STM Catalogue 2014
STM Catalogue 2014
STM Catalogue 2014
Catalogue 2014
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (41050-P)
Lot 3011, Taman South East
70100 Seremban
Negeri Sembilan
Tel: 606-632 2815
Fax: 606-632 9766
Email: [email protected]
June 2014 (Updated)
STM Catalogue 2014 1
Content Page:
STM Mission Statement (2)
From the Principals Desk (3)
STM Council (20142016) (4)
Faculty & Staff (5-10)
A Brief History of STM (11)
Doctrinal Statement (12)
Location, Conference and Retreat Facilities (13-14)
Application & Admission (15-20)
In-Campus Programmes (21-27)
Bachelor of Theology
Diploma of Theology
Bachelor of Divinity
Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies
Master of Christian Studies
Master of Divinity
Field Education (28)
Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Programmes (29-34)
Advanced Ministerial Studies Programmes (35-37)
Master of Ministry
Doctor of Ministry
Postgraduate Studies Programmes (38-46)
Master of Theology
Doctor of Theology (ATU)
Fees (47-49)
STM Community & Spiritual Formation (50)
Library & Resources (51)
Relationships with the Wider Church (52-54)
To STM Friends & Partners (55)
Reply Slip (56)
Major Faculty Publications (57-58)
STM Alumni Association (59)
Guidelines on HIV/AIDS (60)
STM Catalogue 2014 2
STM Mission Statement
Gods people equipped for ministry and mission.
To facilitate full time workers and lay people to grow in Christian maturity and to train
them for ministry and service in and through the Church.
To train pastors and Christian workers to meet the growing needs of the Church.
To enable lay people to be more effective in their Christian witness and ministry.
To provide training which integrates spiritual formation, academic excellence and
development of ministerial skills.
To provide theological education in a contextually relevant and sensitive manner.
To develop a centre for research on issues facing the Malaysian Church.
STM Catalogue 2014 3
From the Principals Desk
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM; Malaysia Theological Seminary) was founded on 6
January 1979 to meet the need to train pastors and church workers contextually and
wholistically. The Founding Members are: The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia, The
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malaysia, and The Methodist Church in Malaysia.
Subsequently, The Anglican Diocese of Sabah (1997; withdrew in 2013), The Presbyterian
Church in Malaysia (GPM; 2004) and The Lutheran Church in Malaysia (2005) joined as
sponsoring Member Churches.
The primary objective of STM is to train mission-minded and progressive pastors and church workers to
meet the growing needs of the churches and the demanding challenges in the world. Our academic
programmes have strong emphasis on Biblical studies, theological studies, pastoral studies, spiritual
formation, and social-religious studies.
STM offers a range of study programmes from basic theological training to advanced theological
research. The Bachelor of Theology (BTh), Bachelor of Divinity (BD) and Master of Divinity (MDiv)
programmes have been accredited by The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia
(ATESEA) since 1984. The Master of Theology (MTh) programme is accreditated in March 2012. In order
to cater for lay leadership training, we conduct Theological Education by Extension (TEE) programmes in
four languages (English, Tamil, Chinese and BM) and in a number of centers (Seremban, Petaling Jaya,
Ipoh and Kuching).
In order to meet the increasing demand for pastoral development, renewal and enrichment, we offer
advanced ministerial studies and postgraduate studies for pastors and potential seminary lecturers. The
Master of Ministry (MMin) and Doctor of Ministry (DMin) programmes are advanced ministerial training
offered in response to the fast changing contexts aimed at equipping pastoral leaders for greater tasks
and theological reflection. For many years, STM is also an active participating school of The South East
Asia Graduate School of Theology (SEAGST) in offering Master of Theology (MTheol) and Doctor of
Theology (DTheol) studies, which are academic research programmes. Since 2010 STM offers our own
Master of Theology (MTh) programme. In that same year, STM was invited by ATESEA Theological Union
(ATU), formerly known as SEAGST, to serve as one of the Centers for Theological Excellence to offer the
Doctor of Theology programme.
Our goal is to equip men and women of God, who are able to think critically, to discern with spiritual
insight, to commit strongly to the Church and ministry, and to serve God with hearts on fire. Since the
inception of STM, we have been blessed with more than 800 graduates who are now involved in active
ministries in different parts of the world. Our full-time students, both local and international, come
from diverse backgrounds, cultures and denominations.
We are grateful and thankful to God for the Member Churches and sponsoring Churches, STM Friends
and Partners and generous donors for the years of support and contributions, which are crucial in
accomplishing the immense task that the Lord has entrusted us. Please consider becoming a Friend or
Partner and send us your best people for training.
This Catalogue serves as a guide to the community and ministry of STM. Should you need further
information, please feel free to visit our website ( or write to us.
In His Service,
Rev Dr Ezra KOK Hon-Seng
The Principal
STM Catalogue 2014 4
STM Council (20142016)
President: The Rt Rev Datuk Ng Moon Hing (The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)
Vice President: The Rt Rev Dr Solomon Rajah (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malaysia)
Honorary Secretary: Mr Tan Kee Huat (Company Secretary)
Honorary Treasurer: Dr Deva Dassan Solomon (The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)
Bishop Dr Ong Hwai Teik (The Methodist Church in Malaysia)
The Rt Rev Dr Jason Selvaraj (The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)
Mr Edward Cheah Bian Siew (The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)
Mr James Chee Boon Soo (The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)
Ir Marcus Sundram (The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)
Rev Samuel Anbunathan (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malaysia)
Dr Louis Nethaniel Johnson (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malaysia)
Rev Boh Che Suan (The Methodist Church in Malaysia, Chinese Annual Conference)
Pastor Richard Wong King Iion (The Methodist Church in Malaysia, Chinese Annual Conference)
Rev C. Jayaraj (The Methodist Church in Malaysia, Tamil Annual Conference)
Mr Anthony Row (The Methodist Church in Malaysia, Tamil Annual Conference)
Rev Dr T. Jeyakumar (The Methodist Church in Malaysia, Trinity Annual Conference)
Dato Dr Alex Mathews (The Methodist Church in Malaysia, Trinity Annual Conference)
Rev Chua Hua Peng (The Presbyterian Church in Malaysia)
Rev Low Chiou Jyi (The Presbyterian Church in Malaysia)
The Rt Rev Aaron Yap (The Lutheran Church in Malaysia)
Rev Thomas Low (The Lutheran Church in Malaysia)
Principal: Rev Dr Ezra Kok Hon-Seng
By Invitation:
Ms Vernie Woo, Admin and Finance Manager
Canon Steven Abbarow, Vice Principal
Rev Dr Anthony Loke, Dean of Studies
Rev Dr Wong Tik Wah, Dean of Students
Council Committees:
Finance Committee
Personnel Committee
Building and Development Committee
Endowment Trust Committee
STM Catalogue 2014 5
Faculty & Staff
STM is committed to providing the best possible training and theological education in this multi-cultural
and multi-religious society. We seek to provide theological education in a contextually relevant and
sensitive manner. All full-time faculty members are encouraged to continue in research and to pursue
further studies. New lecturers recruited will be sent for advance degree programmes. For the benefit of
the students, adjunct faculty members and experienced pastors are also invited to supplement the
teaching, training, education and resources of the seminary.
Full-time Faculty
Rev Dr Ezra KOK Hon Seng (Principal)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: BTh (Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong, 1979); MDiv (China Graduate
School of Theology, Hong Kong, 1984); PhD (University of Durham, 1993)
Denomination: Methodist, Chinese Annual Conference
Area of Studies: New Testament Studies
Canon Steven Abbarow (Vice Principal; Assistant Director of Communications and
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: Bachelor of Economics (University of Malaya, 1984); MDiv (STM/
SEAGST, 1989); Master of Theology (SEAGST, 2002); Diplomate (College of Pastoral
Supervision and Psychotherapy, USA, 2010)
Denomination: Anglican, Diocese of West Malaysia
Areas of Studies: Pastoral Studies
Rev Dr Anthony LOKE Yin Fai (Dean of Studies 2013-2016)
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: BD (STM/SEAGST, 1984); MTheol (SEAGST, 1996); PhD (University of
Wales, 2011).
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Areas of Studies: Old Testament Studies
Rev Dr WONG Tik Wah (Dean of Students 2014-2017)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: BTh (STM/SEAGST, 1993); MTh (Trinity Theological College, 1999), PhD
(MCD University of Divinity, Melbourne, 2008).
Denomination: Methodist, Chinese Annual Conference.
Area of Studies: Christian Theology
Rev Dr TAN Jin Huat (Director of Postgraduate Studies)
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: BSc Hons (University of Malaya, 1974); DipHE (Trinity, Bristol, 1981);
BA Hons (London Bible College, 1982); MTh (University of Aberdeen, 1989); PhD
(University of Wales, 2008)
Denomination: Anglican, Diocese of West Malaysia
Areas of Studies: New Testament Studies and Practical Theology
STM Catalogue 2014 6
Rev Dr Philip SIEW Tye Yau (Director of Advanced Ministerial Studies)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: BTh (Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 1983); MTheol (SEAGST,
1991); MTh (Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993); PhD (Fuller Theological Seminary,
Denomination: Methodist, Chinese Annual Conference
Areas of Studies: Missiology, Practical Ministry and Old Testament Studies
Miss HO Gaik Kim (Director of BM TEE)
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: BA Hons (University of Malaya, 1981); MTS (Regent College, 1989).
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference.
Areas of Studies: Biblical Studies, Church History and Bahasa Malaysia.
Rev TEE Heng Peng (Assistant Director of Communications and Development)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Science (Hon) (Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1981);
MDiv (Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 1994); MTheol (SEAGST, 2003); DTheol
Candidate (SEAGST/ATU)
Denomination: Presbyterian, Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia
Areas of Studies: Church History and New Testament Studies
Rev Dr Joseph KOMAR (Tamil TEE Director; Director of Institute of World Religions)
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: BD (Union Biblical Seminary, India, 1982); ThM (Presbyterian College
and Theological Seminary, Korea, 1999); PhD (SAIACS, India, 2008).
Denomination: Methodist, Tamil Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Pastoral Studies and Missiology
Dr Elaine GOH Wei Fun (Chinese TEE Director; Assistant Director of
Postgraduate Studies)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: Bachelor (Hons) Mass Communication (Universiti Sains Malaysia,
1995); MDiv (STM/SEAGST, 2000); MTh (Princeton Theological Seminary, 2007);
DTheol (SEAGST, 2013)
Denomination: Methodist, Chinese Annual Conference
Areas of Studies: Old Testament Studies
Dss Canon Margaret CHEN Siew Ying (Field Education Director; Advisor to
Alumni Association)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: BTh (STM/SEAGST, 1984); MRE (Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong
Kong, 1992); DipHE (Birmingham, 2000); STM (Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2003);
DMin Candidate (Lutheran Theological Seminary)
Denomination: Anglican, Diocese of West Malaysia
Areas of Studies: Christian Education and Pastoral Studies
STM Catalogue 2014 7
Pastor LAW Choon Sii (Female Dorm Warden; Director of Book Service)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons) (University of Malaya, 1999);
MDiv (Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 2006); MTheol (SEAGST, 2008); DTheol
Candidate (ATU)
Denomination: Methodist
Areas of Studies: New Testament Studies
Rev CHEW Kean Kee (Chapel Warden; MATS Secretariat)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: Bachelor of Agricultural Scince (University of Malaya, 1972); MDiv
(STM/SEAGST, 1996); MTh (Princeton Theological Seminary, 2000); MA in Care and
Counselling (China Lutheran Seminary, Taiwan, 2011)
Denomination: Lutheran, Lutheran Church in Malaysia
Areas of Studies: World Religions and Counselling
Rev Dr ONG Meng Chai (Head of Library)
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: Technician Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Singapore Polytechnic,
1975); Ministerial Training (London Theological Seminary, 1986); PhD (Kings College,
University of London, 2003)
Denomination: Evangelical Free Church
Areas of Studies: Christian Theology and Pastoral Theology
Pastor Jimmy Chong Chuin Min (Assistant Director of Chinese TEE)
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: Diploma in Art and Design (Kuala Lumpur College of Art, 1994);
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) (Royal Melbrourne Institute of Technology, 2002); MDiv
(STM/SEAGST, 2007); MTh (Singapore Bible College, 2013)
Denomination: Presbyterian, Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia
Areas of Studies: Christian Theology and Contemporary Philosophy
Visiting Scholars
Rev Dr Paul A. BARKER
Qualifications: BA (Actuarial Studies) (Macquarie University, Sdyney, 1981); BTh
(Ridley College of Melbourne, 1990); PhD (University of Bristol, 1996)
Denomination: Anglican
Area of Studies: Old Testament Studies and Preaching
Dr Peter LAU
Qualifications: MB BS BSc (Med) (University of New South Wales, 1995); FRACGP
(Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 2000); Dip D&M (Sydney
Missionary & Bible College, 2002); MDiv (Sydney Missionary & Bible College, 2003);
PhD (University of Sydney, 2008).
Denomination: Independent
Area of Studies: Old Testament Studies
STM Catalogue 2014 8
English TEE Director
Pastor WONG Moi Lee (Director of English TEE cum Director of CTEE)
Qualifications: BD (STM/SEAGST, 2001); MA in Ministry (Bible College of Victoria,
2003); DMin Candidate (STM)
Denomination: Independent
Areas of Studies: Pastoral Studies and Christian Counselling
Guest Lecturers (Adjunct Faculty)
Rev Dr CHEW Tow Yow
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: PhD (Universiti Malaya); MTh (Emory)
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Pastoral Theology
Deaconness CHIN Koh Nee
English and Chinese Department Faculty
Qualtifications: ThM (Princeton Theological Seminary)
Denomination: Anglican, Diocese of West Malaysia
Area of Studies: Pastoral Theology and Counselling
English Department Faculty
Qualification: MTh (Tbingen University, Germany); PhD candidate.
