispiculum, Eubostri-
Xyalidae, Cyatholaimidae, and Dracone- chus parasitiferus, Zalonema megalosoma,
matidae. The Desmodoridae and Chroma- Laxus gerlachi, Desmodora varioannulata,
doridae are found in sediments with a wide and T. denticulatus. Most of these wide-
range of grain size, from coarse to fine spread species are found in shallow sub-
sands but especially in medium sands, tidal habitats (mainly back-reef platforms)
whereas the Xyalidae occur mostly in fine and sporadically in deeper subtidal habi-
and medium sands, and Cyatholaimidae tats (lagoons or outer reefs).
occur in a variety of substrates (see Table The nematode assemblages of the Suva-
1). diva atoll appear to be the richest ones,
Nineteen species, that are here newly with the highest number of families (14),
recorded, appear particularly associated genera (34), and species (39), followed by
with medium sands, 16 species with fine those of the atolls of Addu (11 families, 33
sands, and 6 species with coarse sands genera, and 36 species), Felidu (11, 21, and
(Table 1). Five species are present in 26), and Ari (10, 18, and 17). Overall, the
sediments with various grain sizes, from southern and central regions of the archi-
coarse to medium, such as Chromadorella pelago show higher numbers of species
macris, Dracognomus annae, Dracognomus compared to northern areas, where only 11
notohalensis, Odontophora villoti, and species were collected (9 species in Fadif-
Theristus denticulatus (Table 1). folu and 2 in Miladummadulu) (Table 2).
With the present update, 111 species of
free-living marine nematodes belonging to
79 genera and 25 families are now recorded Discussion
from the Maldivian Archipelago. Of these,
23 species and 2 genera (Maldivea and Desmodoridae, Chromadoridae, Cya-
Squanema) were first described from the tholaimidae, and Xyalidae are the richest
Maldives by Gerlach (1962, 1963a, b, nematode families in the Maldives. Quan-
1964). titative data collected reveal that they are
Considering the composition of the also the dominant meiobenthic compo-
nematode fauna, the order Chromadorida nent in Maldivian coral sediments (Sem-
appears to be the richest, with the highest prucci et al. 2010, 2011, 2013), which
number of families and genera (9 and 68, agrees with the data reported for coral

