Cluster Overview: Table 3.1: Basic Information of Nashik District
Cluster Overview: Table 3.1: Basic Information of Nashik District
Cluster Overview: Table 3.1: Basic Information of Nashik District
Cluster Overview
Chapter III
Nashik district, located in North West Maharashtra, is one of the fastest developing regions of the state. During the Mogul
rule, it was known as Gulshanabad and in 1751, it was renamed as Nashik. The total area of Nashik district is 15,530 sq
kms, with maximum 12% of area occupied by Malegaon Tehsil and the smallest area of 3.63% occupied by Peint Tehsil.
The administrative structure of Nashik district comprises 15 Tehsils, 15 Panchayat Samities, 18 cities, 1,931 villages, two
Mahanagar Palikas, eight Nagar Parishads, and 1,373 Gram Panchayats.
Nashik district is famous for its historical and religious signifcance. Godavari, one of the most prominent rivers, originates
from the holy place Trimbakeshwar. Some of the prominent institutions in Nashik include India Security Press (ISP),
Currency Note Press (CNP), Ministry of Defences Fighter Plane (MIG) Production Unit HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics
Limited), Artillery Centre at Deolali, Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Maharashtra State Health
University, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), and Maharashtra Police Academy (MPA ),
among others.
Maharashtra comprises 35 districts and Nashik district is one of the six revenue divisions of Maharashtra, the others being
Konkan, Pune, Aurangabad, Amravati, and Nagpur. It is one of the fve urban agglomerates (UAs) viz Greater Mumbai,
Pune, Nagpur, and Aurangabad, having a population of one million and above.
Table 3.1: Basic Information of Nashik District
Major Indicators Value
Socio-economic (2011)
Population 6,109,052
Decadal growth of population 22.33%
Population density 393 per sq km
*Sex ratio 931
Literacy rate 80.96%
Infrastructure and Financing (2010-11)
Total road length 13,971 km
Commercial banks 273 Nos.
Education (2009-10)
Schools (primary, secondary & higher secondary) 4,305 Nos.
Degree colleges 40 Nos.
Enterprises (July 2012)**
Micro 9,331 Nos.
Small 5,228 Nos.
Medium 33 Nos.
Large scale units 178 Nos.
Cotage & village units 26,216 Nos.
* Number of females per 1,000 males
** As per Entrepreneur Memorandum (Part II) fled by MSMEs
Source: The Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Government of India, Ministry of Home Afairs
MSME Development Institute, Mumbai, Ministry of MSME, Government of India
Some other salient features of Nashik district include
Annual credit plan for Nashik district was pegged at ` 52, 210 mn for FY12, the second highest in Maharashtra afer
Pune (` 99,770 mn).
More than 50% of the annual credit plan was allocated for agriculture and allied activities.
In FY12, there were 28 godowns with 17,200 MT capacity.
The number of fair price shops stood at 2,283, making it the top three number of fair price shops in Maharashtra.
Some of the selected prominent schemes, which Nashik district has undertaken include -
Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Yojana*: Since inception, up to October 2011, a total of 52,880 houses were constructed
under Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Yojana in Maharashtra. With 11,356 houses built, Nashik accounted for the largest
share (21%).
National Rural Drinking water Programme**: A total of 1,249 habitations were targeted in the Nashik region, 457
covered up to October 2011.
Jalswarajya Yojana***: For improving the quality of rural water supply and environmental sanitation service through
Jalswarajya Yojana, 380 Gram Panchayats were selected, of which 286 have been completed in Nashik region.
Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
*MHADA, Mumbai
**Water Supply Department, GoM
***Water Supply Department, GoM
Economic Scenario
The gross district domestic product (GDDP) for Nashik division stood at ` 1,409 bn in FY11, recording a 29% growth over
the previous year. The net district domestic product (NDDP) for Nashik division stood at ` 1,286 bn in FY11 displaying
31% growth y-o-y. In the Nashik division, Nashik city recorded the highest NDDP of ` 84,982 for FY11 displaying 26.2%
growth y-o-y.
