Sean French - The Terminator
Sean French - The Terminator
Sean French - The Terminator
in the dark was a familiar enough theme, most obviously in the flms of
Afred Hitchcock, but in the hands of Carpenter it became both
powerfully insistent and coldly repelent. Aer al, it' s not much fun,.
even in an irresponsible way for moviegoers to identif with a man who
stalks young girls and then stabs them to death.
But as Cameron was the frst to see, the covert identifcation of
the audience with the terminator really was fn. He realised from the
beginning that the flm allowed the audience to have it both ways. They
want Reese and Sarah to get away, but they also have the chance to root
for the bad guy ( the following quotation, incidentally, is a further
demonstration of the degree to which Cameron does most of the critics'
work for them) ;
There's a little bit of the terminator i n everybody. I n our private
fantasy world we' d all like to be able to walk in and shoot somebody
we don' t like, or to kick a door in instead of unlocking it; to be
immune, and just to have our own way every minute. The terminator
is the ultimate rude person. He operates completely outside all the
built-in social constraints. I t' s a dark, cathartic fantasy. That's why
people don't cringe in terror from the terminator but go with him.
They want to be him for that one moment. But then when we go
back to Reese and Sarah, you get the other si de of i t, what i t
woul d be l i ke to be on the receiving end.
This dark freedom was only possible because Cameron had still not
entirely escaped from Corman' s unrespectable exploitation world. The
terminator' s activities are unhampered not only by human morality but
by directorial notions of decorum or good taste. Once the terminator
slaughters the two Sarah Connors who come frst in the Los Angeles
phonebook and then Sarah' s fatmate by mistake we can sit back in the
pleasurable anticipation that he isn' t going to turn sentimental on us. In
the Tech Noir he shoots heedlessly into crowds and the glorious slapstick
climax is reached in the police station which he rams with his car,
shooting everybody on sight. In Terinator 2 where this slaughter is
recalled, we are piously informed that ' those men had families' but we
didn' t know that at the time, or want to know it .
The sequel shows what happens when J ames Cameron becomes
self- conscious in a different way, assumes a civic mantle and forgoes the
dark pleasure of being an exploitation director. The reprogrammed,
reformed terminator of Terinator 2, whose powers are at the service of
freedom, gives us none of that dark sense of release that we had in the
frst flm. Instead, this large man with his access to Sarah Connor' s
secret cache of weapons i s uncomfortably close t o a survivalist with a
righteous sense of mission. Admittedly there are a couple of grimly
amusing murders committed by the TI OOO, most notably the almost
casual dispatching of John Connor' s stepfather with a blade through the
head. This gives the opportunity for the best camera movement in the
flm, a tracking shot along the arm of the stepmother (whose shape the
TI OOO has assumed) as it becomes a blade penetrating frst the carton of
milk and then the stepfather ' s mouth. ( The carton of milk is a sly
reference to the murder of the senator in The Manchurian Candidate,
shot by another dehumanised killer, the brainwashed Laurence Harvey,
through a similar carton, causing him to ' bleed' milk. ) But with his
metamorphosing blades, the nooo is too close to the psychopathic
killer i a slasher movie for us to take much pleasure in it.
There is very little that could be described as a performance in
Schwarzenegger's role as the terminator, yet experience shows that there
is nothing as potent on the giant cinema screen as the blank face on to
which the audience can project their fantasies and desires. Tn of
Garbo at the end of Queen Christina at the prow of the ship, famously
instructed by Rouben Mamoulian to express nothing, to think of
nothing, in the knowledge that the audience would do that for her.
Clarence Brown, Garbo's most regular director, famously paid tribute to
her impassivity: 'Garbo had something behind the eyes that you couldn't
see until you photographed it in close-up. You could see thought: If she
had to look at one person with jealousy, and another with love, she
didn't have to ch8nge her expression. You could see it in her eyes as she
looked from one to the other.'
I The Terminator Schwarzenegger took this even further. Not only
does he lack expre
sion in his eyes as well, he even slices one of them up
in order to re-inforte the point. To a degree that even James Cameron
could not have anticipated, Schwarzenegger demonstrated that the
audience gravitates towards the character who has the aura of a hero
and that impassivity is one of the crucial attributes of the f hero. Cary
Grant was famous for wanting to give the lines in the bread-and-butter
expository scenes that give the audience essential but non-dramatic
information to supporting actors whle he would do what stars do best,
which is to listen.
The Terinator spectacularly succeeded in making Arnold
Schwarzenegger a star. It spectacularly failed to make stars of the
ostensible heroes of the flm, Michael Biehn and Linda Hamilton. I the
improbable event that we encountered Biehn's Reese in real life, we
would consider him to be an extraordinary hero. He sacrifces himself
for a mission to save a woman, out of idealism but also because he has
fallen in love with her picture (like Tamino i Mozart's Magic Flute) . He
arrives in our world with nothing and manages to save Sarah Connor
with the pitiful weapons available to him and, more than this, to awaken
her to her true self But heroism doesn' t work like that on the big
screen. It has been n
ted before that since Schwarzenegger's terminator
isn' t going to explain to us who he is and what he' s doing there and how
he got there and what life is like in the future and why the computers
are fghting against the humans, then Michael Biehn wlhave to do it
and that leaves him with an awful lot of explaining to do. Tere is
remarkably little dialogue i the intriguing, mysterious early scenes of
The Trinator as Cameron cleverly keeps the audience wondering
about who these two men are. Then things suddenly get garrulous as
Reese has to explain to Sarah that Schwarzenegger is ' a cyborg, a mache,
a terminator, Cyberdyne systems model one zero one. Infltration unit.
