The document discusses the legal framework and process for issuing a prospectus in India. Some key points discussed include:
- A prospectus is a document inviting public subscription or purchase of shares or debentures in a company. It must disclose certain key information.
- A Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) is a prospectus filed for an initial public offering that does not disclose the final offer price or quantum of shares offered. The RHP contains a price band or floor price.
- The process for an IPO involves filing Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with SEBI, incorporating SEBI's comments, and filing RHP and final prospectus.
- Depository
The document discusses the legal framework and process for issuing a prospectus in India. Some key points discussed include:
- A prospectus is a document inviting public subscription or purchase of shares or debentures in a company. It must disclose certain key information.
- A Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) is a prospectus filed for an initial public offering that does not disclose the final offer price or quantum of shares offered. The RHP contains a price band or floor price.
- The process for an IPO involves filing Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with SEBI, incorporating SEBI's comments, and filing RHP and final prospectus.
- Depository
The document discusses the legal framework and process for issuing a prospectus in India. Some key points discussed include:
- A prospectus is a document inviting public subscription or purchase of shares or debentures in a company. It must disclose certain key information.
- A Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) is a prospectus filed for an initial public offering that does not disclose the final offer price or quantum of shares offered. The RHP contains a price band or floor price.
- The process for an IPO involves filing Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with SEBI, incorporating SEBI's comments, and filing RHP and final prospectus.
- Depository
The document discusses the legal framework and process for issuing a prospectus in India. Some key points discussed include:
- A prospectus is a document inviting public subscription or purchase of shares or debentures in a company. It must disclose certain key information.
- A Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) is a prospectus filed for an initial public offering that does not disclose the final offer price or quantum of shares offered. The RHP contains a price band or floor price.
- The process for an IPO involves filing Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with SEBI, incorporating SEBI's comments, and filing RHP and final prospectus.
- Depository
as prospectus and includes any notice, circular, advertisement or other document inviting deposits from public or inviting offers from the public for the subscription or purchase of any shares or debentures. I M T
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S i n h a PROSPECTUS A document shall be called a prospectus if it satisfies 2 things: - It invites subscription to shares or debentures or invites deposits - The aforesaid invitation is made to public. A Private Co. is not required to issue Prospectus. I M T
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S i n h a CONTENTS OF PROSPECTUS 1. General Information 2. Capital Structure 3. Terms of the Present Issue 4. Company, Management & Project 5. Financial Performance of the company for the last 5 years 6. Litigations and Defaults 7. Particulars of companies under the same management 8. Managements perceptions about the risk perception I M T
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S i n h a RED-HERRING PROSPECTUS A RHP is a prospectus which does not have complete particulars on the price of securities offered and quantum of securities offered. RHP contains either the floor price of securities or the price band. The applicants bid for the shares quoting the price and the quantity that they would like to bid. Once the offer for securities is closed, a final prospectus stating the total no. of shares and the closing price of the securities is filed. I M T
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S i n h a PROCESS Prepare the DRHP Filing of DRHP with SEBI Incorporating the SEBIs comments in DRHP Filing of RHP with Information Memorandum Filing of Prospectus I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS As a part of Capital Market Reforms, the Government enacted Depositories Act, 1996. Depository system maintains the ownership records of securities in the book entry form or electronic form, whereas in physical mode every share transfer is accompanied by share certificate & submitted to the Co. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS The process of physical movement of share certificates often involves : 1) Long Delays; 2) Bad Deliveries (mis-match of signature, form not properly filled) 3) Significant time involved in effecting ownership changes leads to lower trading volumes. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Investor also face problems like: 1) Loss of share certificates; 2) Forgery; 3) Mutilation I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Investor Depository Participant Depository Issuer I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Depository: 1) A Depository is a provider of facility for holding and / or transacting securities in, electronic form. 2) Act provides for the establishment of single or multiple depositories. 3) Currently, 2 - NSDL & CDSL. 4) To avail of the services offered by a depository, the investor has to open a demat account with a DP. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Depository Participant: 1) DP is an agent of the Depository through which it interfaces with the investor and provides depository services. 2) Agencies such as Banks, FIs, large corporate brokerage firm, NBFC acts as DP. 3) An investor will always interact with a DP for the services and can not directly approach the depository for any services. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Dematerialization (Demat) Dematerialization is a process by which physical certificates are converted into electronic form. Rematerialization (Remat) Dematerialization is the process of converting securities in electronic form back in physical certificate form. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Benefits of a Depository System: It is a safe and convenient way to hold securities in demat. Reduces the cost of issue. No Stamp duty on transfer of shares. Faster settlement cycles same day. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Benefits of a Depository System: Eliminates bad delivery. Instantaneous transfer of securities enhances liquidity in the market. Each share is a market lot for the purpose of transactions - so no odd lot problem. I M T
