How To Add To Ibooks

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Skip iTunes and Add Your Own Books to iBooks with an Email (
19,532 1 Thorin Klosowski (
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If you want to add books you don't purchase from Apple into your iBooks library, you have two main methods: sync with iTunes or sync with the
iBooks app in Mavericks. They're both not the most intuitive things in the world though, so if you're sick of bothering with them, Cult of Mac
points out that sending an email with an Epub attachment does the job.
All you need to do is send an email to yourself with the book as an attachment. Open that up on your iPad or iPhone, and tap the icon for the
attachment. You'll get the option to open it in iBooks, where it'll get added to your library. It's a pretty easy way to skip having to plug in your
device and also works with pretty much any other file format that any of your apps use.
How to Add Epub Books to Your iPad Without iTunes (
itunes-ios-tips/) | Cult of Mac
11/21/13 11:48am Magnakai Haaskivi started this thread
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7 Reply
Magnakai Haaskivi ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 11:48am (
I use Dropbox for this, it's just as easy AND it helps me keep my ebook collection intact across several computers, with the added bonus of not
cluttering up an e-mail inbox.
11/21/13 11:40am Wbtlevi started this thread
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Wbtlevi ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 11:40am (
If only it would allow for cross device page syncing. I love Kindle documents for that.
11/21/13 10:45pm balcis started this thread
balcis ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 10:45pm (
as ios users, i don't believe we are well informed about content managing. we don't know to manage file types, how to share them, which way to
send, how to sync through itunes. i can do all of the stuff i mentioned above, but it was so hard for me to sync my ebooks to my new ipad after i
bought it. it's just unneededly advanced stuff. must be simpler, way simpler.
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Markaveli ( Magnakai Haaskivi
11/21/13 12:08pm (
I transfer my books using dropbox. Open with and then choose iBooks. Works super well!
ksurl ( Magnakai Haaskivi
11/21/13 12:26pm (
yup, also use dropbox for my ebooks on android. works like a charm
JustinRoss ( Magnakai Haaskivi
11/21/13 12:27pm (
Same here. Browse to epub in dropbox, open in iBooks. Done.
Falsoman ( Magnakai Haaskivi
11/21/13 12:57pm (
I do the same thing but with Box, mostly because I use my dropbox for more important documents and Box has more space, so I use it to store
older documents, and bigger batches of files that I will not access for a while.
1 Reply
JustinRoss ( Wbtlevi
11/21/13 12:28pm (
It does, actually. Its implementation is just screwy. You usually have to close the book out back to the shelf for it to save your current page to "the
cloud" or whatever. It should save bookmarks/notes, too.
Wbtlevi ( JustinRoss
11/21/13 1:36pm (
Thanks. Good to know. I don't use iBooks much so I'll try it out next time.
11/21/13 12:07pm Bubbsdaddy started this thread
1 Reply
Bubbsdaddy ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 12:07pm (
I just drag the book out of iBooks onto the desktop, then drag it straight to my iPad/iPhone in iTunes... quick and easy. Works well for me.
11/21/13 12:40pm babylost started this thread
babylost ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 12:40pm (
Does anyone know if this will work with a cbr file to a comic reader? I have tons of cbr files. I would test it out but my ipad is in the shop at the
moment. :(
11/21/13 2:15pm Tim Stephens started this thread
Tim Stephens ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 2:15pm (
I use calibre with my own domain for this, so wherever I am I can pull up my calibre and grab the book. You can also use calibre to convert to
any other format so if you have an iPad/iPhone and a Kindle you can have the book on all of the devices. I generally have a mobi, PDF, and ePub.
They won't sync your last read page between kindle and iBooks but oh well, I never used a bookmark in school so I'm pretty good at remembering
where I am.
11/21/13 5:16pm sociablesociopath started this thread
sociablesociopath ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 5:16pm (
People don't seem to realize its not just email/dropbox/calibre, etc...the iphone/ipad will properly handle epub from any source be it a webpage, or
app. If you open a epub in safari on your iphone it will offer you the option to save it to ibooks. It will even offer this with PDFs you would like to
11/21/13 12:21pm LysogenicLump started this thread
LysogenicLump ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 12:21pm (
Yup, been doing this free and dirty little iHack for a while now.
It does not quite seem to stick with Apple-provided mail addresses, though. The attachments tend to disappear miraculously. It's amazing.
Also, quite annoying.
11/21/13 12:57pm MURPHtheSURF started this thread
Tim Stephens ( babylost
11/21/13 2:24pm (
It works with Comic Flow, but an issue you'll run into is the size of the cbr being larger than what you're allowed to send/receive. Another reason
why I use Calibre.
jochy ( babylost
12/26/13 8:25pm (
You'll need Calibre for this my friend. Good luck...
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MURPHtheSURF ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 12:57pm (
This is how I've been doing all of my iBooks syncing for some time now, except in cases where the epub file exceeds the size limit for an
11/21/13 7:02pm Rev_Crackle_Repeat started this thread
Rev_Crackle_Repeat ( Thorin Klosowski
11/21/13 7:02pm (
I thought this was a given. I've been doing this since iBooks was available on my iPhone.

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