TMP 964 F
TMP 964 F
TMP 964 F
12/ IPA I Ll.
f;l ~ 0
~Nret r(YN~Br
~N N N,-Ar ~N (3)
( 2)
( 4)
Scheme I
filtered and dried. The crude 4 thus obta ined was re- CH 3CN (15 mL) was added K 2C03 (0.7 g, 5 m mole)
crystalli zed from etha no l to obtain pure 4 (Tc.ble I ). and the mixture stirred at RT. To thi s, a so luti on of Sa
Preparation of Sa/4a 1 from 1/2a (General pro- ( 1.53 g, 5 m mo le) in CH 3CN (10 mL) was added
cedure). To a so luti on of 1/2a (I 0 m mole) in iso- with stirring followed by the alkyl ating agent (OMS)
propanol (20 mL) was added the p-methyl- (5 m mole) at RT. The mixture was stirred at RT for 3
pheny lthi ourea ( 1.66 g, I 0 m mo le ) and iod ine (2.53 hr and then fiitered. The CH 3CN filtrate was evapo-
g, 12 m mole) in iso-propano l (20 mL). Th e reaction rated to dryness y ielding a residue. The latter was
mixture was refl uxed for -3.5 hr. Th e co nte nts were treated with chloroform (20 mL), washed with water
reduced to half th e vo lume a nd separated so lid and evaporated to dryness y ie lding a second res idue.
(whi ch is the HI sa lt of Sa/4a 1) was filte red, washed The latter on trituratio n w ith hexane and recrysta lli za-
with iso-propan o l a nd dried . Th e so lid thu s o btained ti on from a suitable solvent gave pure 4a 1 (y ield 45 %,
was suspe nded in wa ter (50 mL' and ne utralized m.p. 233° C).
with aq. NaHC0 3 to obtain th e free base. The sepa-
rated co mpound , whi ch is crude Sa/4at was rec ry s- Acknowledgement
tallized from e th ano l to obta in pure Sa/4a 1 (y ie ld of The authors are hi ghl y indebted to UGC (Govt. of
Sa = 51 %, m.p. 170° C , y ield of 4a 1 = 45 %, m.p. Indi a), New Delhi for fin ancial support.
234° C).
Preparation of 4a 1 from Sa.To a so lu tion of References
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