Tagalog Glossary
Tagalog Glossary
Tagalog Glossary
nasisinag - can be seen from, can be read from
kamusmusan - innocence, immaturity
inala!ka!- to !addle or "lay !it# !ater
nagsingsing-singsing- to ri""le or cause to ri""le (!ater)
alon - !a$e
nanumbalik- to return, to come back
katiningan- clarity, stillness
nabulabog- disturbed
nasalamin- to see as a re%ection, like in a mirror
kaayaayang- "leasant, nice, "leasing
anang (ana & ng)- said, #as said
nakakatang- #olding on to
nakatana!- to look at somet#ing or some!#ere, to ga'e
"inu"og- to (ll !it# (a kiss), to continuously (ll !it# (a kiss)
)Talagang ganoon) (e*"ression) - )it is really like t#at), )it is
na"angiti- to +ust smile at (somet#ing said or done)
sag!an- boat "addle
umalimbukay- to roar, to make a noise
"am"ang- beac#front, seas#ore
inalong- to "ut on one,s la"
inilunsad- to commence, to start
tinunton- to go into (a "lace), to reac# a destination
dam"a, (!it# glottal sto")- a small #ouse or #ut made of
lig#t materials
sutsot- !#istle, blo!ing or #issing sound of t#e !ind
naglalagos- "assing t#roug#
ma"uka!- to "ass a!ay, to be gone
"agmumunimuni- to t#ink dee"ly, to take a #ard look
Na"akintal- to arouse curiosity, to cause one to be curious
kinasinagan- to see clearly, to reali'e from
Na"alimbag- to be im"rinted, to get t#e im"ression
nagkakalamat- to #a$e some crack or scratc#
maka#ulugang (!it# linker -ng) - meaningful
namilaylay- a""eared, seen, came out
"inagita!- caused to a""ear or be seen
"agbubukang-li!ay!ay- sunrise, break of da!n
-amakin- to ridicule
dustain- to mock
dangal- #onor, esteem
ka!alang-malay- innocence, "urity of t#oug#ts or mind
Nakala"at- %at on surface
baytang- le$el, ste"
ma"aram- to go $anis#
dilidili- string of t#oug#ts, or t#inking mood
.agka"an#ik (from "anik)- after going u" t#e stairs
#inubdan ($., from #ubad)- remo$e t#e clot#es of someone
tinungo- !ent to
batalan- !as#ing area
kakat!ang (from tu!a)- funny
malasin- to !atc#, to obser$e, to see
nagkukusot- to rub or #and!as# clot#es
ung sabagay (e*"ression)- in t#is conte*t, t#is means )e$en
)!#ile)/ in ot#er conte*ts, it could mean )0ou are rig#t),
)#o!e$er), or
naibubulalas- to e*"ress immediately, instant t#oug#t or
"ina"angat!iranan (from kat!iran)- to reason out, to +ustify
inatu"ag (from atu"ag)- to "ay attention to, to focus on
kinaga!ian (from ga!i)- #abit, used to doing, c#ore, routine
gam"anan- to take as a role
Sinulsi#an- to se!, to mend
mumunting damit- little dress
marikit- "retty, nice, beautiful
manyikang ($ar. manika)- doll
i"inamasko ($., from "asko)- to gi$e as a 2#ristmas gift
nars- nurse
sumandal- to rest one,s back against a %at surface $ertically
Sinakit- "ainfully
gunita- memory
nauukol- about, concerning (somet#ing)
matarok- to understand
dangan at (e*"ression)- if only, or only if
3umalang-dalang-!ent slo!, slo!ed-do!n
"ag-uusisa-in$estigating, 4uestioning, !anting to kno!
na"a"ayukayok-gro!ing dro!sy
na#alin#an-c#anged, altered, transformed
i"inag#e#eleng-being "ut into slee"
Gumagaralgal-getting #oarse ($oice)
na#i#imbing-in dee" slumber
ini#iga-laid %at
banig-stra! mat
nakalatag- rolled out
"inilas-torn out of (meta"#orically)
"inag#u!aran-based on, modeled on
i"inagkait-de"ri$ed of
sumunga!-looked out of t#e !indo!
