Ericsson CPP Platform

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Why IP transport?

The world of telecommunications is charac-

terized by change. Yesterdays dominant
traffic typevoiceis being superceded by
data traffic. In future telecommunications
networks, voice will occupy only a small
portion of bandwidth. This will put new de-
mands on the networks, which will have to
be packet-oriented and at the same time able
to handle delay-sensitive traffic, such as
voice and video (video conferencing). ATM
technology has long been considered the so-
lution to quality of service (QoS) in net-
works, but several areas of concern have since
been identified in large and growing net-
works. These are
scalabilitythe cost of the extra ATM
layer makes it difficult for ATM vendors
and operators to increase the link speed
above 1 Gbit/s;
administration and maintenancein
large ATM networks, the number of per-
manent virtual circuits (PVC) for router
interconnections increases significantly,
and thus the administration and mainte-
nance of these PVCs becomes a major issue
when networks need to be upgraded. A
similar problem exists in pure IP net-
works, but the addition of ATM does not
simplify matters. In this sense, ATM is an
extra layer that greatly increases com-
plexity; and
costfor example, the cost of having to
support and maintain two kinds of net-
work equipment.
These issues have become a driving force for
introducing IP routing into telecommuni-
cations networks.
The Internet boom has been accompanied
by increased investments in IP technology,
and a lot of effort has gone into solving
quality-of-service and routing administra-
tion issues. Multiprotocol label switching
(MPLS), differential services (DiffServ, Box
B), multiclass extension (MCE), and header
compression have made it possible to replace
ATM with pure IP networks. And CPP is
well positioned to handle the new environ-
ment (as well as the transition to it).
DiffServ and MCE will be implemented in
the first IP release of CPP, and the archi-
tecture is ready to make use of MPLS.
68 Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002
CPPCello packet platform
Lars-rjan Kling, ke Lindholm, Lars Marklund and Gunnar B. Nilsson
C P P is a c a rrie r-c la ss te c h n o lo g y th a t h a s b e e n p o sitio n e d fo r a c c e ss a n d
tra n sp o rt p ro d u c ts in m o b ile a n d fix e d n e two rk s. I t is a n e x e c u tio n a n d
tra n sp o rt p la tfo rm with sp e c ifie d in te rfa c e s fo r a p p lic a tio n d e sig n . T h e
e x e c u tio n p a rt c o n sists o f su p p o rt fo r th e d e sig n o f a p p lic a tio n h a rd wa re
a n d so ftwa re . T h e tra n sp o rt p a rt, wh ic h c a n b e se e n a s a n in te rn a l a p p li-
c a tio n o n th e e x e c u tio n p la tfo rm , c o n sists o f se ve ra l p ro to c o ls fo r c o m -
m u n ic a tio n , sig n a lin g , a n d E T tra n sm issio n . T yp ic a l a p p lic a tio n s o n c u r-
re n t ve rsio n s o f C P P in c lu d e th ird -g e n e ra tio n n o d e sR B S s, R N C s, m e d ia
g a te wa ys, a n d p a c k e t-d a ta se rvic e n o d e s/h o m e a g e n ts. C P P wa s first
d e ve lo p e d fo r a syn c h ro n o u s tra n sfe r m o d e A T M a n d T D M tra n sp o rt. N o w,
su p p o rt is b e in g a d d e d fo r I P tra n sp o rt.
T h e a u th o rs d e sc rib e th e te c h n ic a l a n d c u sto m e r b e n e fits o f a d d in g I P
su p p o rt in C P P , wa lk in g th e re a d e r th ro u g h th e b a sic p rin c ip le s fo r I P se r-
vic e s in C P P a n d th e C P P I P a rc h ite c tu re , wh ic h is ve ry ro b u st a n d sc a l-
a b le .