Table 3.2: Gross/Net District Domestic Product and Per Capita Net District Income for Nashik Division
Region GDDP
At current prices (in ` mn)
At current prices (in ` mn)
Per capita NDDP
At current prices (`)
2009-2010* 2010-2011** 2009-2010* 2010-2011** 2009-2010* 2010-2011**
Nashik 430,630 545,120 381,540 488,140 67,321 84,982
Dhule 98,560 120,770 90,030 112,870 47,255 58,575
Nandurbar 51,570 82,140 48,090 77,040 33,356 52,923
Jalgaon 269,990 317,280 242,180 287,370 58,755 68,900
Ahmednagar 240,530 344,320 222,520 320,830 49,795 71,054
Nashik Division 1,091,290 1,409,630 984,370 1,286,240 55,914 72,209
*stands for Provisional, *stands for Preliminary
Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
Industrial Scenario
As of 30 November, 2011, Nashik district had six approved SEZs (Special Economic Zones) with an area of 1,275 hectares.
The approved proposed investment stood at ` 28,830 mn, with approved proposed employment generation ~212,000.
Table 3.3: Proposed Investment and Employment in Approved and Notifed SEZs (up to 30th November, 2011)
Region Number of SEZs SEZ area (ha) Proposed employment
(in mn)
Proposed investment
(` mn)
Approved Notifed Approved Notifed Approved Notifed Approved Notifed
Konkan 56 27 12,769 2,407 3.356 0.945 779,740 323,960
Pune 34 20 2,960 2,462 0.966 0.547 407,310 346,400
Nashik 6 1 1,275 1,007 0.212 0.125 28,830 13,800
Aurangabad 10 7 896 786 0.115 0.031 28,450 17,750
Amravati 2 2 1,110 1,110 0.035 0.035 23,600 23,600
Nagpur 8 6 3,206 2,096 0.55 0.397 92,350 45,880
Total 116 63 22,216 9,868 5.234 2.08 1,360,280 771,390
Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
Directorate of Industries, GoM
The number of industrial units in MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development) Nashik had increased from 6,057 in FY10 to
6,135 in FY11. In terms of investment and employment in MIDC units, Nashik outperformed other regions in Maharashtra.
In FY11, Nashik districts investment in industrial units in MIDC grew more than 100% y-o-y and stood at ` 127,300 mn. For
the same period, employment grew 20% and stood at 66,000.
Chart 3.1: Number of Industrial Units in MIDC
Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
Chart 3.2: Investment in Industrial Units in MIDC (` mn)
Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
The Maharashtra state government develops industrial estates in areas other than MIDC on a co-operative basis in
partnership with the state government and other stakeholders. The funding patern for establishing such co-operative
industrial estates includes 20% of the project cost from Maharashtra state government, 60% guarantee by the State for
procuring loans from fnancial institutions, and the remaining 20% is derived from members of the society through share
capital. As on 30th November, 2011, Maharashtra had a total of 142 registered co-operative industrial estates. Nashik had
the second highest number of registered co-operative industrial estates (33) afer Pune (45), with share capital of ` 49.2 mn.
There were 1,455 industrial units in operation, generating employment for 42,295 people.
MSME Scenario
The turnover of MSMEs for FY12 from Nashik district stood at ~ ` 14,527.6 mn. Exports account for ~5% of the turnover.
As on July 2012, on a cumulative basis, there were a total of 14,592 MSMEs in Nashik district, with 58% operating in the
manufacturing sector and the remaining 42% providing diferent types of services. Micro sized enterprises account for
around 64% share of total enterprises, followed by 63% share of small sized companies. Medium sized companies account
for less than 1% of the total enterprises. Total employment in MSMEs of Nashik district stood at 113,688. Micro sized
companies account for 53% of employment generation, followed by small sized companies 43%. 72% of the people are
employed in the manufacturing sector.