Denomination: Lutheran, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria, Germany
Area of Studies: Lutheranism, Worship and Liturgy
Rev Dr HO Hon Yan
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualifications: DMin (Southern Methodist University)
Denomination: Methodist, Chinese Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Pastoral Studies
Mrs Esther HO-Lee Ying Shyuan
Chinese Department Faculty
Qualification: MTS (Southern Methodist University)
Denomination: Methodist, Chinese Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Christian Education
Bishop Emeritus Dr HWA Yung
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: Doctor of Missiology (Asbury Theological Seminary)
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Areas of Studies: Contextual Theology
Rev Sivin KIT
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: MTheol (STM/SEAGST, 2010); PhD Candidate (Universitetet i Agder of Norway)
STM Catalogue 2014 9
Denomination: Lutheran Church in Malaysia
Areas of Studies: Christian Theology, Contextual Theology, Public Theology
Former Bishop, Rev Dr Philip LOK
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: Honorary DD
Denomination: Lutheran Church in Malaysia
Areas of Studies: Practical Theology, Pastoral Ministry
Rev Dr LIM Kar Yong
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: PhD (University of Wales, 2007)
Denomination: Evangelical Free Church
Areas of Studies: New Testament Studies
Mrs Loke-LAU King Lang
English Department Faculty
Qualifications: MTheol (STM/SEAGST, 2005)
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Christian Education, Children Ministry
Rev Dr Daniel SEE
Postgraduate Studies
Qualification: PhD (Sheffield)
Denomination: Presbyterian, Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia
Area of Studies: Old Testament Studies
Rev SIEW Woh
English Department Faculty
Qualification: MDiv & MA (OT) (Columbia Bible Seminary); DMin Candidate (SBC)
Denomination: Baptist
Area of Studies: Pastoral Theology and Old Testament Studies
The Rt Rev Dr Solomon Rajah
English Department Faculty
Qualification: DTheol (SEAGST)
Denomination: The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malaysia
Area of Studies: Pastoral Theology and World Religions
Rev Dr Andrew TAN
English Department Faculty
Qualification: DMin (Asbury)
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Pastoral Ministry, Methodism
Dr Herbert TAN Chee Seng
English Department Faculty
Qualification: PhD (Northwestern University)
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Area of Studies: Christian Education
Dr VOON Choon Khing
English Department Faculty
STM Catalogue 2014 10
Qualifications: DMin (Graduate Theological Foundation, 1999)
Denomination: Methodist, Trinity Annual Conference
Areas of Studies: Pastoral Studies and Christian Spirituality
Ms Vernie WOO
Admin & Finance Manager
Ms THAM Soke Fong
Principals Secretary
Office Administrator
Mr CHAN Hon Yee
IT Officer
Mr KIEW Law King
Administrative Assistant
Ms Margaret TANG
Accounts Officer
Ms Viganeswary A/P Rasamaningam (Vicky)
Office Clerk Assistant
Ms Denise TAN
Communications Officer (English)
Communications Officer (Chinese)
Ms Christabel WONG Lee May
Senior Assistant Librarian
Library Assistant
Ms LING Hua Hiong
Assistant Librarian
Miss KWONG Ai Teng (joinining in July)
Library Assistant
Miss Esther Chan
Mrs Ruth TEE
Academic Officer (English)
Ms LO Yin Teng
Academic Officer (Chinese TEE)
Ms CHONG Siew Len (Mrs Chew)
Academic Officer (Chinese)
Miss Delaila Singa
Academic Officer (BM Program)
Ms Mahimai Doss Josephine
Academic Officer (Tamil TEE)
Ms Manonmani d/o John
PJ CTEE Assistant Administrator
Mr LEE Kai Chee
Maintenance Officer
Ms Selvi d/o M. Ramasamy
Mr Peadas a/l W.P. Fernando
Ms Manel d/o Fernando
Mr Selvanayagam a/l Sinniah
Ms Indra a/p Maniam
General Worker
STM Catalogue 2014 11
A Brief History of STM
STM was established as a joint Anglican, Evangelical Lutheran and Methodist venture on 6 January
1979. This venture was later expanded to include The Anglican Diocese of Sabah in 1997, The
Presbyterian Church in Malaysia in 2004 and The Lutheran Church in Malaysia in 2005. The Anglican
Diocese of Sabah withdrew their membership in February 2013.
The journey of STM began at the ELCM premises at Brickfields (January 1979-April 1983). Since then, we
have moved to the Methodist High School premise in Sentul (June 1983-1991) and from Sentul to St
Xavier Hall in Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya (1992-1997). For nearly twenty years, STM was nomadic.
Finally, in 1998 we shifted to our permanent campus in Seremban in time for the new academic year.
We are glad to see more churches are taking steps to prepare suitable and qualified ministers for the
task of teaching in the seminary. The vision of our founding fathers, the late Bishop Emeritus C.N. Fang,
the late Bishop E.B. Muthusami and the late Bishop Tan Sri J.G. Savarimuthu, together with the first and
second principal, Bishop Emeritus Datuk Dr Denis C. Dutton and Bishop Emeritus Dr Hwa Yung, have left
an indeligible impact on STM.
Our total graduands are now above 800 and are serving in different parts of Malaysia and beyond. Our
faculty members have faithfully been upgrading and deepening their experiences to serve well. Since
October 1984, STM has been accredited by The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia
(ATESEA) to grant the Bachelor of Theology, the Bachelor of Divinity, and the Master of Divinity degrees.
The accreditation of the seminary by ATESEA ( was an important milestone.
With this recognition, the degrees granted by STM are internationally accepted and recognised.
In November 1994, STM was accepted as a participating school of The South East Asia Graduate School
of Theology (SEAGST), which conducts programmes of advanced theological studies and grants the
degrees of Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology. STM has been an active partner in the
consortium, and even became the Area Dean Office in December 2005, until SEAGST was re-structured
as ATESEA Theological Union (ATU) in September 2009. STM was then invited to be one of the twelve
Centres for Theological Excellence in providing the Doctor of Theology studies in 2010.
On the whole, our development has been steady. We are committed to give our best. The curriculum is
reviewed frequently; lectures and assignments are brought into a balance; quality of field education
experience and community life is improved continually; our library resources are expanded regularly;
basic facilities required by the seminary community are upgraded regulary; new lecturers with different
expertise are invited according to plan. We are expanding our teaching programs and consolidating our
administrative procedures to meet the future challenges.
Bishop Emeritus Datuk Dr Denis C. Dutton
Principal from 1979-1985
Bishop Emeritus Dr Hwa Yung
Principal from 1986-June 2001
Rev Dr Ezra H.S. Kok
Principal since July 2001
STM Catalogue 2014 12
Doctrinal Statement
The seminary, in her life and teaching, seeks to be faithful to the central truths of the Christian Faith as
contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and summarised in such historic
confessions of the Christian Church as the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed, and the doctrinal
standards of the Anglican, Evangelical Lutheran and Methodist Churches. These truths include:
There is one God. He eternally exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and is the Creator, Redeemer
and Sustainer of all things. He is perfect in love.
God has revealed Himself to us through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Word. He has also
made Himself known through the divinely inspired Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the
Written Word, which is our supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We were made for fellowship with God, but by disobeying Him we have become sinners and guilty
in His sight, alienated from God, ourselves, our fellow human beings and from nature.
Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless and self-giving life and
died on the Cross for us as the perfect sacrifice for sin. By this He revealed the love of God, removed
our guilt, set us free from sin and death and their powers, and reconciled us to God.
We are justified by the grace of God through faith in Christ who was crucified and raised by God
from the dead.
The Holy Spirit leads us to repent of our sins and to trust in Christ. He lives in us, enables us to grow
in the knowledge and love of God and empowers us for mission. To these ends he generously
provides the necessary gifts to all believers.
The Church, the Body of Christ, is of divine origin. Out of every race and nation, the people of God
are called to respond to Him, to offer acceptable worship to Him, to follow Christ and to serve Him
by proclaiming the Gospel to all nations. The Church is nurtured through the ministry of the Word
and Sacrament, and through pastoral care. In the context of a pluralistic society, Christians are also
called to strive for social justice and the relief of human distress in co-operation with people of
goodwill. Within the total ministry of the whole people of God, lay and ordained have their distinct
yet complementary roles.
Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church has called us to live in love. Christians should strive for unity
that is not merely spiritual, but also visible, so that the world might believe.
Jesus Christ will return one day as Lord and Judge and fully manifest His kingly rule over all creation.
STM Catalogue 2014 13
Location, Conference and Retreat Facilities
STM is located on the edge of Seremban, 64km south of Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.
Being the state capital of Negeri Sembilan, Seremban is a booming city with all the associated
infrastructure of a modern city. It is easily assessable by the North-South Highway (PLUS). The Kuala
Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is just an hours drive away. Churches and individuals can use the
place for conferences, retreats, church camps, quiet prayer or study of Gods Word.
This Seremban campus provided by God is a beautiful and quiet campus in a tranquil environment. The
spacious 5.6 acre campus is atop a small hill. The place is ideal for academic study and spiritual
STM is well equipped. Some of our facilities include the library, multi-purpose hall, lecture rooms,
chapel, prayer room, music room, kitchen and dining hall, pantry and lounge area, guest rooms, hostel
rooms and campus wide internet access. For further details on booking, please contact the Office
STM Catalogue 2014 14
In order to cater to the needs of working professionals and expanding our TEE programmes in the Klang
Valley, we have a rented office Center for TEE (CTEE) at Luther Center, No. 6 Jalan Utara, 46200
Petaling Jaya. There is a small library collection for basic theological studies. TEE Courses in English,
Chinese and BM are offered there. These part-time studies are specifically designed for busy working
professionals in preparing them for church leadership and even pastoral ministry. We look forward to
the day when a part-time MDiv program will be offered at CTEE.
STM Catalogue 2014 15
Application & Admission
1. General Admission Requirements
1.1 Students must be Christians in good standing with their churches, have a genuine desire for
Christian service, and have attained the age of 20 in the first year of their course.
1.2 Two years working experience is normally required except for those who possess a
properly accredited university degree or equivalent qualification.
1.3 Proficiency in English/Chinese is necessary for the courses applied to in the respective
language department. Those applying for English department are required to sit English
language examination. It is advantageous for Chinese and Tamil streams students to read
and converse in English. Proficiency in Tamil language is applicable to Tamil TEE course.
1.4 A recommendation from the pastor of the church is required.
1.5 Single students are normally required to be residential.
1.6 All students are to comply with the seminary rules.
2. Admission Procedure
2.1 All prospective students are required to send their application through their church. The
application must be received by STM before 1st October for Malaysian applicants. Self-
financing or independent students may apply directly to the seminary.
2.2 Application forms may be obtained from the Academic Office or the Seminary website
( Basic informations concerning your age, church, occupation, work
experience, academic qualifications and proposed programme of study should be included.
2.3 The applicant must send in all the application documents to:
The Academic Office
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Lot 3011 Taman South East,
70100 Seremban
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
2.4 The Application Fee is non-refundable.
2.5 An endorsement letter from ones respective church denomination authority is required if
he or she is sponsored by the denomination. In such case, the person must fulfil the
requirements of his or her sending denomination.
2.6 Interviews with prospective students are normally held on first week of November or
before to enable the faculty members to meet the candidates and to ensure that entrance
requirements have been fully met.
2.7 Once an offer for admission is made to the applicant, he or she must officially reply to the
Academic Office his or her acceptance or otherwise. The person must agree to abide by the
rules and regulations of the seminary.
2.8 An orientation programme for all new students is held in the week before the first semester
of the academic year.
3. General Programme Descriptions
3.1 Basic Study Programmes
a. Bachelor of Theology (BTh) [to be re-introduced in 2015]
STM Catalogue 2014 16
This is a four-year programme of 120 credit hours for those with SPM/O Level or its
equivalent. (Aggregate of 30 and less in best five subjects and a Pass in English are
required). The UEC from Chinese High School is recognised.
b. Diploma of Theology (DipTh)
This is a two-year programme of 60 credit hours, for those with HSC/STPM/A Level
(minimum, 2 Principal Passes plus 2 Subsidiary Passes) or its equivalent.
c. Bachelor of Divinity (BD)
This is a four-year programme of 120 credit hours for those with HSC/STPM/A Level
(minimum, 2 Principal Passes plus 2 Subsidiary Passes) or its equivalent.
d. Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies (GradDipCS)
This is a one-year graduate study programme of 30 credit hours for graduates of
recognised universities, or those with equivalent qualifications.
e. Master of Christian Studies (MCS)
This is a two-year graduate study programme of 60 credit hours for graduates of
recognised universities, or those with equivalent qualifications.
f. Master of Divinity (MDiv)
This is a three-year graduate study programme of 90 credit hours for graduates of
recognised universities, or those with equivalent qualifications.
3.2 Advanced Ministerial Studies Programme
a. Master of Ministry (MMin)
This is a one-year postgraduate programme of 30 credit hours offered to pastors and
church workers who possess a first degree in theological studies and have at least two
years of ministerial experience. It is one-year for fulltime studies, five years for part-
time studies.
b. Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
This is a 2 to 6 years postgraduate programme of 32 to 56 credit hours depending on
the entrance level of the applicant. The programme is open to Master of Ministry,
Master of Divinity, and Master of Theology degree holders.
3.3 Postgraduate Studies Programme
a. Master of Theology (MTh)
The MTh degree is an advanced postgraduate research programme specially designed
to provide specialised training in advanced theological research and teaching. It is open
to those who have a strong first theological degree. The MTh can be taken either on a
full-time or part-time basis.
b. Doctor of Theology (DTheol) [ATU]
This is the highest postgraduate, academic and research programme offered by ATESEA
Theological Union (ATU), formerly known as SEAGST, for those who possess a good
degree in Master of Theology or equivalent. Research students can enrol on a full-time
or part-time basis. With effect from 2010, STM serves as one of the ATU Centers in
offering this DTheol programme.
4. Mature Student Categories:
This is a special understanding for those who are without the necessary entrance qualification to
the BTh program but are 30 years old and above at the time of application to study at STM. Under
this category, the person can be admitted to BTh program and may be required to undertake
remedial courses as and when determined by the Dean of Studies.
STM Catalogue 2014 17
5. Upgrading to a Higher Programme (Only In-Campus Programme)
To qualify for upgrading, candidates must maintain a satisfactory level of performance in their
academic programme and should possess a GPA of 3.0 and above. If the requirements are met, the
following upgrading will be allowed:
5.1 DipTh graduates may be allowed to enrol for another 60 credit hours of the BD programme
to graduate with the degree. This is approximately two years of in-campus full-time study.
5.2 GradDipCS graduates may be allowed to enrol for another 30 credit hours of the MCS
programme to graduate with the degree. This is approximately one year of in-campus full-
time study.
5.3 GradDipCS graduates may be allowed to enrol for another 60 credit hours of the MDiv
programme to graduate with the degree. This is approximately two years of in-campus full-
time study.
