This document discusses resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock. It defines shock as a failure of adequate oxygen delivery to tissues due to hypoperfusion. The primary goal of resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock is to rapidly identify and control the source of bleeding through surgical or radiological methods. Inappropriately aggressive fluid resuscitation can increase uncontrolled bleeding and worsen outcomes. Early use of blood products is appropriate to maintain oxygen-carrying capacity and coagulation factors. Resuscitation is not complete until acidosis is resolved.
This document discusses resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock. It defines shock as a failure of adequate oxygen delivery to tissues due to hypoperfusion. The primary goal of resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock is to rapidly identify and control the source of bleeding through surgical or radiological methods. Inappropriately aggressive fluid resuscitation can increase uncontrolled bleeding and worsen outcomes. Early use of blood products is appropriate to maintain oxygen-carrying capacity and coagulation factors. Resuscitation is not complete until acidosis is resolved.
This document discusses resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock. It defines shock as a failure of adequate oxygen delivery to tissues due to hypoperfusion. The primary goal of resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock is to rapidly identify and control the source of bleeding through surgical or radiological methods. Inappropriately aggressive fluid resuscitation can increase uncontrolled bleeding and worsen outcomes. Early use of blood products is appropriate to maintain oxygen-carrying capacity and coagulation factors. Resuscitation is not complete until acidosis is resolved.
This document discusses resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock. It defines shock as a failure of adequate oxygen delivery to tissues due to hypoperfusion. The primary goal of resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock is to rapidly identify and control the source of bleeding through surgical or radiological methods. Inappropriately aggressive fluid resuscitation can increase uncontrolled bleeding and worsen outcomes. Early use of blood products is appropriate to maintain oxygen-carrying capacity and coagulation factors. Resuscitation is not complete until acidosis is resolved.
traumatologist, whether practising in the emergency department (ED), the operating theatre or the intensive care unit (ICU). Dia- gnosis of haemorrhage, surgical strategy, choice of fluids to administer, monitoring and optimal endpoints for resuscitation are all controversial, and recommendations in each of these areas have evolved substantially in the past decade. Actions taken in the first minutes of care may profoundly affect the patients subsequent clinical course, putting a greater focus than ever on the dynamic pro- cess of early resuscitation. This article will review the pathophysiology of haemorrhagic shock and will briefly address emerging and controversial therapies. Defining haemorrhagic shock In simple terms, shock is failure of adequate oxygen delivery to the tissues of the body. Hypoperfusion leads to cellular ischaemia, leading in turn to hibernation (the cell reduces its level of metabolic activity), anaer- obic metabolism (absent oxygen, the cell must produce lactic acid as it generates energy), apoptosis (the cell begins a programmed shut- down process) and outright necrosis (cell death). The ischaemic cell takes up interstitial fluid (perhaps to dilute accumulating meta- bolic poisons) and swells, reducing perfusion to its neighbours. Lactate, and other toxic metabolites, poison cells not affected by the initial ischaemia, and mediators released in response to metabolic stress trigger a response from immune system cells. The net effect is a biological cascade that, if unchecked, can be fatal. Uncontrolled haemorrhage leads to acutely fatal shock, characterized by complete failure of the cardiovascular system: loss of contract- ile power in the heart and great vessels, inap- propriate vasodilation, loss of response to catecholamines and, eventually, brain death. Even when haemorrhage is corrected and the macrocirculation restored, shock can still prove fatal through the pathophysiology of organ system failure, beginning with the lungs and progressing to the renal, gut, immune and cardiovascular systems. Figure 1 is a crude representation of the shock cascade, demonstrating the amplification that begins with a single ischaemic cell but can extend to affect the entire