Underneath it' s a hyper- alloy combat chassis. Microprocessor controled,
flly armoured. Very tough. But outside it' s living human tisue. The 600
series had rubber skin. Easy to spot . ' And so on.
Once Reese is under detention, the true Hollywood hero would
Reese i n custody
stay contemptously silent, but Reese still has information to impart to
the audience. Te unfortunate result is that we see hi blabbing away to
the police like a stoolie. Wen he is asked about how he wlget back,
he stoically replies, ' Nobody goes back, nobody else goes through. It' s
j ust him and me. ' But even this heroism leaves us uncomfortable. He
T H E T E R M I N AT OR 43
ought t o have a sidekick, a Walter Brennan, who can tell us alabout
that. Cinematic heroes aren't meant to bleat about their own heroism.
They just do it. The reason that Humphrey Bogart can be so laconic and
modest in Casablanca is that Claude Rains, Conrad Veidt, Sydney
Greenstreet, Paul Henreid and almost everybody else keep informing
him about his own heroism and idealism.
And while Reese is identifing himself as a soldier from the 132nd
under Parry, and describing the enemy a computer defence system built
for SACNOR by Cyberdyne systems and about Skynet and about
time displacement equipment and explaining why it is too late for the
enemy to klJohn Connor in their own time, the terminator is striding
into the police station and just saying: 'I'll be back.'
Biehn's very capability as an actor, in obvious contrast to
Schwarzenegger, is part of his problem and this was only compounded
by the scenes, extended on the advice of the @m's producers, in which
Reese's relationship with Sarah was emphasised. Reese tals of the
brutality of life in the future, of the pain of travelling through time and
the love for Sarah that has brought him here: ' So much pain,' Sarah
says, stroking him. These complicated emotions which should make h
more sympathetic actually make him seem weak and neurotic. Pursuing
a woman across time, which might seem impressive in a narrative poem
or a novel, appears on the big screen more like the behaviour of a
stalker. Reese's most impressive achievement of all, galvanising Sarah
into discovering and developing her inner resources, counts against him
as well. The frst sign of Sarah's strength, when she bandages Reese's
wound under the bridge, is acceptable. The hero is permitted to be
nursed by the woman he loves. But after the fnal car chase, when Reese
has been badly wounded, when he collapses and is ordered to his feet by
Sarah, he is failing in his duty as a hero. Worst of all, an authentic action
movie hero does not die and leave the heroine to face the villain alone,
however capable she may be. Compare the climax of Terinator 2 in
which the terminator, minus an arm and much of his head, appears at
the crucial moment to blast the TIOOO into the vat of molten metal.
Tere is a substantial problem with this explanation. In Terminator
2 Arnold Schwarzenegger takes the Michael Biehn role, while Robe;t
Patrick takes the strong, silent Schwarzenegger role. This time it' s Arnie
who has to embark on the long explanations about the mimetic poly
alloy and why the nooo can' t just turn into a bomb and blow John
Connor up. Ten he must explain to Linda Hamilton about the details
of Cyberdine' s part in the development of computer technology.
According to the pattern demonstrated in the audience' s response to the
frst flm, viewers should have started rooting for Robert Patrick' s
nooo. Why didn' t they?
Arnie was now a world famous star and had to be protected, so he
and Cameron made sure he wasn' t upstaged. The same kinds of dry
technical explanation are more acceptable from the terminator because
he is a computer and are actually a sign of his imperturbability and
strength. They can also have a laconic power of their own, such as when
the terminator imitates John in a phonecall to his fosterparents and then
replaces the receiver with the dry statement : 'Your fosterparents are
dead. ' The reprogrammed terminator is cleverly portrayed as an ideal
father-fgure for John (yet another insult to the defunct Reese) and when
he frst saves the boy from the TI OOO, he doesn' t just j ump out of the
way of the bullets, he does what every father would like to do, he
nterposes his body, taking the other terminator' s bullets in his own
back. And in case we happen to have missed the point, Cameron spells
it out for us in the form of Sarah' s thoughts spoken in a voiceover:
Watchi ng John wi th the machine, i t was suddenly so cl ear. The
terminator would never stop, i t woul d never leave hi m and i t would
never hurt h im, never shout at him or get drunk and hit him or say i t
was too busy to spend ti me wi th him. I t would al ways be there and i t
woul d di e t o protect him. Of al l t he would-be fathers who came and
went over the years, thi s thing, thi s machine was the only one who
measured up. I n an insane world i t was the sane choi ce.
Wen Reese informs Sarah that the terminator can' t be bargaied with,
can' t be reasoned with, he sounds like a whiner. By contrast, when
the terminator dispassionately informs John of the superior capabilities
of the TI OOO he makes himself sound like . an underdog we want
to cheer.