sediments of other geographical areas, Desmodoridae, the most abundant and

also named coral degradation zones richest family, includes 6 taxa of the
(CDZ) (Renaud-Mornant & Gourbault subfamily Stilbonematinae: Eubostrichus
1984, Boucher & Gourbault 1990, Gour- cf. hopperi, E. parasitiferus, L. gerlachi,
bault & Renaud-Mornant 1990, Tietjen L. sigma, Robbea tenax, and Stilbonema
1991, Boucher 1997, Ndaro & Ólafsson annulatum. In particular, E. parasitiferus
1999, Kotta & Boucher 2001, Raes et al. and L. gerlachi are dominant in medium
2007). CDZs are very dynamic habitats and coarse sands of the Maldives (Sem-
made up of sediments associated with the prucci et al. 2010). Stilbonematinae are
coral reef and can be found in all the well known as sediment dwellers often
functional zones of the reef. In this zone, associated with anoxic sediments in which
coral material coming from the main reef they are able to exploit the high concen-
is progressively degraded into smaller trations of sulfide, present around the
pieces (coral gravel) until it becomes chemocline, by means of their ectosym-
coralline sediment. Some authors have biotic bacteria (Hentschel et al. 1999, Ott
suggested that the nematode composition et al. 2004). However, this subfamily has
of the CDZ is more related to the grain been frequently reported as abundant in
size of the sediment than to its carbonatic subtropical and tropical sediments and
nature (see for review Raes et al. 2007). especially in coralline sands of different
Indeed, the richest and dominant families geographical regions (Boucher 1997, Rie-
in coral sediments are typical of medium- mann et al. 2003, Raes et al. 2007). It has
coarse sands (Heip et al. 1985) such as been suggested that its high abundance
those found in Maldives. Here, the and richness in coralline sediments may be
seafloor receives a continuous supply of related to the presence of large grains in
originally biogenic sediments of different generally sheltered habitats, a condition
size, but waves and currents are not able that represents an unusual combination of
to rework and sort them effectively wide interstitial spaces and sulfide condi-
(Semprucci et al. 2010) so that the most tions with an associated rich thiobios
common sediments are poorly sorted (Riemann et al. 2003, Giere 2009).
medium and coarse sands. The high level Different types of epibionts (the Sucto-
of angularity of the coralline sediment ria Thecacineta calyx, T. halacari, and
particles creates numerous interstitial Limnoricus sp.) are observed on the cuticle
spaces, representing ideal micro-habitats of some Desmodoridae, mainly Desmodora
suitable for well-diversified assemblages pontica, Croconema sphaericum, and D.
of meiofauna and nematodes (Semprucci tenuispiculum. Thecacineta calyx is well
et al. 2010). Indeed, these areas provide known as an epibiont of nematodes (for
sheltering as well as settling of biofilms review see Ingole et al. 2010), whereas T.
and microalgae on the grain surfaces, a halacari and Limnoricus sp. have been
basic food source also for nematodes (see reported as epibionts of Halacarida, Co-
Giere 2009 for an overview). pepoda Harpacticoida, and Kinorhyncha,
A high level of diversity and richness are but not Nematoda (Dovgal et al. 2008,
observed even in the deeper subtidal 2009).
habitats that are often characterized by The richest and most abundant families
fine coralline sediments (Semprucci et al. are characterized by various cuticular
2013). An overall high complexity of these ornamentations, probably representing an
micro-habitats has been inferred, which adaptation to the respective micro-habitat
may be related again to the poor selective and are mainly epistrate feeders. This
action of the transport processes (Sem- trophic guild is commonly found in
prucci et al. 2013). medium-coarse sands with a very poor

Table 1.—Checklist of free-living marine nematodes reported for the Maldivian Archipelago. Report
abbreviations: * ¼ species collected during present study; published records by Gerlach: 1 ¼ 1962, 2 ¼ 1963a, 3
¼ 1963b, 4 ¼ 1964. Atoll abbreviations: A ¼ Addu, Ar ¼ Ari, F ¼ Fadiffolu, Fe ¼ Felidu, G ¼ Gaha Faro, M ¼
Miladummadulu, R ¼ Rasdhoo, S ¼ Suvadiva, SM ¼ South Malé, T ¼ Thoddoo. Substrate abbreviations: a ¼
algae, cor fr ¼ coral fragments, cor sed ¼ coral sediments, CS ¼ coarse sands, FS ¼ fine sands, Man ¼
mangrove, MS ¼ mixed or medium sands, PCS ¼ pikeperch among coralline sediment, S ¼ sand, Sþdetritus ¼
sand associated with detritus, sed ¼ sediments.