Table 3.4: Details of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Nashik district
Cumulative fgures up to July 2012
Category Number of enterprises Employment Investment in plant and
machinery (` mn)
Production capacity
(` mn)
Micro 9,331 60,321 10,944.9 181,309.7
Small 5,228 49,452 19,757.6 241,544.4
Medium 33 3,915 2,071.0 4,286.4
Total 14,592 113,688 32,773.5 427,140.5
Source: MSME Development Institute, Mumbai, Ministry of MSME, Government of India; DIC, Nashik
Table 3.5: Sector-wise Details of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises and Artisan units Nashik district
Industry No. of
Employment Investment plant and
machinery (` mn)
Installed capacity
(` mn)
Manufacture of Food products and Beverages 712 10,807 2,912.1 5,405.2
Manufacture of Textile 889 6,606 1,873.8 1,613.7
Manufacture of Chemicals & Chemical products 821 8,208 2,510.8 45,047.5
Manufacture of Rubber & Plastic Products 923 6,687 2,183.9 40,310.8
Manufacture of Other Non-Metallic mineral products 843 4,261 1,838.5 2,830.4
Manufacture of Basic Metals 58 1,488 668.3 119,242.3
Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products, Except
Machinery & Equip.
1,312 12,553 3,796.8 68,949.4
Manufacture of Machinery & Equipment 941 11,243 2,864.5 8,505.4
Manufacture of Electrical, Machinery & Apparatus
459 7,026 1,374.5 120,790.3
Manufacture of Furniture; 420 2,412 1,041.3 84.2
Computer & related activities 520 2,976 1,200.5 175.7
*Others 6,694 39,421 10,508.5 14,185.6
Total 14,592 113,688 32,773.5 427,140.5
Source: MSME Development Institute, Mumbai, Ministry of MSME, Government of India
*Others include manufacturers of products related to tobacco, paper, leather, coke, transport equipment etc and services ofered in areas of health and social
work, recreation, cultural & sporting, maintenance & repair of motor vehicle &motorcycles etc.
Prominent Clusters
Some of the prominent clusters in Nashik district include Paithani saree, winery, raisin making, silver ornaments, textile,
and engineering, among others. There is scope for various other industries such as agro-based products, fruit processing,
forest-based products, and animal-based products, among others.
Table 3.6: Details of Selected Prominent Clusters
Cluster Name Location Major Products Functional Units Turnover Employment
*Paithani saree
Yeola Paithani silk saree, dress materials,
other silk items based on paithani
motifs such as furnishing, sofa
covers, curtains, bed sheets, purse,
wall pieces, etc.
All micro units 725
(Registered 250)
` 700 mn
Direct 3,000 Nos.
Indirect 7,500 Nos.
*Winery cluster Vinchur,
Tal. Niphad
Wine 40 units ` 950 mn
Direct 1,800 Nos.
Indirect 45,000 Nos.
*Raisin making
Nashik Bedana Utpadan (Raisin Making) Units 2,180
(Registered 42
Unregistered 2,138)
NA Employment per unit:
Micro -2
Small 4
Medium - 10
CAD/CAM/CAE,CNC machining
centres, rapid prototyping,
*Source: MSME Development Institute, Mumbai, Ministry of MSME, Government of India
** Source: D&B Research
NA stands for Not available
MSME Initiatives 2013
The government of India has envisaged various initiatives for development of the Nashik cluster. The various schemes are
expected to strengthen the MSMEs in areas of technology, marketing, international certifcations, national and international
cooperation, and capacity building, among others. Prominent schemes among these include
MSE-CDP (Cluster Development Programme)
ISO 9000/14000/HACCP Reimbursement
MSE-MDA (Market Development Assistance)
CLCSS (Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme)
Capacity Building and Strengthening of data base
International Cooperation
SVDP (State Vendor Development Programme)
National Award
NMCP Schemes (National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme)
Lean Manufacturing
Design Clinic
Market assistance & Tech. Upgradation
Tech. & Quality upgradation support
Bar Code
Incubator Scheme
Source: MSME Development Institute, Mumbai, Ministry of MSME, Government of India