Great pains were evidently taken to ensure that no misplaced
sympathy went the way of the TI OOO. Dressing him throughout in a
purloined police uniform makes him seem cowardly (the police are at
best hapless onlookers in all James Cameron' s work) . He is neither
strong and silent, nor is he given anything to say that could conceivably
become a catchphrase. Instead, he is only given geekish dialogue like,
' Say, that' s a nice bike. ' He' s given feeble pistols to fre as wel, always a
sign of moral inadequacy in the world of James Cameron. The TI OOO
' So much pai n' ,
Sarah says
could never become a cult hero, except t o other geeks and stalkers and
anorak wearers.
The main difference, though, between Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Michael Biehn ( let alone Robert Patrick) is that Schwarzenegger is a star
in a way that Biehn could never hope to be. As the terminator,
Schwarzenegger has that quality that Ronald Reagan had as President of
the United States on state occasions, that occasional hint of the twinkle
in the eye, the half smile, that showed his own recognition of the
improbability of what had happened, and that he was enjoying it and
therefore we were free to enjoy it too. Michael Biehn' s skilled
performance gives us the feeling of the pain of being a hero, of self
sacrifce, the fear of failure, of disaster. Arnold Schwarzenegger makes
us feel the enj oyment of watching a flm, of guns and explosions and
violence, all in the knowledge that he doesn' t really mean it and that the
lights will come up and we can all go home.
Yet there are limits, even to charm of this magnitude. The one
liners in Terminator 2 are amusing, but they begin to pall during its
excessive length ( more than half an hour longer than The Terinator)
and in later flms, like Last Action Hero and Junior, Schwarzenegger' s
self-deprecating humor slackened the grip of the narrative t o the extent
that both flms lost their audience.
The Terinator is Arnold Schwarzenegger' s great cinematic
moment. In later flms he displays the practised ease of a politician on
the campaign trail, but it is only here that all his attributes, from the
slightly dislocated oddness of his accent to the chiselled physiognomy
and the infated physique, all work for the f. In The Terinator he did
what he could do; his success in the role enabled him to devote himself
to what he can't do.
6 Defendi ng The Terminator
The Terinator is so viscerally enjoyable an experience, so defly crafed,
so unex:ectedly satisfing in its resolution, that there is the temptation
to legitimise this pleasure by demonstrating that the flm is good for you
as well, that it is 'really' a serious work, with grown-up ideas, respectable
themes and a basically liberal political vision. And here, as elsewhere,
Cameron provides his audience with the material to work on. A he put
it, speaking to Film Comment shortly afer the flm's frst success:
The producer, Gale Hurd, and I set out to make a movie that would
function on a couple of levels: as a linear action piece that a 1 2-year
old would think was the most rad picture he'd ever seen, and as
science fiction that a 45-year-old Stanford English prof would think
had some sort of socio-political significance between the lines -
although obviously it doesn't attempt to be that primarily.
What might this imaginary middle-aged Stanford English professor
say about the flm in the campus cofee shop after the screening?
might point out that the flm is a feminist subversion of what had been
a quintessentially male genre, and that Cameron, with his collaborator
(and, briefy wife), Gale Anne Hurd, would go on to re-inforce this in a
series of high-tech action pictures. We frst encounter Sarah Connor as
a down-trodden, but good- humoured waitress, with her wise-cracking
colleague and fatmate, Ginger. It's a standard, complacent sitcom
setting, and ths is folowed by a series of other disparaging images of
Sarah: she is the fn-loving but basically unrefective party animal. She is
not merely going out with empty-headed men who drive Porsches; they
stand her up on Friday night. She is a helpless victim of the terminator,
saved by luck and the repeated intervention of her male rescuer. But
then she fnds her hidden resources frst in nurturing Reese (' Good feld
dressing,' he compliments her) , learning from h about explosives and
fnally becoming the active partner and destroying the terminator herself.
. B F I M O D E R N C L AS S I C S
Better still, she allows Reese to display his feminine, emotional, neutrotic
side, deconstructing the traditional model of icy heroism and
dismantling Michael Biehn' s career as a leading man in the process.
The perfect image of mal e heroism i n the fl m is a robot, and it is the
woman who survives, triumphant, pregnant and alone.
Cameron' s predilection for strong women continued in hi s later
flms. His sequel to Alien made the strength of Sigourney Weaver' s
Ripley the centre of t he flm. Her instinct for survival, and that of the
little girl, Newt, exposes the superfciality of the military ethic. Al of his
flms, Aliens, The Abyss, Terinator 2, True Lies, feature weak, neurotic
men and strong women.
The Stanford professor might add that The Terinator is also ' rad'
in a different sense. It is anti- establishment, distrusting the traditional
paternalistic role of the police. It is anti-capitalist; it is made clear that
the disastrous nuclear annihilation was the result of a collaboration
between big government and big business. And the name given to the
defence system, Skynet, is an obvious reference to the Star Wars system
and the destabilising efects even of military projects that are
defensive. The flm is pro-gun control . The terminator is able to arm
himself with an awesome array of frepower directly of the shelf,
provoking one of the script' s moments of dry humour. The scene
exposes the absurdity of such half-measures as the ffteen-day wait on
buying a handgun, when machine-guns can be carried away immediately.
