APU Project Handbook

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Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

Asia Pacific University of Technology &

Project Handbook

Information Technology Programmes
Interactive Entertainment Programmes
Applied Information Technology Programmes

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................4
2. Project Processes...........................................................................................................................5
2.1. uration...............................................................................................................................5
2.2. Assess!ent..........................................................................................................................5
". Project #es$onsi%ilities................................................................................................................5
".1. #es$onsi%ilities of a final year $roject student&..................................................................5
".2. #es$onsi%ilities of a su$ervisor are to&................................................................................'
".". #es$onsi%ilities of the second !ar(er are to&......................................................................'
".4. The Project )eader...............................................................................................................'
".5. Project Ad!inistrators.........................................................................................................*
".'. Project Tea!........................................................................................................................*
4. Project #e$ort...............................................................................................................................+
4.1. Project re$ort style...............................................................................................................+
4.2. Project re$ort structure........................................................................................................+
5. Project escri$tion.......................................................................................................................,
'. Project Assess!ent.......................................................................................................................,
*. Project -u%!ission & ./tensions................................................................................................,
A$$endi/ A & Project Tea! .................................................................................................................11
A$$endi/ 2 & Project escri$tion and -uggested Titles ....................................................................11
A$$endi/ C & raft Project Pro$osal .................................................................................................1"
A$$endi/ & Project -$ecification 3or!............................................................................................14
A$$endi/ . & Ti!elines ......................................................................................................................15
A$$endi/ 3 & 4ini!u! #e5uire!ents for Investigation6 Analysis & esign #e$ort.......................21
A$$endi/ 7 & 4ini!u! #e5uire!ents for 3inal #e$ort ..................................................................2"
A$$endi/ 8 & Project #e$ort 3or!at..................................................................................................25
A$$endi/ I & Title Page .......................................................................................................................2'
A$$endi/ 9 & #eferencing ...................................................................................................................2*
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
1. Introduction
:ne of the !ost challenging as$ects for an undergraduate degree is underta(ing the
3inal ;ear Project <3;P=. .ach student !ust co!$lete his > her 3;P ?here he > she is
e/$ected to a$$ly the (no?ledge and s(ills gained through !odules that ?ere covered
as ?ell as ne? (no?ledge and s(ills ?hich ?ere discovered and develo$ed during the
duration of the $roject. The $roject !ust involve the investigation6 analysis6
develo$!ent and testing of a solution for a real@?orld $ro%le! in a !anaged a$$roach
?ithin the given ti!e fra!e. It is necessary for the student to de!onstrate acade!ic
a%ility <i.e. critical analysis so!e of the !odels and theories= and $ractical s(ills <for
e/a!$le design6 fianancial analysis and $rogra!!ing= ?ith an e5ual e!$hasis.
This is a !ajor $iece of ?or( that is the e5uivalent of three !odules and is ?orth 11.5
credits at )evel ". Therefore6 it is e/$ected that student ?ill s$end a%out 421 hours
?or(ing on the $roject over the t?o se!esters. The first se!ester ?ill consist of t?o
$roject related !odules na!ely the Investigations !odule and $art of the Project
!odule. Contact hours for %oth the !odules in the first se!ester ?ould co!$rise of
scheduled %riefings ?ith $roject tea! !e!%ers and su$ervisory !eetings ?ith an
a$$ointed $roject su$ervisor.
All the $rojects %y students fro! the Infor!ation Technology6 Interactive
.ntertain!ent and A$$lied Infor!ation Technology $rogra!!es should contain a large
enough ele!ent of soft?are de!onstrating that the student can $roduce a delivera%le
a$$ro$riate for the a?ard > $rogra!!e the student is in. It !ust %e stressed that the
$roject delivera%les !ust %e of the studentAs o?n ?or(. Any atte!$t to co$y anotherAs
?or(6 or to re$resent anotherAs ?or(6 as %eing your o?n ?ill %e dealt ?ith severely
under APIITAs regulations regarding $lagiaris!.
All the relevant !aterials6 such as raft Project Pro$osal 3or! <PP3=6 Project
-$ecification 3or! <P-3=6 docu!entation guidelines and slides used in %riefings
B is !ade on availa%le on !!"#E ?hich is accessi%le fro!
APU Project Assessment and $%idance !nline &APU PA$!#' shall %e used %y all
final year $roject students to su%!it their P-3s online as ?ell as to !aintain an
online diary ?hich can %e vie?d %y su$ervisors and second !ar(ers in order to
!onitor the studentAs $rogress.
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
2. Project Processes
()*) "%ration
-tudents ?ill co!$lete the $roject over TC: <2= se!esters B Project
Ti!elines in A$$endi/ .. -tudents are re!inded to constantly refer to the
ti!elines furnished during the co!!ence!ent ?ee( for further details. Any
changes to the ti!elines and > or datelines ?ill %e !ade (no?n to the
students via e!ail and > or during the $roject %riefings.
()() Assessment
The $roject is a very i!$ortant $art of the undergraduateAs degreeD it
accounts for 25E of the !ar(s at level ". As such the A?ard 2oard tends to
treat the $roject !odules differently fro! other !odules at level ". It may
also e+ercise its discretion by applying compensation to project
mod%les less genero%sly than it might do for other mod%les. ,t%dents
-o%ld need to bear this in mind -hen allocating their effort bet-een
their ./P and other mod%les)
In co!!on ?ith all ?or( at )evels 2 and " the $roject is su%ject to
!oderation %y internal e/a!iners as ?ell as e/ternal e/a!iners fro! %oth
-U and universities a$$ointed %y -U. This is designed to safe guard the
standards of the degree as ?ell as to $rotect the studentsA interests.
