Moola is taken as the nineteenth nakshatra among the 27 nakshatras which are
considered important in Indian astrology for making calculations from horoscopes
based on Vedic astrology. The literal translation for the word Moola is The Root and as
we know that the root is the most important and the innermost part of every existing
being, accordingly many Vedic astrologers associate this nakshatra with being rooted,
straight forward and having a tendency to look for the root of every matter. Vedic
astrology assigns a Tied Bunch of Roots as the main symbol of this nakshatra and this
tied bunch of roots again conveys various meanings according to different Vedic
astrologers. According to many Vedic astrologers, Moola is always concerned about
getting to the root of everything which means that Moola natives are very curious to
know about the deepest core element of everything and they want to understand
everything right from its core which makes Moola natives very good analysts. Many
Vedic astrologers believe that the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra
are very straight forward in their approach and they do not like to talk about the
things which they dont consider important and they rather get to the point straight
away without bothering for any formalities and due to this characteristic of Moola
natives, they can be perceived as harsh, rude and outspoken by other people but Moola
natives do not care about what other people think about them and they keep on doing
whatever they like.
Some Vedic astrologers are of the view that natives under the
strong influence of Moola nakshatra are themselves very deep rooted and it is very
difficult for the other people to judge them as they are very good at hiding their true
emotions and feelings. It should be noted here that in most of the cases, the root of a
thing is the most hidden part like in case of plants and trees, the root is hidden beneath
the earth whereas the rest of the body is visible. Therefore some Vedic astrologers
believe that the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are masters of
disguise and they are very good at hiding their true emotions and feelings which makes
it difficult for the other people to judge them. A different group of Vedic astrologers
believes that since the roots are the strongest and innermost part of anything, therefore
the natives under the strong influence of Moola nakshatra are capable of achieving
strength and power in their lives where the limit of this strength and power can vary
for different natives depending upon the overall tone of their horoscopes. Another
group of Vedic astrologers associates this nakshatra with the hidden and occult realms.
According to these Vedic astrologers, the root of anything is always hidden and is
covered in mystery and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of Moola
nakshatra have a tendency to connect to the hidden, mysterious and occult side of the
nature and accordingly many Moola natives are likely to gain success and power with
the help of some hidden knowledge or some help from the occult and some Moola
natives can be seen practicing in these hidden and occult sciences as a lifetime job.
Some Vedic astrologers believe that the tied bunch of roots used
as a the main symbol of this nakshatra conveys some kind of limitation or restriction
associated with the success or power gained by the natives under the strong influence
of this nakshatra as the concept of tying something conveys a sense of restriction and
limitation whereas some other Vedic astrologers believe that the symbol of tied bunch
of roots indicates that Moola natives are deeply rooted and tied with their families and
they are capable of reaching success and strength by virtue of tying up with other
people or organizations. This belief of a group of Vedic astrologers has its root in the
fact that a tied bunch of roots is always much stronger than a single root and
accordingly Moola natives can also become much stronger and can gain more success
when they tie up with their friends and associates. So it can be seen from the above
discussion that although Moola is associated with many kinds of characteristics
according to different groups of Vedic astrologers, but the fact that Moola has
something to do with getting to the root of the matters, gaining strength and success, is
common among most of these explanations and accordingly it can be said that the
natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are capable of reaching success
and power in their lives and this success and power is likely to come and enhance with
the help of their friends and allies and at the same time Moola natives are likely to get
some support from the hidden or the occult.