5.4 MCS graduates may be allowed to enrol for another 30 credit hours of the MDiv
programme to graduate with the degree. This is approximately one year of in-campus full-
time study.
5.5 For other categories of graduates not mentioned above, please contact the Dean of Studies.
6. Transfer Students from other Seminaries
Students who have done some academic studies at another accredited seminary may apply to
transfer certain credit hours to his or her programme in STM. Students granted such transfer credits
may still be required to do additional work, if the work is not of a standard equivalent to STMs. To
qualify for a diploma or degree from STM, the student must complete at least half the required
credit hours from STM.
7. Duration Expected and Maximum Time Extension for Completing a Programme
The maximum time for completing a study programme is extended only to students with special
needs or students with special circumstances. The student concerned should send in the application
to the Dean of Studies. The Faculty will determine the length of time to be extended on a case-by-
case basis. All full-time students are expected to complete their respective academic programme as
prescribed in the table below. (FT: Full-time; PT: Part-time)
Duration Expected to
Maximum Time
Inclusive of Extension
Bachelor of Theology 4 years 6 years
Diploma of Theology 2 years 4 years
Bachelor of Divinity 4 years 6 years
Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies 1 year 2 years
Master of Christian Studies 2 years 4 years
Master of Divinity 3 years 5 years
Master of Ministry 1 year (FT); 5 years (PT) 2 years (FT); 8 years (PT)
Doctor of Ministry 2-6 years 5-9 years
Master of Theology 18 mths (FT); 4 years (PT) 30 mths (FT); 5 years (PT)
Doctor of Theology (ATU) 3 years (FT); 6 years (PT) 4 years (FT); 7 years (PT)
8. Further Studies
8.1 BTh and BD graduates may further their theological education by pursuing the MMin
programme. The MMin programme is a one-year Advanced Ministerial Studies programme
STM Catalogue 2014 18
of 30 credit hours. The applicant should possess a first degree in theology with GPA of 3.0
and above. They must also have a minimum of two years of ministerial experience.
8.2 MDiv graduates may be allowed entrance into the MTh programme. The MTh programme
will take a minimum of 18 months of full-time in-campus study. One may also opt to
complete the programme on a part-time basis. The applicant should possess a first degree
in theology with GPA of 3.2 and above according to the standards of ATESEA. The applicant
must also have a minimum of two years of ministerial experience and fulfil all the necessary
requirements depending on the area of concentration. An entrance examination may also
be required.
8.3 MDiv, MMin and MTh graduates may be allowed entrance into the DMin programme. The
DMin programme will take a minimum of two to six years. The applicant should possess a
first degree in theology with GPA of 3.0 and above according to the standards of ATESEA
with at least five years of ministerial experience. English track applicants are required to
have TOEFL score of at least 550 (or 220 for computer-based) or IELTS score of at least 6.0.
8.4 MTh graduates may be allowed entrance into the ATU DTheol programme. The DTheol
programme will take a minimum of three years of full-time in-campus study. One may also
opt to complete the programme on a part-time basis. The applicant should possess a good
MTh degree or its equivalent, where the candidate demonstrates research potential, and a
good command of the English language (TOEFL 600, computer-based, 250; IELTS 7.0).
8.5 Since the BTh, BD, MDiv and MTh degrees are accredited by ATESEA, many of our graduates
have applied, studied and graduated at many overseas seminaries and universities. The
academic standard of STM is well recognised.
9. Short Courses, Audit Students, Evening Classes and TEE
9.1. Short Courses: Some courses offered at the campus are open to church workers and church
members either for audit or for examination. Occasionally, courses are offered in the
evenings or in conjunction with the TEE Department. School leavers waiting for their
examination results may attend the classes on a casual basis. Those outside of the
Seremban area are encouraged to enrol in the TEE Program and take courses offered at the
various centres throughout the country. Please refer to the section on TEE Programmes.
9.2. Audit students are free to decide how much they undertake with written assignments and
exams. Credit students must have a satisfactory level of attendance and complete written
assignments and the examination to be eligible for academic credit on the same basis as
full-time STM students.
9.3. Spouses of full-time students are encouraged to participate in the seminary life and to take
up certain studies. The spouse may audit one course for free, and take any ocurse for credit
at 50% discount.
9.4. For details on in-campus programmes, daytime or evening, courses offered and timetable,
please contact the Registrar ([email protected]).
10. Special Information for International Students
10.1 Since 1997, many international students applied to study in STM. Many of them came from
our neighbouring countries, such as, Indonesia, Mainland China and Myanmar. There are
also students from Cambodia, Germany, India, Japan, Pakistan, Papua New Guine,
Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam. International students admitted in STM
are granted a proper Student Visa. However, in the last few years, the seminaries in
Malaysia are encountering difficulty in admitting international students. Sometimes the
seminaries are offered the Professional Pass instead, in which STM is not agreeable. We are
still working towards a solution.
10.2 Language Proficiency in English/Chinese is necessary for the courses applied in respective
language department. Those pursuing the studies in English are required to have the
following qualifications for their English language.
STM Catalogue 2014 19
TOEFL Computer 173
10.3 You can download the Application Forms from our website (
10.4 When submiting your application, please ensure that these documents reached us before
15 July:
a. The Application Form, Medical Examination and Self Reporting Questionnaire are
completed and signed.
b. The Letters of Recommendation forms duly completed, signed and sent by the Referees
directly to STM.
c. Financial guarantee: A letter from the sponsor or proof of your financial ability is
d. All the supporting documents listed in the Application Form. Please ensure that the
photocopies of all the academic certificates/diplomas/degrees and their transcripts
have been duly certified as true copies.
e. Bank draft in US$50 or RM200 for Application Fee. The bank draft should be marked
A/C Payee and made payable in favour of Seminari Theoloji Malaysia.
f. Send all the abovementioned documents to:
The Academic Office
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Lot 3011 Taman South East, 70100 Seremban
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
10.5 If your application is successful, the Academic Office will issue you a Letter of Acceptance
for the coming academic year.
10.6 Visa Application Procedure:
a. Upon receiving the Letter of Acceptance from STM, you must provide us the following
documents for the purpose of visa application.
2 photocopies of your whole passport. This means every page including blank
pages. (Please note that the photocopies should be in A4 size paper)
6 copies of your passport-sized photographs.
Letter of employment from employer.
Letter from pastor to certify that the applicant is over 20 years old.
Letter from the sponsor to certify that they are responsible for your studies at
b. After receiving all the documents in (a) above, STM will proceed to apply for your
Student Pass at the Malaysian Immigration Department in Putrajaya. The Student Pass
is obtained by STM on your behalf.
c. If the application is approved by the Immigration Department, an Approval Letter will
be issued for your studies in Malaysia. We will send you this Approval Letter. Upon the
receipt of this letter, you are allowed to enter Malaysia as a student.
d. However, if you are required by your country to obtain a visa before leaving the
country, please ensure that you obtain a visa before leaving your country. Please make
your visa application at the nearest Malaysian Embassy or Consulate Office.
e. Students from China are required to obtain a visa before leaving the country. Please
make your visa application at the Consulate Office in Guangzhou or Malaysian Embassy
in Beijing.
STM Catalogue 2014 20
10.7 Coming to Malaysia:
a. After you have received the Approval Letter from the Malaysian Immigration
Department, you may purchase your return air ticket and come to Malaysia. Remember
to bring along the letter, as you need to produce it for immigration clearance upon
arrival at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
b. Before leaving your country, please notify us at least 7 working days in advance of the
day of your departure.
c. For immigration clearance, you are required to produce the Approval Letter upon
arrival. The Approval Letter is usually valid for three months from the date of issuance.
A Student Visa will be issued to you after your arrival in Malaysia.
d. Please note that if you do not have the Approval Letter to study from the Malaysian
Immigration Department and if you still choose to travel to Malaysia, you may be
detained at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. A processing fee of RM500 will also
be levied by the Malaysian Government for Journey Performed Visa (JP-Visa).
10.8 Temporary arrangement: Since the problem of Student Visa will not be resolved soon, we
advise you to pursue theological education in your home country or elsewhere. For MMin,
DMin or MTh program, you can consider doing the studies on a part-time basis. In which
case, you do not need a student visa.
10.9 Should you need further information, you may call the Academic Office (606-6322815) or
email: [email protected].
STM Catalogue 2014 21
In-Campus Programmes
The purpose of STM is to provide our students a wholistic training encompassing academic studies,
practical and pastoral skills, enrichment of public worship and growth in personal devotion. Academic
training is only one part of the total seminary curriculum. The overall goal is to be useful to God. STM is
to equip men and women to become pastors and church workers who are emotionally and spiritually
mature and who have acquired sufficient intellectual and practical skills to carry out the tasks required
of them in the Church. One is therefore reminded that the total curriculum consists of the following:
Spiritual Formation
Academic Studies
Field Education Placement
Pastoral Group System
Community Life: Living together, games, chores, etc.
The structure of programmes given indicates the course requirements for each programme and the
year in which core subjects are normally taken. There may be some variations from year to year as to
when some courses are offered. The actual courses offered in each semester, including Electives
(courses that are not compulsory), will be listed in the annual Year Book.
Course Descriptions are available from the Academic Office and our website,
Academic Regulations, such as guidelines on exams and assignments, marking and grading, warning
against plagiarism, thesis writing, and bibliographical styles, are published in the Student Handbook.
1. Bachelor of Theology (120 Credit Hours) to be re-introduced in 2015
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
Cr Hr Cr Hr
TR101 Critical Reading & Writing 2 TR111 Reading & Reasoning 2
BS103a OT Survey 2 BS103b Introduction to the OT 2
BS123a NT Survey 2 BS123b Introduction to the NT 2
TR102 Inductive Bible Study 2 CS811 World Religions 1
PS201 Christian Spirituality 2 PS501 Worship and Liturgy 2
TH801 Basic Christian Doctrines 1 2 TH802 Basic Christian Doctrines 2 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 13 Total Core Courses 14
Electives 2 Electives 1
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
CS812 World Religions 2 2 BI102 Exegetical Method 3
CS112 Church History: AD30-1500 3 CS211 Church History: AD1500-Present 3
PS301 Homiletics 1 2 PS302 Homiletics 2 2
PS401 Foundation in Christian Education 2 PS402 Phil & Hist Foundations in CE 2
TH702 Philosophy of Religion 2 CS401-
Denominational Studies
International students may opt for an elective course. Please refer to the Dean of Studies.
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran students are required to take Denominational Studies as a core
course. Students who are not from the above denominations may take it as an elective.
STM Catalogue 2014 22
PS901 Evangelism in the Local Church 2 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 14 Total Core Courses 13
Electives 1 Electives 2
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 3 Semester 1 Semester 2
BS221 Gospels
3 BS401 Poetic Books
TH103 Intro to Theology & Doctrine of God 3 TH104 Christology & Soteriology 3
PS601 Basic Counselling 2 PS612 Counselling (Specialised Area) 2
PS801 Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 2 PS812 Church Management & Admin 2
PS904 Missiology 2 CS301 Malaysian Church History 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 13 Total Core Courses 13
Electives 2 Electives 2
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 4 Semester 1 Semester 2
BS421 Epistles 3 BS601 Prophetic Books
TH105 Pneumatology & Anthropology 3 TH106 Ecclesiology & Eschatology 3
TH114 Introduction to Christian Ethics 2 TH402 Issues in Contemporary Ethics 2
PS701 Sexuality & Marriage 2 TH301 Doing Theology in Asia 2
FE101 Field Education 1 FE101 Field Education 1
Total Core Courses 11 Total Core Courses 11
Electives 4 Electives 4
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Breakdown: Cr Hr
Core Academic Load 94
Field Education 8
Electives 18
Total 120
1. Electives must be chosen from those being offered each semester to make up an average of 15
credit hours per semester.
2. 1
Year students are generally not allowed to take more than 15 credit hours per semester.
2. Diploma of Theology (60 Credit Hours)
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
TR101 Critical Reading & Writing 2 BI102 Exegetical Method 3
BS103a OT Survey 2 BS103b Introduction to the OT 2
BS123a NT Survey 2 BS123b Introduction to the NT 2
CS812 World Religions 2 2 CS811
World Religions 1
PS201 Christian Spirituality 2 PS501 Worship and Liturgy 2
Exegesis on Gospels (BS221) and Epistles (BS421) are offered on a yearly rotation basis.
Exegesis on Poetic Books (BS401) may be replaced by Wisdom Literature (BS501).
Exegesis on Prophetic Books (BS601) and Poetic Books (BS401) are offered on a yearly rotation basis.
International students may opt for an elective course. Please refer to the Dean of Studies.
STM Catalogue 2014 23
GK111 Greek 1 3 TR111 Reading & Reasoning 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 14 Total Core Courses 15
Electives 1 Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
3 BS401
Poetic Books
CS112 Church History: AD30-1500 3 CS211 Church History: AD1500-Present 3
PS901 Evangelism in the Local Church 2 TH702 Philosophy of Religion 2
PS301 Homiletics 1 2 PS302 Homiletics 2 2
PS401 Foundation in Christian Education 1 2 PS402 Foundation in Christian Education 2 Education 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Denominational Studies
Total Core Courses 13 Total Core Courses 15
Electives 2 Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Breakdown: Cr Hr
Core Academic Load 53
Field Education 4
Electives 3
Total 60
1. Students with a CGPA of 3.0 (C+) can apply to upgrade to the Bachelor of Divinity programme
with an additional of 2 years of studies.
2. Electives must be chosen from those being offered each semester to make up an average of 15
credit hours per semester.
3. 1
Year students are generally not allowed to take more than 15 credit hours per semester.
3. Bachelor of Divinity (120 Credit Hours)
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
TR101 Critical Reading & Writing 2 BI102 Exegetical Method 3
BS103a OT Survey 2 BS103b Introduction to the OT 2
BS123a NT Survey 2 BS123b Introduction to the NT 2
CS812 World Religions 2 2 CS811
World Religions 1
PS201 Christian Spirituality 2 PS501 Worship and Liturgy 2
GK111 Greek 1 3 TR111 Reading & Reasoning 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 14 Total Core Courses 15
Electives 1 Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Exegesis on Mark (BS223) may be replaced by Romans (BS422) or 1 Corinthians (BS423).
Exegesis on Poetic Books (BS401) may be replaced by Wisdom Literature (BS501) or Prophetic Books (BS601).