3. Project Responsibilities
0)*) 1esponsibilities of a final year project st%dent2
efine an a$$ro$riate area of investigation>research.
Arrange6 $re$are for and attend regular !eetings ?ith his > her
su$ervisor and record such !eetings in the online diary on APU
PA7:) and the Project )og -heet.
Co!$lete and su%!it the draft $roject $ro$osal for!.
Co!$lete and su%!it the Project -$ecification 3or! using the APU
Co!$lete and su%!it the a$$ro$riate .thics 3or! %efore carrying out
the research.
Plan6 carry out6 !anage and docu!ent the investigation and $roject
?or( and !aintain a file of such ?or(.
-u%!it the Investigations6 Analysis and esign re$ort at the s$ecified
Attend the -igning :ff )earning Contract session ?ith his > her
su$ervisor to get feed%ac( on the research done to date
evelo$ and test his > her artefact and $rovide su$$orting
docu!entation of the ?or( done.
-u%!it the docu!entation in the correct for!at %y the s$ecified
Present his > her artefact and discussion of the ?or( done.
0)() 1esponsibilities of a s%pervisor are to2
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
iscuss ?ith su$ervisee and thereu$on agree on a learning contract of
the 3;P that the student ?ill e!%ar(6 including !ethods6 delivera%les6
!ilestones and !eetings
2e availa%le6 ?here $ossi%le6 for regular $re@scheduled su$ervisory
!eetings ?ith the su$ervisee and6 %y a$$oint!ent at other ti!es6 either
through )ecturer Consultaiton -yste! or e!ail6 ?ithin reasona%le ti!e
fra!e in relation to the learning contract.
Provide su$ervisee ?ith reasona%le assistance in o%taining access to
advice6 !aterial and resources ?ith ?hich to carry out the $roject.
Provide su$ervisee ?ith reasona%le su$$ort and advice on !anaging6
docu!enting and $resenting the $roject.
A$$rove > #eject PP3 > P-3. If PP3s are to %e rejected6 the su$ervisor
shall advise the students accordingly %efore the student $re$ares the
.nsure that any changes to the $roject $ro$osal and s$ecification6
?hich ?ere discussed and agreed u$on %y %oth the su$ervisor and
second !ar(er6 are !ade and adhered to %y the su$ervisee.
0)0) 1esponsibilities of the second marker are to2
4ar( and co!!ent of P-3
Together ?ith the su$ervisor6 !ar( and $rovide reasona%le co!!ents
in the Investigation6 Analysis and esign re$ort on ho? the $roject and
research can %e i!$roved.
Together ?ith the su$ervisor6 !ar( the 3;P B artefact6 docu!entation
and $resentation.
0)3) The Project anager
The overall role of the Project 4anager is to !anage the $rocess. 4ore
s$ecifically the res$onsi%ilities ?ill include&
advising ne? su$ervisors and second !ar(ers as to ?hat is e/$ected of
the! and the $roject in relation to the a?ardD
%riefing the students at the start of the a?ard on $roject $rocesses and
?hat is an acce$ta%le $rojectD
receiving the $roject $ro$osals <PP3s=D
consulting ?ith the 7rou$ )eader on the allocation of $rojects to the
acade!ic grou$s. -taff loads ?ithin each grou$ to %e !onitored using
APU PA7:). The $ro$osals <PP3s= ?ill %e for?arded to the a$$ointed
!a(ing sure that all the PP3s6 P-3s and -igning :ff )earning Contracts
have %een assessed ?ithin a reasona%le ti!e $eriod and a$$ro$riate
feed%ac( have %een given %ac( to the su$erviseesD
!onitoring the su$$ort given to the students %y their su$ervisorsD
!onitoring of confor!ance to datelines and re$orting non
confor!ances to the acade!ic grou$ headsD
ensuring that the !ar( s$readsheet is availa%le for the !odule and
a?ard %oardsD
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
ensuring the necessary facilities and assistance is $rovided to students
?ho fail and ?ould need to reta(e the $rojectD
!aintaining the APU PA7:) syste!
0)4) Project Administrators
APU has designated t?o $ersons <4s. Cho? ;ee 4ei and 4s Punitha=
fro! the ad!inistration to !anage day@to@day $rojects !atters as follo?s&
<i= #es$onsi%le for scheduling of -igning :ff )earning Contracts and
final $resentations
<ii= -ending out letters
<iii= Advise on $ay!ent of fees related to referrals
<iv= Ad!inistration of certain functionalities ?ithin APU PA7:)
4iss. ;ee 4ei can %e contacted at yee.!eiFa$u.edu.!y <e/t. 51"*=
4iss. AGiGatun Hahariah 2inti Alias can %e contacted at
AGiGatunFa$u.edu.!y <e/t. 512'=
4iss.Punitha can %e contacted at $unitha.aru!uga!Fa$u.edu.!y <e/t.
0)5) Project Team
The Project Tea! consists of the follo?ing lecturers ?ho you !ay
additionally consult in the a%sence of the Project 4anager<s= and > or your
su$ervisor. ;ou !ay also !eet the! to o%tain insights6 suggestions or
advice $ertaining to your $roject.