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S i n h a LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEPOSITORY SYSTEMS Is it compulsory for me to have a Demat Account? As per the requirement, all the public issues of size in excess of Rs.10 crore, are to made compulsorily in the demat mode. PC Jewellers.pdf Prestige Estates Projects Limited.pdf I M T
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S i n h a WHO ARE MEMBERS? Shareholders are the Members. Every Shareholder is a Member and Every Member is a Shareholder. I M T
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S i n h a MODES OF ACQUIRING MEMBERSHIP A person may acquire membership of a Co. i. By Subscribing to the MOA; Final MoA.pdf ii. By making an application to the Co. for allotment of shares; iii. By Executing an instrument of transfer of shares; iv. By consenting to the transfer of share of a deceased member in his name (transmission); v. By holding equity share capital of a Co. whose name is entered as beneficial owner in the records of the depository. I M T
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S i n h a WHO MAY BECOME A MEMBER CO. AS A MEMBER OF ANOTHER CO. - 1) A Subsidiary Co. cannot become a Member of its Holding Co. 2) A Co. cannot become a member of itself. I M T
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S i n h a WHO MAY BECOME A MEMBER Partnership Firm (PF) as a Member PF is not a legal person, hence it cannot become a member of any company. I M T
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S i n h a WHO MAY BECOME A MEMBER Minor as a member A member who is not sui juris e.g., a minor, is wholly incompetent to enter into a contract and as such cannot become a member of a Co. Section 3 of the Indian Majority Act, 1785, a minor is a person who has not attained the age of 18 years. I M T
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S i n h a WHO MAY BECOME A MEMBER Government as Member Under Article 299 of the Constitution, all contracts for and on behalf of the GOI / State Govts. are required to be in the name of the President of India / Governor of the State. Generally they appoint a representative. Such representative will have all the rights and powers as the President or the Governor could exercise as member of the Co. I M T
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S i n h a WHO MAY BECOME A MEMBER Foreigner as Member Can become a member subject to the provisions of FEMA, 1999. I M T
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S i n h a MINIMUM & MAXIMUM NO. OF MEMBERS OF A COMPANY Private Company Public Company Minimum No. of Members 2 7 Maximum No. of Members 50 (excluding the Present and Past Employees Members) No Limit I M T
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S i n h a CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP A person ceases to be a member of a Co., when his name is removed from register of members, which may occur in following situations: 1) He transfers his shares to another person; 2) His shares are forfeited by the Co.; 3) His shares are sold by the Co. to enforce a lien; 4) He dies; 5) He is adjudged insolvent; 6) Buy Back of shares by the company; 7) Share warrants have been issued; 8) Redeemable Pref. Shares are redeemed; 9) The member is a Co., which is being wound up. I M T
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S i n h a RIGHTS OF MEMBERS Right to receive copies of : 1) Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account; 2) Notices of the General Meetings; I M T
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S i n h a RIGHTS OF MEMBERS Right to inspect Statutory Registers/Returns & get copies: 1) Debenture Trust Deed; 2) Register of Charges; 3) Register of Members and Debenture holders; 4) Shareholders Minute Books; 5) Register of Directors; 6) Register of Director Shareholdings I M T
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S i n h a RIGHTS OF MEMBERS Other Rights: 1) To attend the Shareholders Meetings; 2) To exercise Voting Rights either personally or through proxy; 3) To receive Share Certificates; 4) To Transfer Shares 5) To receive dividends; 6) To appoint Directors; 7) To receive Right or Bonus Shares; 8) To share surplus assets on winding up; I M T
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S i n h a LIABILITY OF MEMBERS A member is liable to pay the nominal value of the shares he holds in a company as and when called up by the company. I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? On Incorporation, a Co. becomes a legal person. In order to run a co. & to achieve its objects as enshrined in MOA, it has to necessarily depend upon an agency, known as BOD. I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Director : Cos. Act defines a director as including any person occupying the position of a director by whatever name called. I M T
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S i n h a TYPES OF DIRECTORS Directors Executive Non-Executive OR OR Inside Outside I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Executive or Whole Time or Inside Director Those Directors who are in the employment of the Co. and also on the Board of the Company. Eg., Managing Director, Whole Time Director, Director (Finance), Director (Technical). I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Non-Executive or Part Time or Outside Director Who are not in the employment of the Co. and hence not involved in the day to day working of the Co. Eg., Professional Director, Nominee Director, Government Director. I M T
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S i n h a TYPES OF DIRECTORS Inside Directors Whole Time Managing Director I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Whole Time Director: Whole Time Employment of the Co. Managing Director: Entrusted with substantial power of management which would not otherwise be exercisable by him or other Ordinary Directors. I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Rule pertaining to MD or WTD: Every Public Company having a Paid Up Share Capital of Rs. 5 Crores or more must appoint a MD or WTD. I M T
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S i n h a TYPES OF DIRECTORS Outside Directors Nominee Government I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Nominee Director Appointed by Financial Institutions or Banks which extend term loan or working capital facility; I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Government Director: For eg., Satyam Appointed by the CG; To prevent the affairs of the Co. being conducted : 1) In a manner which is oppressive to any member of the Co. or 2) In a manner which is prejudicial to the interest of the Co. or to public interest. I M T