API Application program interface
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
BGP Border gateway protocol
CPP Cello packet platform
DiffServ Differential services
E1/J1/T1 PDH transmission frame formats
for 2 Mbit/s (E1) or 1.5 Mbit/s
(J1/T1) transmission rates
ET Exchange terminal
FIB Forwarding information base
HA Home agent
IP Internet protocol
IPv4, IPv6 IP version 4, IP version 6
MCE Multiclass extension
MGW Media gateway
MPLS Multiprotocol label switching
O&M Operation and maintenance
OC3 Optical carrier 3 (155 Mbit/s)
OSPF Open shortest path first
PBA Printed board assembly
PDSN Packet-data service node
PPP Point-to-point protocol
PVC Permanent virtual circuit
QoS Quality of service
RBS Radio base station
RIP Routing information protocol
RNC Radio network controller
RSVP-TE Resource reservation protocol
traffic engineering
SCTP Stream control transmission
SIGTRAN Signaling transport
SS7 Signaling system no. 7
STM-1 SDH transmission frame format for
155 Mbit/s
TCP Transmission control protocol
TDM Time-division multiplexing
UDP User datagram protocol
Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002 69
Who are the customers?
The introduction of IP in telecommunica-
tions networks will commence in the core
network in response to demands for large,
high-speed networks. Datacom vendors are
currently trying to grab as many market
shares as they can. At present, these vendors
can solely offer pure IP router products.
Therefore, network operators can either opt
to integrate telecommunications equip-
ment and IP routers themselves or they can
buy complete site solutions from a telecom-
munications vendor. Over time, the IP mi-
gration will extend further and further from
the core network into the access network.
Ericsson knows that operators want vendors
to come up with solutions and migration sto-
ries that are cost-effective and easy to main-
tain (Figure 2). The introduction of IP in
IP links
ATM links
TDM links
IP links between
Cello nodes and
Cello node
Cello node
Cello platform
Control system
Operator interface
Node hardware
and software
F ig u re 1
A n e two rk vie w o f th e C e llo p a c k e t p la t-
fo rm C P P ) in c lu d in g tra n sp o rt p ro to c o ls.
core network
User traffic
F ig u re 2
A te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s n e two rk with d iffe r-
e n t typ e s o f b a c k b o n e a n d a c c e ss n e t-
wo rk s.
70 Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002
Traditional routers serve packets on a first-
come-first-served basis. Since no differentia-
tion is made with respect to the actual
demands put on the delivery times of packet
flows, this is often called best-effort service. In
a best-effort network, packet flows that carry
delay-sensitive voice receive the same service
as packet flows that carry, say, a file transfer.
Different approaches have been proposed
to solve this shortcoming. According to one
approach, called the IntServe model, a flow
must reserve resources in the routers on the
path before packets can be sent. If sufficient
network resources are not available, the flow
is denied. An implication of IntServ is that
every router in the network must store a per-
flow state. This was seen as a major drawback
and led to the introduction of a lightweight
model called differentiated services (DiffServ).
The DiffServ model is based on the following
basic principles:
A limited number of service classes is
defined for specific purposes. These
classes differ in terms of maximum delay or
maximum drop probability.
At the edge of a network, packets are
marked in the header to reflect the service
class to which the packet flow belongs.
The routers in the network serve the
packets according to its service class.
In principle, packet flows that belong to the
same service class are merged into a com-
mon aggregated flow. The routers see these
aggregated flows, but not individual packet
A packet enters a classifier, where the
service class mark is inspected. Depending
on the mark, the packet is sent to one of
several queues via an enqueuer. Depending
on the filling in the queue, the packet might
be discarded by the enqueuer according to a
buffer management algorithm. Using a
scheduling algorithm, a scheduler fetches
packets one-by-one from the queues.
The buffer management and scheduling
algorithms are configured to guarantee a
specific per-hop-behavior for each service
class, of which there are three standard
classes: One best-effort class (BE) and two
assured-forwarding classes (AF). Each
assured-forwarding class is guaranteed a cer-
tain minimum bandwidth at which the queues
are served. Excess bandwidth is distributed to
other classes. The best-effort class is served
only if there are no packets in the other
queues. If a queue is almost full, incoming
packets to that queue are discarded in a
pseudo-random fashion.
In terms of resources, the DiffServ model
causes the network to behave as if a few dif-
ferent logical networks were separated from
each other. For example, one logical network
could be used for voice traffic and another for
file transfers.
Routing protocols
IP security control
IP security encryption
IP host
IP host
Media stream
IP host
F ig u re 3
E m b e d d e d a n d d istrib u te d I P ro u te r.
Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002 71
telecommunications networks adds yet an-
other transport protocol. Today operators are
struggling with the migration from TDM to
ATM. Later, when operators introduce IP,
they will have to consider even more complex
networks. Ericsson can offer telecommunica-
tions nodes with built-in transport capabili-
ties for TDM, ATM and IP. Operators can
thus capitalize on their installed base, espe-
cially in mobile networks. Likewise, Ericsson
knows that network operators want a compact
and cost-effective solution that has a consis-
tent network-management interface. Ericsson
will thus make pure IP routers obsolete in op-
erator networks. CPP is the ideal choice of car-
rier-class technology for all telecommunica-
tions nodes in the access network, including
the edge nodes to the core backbone.
Basic principles
Six basic principles for the IP services in CPP
add value:
embedded and distributed IP router by
means of routing protocols in the main
processor cluster and distributed for-
warding on all device boards (Figure 3);
fully distributed forwarding of IPv4 or
IPv6 modules can be implemented in
hardware or software. A hardware imple-
mentation can handle wire-speed trans-
port (Figure 4);
internal IP hosts can be located on a sin-
gle printed board assembly (PBA) and
connected to the IP router via the local
forwarding module on the PBA (Figure
5). The IP host provides the application
program interface (API);
the internal hosts are IP end-systems that
are visible and addressable from the ex-
ternal network and from within the node
(Figure 5);
a CPP node can house multiple virtual
routers. In this case, each IP interface in
the node is configured to belong to one
specific virtual router; and
CPP has built-in support for signaling
system no. 7 (SS7) signaling gateway
functionality by means of a complete SS7
stack for SIGTRAN, IP, ATM and TDM
(Figure 6).
The CPP IP architecture is composed of sev-
eral subsystems that interwork with each
other through well-defined interfaces (Fig-
ure 7). The IP forwarding subsystem pro-
vides fully distributed forwarding of IPv4
Support for wire-speed user data
by means of hardware support in
the forwarding modules
Host 1
Host n
CPP node
Application board
UDP/IP termination support
F ig u re 4
F u lly d istrib u te d I P fo rwa rd in g .
Layer 1
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 1
F ig u re 6
B u ilt-in su p p o rt fo r sig n a lin g g a te wa y.
All hosts communicate via
the local forwarding module
Host 1
Host 2
Host 3
Host 4
Host x
CPP node
Application board
All hosts have their own IP
address and are visible in
the IP network
F ig u re 5
M u ltip le in te rn a l I P h o sts.
and IPv6 packets. Forwarding modules
(Box C) implemented in software or in ded-
icated hardware circuits can be put on any
board in the CPP system and are intercon-
nected by the CPP space switch. Hardware-
based forwarding modules can achieve wire-
speed forwarding. The IP forwarding sub-
system also includes packet classification
and filtering, including DiffServ queuing.
To forward an IP packet, the forwarding
modules need a forwarding table that is cal-
culated in the IP routing subsystem using
static (configured) routes and dynamic rout-
ing protocols, such as the open shortest path
first (OSPF), routing information protocol
(RIP), and border gateway protocol (BGP).
The routing protocol handlers monitor the
network topology, and the routing table
manager calculates a forwarding table at
start-up and when the network topology
changes. Forwarding information from the
IP routing subsystem (Box D) is communi-
cated to all forwarding modules in the CPP
node using the dedicated forwarding infor-
mation base (FIB) interface.
Telecommunications applications that
use CPP IP transport services need to ter-
minate and originate large amounts of IP
traffic that comes from or is sent to the IP
network. The IP access subsystem enables
applications to use IP hosts in CPP. A user
can access multiple IP hosts on every proces-
sor board in the system: each host is identi-
fied by a unique IP address. The hosts can
handle IPv4 and IPv6, user datagram pro-
tocol (UDP), transmission control protocol
(TCP), and stream control transmission pro-
tocol (SCTP) termination. If necessary, the
hosts can be made robust by means of the
moveable host concept (see also section on
An automatic configuration mechanism
simplifies host configuration. The IP access
subsystem uses the IP forwarding subsystem
to send and receive packets. For low-speed
applications, CPP provides a distributed
host mechanism whereby one IP host with
one IP address can be distributed and used
on multiple processor boards.
