CDA Autumn 2012

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CDA Receives Surprise Donation!!!

A group of audio enthusiasts raised 1,150 for the CDA at an annual event in
Cambridge on 15th September through donations and a raffle. They hose CDA
as their !01! harity beause""...we know how important it is to feel part
of a community and we believe that the CDA helps Deaf people to
achieve this with aplomb!"
They desribe themselves as #a bunh of $% headphone users &ho fre'uent the &ebsite and disuss various aspets of audio reprodution, as &ell
as offering advie to fello& members and generally having fun#.
(eartfelt than)s from all at CDA*
Dont forget to come along to:
on Saturday 27th October
10am to 4pm.
Meadows Community Centre,
1 St Catharine's oad, Cambrid!e C"4 #$%
Thank you Malcom erry! Colin and "o Dyers
A +ig than) you to ,alom -erry for ma)ing the magnifient upboards in CDA.s
/ffie. (e did all this himself, voluntarily. Also to Colin and 0o Dyers for painting t&o
&indo& frames inside the offie. This is greatly appreiated by all of us.
"AM#$ %#&&AM
Cam'ridgeshire Deaf Association! ( Romsey Terrace! Cam'ridge C%) *+,
1a2" 01!!3 411501 6oie" 01!!3 !47!35
8mail" office-cam' S)ype" dassoiation
Autumn /0)/
Deaf Clu's 1
Dates for your Diary.......
Cam'ridge Deaf Clu'
Cambridge Deaf Club is held on the 3
Saturday of eah month. The lub meets at
: ;omsey Terrae, Cambridge and is open from 5.30pm to 10.30pm. 1or more
information please ontat CDA <details on the front page=
2ct /0
! +ov )3
! Dec )4

March and District Deaf Clu'
,arh and Distrit Deaf Club is based at St -eter.s Churh (all, (igh Street, ,arh,
Cambs. -815 >0; 9e meet on the 1st 1riday of every month at 5.00pm to 11.00pm.
All are &elome more information from ?odfrey -almer, 45 Cree) ;oad, ,arh,
Cambs. -815 :;8 1a2 01354 75:111 S,S 05:0150575>
2ct 4
! +ov /
! +ov *0
! "an 5th
eter'orough Deaf Clu'
The lub meets at the %ingfisher Centre, The Cresset, +retton, -eterborough. -83
:D@ on the !nd Saturday of eah month at 7.30pm to 10.30pm ,ore information
from Simon ;ihardson email" simon.rihardson5> ,sn email
address" poshdeaflub!011Alive.o.u)
2ct )*
! +ov )0
! Dec (
! "an )/

,untingdon Deaf6,earing Clu'
All Deaf and (earing people &ho are learning to sign or &ant to polish up or pratie
their signing s)ills are very &elome. This is an informal soial evening. at St
+arnabas Churh, ,ed&ay ;oad, (untingdon, Cambs., -8!> 1S1 on !nd 1riday
of eah month from 3.*0pm to 7.*0pm. 1or more information, please ontat
CDA <details on front page=
2ct )/
! +ov 7
! Dec )5
! "an ))

Cam'ridge Social clu'
All Deaf and (earing people &ho are learning to sign or &ant to polish up or pratie
their signing s)ills are very &elome. This is an informal soial evening. at
Cambridgeshire Deaf Assoiation, : ;omsey Terrae, Cambridge. C+1 3B( on
last 1riday of eah month from 3.*0pm to on.ard. 1or more information,
please ontat CDA <details on front page=
+ov *0
! "an /4

CDA +$8S
March Deaf Clu'
/n 1riday 7
0uly &e had a soial evening &ith some people playing games and
everyone enCoyed tal)ing to eah other.
9e played a fantasti game alled D?uess the -hotoE organised by Alison 1risby on
1riday 5
September. 9e had 5 tables &ith four people on eah team. There &ere
40 puFFles using different photos. Ans&ers &ere &ritten do&n on paper. ,y team
&on &ith Andre& -almer <my Son=, ,ihael ;atliffe and ;ita %ettle. ,any than)s
to Alison 1risby.