body. Clinically, shock is characterized by the symptoms of the bodys response to hypo- perfusion. Low blood pressure, tachycardia, decreased urine output, pale skin and dia- phoresis are all characteristic. However, it is important to remember that hypotension is not synonymous with shock. Low blood pressure may occur in the absence of hypo- perfusion, as in the vasodilated but euvolemic patient undergoing general anaesthesia. Normal blood pressure may also mask hypo- perfusion, as in the intensely vasoconstricted young patient with normal vital signs despite loss of blood volume approaching 40%. Diagnosis of shock thus depends on the assimilation of a number of signs and sym- ptoms: obvious bleeding or a suggestive mechanism of injury, visible evidence of vasoconstriction, diminished vital signs, loss of pulse oximeter function and (most importantly) confirmation of anaerobic metabolism in the form of abnormal serum lactate concentration or base deficit. Anaesthetic and surgical strategy As with septic shock, the most important component of resuscitation from haemor- rhagic shock is source control. The Advanced Trauma Life Support curriculum of the American College of Surgeons emphasizes the ABC of trauma care: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. 1 Control of the airway facilitates patient management and ensures adequate oxygen uptake by the blood stream. Rapid assessment of the chest will also identify tension pneumothorax or peri- cardial tamponade as a mechanical source of hypoperfusion. Key points Shock is defined by clinical evidence of hypoperfusion and a failure of adequate oxygen delivery to some tissues of the body. The primary goal of resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock is to identify the source of haemorrhage and control it as rapidly as possible. Inappropriately vigorous fluid resuscitation increases the rate of uncontrolled haemorrhage and may worsen survival. Early use of blood products is appropriate in resuscitation from haemorrhagic shock; they maintainoxygen-carrying capacity and coagulation factor concentration. Occult hypoperfusion may occur even in the presence of normal vital signs. Resuscitation is not complete until acidosis is resolved. Richard P Dutton MD MBA Division of Trauma Anaesthesiology R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center University of Maryland Medical System 22 South Greene Street Baltimore MD 21201 USA Tel: 410 328 2628 Fax: 410 328 3138 E-mail: [email protected] (for correspondence) 144 doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkl025 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 4 2006 The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2006]. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] Fluid management for trauma; where are we now? Richard P Dutton MD MBA
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Once these preliminary steps are taken, the focus of care shifts to a search for haemorrhage as the cause of circulatory shock. Bleeding must be diagnosed and treated as swiftly as pos- sible, and this priority should inform all subsequent decision- making. Clinically significant haemorrhage occurs into one of only five compartments: the thoracic cavity, the peritoneum, the retroperitoneal space, the tissue compartments of the thigh and outside the body. These are investigated by direct inspection of the patient, chest X-ray, abdominal sonography, pelvic X-ray and computer tomography. External bleeding is managed by direct pressure and ligation of exposed cutaneous vessels. Haemorrhage in the chest is managed initially by tube thora- costomy, as bleeding from the low-pressure pulmonary circuit will usually resolve spontaneously unless a major vessel has been injured. Bleeding in the abdomen or persistent bleeding in the chest is addressed by surgical exploration. Pelvic or ret- roperitoneal haemorrhage is difficult to access surgically; where logistically possible, angiographic embolization is the preferred approach. Bleeding into the thigh may be substantial at the time of injury (up to 1500 ml) but will almost always resolve spontan- eously through tamponade in the muscle compartment and vaso- constriction of the feeding vessels. Traction, splinting or external fixation of fractures will facilitate spontaneous haemostasis in the associated soft tissue beds. For the patient who requires exploratory surgery, the emphasis is on damage control. While the patient is hypo- perfused and resuscitation is under way, the goal is to perform the fastest surgery possible to achieve control of haemorrhage. Large vessels are ligated or shunted whenever possible, and not reconstructed or bypassed. Bleeding