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran students are required to take Denominational Studies as a core
course. Students who are not from the abovementioned denominations may take it as an elective.
International students may opt for an elective course. Please refer to the Dean of Studies.
STM Catalogue 2014 24
Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
3 BS401
Poetic Books
CS112 Church History: AD30-1500 3 CS211 Church History: AD1500-Present 3
PS901 Evangelism in the Local Church 2 TH702 Philosophy of Religion 2
PS301 Homiletics 1 2 PS302 Homiletics 2 2
PS401 Foundation in Christian Education 1 2 PS402 Foundation in Christian Education 2 Education 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Denominational Studies
Total Core Courses 13 Total Core Courses 15
Electives 2 Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 3 Semester 1 Semester 2
3 BS601
Prophetic Books
TH103 Intro to Theology & Doctrine of God 3 TH104 Christology & Soteriology 3
PS601 Basic Counselling 2 PS612 Counselling (Specialised Area) 2
PS801 Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 2 PS812 Church Management & Admin 2
PS904 Missiology 2 PS701 Sexuality & Marriage 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Malaysian Church History
Total Core Courses 13 Total Core Courses 15
Electives 2 Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 4 Semester 1 Semester 2
TH105 Pneumatology & Anthropology 3 TH106 Ecclesiology & Eschatology 3
TH114 Introduction to Christian Ethics 2 TH402 Issues in Contemporary Ethics 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
TH301 Doing Theology in Asia 2
Total Core Courses 6 Total Core Courses 8
Electives 9 Electives 7
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Breakdown: Cr Hr
Core Academic Load 91
Field Education 8
Electives 21
Total 120
Exegesis on Mark (BS223) and Romans (BS422) are offered on a yearly rotation basis.
Exegesis on Poetic Books (BS401) may be replaced by Wisdom Literature (BS501).
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran students are required to take Denominational Studies as a core
course. Students who are not from the abovementioned denominations may take it as an elective.
Exegesis on Romans (BS422) may be replaced by 1 Corinthians (BS423).
Exegesis on Prophetic Books (BS601) and Poetic Books (BS401) is offered on a yearly rotation basis.
International students may opt for an elective course. Please refer to the Dean of Studies.
STM Catalogue 2014 25
1. Electives must be chosen from those being offered each semester to make up an average of 15
credit hours per semester.
2. 1
Year students are generally not allowed to take more than 15 credit hours per semester.
3. Thesis is no longer compulsory for BD programme since 2009. If a BD student wishes to write
a thesis, he/she must take TR201 Thesis Methodology in Year 3 and apply to the Faculty.
4. Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies (30 Credit Hours)
Semester 1 Semester 2
TR101 Critical Reading & Writing 2 BI102 Exegetical Method 3
BS103a OT Survey 2 BS103b Introduction to the OT 2
BS123a NT Survey 2 BS123b Introduction to the NT 2
World Religions 1 /
World Religions 2
3(2) CS401-
Denominational Studies
PS201 Christian Spirituality 2 PS501 Worship and Liturgy 2
GK111 Greek 1 3 GK112 Greek 2 3
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 15(14) Total Core Courses 15
Electives 0(1) Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Breakdown: Cr Hr
Core Academic Load 28(27)
Field Education 2
Electives 0(1)
Total 30
Note: Students can proceed to the MCS/MDiv programme with adjustment, additional studies and a
5. Master of Christian Studies (60 Credit Hours)
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
TR101 Critical Reading & Writing 2 BI102 Exegetical Method 3
BS103a OT Survey 2 BS103b Introduction to the OT 2
BS123a NT Survey 2 BS123b Introduction to the NT 2
World Religions 1 /
World Religions 2
3(2) CS401-
Denominational Studies
PS201 Christian Spirituality 2 PS501 Worship and Liturgy 2
GK111 Greek 1 3 GK112 Greek 2 3
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 15(14) Total Core Courses 15
Electives 0(1) Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran students are required to take Denominational Studies as a core
course. Students who are not from the abovementioned denominations may take it as an elective.
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran students are required to take Denominational Studies as a core
course. Students who are not from the abovementioned denominations may take it as an elective.
STM Catalogue 2014 26
Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
3 BS401
Poetic Books
CS112 Church History: AD30-1500 3 CS211 Church History: AD1500-Present 3
TH103 Intro to Theology & Doctrine of God 3 TH104 Christology & Soteriology 3
Basic Counselling /
Foundation in Christian Education
2 CS301
Malaysian Church History
PS301 Homiletics 1 2
TR201 Thesis Methodology 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 16 Total Core Courses 12
Electives 0 Electives 2
Total Credit Hours 16 Total Credit Hours 14
Breakdown: Cr Hr
Core Academic Load 54(53)
Field Education 4
Electives 2(3)
Total 60
6. Master of Divinity (90 Credit Hours)
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2
TR101 Critical Reading & Writing 2 BI102 Exegetical Method 3
BS103a OT Survey 2 BS103b Introduction to the OT 2
BS123a NT Survey 2 BS123b Introduction to the NT 2
World Religions 1 /
World Religions 2
3(2) CS401-
Denominational Studies
PS201 Christian Spirituality 2 PS501 Worship and Liturgy 2
GK111 Greek 1 3 GK112 Greek 2 3
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 15(14) Total Core Courses 15
Electives 0(1) Electives 0
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
3 BS401
Poetic Books
CS112 Church History: AD30-1500 3 CS211 Church History: AD1500-Present 3
TH103 Intro to Theology & Doctrine of God 3 TH104 Christology & Soteriology 3
PS611 / Basic Counselling / 2 CS301
Malaysian Church History
PS401 Foundation in Christian Education 2
PS301 Homiletics 1 2
Exegesis on Mark (BS223) may be replaced by Romans (BS422).
Exegesis on Poetic Books (BS401) may be replaced by Wisdom Literature (BS501) or Prophetic Books (BS601).
International students may opt for an elective course. Please refer to the Dean of Studies.
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran students are required to take Denominational Studies as a core
course. Students who are not from the abovementioned denominations may take it as an elective.
Exegesis on Mark (BS223) and Romans (BS422) are offered on a yearly rotation basis.
Exegesis on Poetic Books (BS401) may be replaced by Wisdom Literature (BS501).
International students may opt for an elective course. Please refer to the Dean of Studies.
STM Catalogue 2014 27
TR201 Thesis Methodology 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 16 Total Core Courses 12
Electives 0 Electives 2
Total Credit Hours 16 Total Credit Hours 14
Year 3 Semester 1 Semester 2
3 BS601
Prophetic Books
TH105 Pneumatology & Anthropology 3 TH106 Eccelesiology & Eschatology 3
TH411 Introduction to Christian Ethics 2 TH402 Issues in Contemporary Ethics 2
PS801 Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 2 TH302 Doing Theology in Asia 2
TR301 Thesis 1 4 TR302 Thesis 2 2
FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1 FE101 Field Education & Seminar 1
Total Core Courses 15 Total Core Courses 13
Electives 0 Electives 2
Total Credit Hours 15 Total Credit Hours 15
Breakdown: Cr Hr
Core Academic Load 74(73)
Field Education 6
Thesis 6
Electives 4(5)
Total 90
Notes: Electives must be chosen from those being offered each semester to make up an average of
15 credit hours per semester.
7. Contact Persons in the Academic Office:
a. Rev Dr Anthony Loke, The Dean of Studies ([email protected])
b. Miss Esther Chan, The Registrar ([email protected])
c. Mrs Ruth TEE, The Academic Officer (English) ([email protected])
d. Ms CHONG Siew Len (Mrs Chew), The Academic Officer (Chinese) ([email protected])
Exegesis on Romans (BS422) may be replaced by 1 Corinthians (BS423).
Exegesis on Prophetic Books (BS601) and Poetic Books (BS401) are offered on a yearly rotation basis.
STM Catalogue 2014 28
Field Education
Field Education is an educational method that seeks to incorporate into the curriculum, regular
supervised and evaluated opportunities of interrelating theological studies and experience in actual
ministry for the students. It is therefore an integral part of the overall curriculum and ministerial
training programme of the Seminary. All students are required to participate in the programme during
their training.
The purpose of Field Education is to enhance each students preparation for Christian ministry by
providing supervised learning experiences in various ministry settings: local churches in rural and urban
areas; mission and outreach in rural areas such as estates and in urban settings such as amongst
squatters and the urban poor; and centres of Christian care, rehabilitation and welfare work.
These learning experiences are designed and arranged by means of a three-way contract between the
seminary and the students, participating churches or centres, and the Bishops or Conference
Presidents. These placements provide vital pastoral experiences and exposures for students. Case
material from placement experiences is also used in seminars in mission studies and pastoral theology.
In order to enhance the learning experience, Field Education Seminars are organised by the Field
Education Directors on a monthly basis for all full-time students.
Full-time students are involved in these three types of placement:
Church visitation for 1
year students in the first semester
Weekend Placement
Eight-week Year-end Placement.
Details of the Field Education Programme are published in the Student Handbook.
STM Catalogue 2014 29
Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Programmes
STM offers opportunities for those who are not able to enrol for full-time study to avail them to
theological education and some form of ministerial training. The TEE programme covers four language
departments, i.e., English, Chinese, Tamil and Bahasa Malaysia (the National Language). The TEE
Departments offer modular courses leading to the Certificate of Christian Ministry (CertCM), the
Diploma of Christian Ministry (DipCM) and Bachelor of Theology (BTh) for undergraduates; Graduate
Diploma of Christian Studies (GradDipCS) and the Master of Christian Studies (MCS) for university
graduates. The modular courses are usually offered in units of 3 credit hours. These programmes are
designed specifically for the training and advancement of lay leadership in the church, though some
may consider them for ministerial training.
1. General Information on TEE Study Programmes:
1.1 The Certificate of Christian Ministry (CertCM) Programme:
Core Courses and Credit Hours 12
Introduction to the OT 3
Introduction to the NT 3
Christian Theology I 3
Biblical Interpretation 3
Electives (equivalent to 6 courses) 18
Total Credit Hours 30
1.2 The Diploma of Christian Ministry (DipCM) Programme:
Core Courses and Credit Hours 24
Introduction to the OT 3
Introduction to the NT 3
Christian Theology 1 3
Biblical Interpretation 3
Interpreting the OT 3
Interpreting the NT 3
Christian Theology 2 3
Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 3
Electives (equivalent to 12 courses) 36
Total Credit Hours 60
1.3 The Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies (GradDipCS) Programme:
Core Courses and Credit Hours 12
Introduction to the OT 3
Introduction to the NT 3
Christian Theology I 3
Biblical Interpretation 3
Electives (equivalent to 6 courses) 18
Total Credit Hours 30
1.4 The Master of Christian Studies (MCS) Programme:
Core Courses and Credit Hours 24
Introduction to the OT 3
Introduction to the NT 3
Christian Theology 1 3
STM Catalogue 2014 30
Biblical Interpretation 3
Interpreting the OT 3
Interpreting the NT 3
Christian Theology 2 3
Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 3
Electives (equivalent to 12 courses) 36
Total Credit Hours 60
2. Admission Requirements:
2.1 The admission requierements are the same as in-campus programs unless specified.
2.2. For CertCM and DipCM:
SPM Grade III certificate or its equivalent with an aggregate of 35 or less for best 5 subjects.
The UEC from Chinese High School is recognised.
A strong commitment for Christian ministry and actively involved in local church ministry.
Language Proficiency, whether English, Mandarin, Tamil or BM.
Those who are 30 years old and above without the necessary academic qualifications may
be considered for admission into the programme.
2.3 For BTh:
SPM/O Level or its equivalent with an aggregate of 30 and less in best 5 subjects. The UEC
from Chinese High School is recognised.
A strong commitment for Christian ministry and actively involved in local church ministry.
Language Proficiency, whether English, Mandarin, Tamil or BM.
Those who are 30 years old and above without the necessary academic qualifications may
be considered for admission into the programme.
2.4 For GradDipCS and MCS:
The prospective applicant should have a bachelors degree from a recognised university or
its equivalent.
A strong commitment for Christian ministry and actively involved in local church ministry.
Language Proficiency, whether English, Mandarin, Tamil or BM.
3. Duration of Study
a. The CertCM (TEE) and GradDipCS (TEE), which are 30 credit hours, can be completed in two to
four years depending on the number of courses taken each year.
b. The DipCM (TEE) and MCS (TEE), which are 60 credit hours, can be completed between three to
seven years, depending on the number of courses taken each year.
c. The BTh (TEE), which are 60-66 credit hours on top of the DipCM (TEE). It can be completed
between three to seven years, depending on the number of courses taken each year.
4. Specific Bachelor of Theology (BTh) Programme in Tamil:
STM Catalogue 2014 31
Core Courses and Credit Hours
Field Education (1 credit hour per semester x 7) 7
Mission Exposure 3
English Language Classes (over 2 years) 3
Denomination Studies 3
Children/Youth Work 3
Church Growth 3
Gospel Media & Communication 3
Theology in Asia Indian Christian Theology 3
Modern Religious and Secular Movements 3
Malaysian Church History 3
Christian Ethics 3
Christian Spirituality 3
Counseling, Sex & Marriage 3
Christian Social Ministry 3
1 Corinthians 3
Prophetic Books 3
Liturgy & Worship 3
Homiletics II 3
Critical Reading & Writing 3
Total Credit Hour 61
1. Admission Requirement: Tamil DipCM (TEE) or its equivalent.
2. Duration of Study: It can be completed between three to seven years, depending on the
number of courses taken each year.
5. Specific Bachelor of Theology (BTh) Programme in Chinese:
Core Courses and Credit Hours 36
Introduction to OT 3
Introduction to NT 3
Pneumatology & Anthropology 3
Evangelism and Church Planting 3
Interpreting the OT 2 3
Interpreting the NT 2 3
Ecclesiology & Eschatology 3
Christian Ethics 3
Church History 2 3
Preaching/Christian Counseling 3
Field Education (1
Year) 3
STM Catalogue 2014 32
Field Education (2
Year) 3
Electives (equivalent to 10 courses) 30
Total Credit Hours 66
1. Admission Requirement: Chinese DipCM (TEE) or its equivalent.
2. Duration of Study: It can be completed between three to seven years, depending on the
number of courses taken each year.
3. The whole year Field Education merits 3 credit hours. The requirements are: (1) the church or
organisation has to be approved by the TEE Director. (2) A reflection paper of 2000-3000 words.