92RT,C2M#+: $;$+TS<
At St eters Church ,all! ,igh Street! March A)4 7"R.
1riday 5
/tober. Chase the Ae ?ame.
1riday !
Bovember Gndoor +o&ls ?ame.
1riday 30
Bovember Christmas Dinner Please see note below.
1riday 4
0anuary !013 Soial 8vening and 9hist Drive.
Christmas Dinner .ill 'e held on 9riday *0
+ovem'er /0)/
Doors open at 3pm for 3.*0pm
=)5 for mem'ers and =)> for non-mem'ers
Tickets must 'e 'ought no later than )/th +ovem'er /0)/
+o tickets availa'le at the door and no refunds
:2D9R$? A&M$R
eter'orough Deaf Clu'
"uly )5th
9e held an H/lympi games. &ith 7 different games I brain 'uiF, number in the
right order, egg and spoon rae, &easel &ith the )eys, boo) on your head and
pass the boo) using )nees* There &ere t&o teams <blue and red= ongratulations
to both teams. The ;ed team &on !5pts and +lue got !7pts very lose* 9e all
really enCoyed &athing both teams hallenging eah other*
Aug ))th
9e &ent to (unstanton by bus. The &eather &as perfet and &e enCoyed &al)ing
on the promenade, and playing raFy golf. ?reat fun* 9e formed t&o teams of four
people Cust for fun to play, and the sore &as !40I!5:. Then some of us enCoyed
fish n hips yummy*
Sept (th
H/ut of this &orld. &as an interesting tal) by David %ettle about all the different
stars and many than)s to David for being the host.
Sept *0th
9e &ent to ?rafham 9ater for a sponsored &al) and &e enCoyed the lovely fresh
air, it &as a really &indy and a nie touh of the sun, perfet day. 9e &ere
supposed to &al) on the previous Sunday !3th September but anelled due to
bad &eather and there &as a ris) of thunderstorms so &e delayed the &al) to
30th September. Gt &as nie day* And big than)s to 0anet Sto)s, ;ita )ettle,
David %ettle, Jadeer (ussain, Samiya (ussain for getting involved and for
ompleting the 10 mile &al). 9ell done
CDA +$8S
eter'orough Deaf Clu'@ConAtB
2cto'er )*th"
+ovem'er )0th<
0ob Advie and $nemployment information
Decem'er (th
Christmas -arty
Sponsored &al) at ?rafham &ater Trip to (unstanton