from the spleen, kidney, lung-lobe or bowel segments is managed by excision, without anatomical reconstruction. Hepatic or retroperitoneal haemor- rhage is controlled with cautery, topical haemostatic agents and packing. When haemostasis is achieved, the chest or abdomen is drained, packed open and covered with a temporary sterile dressing. This allows monitoring of recurrent or ongoing haemorrhage, permits tissue oedema without fear of com- partment syndrome and offers easy access for subsequent thera- peutic or reconstructive surgery. The patient is moved through theatre and angiography suite or both as swiftly as possible, subsequently returning to the trauma bay or ICU for completion of resuscitation. Surgical strategy for managing haemorrhagic shock must be focused on control of haemorrhage. The same is also true of the DECREASED OXYGEN DELIVERY NO REFLOW CELLULAR OEDEMA DECREASED FLUID VOLUME TRIGGER CELL ISCHAEMIA REACTIVE CELL (IMMUNE SYSTEM, LIVER, LUNG) MEDIATORS OTHER REACTIVE CELLS (AMPLIFIED RESPONSE) INJURY TO NON-ISCHAEMIC ORGANS LUNG LIVER BRAIN HEART KIDNEY ENDOCRINE ORGANS BONE MARROW METABOLIC BYPRODUCTS LACTIC ACID FREE RADICALS CELL DAMAGE CYTOTOXINS ACTIVATED NEUTROPHILS AND MICROPHAGES MEDIATORS Fig. 1 The shock cascade. Ischaemia in one organ system triggers a systemic response that persists even after adequate resuscitation. This is the pathophysiology of the multiple organ system failure that commonly follows severe haemorrhagic shock. Fluid management for trauma Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 4 2006 145
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anaesthesia plan. While not as obvious as the ligation of a bleeding vessel, the actions of the anaesthetist may play just as great a role in the patients survival. Fluid administration is one aspect of this, titrated to maintain or improve perfusion while at the same time encouraging native haemostasis. Main- tenance of body temperature, blood composition, electrolyte balance, respiratory function and depth of muscle relaxation and anaesthesia are also critical tasks. Finally, the appearance in clinical practice of systemic haemostatic agents (i.e. recombin- ant human coagulation factor VIIa) offers a new option. Most important of all, perhaps, is the anaesthetists ability to facilitate the patients movement between the ED, operating theatre, angiography and ICU such that no moments are wasted in the organized care of the actively haemorrhaging patient. Fluids in resuscitation Quantity of fluid One of the most remarkable changes in resuscitation practice has been the growing realization in the past decade that too much of a good thing can itself become a bad thing. Although isotonic fluid administration is clearly necessary for a complete recovery from shock, due both to haemorrhagic losses from the circulation and the tendency of ischaemic cells to take up interstitial fluid, it is clear that the indiscriminate administra- tion of crystalloid fluid has the potential to make the patients condition worse, especially early in resuscitation. I.V. fluid administration increases ventricular preload, resulting in an immediate increase in blood pressure. This may reverse vaso- constriction that was contributing to haemostasis and may directly displace early fibrin clots. Furthermore, isotonic crys- talloid solutions dilute the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and the concentration of clotting factors and platelets. Unless rigorous attention is paid to warming infused fluids (unlikely in early resuscitation), significant hypothermia may also develop, contributing to both metabolic acidosis and coagulopathy. The clinical result is a downward spiral of hypo- tension, fluid bolus, re-bleeding and recurrent hypotension. Bench research in the 1980s and 1990s demonstrated decreased survival with aggressive fluid administration in a variety of uncontrolled haemorrhage models in swine, rats, sheep and dogs. 2,3 Optimal survival was attained with fluid therapy titrated to lower than normal blood pressure and cardiac output, for the duration of active haemorrhage. This concept of deliberate hypotensive resuscitation has been tested in two noteworthy clinical trials (Table 1). Bickell and col- leagues 4 randomized victims of penetrating trauma to fluid or no fluid in the pre-hospital and ED phases of care, even- tually documenting a significant improvement in outcome with the experimental therapy. Dutton and colleagues 5 studied both blunt- and penetrating-injured patients in haemorrhagic shock using a fluid resuscitation protocol titrated to maintain a sys- tolic blood pressure of 7080 mm Hg until definitive control of bleeding. This