(3) An evaluation form to be completed by the pastor-in-charge.
6. TEE Programmes in Bahasa Malaysia
6.1 Sijil Pelayanan Kristian 30 jam kredit (BM Certificate of Christian Ministry 30 credit hours)
Modul Teras (Core Modules) dan Jam Kredit (Credit Hours) 15
Tinjauan Perjanjian Lama (OT Survey) 3
Tinjauan Perjanjian Baru (NT Survey) 3
Doktrin Kristian Asas 1 (Basic Christian Doctrine 1) 3
Doktrin Kristian Asas 2 (Basic Christian Doctrine 2) 3
Tafsiran Alkitabiah (Biblical Interpretation) 3
5 Modul Elektif (5 Electives Modules) terbuka kepada semua 15
Sejarah Gereja 1 (Church History 1) 3
Sejarah Gereja 2 (Church History 2) 3
Pembacaan dan Penulisan Kristis (Critical Reading and Writing) 3
Kerohanian Kristian (Christian Spirituality) 3
Asas Kaunseling Kristian (Basic Christian Counseling) 3
Pendidikan Kristian (Christian Education) 3
Kajian Alkitab Induktif (Inductive Bible Study) 3
Ilmu Khutbah/Homiletik (Homiletics) 3
Jumlah Jam Kredit (Total Credit Hours) 30
Perhatian (Note):
1. Satu modul ialah 3 jam kredit. (One module is 3 credit hours.)
2. Tempoh Pengajian: Program ini dapat diselesaikan di antara tiga hingga empat tahun,
bergantung kepada bilangan kursus yang diambil setiap tahun. (Duration of Study: It can be
completed between three to four years, depending on the number of courses taken each
3. Peringkat sijil dan diploma tidak merujuk kepada standard tetapi kepada jumlah kerja
kursus, iaitu 30 dan 60 jam kredit masing-masing. (The certificate and diploma levels do not
STM Catalogue 2014 33
refer to standard but to the amount of course work done, namely 30 and 60 credit hours
6.2 Diploma Pelayanan Kristian (60 jam kredit) adalah tingkat seterusnya selepas Sijil Pelayanan
Kristian. (BM Diploma of Christian Ministry [60 credit hours] is the next level after the BM
Certificate of Christian Ministry)
Modul Teras (Core Modules) 15
Sejarah Gereja 1 (Church History 1) 3
Sejarah Gereja 2 (Church History 2) 3
Pembacaan dan Penulisan Kritis (Critical Reading and Writing) 3
Tafsiran Alkitabiah (Biblical Interpretation) 3
Kerohanian Kristian (Christian Spirituality) 3
5 Modul Elektif (5 Elective modules) 15
Jumlah Jam Kredit (Total Credit Hours) 30
Perhatian (Note):
1. Keperluan Kemasukan: Sijil Pelayanan Kristian (TEE) atau yang setaraf dengannya.
(Admission Requirement: BM Certificate of Christian Ministry (TEE) or its equivalent.
2. Tempoh Pengajian: Program ini dapat diselesaikan di antara tiga hingga tujuh tahun,
bergantung kepada bilangan kursus yang diambil setiap tahun. (Duration of Study: It can be
completed between three to seven years, depending on the number of courses taken each
6.3 Sarjana Muda Teologi (120 jam Kredit) adalah tingkat seterusnya selepas Diploma Pelayanan
Kristian. (BM BTh [120 credit hours] is the next level after the BM Diploma of Christian Ministry)
Modul Teras (Core Modules) 45
Tafsiran Alkitabiah (Biblical Interpretation) 3
Ilmu Khutbah/Homiletik 1 (Homiletics 1) Teori (Theory) 3
Ilmu Khutbah/Homiletik 2 (Homiletics 2) Praktik (Practical) 3
Agama 1 (Religion 1) 3
Agama 2 (Religion 2) 3
Doktrin Kristian 1 (Christian Doctrine 1) 3
Doktrin Kristian 2 (Christian Doctrine 2) 3
Masyarakat Malaysia (Malaysian Society) 3
Kajian Kitab Perjanjian Lama Nabi-nabi (OT Book Study
Kajian Kitab Perjanjian Lama Kitab Puisi dan Hikmat (OT Book
Study Poetic and Wisdom Books)
Kajian Kitab Perjanjian Baru Injil (NT Book Study Gospel) 3
Kajian Kitab Perjanjian Baru Surat (NT Book Study Epistle) 3
Pendidikan Kristian (Christian Education) 3
Asas Kaunseling Kristian (Basic Christian Counseling) 3
Kepemimpinan Pastoral (Pastoral Leadership) 3
5 Modul Elektif (5 Elective Modules) 15
Bimbingan Kristian (Christian Discipleship) 3
Pengurusan (Stewardship) 3
Etika Kristian (Christian Ethics) 3
Pentadbiran Gereja (Church Administration) 3
Kajian Kitab Perjanjian Lama (OT Book Study) 3
Kajian Kitab Perjanjian Baru (NT Book Study) 3
Pelayanan Belia (Youth Ministry) 3
STM Catalogue 2014 34
Kaedah Kajian Alkitab (Bible Study Methods) 3
Jumlah Jam Kredit (Total Credit Hours) 60
Perhatian (Note):
1. Keperluan Kemasukan: Diploma Pelayanan Kristian (TEE) atau yang setaraf dengannya.
(Admission Requirement: BM Diploma of Christian Ministry (TEE) or its equivalent.
2. Tempoh Pengajian: Program ini dapat diselesaikan di antara empat hingga tujuh tahun
bergantung kepada bilangan kursus yang diambil setiap tahun. (Duration of Study: It can be
completed between three to seven years, depending on the number of courses taken each
3. Selain modul-modul elektif ini, mereka yang ingin naik taraf dari diploma ke ijazah Sarjana
Muda boleh juga mengambil modul-modul dari program sijil dan diploma. Jika terdapat
modul teras di peringkat diploma yang masih belum dibuat, pelajar dikehendaki
mengambilnya sebagai elektif. (Besides these elective modules, those who wish to upgrade
from the diploma to the Bachelor degree can also take electives from the certificate and
diploma programmes. If there are core modules at the diploma level that have not been
done, the student is required to take them as electives.)
7. Centres for Studies:
English Chinese Tamil BM
Seremban STM Campus. Tel: 06-6322815
CTEE, Luther Centre. No. 6 Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling
Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-79601867
Kuching Trinity Methodist Church. 57, Ellis Road,
93300 Kuching, Sarawak. Tel: 082-417015
Kampar @Sengoi Mission Conference Methodist
Headquarter. c/o. STM Tel: 06-6322815
8. Partner Centers:
At the moment there are four organisations working in partnership with STM in providing
Theological Education in their contexts and according to the specific needs. They are:
Ipoh Theological Center (ITC): based at St Peters Anglican Church, Ipoh.
SiYuan Theological Center: based at Pioneer Chinese Methodist Church, Sitiawan.
SAM: based at Ipoh Theological Center and Penang Theological Center.
Lay Academy for Ministry and Missions (LAMP) of The Chinese Methodist Church in Australia:
based at Melbourne. [starting in May 2014]
9. Contact Persons in STM:
a. English TEE: Director, Pastor Wong Moi Lee ([email protected])
b. Chinese TEE: Director, Dr Elaine Goh ([email protected]); Chinese TEE Academic Officer,
Ms LO Yin Teng ([email protected])
c. Tamil TEE: Director, Rev Dr Joseph Komar ([email protected]); Tamil TEE Academic
Officer, Ms Mahimai Doss Josephine ([email protected])
d. BM TEE: Director, Miss Ho Gaik Kim ([email protected]); BM Program Academic Officer,
Delaila Singa ([email protected])
10. Further Studies
TEE students who have completed any of the TEE programmes can further their theological studies
in-campus. For more details, please contact the respective TEE Director and/or the Dean of Studies.
STM Catalogue 2014 35
Advanced Ministerial Studies Programmes
STM is fully aware of the need for continuing theological education for pastors and church workers. In
order to meet the increasing demand for pastoral development, renewal and enrichment, STM offers
Advanced Ministerial Studies for pastors and church leaders. The Master of Ministry programme is
designed to encourage pastors to develop further, to refresh their vision and spirituality, to upgrade
their skills and knowledge to meet the challenges of ministries ahead.
The Doctor of Ministry programme is an advanced professional programme, which was introduced in
2008. It provides people in full-time vocational Christian ministry, including pastors, missionaries and
church leaders, with an avenue to continue learning and equipping themselves. It seeks to enable
programme participants to stay at the cutting edge of ministry and mission in changing times, by
enhancing their ministerial competency, effectiveness and fruitfulness. It also aims to be some form of
self-healing and a source of personal renewal.
1. The Master of Ministry Programme
1.1 Basic Graduation Requirement: One must complete successfully 10 modules of 3 credit hours
each, encompassing a total of 30 credit hours. The basic structure consists of 3 basic modules
and 7 electives.
1.2 Three Basic Modules:
Pastoral Theology
Nature & Mission of the Church
Preaching on NT/OT: Hermeneutics & Homiletics
1.3 Seven Electives: (choose from below)
Expository Preaching & Teaching
Leadership Development
Pastoral Leadership & Ministry
Pastoral Spirituality
Pastoral Counselling
Spiritual Direction & Mentoring
Strategies for Church Growth
Ministry & Cultural Context
Church Management
Advanced Seminars on Christian Education
Missiology and Mission Studies
Exegesis on set text
Project Paper: 2 modules (optional)
1.4 Duration of Study: One year of full-time studies or five years of part-time studies.
1.5 Admission Requirements
a. Applicants for enrolment must hold a basic theological degree according to the standards
of ATESEA or its equivalent.
b. Applicants should normally have two or more years of ministerial experience.
1.6 Two modules are offered annually. Normally they are offered in March and July respectively.
Please check with the Academic Office or the Director of Advanced Ministerial Studies, Rev Dr
Philip Siew ([email protected] on the module, lecturer, exact date and assignments.
STM Catalogue 2014 36
2. The Doctor of Ministry Programme
2.1 Programme Philosophy
The programme seeks to integrate Head or Knowing (biblical and theological study
and reflection), Heart or Being (character and spiritual formation) and Hand or
Doing (ministerial skills, practices and competency).
The programme seeks to integrate the Text (Bible and Theology), Person
(Pastor/Church Leader), and Context (Church and World) for ministry.
Other than class lectures and personal independent research, learning and writing, it
encourages on-going group interaction, accountability and support among the
2.2 Application and Admission:
a. Requirement for Ministerial Experience: Upon completing their first theological degree,
applicants are required to have at least five years of full-time Christian vocational
ministry, such as involvement in pastoral ministry, missionary activity and/or theological
b. English Language Proficiency: English Track applicants are required to have TOEFL score
of at least 550 (or 220 for computer-based) or IELTS score of at least 6.
c. Academic Requirement: Applicants for enrolment must possess a Master of Divinity or its
equivalent. The Master of Ministry graduates are expected with extra academic loading;
the Master of Theology graduates may be exempted for certain credit hours.
d. Entrance GPA requirement: A GPA of 3.0 and above (on a 4.0 scale) is required. This is
equivalent to a C+ using the STM scale.
2.3 Entrance Levels and Course Load
Modules & Credit Hours MTh Degree Holder MDiv Degree
MMin Degree
3 Core Modules 12 cr hs 12 cr hs 12 cr hs
4 cr hs
(=1 module)
20 cr hs
(=5 modules)
28 cr hs
(=7 modules)
Research Methodology 4 cr hs 4 cr hs 4 cr hs
Thesis (Project Paper) 12 cr hs 12 cr hs 12 cr hs
Total Credit Hours 32 cr hs 48 cr hs 56 cr hs
The DMin Modules are structured as 4 credit hours each.
Those with MTh degree, which includes a thesis component, will be exempted from
Research Methodology. However, they are required to formulate their thesis proposal on
their own and submit it to the Postgraduate Studies Office for approval before they begin
their last 2 courses.
Those with qualifications other than the above stated will be evaluated accordingly.
2.5 Medium of Instruction: There are two language tracks: English and Chinese.
2.6 Number of Students Admitted: A maximum of 30 active participants in each track will be
admitted in a single year.
2.7 Duration of Study
The Programme is meant to be an in-service programme allowing participants to complete
their studies while engaged in full-time ministry.
STM Catalogue 2014 37
Normal Duration Maximum Duration
Master of Theology Degree Holder 2-3 years 5 years
Master of Divinity Degree Holder 4-5 years 8 years
Master of Ministry Degree Holder 5-6 years 9 years
Application for extension beyond the maximum time-frame will be allowed under special
circumstances. The extension must not exceed one year beyond the maximum time-frame
Participants who are unable to complete the Programme within the maximum time frame
stipulated (including the extension) will be withdrawn from the Programme. A person who
has been withdrawn from the Programme may re-apply for admission into the
Programme but they must start from the beginning. No transfer of credits from courses
completed will be allowed.
While the Programme is structured as a part-time in-service programme, it is possible to
make special arrangements for those who wish to take leave of absence from their
ministry to do one year (or longer) of full-time study, especially for writing their thesis.
2.8 Three Core Modules:
Theology of Minister and Ministry
Church, World and Mission in the 21st Century
Advanced Biblical Hermeneutics and Homiletics
2.9 Electives in the following areas:
Spiritual Formation
Biblical & Theological Studies & Ethics
Worship, Liturgy, Sacraments & Preaching
Mission, Evangelism & Church Growth
Christian Leadership & Mentoring
Christian Education & Discipleship
Pastoral Care & Counseling
Religious Studies
Contemporary Issues & Marketplace Ministry
Behavioral & Social Sciences
For further details and registration regarding MMin and DMin programme, please contact our Director
of Advanced Ministerial Studies, Rev Dr Philip Siew ([email protected]).
STM Catalogue 2014 38
Postgraduate Studies Programmes
1. Master of Theology Programme
STM is pleased to announce that a newly revised and exciting Master of Theology (MTh)
programme that is considerably flexible, individually designed, and contextually relevant is being
offered with effect from 2010. This new programme replaces the Master of Theology program
offered under the auspices of South East Asia Graduate School of Theology (SEAGST) of ATESEA
through STM since 1995. This new MTh program is accreditated in March 2012 by ATESEA.