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
4. Project Report
Underta(ing a $roject is not a se5uence of unrelated activities. A good $roject is %ased
on a syste!atic6 ?ell@!anaged or IengineeredI a$$roach ?ith a sound $hiloso$hical
foundation. The funda!ental $rinci$al of carrying out an effective $roject is to !atch
the $roject $lan to the resources that are availa%le for its co!$letion. isru$tion to the
$roject can %e !ini!ised %y setting a realistic ti!e scale for co!$leting the activities
and for $resenting the delivera%les in a ?ay that ta(es into account any other
co!!it!ents. All of this has to %e docu!ented in the $roject re$ort <the !ajor
delivera%le=6 ?hich ?ill %e handed in at the su%!ission date.
3)*) Project report style
The re$ort should %e ?ritten in a for!al style in the third $erson for!. 3or
instance6 IIt ?as found that...I is e/$ected instead of II found that...I. Careful
attention should %e $aid to the use of gra!!ar and correct s$elling6 and
students are encouraged to use such aids as are availa%le for this $ur$ose.
;ou are e/$ected to use italics for ?ords in languages other than .nglish
<e.g. pro forma= and ca$itals to %egin $ro$er nouns <e.g. 4- Cindo?s=. If
you ?ish to $ara$hrase or co!!ent on another authorIs ?or(6 a$$ro$riate
reference should %e !ade according to the 8arvard syste! <A$$endi/ 9=.
This also a$$lies to !aterial gained fro! electronic sources such as the
Corld Cide Ce%6 although students are re!inded that such sources are
often not refereed and !ay not have the sa!e authority as acade!ic
If a direct 5uote <i.e. the use of another authorIs e/act ?ords= is !ade6 this
should %e $laced in 5uotation !ar(s and references ?ith the $age nu!%er
on ?hich they a$$ear in the source docu!ent. )ong 5uotations should %e
used s$aringly and only ?hen they are $articularly relevant. -tudents are
re!inded not to use diagra!s > i!ages ?ithout first o%taining the
$er!ission fro! the necessary source. -tudents are re!inded of the
i!$ortance of originality and conse5uences of $lagiaris!.
3)() Project report str%ct%re
The range of $roject titles covers a variety of to$ic areas ?ith different
e!$hases6 therefore i!$ossi%le to %e $rescri$tive a%out the organisation of
$roject docu!entation. 8o?ever6 it is $ossi%le to suggest a general
structure for a Ity$icalI co!$uting $roject re$ort for %oth the Investigations6
Analysis and esign #e$ort and the 3inal #e$ort B see A$$endices 36 7
and 8
It is $articularly i!$ortant to $ay attention to the structure of the re$ort6 as
a $oorly structured docu!ent is unli(ely to do justice to the contents in
ter!s of assess!ent.
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
. Project !escription
A %rief descri$tion of ?hat is e/$ected of your final year $roject according to your
a?ard and > or s$ecialisation6 as ?ell as its the!e and an u$dated list of 3;P titles
are availa%le in A$$endi/ 2
". Project #ssessment
The APU Project Assess!ent 4ar(ing -che!e <APU PA4-= B ?ill %e used to
deter!ine the !ar(s to %e a?arded. It should %e noted that you are re5uired to $ass
each !odule of the $roject. If yo% fail to achieve a !ar( lo?er than 51E in any
!odule it is li(ely that you !ay %e re5uired to re?or( and resu%!it that !odule as
?ell as $ay a referral fee.
$. Project %ubmission & '(tensions
A soft co$y of the $roject on a J <or C= containing the i!$le!entation and
docu!entation !ust %e su%!itted either %efore6 or on6 the su%!ission date. Kindly
refer to A$$endi/ 8 for re$ort for!at.
)ate su%!issions ?ill not %e acce$ted <i.e. dee!ed an auto!atic fail= unless there are
e/tenuating circu!stances involved that are %ac(ed@u$ ?ith evidence.
./tenuating circu!stances usually consist of an inca$acitating illness or events that are
outside the studentAs control ?hich !a(es study very difficult <for e/a!$le6 a death in
the fa!ily=. Please ens%re yo% s%bmit a f%lly completed E+ten%ating
Circ%mstances .orm)
;ou !ay also defer su%!ission date if your circu!stances significantly change during your $eriod of
registration. 8o?ever6 any defer!ent should %e a$$lied for at least one !onth %efore the actual
su%!ission date. -hould the re5uest to defer the su%!ission is anything less than a !onth fro! the
actual su%!ission date6 the student ?ould %e re5uired to su%!it a completed E+ten%ating
Circ%mstances .orm -ith the necessary evidence)
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ A 6 Project Team
<i= 4r avid Tan & 4s -al!iah B s$ecialising in 0et?or( Co!$uting and IT in
0et?or( Co!$uting
<ii= 4r Au ;it Cah B s$ecialising in 4o%ile Technology
<iii= r Ali B s$ecialising in 3orensic Co!$uting6 Infor!ation -yste!s -ecurity6
Co!$uter -ecurity and igital 3orensics
<iv= 4s Khalida B s$ecialising in .nter$rise Co!$uting
<v= 4r Kesava & 4r -iva Chelliah B s$ecialising in -oft?are .ngineering
<vi= 4r 0icholas & 4r )eong -?ee Kee B s$ecialising in 2usiness Infor!ation
-yste!s6 Techno$reneurshi$6 2usiness Infor!ation Technology6 .@Co!!erce6
2usiness Co!$uting
<vii= 4s 4ary & 4s Jinothini B s$ecialising in Intelligent -yste!s and Infor!ation
<viii= 4r 8arsha #ao B s$ecialising in 7a!es evelo$!ent and 7a!e esign.