smaller study showed no difference in mortality, despite a higher average injury severity in the low pressure group, suggesting that this approach was at least worthy of consideration. While neither study was scientifically definitive, largely owing to the tremendous logistical difficulty in studying an intrinsically heterogeneous problem, clinical practice has now evolved to a much more careful administra- tion of fluids in early resuscitation (especially isotonic crystal- loid solutions). Fluids are now administered in prescribed small boluses and titrated to a specific physiological endpoint such as blood pressure or, even better, base deficit and lactate. Type of fluid The composition of fluid administered to the actively haemor- rhaging patient is as important as the rate and quantity. While isotonic crystalloid solutions are important for making up third space losses, and are inexpensive and readily available, they do not adequately replace the whole blood that the patient is losing. One concern is that the intravascular persistence of these solutions is low, with estimates of as little as 12% of an administered bolus of 0.9% saline remaining in the circulation 30 min later. Colloidal solutions, such as hypertonic saline- dextran, have been recommended for early resuscitation; how- ever, so far, there has been no definitive evidence of benefit. The recently completed safe vs albumin fluid evaluation (SAFE) trial in Australia showed no difference in outcomes among ICU patients receiving crystalloid vs colloid (albumin) as their primary resuscitative fluid. 6 Early transfusion therapy with red cells, plasma and plate- lets is thus essential to successful resuscitation. While in the long term blood transfusion has been associated with an increased incidence of organ system failure and death in closely matched groups of patients, as well as profound immune sup- pression, in the short term there is no available substitute. Early replacement of oxygen-carrying capacity, in the form of red blood cells, may be life-saving. Many trauma centres maintain a supply of un-cross-matched, type-O red blood cells available in the ED for immediate use in patients presenting with severe haemorrhagic shock. The safety of this therapy has been well established, and the advantage of immediate trans- fusion vs waiting 30 min for group-specific or 60 min for cross- matched blood may be substantial. Table 1 Clinical trials of deliberate hypotensive resuscitation Trial Bickell et al. 4 Dutton et al. 5 Mechanism of injury Penetrating Blunt and penetrating Site of resuscitation Pre-hospital, emergency department Trauma resuscitation unit, operating room Study mechanism No fluid given Blood pressure titration N 598 110 Study Group Mortality 30% 7% Control Group Mortality 38% 7% P-value 0.04 Not significant 146 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 4 2006 Fluid management for trauma
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Early transfusion of plasma and platelets is similarly advant- ageous, as coagulopathy complicating haemorrhagic shock is easier to prevent than to reverse. For the patient who requires a transfusion of >1 blood volume (approximately 10 units of red blood cells) in a short period, dilutional coagulopathy is almost certain. Our own preference is to begin therapy with plasma and platelet concentrates as soon as this need is recognized, with maintenance over the course of early resuscitation of an approximately 1 : 1 : 1 ratio of blood components. Once haem- orrhage has been anatomically controlled, further transfusion therapy can be managed in a much more conservative fashion and titrated to specific levels of haemoglobin, prothrombin time and platelet concentration. Haemoglobin as low as 60 g litre 1 is now routinely tolerated in an asymptomatic patient, while plasma and platelets are rarely given to the stable patient without evidence of haemorrhage. Finally, the anaesthetist must monitor the other components of blood. Electrolyte concentration should be followed closely during early resuscitation, with particular attention to the blood calcium concentration. Rapid transfusion can lead to intravascular chelation of free calcium (with a negative effect on myocardial performance) because banked blood components are packaged with citrate to prevent clotting. The anaesthetist must monitor ionized calcium closely and replace it as needed during rapid transfusion. Respiratory acidosis should be man- aged by adjustment of mechanical ventilation, while metabolic acidosis can only really be treated by control of haemorrhage and restoration of adequate intravascular volume. The use of bicar- bonate to elevate