AP Priest36414

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I am a
disciple of
Jesus Christ,
the Son
of God.”
3 Nephi 5:13
Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah

© 2001 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
English approval: 1/04

Message from the First Presidency . . . . . . . . 4

The Preparatory Priesthood . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Your Duty to God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Aaronic Priesthood and Scouting . . . . . . . . 10

Duty to God Certificate Requirements . . . . 11

Priesthood Duties and Standards . . . . 11
Family Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Quorum Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Personal Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Spiritual Development . . . . . . . . . 16
Physical Development . . . . . . . . . 19
Educational, Personal, and
Career Development . . . . . . . . . . 21
Citizenship and
Social Development . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Duty to God Service Project . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

My Personal Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Your Duty to God Record Sheet . . . . . . . . . 32

Completion of Duty to God . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

In this guidebook, the terms stake president

and bishop refer also to district president and
branch president, and the terms stake and
ward refer also to district and branch.
“And witness MESSAGE FROM
O God, the
Father, that
they are
willing to
take upon
Y ou live in a day of great challenges and
opportunities. You have been called to
make a difference in the world. As a son
them the of God, with the power of the Aaronic
name of thy
Son, and Priesthood, you can be a wonderful force
always for good.
him and You can provide service, giving of your time,
keep his
command- talents, and energies without thought of
ments which reward. You can fulfill priesthood duties, such
he has given
as blessing the sacrament and serving as a
them; that
they may home teacher. You can lift others by your
always have
example. You can strengthen yourself, build-
his Spirit to
be with ing faith and testimony, living the gospel
them.” while you learn it and share it.
D&C 20:77
You have a responsibility to learn what
Heavenly Father wants you to do and then to
do your best to follow His will. This guide-
book, along with For the Strength of Youth,
will help you learn and do your duty to God.
We hope you will earn the Duty to God Award
and that it will become a symbol of your
preparation to receive the Melchizedek
The Lord believes in you and has an important
mission for you to do. He will help you as you
turn to Him in prayer. Listen for the prompt-
ings of the Spirit. Obey the commandments.
Make and keep covenants that will prepare you
for the temple. Work with your parents and
leaders as you set goals and strive to achieve
them. You will feel a great sense of accomplish-
ment as you fulfill your duty and prepare for
the exciting challenges of the future.

The First Presidency

“See that ye
serve him
with all your
heart, might,
mind and
that ye may
stand blame-
Your photo
less before
God at the
last day.”
D&C 4:2

This guidebook belongs to:

I was ordained a priest on (date):

At (ward and stake):


Who holds the priesthood office of:


A s a priest, you have had many opportuni-

ties to learn and do your duty in the
Aaronic Priesthood. Many new opportunities
soon await you. You will receive the
Melchizedek Priesthood. You will go to the
temple and make sacred covenants. You will
serve as a missionary, teaching the gospel and
blessing the lives of others. Make the most of
this important time in your life. Continue to
focus on the purposes of the Aaronic
Priesthood, and do those things that will help
you accomplish them. The purposes of the
Aaronic Priesthood include:
• Become converted to the gospel of
Jesus Christ and live its teachings.
• Serve faithfully in priesthood callings, and
fulfill the responsibilities of priesthood
• Give meaningful service.
• Prepare and live worthily to receive the
Melchizedek Priesthood and temple
• Prepare to serve an honorable full-time
• Obtain as much education as possible.
• Prepare to become a worthy husband
and father.
• Give proper respect to women, girls,
and children.

exhort, and
teach, and
invite all to
A s a priest, you can earn a Duty to God
certificate by completing the require-
ments in this guidebook. You may already
come unto
Christ.” have earned a certificate as a deacon and as
D&C 20:59 a teacher. When you have earned all 3 certifi-
cates, you will earn the Duty to God Award.
To earn a certificate as a priest, you must
complete the following:
• Priesthood Duties and Standards (page 11)
• Family Activities (page 12)
• Quorum Activities (page 14)
• Personal Goals in each of 4 categories:
Spiritual Development (page 16)
Physical Development (page 19)
Educational, Personal, and
Career Development (page 21)
Citizenship and Social
Development (page 23)
• Duty to God Service Project (page 26)
• My Personal Journal (page 27)
Ask your parents and quorum leaders for help
in setting these goals. Set your goals prayer-
fully. Be sure to choose challenging goals
that will help you reach your potential. As you
work on a requirement, you might ask your-
self: How will this help me on my mission?
How will it prepare me for the temple? How
will it strengthen my testimony? How will it
help me serve others or help my parents?
Your annual interview with your bishop is a
good time to review your goals.
The 4 areas of personal development are:


