Science Lesson 2

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Teacher: Chris Wiggins Grade: 1st School: Rucker Blvd.

Date: 06/11/1 Start Ti!e:":10 #nd Ti!e (45 minutes later): ":$$
%u!&er o' Students:16 %u!&er o' #((s: 16 %a!es o' %#)s: 0
*ther as+ects ,orth !entioning: #nglish )ro'iciencies range 'ro! 1 - .
UABs SIOP Lesson Plan 1//1"/00
Su&1ect: Science / (anguage 2rts
3nit The!e: 2ni!als
(esson To+ic: 45o, Do We Grou+ 2ni!als67
(broad goals on which objectives are based)
(what students will learn during this 45-minute lesson)
Alabama COS !ive code number(s) and standard(s)"#
Content Standard: 2C*S Science 8 Descri&e survival traits o'
living things9 including color9 sha+e9 si:e9 te;ture9 and covering.
< Classi'=ing +lants and ani!als according to +h=sical traits
< >denti'=ing develo+!ental stages o' +lants and ani!als
< Descri&ing a variet= o' ha&itats and natural ho!es o' ani!als
Content Objectives!: Academic Achievement
$ow %&&s are e'(ected to ((artiall)) meet the A& *+S:
1. >denti'= the di''erent categories o' ani!als.
/. Distinguish &et,een the di''erent ani!al grou+s.
.. >denti'= the characteristics o' ani!als in each grou+.
TESOL Stan"a#"s ,nderline the targeted standard(s)#
#((s ,ill use #nglish to:
$%& Co!!unicate 'or social9 intercultural ? instructional +ur+oses
,ithin the school setting@ an"'o#
$() $*) $+) o# $,ACo!!unicate in'or!ation9 ideas9 and conce+ts
necessar= 'or acade!ic success in the content area o' (underline): B/
Alanguage arts9 B.A!ath9 BAscience9 or B$Asocial studies.
Lan-.a-e Objectives!: Academic Language
To meet the content objective(s)- %&&s will learn to use %nglish in one or
more o. the .ollowing wa)s: discourse .unctions- grammar- vocabular)-
(ronunciation- and/or s0ills (listening- s(ea0ing- reading- writing):
1. Recogni:e characteristics o' ani!als.
/. (isten to +artner descri&e the di''erent ani!al grou+s.
.. #;+lain the characteristics o' various ani!als.