Furthermore, the defender might add, the fm eschews the usual
blind adoration for technology that is traditionally at the heart of the
science fction genre. In this story of a planet almost destroyed by the
overweening power of its technological development, one of the
recurrent themes is the fallibility of technology at every level. The
nuclear war began because the defence network became conscious
( at 2 . 14 a. m. Eastern Time on 29 August 1 997) and began to defend
itself. In smaller ways, throughout the fm, we see that our machines
never seem to work as they should. Phones are broken, and even when
Sarah Connor gets through to the police she is put on hold. The entire
T H E T E R M I N AT O R . .
telephone system as a means of communication is presented as fatally
corrupted. When Matt rings Ginger with a cod obscene phone-call he
speaks to Sarah instead, a mistake that is tragically repeated when the
terminator imitates Sarah' s mother over the phone to Sarah in the
motel. Sarah' s answering machine is the vehicle frst for being stood up
by her date and then for alerting the terminator that Sarah Connor is
still alive and in hiding at the Tech Noir nightclub. Even the phonebook
becomes the tool of a murderer. Ginger' s personal stereo is partly
responsible for her death: it prevents her from hearing the terminator in
her apartment.
Some literary professors might even argue that The Trinator is a
serious work of art because of its religious theme. John Connor shares
his initials with that other redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ, and the
The tel ephone
system i s fatal l y
f is an obvious allegorical conflation of the Nativity with the story of
Eve and the serpent. Reese is a version of the annunciatory angel who
impregnates Mary as well as informing her of the glad tidings. The
terminator is a Herod, slaughtering the Sarah Connors instead of the
frst born, and he is also a Satan, who by attempting to destroy humanity
perersely brings about its salvation ( the paradoxical story Milton tells in
Paradise Lost). So The Terminator must be serious, mustn' t it ?
But The Terinator resists being made comfortable and reasurring.
Its politics are darker and more ambiguous than such well- intentioned
but misguided defences suggests. There is a tendency, especially viewed
from a misleading British context, to interpret a distrust of the police
and the military as necessarily left wing. But in the United States there is
a quite separate right-wing anti- authoritarian tradition, an individualism
which sees almost all forms of social organisation and control - police,
army, federal government, tax collection, even printed money - as
creeping forms of communism which are neutering the pioneering spirit
that built Aerica. This conviction can move beyond political belief to
become a pathological psychological condition, one that Richard
Hofstadter famously labelled 'the paranoid style in American politics' in
his celebrated book of that name. Te darkest expression of this was
seen in the Oklahoma City bombings, frst thought to be the work of
foreign terrorists, then discovered to be the product of a right-wing
subculture which considers itself to be at war with the American
government on behalf of the true spirit of America.
The law enforcement offcers in The Trminator, as well as the
ordinary people they serve, have become weak and incapable of
defending their own way of life, which is itself alienated and parasitic
(as with Sarah' s flatmate, Ginger, who even listens to her personal stereo
during sex) . In the face of the nuclear threat and the challenges of
technological change, individuals are relinquishing the responsibility for
their own future. Cameron admitted to being dismayed by interviews
with high school kids after the T screening of the nuclear drama, The
Day A/er, who said that they now accepted nuclear war as inevitabl e:
In The Terminator the fact of nuclear war is thrown away, with the
complete understanding that people will buy it. I t' s just part of the
fabric of the story. On the other hand, i t tried to say that you take
responsibility for your own life, and for the life of society. The
terminator looks like death, and if you want to read into it, it's a
death image. Linda Hamilton's character faces t hat image of death,
or fate, and survives.
All that has resonance, I hope, with the dark premonitory
character of Reese's future-flashbacks, as I call them, and with the
final image of driving of into a storm. I t' s fate vs. will.
Cameron' s fable of a disastrous breakdown in society, a future
confict in which success wl depend on te individual' s wl, bolstered
by years of training and' a personal armoury, owes more to survivalism
than to socialism. Sarah Connor' s defeat of the terminator is a
Nietzschean assertion of superiority She survives because she has fought
for her right to rule, unlike the other Sarah Connors and the enfeebled
police force. Far from being a representative of any recognisable form of
feminism, Sarah i s the embodiment of something s. tranger and more
primitive, the woman defending her child, the tigress fghting to defend .
her cub, which is also the future of mankind. It could be argued that
even Sarah Connor has been corrupted by her life as a working woman
and a fun- seeking sexual adventuress. She only becomes a match for the
terminator when she has been impregnated by Reese and placed in
touch with a more ancient femaleness. Once she has become a mother
( and the pro-choice lobby would presumably claim that she has become
a mother at the moment of conception) , she is able to fght.
Pro- gun control? In the consciously mythic fnal sequence, before
Sarah drives off on a road to somewhere that is half-Bethlehem, half
Armageddon, we see her bright, silver handgun nestling on her lap
against her rounded pregnant stomach, soft and hard, rounded and
phallic, nurturer and killer, brougt together in an image that would be
appropriate for a portrait of the Madonna in the chapel at the
headquarters of the National Rfe Association.
These matters could remain richly inchoate in The Terminator but
for the sequel, where the budget was so much higher, the politics had to
be made clearly balanced and acceptable. Cameron was a Hollywood
insider by now, and the once dark issues are brought into the light and
urbanely defused and satirised. Rather than buy his weapons from a gun
shop, the newly programmed terminator avails himself of Sarah
Connor' s secret arms cache in the hispanicised south of California.