“And Jesus
Educational, increased in
Personal, PRIESTHOOD Physical wisdom and
and DUTIES stature, and
in favour
with God
and man.”
and Social Luke 2:52


A s a priest, much of your attention is now

turned toward receiving the Melchizedek
Priesthood, going to the temple, and serving
a full-time mission. However, you can continue
to participate in Scouting and complete your
Eagle Scout Award. Work closely with your
parents and quorum adviser to accomplish
this goal.

he requirements for earning the Duty to
T God certificate for priests are outlined
exhort, and
baptize, and
Priesthood Duties and Standards the sacra-
Remain worthy to represent the Savior by
D&C 20:46
doing all of the following regularly:
1. Keep the commandments.
2. Live the standards in For the Strength of
3. Have daily personal prayer.
4. Read the scriptures.
5. Attend seminary, where available; other-
wise, enroll in the appropriate seminary
home-study course.
6. Attend sacrament meeting, priesthood
meeting, and other Church meetings.
7. Keep the Word of Wisdom.
8. Pay a full tithe.
9. Bless the sacrament.
10. Serve as a home teacher as assigned by
your priesthood leaders.
11. Perform other assigned priesthood duties.

Family Activities
Do all of the following. Have a parent initial
each goal when you complete it.

_______1. Read the Book of Mormon. Discuss

with your family the highlights from the book,
including such topics as the difference in atti-
tude between Nephi and Laman, the value of
obedience to parents and priesthood leaders,
the need to heed the messages of Heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ, the fight between
good and evil, King Benjamin’s wise counsel,
Jesus Christ’s visit to the Western Hemisphere,
and the promise given in Moroni 10:4–5.

_______2. Read For the Strength of Youth, and

discuss with your parents your experience in
living gospel standards.

_______3. If you have not received your patri-

archal blessing, begin making plans to do so.

_______4. Read about the following topics in

True to the Faith or Gospel Principles, and
teach 2 of them to your family: the Atonement
of Jesus Christ, the Creation, death (physical
and spiritual), eternal life, the Fall, God the
Father, kingdoms of glory, mercy, the premor-
tal existence, prophets, the Restoration of the
gospel, the Resurrection, and the Second

_______5. Under the direction of your

parents, organize and teach at least 4 family
home evening lessons each year. You may
want to consider using topics from For the
Strength of Youth, True to the Faith, or Gospel
“And exhort
them to pray
vocally and
in secret
and attend
to all family
D&C 20:47

_______6. Read Doctrine and Covenants 4,

and discuss what it means to be prepared
spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physi-
cally for your mission. Discuss the importance
of work (see Genesis 3:19; Proverbs 14:23;
2 Nephi 5:17; Mosiah 2:14; Doctrine and
Covenants 42:42).

_______7. Talk to one or both of your parents

about your career goals and how you are
planning to achieve them.

_______8. Read Doctrine and Covenants 134,

and discuss with your parents how it relates
to your responsibilities as a citizen of your

_______9. Submit the name of one of your

ancestors for temple work, or write a 500-
word personal history. 13
“And we _______10. Read “Temples” in True to the
know that Faith, or read Preparing to Enter the Holy
all men must Temple. Discuss it with your parents.
repent and
believe on Quorum Activities
the name of
Jesus Christ, Do all of the following. Have a priesthood
and worship leader initial each goal when you complete it.
the Father in
his name, _______1. Memorize the sacrament prayers.
and endure Talk to a priesthood leader about the bap-
in faith on tismal covenant and what it involves.
his name to
the end, or _______2. If possible, give at least two 4- to
they cannot 5-minute talks each year in a priesthood or
be saved in sacrament meeting or Mutual, when assigned
the kingdom by a priesthood leader.
of God.”
D&C 20:29 _______3. Serve as a companion to a full-time
or ward missionary at least twice, when
assigned by a priesthood leader. Discuss the
teaching experience with the missionary.

_______4. Discuss the meaning of the oath

and covenant of the priesthood with a priest-
hood leader (see Doctrine and Covenants

_______5. Under the direction of a priest-

hood leader, help teach at least 2 lessons in
priests quorum meetings.

_______6. Learn the basic skills of conducting

music, memorize a hymn, and lead others in
singing it during opening exercises of priest-
hood meeting at least once a year.

_______7. Participate in at least 1 priests

quorum service project each year.
“In all these
duties the
priest is to
assist the
elder if
D&C 20:52

Personal Goals
To earn a Duty to God certificate as a priest,
you must complete 8 or more personal goals
under each of the 4 categories that follow. If
these suggested goals do not fit your needs
or abilities, you can modify the requirements
with the approval of your parents and Aaronic
Priesthood leaders. Discuss your goals with
your parents and a priesthood leader.
Have a parent or priesthood leader initial
each goal when you have completed it. Keep
a summary of your progress on page 32.

