Poorva Shada
Poorva Shada
Poorva Shada
Poorvashada is taken as the twentieth nakshatra among the 27 nakshatras which are
considered important in Indian astrology for making calculations from horoscopes
based on Vedic astrology. The literal translation of the word Poorvashada is The
former Invincible One or The Former Undefeated one and Vedic astrology associates
this nakshatra with the characteristic of being invincible or undefeated which in
simple words means that the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are
invincible. Since this nakshatra has its influence on many people of the world and not
all of them can be invincible, some Vedic astrologers believe that the word invincibility
is related to the invincibility of the mind more than anything else which means that
the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are mentally very strong and
they do not accept defeat even under the worst of the circumstances. Poorvashada
natives keep on trying to achieve whatever they have planned for and they can put in
the longest effort and wait among all the nakshatras to achieve their objectives. Some
literatures of Vedic astrology also suggest an alternate name Aparajita for this
nakshatra, and the literal meaning of the word Aparajita is a The One Who has never
been Defeated which again translates into undefeated. Therefore many Vedic
astrologers associate this nakshatra with the quality of being undefeated which means
that the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra do not accept defeat and
they do not give up to failures and instead they keep on working hard towards their
goals and many times they are able to achieve their goals due to his quality possessed
by them.
Many Vedic astrologers believe that the main symbol of this
nakshatra is a handheld fan which can be used for various purposes and accordingly it
signifies many characteristics of Poorvashada. Many Vedic astrologers state that a
handheld fan is used for cooling and relief when it is very hot and accordingly this
nakshatra has the ability to keep its cools during the hot or tough times and by virtue
of its patience and the constant effort to get through difficult times, this nakshatra has
the ability to get through such times. It should be noted here that waving the fan for
cooling someone or something needs a constant and long effort and accordingly the
natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are considered to be capable of
providing this constant and long effort to achieve their objectives. Some Vedic
astrologers extend the above mentioned theory and believe that in ancient times a fan
of some kind was also used to fan up a fire which is considered as a negative quality
and it shows an act of aggression whereas in its positive sense the same act of fanning a
fire can be seen as a positive quality which means that this nakshatra has the ability to
keep a fire burning by fanning it. This means that Poorvashada natives have the
ability to keep the fire inside them alive for a long time by fanning it through their
strong will power and ambitions and this quality can help them put up longer and
sustained struggles and efforts to achieve their goals and thus it is seen as a positive
quality. So the quality of fanning a fire is seen as a positive as well as a negative
quality by different Vedic astrologers.
Some Vedic astrologers believe that a handheld fan was used
as a decorative item in some ancient civilizations and in todays world, a handheld fan
is a very popular decorative item in Japanese culture. Women of Japan use such kind
of fans to add beauty, glamour and showy quality to their personalities and
accordingly this nakshatra is directly related to beauty, glamour and show biz of all
kinds. Since all of the above mentioned qualities are very much directly related to the
art of living and enjoying the life in a happy way, so this nakshatra is also related with
the art of living the life in a happy and glamorous way. A handheld fan is also
sometimes used as a mask to hide the face or conceal the identity and accordingly some
Vedic astrologers associate this nakshatra with hiding and concealing of some kind.
Vedic astrology assigns Apah, a goddess of water as the ruling deity of Poorvashada.
Apah is known as a mysterious and secretive goddess and these qualities of Apah are
relayed through this nakshatra which make this nakshatra a secretive, mysterious and
hiding nakshatra. Apah is also considered as a goddess who is kind at heart but who
can be very harsh and cruel in her actions when the circumstances demand so.
Therefore, some Vedic astrologers believe that the natives under the strong influence of
this nakshatra can be very harsh and cruel towards other people for their own benefits
or when the situation demands them to be so.
Vedic astrology assigns Venus as the ruling deity of this
nakshatra and many characteristics of Venus like beauty, glamour, show biz as
already indicated by one of the meanings drawn from the main symbol of this
nakshatra, are relayed through this nakshatra. The influence of Venus on Poorvashada
makes it a nakshatra which loves life and which loves to enjoy life in all its
materialistic aspects. All four parts of this nakshatra fall in the sign of Sagittarius
ruled by Jupiter and accordingly this nakshatra comes under the influence of Jupiter
and Sagittarius. The combined influence of Jupiter and Sagittarius renders qualities
like being ambitious, joyful, full of life, optimistic and expansive, to this nakshatra. So
the final nature of this nakshatra is decided by considering all the influences on this
nakshatra and it can differ from horoscope to horoscope depending upon which of the
influences is stronger in a particular horoscope. In general, the natives under the
strong influence of this nakshatra have a strong will power which makes them
mentally invincible and as a result they are not bothered much by the failures and
setbacks that come their way and they are very much determined to achieve their
objectives and goals. Poorvashada natives are usually very patient and they can wait
for long periods of time in order to witness favorable results or in order to achieve their
goals and this quality of Poorvashada natives can sometimes become a negative quality
according to some Vedic astrologers as such natives may keep on waiting for very long
times in order to achieve their goals even when there is little or no hope left and the
practical chances of them reaching their goals are almost zero. This die hard attitude of
Poorvashada natives can sometimes go against them as due to their undefeated state of
mind they can keep on sticking to some task which has already lost all chances of
witnessing success. And the worst part is that, natives under the strong influence of
this nakshatra usually do not listen to their advisors or nears and dears who may from
time to time tell them that there is no fruit or potential left in a particular job and that
they should move on to something else. Many Vedic astrologers believe that it is very