SE/UENCE O#"e# o0 activities 1lanne" 0o# t2is +,3min.te lesson!
The actual amount o. numbered (oints ma) var)" This de(ends on the amount o. di..erent activities that are (lanned"
B#G>%%>%G (5 to 12 minutes)
4OTIVATION o# 52oo67 activit8
1. TSW co!+lete a +arallel line activit= to revie, content learned in the +revious lesson on alligators.
C/.8 TSW dis+la= their res+onses to higher order thinking Duestion related to the lesson on alligators &=
co!+leting a carousel charts grou+ activit=.
E>DD(# (3. this ta0es longer than e'(ected- s0i( certain (arts in order to review during the last 5 minutes")
PRESENTATION o0 ne9 6no9le"-e an"'o# s6ills
. Read language and content o&1ectives
$. Revie, voca&ular= ,ords 'ro! +revious lesson.
6. Go over ne, voca&ular= ,ords. 5ave +ictures on the S!art Board to hel+ ,ith ne, voca&ular= ,ords.
0. 2dd voca&ular= to ,ord ,all/chart.
". Eodel reading ne, ,ords. 5ave students +ractice reading ne, ,ords out loud ,ith their +artners.
PRACTICE'APPLICATION o0 ne9 6no9le"-e an"'o# s6ills
F. The si; ani!al grou+s:
Give each student a +icture o' an ani!al ,ith characteristics a&out the ani!al.
#;+lain and !odel to students that the= are to stand ne;t to grou+ na!e o' the ani!al that their
ani!al is categori:ed.
5ave students e;+lain ,h= their ani!al is grou+ed in their s+eci'ic categor= to their +artner.
10. 2ssign ne, grou+s
5ave students co!+lete Sentence Stri+ stor= activit= &= +utting the sentences stri+s together to !ake
a stor= a&out 'rogs.
5ave students +artner read the stor= and tell so!ething the= learned in a +air-share.
#%D (.inal 5 minutes)
11. 5ot onion: Give each grou+ a &all o' $ +ro&le!s that can encounter at school or in 'irst grade. 5ave the!
+eel the onion and read the +ro&le! out loud. 5ave other !e!&ers descri&e solutions.
C1/.8 The students ,ill i!itate the ani!al that the= +laced in the ani!al grou+s.
4ow list and/or e'(lain how this lesson (lan will meet each o. the 5 S3+6 com(onents and their .eatures:
I= PREPARATION< List an"'o# e>1lain 2o9 8o. 1lan to "o t2e 0ollo9in-
Content *&1ectives ? (anguage *&1ectives CstudentsG oral interaction8: TW +ost and orall= e;+lain content
and language o&1ectives.
2++ro+riate Content Conce+ts: Content selected 'ro! course o' stud=.
Su++le!entar= Eaterials needed: +arallel lines Duestions9 +ictures ,ith ani!als9 la&els ,ith ani!al grou+s9
sentence stri+s9 hot onion Duestions
>deas 'or Content 2cco!!odations: visual su++ort o' voca&ular=9 charts 'or carousel chart activit=9 sentence
Eeaning'ul 2ctivities +lanned: ,hole grou+ discussion9 turn and talk discussions9 s!all grou+ discussion
activit=9 hot onion revie,9 +arallel lines revie,9 carousel chart activit=9
II= INSTRUCTION< ?ive names o0 s1eci0ic [email protected] 0o# eac2 0eat.#e A e>1lain 2o9 8o. 1lan to "o t2em=
These 7 com(onents are not in a .i'ed order" The) occur in a c)clical manner- o.ten simultaneousl)- throughout a S3+6 lesson"
(inks to StudentsG Cultural Backgrounds: discuss studentsG kno,ledge o' ani!als
(inks to StudentsG )rior Hno,ledge: 2sk students ,here all the= think the= !ight 'ind ani!als. 2sk
students to discuss ,here the= !ight see di''erent ani!als. SW orall= share in'or!ation that the= kno,
a&out ani!als and ,here the= can &e 'ound there.
He= Ioca&ular= e!+hasi:ed Cvisi&le9 oral9 interaction8:
Ea!!als9 re+tiles9 insect9 a!+hi&ians9 &irds9 'ish
2++ro+riate S+eech: slo,ed +ace9 si!+le voca&ular=9 no slang9 lots o' re+etition
2cade!ic Tasks #;+lained Clearl=: s+oken directions9 !odeling9 asking students to re+eat directions
TechniDues to Clari'= Content Conce+ts: charts9 +ictures9 s!all grou+ discussion9 student de!onstration
*++ortunities 'or Students to 3se Strategies: 3sing &ackground kno,ledge9 classi'=ing9 using charts.
Sca''olding TechniDues: 2ni!al activit=: +rovide na!es and +ictures o' ani!als alread= ,ritten and have
lo,er +ro'icienc= #((s !atch the na!es to the ani!al grou+s ,ith a +artner Cgrou+ ,ork9 visual aids8@
Sentence stri+ activit=: )rovide assistance ,ith reading sentences to co!+lete the activit=. Teacher can ask
the! to e;+lain ver&all= or ,ith gestures instead o' co!+leting a sentence 'ra!e
Juestion T=+es to +ro!ote higher-order thinking: Wh= do =ou think itGs i!+ortant 'or 'rogs to live &= a
+ond6 What ,ould ha++en i' a 'rog once taken to a desert6 5o, ,ould a 'rog &e di''erent i' it has scales
instead o' s!ooth skin6
4eanin-0.l Inte#active Pee#3to31ee# O#al [email protected] (name at least 4 di..erent 36+Ts): 5ot onion
revie,9 )arallel (ines9 Turn and tell9 )air/Share9 )artner reading
4.lti1le -#o.1in- con0i-.#ations&1ai#s A ne9 1ai#s Cname the 36+Ts8) t#ia"s) -#o.1s) 0.ll class:
,hole class9 +artners9 ne, +artners 'or activities9 +arallel lines
Su''icient ,ait ti!e: allo, 'or Turn and tell &et,een +artners ,hen +osing Duestions to class as a grou+ to
give students ti!e to think and 'or!ulate res+onses
Clari'ication o' ke= conce+ts in (1 Ci' needed8: &ilingual aid can !ention na!es o' ani!als in S+anish i'
necessar=9 use o' Google translate ,ith s+eaking o+tion to clari'= voca&ular=
5ands-on !aterials to +ractice ne, conce+ts: +ictures o' ani!als and charts9 sentence stri+s.
2ctivities to a++l= content and language kno,ledge: ani!al activit=9 carousel chart9 hot onion revie,9
concentric circles
Activities t2at inte-#ate all + lan-.a-e s6ills (list below after the following feature) DDDD
Am1le o11o#t.nities to 1#actice eac2 o0 + lite#ac8 "omains (list several activities after each skill)
(istening: Discussion o' alligators in hook activit=9 !ulti+le Turn and tell o++ortunities a'ter teacher
+osed Duestions9 hot onion revie,9 +arallel line activit=9 out loud reading o' sentence stri+ activit=.
S+eaking: Discussion o' alligators in hook activit=9 !ulti+le Turn and tell o++ortunities a'ter teacher
+osed Duestions9 hot onion revie,9 +arallel line activit=9 out loud reading o' sentence stri+ activit=.
Reading: %e, voca&ular= ,ords9 sentence 'ra!es during sentence stri+ activit=9 hot onion revie,9
carousel activit=.
Writing: co!+leting carousel activit=
Su++ort o' content o&1ectives: ani!al activit=9 +arallel lines activit=9 hot onion revie,
Su++ort o' language o&1ectives: *ral interaction descri&ing the characteristics o' ani!al grou+s9 Turn and
tell listening o++ortunities9 sentence stri+s activit=9 hot onion revie,9 +arallel lines
2ll students engaged F0K o' ti!e: !ulti+le activities9 !ulti+le grou+ings9 acting out ani!al characteristics
'or e;tension
2++ro+riate +acing: !ulti+le activities9 ,ait ti!e in &et,een teacher Duestions9 grou+s allo,ed to !ove
around the roo! to co!+lete activities
III= REVIE:'ASSESS4ENT< ?ive names o0 s1eci0ic [email protected] 0o# eac2 0eat.#e A e>1lain 2o9 8o. 1lan to "o t2em
Revie, o' ke= voca&ular= and language: ,hole grou+ revie,9 Turn and tell ,ith +artners9 and then +arallel
lines activit=
Revie, o' ke= content conce+ts: ,hole grou+ revie,9 hot onion revie,
*ngoing 'eed&ack to students regarding language +roduction and the a++lication o' ne, content conce+ts:
teacher 'loating around classroo! to assess +artici+ation and co!+rehension during all activities
Lor!al ? in'or!al assess!ent o' student +rogress C'or!ative ? su!!ative8 in !eeting lesson o&1ectives:
teacher o&servations during grou+ ,ork9 !onitoring 'or +artici+ation in all activities9 hot onion revie, and
+arallel lines revie,9 student res+onses and +artici+ation during ,hole grou+ discussion

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