H/ut of this &orld. tal) /lympi games

S#M2+ R#C,ARDS2+
CDA +$8S
March and District Deaf Club
14 for members and 16 for non-members
4 course meals: The menu will be vegetable soup, roast beef, Yorkshire
pudding and vegetables with wine or soft drinks, hristmas pudding or trifle
!"our choice# and cheese $ biscuits and coffee or tea%
&f "ou want order vegetarian and'or trifle please put "our
Hon. Sec. Mr Godfrey Palmer
47 Creek Road, March, Cambs. P!" #R.
SMS $7#$!7$"%"&.
'(ickets must be bou)ht no later than !*
+o,ember *$!*.
No tickets available at the door and no refunds
CDA +$8S
,untingdonDeaf C ,earing Clu'
1or the 0uly meeting, no games &ere organiFed and it &as mainly a hane to have a
nie hatty evening.
August &as losed and for September &e did an /lympi JuiF game. 9e split into
small groups and at first most of them moaned by saying they have not been
&athing the /lympis on T6 or even visited the plae* 9ould you believe themK After
doing the 'uiF, it &as interesting to see that most of the 'uestions &ere orret*
0oan (artley &as the &inner after beating ,atthe& 1aupel in a sudden death play off.
9ell done 0oan. +ig than)s to ,arion ?ossland for doing the teaLoffee and this is
something she al&ays enCoys doing, and is happy to do this every month.
"AM#$ %#&&AM
%S& u' Meeting in Cam'ridge @ThursdayB
9e are no& meeting every first and third Thursday of the month. 9e &ill be meeting
5.30pm at the Tram Depot pub Cust off 8ast ;oad, Cambridge <opposite Anglia ;us)in
$niversity on 8ast ;oad=. 9e meet Cust to rela2 and hat using +SM. 8veryone is
&elome &hether Deaf or hearing, a beginner or a fluent signer. 9e hope to
see you there* 1or more details, ontat ,atthe& 1aupel on 0555> 355>:3 <S,S= or
matthe& <eImail=.
MATT,$8 9AD$&
Cam'ridge Deaf u' @SaturdayB
9elome to Cambridge Deaf -ub. G &ould li)e you to ome along to
meet ne& people &ho are deaf and hard of hearing or hearing &ho
an use +SM <+ritish Sign Manguage= at any levels to &arm up or get
pratie or Cust have fun. NouOre &elome to Coin and meet up in the
Cambridge Deaf -ub and also you an bring your friends.
868;N T9/ ,/BT( to meet up at 1:"00hrs.
29th September
The Avery -ub
7>I57 ;egent Street
C+! 1A+
ADAM &#+DS$&&
eter'orough Deaf u'@Tuesday eveB
,eet at The ?ordan Arms, /undle ;d, /rton Mongueville, -eterborough. -8! 5D(
8very 1st Tuesday of every month from 5pm until losed. Gnvite your friends.
D$%%#$ 28$&&
"ohn Smith! DEFs +o. ) %S& Comedian! comes to
1riday 1>th /tober, 0a) (unt Shool, Medbury ;oad, -eterborough -83 >-B Ti)ets
10 <Ponline boo)ing fee=.
1or ti)ets and information visit 0ohnOs &ebsite.
CDA +$8S
%S& &$;$& 2ne
2ne year course leading to the nationally accredited
Signature &evel 2ne Certificate.
C/,,8BCGB?" ,onday 5
0anuary !013
Time" 5.00pm to >.00pm
6enue"I :, ;omsey Terrae, Cambridge C+1 3B(
%S& &$;$& T82
2ne year course leading to the nationally accredited
Signature &evel T.o Certificate
C/,,8BCGB?" ,onday >
0anuary !013
Time" 7.00pm to >.00pm
6enue"I :, ;omsey Terrae, Cambridge C+1 3B(
1a2" 01!!3 411501 6oie" 01!!3 !47!35
8mail" office-cam'
A +ote from the Chairperson
Dear All,
It was lovely to see so many people at the AGM this year. There are all sorts of things happening
at CDA at the moment. We are really pleased to welcome bac the s!pporting people pro"ect to
CDA and at the moment Trevor Weedon is o!r new financial officer and is woring in the office. In
the Cambridgeshire Deaf partnership we are trying to mae s!re that there are advocates
available for the Deaf comm!nity and we are going to partner with Cambridge #niversity to do
some research with the D$deaf and hard of hearing comm!nity so yo! may be ased to tae part. I
am very m!ch looing forward to the first Deaf day and hopef!lly I will see yo! there. We are also
looing for more tr!stees to help r!n CDA if yo! are interested and wo!ld lie to find o!t more
please get in to!ch.
%est wishes
&anie Anderson
CDA +$8S
+e.sletter 'y emailG
9e &ould li)e to send the ne&sletter by email. Gf you are happy for us to do this, then
please fill in your email address and also your name.
/r you an let me )no& by email"
,any than)s
$ditors +e.s
G hope you all had a good summer brea). 9hat a fantasti
/lympis R -aralympis &e had* There &ere so many
good things to tal) about. Team ?+ &or)ed hard for four
years and to get a medal is a great ahievement for them
&hether they are disabled or not. They don.t get paid for
doing this, only funding to support their training. The best
part for me &as seeing the young South Afrian man,
Chad Me Clos, beating the great ,ihael -helps for gold in
the butterfly s&imming event. Then to &ath Chad.s
emotions as he stood above -helps &ho &as standing on silver podium, <a very rare
thing for him=, then Chad.s father elebrating. Then -helps very sportily did a lap of
honour &ith the young s&immer. That definitely made my day*
There &ill be a big event for Deaf people on /tober !5
, HCam'ridgeshire Deaf
DayA. Nou an see poster at the ba) of the ne&sletter. -lease do ma)e an effort to
ome along as it is for all Deaf people to see &hat CDA and other organisations do.
Nou &ill get the hane to ta)e part in playing musial instruments, a Sumba taster
and even a Craft 9or)shop. 9e all &ant to see you there***
Anastasia, one of our Trustees R our popular Deaf ?ree) daning tutor is e2peting a
baby in /tober. /n behalf of all readers, &e &ish her all the very best.
Gt is good to see Supporting Deaf -eople Servies returning to the CDA /ffie and &e
hope to provide the servie that Deaf people need. -lease see ontat details
else&here in the ne&sletter if any one of you needs help.
Gt is good to )no& that Charles Di2on.s &ife 0udith is ma)ing a good progress after
her aident during their holiday and 0udith had to have one of her leg strapped up in
a pod. G )no& &hat it is li)e beause G had one too &hen G ruptured my left Ahilles
tendon and G had to have plaster, then a pod and ruthes for three months. 6ery
"AM#$ %#&&AM
Tea and Sign
Come along to our ne2t meeting on Saturday !0th
/tober, !.30pm, at 9aterstones +oo)shop afe, Sidney
Street, Cambridge. All &elome, deaf and hearing, adults
and hildren* 1or further information email Anna on
CDA +$8S
Drop-#n Dates for your Diary
9enlands Drop-#n
1!pm to !pm every three &ee)s <not al&ays= at The Christian Centre, $p&ell
;oad, ,arh, Cambs. -815 >DT. 1or further information please ontat Christine
Tarrant using CDA.s address or Tel noT <details on front page=