' Excellent, ' the terminator comments on seeing the ranks of machine
guns . This might seem dangerously like a legitimisation of crackpot
survivalism, but Cameron permits us to laugh at the excessiveness of it
all . Schwarzenegger picks up a ridiculously large machine-gun. 'That' s
defnitely you, ' comments little John Connor. Later i n the flm, the script
itself anxiously makes the feminist point that the Stanford professor
Li nda Hami l ton i n
Terminator 2
might have inferred from the frst fm, as Sarah Connor attacks a male
scientist, and all males scientists, for creating the bomb and all those
other technological horrors, when they are unable to perform the true
creative act of making a baby. The feminist point is made, but also
undercut as we are shown that she is ranting, and as her son calls on her
to be more constructive. Is it pro-feminist with a sense of humour? Is it
exposing feminist cant? Whatever. Ad that' s the way it' s meant to be.
terinator 2 is a nice flm i n which everybody is saved, including
Jesus, as, in a last-minute alteration to the story, the father lays down his
life so that the son doesn' t have to suffer after all. But The Terinator
retains its uncomfortable darkness, as unrelenting as the detached arm
and torso of the smashed terminator, dragging itself after Sarah. We
want what we like to be light and bright and civic-minded like
Terinator 2, so why is it that The Terinator stays with us ? Wlliam
Hazlitt explored this unsettling issue in his great essay on Coriolanus
( frst published in 1 8 1 6) . For poetry read cinema:
The cause of the people is i ndeed but little calculated as a subject
for poetry: i t admits of rhetori c, whi ch goes into argument and
explanation, but i t presents no immediate or distinct images to the
mind, 'no jutting frieze, buttress, or coigne of vantage' for poetry 'to
make its pendant bed and procreant cradle i n. ' The language of
poetry naturally falls in with the language of power. The imaginati on
is an exaggerati ng and exclusive faculty: i t takes from one thing to
add to another: i t accumulates ci rcumstances together to give the
greatest possi ble effect to a favourite object. The understandi ng i s a
di vi di ng and measuring faculty: i t judges of things not according to
thei r immediate impression on the mind, but according to thei r
relations t o one another. The one is a monopolising faculty, which
seeks the greatest quantity of ultimate good, by justice and
proportion. The one is an ari stocratical, the other a republican
faculty. The princi ple of poetry is a very anti-levelling pri nci ple.
I t aims at effect, it exists by contrast. It admits of no medium.
I t i s every thi ng by excess. I t ri ses above the ordinary standard of
sufferings and cri mes. It presents a dazzling appearance. It shows
i ts head turretted, crowned, and crested. Its front is gi lt and blood
stained. Before it ' i t carries noi se, and behind it leaves tears. ' It has
its altars and its vi cti ms, sacri fi ces, human sacri fi ces. Ki ngs, pri ests,
nobles, are its trai n-bearers, tyrants and slaves its executioners. -
' Carnage is its daughter. ' - Poetry is ri ght-royal. It puts the i ndi vi dual
for the species, the one above the infinite many, might before ri ght.
A l i on hunting a flock of sheep or a herd of wi ld asses i s a more
poetical object than they; and we even take part wi th the lordly beast,
because our vanity or some other feeling makes us disposed to place
ourselves i n the si tuation of the strongest party . . . . We had rather be
the oppressor than the oppressed. The love of power in ourselves
and the admirati on of it i n others are both natural to man: the one
makes him a tyrant, the other a slave. Wrong dressed out i n pri de,
pomp, and ci rcumstance, has more attraction than abstract ri ght.
Wen Judy Garland says goodbye to Bert Lahr at the end of The
Wizard of Oz, she admits that she misses the way he behaved when he
was terrifed. The reprogrammed terminator of the sequel who doesn' t
kill people and dies to save humanity may be sweet, but any honest
flmgoer preferred the homicidal cyborg who murdered women and
policemen. This apparent perversity of response is one of the dark
pleasures of flmgoing, in which we respond to vitality rather than
morality. It' s why we nice people enjoy watching Jimmy Cagney slam a
grapefruit into Mae Clarke' s face in Public Enemy, a flm that paraded
itself as an indictment of gangsterism. But when the brilliance of Malcolm
McDowell' s performance, and our emotional distancing from his victims,
makes us enjoy the beatings and rapings of A Cockwork Orange, it is time
to start worrying. But worrying about what ? Stanley Kubrick? The whole
irresponsible potency of the cinematic image? Ourselves?
As for the flm' s religious allegory, it should be remembered that
John Connor shares his initials with James Cameron as well as Jesus
7 Watchi ng The Terminator
The frst hour of The Terinator divides into twenty-fve scenes. Wth the
imaginary Stanford professor replaced by a notional frst-time viewer, the
effect might be something like thi s.
1. The Los Ageles 2029 caption is seen over a desolate, post-holocaust
landscape, an amusing enough visual j oke. We see some fying ships
shooting ray guns, isolated skirmishes, in a sequence that was not,
incidentaly directed by James Cameron. The special efects are
nothing startling, even for 1984, but we're mildly curious. There is
an introductory text. We don't usually pay much attention to these
clotted explanations of why Kng John happens be on the throne or
why we are in a galaxy long ago and far away, but the statement that
the war will be fought ' not in the future but our present. Tonight'
is a surprise.
