The document outlines regulations for fire and combustion prevention at a Vietnam-based company. It assigns responsibilities to employees and management to identify fire hazards and ensure safety equipment is in good condition. Specific rules address electrical safety, prohibiting open flames, checking air conditioners and fire extinguishers. The safety officer is tasked with developing prevention plans, employee training, and addressing issues found during inspections. Department heads must monitor staff compliance with regulations. Adjustments will be made as needed during implementation.
The document outlines regulations for fire and combustion prevention at a Vietnam-based company. It assigns responsibilities to employees and management to identify fire hazards and ensure safety equipment is in good condition. Specific rules address electrical safety, prohibiting open flames, checking air conditioners and fire extinguishers. The safety officer is tasked with developing prevention plans, employee training, and addressing issues found during inspections. Department heads must monitor staff compliance with regulations. Adjustments will be made as needed during implementation.
The document outlines regulations for fire and combustion prevention at a Vietnam-based company. It assigns responsibilities to employees and management to identify fire hazards and ensure safety equipment is in good condition. Specific rules address electrical safety, prohibiting open flames, checking air conditioners and fire extinguishers. The safety officer is tasked with developing prevention plans, employee training, and addressing issues found during inspections. Department heads must monitor staff compliance with regulations. Adjustments will be made as needed during implementation.
The document outlines regulations for fire and combustion prevention at a Vietnam-based company. It assigns responsibilities to employees and management to identify fire hazards and ensure safety equipment is in good condition. Specific rules address electrical safety, prohibiting open flames, checking air conditioners and fire extinguishers. The safety officer is tasked with developing prevention plans, employee training, and addressing issues found during inspections. Department heads must monitor staff compliance with regulations. Adjustments will be made as needed during implementation.
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Independence - Freedom - Happiness
----------oOo---------- Binh Duong, dated ................, 2014 REGULATIONS ON PREVENTION OF FIRE AND COMBUSTION The regulations on preention o! in!lammation is designed to heighten ""T emplo#ees$ a%areness o! and sense o! responsi&ilit# to%ards preention o! !ire and com&ustion on the premises o! ""T Bearings 'ietnam. I. GENERAL REGULATIONS: 1. (esponsi&ilit# !or the !ire and com&ustion preention o! the premises lies %ith eer# sta!! mem&er and emplo#ee. 2. )ll the emplo#ees o! ""T Bearings 'ietnam hae a personal o&ligation to identi!# the actions that should &e ta*en in the eent o! a !ire or similar emergenc# situation. +. )ll the emplo#ees are responsi&le !or *eeping their o!!ices or operating areas orderl# and !ree o! potential sources o! ignition and com&ustion, and !or ensuring the sa!et# o! documents and e,uipment !or use on compan# assignments proided &# the compan#. 4. ""T Bearings 'ietnam is responsi&le !or the ade,uate proision o! e,uipment and means o! !ire e-tinguishment in the eent o! !ire or com&ustion. II. DECISION A. Electrical Safety 1. .se onl# appropriate and sa!et# guaranteed outlet plugs/soc*ets and e,uipment. Do not use electrical e,uipment !or purposes other than the intended use. 2. "plicing and repairing o! cords and plugs are not permitted. Onl# e-perts can do electrical repairs. +. Turn o!! nonessential electrical e,uipment at the end o! each %or*da#. 4. )ll the sta!! and emplo#ees hae a personal o&ligation to &e a%are o! electrical ha0ards and to in!orm the sa!et# and maintenance sta!! o! those ha0ards in order to promptl# do electrical repairs. B. Fire an C!"#$%ti!n Pre&enti!n 1. Indiiduals are not permitted to &ring !lamma&le su&stances into or to the compan#. )n# *ind o! compressed air or oil, etc. must accord %ith sa!et# standards and &e su&1ect to approal &# the sa!et# sta!! &e!ore &eing &rought into the compan#. 2. Ignition o! an# !lamma&le materials and smo*ing are prohi&ited inside the plant, %arehouses, oil/petrol storage areas, electric stations, par*ing lots and places %ith !lamma&le materials. +. )ir-conditioners must &e completel# turned o!! using a circuit &rea*er and &e !re,uentl# chec*ed !or sa!et# and an# signs o! damage. 4. The sa!et# o!!icer is responsi&le !or chec*ing e-piration dates and state o! sa!et# o! !ire e-tinguishers. The most important places to hae a !ire e-tinguisher are in areas that are more suscepti&le to !ire. 2ocate !ire e-tinguishers %here the# can &e readil# reached !or use. 3. The sa!et# o!!icer designs !ire and com&ustion preention schemes and ensures the cooperation &et%een the compan# and Fire 4reention )genc#. The Fire 4reention Team o! the compan# must &e al%a#s sta!!ed enough, and strie to improe their a&ilit# to preent and to put o!! !ire. 5. The sa!et# o!!icer must promptl# produce solutions to an# !indings o! inspection o! !ire/com&ustion preention actiities &# the authorities. 6. The sa!et# o!!icer together %ith the proincial !ire preention agenc# produces and disseminates documents concerning &asic *no%ledge o! !ire preention and usage o! !ire e-tinguishers, and ensures to gie the sta!! and emplo#ees practice in using !ire e-tinguishers. III. ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The sa!et# o!!icer is responsi&le !or guiding the sta!! and emplo#ees on, chec*ing, and monitoring the implementation process and compliance %ith the regulations stated herein. 2. The department heads are responsi&le !or monitoring their sta!! to ensure compliance %ith the regulations on !ire and com&ustion preention. +. During the course o! the implementation, an#thing that &ears no relation to realit# %ill &e ad1usted.