Taxon Report Atoll Type of substratum

Anticoma acuminata (Eberth, 1863) 1 A
A. lata Cobb, 1898 1 F, R a, Favites-, Porites- and
A. trichura Cobb, 1898 1 A, G S, FS, CS
Anticomopsis typica Micoletzky, 1930 1 A Seriatopora- and Acropora-
Platycoma africana (Gerlach, 1959) 1 F MS
Viscosia glabra (Bastian, 1865) * Ar MS
V. macramphida Chitwood, 1951 * SM MS
V. viscosia (Bastian, 1865) * Fe CS
Halalaimus filum Gerlach, 1962 1 M Rhizophora-Man
H. supercirrhatus Gerlach, 1955 1 Ar PCS
Litinium volutum Gerlach, 1962 1 Ar S
Maldivea xarifae Gerlach, 1962 1, * F, Fe CS
Oxystomina alpatovi (Filipjev, 1927) 1 G S
Thalassoalaimus impar Gerlach, 1962 1 Ar CS
Phanoderma cocksi Bastian, 1865 1 Ar Psammocora-sed
P. ocellatum (Cobb, 1920) 1 A a
Epacanthion buetschlii (Southern, 1914) * Fe CS
E. quadridiscus Shimada, Kajihara & * R MS
Mawatari, 2009
Mesacanthion hirsutum Gerlach, 1953 * Ar MS
Rhabdodemania dura Inglis, 1966 * S FS
Bathylaimus depressus Gerlach, 1962 1 A
Tripyloides undulatus Gerlach, 1962 1 A CS
Cytolaimium exile Cobb, 1920 1 Ar S
Porocoma striata Cobb, 1920 1 A Lithothamnion-zone
Xennella suecica Allgén, 1935 * S MS
Dasynemoides spinosus Gerlach, 1963 2 G FS
Metadasynemella elegans Vitiello, 1974 * S MS
Chromadorella macris (Gerlach, 1956) * SM CS, MS
Parapinnanema cf. harveyi Warwick & * Fe MS
Coles, 1975
Prochromadorella ditlevseni (De Man 1922) * Fe CS
P. macroocellata Wieser, 1951 * T MS
P. septempapillata Platt, 1973 * SM MS
Ptycholaimellus ponticus (Filipjev, 1922) * S FS

Table 1.—Continued.

Taxon Report Atoll Type of substratum

Spilophorella euxina Filipjev, 1918 * S MS

Trochamus complexus Boucher, 1976 * S FS
Acanthonchus setoi Wieser, 1955 * S CS
Craspodema reflectans Gerlach, 1964 4, * G, S MS
Longicyatholaimus maldivarum Gerlach, 1964 4, * R, SM, T PCS, CS
Marylynnia annae (Wieser & Hopper, 1967) * Fe FS
Metacyatholaimus brevicollis (Cobb, 1898) 4 A, Fe, S FS, MS, cor fr
Nannolaimoides armatus (Gerlach, 1964) 4 A S
Paracanthonchus barka Inglis, 1962 * S FS
Paracyatholaimoides cf. multispiralis Gerlach, * Fe CS
Paracyatholaimus duplicatus Gerlach, 1964 4 A, S FS, CS
Acanthopharyngoides duplex Gerlach, 1963 2 A cor sed
Acanthopharynx micans (Eberth, 1863) 2 A Pocillopora-sed
A. rigida Stekhoven, 1950 * R MS
Bolbonema brevicollis (Cobb, 1920) 2, * A, R, S, T FS, CS, MS
Chromaspirina indica Gerlach, 1963 2, * G, T FS, MS
C. madagascariensis Gerlach, 1953 2 A S
Croconema cinctum Cobb, 1920 2, * A, S Lithothamnion-zone, MS
C. sphaericum (Kreis, 1928) * S MS
C. torquens (Gerlach, 1963) 2, * Fe MS
Desmodora californica Allgén, 1947 2, * F, Fe Halimeda-sed, CS
D. gerlachi Vitiello, 1971 2 A, R S, Lithothamnion-zone
D. pontica Filipjev, 1922 * T CS
D. varioannulata (Kreis, 1928) 2, * A, Fe, G, R, S, Lithothamnion-zone,
Acropora-sed, FS-CS
Desmodorella balteata Verschelde, Gourbault * S MS
& Vincx, 1998
D. tenuispiculum Allgén, 1928 2, * Ar, Fe, R, S, MS, CS
Eubostrichus cf. hopperi Muthumbi, * SM FS
Verschelde & Vincx, 1995
E. parasitiferus Chitwood, 1936 2 A, F, Fe, S, FS, MS, CS, Millepora
Laxus gerlachi (Hopper & Cefalu, 1973) 2, * Fe, G, R, S, MS, CS
L. sigma (Gerlach, 1963) 2 R PCS
Metachromadora clavata Gerlach, 1957 2 A
M. serrata Gerlach, 1963 2 Ar Halimeda-sed
M. spectans Gerlach, 1957 * S MS
Molgolaimus allgeni Allgén, 1935 * S FS
Onyx dimorphus Gerlach, 1963 2 F CS
O. cf. perfectus Cobb, 1891 2 Ar S
Paradesmodora campbelli (Allgén, 1932) 2, * A, Fe, S Sþdetritus, CS, MS
P. punctata Gerlach, 1963 2 G MS
Robbea tenax Gerlach, 1963 3 Ar
Spirinia laevioides Gerlach, 1963 2 A, F, Fe Sþdetritus, a, CS
S. laevis (Bastian, 1865) * S FS
S. parasitifera (Bastian, 1865) 2, * F, Fe Sþdetritus, FS
Squanema articulatum Gerlach, 1961 2 Ar CS
Stilbonema annulatum Gerlach, 1963 2 R PCS
Stygodesmodora bacillicauda (Gerlach, 1963) 2, * G, S MS, CS