The credits. There' s nobody we' ve heard of except for that
Schwarzenegger person who was in Conan the Barbarian. What' s a
2. Back in the future, no, it' s the present. A truck is lfing garbage.
A dull few seconds and then some fashes of electricity. A naked man
standing up. A muscleman. Is this a gay flm? He looks purposefl and
walks forward to look out across Los Angeles. Now he encounters some
punks and demands their clothes . A great scene, grisly and horribly
fnny. The sudden extra violence makes us wonder who this man is.
We' re sitting up now. It' s starting to l ook good.
3. A police siren, an alley, another naked man. Smaller. He's hurt,
smoking. Ae they together? He is chased by the police along small
streets. By now we've guess sed that the two men are from the fture
world we saw at the begining. What are they up to? He grabs a rife
from an unattended police car. This is promising. How are the to men
going to meet up with each other? He rips a page out of the phonebook
with the name Sarah Connor.
4. Linda Hamilton, with a B-movie hairstyle, on a motorscooter. Arriving
at a burger restaurant, she clocks in as Sarah Connor.
5. The big man breaks into a car, punching the window out with his
hand. This i s more like it.
6. Some rather tired sitcom-style harassment of Sarah in the burger bar.
She spills a drink over a customer and a boy slips an ice cream into her
apron. Is there a point to thi s? It seems a little second-rate.
7. The big man enters a gun shop. This is another great scene, as he
acquires a preposterously large armoury. What can he want all that for?
Dick Miller ' s lines are snappy and there is the sudden killing at the end.
8. The other man saws the barrel off his single rife. What' s he up to?
9. The big man, looking for a phonebook, tugs another large man away
from it without even looking at him. From off-screen: ' Hey, man, you've
got a serious attitude problem. ' We' re starting to enjoy the
Schwarzenegger scenes. He' s looking for Sarah Connor.
1 0. A car drives over a toy truck in a suburban street. Schwarzenegger
approaches the front door of a house and asks for Sarah Connor. Is he
really going to kill this ordinary-looking woman? Yes .
1 1 . Taking a break at work, Sarah i s shown the item on the news.
1 2. Reese is stealing a car next to a construction site. Flash-forward to a
battle with the Skynet craft. Reese is one of the combatants. The
sequence is exciting, brutal. This is no sanitised view of future warfare.
Almost everybody is killed. He wakes up back at the building site and
drives away.
1 3 . Sarah is in her apartment with her friend Ginger, getting ready to go
out. The silly j oke about Matt ' s dirty phone-cal to the wrong woman. A
poorly acted, overstated scene.
1 4. Our frst view of the police detectives, who seem sleazy and
incompetent. We are taken by surprise by hearing about the second
Sarah Connor murder. This is getting exciting.
1 5. Back to the apartment where Sarah has been stood up. Why is this
airhead so important? She heads out to a movie on her own. She' s being
followed by Reese.
1 6. The police again and the press. The murders followed the listing in
the phonebook. Our Sarah is next on the list. Aren' t the police going to
protect her? They prove incapable even of contacting her. The police
chief is drinking bad coffee, smoking, taking pill s. They phone her
apartment but Ginger is in bed with Matt and they don' t answer.
1 7. Sarah sees the news on T in a pizza restaurant. The phone doesn' t
work. She walks out and, noticing that she' s being followed, ducks into
the Tech Noir and Reese wals past. She phones the police. Athe lines
are busy.
18. Arnie is approaching the apartment buildig. We've seen our share
of slasher movies and we know what ' s going to happen. Mer kl g
Ginger, Arnie hears the answering machine: it' s Sarah, giving away her
location. There' s going to be a showdown.
19. Sarah has fnally got through to the police. They tell her to stay
where she is, that she' ll be safe. She puts the phone down and Arnie
B F I M O D E R I\ C L A S S I C S
arrives at the club immediately. A exciting gun battle, culminating in
Reese blasting Arnie through the window. He gets up unhurt. Is this just
going to be another Haloween rip-off? Reese reaches his hand out to
Sarah and says simply: ' Come with me if you want to live. ' Reese and
Sarah escape down an alley. Arnie jumps on their car and punches
through the windscreen. They throw him off and become involved in a
car chase, while Reese shouts out an explanation about the terminator,
who has purloined a police car. We know what sort of flm we're in now.
Ater a chase in a car-park, Reese and Sarah are caught by the police and
the terminator is nowhere to be seen.
20. We' re in the police station. Are we safe for a while? Sarah meets an
absurd movie psychiatrist.
2 L The terminator is climbing into his room. His face is damaged, his
hand paralysed. Badly injured, he reaches for a scalpel and slices into his
arm. We aren' t cheated, we get to see the pullies and levers. The hand is
working once more.
22. Reese is interrogated by the psychiatrist who asks the questions
we' ve been wanting to ask, about why he didn't bring ray guns along and
all that stuff.
23 . The terminator turns his attention to his wrecked eye. He grabs the
scalpel, to anticipatory groans from the audience. Is he really going to?
Are we going to see it ? He is. We are. He plunges it all the way in. We're
not spared anything. He puts on sunglasses ( the manufacturer' s name
on the frame is Gargoyle) . He picks up to large guns. He' s not going
to storm the police station, is he?