<i/= 4r 8arsha #ao & 4r 0aresh B s$ecialising in Ce% 4edia Technology6
4ulti!edia Technology6 igital Audio6 Co!$uter 7ra$hics & I!aging6 and
</= 4r Cong Chung Cei B s$ecialising in Ce% Progra!!ing & Internet
</i= 4r -elva(u!ar B s$ecialising in ata%ase Ad!inistration & 4anage!ent
</ii= 4r .hsan #ana B s$ecialising in Co!$uter -cience
</iii= 4rs K?an B s$ecialising in Co!$utational 4athe!atics and Industrial
</iv= 4s Hety 4arlia B s$ecialising in Technology in Teaching and )earning
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ 7 6 Project "escription and ,%ggested Titles
7,c &Hons' in ,oft-are Engineering
4ain The!e&
-oft?are .ngineering $rojects are develo$!ental $rojects underta(en in a structured
organiGed a$$roach leading to the develo$!ent of a co!$uter a$$lication ?hich includes not
only the develo$!ent of soft?are and hard?are syste!s6 %ut also of $rocess !odels6 !ethods
and algorith!s. It !ay ?ell include evaluation6 re5uire!ents docu!entation6 designs6
analyses and fully docu!ented test results6 along ?ith user !anuals or guides.
.!$hasis is $laced on the develo$!ent and evaluation of a $iece of soft?are follo?ing a
$articular $rocess !odels that generate interi! evaluator docu!entation. An analysis <e.g.
of user re5uire!ents= and a for!al design is e/$ected6 ?ith a so$histicated i!$le!entation
evaluated against a %alance of technical and functional criteria.
-a!$le Projects&
Project 4anage!ent #esource :$ti!iGation -yste!
8u!an #esources 4onitoring -yste!
ocu!ent Creator and 4anage!ent -yste!
8o!e -ecurity -urveillance -yste!
7,c &Hons' in Enterprise Comp%ting
4ain The!e&
evelo$!ent of a technical solution to an enter$rise co!$uting $ro%le!6 %ut the range is
restricted to enter$rise soft?are <a$$lication develo$!ent=6 real@ti!e syste!s6 data%ase
syste!s6 infrastructure and ro%ust technologies.
A$$lication area ?hich is a!ena%le to i!$rove!ent %y the enter$rise co!$uting solution
?hich identifies co!!on $ro%le! do!ains ?ithin a %usiness and $rovides a shared
infrastructure as a solution for those identified $ro%le!s.
-a!$le Projects&
An .nter$rise Intranet -yste! for Asset 4anage!ent
An .nter$rise -yste! for Phar!aceutical Products istri%utions
)ive -toc( ata%ase -yste!
Custo!er@centric Advertise!ent 2oard in -ocial 0et?or(
7,c &Hons' in IT -ith ,pecialism in 8et-ork Comp%ting
4ain The!e&
Production of a syste!6 tool or a$$lication that is ?ell docu!ented a%le to solve real ?orld
net?or( $ro%le!s availa%le in any Infor!ation Technology industry.
evelo$ing the $roject in one of the follo?ing do!ains& net?or( !onitoring6 net?or(
analysis6 net?or( !anage!ent6 net?or( auditing6 and net?or( issues.
-a!$le Projects&
0et?or( !onitoring syste! co!!unication
ata centraliGation syste! over net?or(
An A$$lication of -hortest Path 3irst Algorith! <-P3= in Intelligent Jacation
A net?or( a$$lication of a!%ulance routing
0et?or( la% !anage!ent syste!
Personal entertain!ent net?or( syste!
0et?or( auditing !anage!ent syste!
0et?or( load distri%ution and %alancing syste!
CAP #eservation -yste!
Cireless 0et?or( Theft 4onitoring -yste!
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
0et?or( -erver 4onitoring -yste! in )ocal Area 0et?or(s
0et?or( Perfor!ance Analysis -yste!
7,c &Hons' in 8et-ork Comp%ting
4ain The!e&
evelo$!ent of a technical solution and ?ell docu!ented net?or( co!$uting
reco!!endations to solve real ?orld net?or( $ro%le!s availa%le in any industry.
-tudents e/$ected to sho? ho? to test and solve real net?or( $ro%le!s such as net?or(
routing $rotocols and algorith!s6 net?or( resources and services $ro%le!s6 net?or(
!echanis!s6 tools and a$$lications to !onitor and analyse net?or( issues.
-a!$le Projects&
Analysis of yna!ic 0et?or( #outing Protocols
#e!ote -erver Control %y des(to$ through Internet
Cireless Integrated -yste! for .fficient #estaurant
:nline net?or( device controller
0et?or( sto$?atch
Auto!atic IP allocation detection for institution la%s
3inding the Luic(est Ti!e #oute using the ij(straAs Algorith!
7,c &Hons' in Technoprene%rship
4ain The!e&
evelo$!ent of a technical solution to an entre$reneurshi$ $ro%le!
Using a$$ro$riate technologies such as ?e% develo$!ent6 !o%ile technology6 social !edia6
data%ase !anage!ent6 data !ining6 or any other $ertinent technologies learned throughout the
%achelor degree $rogra!!e6 student ?ill develo$ a $rototy$e of the $ro$osed solution in a
si!ulated environ!ent in an entre$reneurshi$ $ers$ective6 ?hich consist of areas such as
%usiness !anage!ent6 su$$ly chain !anage!ent6 e@co!!erce6 !ar(eting6 custo!er relationshi$
!anage!ent6 and other areas suggested %y students $rovided it is relevant to the s$ecialis!.