Vedic astrology assigns Nritti as the ruling deity of this
nakshatra. Nritti is considered as the goddess of destruction according to Vedic
mythology as the word Nritti literally translates into Calamity or destruction on a
large scale and accordingly many characteristics of Nritti are relayed through this
nakshatra which makes Moola a nakshatra which is likely to use its power and
strength for the purposes of destruction and therefore most of the Vedic astrologers
consider this nakshatra as an unpleasant and destructive nakshatra due to the
influence of Nritti on this nakshatra. But before reaching any conclusion about the
final nature of this nakshatra, lets discuss the remaining influences of planets and
signs on this nakshatra. Vedic astrology assigns Ketu as the ruling planet of this
nakshatra and as Ketu is generally known as a planet related with past, mysteries,
troubles and problems in Vedic astrology, many negative characteristics of Ketu are
relayed through this nakshatra which makes it even more difficult to handle. Ketu is
known as a fiery planet in Vedic astrology and it also known as the planet which can
bring destruction on a large scale and a planet which can give good or bad results in a
very short period of time and most of these qualities of Ketu are relayed through this
nakshatra which makes Moola a very difficult energy to handle and the natives under
the strong influence of this nakshatra can find it very hard to curb their destructive
potentials and direct themselves towards something constructive and any such effort of
Moola natives is supported by the fact that Moola is also under the influence of Jupiter
which is known as a Just, Right, and Religious planet in Vedic astrology and which
promotes friendship and prosperity and not destruction.
All four parts of this nakshatra fall in the sign of Sagittarius
which is a sign ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius is considered as a very lucky, good and
prosperous sign in Vedic astrology and its ruler Jupiter is known as the greatest of all
natural benefic planets in Indian astrology. Therefore the influence of Jupiter and
Sagittarius brings hope and some balance to this nakshatra and accordingly natives
under the influence of this nakshatra are capable of directing their power and strength
in a positive way but the final resultant of the energy of this nakshatra will be decided
in a horoscope only after analyzing the strength of Moola, Ketu, Sagittarius and
Jupiter. For example, Moola is likely to work in a negative fashion in a horoscope
where Moola is very strong in itself, Ketu is strong and working negatively, Jupiter is
either weak or working negatively in the horoscope and same is the case with the sign
Sagittarius whereas Moola has a tendency to balance itself and work in a positive way
in a horoscope where Moola is itself not very strong, Ketu is working positively in the
horoscope, Jupiter is strong and positive in the horoscope and same is the case with the
sign Sagittarius. So it all depends upon the overall tone of the horoscope but it should be
noted here that Moola has a tendency to work in a negative way and misuse its power
in most of the horoscopes and it is very difficult to positively utilize the destructive
energy of this nakshatra. For example, it is believed by some Vedic astrologers that
Ravana, one of the mightiest kings this earth has ever seen, was born under the strong
influence of Moola and he also had other supporting planets in his horoscope and
accordingly he rose to become the mightiest king of his time and he gained control over
the three words known as Prithvi, Swarg and Paataal lok by virtue of the powers
gained through worship of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva.
Ravana was also known as a very diplomatic king of his times
and he possessed many other good qualities. But under the strong influence of Moola, he
developed a tendency to practice his free will and indulge in the deeds which were not
in tune with the universal will and accordingly he saw his downfall and complete
destruction of his evil forces and allies when Lord Rama, known as the incarnation of
Lord Narayana, one of the three Supreme Gods, waged war on him. So it can be said
that Ravana rose to great power by virtue of the energy of Moola which is capable of
blessing the native with great powers but then under the negative influence of the same
energy he set himself on a path which led to the destruction of many innocent people
first and then finally he witnessed his own destruction. It should also be noted here that
much of Ravanas strength lied in his very strong relatives, friends and allies like
Meghnaad, his very powerful son who conquered Indra and was known as Indrajeet
later on, Kumbhkarna his younger brother who was again one of the most powerful
Rakshasas of his time and many more relatives, friends and allies who were very
powerful. The above discussion points towards the belief of some Vedic astrologers that
the tied bunch of roots used as the symbol of this nakshatra indicates that the native
under the strong influence of this nakshatra is capable of achieving great powers with
the help of strong friends, relatives and allies which was obviously the case with
Ravana. So to sum up the above discussion, it can be said that Moola can bless the
native with great strength and power but at the same time it is likely to bring the
downfall of the native due to misuse of those powers. So Moola is an energy which
should be handled very carefully as it has a strong tendency to work in a negative way
and make the native misuse his power which can bring his downfall.
The natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are
usually very focused on their goals and they keep on trying to achieve their goals until
they have achieved them or they have completely exhausted themselves. Moola natives
are neither troubled nor bothered by the hindrances that come in their way and they
keep on trying to achieve their goals relentlessly. Moola is a very impulsive nakshatra
due to strong influence of Ketu and Nritti on this nakshatra and it is very quick in
taking actions which many times may be without proper consideration and
accordingly the native may have to regret his actions later on. But Moola natives
usually do not learn from their past mistakes and they keep on repeating the same
impulsiveness and suffering losses again and again. Natives under the strong influence
of this nakshatra are very good planners, manipulators and diplomats and they use
these qualities to gain some position of power. Many Moola natives are very good at
using and exploiting their friends, relatives and allies for their own benefit and they
also have a strong tendency to cut off the ones who they think have become useless for
them due to which Moola natives are termed as selfish ones by some Vedic astrologers.
Moola natives can be very proud and adamant and due to these characteristics, they
are termed as egoistic by people around them. Some Vedic astrologers strongly believe
that the downfall of Moola natives starts in many cases due to their proud and
adamant nature which leads them to pick troubles with many other people and which
also leads them towards doing the bad deeds and which finally brings about their
downfall. So natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra should always keep a
check on their ego and adamancy in order to avoid setbacks and downfalls. To
summarize, Moola is considered as a very difficult nakshatra in Vedic astrology and
the strong influence of this nakshtara in a horoscope can be a cause of concern for the
Vedic astrology assigns various kinds of professional spheres to this
nakshatra and accordingly the natives under the influence of this nakshatra can be
seen practicing as Kings, Heads of the states or countries, dictators, administrators
possessing great powers, powerful political leaders, powerful diplomats and powerful
manipulators and many other kinds of people dealing in many other kinds of
professional spheres which are directly related with a power and status, black
magicians, psychics, tantrics, aghorees, exorcists, paranormal healers, spiritual people
practicing hard and long penance, tarot card readers, people dealing in witchcraft,
astrologers and other such people dealing in similar kinds of fields, historians,
librarians, doctors and especially surgeons, dentists, lawyers, judges, magistrates, spies,
scientists, analysts, police officers and many other kinds of people dealing in many
other kinds of professional spheres. The natives under the strong influence of this
nakshatra also have a strong tendency to become gangsters, criminals, arms dealers,
murderers, professional killers, serial killers, militants and other people associated with
militant organizations, criminal organizations which sell and use the weapons of mass
destruction, powerful dictators who wage wars on other organizations or countries and
cause destructions on large scales, drug dealers and particularly the ones dealing in
very harmful drugs which can again cause deaths in large numbers and many other
kinds of people dealing in many other kinds of professions. Some Vedic astrologers
believe that the natives with the strong influence of this nakshatra have a strong
tendency to indulge in criminal activities or immoral acts.
Looking at some other facts associated with this nakshatra which
are considered important for making certain specific calculations like gun Milan based
for the purpose of horoscope matching for marriage, Vedic astrology considers Moola as
a Neutral nakshatra and many Vedic astrologers explain this gender classification of
Moola on the basis of its association with Ketu which is considered as a Neutral planet
in Indian astrology. Moola is considered as Harsh in Nature and active in functioning
and both of these classifications can be easily understood by looking at the functioning
of this nakshatra. Vedic astrology assigns the Varna of Shudra to this nakshatra and it
is considered as Tamasic in Gun and both of these classifications are again in tune with
the nature and functioning of this nakshatra. Moola is considered as Rakshas in Gan
according to Vedic jyotish and this classification is again explained on the basis of the
nature and functioning of this nakshatra. The element of air is assigned to this