Colors and Crystals

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Stargazers Colors and Crystals

Subtle Energy
Approx. Location
in Physical Body Types of Stones Qualities of the Stones
Some Uses of the Stones (at corresponding physical/ subtle center, or
when in contact with the body as a whole)
Black Center of the
Bottoms of feet Obsidian, Onyx, Agate, Iron
Cold, solidity, stillness,
sleep/rest, no movement,
To open energy channels from bottom of feet. Grounding &
focusing. Calming the mind and emotionts. Quick, firm focus
on the physical plane. Slowing/stopping subtle or physical
Grey Middle of the
Lower leg Smoky quartz, obsidian,
Same as above, but with
less firmness and slightly
more movement.
Same as above, but not as extreme. Opens energy channels
down legs to earth.
Brown Surface of the
Upper leg Smoky quartz, obsidian,
brown tiger eye, jasper,
Peacefulness, nurturance,
safety, warmth, calm,
To lightly ground and focus the mind. Calms the emotions.
Soothing to the physical and/or subtle bodies. Opens energy
channels down.
Red 1st chakra, root
center, base of
Base of spine,
physical heart,
blood, circulation
Garnet, ruby, jasper Warmth, fire, heat, high-
To open the 1st chakra. To break through mental
conditioning. To create rapid change/empower action. To
energize. To create heat. To work with heart, blood,
Pink The heart center Inside the center
of the chest, the
heart, any area
that needs
gentle change
Rose quartz, pink
tourmaline, rhodochrosite,
pink garnet.
Gentleness, love, peace,
Lifts depression, creates peaceful feelings. To gently
energize. To create warmth. To relieve stress and
disharmony. To open the heart chakra. To open the energy
channel between the 1st chakra and heart center.
Orange 2nd chakra Near the sexual
organs, pelvic
Carnelian, agate, Madeira
Aroused sexual energy,
warmth, activity, fire
To lightly energize. To increase creative energy. To
increase sexual energy. To strengthen & stimulate 2nd
Gold or
Gold - the energy
channel between
3rd chakra
through crown
center. Yellow -
3rd chakra
Near the navel
area to the top of
the head.
Yellow citrine, light smoky
quartz, lemon quartz,
golden labradorite, pyrite
Warmth, activity, sunlight,
creative energy.
Increasing male energy. To manifest creative energy on the
physical plane. Lifting depression. To lightly energize
physical body and subtle nervous system. To work on lungs,
breath and life force. To strengthen and stimulate 3rd chakra.
Improving force of will.
Green Heart center or
4th chakra
The center of the
chest, any area
that needs
cooling, lungs
Emerald, malachite, peridot,
tourmaline, dioptase, jade,
green calcite
Generosity, prosperity,
nurturing, cooling, slightly
calming, water.
Relaxing and expanding the heart center. Cooling fevers.
Calming heated emotions. Increasing prosperity
consciousness. Relaxing cramped muscles and tightness in
the body. Strengthens the physical heart. Increases the
ability to love.
sky blue or
light blue
5th chakra,
throat center
Center of the
throat, part of
jaw and ears,
back of neck,
base of skull
Turquoise, green
chrysoprase, aquamarine,
blue topaz, celestite
Sky, lightness, vibrant
repose, joy, astral
Astral or out-of-body travel. Relaxing stress, particularly in
the jaw, neck and top of shoulders. Increasing verbalization
and singing abilities. Increasing effectiveness of
communication. Opens subtle energy channel from the heart
to the third eye. Joins love with wisdom, creating
compassion. Getting rid of headaches, calming fever.
Royal Blue
to Indigo
6th chakra, third
eye center
The center of the
forehead, part of
ears, eyes and
upper head
Lapis lazuli, sodalite Regality, deep space,
endless repose, calm,
strength, spiritual
Calming the mind. Becoming more intuitive. Developing
wisdom. Increasing mental abilities. Focusing and
maintaining concentration. Improving memory. Improving
eyesight. Stilling the body. Becoming meditative. Increase
sensitivity to subtle energy.
Purple to
Light Violet
7th chakra,
crown center.
Center of top of
head, slightly
above head.
Amethyst Calmness, gentleness,
expansive, regality,
harmonizing, spiritual
Increasing spirituality, stimulating enlightenmest. Physical,
mental, emotional, subtle healing. Lifting depression.
Relaxing stress. Increasing feminine energy. Dropping
unwanted desires. Developing calmness in body, mind and
White Higher energy
centers than the
crown chakra
Above the top of
the head
Clear quartz, pearl, clear
Clarity, brilliance, light, ice,
etheric, endless potential,
Clear quartz, diamonds and sometimes calcite can be
programmed to take on the characteristics of any color
stone. They contain all color, so have all possible uses
available to them. They can energize, harmonize, heal and
expand the capabilities of all bodies. Calcidte and pearl can
be used to strengthen and stimulate bones, hair and nails.
Stargazers 12727 Northup Way, Ste. 10, Bellevue, WA 98005 425-885-7289

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