Educ 215
Educ 215
Educ 215
Research Work Educational Technology
1. What is the difference between educational technology from instruction technology? Cite some
examples in explain the concept
Educational technology (also called learning technology) is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning
and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources."
The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning
Instructional technology is "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and
evaluation of processes and resources for learning," according to the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology (AECT) Definitions and Terminology Committee.
Actually if you look into its meaning, they are partly the identical. But they do have the same
goal, developing the human capability in which the tool for it is using all kinds of technological
resources. Based on my research in the same site above Instructional Technology is a part of educational
technology. It also covers the processes and systems of learning, does it tells that, Instruction Technology is a
Educational Technology.
Now there difference. Educational Technology organizes the process how to use Instructional Technology.
Instructional Technology is the tool and Educational Technology is the procedure for using that tool. That is for my
own opinion.
Cameras, CD players, PDA's, GPS devices, computer-based probes, calculators and electronic tools we
have yet to discover, this will be the Instructional Technology. The role of Educational Technology is to
organize these tools in a way that it will be successful medium of instruction.
2. How does educational technology differ from technology in education? Use the arrows below to
differentiate the two concepts.
Educational Technology
The study and ethical practice of
facilitating learning and
improving performance by
creating, using and managing
appropriate technological
processes and resources
Development of teaching and
Applies theories of instruction,
learning, behavioral and
cognitive psychology to
assessment, design,
implementation, and evaluation
of instructional material.
Applies research, theory,
technologies, and psychology to
solve instructional and
performance problems.
The particular approach used to
achieve the ends of education.
Design instruction
Produce instructional materials
Manage instructional computing
services or learning resources
Apply theories of cognition and
research to utilize technology
for the benefit of the learner.
Technology in Education
Is integration technology in
education to make an
use of technology or added
material for much more
effective teaching
use technology for Interactivity,
Content delivery/revision,
Managing learning and
resources, Collaboration,
Communication, Sense of
cohort, Variety of teaching and
learning preferences, Formative
and summative assessment
it may be non-projected and
projected media
Non-projected media
o Real Objects
o Models
o Field trips
o Kits
o Audio Materials
Projected media
o Slides
o Video, VCD, DVD
o Computer/multimedia
o Opaque projection
3. Explain: Technology should serve as a tool for better education, not a replace the human
In my own understanding of this phrase:
It tells that human interaction is important in education that education process will not
work properly if there is no teacher and learner interaction. In South Korea they have a new
technology if using in teaching English, and even so, the children learns how to speak English, it
does not replace the real human teacher. How can a robot a robot develop the learners
cognitive faculties and appetitive faculties completely? Only humans can understands the
feelings of another human thats why we have the competencies and qualities of being a good
teacher and Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers if we want to be future teachers. But still
integrating technology will be a big help in education process, it will be an innovation in teaching
and help the learners to understand easier than the traditional way of teaching. Technology will
be upgrading the quality of teacher-and-learning in school. It will increase teachers capabilities
in effective learning and students will gain mastery of lessons.
4. What are the reasons why mobile learning became appealing to the learners nowadays?
Lets start with its definition:
Mobile learning: Learning a variety of content and skills anytime, anyplace with
a small device light enough to be carried in one hand.
Chris Dede
Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies
Harvard University
The reasons why mobile learning became appealing to the learners nowadays because
as 21
century students, they dont just be contented what is learned inside the classroom and
in the school library. They add some information that is not found in the net. By carrying
smartphones learners can carry plenty of books in his pocket and we call it eBooks. And
Technology has taken many of the elements traditionally associated with higher education. That
how 21
century students used to be nowadays.
Here are some key points why is it appealing:
Mobile learning presents pedagogical possibilities for seamless, interactive, contextual, and
individualized learning.
Library applications of mobile technologies for learning cover several areas of need.
o Orientations and tours become self-guided, engaged learning.
o Point-of-need instruction is enhanced when delivered to mobile devices.
o In-class use and classroom response systems are improved by smartphones and
o Instructional outreach involves making content accessible where the users are.
Considerations for the use of mobile devices in library instruction include knowing the
mobile habits of your community, their instructional needs, and how to optimize
instructional content for mobile use.
It develops learners in decreasing the population of non-traditional learners and adopts news trend
of learning because of technology. Because of online learnings students is being attracted to it because you
can study anywhere and anytime by using your smart phones and internet.
Attend class remotely
Conduct Internet-based research
Collaborate on class projects
Take notes or record lectures to refer to later
Take videos of class presentations or experiments for later study
Access online textbooks
Communicate with classmates (via email, IM, or text message)
Communicate with instructors (via email, IM, or text message)
Receive reminders or alerts about assignments and exams
Access LMS to check schedules, grades, etc.
Organize work
Review the recording of a missed class through their LMS
Share and edit calendars or organize bookmarks
Create or share documents, videos, or podcasts
Coordinate calendars with classmates or share bookmarked websites
Get IT, library, and other support
Expand reach of classroom to students on mobile devices
Capture lectures
Distribute recordings through LMS, iTunes U, and YouTube
Collaborate with peers on research projects
Attend professional development sessions and faculty meetings
5. Research the Cone of Experience. Explain its implication to teaching.
What is Dales cone of experience?
The cone of experience is a pictorial device used to explain the interrelationships of the
various types of audio-visual media, as well as their individual positions in the learning
The cone's utility in selecting instructional resources and activities is as practical today as
when Dale created it.
Principles on the cone of Experience:
The cone is based on the relationships of various educational experiences to reality (real
life), and the bottom level of the cone, "direct purposeful experiences," represents reality
or the closest things to real, everyday life.
The opportunity for a learner to use a variety or several senses (sight, smell, hearing,
touching, movement) is considered in the cone.
Direct experience allows us to use all senses.
Verbal symbols involve only hearing.
The more sensory channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better the chance
that many students can learn from it.
Each level of the cone above its base moves a learner a step further away from real- life
experiences, so experiences focusing only on the use of verbal symbols are the furthest
removed from real life.
Motion pictures (also television) are where it is on the cone because it is an observational
experience with little or no opportunity to participate or use senses other than seeing and
Contrived experiences are ones that are highly participatory and simulate real life
situations or activities.
Dramatized experiences are defined as experiences in which the learner acts out a role or
Dales Cone of Experience implication to learning to teaching is that it helps you to create
learners depth understanding with regards to what the teacher is teaching by relating it to
real life situation or by experiencing it learning by doing.