Spiritual Development
Complete 8 or more goals from this category.
You can select from the goals listed below or
write your own. These goals should help you
strengthen your testimony, learn your priest-
hood duties, and understand the doctrines of
the gospel of Jesus Christ.

_______1. Speak in a quorum or sacrament

meeting about the importance of honesty and
“And remem- integrity in daily life.
ber in all
things the _______2. Teach a gospel lesson to younger
poor and the children in family home evening, Sunday
needy, the School, Primary, or another meeting.
sick and the
afflicted.” _______3. Visit a hospital or care center, and
D&C 52:40 talk with or read to the patients or residents.

_______4. With your bishop’s guidance, iden-

tify and assist 2 elderly families with tasks
such as shopping, gardening, cleaning house,
and painting.

_______5. Learn to play the piano or organ

well enough to accompany 2 hymns in a
Church meeting.

_______6. Participate in a baptismal service by

being a witness, performing a baptism, giving
a talk, leading the music, or helping set up.

_______7. Encourage and invite a less-active

quorum member to participate in at least 1
quorum or ward activity.

_______8. Continue to add regularly to your

mission fund in preparation for receiving your
16 mission call.
my soul
delighteth in
the things
of the Lord;
and my
upon the
things which
I have seen
and heard.”
2 Nephi 4:16

_______9. Participate in a community service

project that benefits people who are not
members of the Church.

_______10. Recite from memory the Articles

of Faith and Doctrine and Covenants 4.

_______11. Participate in a ward or stake mis-

sionary preparation program. Where possible,
work with the ward mission leader to partici-
pate in companionship exchanges with the
full-time or stake missionaries.

_______12. As assigned by a priesthood

leader, speak in sacrament meeting about a
righteous father and the impact he had on
his family.

“Stand fast
in the work
I have called
D&C 9:14


Physical Development
Complete 8 or more goals from this category.
You can select from the goals listed below or
write your own. These goals should help you
develop good health habits, become more
physically fit, learn teamwork, and practice

_______1. Run 10 kilometers or 6 miles in

60 minutes or less.
“And they
_______2. Hike 25 kilometers or 15 miles were all
with a pack in 2 days or less. young men,
and they
_______3. Run for 30 minutes 3 times a week were exceed-
for 3 months. ingly valiant
for courage,
_______4. Swim for 30 minutes twice a week
and also for
for 3 months. strength and
_______5. Present a display or demonstrate a activity; but
hobby or craft at school, in a Church activity, behold, this
was not
or at a community event.
_______6. Participate in a musical group that were men
presents music in harmony with Church stan- who were
true at all
dards, and give a public performance.
times in
_______7. Participate on a sports team in whatsoever
your quorum, ward, school, or community. thing they
_______8. Learn to play or officiate for a sport. entrusted.”
Alma 53:20
_______9. Teach the rules of a sport to
another family or quorum member.

_______10. As local regulations permit,
organize and carry out a camping trip for
your quorum. Make arrangements with the
owner of the land for permission to camp
there, and clean up the area before leaving.

_______11. Study the needs of people with

disabilities. With approval from your parents
or a priesthood leader, plan and carry out a
camping trip or other activity that includes
those with disabilities.

_______12. Under the direction of a priest-

hood leader, plan and carry out an activity
close to home in which all members of your
quorum may participate with little or no cost.
Possible activities include a 50-kilometer or
30-mile bike or wilderness trek, a rafting or
canoeing trip, or a bicycle road rally.


Educational, Personal, and “By these
Career Development things we
know that
Complete 8 or more goals from this category.
there is
You can select from the goals listed below or a God in
write your own. These goals should help you heaven, who
become more self-reliant, develop talents, is infinite
and gain leadership qualities. and eternal,
from ever-
_______1. Write a post–high school education lasting to
or training plan. Include how your education everlasting
or training might be financed. Explain how the same
your plans will work with your goal of serving unchange-
a 2-year full-time mission. able God,
the framer
_______2. Enroll and participate in a univer- of heaven
sity or vocational school, on-the-job training and earth,
program, apprenticeship, or internship. and all
things which
_______3. Visit the workplace of 3 occupa- are in
tions you are interested in. Write about what them.”
you did and did not like about the job and D&C 20:17
about why you think it does or does not fit
your long-term goals.

_______4. With your parents’ permission,

obtain part-time work.

_______5. Learn how to find a job. Prepare a

résumé, and hold a practice interview with
one or both of your parents or a priesthood

_______6. Obtain a valid driver’s license with

your parents’ approval.