1.1 About the Programme
The MTh degree is an advanced postgraduate research programme specially designed to
provide specialised training in effective leadership in Christian ministry, professional pastoral
training, and advanced theological research and teaching. It is designed in response to the
urgent need for competent theological educators and advanced theological education in the
region. We keep with the highest tradition of and excellence in Christian scholarship. It allows
the students to gain greater competency and skills in an area of specialization by employing
the most valuable and latest research methods and resources available for the areas of
concentration. Since the MTh is a rigorous and research oriented programme, it also serves
as a good preparatory degree for further advanced research degrees such as PhD or DTh. The
MTh can be taken either on a full-time or part-time basis.
1.2 Areas of Concentration
At present, STM offers the MTh programme in the following areas:
Old Testament
New Testament
Biblical Theology
Biblical Interpretation
Christian Theology
Pastoral Theology
Church History
Christian Education
Church and Society
The above areas of concentration are offered on the basis of the availability of supervisors.
STM reserves the right not to offer any of these areas of concentration at anytime. Please
enquire at the time of application.
1.3 Degree Requirements
a. Students participating in the MTh programme must complete a total of 8 modules with a
CGPA of 3.2 (or an average B-) or higher (comprising a core module on Doing Theology
in Asia, 5 modules in an area of concentration, and 2 electives) and a thesis in the area
of concentration.
b. Core Module: Doing Theologies in Asia is a required module for all students. Exemption
may be granted if the student has previously taken a similar course as evidenced in the
transcript. If exemption is granted, the candidate will have the flexibility of taking an
additional elective.
c. Area of Concentration: At least 5 modules will be taken in an area of concentration.
These modules will be determined in consultation with the MTh Study Committee, and
may comprise both coursework and individual guided research.
STM Catalogue 2014 39
d. Electives: A total of 2 electives (excluding the exempted Core Module, if granted) may be
taken in an area outside of but related to the students area of concentration subject to
the approval of the MTh Study Committee.
e. Thesis: A thesis with a length of 20,000-30,000 words in English (excluding footnotes and
bibliography), written in the area of concentration, is required. If it is written in Chinese,
the length is 35,000-50,000 words. The thesis may be required to be defended in a viva
f. Requirement for Modules: Typically a paper of 5,000 words in English (or 8,500 words in
Chinese) is required for each module. In addition, a written exam, book reviews, or any
other suitable format of assessment may also be required as determined by the Course
Supervisor. The coursework can be taken based on the combination of any of the
Courses designed exclusively for advanced level studies;
MDiv/MMin/DMin courses which are being offered by the Course Instructor on an
advanced level for MTh students;
Independent guided study, or
Any other courses approved by the MTh Study Committee.
g. Approved Study Programme Plan: Upon matriculation, the student is required to meet
with the MTh Supervisor and the Director of Postgraduate Studies to establish a study
programme plan. This plan will list all the modules the student intends to complete in
order to fulfill his or her own programme requirements. A copy of the study programme
plan will be kept by the MTh Study Committee for degree tracking purposes.
h. Comprehensive Examination: After successful completion of the coursework prior to
writing the thesis, the student may be required to sit for a comprehensive examination.
The purpose of this examination is to test the students ability to integrate what he or she
has studied and to relate it to an Asian setting. The examination format may take a
written examination, an oral examination, or a combination of both. Total time allowed
for this examination is two periods of three hours each, or a total of six hours. The
questions for the comprehensive examination will be set by MTh Study Committee in
consultation with course instructors involved in the students study programme plan.
1.4 Postgraduate Research Seminars
All students are required to participate in the Postgraduate Research Seminars, held regularly
during the semester. Dates are normally announced in the beginning of each semester.
1.5 Medium of Instruction
The MTh is offered in both English and Chinese. Candidates should indicate their choice at
the time of application.
1.6 Duration of the Programme
a. Period of completion of study: A maximum of two years is allowed for full-time students
and a maximum of four years for part-time students. This period of completion of study
does not include work on prerequisites, or any pre-MTh requirements.
b. Full-time students may apply for a maximum of one year extension; part-time students
may apply for a maximum of two years extension. The approval for application for
extension is subject to the satisfactory progress made in the programme of studies.
c. A Continuation Fee of RM500 per year is payable upon application for any extension
beyond the period of completion. The Continuation Fee payable is in addition to the
payment of any outstanding tuition or thesis supervision fees.
STM Catalogue 2014 40
1.7 Admission Requirements
a. Applicants for enrolment to the MTh must hold a strong first theological degree (MDiv or
its equivalent) from a recognized institution with a CGPA of 3.2 and above (or an average
of B- and above based on STMs academic standard).
b. Applicants may be required to sit for an entrance examination.
c. Applicants must complete full application formalities.
d. Applicants specializing in OT or NT must demonstrate competency in Hebrew or Greek
respectively based on transcript evaluation and/or entrance examination.
e. Applicants where prerequisites for the MTh programme are lacking based on transcript
evaluation may be required to undertake the Pre-MTh programme in the relevant areas
of concentration. Please see the section on Pre-Master of Theology programme below.
f. English medium international applicants must possess English language competency:
TOEFL 575 paper-based, 233 computer-based, 91 internet-based; IELTS 6.5, or
g. Chinese medium international applicants must possess English language competency:
TOEFL 500 paper-based, 173 computer-based, 61 internet-based; IELTS 5.0, or
1.8 Entrance Examinations
The applicants may be required to demonstrate their potential for advanced postgraduate
theological study and their competence in the basic disciplines at the first degree level by
passing either a written examination, or an oral examination, or a combination of both, to be
decided by the MTh Study Committee.
The written examination may comprise up to three papers from different theological
disciplines which should include the area of concentration. These papers may include a
combination of research papers and on-site written examination. The typical length of a
research paper shall be 12-15 pages, sized A4 in double-spaced typescript. The papers must
demonstrate an acceptable level of critical reflection of the subject matter and knowledge of
the mechanics of paper writing (e.g. the use of footnotes, bibliography, etc).
The entrance examination may be written in English (for the English track) or Chinese (for the
Chinese track).
1.9 The Pre-Master of Theology Programme
The Pre-MTh provides a bridging programme to upskill prospective students seeking
admission to the MTh degree where prerequisites may be lacking based on transcript
evaluation or the results of the entrance examination. The subjects and total credit hours to
be taken are decided upon consultation with the MTh Supervisor and the MTh Study
Committee, and may take up to a maximum of 45-credit hour or an equivalent of 1.5 years of
full-time studies. In addition, further requirements such as Critical Reading and Writing,
Reading and Reasoning, Thesis Methodology, amonst others, may also be imposed.
The Pre-MTh programme does not lead to an award of any degree, nor can credits be
transferred to the MTh programme.
1.10 Submission Procedures
Please ensure that the following are sent together with your application form:
a. One recent passport-size photograph.
b. One copy of the official transcript of grades in applicants previous post-secondary school
studies (i.e. college, university and/or theological college).
c. One copy of Certificate of English language competency (TOEFL/IELTS), if applicable.
d. An up-to-date medical report, including chest X-ray report (applicable only for full-time
STM Catalogue 2014 41
e. Statement of intention of approximately 500 words stating your purpose in seeking
entrance to STM.
f. A study proposal for the intended research of approximately 2,000 words in English (or
3,000 words in Chinese).
g. Application fee: RM150 or US$50 (for international applicants).
h. International students will need to provide proof of funding in the form of bank draft
amounting to RM21,000 or US$7,000.
i. Any other documents that may be required by the Director of Postgraduate Studies.
j. You may download the full application pack from our website
1.11 Letters of Recommendation
a. Two Letters of Recommendation are required. The recommendations should be provided
by someone who knows you well and able to provide all the required information.
b. The first recommendation letter shall be from the Principal or a faculty member of the
seminary or theological college in which the applicant graduated. It should provide
information on the applicants academic standard, achievement, and ability to pursue the
MTh programme.
c. The second recommendation letter shall be from a senior official (Bishop, Moderator,
President, Senior Pastor, etc) of the applicants denomination or church. It should provide
information on the applicants personality, character, strength, etc.
d. Please request your referees to send the letter of recommendation directly to the
Director of Postgraduate Studies.
1.12 Application Deadline
Although the MTh is a research-based programme, and students may begin their studies
anytime, it is advisable that application be submitted at least 3 months before the intended
date of matriculation for Malaysians and 6 months for international applicants. We strongly
advise international students to begin their study at the beginning of our academic year
which falls on the first week of January.
1.13 Tuition Fees (as in 2012):
Application Fee (non-refundable) RM 150
Tuition Fees (RM800 x 8 modules) RM6,400
Thesis Supervision Fee RM3,200
Graduation Fee RM 300
Continuation Fee per year (if applicable) RM 500
Full-time students need to work out the budget for food and accommodation, book
allowance, etc. A sample budget can be supplied upon request.
1.14 Mailing Instructions
Application form, together with all the supporting documents stated in the Submission
Procedures and the application fee, should be sent to:
Rev Dr Tan Jin Huat
Director of Postgraduate Studies
STM, Lot 3011 Taman South East
70100 Seremban
Negeri Sembilan
([email protected])
Dr Elaine Goh (Chinese)
Assistant Director of Postgraduate Studies
STM, Lot 3011 Taman South East
70100 Seremban
Negeri Sembilan
([email protected])
STM Catalogue 2014 42
The application fee may be paid by cheque or bank draft in the name of Seminari
Theoloji Malaysia, or by telegraphic transfer or direct payment into STMs Public Bank
Account (3064759900).
The application pack may also be email to: [email protected].
Please note that if you submit your application via email, it will not be processed until the
application fee is received.
1.15 Appendix: List of Current Master of Theology Students
Name Field of Study FT/PT Advisor /s
Charity CHO Li-Ying New Testament (E) Part-time Dr Lim Kar Yong
Kalaimuthu A/L K.
Missiology (E)
Dr Joseph Komar
LEE Tan Peng Historical Theology (C) Part-time Dr Wong Tik Wah
LI Can En Systematic Theology (C)
Dr Wong Tik Wah
LIM Kar Tor Historical Theology (C) Part-time Dr Wong Tik Wah
LIM Sian Pheng Historical Theology (E) Part-time Dr Ong Meng Chai
MO Mee Kiu, Sarah Christian Spirituality (C)
Dr Wong Tik Wah
WONG Kow Cheong Old Testament (E) Part-time Dr Anthony Loke
WONG Yuk Soo Church History (E) Part-time Dr Tan Jin Huat
Shadid YOUNIS Historical Theology (E)
Dr Ong Meng Chai
TAN Kay Hoe Biblical Theology (E) Part-time Dr Ong Meng Chai
TEO Keng Yong New Testament (C) Part-time
Dr Ezra Kok (with
Ms Law Choon Sii)
1.16 Appendix: List of Master of Theology Graduates
Name Graduation Thesis Title
Jason Selvaraj
Freires Liberation Methodology in Adult Christian Education
in the Anglican church of West Malaysia
Bonnie Anak
Authentic Communication of the Gospel to the Iban in the
light of Their Religious World View
2002 The Pastoral Life and Practice of the Apostle Paul
2002 Towards a Social Trinitarian Theology of Family
TEE Heng
2003 False Teaching in Colossians and Pauls Response
Armin SUKRI 2005
Missionary Movements among the Bugis in the midst of
Islamic Resurgence in South Sulawesi
LAU King Lang 2005
Education For Community: Exploring the Faith Community
Model As An Alternate Approach For Church Education
STM Catalogue 2014 43
BAU Chian Hui 2006
New Wine in New Wine Skin: The Friendship Model of
Pastoral Care among the Possibly Postmodern Chinese Youth
in the Diocese of West Malaysia
Jamal Anak
Beyond the Church Walls: The Roles of the Iban Anglican
Christian Church Leaders in Nation Building in Sarawak,
Edwin AYABO 2007 The Temptation of Jesus: Matthew 4:1-11
LAW Choon Sii 2008
An Exegetical Study of Romans 2:12-16: Paul and Justification
by Law [Chinese]
Lal RAWN 2009
The Concept of Indwelling Presence of the Spirit-Paraclete in
Jesus Farewell Discourse in John 14-16
TAN Geok
2009 A Proposal for the Structure of Lukes Travel Narrative
Sivin KIT 2010
A Trinitarian Public Theology: Malaysian Churches and Civil
Francis WAN 2010
A Study of the Preaching Ministry from the Perspective of
Communication [Chinese]
Thomas CHIN
Shen Loong
Christian Nurture and Aging: Implications for Future Older
Adults Ministry in Malaysia
LEE Kong Yee 2011
Ministry of Evangelism and Social Action is Distinct, Yet One
Holistic Mission of the Salvation Army in Malaysia
The Ecclesiology of Luther and the Lutheran Confessions for
Lutheran Ecumenical Endeavors in Malaysia
The Gospel of Mark: The Crossing of Social Boundaries in the
Context of Miracle Narratives of Jesus Ministry
1.17 New Modular MTh Program in 2015:
We are devising a new MTh program (major in Biblical Studies) to be launched in 2015.
The Modular MTh program is an advanced postgraduate taught program especially
designed to provide specialized training for effective leadership and advanced theological
and research and teaching. It allows students to gain greater competency and skills in the
areas of research in biblical studies and interpretation. It is a good preparatory degree to
become a theological and biblical studies educator and researcher and for further
advanced research degrees such as the DTh and PhD.
Areas of Concentration: There will be three main areas of concentration namely, NT
Studies, OT Studies, and Biblical Interpretation.
If you are interested and wanted to know more, please contact the Dean of Studies, Rev
Dr Anthony Loke ([email protected])
STM Catalogue 2014 44
NT Studies OT Studies Biblical Interpretation
Compulsory (2) Research Methodology Research Methodology Research Methodology
Biblical Hermeneutics Biblical Hermeneutics Biblical Hermeneutics
Major (any 4) Gospel Studies Pentateuch Studies Philosophical
Pauline Studies Prophetic Studies Biblical Exegesis and
Greco-Roman Studies Wisdom Literature Biblical Theology
Jewish Studies Ancient Near Eastern
Theology of the Old
Apocalyptic (OT & NT) Apocalyptic (OT & NT) Theology of the New
Intermediate Greek Intermediate Hebrew Post-Modern
Interpretation of the
Set Text (NT) Set Text (OT) The Bible and Social
Elective (from other
Elective (from other
Elective (from other
Thesis Thesis (=2) Thesis (=2) Thesis (=2)
2. Doctor of Theology Programme (ATU)
2.1 Introduction:
The Doctor of Theology (DTheol) is a postgraduate research programme offered under ATU
(ATESEA Theological Union) with the following purpose:
To promote advanced theological research and reflection;
To encourage faculty development and academic careers in theological education;
To promote theological dialogue with societies and cultures and religions in Asia.