IP transport is also used for highly confi-
dential traffic, such as control signaling and
operation and maintenance (O&M) traffic.
To guarantee the integrity of this traffic, the
IP security subsystem provides tunnel- and
transport-mode encryption and decryption
of IP packets. The IP security encryp-
tion/decryption engines can be distributed
on multiple processors or dedicated hard-
ware circuits to yield greater capacity.
The CPP architecture has been prepared
for the introduction of MPLSCPP can
serve as a label edge router or label switch
router. However, modifications will need to
be made to the forwarding modules, and ad-
72 Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002
Forwarding modules implement the function-
ality needed to forward or terminate an IP
packet. They also provide the functionality for
resolving dependencies on connected routers
(the data part) and hosts (the control part).
Figure 8 shows the data part of a wire-
speed forwarding module. Most of the func-
tionality is implemented in dedicated hard-
ware or network processors. In addition, an
exception handler executes on a standard
processor. The exception handler provides the
functionality needed for dealing with some
infrequent packet types. If, during any step in
the forwarding process, an exception is identi-
fied, the packet is handed over to the excep-
tion handler.
Packets enter the forwarding module from
an incoming link. Each packet is classified
according to the type of service it requires.
This classification might involve metering
actual load. The type-of-service field in the
packet might be changed as a result of the
classification. The classification also serves as
a sort of firewall, and might result in having
the packet dropped.
The packet is next analyzed to find out if it
should be terminated in the node. If so, a
point of termination in the node is determined
and the packet is put into one of several
queues to the switch. Otherwise, the packet is
further analyzed to determine
the best next hop in the network; and
various related parameters. One parameter
contains the outgoing link and the point in
the node where the forwarding module
responsible for this link is located.
The packet is then put into one of the switch
queues. After having passed the switch, the
packet arrives at the forwarding module of
the appointed outgoing link where it enters a
second classification step, which might result
in the packet being assigned a different
Finally, the packet enters the queuing sys-
tem to the outgoing link. The queuing system
has several queues served by a configurable,
weighted, fair-queuing scheduler. The system
also has advanced dropping mechanisms to
handle overload situations on the link. The
treatment a packet receives in the queuing
system is determined by the class to which
the packet has been assigned.
IP routing
IP forwarding
IP access
IP applications
ATM applications
IP security
IP link layer
Physical link
transport services
CPP platform
F ig u re 7
T h e C P P I P a rc h ite c tu re .
Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002 73
ditional signaling protocols will be intro-
duced, including the
resource reservation protocol traffic en-
gineering (RSVP-TE); and
Likewise, interworking will be introduced
between IP routing and MPLS.
Together with the physical layer sub-
system, the IP link layer subsystem provides
access to the external network. For example,
the IP link layer subsystem supports
10/100 Mbit Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet,
point-to-point protocol (PPP), IP over
ATM, and frame relay. Likewise, the phys-
ical layer supports STM-1/OC3, E1/J1/T1
and Ethernet. The IP link layer functional-
ity is connected to the IP forwarding sub-
system using the generic link interface.
CPP is uniquely scalable. It can be used in
small applications (such as a small RBS) as
well as large RNC and media gateway nodes.
Indeed, virtually every aspect of scalability
is covered by CPP: high-end and low-end
nodes, payload capacity, processing capaci-
ty, number of routes, route updating capac-
ity, number of physical links, link capacity,
and cost.
In general, the IP functionality of CPP is
composed of central functions and local
functions. A central function solely exists in
one instance for each virtual IP router,
whereas a local function might exist in sev-
eral instances. With few exceptions, the
scaling of local functions is quite straight-
forward. By contrast, the scaling of a central
function is an intricate matter since central
functions have a single, consistent informa-
tion base. Distribution is not precluded but
must be accomplished without incurring
excessive costs in terms of memory and ca-
P a ylo a d h a n d lin g c a p a c ity
CPP forwarding is based on interacting for-
warding modules. Each forwarding module
is a local function that handles a number of
links and interfaces. Each processing entity
(processor) and printed board assembly has
its own forwarding and link module, which
means that forwarding and link capacity are
not adversely affected when new hardware
is added. The only potential bottleneck is
the intercommunication capacity of the for-
warding module, which is based on the CPP
space switch. At present, the capacity with-
in the subrack is 16 Gbit/s, which is suffi-
cient to support some 400,000 IP-borne
voice calls. Moreover, multiple subracks can
be interconnected to form very large nodes
that constitute a single coherent system. As
with forwarding, IP access mainly consists
of local functions and scales smoothly when
new hardware is added.