-a!$le Projects&
.@Co!!erce -yste! .nhance!ent for Keith .ye)a%
3uel Inventory 4onitoring -yste! using -4-
APIIT )i%rary 4o%ile Custo!er #elationshi$ 4anage!ent -yste!
7,c &Hons' in 7%siness Information Technology
4ain The!e&
evelo$!ent of a technical solution to a %usiness !anage!ent $ro%le!
Using a$$ro$riate technologies such as ?e% develo$!ent6 !o%ile technology6 social !edia6
data%ase !anage!ent6 data !ining6 or any other $ertinent technologies learned throughout the
%achelor degree $rogra!!e6 student ?ill develo$ a $rototy$e of the $ro$osed solution in a
si!ulated environ!ent in a %usiness !anage!ent $ers$ective6 ?hich consists of areas such as e@
co!!erce6 su$$ly chain !anage!ent6 $rocure!ent6 5uality !anage!ent6 e@learning6 and other
areas suggested %y students $rovided it is relevant to the s$ecialis!.
-a!$le Projects&
KK 4art .@Co!!erce Portal and elivery -yste!
8ealth0et B A Cell%eing :nline Co!!unity and 8ealthcare 2usiness Portal
:nline .@Tuition
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ C 6 "raft Project Proposal
Draft Project Proposal Form
,t%dent 8ame2
,t%dent 8o2
Email Address2
Programme 8ame2
Title of project2
Please record which modules your topic is related to:
This is the draft proposal of yo%r ./P -hich needs to be s%bmitted to the project administrator
by hardcopy 6 refer to yo%r timeline for s%bmission deadline)
*) Introd%ction
Assume the reader has very little knowledge of the subject.
Introduce the topic, the sector of business/industry concerned and how the project relates to it.
Define the context of the problem and identify the research reuired to solve it.
() Problem ,tatement
Identify past and current work in the subject area.
!utline the key references to other people"s work, indicate for the most pertinent of these how
your proposal relates to the ideas they contain.
0) Project Aims and !bjectives
Identify the AI#$s% of the project, i.e. what the overall achievement is intended to be, in terms of
both academic and commercial/industrial advances.
Identify the particular intellectual difficulties posed by the proposal, the problems to be
addressed, and explain how these might be solved.
&learly list individual measurable !'()&*I+), which can be related to the workplan and
Aims and objectives are subject to approval from supervisor and students are expected to
revise them if deemed inappropriate for a -evel . project.
3) "eliverables
/rovide a clear list of the outputs from the project.
Project 8and%oo(
)**ice Record
ate #eceived&
#eceived %y ?ho!&
-tudent na!e&
-tudent nu!%er&
#eceived %y&
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ " 6 Project ,pecification .orm &P,.'
A. Project Title.
B. Brief description on project background.
(.i.e. problem context, rationale, description of problem area,
nature of challenge)
C. Brief description of project objecties.
(i.e. scope of proposal and delierables)
!. Brief description of the resources needed b" the proposal.
(i.e. hard#are, soft#are, access to information $ expertise, user
inolement etc.)
%. Academic research being carried out and other information,
techni&ues being learnt.
(i.e. #hat are the names of books "ou are going to read $ data
sets "ou are going to use)
3. Brief description of the deelopment plan for the proposed project.
(i.e. a general description of the deelopment plan, the major
areas of functions to be deeloped and the order in #hich
'. Brief description of the ealuation and test plan for the proposed
(i.e. #hat is the success criteria and ho# #ill be ealuated (
implementation #ill be tested, indicate the estimated si)e of the
demonstration$test database)
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Appendi+ E 6 Timelines
Timelines for APU .inal /ear Project
Investigations: Analysis and "esign &,emester *'
Information Technology ; Interactive Entertainment ; Applied IT Programmes
DATE (Week
EVENT Student Activity Reference
Session 1
!"# $o%%ence%ent Briefing
Set timescale for conducting work and review of milestones
Read description and requirements of project specialism
from Project Handbook.
ommence preliminary research on suitable topic for project
!iscuss with lecturer and"or #$ staff to obtain inputs on
specific topic and"or research interest during session with
Preparation of !raft Project Proposal %PP&'
Project Handbook
Staff !irectory:
'i(estone 1
Draft #ro)ect #ro*osa( Su+%ission
Assigning of su*ervisors and
second %arkers
!ownload draft proposal
form from ())!*+
Su*ervisor $(inic #ro*osa(
.ttend supervisor clinic / see timetable for venue and time
Refer to .P0 P.1)* "
email to know who your
supervisor is.
Session &
#ro)ect S*ecification Writing
Prepare draft Project Specification %PS&'
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

%ession 3:
%upervisory +eetin, - Project
%peci*ication .ritin,
Prepare +thics form
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
-og ,heet
Su*ervisory 'eeting 0 Et1ics !or%
2 #ro)ect S*ecification Writing
'i(estone &
Et1ics !or% (#art 1)Su+%ission
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
Submission of Et1ics !or% (#art 1) after obtaining
supervisor2s signature.
+nsure you make a photocopy of the signed +thics &orm
which must be included in the $nvestigation Report and the
project documentation.
.P0 P.1)*
*og Sheet
+ilestone 3:
Project ,pecification .orm ,%bmission
ompletion and submission of PS& .P0 P.1)*
*og Sheet
Session .