24. Back to Reese' s interrogation, which is being viewed on a video now,
by the police, Sarah and the psychiatrist. Reese says that the terminator
will fnd her. That' s what he does. Nobody can stop him. The detective
lies her down on his couch, covers her with his j acket and tels her that
she is safe. Aer all, what could happen to her in a police station?
25. The greatest scene in the flm. The psychiatrist leaves the station and
takes us by surprise by passing the terminator who is on his way in. (A
example of Cameron' s ruthless sense of humour: the one character that
we would actively like to see get blasted, the psychiatrist, escapes by
pure chance. ) Then the terminator delivers the classic ' I'll be back' line.
The long pause afer he has gone may remind us of the moments in Jaws
when we are waiting for something terrible to happen. What is the
terminator going to do? Then the car crashes through. Can this really be
happening? He wanders through the police station blasting policeman
after policeman. In Cameron' s words, recalling the two great set-pieces
in Films and Filming:
Ah, the disco, the police station and all that - they clearly reflect a
warped childhood! Maybe it's because I got a lot of speeding tickets
when I was a kid - it's my catharsis . . . . I t' s not intended to make
some grand statement about a pOlice state or whatever. But it may
relate to the idea of the terminator in all of us, and the fact that some
people allow the machine to take over a little too much and that's
what makes them boring bureaucrats or officious little police
officers. So when Arnold comes into the police station there's an
irony there that tickled me as I wrote it.
It' s a glorious slapstick sequence, that makes you laugh because of
its excess and famboyance and lack of shame. Are we really allowed to
enjoy all these cops getting blown away? Reese and Sarah sneak out the
back and escape in a stolen car. The terminator shoots at them but they
get away. The screen fades slowly to black and we slump in our seats a
little. Exactly an hour of the flm has passed, and it is our frst chance to
pause for breath.
Even a summary of these scenes gives a favour of the flm' s
momentum which is increased by suddenly dragging us forard more
quickly than we expect . From the murder of the frst Sarah Connor
straight to Sarah watching the report of it on the news . The police
reacting to the two Sarah Connor killings when we didn' t know the
second one had occurred. And Cameron gives us a start by impossibly
but efectively telescoping the time scheme of events as the terminator
catches up with Sarah. For example: he hears Sarah' s voice on the
telephone answering machine warning Ginger, saying she is at the Tech
Noir and that she will phone the police again. Cut to Sarah talking to
the detective who tells her to stay put and that a police car is on its way.
(Who will get there frst, the police or the terminator? ) Cut to the
terminator entering the Tech Noir.
In the Tech Nai r
The summary also demonstrates Schwarzenegger ' s dominance of
the flm. Cameron rightly obsered that it was a flm that took audiences
pleasurably by surprise. It was better than they had expected and its
reputation quickly spread by word of mouth, the best advertising a flm
can have. Of the frst twenty-fve scenes, there are seven really good
ones, of the kind that you might tell people about afterwards, and they
all feature Schwarzenegger: the encounter with the punks, the gun shop,
pulling the man out of the phone booth, the gun battle in the Tech Noir,
the auto-surgery on the arm and the eye, and the battle at the police
station. They are all, in their diferent ways, funny. Sometimes the
humour arises from other characters - Dick Miller in the gun shop,
the big man telling the terminator he has an attitude problem - but
we laugh because of Schwarzenegger' s impassivity. One of the best
comic tactics in cinema is that of letting things happen around you.
Oliver Hardy did it, and so did Cary Grant. By contrast, nobody
laughs much at the tired jokes about the police psychiatrist or Sarah' s
pet reptil e.
The dullest scenes are those involving Sarah, but this serves the
story equally well . We feel we ought to be scared on her behalf, and
we are a bit, but we also want to see the terminator again and we also
think she' s better of being driven out of her vapid daily existence.
Like Cameron' s other screen heroines, Sarah Connor only becomes .
chic when she is in combat gear and carrying a gun.
Most of what people remember about The Trinator comes from
this frst hour of the f. What remains is more conventional, and
Cameron' s principal challenge was to sustain the extraordinary
excitement he had created. To the extent that he succeeds, it is because
of his remarkable economy of means. The rest of the flm consists of
what are in effect three sequences: the interlude between Sarah and
Kyle; the long chase culminating in the factory, and the highly effective
kicker featuring Sarah in the Mexican gas station where we lear how
Reese' s photograph of her was taken. This second half is more routine
than the frst, yet it is when the flm is at its most formulaic, in the fnal
chase in the factory that Cameron can show his trump card: Stan
Winston' s brilliant model of the cyborg' s endoskeleton. This model is
both terrifing and comic, with its dead man' s grin. Just at the moment
when the fm is starting to seem cheap, Cameron shows us the only
expensive special efect he had.
