Deep Sea Bio-Diversity
Deep Sea Bio-Diversity
Deep Sea Bio-Diversity
M5D > @": 1"*8&7-*) 7" 2"# 8--9 +."#) 2"#4 9+/) 1("&1- !" $ 1(23 >*'7-C('+ +* ; $ '*+ 1(23 >*'7-C('+<
1 2 S 4 S
?(- 1(+4+1)-4&/)&1/ :&)(&* )(- /&[ 7&88-4-*) 8#)#4- /1-*+4&"/ ,+42 1"*/&7-4+.923 /" 09-+/- 1(""/-
KQ6 K<?PKQ YTKX 6CJ@ BJ6QCTPK +*7 )(&*= +."#) -+1( /1-*+4&" &*7-0-*7-*)925
<9-+/- 1(""/- "0)&"* J3 &8 2"# +4- *") :&99&*' )" 0+2 8"4 -&)(-4 "0)&"* C "4 U5
BJ6QCTPK D K0)&"* C K0)&"* U K0)&"* J
(Business as usual)
Q-: %-7&1&*+9 04"7#1)/
(potential foi the uiscoveiy of
new meuicinal piouucts fiom
ueep-sea oiganisms)
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
@&'( 0")-*)&+9
8"4 *-: %-7&1&*-/
(piotect animals with
potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts)
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
Q#%.-4 "8
04")-1)-7 /0-1&-/
(incluues animals such as fish,
staifish, coials, woims,
lobsteis, sponges & anemones)
NFEE /0-1&-/
(6uu moie than
business as usual)
NZEE /0-1&-/
(Suu moie than
business as usual)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
C77&)&"*+9 1"/)/
(pei householu pei yeai)
] ZE ] DE ] E
!"#4 1("&1- foi scenaiio 2
!=4(6:( +->& ?@ A *2 B<
M5Z > @": 1"*8&7-*) 7" 2"# 8--9 +."#) 2"#4 9+/) 1("&1- !" $ 1(23 >*'7-C('+ +* ; $ '*+ 1(23 >*'7-C('+<
1 2 S 4 S
BJ6QCTPK Z K0)&"* C K0)&"* U K0)&"* J
(Business as usual)
Q-: %-7&1&*+9 04"7#1)/
(potential foi the uiscoveiy of
new meuicinal piouucts fiom
ueep-sea oiganisms)
@&'( 0")-*)&+9
8"4 *-: %-7&1&*-/
(piotect animals with
potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts)
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
Q#%.-4 "8
04")-1)-7 /0-1&-/
(incluues animals such as fish,
staifish, coials, woims,
lobsteis, sponges & anemones)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
NZEE /0-1&-/
(Suu moie than
business as usual)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
C77&)&"*+9 1"/)/
(pei householu pei yeai)
] ^E ] NE ] E
!"#4 1("&1- foi scenaiio S
!=4(6:( +->& ?@ A *2 B<
M5^ > @": 1"*8&7-*) 7" 2"# 8--9 +."#) 2"#4 9+/) 1("&1- !" $ 1(23 >*'7-C('+ +* ; $ '*+ 1(23 >*'7-C('+<
1 2 S 4 S
?(- 1(+4+1)-4&/)&1/ :&)(&* )(- /&[ 7&88-4-*) 8#)#4- /1-*+4&"/ ,+42 1"*/&7-4+.923 /" 09-+/- 1(""/-
KQ6 K<?PKQ YTKX 6CJ@ BJ6QCTPK +*7 )(&*= +."#) -+1( /1-*+4&" &*7-0-*7-*)925
<9-+/- 1(""/- "0)&"* J3 &8 2"# +4- *") :&99&*' )" 0+2 8"4 -&)(-4 "0)&"* C "4 U5
BJ6QCTPK ^ K0)&"* C K0)&"* U K0)&"* J
(Business as usual)
Q-: %-7&1&*+9 04"7#1)/
(potential foi the uiscoveiy of
new meuicinal piouucts fiom
ueep-sea oiganisms)
@&'( 0")-*)&+9
8"4 *-: %-7&1&*-/
(piotect animals with
potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts)
@&'( 0")-*)&+9
8"4 *-: %-7&1&*-/
(piotect animals with
potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts)
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
Q#%.-4 "8
04")-1)-7 /0-1&-/
(incluues animals such as fish,
staifish, coials, woims,
lobsteis, sponges & anemones)
NFEE /0-1&-/
(6uu moie than
business as usual)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
C77&)&"*+9 1"/)/
(pei householu pei yeai)
] FE ] G ] E
!"#4 1("&1- foi scenaiio 4
!=4(6:( +->& ?@ A *2 B<
M5G > @": 1"*8&7-*) 7" 2"# 8--9 +."#) 2"#4 9+/) 1("&1- !" $ 1(23 >*'7-C('+ +* ; $ '*+ 1(23 >*'7-C('+<
1 2 S 4 S
BJ6QCTPK G K0)&"* C K0)&"* U K0)&"* J
(Business as usual)
Q-: %-7&1&*+9 04"7#1)/
(potential foi the uiscoveiy of
new meuicinal piouucts fiom
ueep-sea oiganisms)
@&'( 0")-*)&+9
8"4 *-: %-7&1&*-/
(piotect animals with
potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts)
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
Q#%.-4 "8
04")-1)-7 /0-1&-/
(incluues animals such as fish,
staifish, coials, woims,
lobsteis, sponges & anemones)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
NZEE /0-1&-/
(Suu moie than
business as usual)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