Table 1.—Continued.

Taxon Report Atoll Type of substratum

Zalonema maldivensis (Gerlach, 1963) 2, * A, Fe, R Zoantharia-sed, MS

Z. megalosoma Steiner, 1918 2, * A, Fe, G, R, MS, CS
Apenodraconema spinicaudum (Gerlach, 1958) * Ar, S MS
Dracognomus annae Verschelde & Vincx, 1993 * Ar, Fe MS, CS
D. marioni Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 * Fe MS
D. notohalensis Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 * Ar, Fe, SM MS, CS
Filitonchus volutus (Gerlach, 1956) * S FS
Camacolaimus prytherchi Chitwood, 1935 1 A, F CS, Sþdetritus
Cynura papillata Gerlach, 1962 1 A
Onchium ocellatum Cobb, 1920 1 A Lithothamnion-zone,
Procamacolaimus tubifer Gerlach, 1953 1 A
Monoposthia costata (Bastian, 1865) 2, * A, Fe, S MS
Nudora thorakista Schulz, 1935 2 A, M Man
Rhinema retrorsum Cobb, 1920 2, * A, Ar, S FS, MS
Tarvaia cf. angusta Gerlach, 1953 1 F Sþdetritus
Axonolaimus arcuatus Stekhoven, 1950 1 A S
Odontophora furcata Wieser, 1956 1 Ar, G FS, MS
O. villoti Luc & De Coninck, 1959 * Fe, SM MS, CS
Parodontophora pacifica (Allgén, 1947) 1, * A, S Montipora-sed, FS
Dorylaimopsis mediterranea Grimaldi-De Zio, * S FS
D. pellucida (Cobb, 1920) * S FS
Paracomesoma sigmoidalis Riera, Núnez & * Fe MS
Del Carmen Brito, 2006
Araeolaimus bioculatus (De Man, 1876) 1 A a
Campylaimus gerlachi Timm, 1961 * S FS
Diplopeltis cirrhatus (Eberth, 1863) 1 A Lithothamnion-zone
Diplopeltula indica Gerlach, 1962 1 A Sþdetritus
Astomonema obscura (Boucher & Helléouët, * S MS
Sphaerolaimus gracilis de Man, 1876 * S FS
Cobbia urinator Wieser, 1959 * S FS
Elzalia poli Castillo-Fernández & Lambshead, * S FS
E. tuberculata Hope & Aryuthaka, 2009 * S FS
Theristus denticulatus Warwick, 1970 * Ar, Fe, S, MS, CS
T. flevensis Stekhoven, 1935 * S MS

Table 2.—Total number of free-living marine nematode families, genera, and species collected in atolls and
peripheral islands of the Maldivian Archipelago.