talisuyo-lo$er, belo$ed
isanla-to "a!n
tatalima#in-to gi$e attention to
nag"inid- to close
inu"ko"-to ado"t
nabibilanggo-being im"risoned
naukit-#ad been bitten
bangkay-cor"se, cada$er
tali"andas-!#ore, immoral !oman
inaaruga-taken care of
nakatudla-focused on, t#e ob+ect of attention
ma"ang-uyam-condescending, contem"ting
namamasid- to see, to obser$e, to look
na"a"aumis-to "ity
na"a"asulya"-to glance
ma"ag"ala-to bless
"amana-in#eritance, !#at is left by a "erson !#o died
namimitak-slo!ly rising or about to s#o! u"
nagbangon-got u" from bed
alang-alang-for t#e sake of
dulutan-to gi$e
"agkakandili-care, lo$e, belongingness
na#a#alata-being ob$ious
namamayat-gro!ing t#in, skinny
"angangata!an-body, (gure
sinasasal-to take seriously
na"a"ata!ag-to call for #el"
"atingin-to submit to a "#ysical e*amination (medical)
"atakang-!ondering, sur"rised attitude
na#ila-broug#t in$oluntarily, forced to go along
suot-nars-in nurse uniform
Nag-uulik-ulik-reluctant, #esitant
nakatutol-o""ose, go against
sinili"-take a "eek, take a look
"arang-somet#ing like, similar to
ma"angla!-sad, de"ressed
kabilang-bu#ay (idiom) - after-life, life in t#e ot#er !orld
bangko,- stool or benc# used for sitting
ka!angis- looks like
bantayog- monument
tila- it seems, it a""ears, some!#at
kumukura"- blinking
naka"u"uka!- takes t#e mind a!ay or distracts t#e mind
malasin- to see, to obser$e
gunamgunam- mind, consciousness, memory
namalisbis- ran do!n s"eedily
dinadalumat- "rocessing, !ondering
"a#at- sim"le
tag"i-tag"i- "atc#y, in "atc#es
sulsi#an- to mend (somet#ing)
naduduro- gets "ricked
"agkatigalgal- state of being s"aced out, obli$ious
namulas- came out of (one,s mout#)
tatatlong (from tatlo) - barely t#ree
taga"agkandili- someone !#o takes care of anot#er "erson
siyang tanging ama,t siyang tanging ina - t#e only mot#er
and fat#er
sinaklot- to "ick u" immediately
"a"anaog- going do!n t#e stairs
ma"a"agkati!alaan- someone !#o can be trusted
namumu#i- disgusted !it# someone
ma"agka!angga!a- someone !#o is c#aritable
maaanduk#a- to look after someone
maselan- sensiti$e, c#oosy
makaka!atas- one !#o could understand, em"#ati'e
makaka"agkalinga- one !#o could take of anot#er
nagtatak!il- someone !#o diso!ns anot#er
Lumalatag (from latag) - s"reading out
"atang-"ata- e*tremely e*#austed
natataling#agaan- intrigued, "u''led
Nalalagas-!it#ering, falling a!ay as lea$es from a tree
nauu"os nang nauu"os- burning a!ay like a !ick of a candle
kara"at-da"at- deser$ing, most a""o"riate
makaka"ag-ku"ko"- one !#o can ado"t and take care of
kasiraang-loob- discouragement
dumulog- to "lead
tinakasan- to ran a!ay from someone
kaisang-"uso (idiom) - s"ouse, #usband7!ife
nangalisag- rose u"
bala#ibo- #air of t#e skin
Nababanaagan- to see or antici"ate t#e ine$itable
ma"angla!- sad, de"ressed
natabunan - buried, co$ered
nginangatngat - eaten slo!ly (like a termite eats !ood)
"oot - #atred
sangkatau#an - #umankind, #umanity
sangnilik#a - all creation
5agdada"it#a"on - near sunset
magtam"isa! - to "lay in t#e !ater
5abining (mabini & -ng) - gently, slo!ly
lagaslas - s"las#ing sound of !ind or !ater
nagsasali! - +oining ( as in music or song)
kaayaayang (kaayaaya & -ng) - "leasant
malamlam - faint, diminis#ing brig#tness
nalulunoy - fading, sinking
na"atigalgal - s"eec#less
na"us"os - to be (lled
"anggigilalas - !onder, "o!er
kalikasan - nature
a"agdaka,y (ka"agdaka & ay) - immediately
na!i!ili - en+oying
igla" - a moment, a second
"uri,t dangal ("uri at dangal) - dignity and #onor
"ag#i#i" - blo! (as in !ind)
Na"atitig - to stare at
lagaslas ng tubig - s"las#ing sound of t#e !ater or !a$es
sutsot - !#istle or #issing call (of t#e !ind)
naitaboy - t#ro!n a!ay or t#ro!n out
tik#im - "ain
nabubunot - being "ulled from
sumasalit - goes to t#e beat of
sagitsit - sound of friction bet!een a $e#icle and surface of
road or !ater
Sumadsad - #it or im"act a surface due to immediate or
sudden sto"
gumagaralgal - #oarse sound of a $oice
naiim"it - c#oking
nanganga"os niyang #ininga - #is gas"ing breat#
sumali! - to +oin as in song or music