#ro)ect O+)ectives and #ro)ect
Su*ervisory 'eeting 0 #ro)ect
O+)ectives and #ro)ect
3egin research plan and initial research to produce hapter
4 of the documentation
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
$f PS& was rejected by supervisor or advisor5 immediately
meet your supervisor or Project *eader
Log Sheet
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
5 6 11
Session 7
Researc1 0 8iterature Revie- 9
Secondary Researc1 9 #ri%ary
Su*ervisory 'eeting 0 Researc1
Proceed with research
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
Remember to get questionnaire " survey " interview
questions and " or observation " e-periment checklists
approved by supervisors before carrying out primary
Submission of Et1ics !or% (#art &) after obtaining
supervisor2s signature.
*og Sheet
Session /
Ana(ysis 2 Design
Su*ervisory 'eeting 0 Ana(ysis 2
Proceed with .nalysis and !esign
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
Supervisors to create turnitin accounts for supervisees
*og Sheet
Session 3 Docu%entation 2
#resentation Re:uire%ents
Su*ervisory 'eeting 0 Ana(ysis 2
omplete $nvestigations5 .nalysis and !esign report
$nsert completed documentation into #urnitin and make
changes where necessary
'i(estone .
Su+%ission of ;nvestigation<
Ana(ysis and Design Re*ort
1o through Project Handbook to ensure report is in the right
format including cover page.
Report must be submitting along with Signing )ff *earning
ontract form %carboni6ed version provided along with the
commencement pack' during orientation week.
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
17 6 1/ Signing Off 8earning $ontract
3oth supervisor and second marker mark and provide
feedback on the $nvestigations5 .nalysis and !esign Report
See schedule posted at 7ebspace " sent via email to know
the actual date and time you will have to meet your
supervisor for the Signing )ff *earning ontract
$f your name does not appear on the schedule5 send an email
to your Project *eader
&eedback given to student and learning contract form
handed over by supervisor during Signing )ff *earning
ontract session.
Supervisor may provide feedback and seek clarifications on
the project.
Supervisees are e-pected to consider inputs provided and
make due corrections and"or changes to the research where
applicable and e-pected.
Student to sign8off learning contract based on outcome of
research investigation in the presence of supervisor.

Note W1ere dates are stated as -eek nu%+er< *(ease refer to ti%eta+(e for s*ecific date< ti%e and venue= A su*ervisee is e>*ected to engage in a %eeting -it1
1is or 1er su*ervisor once during eac1 %andatory su*ervisory %eeting= ?ence t1ere are a tota( of / %eetings e>*ected fro% a student= !ai(ing to do t1is
a%ounts to *oor *ro)ect %anage%ent (*(anning) resu(ting in %arks +eing affected= Students %ust ensure a**oint%ents are %ade in advance= ;f a su*ervisor
cannot +e reac1ed after re*eated atte%*ts< t1e *ro)ects %anager %ust +e du(y infor%ed and a %eeting -i(( +e conse:uent(y arranged=
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Project & ,emester ( '
A$T;V;T" Student Activity Reference
Session 4
Revie- of t1e feed+ack fro%
*revious se%ester
Su*ervisory 'eeting
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
*og Sheet
Session 5
;%*(e%entation of Artefact
Su*ervisory 'eeting
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
*og Sheet
Session 1@
Testing 9 Eva(uation %ec1anis%
Su*ervisory 'eeting
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
*og Sheet
Session 11
Ref(ection on *ro)ect
Su*ervisory 'eeting
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
*og Sheet
Session 1&
#resentation and Su+%ission
Su*ervisory 'eeting
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
*og Sheet
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
/ 6 1.
;nde*endent -ork on artefact and
Su*ervisory 'eeting
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
Show supervisor progress of final system and documentation
*og Sheet
'i(estone 7
Su+%ission of Artefact and
Docu%entation ($o%+6+ound 2
DVD 9 $D)
ollect submission form % pink form '
Review submission guidelines within Project Handbook
Print and bind project % comb binding ' with !9! " !
(eet supervisor having booked an appointment via
consultation hour.
*og Sheet
'i(estone /
Su+%ission of Docu%entation
(?ardcover Bound)
0se pink form for submission
Review submission guidelines within Project Handbook
Print and bind project %hardcover'
17 6 14 !"# #resentationA
Rehearse for presentation
#horoughly scrutini6e documentation and artefact
Refer to Project Handbook on preparation of slides for
heck schedule for presentation date and time
&oreign students who would need to an early presentation
may write in to the Project *eader to request the same.
Schedule at 7ebspace
Note W1ere dates are stated as -eek nu%+er< *(ease refer to ti%eta+(e for s*ecific date< ti%e and venue= A su*ervisee is e>*ected to engage in a %eeting -it1
1is or 1er su*ervisor once during eac1 %andatory su*ervisory %eeting= ?ence t1ere are a tota( of / %eetings e>*ected fro% a student= !ai(ing to do t1is
a%ounts to *oor *ro)ect %anage%ent (*(anning) resu(ting in %arks +eing affected= Students %ust ensure a**oint%ents are %ade in advance= ;f a su*ervisor
cannot +e reac1ed after re*eated atte%*ts< t1e *ro)ect %anager %ust +e du(y infor%ed and a %eeting -i(( +e conse:uent(y arranged=
A!"# *resentations -i(( NOT +e 1e(d during e>a%ination -eek=
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Appendi+ . 6 I8IU 1E<UI1EE8T, .!1
I8=E,TI$ATI!8: A8A#/,I, A8" "E,I$8 1EP!1T
Background to t1e *ro)ect
This should include the identification to the problem situation and the rationale for
carrying out the project, based on review of past research work where the gaps are
Sco*e and o+)ectives
Identify clearly the scope, in terms of the level of challenge. Specifically identify
areas / functionalities which will not be considered
#ro)ect *(an
escription of how the project will proceed and how it would be evaluated
!nalyse the e"isting literature and give justification as to how your research will fit
into the e"isting body of knowledge# $%&' Library, ()))*
Do%ain Researc1
epending on the area of research
%ontribution to the body of knowledge that is relevant to the research problem,
+ow it compares and contrasts with the positions developed by other
Similar Systems
Tec1nica( Researc1
-ote. Literature /esearch materials should be from academic sources, journals,
conference proceedings and books as far as possible. o not merely cite what others
are saying about the various aspects / concepts etc but analyse and use what they are
saying to justify why you are doing what you are doing as well as how you plan to carry
this out.