_______7. Prepare a personal history,

including several important events in your
life or your family’s life. Keep a journal or
personal record.
_______8. In a language other than your own,
learn to bear your testimony, and memorize
Articles of Faith 7–13. Also, in 5 languages,
learn greetings that people would give on
the street.

_______9. Plan and participate in a variety

show at church or in the community that
includes local talent.
“But if any
provide not _______10. Create at least 3 paintings or
for his own, drawings, and, if possible, display them in
and specially a church, school, or community cultural
for those of arts event.
his own
house, he _______11. Participate in a church, school, or
hath denied community choir.
the faith,
_______12. Learn to play a musical instrument.
and is worse
than an _______13.
1 Timothy

“Yea, and
all their
priests and
should labor
with their
own hands
for their
support, in
all cases
save it were
in sickness,
or in much
want; and
doing these
things, they
did abound
in the grace
Citizenship and Social Development of God.”
Mosiah 27:5
Complete 8 or more goals from this category.
You can select from the goals listed below or
write your own. These goals should help
you serve others, improve social skills, and
become a better member of your family, ward,
community, and nation.

_______1. Plan and participate in at least 1

combined activity with your quorum members
and the young women in the ward.

_______2. Read the section on dating in For

the Strength of Youth. Discuss appropriate
dating activities and conduct and the charac-
teristics to look for in a potential spouse.

_______3. Learn good personal hygiene and

grooming habits. Discuss why these skills
are important to your success now and as a 23
potential full-time missionary.
“For inas-
much as ye
do it unto
the least of
these, ye do
it unto me.”
D&C 42:38

_______4. Invite a group of newly married

couples from the ward or stake to a panel
discussion in which they discuss how individ-
uals should treat each other during courtship
and what to look for in a future spouse.

_______5. Attend a social event in the ward

or stake and another similar event at school.
Describe to your parents or a priesthood
leader how you felt and behaved in both

_______6. Plan and carry out a cultural or

social activity for a group of elderly people
in your area. Consult with the ward high
priests group leader in your planning.

_______7. Organize or assist with a crime-

prevention program in your neighborhood,
under the direction of priesthood and
community leaders.
_______8. Ask a representative of a local law “But, verily
enforcement agency to attend a neighborhood I say unto
meeting, and encourage residents to watch you, teach
out for one another. one another
according to
_______9. After talking with a priesthood the office
leader, do 2 projects that will help you better wherewith
understand national governments and how to I have
preserve peace. appointed
you; and let
_______10. Talk to a priesthood leader about every man
the culture of a country or countries in which esteem his
full-time missionaries are serving. brother as
himself, and
_______11. Help an elderly person participate practise
in an election in your area. virtue and
_______12. Participate in at least 2 community before me.”
service projects during the year. D&C

“And behold,
I tell you
these things
that ye
may learn
that ye may
learn that
when ye are
in the service
of your
fellow beings
ye are only
in the service
of your God.”
Mosiah 2:17


G iving service to others is one of the pur-

poses of the Aaronic Priesthood. Choose
a service project that benefits your family,
ward, stake, or community. You should plan,
prepare, and carry out the project. The project
needs to be approved by your parents and
quorum adviser.
If you earn the Eagle Scout Award while you
are a priest, the Eagle service project may
count for both the Eagle Scout Award and the
priest Duty to God service project. You are
encouraged to involve other members of your
quorum in completing the project.

O ne of the best goals you can set is to

keep a journal. It becomes more and
more interesting and valuable as you grow
older. It will give you a lifelong record of your
growth and accomplishments. It is a place to
record your spiritual impressions and feelings.
To earn the Duty to God certificate for priests,
you must fill in the journal section of this
guidebook. But you can actually write much
more than just these pages. You can use your
journal, a notebook, or additional paper.

My Testimony

My Accomplishments

My Future Plans


C heck or initial the appropriate box as you

complete each section. Your bishop will
sign your Completion of Duty to God page
when you have completed the requirements in
the following areas. Then you can receive your
Duty to God certificate.

Priesthood Duties and Standards

Family Activities

Quorum Activities

Personal Goals

Spiritual Development

Physical Development

Educational, Personal, and

Career Development

Citizenship and Social Development

Duty to God Service Project

My Personal Journal


has completed all the requirements necessary

to receive the Duty to God for Priests certificate.
He has faithfully performed his priesthood duties
and lived the standards of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He has performed service, built faith and testimony,
and prepared himself to be ordained
to the office of elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Signature of bishop or branch president

And now my beloved brethren,
I have said these things unto you
that I might awaken you
to a sense of your duty to God,
that ye may walk blameless before him,
that ye may walk after
the holy order of God,
after which ye have been received.

Alma 7:22


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