C77&)&"*+9 1"/)/
(pei householu pei yeai)
] NE ] ^E ] E
!"#4 1("&1- foi scenaiio S
!=4(6:( +->& ?@ A *2 B<
M5F > @": 1"*8&7-*) 7" 2"# 8--9 +."#) 2"#4 9+/) 1("&1- !" $ 1(23 >*'7-C('+ +* ; $ '*+ 1(23 >*'7-C('+<
1 2 S 4 S
?(- 1(+4+1)-4&/)&1/ :&)(&* )(- /&[ 7&88-4-*) 8#)#4- /1-*+4&"/ ,+42 1"*/&7-4+.923 /" 09-+/- 1(""/-
KQ6 K<?PKQ YTKX 6CJ@ BJ6QCTPK +*7 )(&*= +."#) -+1( /1-*+4&" &*7-0-*7-*)925
<9-+/- 1(""/- "0)&"* J3 &8 2"# +4- *") :&99&*' )" 0+2 8"4 -&)(-4 "0)&"* C "4 U5
BJ6QCTPK F K0)&"* C K0)&"* U K0)&"* J
(Business as usual)
Q-: %-7&1&*+9 04"7#1)/
(potential foi the uiscoveiy of
new meuicinal piouucts fiom
ueep-sea oiganisms)
@&'( 0")-*)&+9
8"4 *-: %-7&1&*-/
(piotect animals with
potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts)
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
(potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts
Q#%.-4 "8
04")-1)-7 /0-1&-/
(incluues animals such as fish,
staifish, coials, woims,
lobsteis, sponges & anemones)
NFEE /0-1&-/
(6uu moie than
business as usual)
NZEE /0-1&-/
(Suu moie than
business as usual)
NEEE /0-1&-/
(base level)
C77&)&"*+9 1"/)/
(pei householu pei yeai)
] DE ] ZE ] E
!"#4 1("&1- foi scenaiio 6
!=4(6:( +->& ?@ A *2 B<
M5_ > @": 1"*8&7-*) 7" 2"# 8--9 +."#) 2"#4 9+/) 1("&1- !" $ 1(23 >*'7-C('+ +* ; $ '*+ 1(23 >*'7-C('+<
1 2 S 4 S
M5` > If you selected the option C (Business as usual) 8"4 "*- "4 %"4- "8 )(- 1("&1- /-)/3
1"#97 2"# 09-+/- )42 )" -[09+&* :(2 2"# %+7- )(+) 1("&1-O
(Please tick as many answeis as you like)
The othei options aie too costly.
Beep-sea piotection is not as impoitant to me.
0theis shoulu pay foi the piotection.
The options aie uniealistic anu woulu not woik.
I uisagiee with auuitional iestiictions on the fisheiies anuoi oil & gas sectoi.
0thei ieason(s): _____________________________________________________________________________
M5a> P8 2"# /-9-1)-7 "0)&"*/ C "4 U 8"4 "*- "4 %"4- "8 )(- 1("&1- /-)/3 1"#97 2"# )42 )"
-[09+&* (": 2"# %+7- 2"#4 1("&1-/O W(+) :+/ &%0"4)+*) 8"4 2"#4 1("&1-O
Q-: %-7&1&*+9
Q#%.-4 "8
04")-1)-7 /0-1&-/
b-42 P%0"4)+*)
R-// &%0"4)+*)
M5NE > A" 2"# 0-4/"*+992 +'4-- :&)( )(- 8"99":&*' /)+)-%-*)/O
(Please tick one box foi each statement)
Protected areas in the sea around Scotland would be beneficial for the marine environment.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
Protected areas around Scotland would have negative impacts on the marine economy.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
The marine industries should not be iestiicteu, because the extiaction of maiine iesouices such
as fish and oil is more important than protecting parts of the sea.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
It is worth paying for the protection of the deep-sea enviionment,
because society will benefit fiom it in the long-term.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
The costs for marine protection should be covered by the government & tax payers.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
The marine industries (fisheries/oil & gas companies) should cover the expenses for the
management of new protected areas.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
Marine animals should be protected even when they provide no direct benefits to society.
!" $ D+2*'.43 C-:6.2((/ 0 $ C-:6.2((/ 5 $ '(E+264/ 8 $ 6.2((/ ; $ :+2*'.43 6.2((<F
1 2 S 4 S
M5NN > P8 2"# :"#97 9&=- )" 1"%%-*) "* )(- /)+)-%-*)/ &* M5NE3 09-+/- 7" /" (-4-5
M5ND W- :"#97 *": 9&=- 2"# )" )(&*= +."#) "*- %"4- 0"//&.9- 09+* 8"4 04")-1)&*' 7--0>
/-+ +4-+/5 P*8"4%+)&"* +."#) 0-"09-c/ ,&-:/ "* )(&/ 09+* 1+* .- #/-7 )" (-90 '#&7- 8#)#4-
%+*+'-%-*) "8 )(- "1-+*/5 ?(&/ 09+* :"#97 (+,- )(- 8"99":&*' 1(+4+1)-4&/)&1/S
The size of ueep-sea piotecteu aieas woulu inciease
fiom cuiiently 1.S% to 6% of Scottish wateis.
