This document provides the course handout for the Engineering Design course offered in the first semester of the Work-Integrated Learning Programmes at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to impart knowledge on developing new designs by understanding opportunities, developing concepts, and implementing designs. It will cover topics like the design process, product development process, problem definition, concept generation, decision making, embodiment design, detail design, materials and manufacturing, risk and reliability, and legal/ethical issues. Students will be evaluated through assignments, a mid-semester closed book test, and a comprehensive open book exam.
This document provides the course handout for the Engineering Design course offered in the first semester of the Work-Integrated Learning Programmes at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to impart knowledge on developing new designs by understanding opportunities, developing concepts, and implementing designs. It will cover topics like the design process, product development process, problem definition, concept generation, decision making, embodiment design, detail design, materials and manufacturing, risk and reliability, and legal/ethical issues. Students will be evaluated through assignments, a mid-semester closed book test, and a comprehensive open book exam.
This document provides the course handout for the Engineering Design course offered in the first semester of the Work-Integrated Learning Programmes at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to impart knowledge on developing new designs by understanding opportunities, developing concepts, and implementing designs. It will cover topics like the design process, product development process, problem definition, concept generation, decision making, embodiment design, detail design, materials and manufacturing, risk and reliability, and legal/ethical issues. Students will be evaluated through assignments, a mid-semester closed book test, and a comprehensive open book exam.
This document provides the course handout for the Engineering Design course offered in the first semester of the Work-Integrated Learning Programmes at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to impart knowledge on developing new designs by understanding opportunities, developing concepts, and implementing designs. It will cover topics like the design process, product development process, problem definition, concept generation, decision making, embodiment design, detail design, materials and manufacturing, risk and reliability, and legal/ethical issues. Students will be evaluated through assignments, a mid-semester closed book test, and a comprehensive open book exam.
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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division
irst Semester !"#$-!"#% &ourse 'andout &ourse (um)er * +T ,&$#- &ourse Title * +ngineering Design Instructors * S.I(I/0S 12T0 &ourse Descri3tion The engineering design process, product development process, establishing need, design proposal, formulating the problem, structuring the search for a solution - design goals and specifications, acquiring, applying and protecting technical knowledge, abstraction and modeling, synthesis in engineering design, risk, reliability and safety design, design analysis - alternative designs, prioritizing the design goals, decision matrix and economic analysis, implementation - transforming a design concept into reality, materials selection in design, manufacturing processes, cost evaluation, ethics and product liability issues, case studies Sco3e This course is designed to impart the knowledge required to develop a new design understand the opportunity, develop and implement a concept. fter the successful completion of this course, students shall be able to understand and implement the various processes, tools and techniques required for successful design like identifying the need, design specification development, concept generation, concept evaluation and selection, concept testing and embodiment, design for !, analytical and numerical models, physical prototypes, models and experimentation. 2)4ectives The students will be able to understand engineering design and its importance comprehend the design and its process recognise a problem and solve in a systematic manner through design Prescri)ed Te5t Book T1. "eorge #. $ieter, %inda &. 'chmidt, (#ngineering $esign(, )*e +,ndian #dition-, .c"raw /ill #ducation +,ndia- 0vt. %td., 1ew $elhi, 2334. .eference .eading 6aterial R1. $avid ". 5llman, 6The .echanical $esign 0rocess7, .c"raw-/ill ,nc., 'ingapore, 8442 R2. 9evin :tto and 9ristin ;ood, 60roduct $esign< Techniques in =everse #ngineering and 1ew 0roduct $evelopment7, 8*e, 0earson #ducation, 1ew $elhi, 233). R3. 1. >. .. =oozenburg, >. #ekels, =oozenburg 1. ?. .., 60roduct $esign< ?undamentals and .ethods7, >ohn ;iley and 'ons, 844@. +T ,&$#- 7&ourse 'andout8 irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page ! Plan of Self Study Lecture (o9 To3ics Learning 2)4ectives .eference to Te5t Books 7T#8 8 #ngineering $esign #ngineering design process, considerations of a good design, description of design process &h8 2 0roduct development 0rocess 0roduct and process cycles, organisation, markets and marketing, technological innovation &h2 A 0roblem $efinition and 1eed ,dentification ,dentifying customer needs, customer requirements, engineering characteristics, quality function deployment, design specification &hA ) Team behaviour and tools Team roles, team dynamics, problems with teams, planning and scheduling &h) @ "athering ,nformation Types of design information, sources, codes and standards, patents and other intellectual property &h@ B &oncept "eneration &reative thinking, methods, brainstorming, functional decomposition and synthesis, morphological methods, T=,C and xiomatic design &hB D E $ecision .aking and &oncept 'election Fehavioural aspects of decision making, decision theory, utility theory, decision trees and other evaluation methods &hD 4 Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in Lecture No. to ! 83 #mbodiment $esign 0roduct architecture, configuration design, parametric design, human factors design, prototyping and testing &hE 88 82 8A $etail $esign ctivities and decisions in detail design, communicating design and manufacturing information, final design review &h4 8) .aterials and .anufacturing .aterial selection process, material selection with decision matrices, recycling and material selection, design for manufacture, design for assembly &h88 G &h8A 8@ 8B =isk, =eliability and 'afety ,ntroduction, 0robabilistic approach to design, ?ailure .ode and #ffect nalysis +?.#-, design for safety &h8) 8D &ost #valuation &ategories of costs, methods for developing cost estimates, refinements, design to cost, value analysis in costing &h8B 8E %egal and #thical issues in #ngineering $esign 0roduct liability, codes of ethics, solving ethical conflicts &h8D Syllabus for Compre"ensi#e $%am (&pen Book): 'll topics (i#en in )lan of Self Study +T ,&$#- 7&ourse 'andout8 irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page - +valuation Scheme* +& (o9 +valuation &om3onent & Ty3e of +5amination Duration Weigh- tage *ay+ *ate+ Session+Time +&-# ssignment*Huiz * To be announced 8@I * To be announced +&-! .id-'emester Test 7&losed Book8 2 /ours A@I 'unday, 8)*34*238) +1- 2 0. ) 0. +&-- &omprehensive #xam 723en Book8 A /ours @3I 'unday, 34*88*238) +1- 2 0. @ 0. : ,or details of $C- 'ssi(nment-.ui/ please c"eck t"e 01L) LMS Ta%ila 2eb site by 3uly 45+ 467 0(* fter1oon 'ession; (* ?ore1oon 'ession &losed Book Test* 1o reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall. 23en Book +5am* 5se of any printed * written reference material +books and notebooks- will be permitted inside the exam hall. %oose sheets of paper will not be permitted. &omputers of any kind will not be allowed inside the exam hall. 5se of calculators will be allowed in all exams. 1o exchange of any material will be allowed. (ote* ,t shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as given in the course handout, attend the online*on demand lectures as per details that would be put up in the BITS L6S Ta5ila website <<<9ta5ila9)its-3ilani9ac9in and take all the prescribed components of the evaluation such as ssignment 7&ourse Page on L6S Ta5ila8, .id 'emester Test and &omprehensive #xamination according to the #valuation 'cheme given in the respective &ourse /andout. ,f the student is unable to appear for the =egular Test*#xamination due to genuine exigencies, the student must refer to the procedure for applying for .ake-up Test*#xamination, which will be available through the ,mportant ,nformation link on the BITS WILP L6S Ta5ila website <<<9ta5ila9)its-3ilani9ac9in on the date of the =egular Test*#xamination. The .ake-up Tests*#xams will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later. Instructor-in-&harge