F o rwa rd in g in fo rm a tio n b a se
The number of routes to be handled direct-
ly affects the size of the forwarding infor-
Forwarding m
F ig u re 8
I n te rn a l a rc h ite c tu re o f th e fo rwa rd in g
m o d u le .
mation base (FIB). A very large FIB makes
it unfeasible to house the entire forwarding
table in fast path-forwarding logic. There-
fore, CPP provides a caching scheme which
forwards packets that fall outside the scope
of the cache. At present, the fast path-
forwarding path supports up to 64,000
R o u tin g p ro to c o ls
The central functions that demand the most
processing power in CPP are the routing
protocol handlers (OSPF, BGP and so on).
A shortage of processing power for routing
results in unacceptably long convergence
timethat is, the time it takes to regener-
ate a routing table when the topology has
Certain measures affecting network layer
configuration can significantly reduce the
processing load on the individual routers.
These measures are hierarchical network
topology, appropriate address allocation,
route summarization, and area subdivision.
CPP supports these measures as well as scal-
ability at the node level.
A llo c a tio n o f ro u tin g p ro to c o l h a n d le rs
Different routing protocol handlers (RPH)
can be allocated to different processors.
Every RPH is mastered by a single routing
table manager. However, other scaling so-
lutions are necessary when a single RPH re-
quires more capacity than can be provided
by one processor.
A d d in g a virtu a l ro u te r
Where the network is concerned, the addi-
tion of a virtual router is no different from
the addition of a physical router. In either
case, the network becomes more complex
and the RPHs must work harder to keep
track of the network topology. The advan-
tages in the local node are that the interfaces
can be partitioned between virtual routers,
and functions that belong to different vir-
tual routers can be allocated to different
processors. In addition, costs can be avoid-
ed provided that the virtual-router inter-
connecting link is implemented efficiently.
D istrib u tin g a sin g le R P H
A single RPH can be distributed to some
extent by allocating certain sub-functions to
different processors. The exact allocation of
sub-functions varies according to the types
of routing protocol in use. For OSPF, the
shortest path calculation must be executed
in one processor, whereas the handling of in-
terfaces can be distributed.
Low-end scalability
For CPP to meet the requirements of radio
base stations it must support low-end scal-
ability. As a consequence, the CPP IP ar-
chitecture has been designed to accommo-
date IP functionality on a single PBA and
to eliminate the switch. Another feature is
the FIB caching mechanism mentioned
above. These features keep the cost of fast
forwarding-path logic to a minimum even
in relatively complex networks with multi-
ple routes.
The fully distributed IP-forwarding and IP-
termination mechanisms in CPP are very ro-
bust. The failure of a board solely affects the
forwarding and termination of IP packets on
that board. All other boards continue for-
warding and terminating as if nothing had
happened, except that packets are not for-
warded to the failed board. Should a net-
work interface board or link fail, the rout-
ing protocols initiate link protection
switching or automatic rerouting.
The robustness principles applied in CPP
make it possible to define reliable programs
that execute in the main processor cluster.
These programs can be run on a standby
processor should the main processor fail. The
CPP IP functionality employs this fail-over
concept for all central functions, such as the
routing protocols, the central parts of IP ac-
74 Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002
The Internet is made up of several
autonomous systems (AS), each of which is
operated by an Internet service provider
(ISP) or an organization (Figure 9). In
telecommunications, each IP-based radio
access network or core network can be seen
as an autonomous system. Interior gateway
routing protocols, such as RIP, OSPF or IS-
IS, are used inside autonomous systems to
automatically create forwarding tables to be
used by the routers.