Latitude Longitude Atoll Families Genera Species

0 0
06800 N 73817 E Miladummadulu 2 2 2
05825 0 N 73837 0 E Fadiffolu 6 9 9
04816 0 N 73800 0 E Rasdhoo 4 10 12
04844 0 N 73829 0 E Gaha Faro 6 11 11
03858 0 N 72856 0 E Ari 10 18 17
03859 0 N 73830 0 E South Malé 7 11 12
03833 0 N 73829 0 E Felidu 11 21 26
04826 0 N 72857 0 E Thoddoo 3 7 7
00834 0 N 73812 0 E Suvadiva 14 34 39
00838 0 N 73812 0 E Addu 11 33 36

fine fraction (Alongi 1986); moreover, in licauda was moved to the genus
tropical habitats, a high benthic primary Stygodesmodora by Blome (1982). Nanno-
production, a great abundance of diatoms, laimus armatus was transferred to the
and numerous wide surfaces colonized by genus Nannolaimoides by Ott (1972).
algal and bacterial biofilms are easily Worthy of mention is the finding of
found (Boucher 1997, Raes et al. 2007). some species reported first in the Maldives
Differences in the number of nematode by Gerlach, whose distribution is still
species found from the sampled localities limited to this area: Maldivea xarifae,
of the Maldives clearly are the result of a Craspodema reflectans, Longicyatholaimus
heterogeneous effort in faunistic and tax- maldivarum, Chromaspirina indica, Zalone-
onomic research in the various areas but ma maldivensis, and Stygodesmodora ba-
also suggest potential differences between cillicauda.
local environmental conditions. For in-
stance, in the southern part of the archi-
pelago, the anthropogenic pressure is still Conclusions
It is worthwhile noting that few taxa (5 Information on the distribution of free-
of 65) described from the Maldives by living marine nematodes in the Indian
Gerlach (1962, 1963a, 1963b, 1964) have Ocean is fragmentary and often dated.
changed their taxonomic status since the Knowledge for the Maldives was limited to
first record. In particular, the genus the species collected during the Xarifa-
Desmodora de Man, 1889 (sensu Lorenzen, Expedition 1957/1958 and reported by
1981) originally comprised six sub-genera, Gerlach in the (1962, 1963a, 1963b,
of which Croconema Cobb, 1920 and 1964). Here we provide an updated syn-
Zalonema Cobb, 1920 were then consid- thesis of the faunistic and taxonomic data
ered as genera by Gourbault & Vincx available so far for the Maldives Islands:
(1990) and Verschelde & Vincx (1996), we integrate the global information on
respectively. Of the Maldivian species free-living marine nematodes, allowing for
Desmodora (Xenodesmodora) torquens was future comparisons from zoogeographical
moved to the genus Croconema by Ver- point of view. The present checklist
schelde et al. (1998), who also transferred comprises 111 species belonging to 79
Desmodora (Desmodora) maldivensis to the genera and 25 families: 46 species, in 36
genus Zalonema. Leptonemella sigma was genera and 16 families are newly recorded
transferred to the genus Laxus by Tchesu- for the Maldives. The distribution range of
nov (2013), whereas Metadesmodora bacil- the species has been updated, and a greater

faunistic richness in the southern archipel- Cobb, N. A. 1920. One hundred new nemas (type
ago is recorded. The presence of six species species of 100 new genera). Contributions to a
Science of Nematology 9:217–343.
described first in the Maldives by Gerlach de Man, J.-G. 1889. Troisi ème note sur les
and still known only for this region is nématodes libres de la Mer du Nord et de la
confirmed. Manche. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique
de France 2:182–216.
Deprez, T., E. Vanden Berghe, & M. Vincx. 2004.
Acknowledgments NeMys: a multidisciplinary biological infor-
mation system. Pp. 57–63 in E. Vanden
We are grateful to Professor Paolo Berghe, M. Brown, M. J. Costello, C. Heip,
Colantoni and Dr. Giuseppe Baldelli for S. Levitus & P. Pissierssens, eds., Proceedings
the sample collection and the sedimento- of ‘the colour of ocean data’: international
symposium on oceanographic data and infor-
logical analysis. We would like also to mation management with special attention to
thank Dr. Silvia Tazioli for the taxonomic biological data Brussels, Belgium, November
identification of the specimens of Suctoria. 25–27, 2002. IOC Workshop Report 188/
VLIZ Special Publication 16. UNESCO/
IOC, VLIZ, Paris, France, 308 pp.
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