Vlsi95 Power Survey
Vlsi95 Power Survey
Vlsi95 Power Survey
Massoud Pedram
University of Southern California
Department of Electrical Engineering - Systems
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Low power design is gaining increasing attention as the
market for battery powered portable products expands and as
power consumption becomes the stumbling block for further
system integration. This paper examines strategies to minimize power consumption of digital circuits by reducing the
supply voltage, by using power-conscious design methodologies and tools at the behavioral, logic and circuit levels, and
by dynamic power management. The paper highlights some
of the more effective and promising approaches for achieving
ultra low power VLSI circuits and systems.
1 Introduction
Low power, yet high-throughput and computationally intensive, circuits are becoming a critical application domain.
One driving factor behind this trend is the growing class of
personal computing devices (digital pens, portable desk-tops,
audio- and video-based multimedia products) as well as wireless communications and imaging systems (personal digital assistants, personal communicators, smart cards) that demand high-speed computations, complex functionalities and
often real-time processing capabilities with low power consumption. Another crucial driving factor is that excessive
power consumption is becoming the limiting factor in integrating more transistors on a single chip or on a multiple-chip
module. Unless power consumption is dramatically reduced,
the resulting heat will limit the feasible packing and performance of VLSI circuits and systems. Indeed, circuits synthesized for low power are also less susceptible to run-time failures.
Synthesis and design tools equipped with power estimation capabilities could be used to observe the effects of various transformations and optimizations on key design space
parameters: area, delay and power. Unfortunately, existing
CAD systems do not have any power estimation tools at the
behavioral synthesis levels. At the same time, they lack robust, accurate and efficient techniques for power estimation
at the logic level. Ideally, the behavioral power prediction
tools should interact with the logic level tools to improve their
accuracy. Similarly, logic level tools should interact with the
circuit-level power simulation techniques. Combining all of
these capabilities in a single CAD framework, providing various mechanisms for back annotation of detailed power estimates into the higher levels, and technology and implementation style calibration of the high-level prediction tools are
important open problems that must be addressed.
Most of the high-level power prediction tools use a combination of deterministic algorithm analysis, combined with
This work was supported in part by ARPA under contract no.
F33615-95-C-1627 and by SRC under contract no. 94-DJ-559.
2 Status
In the past, there was a very low effort on power estimation techniques and virtually no interest from industrial companies. It is only recently that more research is being done in
this area and that companies are interested, pushed by a need
for portable products and cheap packaging. In the following,
we will discuss the existing and on-going efforts in design
methodology and tool development targeting low power dissipation at various levels of the design hierarchy.
Most of the high level power prediction tools use a combination of deterministic algorithm analysis, combined with
profiling and simulation to address data dependencies. Important statistics include the number of instructions of a given
type, the number of bus, register and memory accesses and
the number of I/O operations ([6, 21]), executed within a
given period. Instruction level simulation or behavioral DSP
at the internal nodes of CMOS gates [42, 41, 43, 23, 19, 20].
These works must be extended to account for power dissipation due to wiring capacitances, slew rate, perturbation of
gate delay parameters due to process or temperature variations. The impact of additional sources of power consumption (i.e., short-circuit and DC leakage currents) should be
studied and conditions and design styles under which these
sources of power consumption become important should be
A number of techniques for reducing power consumption
during behavioral and logic synthesis and physical design
have been proposed in the recent past including, among others, techniques for using self-timed circuits and selective adjustment of the supply voltage [27], module allocation and
binding and scheduling [30, 12], register allocation and binding [7], exploiting gated clocks during FSM synthesis [3],
generating pre-computation logic [1], retiming [22], state assignment and re-encoding [31, 40, 13], kernel extraction [31,
15], multi-level network optimization [32, 14], technology
decomposition and mapping [38, 17, 44], floorplanning [8],
placement [45], transistor sizing and ordering [37], wire sizing [9] and clock tree generation [47]. Most of these techniques only consider power dissipation due to steady-state
transitions and ignore the effect of hazards/glitches, interconnect capacitances, short-circuit currents and even leakage
current (DC-leakage paths and subthreshold currents). The
SOI technology, submicron device sizes, and lower voltage
supply tends to exacerbate some of these second-order effects
to a point where they cannot be ignored.
Providing a good library with a lot of different instances of
the same cell (with different drive strengths) is important to
give the technology mapping and sizing algorithms enough
flexibility to optimize the circuit for power dissipation and
to obtain solutions that come close to semi-custom designs.
Studies such as that reported in [24] will be useful in developing a macro-cell library for low power applications.
Techniques which trade-off switching time for power dissipation during signal transition have not been incorporated
into the optimization process. It is worthwhile to integrate
these newly developed techniques into logic synthesis and
physical design. For example, timing analysis can determine
which signals can be softly switched without impacting
overall performance. From this information, optimization
and synthesis algorithms can be applied to evaluate and automatically insert logic for recovering signal energy [2].
A more detailed overview of the state-of-art in low power
digital design, the impact of CAD and the challenges ahead
is given in [34].
3 Promising Directions
3.1 Behavioral Level
A wide class of transformations can be done at the behavioral level and most of them are typically aimed at either reducing the number of cycles in a computation or reducing the
number of resources used in the computation. One interesting approach is to introduce more concurrency in a circuit to
speed it up and then to reduce the voltage until it realizes its
originally required speed. The linear increase in capacitance
due to parallelism is compensated for by the quadratic power
reduction due to reducing the voltage. This can result in circuits that use several times less power. Although this transformation is not directly changing the supply voltage, it allows a design to operate with a lower supply voltage by increasing the concurrency. Another interesting approach is to
reduce the supply voltage of each functional unit (thus reduc-
using the adiabatic switching principles rather than dissipating them as heat are promising in certain applications where
speed can be traded for lower power. Similarly, techniques
based on combining self-timed circuits with a mechanism
for selective adjustment of the supply voltage that minimizes
the power while satisfying the performance constraints show
good signs.
4 Conclusion
Essential elements of a low power design environment include means of analyzing the dissipation of a proposed or an
existing design, mechanisms for minimizing the power consumption when needed and techniques to explore the impact
of design trade-offs on the power consumption, area and performance of a design.
A number of researchers are investigating modeling and
estimation of power consumption as well as techniques for
minimizing power at the various levels of design abstraction
(layout, logic, register-transfer, behavioral, system and algorithmic levels). The primary goal is to achieve a 10X reduction in power without sacrificing functionality and performance. To this end, they are developing general principles
and novel techniques to guide the design of power-efficient
electronic systems and explore how the availability of lowpower design techniques impacts chip, module, and system
level design decisions.
such as gated clocks, stoppable clocks, adaptive supply voltages, precomputation logic, energy recovery techniques, various power management modes, dynamic switching between
power modes, etc. are also being researched and employed.
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