The new piotecteu aieas will be cieateu insiue of the
Scottish wateis (iough locations aie inuicateu by
two white ciosses in the map).
Bigh potential foi new meuicines
(piotect ueep-sea oiganisms with potential foi new
meuicinal piouucts).
16uu ueep-sea species unuei piotection.
The best estimate that we can make is that this plan woulu cost a householu like youis
FE <KIQAB <6T !6CT in extia taxesF Woulu you be willing to pay this inciease in taxes foi
this paiticulai plan. Please iemembei what you alieauy have to spenu money on.
Yes I woulu be willing to spenu
6u in extia taxes on this plan
No I would not be willing to spenu
6u in extia taxes on this plan
<=016 8019;.2>
Y&*+992 &) :"#97 .- "8 '4-+) (-90 8"4 #/ )" '-) /"%- .+/&1 &*8"4%+)&"* +."#) 2"#5 ?(&/ (-90/
#/ )" .-))-4 #*7-4/)+*7 2"#4 +*/:-4/O T-%-%.-4 )(+) )(- :("9- /#4,-2 :&99 .-
+*"*2%"#/5 W- )+=- )(- 1"*8&7-*)&+9&)2 "8 2"#4 +*/:-4/ ,-42 /-4&"#/925
M5NZ > C4- you
M5N^> !"#4 *+)&"*+9&)2O
If othei please specify: ______________________________________
M5NG > W(-4- 7" 2"# 9&,-O (Please state only the city oi village.)
M5NF > @": "97 +4- 2"#O
<18 18-2S 26-SS S6-4S
46-SS S6-6S 66-7S 76+
M5N_ > Have you ever worked in?
0il & gas inuustiy Fisheiies sectoi Neithei
M5N` @+,- 2"# -,-4 .--* + %-%.-4 "8 +* -*,&4"*%-*)+9 '4"#0 dTB<U3 WWY "4 -9/-\O
Yes No
M5Na > @+,- 2"# -,-4 .--* 7&,&*'O
Yes No
M5DE > @": "8)-* 7" 2"# -+) 8&/(O
Nevei less than once a yeai Less than once a month
Less than once a week At least once pei week
M5DN > W(+) &/ )(- (&'(-/) 7-'4-- "4 '4+7- "8 /1(""9 )(+) 2"# (+,- 1"%09-)-7O
Stanuaiu giaue uCSE 0nueigiauuate uegiee
Bighei giaue A levels Postgiauuate uegiee
Fuithei euucation (BNBBNCBTEC oi equivalent)
M5DD > !"#4 1#44-*) )20- "8 "11#0+)&"*e -%09"2%-*)O
Not woiking Piofessional (employeu self-employeu)
Stuuent Pait-time woiking
M5DZ > Please estimate your households yearly income after tax & benefits.
(This helps us to bettei unueistanu youi answeis fiom the choice expeiiment.)
0p to 1u,uuu 4u,uu1 6u,uuu
1u,uu1 2u,uuu 6u,uu1 8u,uuu
2u,uu1 Su,uuu 8u,uu1 - 1uu,uuu
Su,uu1 4u,uuu Noie than 1uu,uuu
M5D^ > @": %+*2 0-"09- 9&,- &* 2"#4 ("#/-("97O
Numbei of auults: Numbei of chiluien:
M5DG > Finally, please let us know your opinion on this survey. For me this survey was
(Please select as many answeis as you like.)
not cieuible compiehensible
too complicateutoo long inteiesting
Please feel fiee to put any fuithei comments on this suivey in the box. We aie veiy inteiesteu to
heai about youi opinion anu feelings on this suivey anu will use this infoimation to impiove oui
futuie ieseaich.
<9-+/- #/- )(- 04-0+&7 -*,-9"0- )" /-*7 )(- 1"%09-)-7 /#4,-2 .+1= )" "#4 84--0"/)
+774-//5 If you like to paiticipate in the piize uiaw, please uo not foiget to fill out the contact
uetails on youi covei lettei.
,?@75 801 :.98 A1B? >09 8019 ?.2CD
If you have lost the envelope please ietuin youi questionnaiie to oui fieepost auuiess below:
ACES Auiis builuing
Niels }obstvogt
2S St Nachai Biive
AB24 S00
?(- 0"/)+'- :&99 .- 0+&7 .2 )(- #*&,-4/&)25
J("&1- -[0-4&%-*) d,-4/&"* N5N\
R+/) #07+)- G f#*- DEND
This stuuy was funueu by the Naiine Alliance
of Science anu Technology Scotlanu (NASTS),
0niveisity of Abeiueen, anu 0ceanlab.