8 Afterl i fe
The absence of a major publicity campaign accompanying the release
of The Terinator was itself an advantage because there was no hype
which critics and @mgoers felt impelled to resist. Despite having been
immediately acclaimed and having become a commercial success, it had
the air of a B-picture underdog, of a cult @m. Audiences felt they were
discovering it for themselves. It was a meeting of minds between the
flm-maker and his audience. James Cameron had known what he was
doing. Audiences recognised what he had done and applauded him for
it. Dan Scapperotti, reviewing the @m in the May 1 985 issue of the
American SF flm magazine Cine!antastique, spoke for almost everybody
when he hailed a flm that ' manages to be both derivative and original at
the same time' and rej oiced that 'not since Road Wrrior has the genre
exhibited so much exuberant carnage' . He concluded with perfect
The Terminator i s an example of sci ence fi cti on/lorror at i ts best,
intelligently integrating today' s hi gh tech special effects wi th a
vi able, fri ghtening story. Cameron's no-nonsense approach wi ll make
hi m a sought-after commodity in an industry that has discovered bi g
bucks i n thi s type of entertainment.
The parodic, schlock movie critic from Dallas, Joe Bob Briggs,
hailed the flm ecstatically: 'We' re talking drive-in heaven. ' The flm was
taken seriously as well. Time magazine selected it as one of the ten best
flms of 1 984, describing it as ' the smartest looking L night town movie
since The Driver' . The reception in Britain the following year was equally
favourable. Julian Petley' s review in Monthly Film Bulletin began:
Not to be confused with the Exterminator series, whi ch is made to
seem very small beer indeed, The Terminator announces itself as a
deli ri ous, ri p-roaring, all-stops-out mating of Mad Max 2 and Blade
Runner: a union which grafts the tremendous momentum of the
former on to the elaborate mise en scene of the later.
Petley praised the flm' s script, special efects, design and the
performance of Schwarzenegger. He ofred no criticisms at all.
The flm Was also lucky in being released at a time when it could
beneft from the newly burgeoning video market. In video rentals for
1985, the flm was second only to Krate Kid.
The Trinator's reputation has remained high. It was scarcely
controversial, for example, when Esquire magazine selected it as 'the flm
of the eighties' . Apart from the fm' s obvious qualities, for which it had
been widely praised, the flm' s longevity was aided once more by the
budgetary limitations under which Cameron had been working. He had
been forced to suggest the fturistic world, rather than show us its
imagined technology in detail, and even the brilliantly realised cyborg
itself was only shown to us in glimpses'. There were few of the then
state-of-the-art computer graphics that date so quickly (the graphics
seen on the computer screens in 2001 and Alien are good examples of
what now seem amusingly primitive) .
Cameron was immediately questioned about the possibiity of a
sequel. He responded pessimisticaly because by then he had fallen out
badly with the producers who owned the rights. But as Cameron and
Schwarzenegger both became major forces in the flm industry the idea
became commercially irresistible and it became possible once more
when Cameron was able to buy the rights back.
Trinator 2: Judgment Day is a story in itself. By contrast with its
predecessor, it made uSe of innovative but highly costly special effects.
Yet, against many expectations, it showed that a flm costing more than
twce as much as Heaven's Gate could be a major fnancial success .
It also forms the crucial evidence for the surviving reputation of the frst
flm. The greatest compliment that Trinator 2 pays to its predecessor
is that it does much more than simply carry on the story In a subtle and
sophisticated way it recapitulates and comments on it. Cameron was
aware that Terinator 2, with a budget almost twenty times greater than
its predecessor, had to be comprehensible to an audience who had never
seen The Trinator. He also knew that a large part of his audience had
seen The Trinator repeatedly on video and that they would pick up on
the tiniest references.
The very frst caption of Terinator 2 - ' Los Angeles 2029' - is
itself a shock, simply because it is the same caption that began The
Terinator. Is this succession or recapitulation? This pre-credit sequence
repeats a series of motifs and devices from the original : the cyborgs and
fying ships, the ramshackle vehicles, the killings. Cameron is
demonstrating his faithfulness to the original, but also showing how
much more he can do this time around. Fans of the flm knew about the
limitations there had previously been in what Cameron could show us.
The initial display of conspicuous consumption, with more ships, far
more soldiers, and a whole army of cyborgs, promises us more than we
got before. Cameron then surprises us again. In the original, John
Connor was like Jesus in flms like Ben-Hur - too important for us to see
directly. Now we see him conducting a battle - paradoxically a battle
which, as a result of what happens during the rest of the fm, wlnever
take place.
The frst appearance of the terminator is once again a conscious
reconstruction, down to the disturbance of the stray newspaper sheets
on the ground in anticipation of the arrival. The scene is recreated in a
pleasurable way but with more detail, more special efects and, as the
scene progresses, the tongue frmly in the cheek. Even the frst
appearance of the terminator' s computer display i s a joke. Te bar-room
tough blows smoke in his face and the caption appears: ' scan carcinogen
vapour' .
After the terminator of the Reagan years, this i s evidently the
kinder, gentler Schwarzenegger of the Bush administration. In the frst
flm, he obtained his clothes by killing a punk in a vigilante act. Now he
strolls into a Country and Wester bar, itself a venue of cartoonish
toughness. The cowboy parody is overt, and when the camera pans up
his leather-clad body when he purloins the bar owner' s sunglasses
and screeches away to the sound of blues music, we' re meant to laugh
and cheer.
Many of the slighter references to the previous f are slyly comic.
The grisly psychiatrist, Silberman, flls in a group of his students about
the institutionalisation of Sarah Connor: ' She believes that a machine
called a terminator, which looks human of course, was sent back throug
time to kill her. ' A student responds : 'That' s original. ' This is, one