STM being one of the Centers for Theological Excellence recognised by ATESEA, we assist
ATU in providing supervision and library research.
Candidates can do the DTheol programme
in STM in either English or Chinese language.
2.2 Admisssions Requirement:
Applicants for admission must hold the SEAGST Master of Theology degree or its
equivalent from a recognized institution.
English medium applicants must possess English language competency: TOEFL 600
(Computer-based, 250); IELTS 7.5-8.0
The other Centers are Trinity Theological College, Singapore; Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia;
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jakarta, Indonesia; Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia; Lutheran Theological
Seminary, Hong Kong; Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Myanmar Institute
of Theology, Myanmar; Sabah Theological Seminar, Malaysia; Divinity School of Siliman University, Philippines;
Adventist International Institute of Advance Studies, Philippines; Tainan Theological College and Seminary,
STM Catalogue 2014 45
Chinese medium applicants must possess English language competency: TOEFL 500
(Computer-based, 173); IELTS 5.0
2.3 Programme of Studies:
The programme is designed to ensure that the candidates acquire the required tools for
scholarly competence in their field of studies, have exposure in the depth and breath of the
basic literature of the filed, and developed a working knowledge of the histories and cultures
of Asia.
2.4 Fields of study:
(a) Bible and Interpretations
Old Testament
New Testament
Asian Hermeneutics
(b) Theological Constructions in Asia
Contextual Interpretations of Faith
Theology of the Christian Tradition
Christian Ethics
History of Christianity
Asian Religions/Peoples Movements
(c) Religion, Culture and Life and Witness of the Church
Philosophy of Religion
Mission and Witness
Life and Witness of the Church
Christian Education
Liturgy and Worship
(d) Gender and the Marginalized
Gender Studies
Indigenous Communities Studies
2.5 Requirements for Graduation:
To graduate, candidates must successfully fulfill the following:
(a) Two Methodology Seminars, which will be conducted centrally by ATU;
(b) Three areas of research, in which papers pertaining to the chosen field are written;
(c) A comprehensive examination; and
(d) A dissertation of not more than 100,000 words.
2.6 Duration and Time Limitation:
The DTheol study programme is designed for completion within a minimum of three (3)
years and a maximum of six (6) years. A student may apply for a one (1) year extension
upon the approval of the ATU Senate.
The study in the area of concentration will normally take two academic years, and the
balance for individual research and writing.
2.7 Tuition and Fees:
(a) Application Fees: USD30 (from within the region); USD50 (from outside the region)
(b) Tuition Fees: RM9,600 (RM3,200 x 3 modules; charged by STM)
(c) Thesis Supervison Fee: RM6,400 (charged by STM)
(d) Graduation Fee: USD50 (charged by ATU)
(e) Graduation Fee: RM300 (charged by STM)
(f) Continuation Fee: RM1000 per year (charged by STM, if applicable)
STM Catalogue 2014 46
2.8 Formal applications for admission are to be sent to:
The Office of the Dean of ATU
Henry Luce III Library
Central Philippine University
Jaro, Iloilo City 5000
Email: [email protected]
For further details and registration for the Master of Theology, please contact our Director of
Postgraduate Studies, Rev Dr Tan Jin Huat ([email protected]).
If you are pursuing the degree program in Chinese, please contact the Assistant Director of
Postgraduate Studies, Dr Elaine Goh ([email protected]).
Rev Dr Tan Jin Huat Tan and Dr Elaine Goh can also assist you in finding out more about the DTheol
(ATU) programme.
STM Catalogue 2014 47
STM is the official ministerial training seminary of the Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian
churches. Denominationally approved or recommended students are normally given financial support
by their own Diocese or Annual Conference upon acceptance by the seminary. Usually the scholarships
granted by the churches are sufficient to cover the students tuition, accommodation, basic text books
and personal expenditure. These scholarships are administered by the respective churches, and
applicants should apply to their respective denominations. Private or self-financed students are also
encouraged to seek sponsorship from their local churches, friends and relatives.
Bumiputera students may apply to STM for scholarship assistance. Please write to the Principal.
At the moment, students at STM are charged less than 50% of the actual cost of their training. The
balance of the expenses for training comes from donations by supporting churches and church
The fees below, chargeable in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), are subject to changes.
For full-time students, fees must be paid at the beginning of the semester. For part-time programmes,
fees must be paid at registration for the course. All fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
1. In-Campus Programmes Fees
1.1 Full-time Church Sponsored Student per person per year
Tuition Fee
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Food Charges
3,150 3,150 3,150 3,150
Accommodation Charges
1,200 1,800 2,400 -
Hospitalization Insurance
450 450 450 450
Book Allowance
1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Pocket Allowance
1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Internet Fee & Use of Washing Machine
70 70 70 50
Total Fees 9,870 10,470 11,070 8,650
Own arrangement in consultation with the sponsoring church.
Tuition Fee is based on two (2) semesters. One semester is RM1,250.
Food charges are calculated based on RM15 per day (Monday to Friday) for 42 weeks. It includes Orientation,
Reading Week and Inter-semester Break. 1st semester: 24 weeks; 2nd semeseter: 18 weeks.
Accommodation charges are based on two (2) semesters. One semester is RM600 (twin sharing), RM900 (single)
and RM1,200 (married quarter).
Hospitalization Insurance is an estimate based on per year basis. This group hospitalization scheme under Zurich
Insurance Malaysia and the premium is determined by them.Those with medical card or hospitalization insurance
scheme have the option to opt out.
Book Allowance is based on two (2) semesters. One semester is RM500.
Pocket Allowance is based on RM150 per month.
Internet fees of RM50 and use of washing machine of RM20 are based on per year basis.
STM Catalogue 2014 48
1.2 Full-time Self-Financed Student per person per year
Tuition Fee
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Food Charges
918 918 918 198
Accommodation Charges
1,200 1,800 2,400 -
Hospitalization Insurance
450 450 450 450
Internet Fee & Use of Washing Machine
70 70 70 50
Total Fees 5,138 5,738 6,338 3,198
1.3 Other Fees
Application Fee (for non-church sponsored): RM20
Continuation Fee:
10% of annual tuition fee, i.e. RM250
Orientation Fee: RM100
Graduation Fee: RM100
1.4 Additional Fees and Expenses for International Students
For international student coming to STM to pursue theological education, please note
that you will need to apply for a Student Visa before leaving your country. The total cost
of getting the Student Visa varies according to the country you come from. You will need
to pay RM125-300 for a Student Visa. Please note that you must obtain the Student Visa
through us before coming to STM, otherwise, a levy of RM500 will be imposed by the
Malaysian Immigration Department.
On the other hand, you will also need to ensure that you have sufficient funds for daily
expenses during the Semester Break of STM. The fees shown above do not include your
daily expenses during the above-said period.
2. Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Programme
Application and Registration Fee: RM60
Course Fee for every 3 credit hour course: RM270
Audit Fee for every 3 credit hour course: RM135
Continuation Fee per year: RM50
Graduation Fee: RM100
Tuition fee is based on two (2) semesters. One semester is RM1,250.
Food charges is calculated based on breakfast (Monday to Friday) and Thursday community lunch for 36 weeks.
It excludes Reading Week and Inter-semester Break. 1st semester: 19 weeks; 2nd semeseter: 17 weeks. Additional
food charges will be collected for community meals whenever there is special occasion.
Accommodation charges is based on two (2) semesters. One semester is RM600 (twin sharing), RM900 (single)
and RM1,200 (married quarter).
Hospitalization Insurance is an estimate based on per year basis. This group hospiitalization scheme under Zurich
Insurance Malaysia and the premium is determined by them. Those with medical card or hospitalization insurance
scheme have the option to opt out.
Internet fee of RM50 and use of washing machine of RM20 are based on per year basis.
Own arrangement in consultation with the sponsoring church.
Continuation Fee is payable upon application for any extension beyond the normal duration of studies. This
fee is chargeable per year.
STM Catalogue 2014 49
3. Master of Ministry Programme
Application and Registration Fee RM 60
Course Fee for every 3 credit hour module RM 270
Audit Fee for every 3 credit hour course RM 135
Tuition Fee for full-time studies per year RM2700
Graduation Fee RM 100
Continuation Fee for part-time students per year RM 100
Continuation Fee for full-time students: 10% of annual tuition fee.
4. Doctor of Ministry Programme
Application and Orientation Fee RM 200
Course Fees:
MTh degree holder (based on 4 modules) RM3,600
MDiv degree holder (based on 8 modules) RM7,200
MMin degree holder RM9,000
Research Methodology RM 900
Thesis Supervision Fee RM2,700
Graduation Fee RM 300
Continuation Fee per year (if applicable) RM 900
5. Part-Time & Evening Classes Fees (In-Campus)
For audit (per credit hour) RM45
For credit (per credit hour) RM90
6. Master of Theology Programme
Application Fee (non-refundable) RM 150
Tuition Fees (RM800 x 8 modules) RM6,400
Thesis Supervision Fee RM3,200
Graduation Fee RM 300
Continuation Fee per year (if applicable) RM 500
7. Doctor of Theology Programme [ATU]
Application Fees: USD30 (from within the region); USD50 (from outside the region)
Tuition Fees: RM9,600 (RM3,200 x 3 modules; charged by STM)
Thesis Supervison Fee: RM6,400 (charged by STM)
Graduation Fee: USD50 (charged by ATU)
Graduation Fee: RM300 (charged by STM)
Continuation Fee: RM1000 per year (charged by STM, if applicable)
STM Catalogue 2014 50
STM Community & Spiritual Formation
Training for Christian ministry involves much more than academic study. Life at STM provides an
excellent inter-denominational, multinational and multi-ethnic context to relate to one another in love
and unity. Students are assigned to small pastoral groups led by faculty members, where they share
their personal concerns and pray for one another.
Students (as well as lecturers) participate in the spiritual and community life of the seminary including
worship services, engage in field education through placements in local churches, and share in weekly
pastoral groups. A three-day Annual Retreat is held at the beginning of the academic year and Quiet
Day is scheduled at the beginning of the second semester. Furthermore, in every semester, there is a
Day of Prayer and Fasting wherein the seminary community prays for some specific concerns.
The daily worship services help to put Christ Jesus at the centre of all things as we seek to express our
commitment to the Almighty God and our concerns for the world. The Anglican students and lecturers
are required to attend two extra worship services on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Social
and sports activities are a regular part of our community life. The sharing of physical chores in the
hostel, kitchen and garden helps to develop a sense of responsibility and accountability.
Through studies and community living, we seek to help students become mature and faithful servants
of God. Our aim is to provide a wholistic training that includes spiritual and character formation,
academic excellence and the development of pastoral-leadership skills. We want to cultivate scholars
on fire for the Lord.
Besides the seminary organised activities, the community is also encouraged to organise activities of
interest, such as Praise Dance, Spouse Support Group and Early Morning Prayers.
Though there are limitations in the building construction and landscape, we are committed to welcome
people who are physically challenged (OKU) to study in STM. Efforts are made to cater to the needs and
requests. We are also committed to welcome people who are infected with HIV/AIDS. Please refer to
the Appendix: Guidelines on HIV/AIDS.
STM Catalogue 2014 51
Library & Resources
The Library is an integral part of the ministry of STM, providing the necessary support facilities for
theological education and research. In line with STMs mission and objectives, the Library aims to
provide relevant resources, facilities and services to meet the academic and ministry needs of the STM
community and researchers. We also aim to serve as a research centre on church history and mission
history in Malaysia.
The Library currently holds over 55,000 titles in the various local languages, and receives about 250
journals and periodicals. We also have a reasonable collection of audio-visual materials and multimedia
resources (which include electronic reference works on CD-ROM). Our archival materials include works
on Malaysian Church History, personal libraries of former bishops and church leaders, and we are very
keen to acquire additional materials to further expand our collection. A microfiche collection relating to
mission work in Malaysia forms part of our archives, consisting of selected archives of the London
Missionary Society, the International Missionary Council, the Conference of British Missionary Societies,
the Christian Conference of Asia, as well as selected titles written in Chinese by early Protestant
missionaries to Mainland China. The Library also subcribes to ATLAS Online, an online bibliographical
search engine that provides the full-text articles of many scholarly journals.
To keep up with advances in information technology and knowledge management, the catalogue and
library management system were fully automated in the year 2000 and internet research facilities are
readily available.
As STM continues to develop and expand its community and academic programmes, the Library plans to
similarly develop and expand by increasing its holdings and improving its facilities in order to offer up-
to-date resources as well as a conducive environment for research.
Library external membership is open to STM associates, such as part-time STM students, TEE students,
STM alumni, lecturers and students from other theological seminaries, clergy, full-time church workers
and researchers (subject to terms and conditions). An annual membership fee plus a loan deposit will
be levied. For applications and further enquiries, please contact the Library ([email protected]).
STM Catalogue 2014 52
Relationships with the Wider Church
As a church-sponsored seminary, STM seeks to maintain close relationships of trust and accountability
with each of our sponsoring churches, namely, The Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia, The Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Malaysia, The Methodist Church of Malaysia, The Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia and
The Lutheran Church in Malaysia.
At the same time, STM sees herself as part of the Church at large and wishes also to maintain cordial
relationships with the wider Christian community locally and internationally. STM sees herself in a
servant relationship to the Church. We believe that STM has a vitally important role to play on behalf of
the Churches in this country, but we do not believe that we have all the answers to the needs and
challenges of the Christian community in our time. While the seminary has the responsibility to
maintain the standards necessary to a proper education for ministry, we seek to serve God and the
Church faithfully.
1. Financial Support
STM is supported only in part by the fees charged for students, full-time and part-time. The five
sponsoring churches pay an annual subscription each, and contribute by way of donations on which
we are dependent year by year. While some of our sponsoring denominations support by seconding
lecturers teaching in STM, we still need to raise financial support for other lecturers and staff
serving in the seminary.
We seek to be good stewards of the funds that are placed in our care by donors who often at some
considerable sacrifices recognise the importance of our mission for the future of the Christian
Church in Malaysia. We would not wish to presume on peoples generosity but seek to earn the
trust that we believe is essential to our task. As God has richly blessed us for the past many years, it
is our commitment that we will continue to strive to be faithful stewards.