2ct ))
@closedB! +ov (
! Dec )*
! "an )0

Cam'ridge Deaf &unchTime :roup
11.30am to !.30pm every third 9ednesday of eah month at The Deaf Centre, :
;omsey Terrae, Cambridge. 1or further information please ontat 0amie +illam
using CDA.s address or Tel no" <details on front page=
2ct )3
! +ov /)
! Dec )7
! "an )>
,untingdon Deaf &unchTime :roup
1!.30am to !.30pm every first Thursday of eah month at the (untingdon
library, -rines street, (untingdon. -8!> 3-A
1or further information please ontat 0amie +illam using CDA.s address or Tel
no" <details on front page=
+ov )
! Dec >
! "an *

eter'orough Deaf Drop in
0oin us for -eterborough Deaf DropIin at City College, +roo)es Street,
-eterborough. -81 1T$ 9e meet on 9ednesday 1!.30pm to !.30pm every t&o
&ee)s. There &ill be a Soial 9or)er or a Soial Servies Support 9or)er at
theses sessions. 9e are in room 0(! &hih is on the left side at the end of offee
2ct )0
! /5
! +ov 3
! /)
! Dec 4
! )7

eter'orough Deaf Coffee Morning
A good plae to meet your Deaf friends. 9e meet in upstairs in Community room
near restaurant on ,onday 10.30am to 1!.30pm every t&o &ee)s. 1ree
2ct )4
! /7
! +ov )/
! />
! Dec )0
! )3