serum pH has been advocated in the past, but has not been found beneficial in the treatment of haemorrhagic shock. On the other hand, there is mounting evidence that close management of serum glucose concentrations with i.v. insulin improves patient outcomes. Although a definitive study in early resuscitation has not yet been completed, tight glucose control is an emerging standard of care in most centres. Completion of resuscitation After definitive control of haemorrhage, the emphasis of resus- citation shifts to the restoration of normal tissue perfusion. The phenomenon of occult hypoperfusion has been used to describe patients (specially young patients) who reach the ICU with nor- mal vital signs, but persistently elevated serum lactate. 7 These patients are hypovolaemic owing to under-resuscitation, but supporting their blood pressure on the basis of profound vaso- constriction. If not promptly recognized, this situation creates the potential for sustained shock, organ system failure and death. When receiving such a patient, it is imperative that the ICU practitioner examines the patients arterial blood gas and serum lactate concentration for any evidence of persisting anaer- obic metabolism. If present, the patient should be aggressively fluid resuscitated until the lactate concentration has cleared to normal. 8 Warming to normal body temperature and adequate systemic analgesia will also help reverse vasoconstriction. It is not unusual to see overshoot in the vital signs after resuscitation from severe haemorrhage, characterized by hypertension, tachycardia, fever and other signs of a hyperdy- namic circulation. While this phenomenon has been associated with improved survival from shock, attempts to artificially create it (through the use of inotropic agents) have not generally been successful. Optimal results depend on adequate fluid loading, with inotropes reserved for those patients who do not resuscitate (clear their lactate) despite adequate intravascular volume as measured by pulmonary artery catheter or trans-oesophageal echocardiography. The future of resuscitation Future efforts to improve outcomes fromhaemorrhagic shock will focus on more rapid diagnosis and control of bleeding (as with recombinant Factor VIIa or various topical haemostatic agents), better monitoring of the shock state allowing more precise limita- tion of fluid administration during active haemorrhage and active manipulation of the inflammatory cascade illustrated in Fig. 1. The success of activatedprotein-Cinfusion in mitigating the sever- ity of the sepsis syndrome 9 is the tip of an iceberg of practice that will one day include assessment of the patients genomic and pro- teonomic inflammatory predilections, direct assay of serum medi- ators and manipulation of the level of inflammatory response during each hour and day after the initial shock insult. In the meanwhile, informed resuscitation from shock in both the early and late phases will help improve outcomes and save lives. References 1. Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons: Advanced Trauma Life Support Program for Doctors. Chicago: American College of Surgeons, 1997 2. Stern A, Dronen SC, Birrer P, Wang X. Effect of blood pressure on haemorrhagic volume in a near-fatal haemorrhage model incorporating a vascular injury. Ann Emerg Med 1993; 22: 15563 3. Capone A, Safar P, Stezoski SW, Peitzman A, Tisherman S. Uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock outcome model in rats. Resuscitation 1995; 29: 14352 4. Bickell WH, Wall MJ, Pepe PE, et al. Immediate versus delayed resuscitation for hypotensive patients with penetrating torso injuries. N Engl J Med 1994; 331: 11059 5. Dutton RP, Mackenzie CF, Scalea TM. Hypotensive resuscitation during active hemorrhage: impact on in-hospital mortality. J Trauma 2002; 52: 11416 6. Finfer S, Bellomo R, Boyce N, et al. A comparison of albumin and saline for fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit. N Engl J Med 2004; 350: 224756 7. Blow O, Magliore L, Claridge JA, et al. The golden hour and the silver day: detection and correction of occult hypoperfusion within 24 hours improves outcome from major trauma. J Trauma 1999; 47: 9649 8. Abramson D, Scalea TM, Hitchcock, et al. Lactate clearance and survival following injury. J Trauma 1993; 35: 5848 9. Bernard GR, Vincent JL, Laterre PF, et al. Efficacy and safety of recombinant human activated protein C for severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 699709 Please see multiple choice questions 48. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 6 Number 4 2006 147 Fluid management for trauma
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