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S i n h a TYPES OF DIRECTORS Non Executive or Outside Directors Independent Non Independent I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Independent Director Director is not related or connected to the company: Major shareholder; Creditor Relative of the promoter / Director / Senior Executive Major customer Major supplier Past Employee of the Company I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Non - Independent Director Director is related or connected to the company. us/management/board-of-directors.asp I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Minimum No. of Directors: Public Co. : 3 Private Co. : 2 I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Maximum No. of Directors: No limit. Generally fixed by the AOA of the Co. I M T
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S i n h a DIRECTORS? Director Identification Number (DIN) I M T
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S i n h a QUALIFICATION TO BE A DIRECTOR The Act does not lay any qualifications for a person to be appointed as a Director of a Co. However, it mentions some disqualifications of Director: i. Unsound mind; ii. Un-discharged insolvent; iii. Convicted by court of moral turpitude for 6 months; iv. Co. has not filed the Annual A/C and AR for continuous 3 years or failed to repay the deposit, interest or dividend or redeem debentures on due date and 1 yr has elapsed. I M T
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S i n h a QUALIFICATION SHARES No statutory requirement that a Director must hold qualification shares in the Co. in which he is a Director. However, if the AOA provides for share qualification, then he has to take shares. Infosys MOA.pdf I M T
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S i n h a RESTRICTION ON NO. OF DIRECTORSHIP A Director shall not hold directorship in more than 15 companies. Directorship of following Co. shall be excluded for the purpose of calculating the 15 Cos. limit: 1) A Private Co.; 2) Unlimited Co.; 3) Association not for profit (Section 25 Cos.); I M T
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S i n h a Appointment of Directors I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS Methods of Appointment of Directors By AOA By Shareholders in AGM By BOD By CG By Third Parties Additional Director Casual Vacancy Alternate Director I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR By AOA: First Directors who assume office from the DOI and are named in the AOA. AOA.pdf Wipro.pdf I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR By Members in General Meeting: 2/3 rd of the Directors shall be directors who will retire by rotation. 1/3 rd of the Directors can be non-rotational Directors, (like, Nominee Director, Government Director, Managing Director, Whole Time Director, etc.) Infosys MOA.pdf 1/3 rd of the aforementioned 2/3 rd shall retire at every AGM. Wipro AGM Notice.pdf I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS By Board of Directors Additional Director Casual Vacancy Alternate Director Infosys MOA.pdf I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR Additional Director Board may appoint additional Directors. As per the requirement (work load, additional expertise). I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR Casual Vacancy If the office of any director appointed by the company in General Meeting is vacated before his term expires in the normal course, the vacancy may be filled by the BOD. Eg. Death, Resignation, Disqualification. I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR Alternate Director Director appointed to act for a Director during his absence for a period of not less than 3 months from the state in which meetings of the Board are ordinarily held. I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR By Central Government: For eg. Satyam CG may appoint Director so as to effectively safeguard the interest of the 1. Company; or 2. Its Shareholders; or 3. The Public Interest; and to prevent mismanagement or oppression. I M T
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S i n h a APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR By Third Parties (Nominee Director): Financial Institution, Banks or other Lenders nominate a Director to represent their interest on the Board. Infosys MOA.pdf I M T
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S i n h a REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS Removal of Directors Two ways in which Directors can be removed By the Shareholders By Central Government I M T
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S i n h a REMOVAL OF DIRECTOR By Shareholders Exception: 1. Directors appointed by Central Government; 2. Nominee Directors I M T
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S i n h a REMOVAL OF DIRECTOR CG shall remove the Director, where it is of an opinion that: For ex. Satyam 1. He is guilty of fraud/persistent negligence, or default in carrying out his obligations under the law or breach of trust; 2. Business of the Co. is not conducted with sound business principles; 3. Business is being conducted in a manner which may cause serious injury to the trade/industry. 4. Business is conducted with intent to defraud creditors, members or for a fraudulent or unlawful purposes. I M T
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S i n h a REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Overall Ceiling of Remuneration to be paid by a Co. to all its Directors : 11% of the Net Profits of the Co. I M T
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S i n h a REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Director who is NED shall be paid a total remuneration which shall not exceed: 1. 1% of NP of the Co., if the Co. has a WTD or MD; 2. 3% of NP of the Co., if the Co. has no WTD or MD; I M T
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S i n h a REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Director who is a ED shall be paid a total remuneration which shall not exceed: 1. 5% of NP of the Co., to one such WTD or MD; 2. 10% of NP of the Co., to all the WTD or MD together; I M T
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S i n h a REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Sitting Fees: 1. The fees payable to a Director for attending Meeting of the Board. 2. Sitting fees is payable only to NED. Sl. No. Criteria Amt. per meeting per Director 1. Co. having a paid up share capital & free reserves of Rs. 10 Cr. or more Rs. 20,000 2. Co. having a turnover of Rs. 50 Cr. or more Rs. 20,000 3. Other Cos. Rs. 10,000 I M T