$?A#TER , #R;'AR" RESEAR$?
0"plain which primary research you have considered 1 justify your reason for the
2or each primary research you have chosen,
o If it is 3uestionnaire, survey or interview, list the 3uestions asked, the
objective of the 3uestion$s*, the findings and the conclusions. !lso, note that
it is not mandatory each 3uestion should have a different objective / finding /
conclusion. 4ou could have one objective for a couple of 3uestions and
hence, have one set of findings with one conclusion.
o If it is observation, prepare a checklist of what is to be observed. Include the
objective, findings and conclusions.
0nsure the 3uestions and checklist are pertaining to the project / what you intend to
do and not generic in nature.
Supervisors should approve the 3uestions / checklist, before these are used by
signing the (
part of the 0thics 2orm.
Cuestionnaire 9 Survey
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
5verall conclusion of your primary research based on your objectives 1 were these
fulfilled6 7ere your doubts cleared through the findings6 7hat is the impact of the findings
on your overall project aims and objectives6
$?A#TER . ANA8"S;S
/eintroduce your re3uirements / project aims and objectives. /elate how the findings of the
various research methods applied affected your decision to either retain the re3uirements or
make changes to them. 8rovide e"amples from your findings to support your decisions.
7hich modeling tool was chosen for this project6 7hat designs will be produced in this
Include here appropriate designs to represent the system, the database, the
interface, etc.
2or each set of designs produced, provide e"planation on what was produced and
how it relates to the analysis.
0nsure the designs relate to the system to be produced
!dditional designs that cannot be included in the documentation can be included in
the % instead
7hat was achieved at the end of the first leg of the project6
7ere you able to do enough investigation / research with regards to what you want to
achieve / do6
7ere there any gaps in your research, analysis and design 1 where you may want to further
e"plore and identify/ improve6
Log Sheet
9antt %hart
Interview/&uestionnaire sample $some with answers*
Statistics: This can be included in % / ; and omitted from the !ppendi"
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ $ 6 I8IU 1E<UI1EE8T, .!1 .I8A#
Background to t1e *ro)ect
This should include the identification to the problem situation and the rationale for
carrying out the project, based on review of past research work where the gaps are
Sco*e and o+)ectives
Identify clearly the scope, in terms of the level of challenge. Specifically identify
areas / functionalities which will not be considered
Da*s ;dentified
Identify gaps from previous documentation / research 1 investigation, analysis and
design. This is based on feedback from Signing 5ff Learning %ontract, discussions
with supervisor and second marker, and your own thoughts / reflections / later
findings. %an be from any chapters of the previous documentation.
#ro)ect *(an
escription of how the project will proceed and how it would be evaluated
Do%ain Researc1
Tec1nica( Researc1
$?A#TER , #R;'AR" RESEAR$?
0"plain which primary research you have considered 1 justify your reason for the
!or eac1 Cuestionnaire 9 Survey 9 ;ntervie- 9 O+servation 9 E>*eri%ent
5verall conclusion of your primary research based on your objectives 1 were these
fulfilled6 7ere your doubts cleared through the findings6 7hat is the impact of the findings
on your overall project aims and objectives6
$?A#TER . ANA8"S;S
/eintroduce your re3uirements / project aims and objectives. /elate how the findings of the
various research methods applied affected your decision to either retain the re3uirements or
make changes to them. 8rovide e"amples from your findings to support your decisions.
7hich modeling tool was chosen for this project6 7hat designs will be produced in this
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Include here appropriate designs to represent the system, the database, the
interface, etc.
!dditional designs that cannot be included in the documentation can be included in
the % instead
$?A#TER / ;'#8E'ENTAT;ON
In this chapter,
o demonstrate how the literature review led to the implementation
o demonstrate / illustrate how the design flowed into the implementation
o explain how you exploited / utili0ed the package to meet the reuirements
o include codes that were challenging
o identify the challenges you encountered in the implementation and how
you overcame these challenges
o D! 1!* &!D) D2#/
3hich testing will / did you decide to do 4 3hy
$nclude who the testers were and what was the outcome
Have a conclusion for each test
:ote the difference between unit %developer' and functional %user' testing
$mplication in reference to the PS& %if any' / what you started out to do
.ny changes made / if yes what were they / comments received
$f not why not;
ritical +valuation / what would you have done different
7hat is your learning curve;
onclusions relating to the Research )bjectives
Recommendations and Suggestions
Self8Review %How the project was managed'
&urther research
Log Sheet
9antt %hart
Interview/&uestionnaire sample $some with answers*
Statistics: This can be included in % / ; and omitted from the !ppendi"
esigns 1 This can be included in the % / ; and omitted from the !ppendi"
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ H 6 Project 1eport .ormat
An ade5uate $roject re$ort ?ill %e %et?een 126111 and 216111 ?ords in length6
e/cluding the log sheet and the a$$endices. The nu!%er of $ages in total should not
e/ceed 211 including log sheet and a$$endices. The student !ay choose the font B
Ti!es 0e? #o!an %ut the !ain te/t !ust %e 11 or 12 $oint ty$e ?ith line s$acing of
1.5. Cha$ters6 headings and $ages should %e nu!%ered se5uentially for reference. The
re$ort !ust %e laser@$rinted or high 5uality $rinted on A4@siGe $a$er ?ith a ?eight
%et?een *1 and 111g>s! and should %e on the right@hand <i.e. recto= $age ?ith a left
!argin of 41@51!! and other !argins of 15@21!!. The final re$ort !ust have a title
$age %earing the follo?ing infor!ation <see sa!$le title te!$late=&
The full title of the $roject.