OSPF is one of the most popular interior
gateway protocols. This link state routing pro-
tocol discovers its neighboring routers and
learns their network addresses by sending out
Hello packets on all its interfaces. The infor-
mation it receives is stored in a topology data-
base. OSPF then sends out a link state adver-
tisement (LSA) packet indicating the status of
its own links. The LSAs are flooded by the
other routers in order to reach every router in
the AS. Based on this input, OSPF calculates
the shortest path to all routers and builds an
optimal forwarding table. Whenever a change
in network topology takes placethat is, if a
link or a router goes downnew LSAs are
flooded through the autonomous system.
OSPF in each router updates the topology
database and recalculates the forwarding
Some autonomous systems can be very
large and difficult to manage. Likewise, the
LSA flooding can generate a heavy load in a
large autonomous system. To reduce load and
simplify management, OSPF allows
autonomous systems to be divided into OSPF
areas. Routers connected to one area need
only have detailed knowledge about the topol-
ogy of that area. All areas in an autonomous
system are interconnected by the backbone
area. The routers connected to more than one
area are called area border routers.
Ericsson Review No. 2, 2002 75
cess, IP security, IP forwarding, and all
O&M functions. Should the processor on
which the routing protocols execute fail,
then the routing protocols are simply trans-
ferred to the standby processor. In the in-
terim, while the protocols are being trans-
ferred and a new forwarding table is being
built, the forwarding of packets on all other
boards continues uninterrupted using the
most recent forwarding table.
In coming releases of CPP, the standby
routing protocol will operate in a listening
mode and maintain an updated standby
routing table.
The internal hosts in CPP, which appli-
cations use for terminating and originat-
ing IP traffic, can be distributed on any
processor board in a CPP node. Each host
is identified by a unique IP address. Should
a board fail, CPP automatically transfers
the host (and IP address) to another board.
At the same time, the forwarding table is
recalculated and traffic destined for the
host is forwarded to the new location.
If an application requires it to do so, CPP
can configure a robust Ethernet IP interface
that uses a primary and secondary physical
port. Should the primary port fail, the sec-
ondary port is activated using the IP address
that the primary port had.
Ericsson knows that operators want vendors
to offer solutions and migration stories that
are cost-effective and easy to maintain. Con-
sequently, Ericsson offers telecommunica-
tions nodes with built-in transport capabil-
ities for TDM, ATM and now, IP. Ericsson
also knows that network operators want a
compact and cost-effective solution that has
a consistent network-management inter-
face. Accordingly, Ericsson will make pure
IP routers obsolete in operator networks.
The CPP IP architecture is composed of
several subsystems that interwork with each
other through well-defined interfaces:
The IP forwarding subsystem provides
fully distributed forwarding of IPv4 and
IPv6 packets.
The IP routing subsystem calculates a for-
warding table, which forwarding modules
use to forward IP packets.
The IP access subsystem enables applica-
tions to use IP hosts in CPP.
An automatic configuration mechanism
simplifies host configuration.
The IP security subsystem guarantees the
integrity of sensitive traffic.
The CPP architecture has been prepared for
the introduction of MPLSCPP can serve
as a label edge router or label switch router.
Interworking will be introduced between IP
routing and MPLS. Together with the phys-
ical layer subsystem, the IP link layer sub-
system provides access to the external net-
CPP is uniquely scalable. It can be used
in small applications and large RNC and
media gateway nodes. Virtually every aspect
of scalability is covered by CPP: high-end
and low-end nodes, pay-load capacity, pro-
cessing capacity, number of routes, route
updating capacity, number of physical
links, link capacity, and cost.
The fully distributed IP-forwarding and
IP-termination mechanisms in CPP are very
robust. The robustness principles applied in
CPP make it possible to define reliable pro-
grams that execute in the main processor
Backbone area
Backbone area
Area 1
Area 2
F ig u re 9
E x a m p le o f se c tio n o f th e I n te rn e t c o n sistin g o f two a u to n o m o u s syste m s A S ) , wh e re o n e
A S is d ivid e d in to th re e O S P F a re a s. T h e b o rd e r g a te wa y p ro to c o l B G P ) is u se d to c o n ve y
ro u tin g in fo rm a tio n b e twe e n th e two a u to n o m o u s syste m s.

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