The document discusses a new Shaft Boring System (SBS) being developed through a partnership between Rio Tinto and Herrenknecht AG to improve safety and speed of constructing deep mine shafts. The SBS uses disc cutters for partial face excavation of rock, mucks the material out using buckets on a conveyor system, and can construct shafts hundreds of meters deep with an inner diameter of 10-12 meters. Concept development of the SBS is complete and detail engineering has begun, with testing planned at a site to be determined soon.
The document discusses a new Shaft Boring System (SBS) being developed through a partnership between Rio Tinto and Herrenknecht AG to improve safety and speed of constructing deep mine shafts. The SBS uses disc cutters for partial face excavation of rock, mucks the material out using buckets on a conveyor system, and can construct shafts hundreds of meters deep with an inner diameter of 10-12 meters. Concept development of the SBS is complete and detail engineering has begun, with testing planned at a site to be determined soon.
Original Description:
Reciclaje y Recuperacion de Metales y Materiales
The document discusses a new Shaft Boring System (SBS) being developed through a partnership between Rio Tinto and Herrenknecht AG to improve safety and speed of constructing deep mine shafts. The SBS uses disc cutters for partial face excavation of rock, mucks the material out using buckets on a conveyor system, and can construct shafts hundreds of meters deep with an inner diameter of 10-12 meters. Concept development of the SBS is complete and detail engineering has begun, with testing planned at a site to be determined soon.
The document discusses a new Shaft Boring System (SBS) being developed through a partnership between Rio Tinto and Herrenknecht AG to improve safety and speed of constructing deep mine shafts. The SBS uses disc cutters for partial face excavation of rock, mucks the material out using buckets on a conveyor system, and can construct shafts hundreds of meters deep with an inner diameter of 10-12 meters. Concept development of the SBS is complete and detail engineering has begun, with testing planned at a site to be determined soon.
The presentation discusses a new Shaft Boring System being developed by Herrenknecht AG in partnership with Rio Tinto to more quickly and safely construct deep mine shafts. The system aims to mechanize the shaft sinking process using cutting discs, muck removal buckets on a vertical conveyor, and rock bolting capabilities.
The Shaft Boring System (SBS) is a mechanized system for excavating deep mine shafts. Its main components include a cutterhead for rock excavation, a dust shield, rock bolters, a gripper system to handle the SBS, and a vertical conveyor for muck removal.
The rock excavation process involves using cutting discs on the cutterhead to excavate around the perimeter of the shaft face. The loose muck is then removed from the shaft bottom by buckets on the vertical conveyor. Rock bolting follows excavation to secure the shaft walls.
H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G
The Shaft Boring System for deep shafts.
Christian Frenzel Santiago de Chile, April 16th, 2010 H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Rio Tinto Mine of the Future TM Program unveiled in Jan. 2008 Create next generation technologies Block Cave Mining Method -Resolution Copper and Oyu Tolgoi Significant underground infrastructure prior to ore production. Aim - improve safety and speed of constructing underground infrastructure (shafts and tunnels). Civil tunnelling industry partners, contractors, and Rio Tinto Herrenknecht is our partner in shaft construction We are pleased to have this opportunity to present this breakthrough to the mining community H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G HERRENKNECHT AG. 3,700 Employees Worldwide Schwanau, Germany Guangzhou, China H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Product Range. H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Accessing Deep Ore Bodies: Requirements. Vertical shafts (ventilation and production) Inner diameter: 10-12 m Depth: up to 2000 m Geology: hard rock Conventional ground support Increased safety Increased shaft construction rate H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G New Shaft Boring System for Deep Shafts in Rock. Approach for new concept Team approach Rio Tinto shaft contractor Use of existing technologies wherever possible Best possible access to bench area Full set of rock support options Possibility for pre-excavation grouting H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Existing Shaft Boring System for Shallow Shafts in Soils And Soft Rock. Dredging type submerged operation, partial face excavation Hydraulic muck transport Precast segmental lining 70 100m depth H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Key Element for Mechanized Shaft Sinking Rock Excavation And Muck Removal Disc cutters for partial face rock excavation Muck removal by buckets and muck chutes H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Rock Excavation And Mucking Process. H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Shaft Boring System (SBS). Cutterhead (1) Dust shield (2) Rock bolters (3) Gripper system (4) Vertical conveyor (5) H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Mining Cycle. H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G SBS: Cross Section. H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G SBS Mucking System. H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Health Safety: Workplaces. S1: Below dust shield Permanent: none Only occasional activities S2: Main beam area Permanent: rock bolting Occasional: cutter changing S3: Infrastructure platforms Permanent: SBS operator SBS infrastructure H E R R E N K N E C H T A G | U T I L I T Y T U N N E L L I N G | T R A F F I C T U N N E L L I N G Summary Rio Tinto and Herrenknecht partnership for Shaft Boring System development Concept development finished, detail engineering started Test site to be fixed in the near future