The full na!e of the student as registered ?ith APU.
The -tudent I in %rac(ets.
The a?ard for ?hich the student is registered.
A state!ent that the 5ualification is a?arded %y Asia Pacific University of
Technology and Innovation and that the re$ort is su%!itted in $artial fulfil!ent of
that $rogra!!e.
The full na!e of the su$ervisor.
4onth and year ?hen su%!itting $roject
The s$ine of the hard@%ound co$y of the re$ort !ust have&
The full title of the $roject <on the left of the s$ine ?hen the title $age is facing
The full na!e of the student <on the right of the s$ine=
The -tudent@I in %rac(ets <on the right of the s$ine6 %elo? the na!e=
T?o co$ies of the re$ort ?ill %e su%!itted6 one soft@%ound and one hard@%ound) The
soft@%ound co$y ?ill %e acco!$anied %y a J> C containing softco$y of $roject
docu!entation and source codes of the running $rogra!. The soft9bo%nd copy of the
report and the "=" ; C" m%st be s%bmitted on the d%e date. The hard@%ound
co$y !ust %e su%!itted u$ to a ?ee( later6 this co$y ?ill %e retained %y UCTI and
!ight %e $ut on dis$lay if judged to %e of a suita%le 5uality. The colour of the covers in
the hard@%ound co$y ?ill %e dar( %lue. J > C is not re5uired for the hard@%ound
Important 8otes2
1. The J > C su%!itted shall %e used during $resentation to de!onstrate the
final syste!. Please verify the contents of the J > C %efore su%!ission.
2. -tudents are e/$ected to %ring along their o?n co!$uter during $resentation.
-tudents !ay alternatively o$t to use the des(to$ co!$uter in the $resentation
roo!. 8o?ever6 it is the sole res$onsi%ility of the student to ensure that the syste!
is sufficiently tested <inclusive of soft?are & necessary co!$onents= $rior to the
$resentation. Arrange!ents can %e !ade ?ith the la% assistant if assistance is
re5uired. -uch re5uest if any should %e $lanned ?ell in advance.
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
Appendi+ I 6 Title Page
* ,top Personal >no-ledge 7ased ,ystem
AI#EE8 A /E? /UE8
UC"31112 ITPMI-N
7,c &Hons' in Information Technology -ith
,pecialism in Intelligent ,ystems
Asia Pacific University College of
Technology & Innovation
A $roject su%!itted in $artial fulfil!ent of the a?ard of the
2achelor of -cience <8onours= in Infor!ation Technology ?ith
-$ecialis! in Intelligent -yse!s
-u$ervised %y 4ary Ting
Appendi+ B 6 1eferencing
Project 8and%oo(
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation
The !ost co!!only acce$ted and used !ethod of referencing is (no?n as O8arvardP.
2e sure to use this to avoid any ris( of $lagiaris! and to receive full re?ard for the
research you conduct.
1. In the te/t include&
a. The authorAs surna!e
%. The year of $u%lication
c. Page nu!%er<s= if a$$ro$riate
After the date use either a colon follo?ed %y the $age nu!%er on ?hich the 5uotation
can %e found B <1,,*&12= B or a co!!a follo?ed %y P. and the $age nu!%er B <1,,*6
P.12=6 it is conventional to $ut $$. ?hen the 5uotation or the!e covers !ore than one
$age B <1,,*6 $$. 12@15=.
2. In the list of references at the end of the te/t include&
a. The authorAs surna!e <follo?ed %y a co!!a= e.g. -!ith6
b. The authorAs initial<s=6 <follo?ed %y full sto$s= e.g. -!ith6 P.
c. The date of the $u%lication of the ?or( cited <?ritten in %rac(ets= e.g.
-!ith6 P. <1,,*=.
d. If the ?or( is a %oo(6 the title <in Italics follo?ed %y a co!a= e.g.
-!ith6 P. <1,,*= /romotional &ommunications,
e. The $lace of $u%lication <follo?ed %y a co!!a= e.g. -!ith6 P. <1,,*=
/romotional &ommunications6 )ondon6
f. The na!e of the $u%lisher <follo?ed %y a full sto$= e.g. -!ith6 P.<1,,*=
/romotional &ommunications6 )ondon6 The Acade!ic Press.
g. If the ?or( is an article6 include the title of the article <in inverted
co!!as6 follo?ed %y a co!!a= follo?ed %y the volu!e nu!%er and
$ages on ?hich the article a$$ears in the journal <each follo?ed %y a
full sto$= e.g. 9ones C. <1,,*= QThe #udi!ents of #eflectionA6 9ournal
of Advanced .ducation6 Jol.126 0o."6 $$.2"@2'.
APU li%rary ?e%site lin( %elo? ?ill sho? you ho? to cite traditional references as ?ell
as internet and electronic sources.
Project 8and%oo(

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