CDA +$8S
eter'orough Deaf Drop in
During the summer, &e had ! people from -eterborough ;egional College to give
a tal) and demonstration about &hat -;C an offer Deaf people U different types
of ourses and support to learn lots of different s)ills. Some people sho&ed their
interest and Coined a ne& ourse for September.
/n the September 1!th, &e are moving to 0(! beause ;oom 3 is no& to be
used as a lass room. ,ost people are happy &ith the ne& room as it has more
spae and is a brighter room. Gt is on the left side at the end of offee ounter.
CA,+ E? DA# @Co-ordinatorB
eter'orough Coffee Morning
After a fe& teething problems, -eterborough Deaf Coffee ,orning is running
really &ell. 9e get up to 17 people attending so G.m busy ma)ing tea and
offee** G haven.t organised any spea)ers yet but everyone seems happy to
signLhat &ith eah other. Gt is a lovely atmosphere. All deaf are &elome to
ome along to the offee morning, even those &ho do not sign.
The sessions run every t&o &ee)s. Gn Deember there &ill be t&o sessions, one
on the 10th Deember and one on the 15th Deember, instead of !4
/n the 15th Deember there &ill be mine pies and other sna)s.
Than) you for your support over the last fe& months.
D$%%#$ 28$&& @Co-ordinatorB
9enland Deaf Drop-in
1enland Deaf DropIin is open at 11am <not 1!noon= until !pm in every seond
Thursday per month.
/n 13
September !4 Deaf people &ished %athleen ?ilbert (appy +irthday, she
is 50.They enCoyed &inning some good raffle priFes and &e had plenty of hats.
DropIin session on 11
/tober is anelled beause a lot of regulars are going to
8DD0 +utlins (oliday Camp bet&een :
/tober to 1!
M#C,A$& A$
Childrens Disa'ility Team
G have been appointed as Soial 9or)er &ith a responsibility for DLdeaf hildren
aross Cambridgeshire. ,any of you &ill )no& me as G have &or)ed in the Deaf
ommunity both in Cambridgeshire and Suffol) for a number of years both in the
Statutory setor and the voluntary setor. G am based at Douglas (ouse in
Cambridge and referrals an be made through the Contat Centre or ontat me
diret for information and advie. -lease ontat me if there are any events,
meeting or relevant events happening aross the County.
,y ontat details are" I Childrens Disability Team 01!!3 57::05 <voie=
mobile 05533 !4: 550, eI mail
Douglas (ouse 1: Trumpington ;oad Cambridge C+! !A(
referrals through the Contat Centre 0345 045 5!03
Than) you
MAR? :2DD$+
CDA +$8S
The Supporting Deaf eople Service is 'ack at CDA!
/n 3rd September the SD-- returned to the CDA
The mobile numbers of the Staff &ill remain the same"
(elen ,oney I 05:>5 05! 13!
Sally S)eldon I 05>0! !:1 77:
/ffie Telephone number U 01!!3 41155:
9e &ill ontinue to provide the same, 'uality, servie and &ill attend dropIins
around the ounty as usual.
9e &or) &ith DLdeaf, hard of hearing, deafened, deafblind people living in
Cambridgeshire. 9e aim to ensure that people are enabled to live as
independently as possible.
9e an help &ith"
Day to day issues U +udgeting U Correspondene U Developing soial s)ills U
Aessing a &ide range of servies U 8motional support U 9elfare benefits U
8'uipment advie
/ne of the Team is usually available at the DropIin sessions aross the County.
The &or)ers are sign language users.
Cam'ridgeshire County Council Sensory Services
Sensory Servie Team, Admundsen (ouse, 1:b Compass +usiness -ar), Sto)s
+ridge 9ay, St Gves, Cambridgeshire -8!5 50M
Tel <6oie= 0345 045 5!!1 1a2 014:0 4>:077 ,iniom 014:0 357543
S,S <te2t= 05577 :>: 53!
;eferrals to the team
1or alls to the Sensory Servies Team to go via Cambridgeshire Diret the
Contat Centre via 0(54 054 4//) The advantage of this hange is that ontat
an be made to the team over e2tended hoursVfrom :.00am to :.00pm ,onday
to Saturday as opposed to the urrent &ee)day offie hours, and that there &ill
be advisors &ill be able to provide simple advie or signposting &here
The Sensory team an still be ontated as above
Sensory Support Team! eter'orough Social Services
The Sensory Support Team ontat details are"
6oie" 01533 545454
,iniom" 01533 547141
1a2" 01533 547140
S,S" 05>15 133150
8mail" as)
As) for a referral to the Sensory Team.
Sign ost
Deeping +aptist C hurh, 4! +ridge Street, Deeping St 0ames,
-eterborough, -87 :(A
9e &elome you to our monthly Sign -ost meetings. Doors open at 5.30 pm. 9e
lose around 10 pm. +ring your sand&ihes for tea at 7 pm I &e provide tea and
After tea I a time to soialiFe, games or demonstration tal). After&ards a short
tal) from the +ible then teaLoffee, and soial time.
Sign language supported, also loop system and live typing available.
Saturday !5th /tober I 0igsa& evening ompetition
Saturday !4th Bovember I Craft evening ma)ing Christmas ra)ers.
Saturday !>th Deember I Christmas fello&ship &ith free food and some games.
1or information about Sign -ost I see Sign -ost &ebsite I
(ope to see you at Sign -ost.
+#:$& 9R#S%?
+$8!! D$A9 C,R#ST#A+ :R2D.
This is a small +SM group for Deaf Christians or anyone &ho &ould li)e to find out
more about ?od. 8veryone very &elome.
9e &ill sign a short +ible passage and then disuss &hat it means for us. -ray for
eah other. And /1 C/$;S8 have plenty of refreshments and hat**
1irst meeting is Tuesday !4th 0uly 1pm I 3pm. Then the T(G;D T$8SDAN of
every month, !1st Aug, 1:th Sept, 17th /t, !0th Bov, 1:th De.
At (untingdonshire Community Churh Centre, :4a (igh Street, (untingdon.
-8!> 3D-.
Any 'uestions, please te2t 0an Smith 055>7 75! 055 or email
"A+ SM#T,

CDA +$8S
For further information about the event, take part or to book a stand
please contact: Event Organiser, Cambridgeshire Deaf Association, 8
Romse !errace, Cambridge" C#$ %&'
!el: ($))% )*+)%, email: office-cambsdeaf"org

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