2. STM Friends & Partners (STM)
We recognise that the effectiveness of our work depends very much on a ministry of prayer and we
are grateful to those who are particularly committed to us in this way. If you personally or your local
church would be interested in maintaining a closer parnership with what we are doing, please write
to us to express your interest in supporting our work. The term STM Friends refers to Christian
individuals; STM Partners refers to churches, companies or other organisations.
If you prefer communication in English, please write to our Communications Officer, Ms Denise Tan
([email protected]). If you prefer communication in Chinese, you can write to
[email protected].
3. STM Endowment-Trust Fund (STM)
This Fund was officially launched in 2009 during the 30
Anniversary Celebration. Under the
leadership of Pastor Richard Wong, the Chairperson of Endowment-Trust Fund Committee, and the
STM Catalogue 2014 53
enthusiasm of the Committee Members and bishops and presidents, we managed to share the
vision with some brothers and sisters and some have responded generously in giving to the
Endowment Fund.
We hope to recruit more donors to make endowment plans so as to generate revenue for greater
development: Endowment for a Chair for Professorship/Lectureship; Salary support for the faculty;
Acquisition of librarys research resources; Student Scholarship; General Fund, etc. Your kind
assistance in furnishing us with the names of potential donors is very much appreciated.
4. Involvement with Local Congregations
Students spend quite a bit of their training in local churches on Field Education and weekend
placements. This is an important way by which church members and pastors share in the task of
theological education. We hope that it is also a way in which our students contribute in return to
the churches that are sponsoring them.
Faculty members are also regularly requested to undertake preaching, teaching, Bible exposition
and speaking engagements in Sunday services, camps and seminars.
Churches can also invite faculty members to share on STM Sunday. You can write to the individual
lecturers directly and invite them to your church. Or, you can contact the Principal, Rev Dr Ezra Kok
([email protected]) or the Vice Principal, Canon Steven Abbarow ([email protected])
or Rev Tee Heng Peng ([email protected]). We will try our best to arrange a suitable person to
share with you the vision and mission of STM.
Besides invitation to share in local churches, our CTEE (based at Luther Center, 6 Jalan Utara,
Petaling Jaya) has been organising many special talks, Bible exposition and seminars for the
Christian public in the Klang Valley. The Director is Pastor Wong Moi Lee ([email protected]).
5. Relationships with Other Theological Seminaries
We see ourselves as part of the overall commitment to theological education and mission shown by
the Christian community in Malaysia and the South East Asia region. We do not regard ourselves in
competition, but rather in co-operation and fellowship. The major seminaries in this country have
formed a network called Malaysian Association of Theological Schools (MATS). We wish to further
develop inter-library loan facilities with other seminaries and we value the opportunity to exchange
lecturers from time to time.
STM is also a very active member of The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia
(ATESEA), the main theological education association for SEA. Through ATESEA and our supporting
denominations, STM builds up a good relationship with some prominent theological schools in Asia
and the West.
6. Relationships with the Public and Other Faiths
The establishment of The Institute of World Religions (IWR) under the auspices of STM is to provide
a means for Christians to better understand the people of other faiths in the local and global
context. IWR is not a consultative nor an advisory body but an academic centre in the interest of
intercultural and interreligious understanding. The primary role of IWR is to maintain standards of
its academic rigour in research and study. In order to equip ourselves to engage the society, IWR
engages in the collection of data, rigorous analyses and debate its own findings, and ergo the IWR is
a centre of learning.
Through IWR, seminars and public talks are organised for the Christian community and the public.
STM has also been invited by public universities and Islamic departments to engage in religious
STM Catalogue 2014 54
diaologue and better mutual understanding. The current Director is Rev Dr Joseph Komar
([email protected]).
7. Scholars on the Road ()
This is a new initiative by STM to promote solid scholarship and sound learning for laypeople in our
churches by making available our faculty to be facilitators and speakers at the local and district
levels. The STM lecturers are available to go on invitation to the churches which required
specialised help and training. To make full use of this channel, a local church can plan to organise
the training on a district or town level and invite surrounding churches to participate. Invitations
can be sent directly to the faculty members concerned and to work out the further details. STM is
making a list of their faculty and their expertise which can be offered to the churches. From 2013
onwards, this program is coordinated by the Communication and Development Department. Please
contact the Principal or the Principals Secretary, Ms Tham Soke Fong ([email protected]).
STM Catalogue 2014 55
To STM Friends & Partners
Dear STM Friends and Partners,
We would sincerely like to invite you to join us in the task we are undertaking for our Lord
Jesus Christ by becoming Friends and Partners of STM. STM Friends refers to Christian
individuals, while STM Partners refers churches, companies or organisations, which will
support us in our God-given mission of equipping Gods people for ministry and mission. You
can support us in the following ways:
1. Pray for us unceasingly. We can keep you informed through our newsletter Berita STM.
2. Prayerfully send us suitable men and women of God for full-time ministerial training in
response to Gods calling.
3. Theological education and training is expensive. If God moves you to contribute financially
to our needs, please use the form (STM Friends & Partners Reply Slip) attached.
4. You may consider setting aside a sum of money for the STM Endowment-Trust Fund to
meet the specific needs of STM.
5. Becoming a Friend of STM, you pledge to give a minimum amount of RM300 annually to
support the ministry of STM.
6. Becoming a Partner of STM, you as a church or company or organisation pledge to give a
minimum fixed amount of RM1000, RM5000, RM10,000 or more annually to support the
ministry of STM.
We are humbled by the enormity of the task ahead, and look to the Lord for His provision as
we step forward in this ministry by faith and confidence in Him. We also invite you to partner
with us in this worthwhile ministry in financial support and prayer.
Yours truly,
Rev Dr Ezra Kok
The Principal
STM Catalogue 2014 56
Reply Slip
The Principal
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Lot 3011 Taman South East
70100 Seremban
Negeri Sembilan
Dear Sir,
I/We would like to:
receive Berita STM: hard copy; e-copy
to know more about theological studies in STM.
to know more about the Endowment Trust Fund.
to become a Friend of STM and donate RM_________ per annum.
to become a Partner of STM and donate RM_________ per annum.
to give to the Endowment Trust Fund: RM_________
to donate to:
General Fund: RM_________
Library Fund: RM_________
Building Fund: RM_________
Faculty Development Fund: RM_________
Student Scholarship Fund: RM_________
Indigenous Student Scholarship Fund: RM_________
BM Program Fund: RM_________
* Enclosed please find a cheque of RM_________. (Please make the cheque payable to
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia)
* For direct transaction to STM Public Bank Account (3-0647599-00), please fax or email us
the deposit slip with your name and address.
Name (English): Chinese:
(Tan Sri/Puan Sri/Datuk/Datin/Bishop/Rev/Dr/Pastor/Mr/Mrs/Madam/Miss)
Tel: (O) Tel: (H)
HP: E-mail:
Preferred Language: English Mandarin
STM Catalogue 2014 57
Appendix: Major Faculty Publications
Barker, Paul A. Deuteronomy: The God who Keeps Promises. Melborne: Acorn Press, 1998. Reprint,
Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka SUFES, 2011. Chinese Translation:
Barker, Paul A. The Triumph of Grace: Faithful Yahweh and Faithless Israel in Deuteronomy. Carlisle:
Paternoster, 2004.
Barker, Paul A. The Roaring Lion: An Exposition of Amos .STM Series; Singapore: Genesis, Armour;
Seremban: STM, 2013.
Goh, W.F. Elaine. STMSingapore: Genesis,
Armour; Seremban: STM, 2013(Wisdom of Living in a Chaotic World: Readings on Ecclesiastes)
Hwa, Yung. Beyond AD 2000: A Call to Evangelical Faithfulness. Kuala Lumpur: Kairos Research Center,
Hwa, Yung. Mangoes or Bananas? The quest for an authentic Asian Christian theology. Regnum Studies
in Mission. Carlisle, England: Regnum Books International, 1997. Second reprint, 2004.
Kok, Ezra Hon Seng. The Truth of the Gospel: A Study in Galatians 2:15-21. Jian Dao Dissertation Series 7.
Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2000.
Kok, Ezra Hon Seng. 2003(A Study
Guide on The Epistle to the Galatians. Hong Kong: Logos, 2003)
Kok, Ezra Hon Seng. 30
2010(Heavenly Vision for Witness on Earth: A Commentary on Ephesians. Kuala
Lumpur: The Bridge Communications, 2010).
Kok, Ezra Hon Seng and Law Choon Sii. STM
Singapore: Genesis, Armour; Seremban: STM, 2013(Romans: Romans: Sentence Diagram
and Flow of Thought)
Lau, Peter. Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011.
Lau, Peter. The Book of Ruth: Risky Kindness. STM Series. Singapore: Genesis, Armour; Seremban: STM,
Lim, Kar Yong. The Sufferings of Christ Are Abundant in Us: A Narrative Dynamics Investigation of Pauls
Sufferings in 2 Corinthians. Library of New Testament Studies Series. London: T & T Clark, 2009.
Loke, Anthony Y.F. Job Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple. Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka SUFES,
Loke, Anthony Y.F. Proverbs Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple. Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka
SUFES, 2003. BM Translation: Memahami Kitab Amsal. Sabah: Seminari Teologi Sabah, 2007.
Loke, Anthony Y.F. Ecclesiastes Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple. Kuala Lumpur: Pustake
SUFES, 2010. Chinese Translation: Kuala
Lumpur: Faith Books, August Publishing, 2014.
Loke, Anthony Y.F. Passing the Baton: Meditations from Paul's Second Letter to Timothy. STM Series.
Singapore: Genesis, Armour; Seremban: STM, 2011.
Loke, Anthony Y.F. Lamentations Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple. Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka
SUFES, 2012.
STM Catalogue 2014 58
Solomon Rajah. Folk Hinduism: A Study on the Practice of Blood Sacrifice in Peninsular Malaysia from a
Christian Perspective. Manila: ATESEA, 2000.
Solomon Rajah. Symbols & The Church: The Relevance in the Malaysian Context. Kuala Lumpur: Council
of Churches of Malaysia, 2005.
Solomon Rajah. Violence and Peace: Some Asian Religious Thoughts and a Christian Perspective. Kuala
Lumpur: Council of Churches of Malaysia, 2007.
Solomon Rajah. Christian Guide to Indian Cultural Practices in Malaysia and Singapore. Kuala Lumpur:
Council of Churches of Malaysia, 2008.
Tan, Jin Huat. Preacher, Prepare Yourself! A manual for better preaching preparation. Kuala Lumpur:
Good News Resources, 2000.
Tan, Jin Huat. Brookes, the British, and Christianity Christian Missions and the State in Sarawak, 1841-
1963. STM Series. Singapore: Genesis, Armour; Seremban: STM, 2011.
Tan, Jin Huat. Planting an Indigenous Church: The Case of the Borneo Evangelical Mission. Regnum
Studies in Mission. Carlisle, England: Regnum Books International, 2011.
Walters, Albert Sundararaj. We Believe in One God? Reflections on the Trinity in the Malaysian Context.
Delhi: ISPCK, 2002.
Walters, Albert Sundararaj. Knowing Our Neighbour: A Study of Islam for Christians in Malaysia. Kuala
Lumpur: Council of Churches of Malaysia, 2007.
STM Catalogue 2014 59
Appendix: STM Alumni Association
1. Inception: The Alumni Association was established in 1989 with the aim of serving the Seminary and
the Alumni.
2. Purpose: The STM Alumni Association plays an important role in providing an informational network
for the Alumni.
3. Objectives
To strengthen fellowship between Alumni and to encourage each other in ministry.
To promote fellowship between Alumni, current students and faculty of STM.
To support and promote the work and ministry of STM.
4. Stay Connected: We are eager to stay connected. It is our hope that every student graduated from
STM will make the effort to continue to contribute to their alma mater by becoming active
members of the Alumni Association.
5. Membership
a. Life Membership
The subscription is RM100 per person.
Life-long learning and special discount for studies: 10% for Advanced Ministerial Study
Programme courses (MMin and DMin).
Special 50% discount for dormitory and guest room for personal retreat or family
retreat during non-peak season.
Distribution of free books and/or CD of seminars/talks held at STM.
Special discount for Eerdmans & ELT books (selection of recommended ones).
Access to ATLAs online journals.
b. Ordinary Membership
The subscription is RM10 per Year.
Distribution of free books and/or CD of seminars/talks held at STM.
6. Events: In making connection with fellow STM alumni, the Alumni Association organizes:
a. Alumni Homecoming Day (usually in early September)
b. Alumni Retreat (once in every two years)
7. Registration Form
The Form is available from the STM website, STM Office or the Alumni Association. Kindly send
your registration form with payment to:
STM Alumni Association
Lot 3011 Taman South East,
70100 Seremban.
All cheques should be made payable to Seminari Theoloji Malaysia.
8. Contact
For further enquiries, please contact the Association Chairperson Ms Anna Tan or the
Association Advisor, Canon Margaret Chen at [email protected].
STM Catalogue 2014 60
Appendix: STM Guidelines on HIV/AIDS
Introduction: In line with recent approval by the STM Council on future admission of people known to
have HIV/AIDS as student of STM community, the following guidelines should be strictly adhered to by
all members of the STM community.
1. There should be no discrimination of any kind by anybody toward any person who may suffer from
2. All are required to assist in helping any such person to assimilate himself/herself into the STM
3. A person who suffers from HIV/AIDS is required to disclose it in his or her application to study in
STM. Upon acceptance, the Dean of Students shall inform the STM community.
4. Should any person from the STM community be found to have HIV/AIDS, he or she is required to
inform the Dean of Students immediately.
5. Members of the STM community who refuse to work with person who has HIV/AIDS will be
counseled and educated and if necessary, appropriate action may be taken.
6. All members of the STM community should habitually practice universal precaution at all times such
as using gloves when coming into contact with blood.
7. To minimize infecting HIV/AIDS person, avoid sneezing or any other behavior which may result in
spreading virus or germs to the person who is much more vulnerable to infection than other
8. Remember, HIV virus does not spread by hand-shaking, sharing of cutlery, food or drink, hugging,
insect bite etc. The virus must get into the blood stream of a person before it becomes dangerous.
9. Please read up about HIV/AIDS so that you would not be ignorant or have unfound misconceptions
about the disease.
Circular dated: 18 October, 2006.