difficult for Poorvashada natives to accept defeat and move on to something new and
they can suffer a lot in their lives due to these practically negative qualities. So
Poorvashada natives should always keep a check on their sanity and they should
control the habit of blindly and constantly following something even when it has no
chances of happening and they should learn to move on to something new at proper
Poorvashada is considered as one of the most optimistic
nakshatras in Vedic astrology and this belief is further supported by the influence of
Jupiter and Sagittarius on this nakshatra as we know that Jupiter is known as a planet
of hope and optimism in Vedic astrology and Sagittarius is considered as a sign which
signifies ambitiousness, adventurous nature, and leaps of faith, according to Indian
astrology. The natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are therefore very
optimistic ones and they have a strong conviction in whatever they believe or chose to
do. Poorvashada natives are at the same time very patient ones and they can wait for
long periods of time to witness fruits of their efforts. However some Vedic astrologers
believe that this optimism and conviction of Poorvashada natives can cross its limits
many times and as a result the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra
can try and accomplish virtually impossible tasks as they strongly believe that there is
nothing in the world that they cannot do, if they want to do it. Poorvashada natives
also have a strong tendency to wait for very long times to achieve their objectives and
this characteristic can again become a negative one in many cases as many of these
natives keep sticking to their objectives or goals even when it is evident to everyone
that the chances of them reaching such objectives have practically become zero and
they should now move on to something else. But it is very difficult for Poorvashada
natives to leave one task before completion and move on to the other in proper time
and due to this characteristic, they face many losses throughout their lives and the
strange part is that they hardly ever learn from such mistakes and keep on repeating
the same attitude throughout their lives.
Many natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra can
have develop a habit of pursuing unrealistic goals and ambitions and as a result they
are likely to waste a long period of time and much effort in trying to fulfill these
ambitions. It is very hard to believe for many Poorvashada natives that they have lost
to someone or something and that their chances are over and they can behave in a kind
of insane and obsessed way when the people around them try to tell them that they
have lost on a particular front and that they should admit their failure and move on.
Obsession developed by virtue of strong conviction of winning is the one characteristic
that makes Poorvashada natives different from the other nakshatra types.
Poorvashada natives cannot bear the idea of defeat or losing out and some of these
natives can go insane or even commit suicides when they come to know that have lost
some goal or objective which they pursued for a long time and with a lots of conviction.
Poorvashada natives can take extreme measures in order to fulfill their goals and they
can become dangerous when they get the notion that their goal is slipping away from
them. Therefore Poorvashada is seen as an obsessive, cruel and harsh nakshatra by
many Vedic astrologers, but all is not lost for this nakshatra and there are many
positive qualities exhibited by this nakshatra. Poorvashada natives know the art of
living and they know how to suck delight out of life. These natives are not bothered
much by the troubles and hurdles that come their way and as a result, they are capable
of enjoying their lives in a better way than many other nakshatra types. Poorvashada
natives keep on trying to improve their materialistic lives due to influence of Venus on
this nakshatra and they are also very good at showing off their achievements to the
people around them. Display of beauty and other priced possessions is a quality that
comes natural to Poorvashada natives and this aspect of their personality can again be
attributed to the influence of Venus on this nakshatra.
Vedic astrology assigns many kinds of professional spheres to
this nakshatra and accordingly the natives under the influence of this nakshatra can
be seen practicing as people working with entertainment industry like actors, movie
stars, TV artists and other similar kind of people, many kinds of people related with
marine life like sailors, ocean explorers, divers, Navy personnel, fishermen and other
people dealing in fishing industry, people dealing in shipping industry and
manufacturing of ship, boats, fairies, yachts and other such kind of machines, poets,
artists, painters, writers, authors and other such kind of people, teachers and
preachers, people dealing in management industry like hosts and hostesses, event
managers and other such kind of people, fashion models, beauticians, hair dressers and
other such people in similar kind of professional spheres, people dealing in almost every
kind of industry which something to do with the processing of liquids or making of
liquids like soft drinks and juices and many other kinds of people dealing in many other
kinds of professional spheres. The natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra
can also become sea explores or other kinds of explores in general and some natives
under a very strong and beneficial influence of this nakshatra can also find treasures
hidden in the sea.
Coming to some of the other facts associated with this
nakshatra which are considered important for making calculations like gun Milan for
the purpose of horoscope matching for marriage, Vedic astrology considers
Poorvashada as a female nakshatra and many Vedic astrologers explain this
classification of gender on the basis of association of this nakshatra with Apah and
Venus, both of which are considered as females in Vedic astrology. Poorvashada is
considered as Fierce in nature and Balanced in functioning, and these classifications
are not hard to understand from the working of this nakshatra. Vedic Jyotish assigns
the Varna of Brahmin to this nakshatra which is explained on the basis of association
of this nakshatra with Venus and Jupiter, both of which are considered as Brahmin
planets in Indian astrology. Poorvashada is considered as a Rajasic nakshatra and this
classification is again explained on the basis of materialistic nature of this nakshatra
and its association with Venus which is considered as a highly Rajasic planet in Vedic
astrology. The Gan assigned to this nakshatra is Manav and this classification is again
evident from the working of this nakshatra. Many astrologers assign the element of Air
to this nakshatra and some Vedic astrologers believe that it is partly due to the
influence of this air element on this nakshatra that the natives under the strong
influence of this nakshatra develop groundless and unrealistic hopes.