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Regulations On Prevention of Fire and Combustion: Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Binh Duong, dated ................, 2014
The regulations on preention o! in!lammation is designed to heighten ""T
emplo#ees$ a%areness o! and sense o! responsi&ilit# to%ards preention o!
!ire and com&ustion on the premises o! ""T Bearings 'ietnam.
1. (esponsi&ilit# !or the !ire and com&ustion preention o! the premises
lies %ith eer# sta!! mem&er and emplo#ee.
2. )ll the emplo#ees o! ""T Bearings 'ietnam hae a personal
o&ligation to identi!# the actions that should &e ta*en in the eent o!
a !ire or similar emergenc# situation.
+. )ll the emplo#ees are responsi&le !or *eeping their o!!ices or
operating areas orderl# and !ree o! potential sources o! ignition and
com&ustion, and !or ensuring the sa!et# o! documents and e,uipment
!or use on compan# assignments proided &# the compan#.
4. ""T Bearings 'ietnam is responsi&le !or the ade,uate proision o!
e,uipment and means o! !ire e-tinguishment in the eent o! !ire or
A. Electrical Safety
1. .se onl# appropriate and sa!et# guaranteed outlet plugs/soc*ets and
e,uipment. Do not use electrical e,uipment !or purposes other than
the intended use.
2. "plicing and repairing o! cords and plugs are not permitted. Onl#
e-perts can do electrical repairs.
+. Turn o!! nonessential electrical e,uipment at the end o! each %or*da#.
4. )ll the sta!! and emplo#ees hae a personal o&ligation to &e a%are o!
electrical ha0ards and to in!orm the sa!et# and maintenance sta!! o!
those ha0ards in order to promptl# do electrical repairs.
B. Fire an C!"#$%ti!n Pre&enti!n
1. Indiiduals are not permitted to &ring !lamma&le su&stances into or
to the compan#. )n# *ind o! compressed air or oil, etc. must accord
%ith sa!et# standards and &e su&1ect to approal &# the sa!et# sta!!
&e!ore &eing &rought into the compan#.
2. Ignition o! an# !lamma&le materials and smo*ing are prohi&ited
inside the plant, %arehouses, oil/petrol storage areas, electric
stations, par*ing lots and places %ith !lamma&le materials.
+. )ir-conditioners must &e completel# turned o!! using a circuit
&rea*er and &e !re,uentl# chec*ed !or sa!et# and an# signs o!
4. The sa!et# o!!icer is responsi&le !or chec*ing e-piration dates and
state o! sa!et# o! !ire e-tinguishers. The most important places to
hae a !ire e-tinguisher are in areas that are more suscepti&le to !ire.
2ocate !ire e-tinguishers %here the# can &e readil# reached !or use.
3. The sa!et# o!!icer designs !ire and com&ustion preention schemes
and ensures the cooperation &et%een the compan# and Fire
4reention )genc#. The Fire 4reention Team o! the compan# must
&e al%a#s sta!!ed enough, and strie to improe their a&ilit# to
preent and to put o!! !ire.
5. The sa!et# o!!icer must promptl# produce solutions to an# !indings
o! inspection o! !ire/com&ustion preention actiities &# the
6. The sa!et# o!!icer together %ith the proincial !ire preention agenc#
produces and disseminates documents concerning &asic *no%ledge
o! !ire preention and usage o! !ire e-tinguishers, and ensures to gie
the sta!! and emplo#ees practice in using !ire e-tinguishers.
1. The sa!et# o!!icer is responsi&le !or guiding the sta!! and emplo#ees
on, chec*ing, and monitoring the implementation process and
compliance %ith the regulations stated herein.
2. The department heads are responsi&le !or monitoring their sta!! to
ensure compliance %ith the regulations on !ire and com&ustion
+. During the course o! the implementation, an#thing that &ears no
relation to realit# %ill &e ad1usted.

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