3 SPI Vendor Interfaces

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Some key takeaways are that SPI has more vendor interfaces than other process control engineering tools, and interfaces with vendors for control valve and instrument sizing, selection, and configuration.

Typical interface points in SPI include building instrument tags and sizing data, creating control valve and instrument datasheets, and exporting I/O data to DCS software.

For control valve interfaces, SPI can build tags, export datasheets to vendor software for sizing, import selection results, and issue purchase orders. It handles multiple process cases for a single tag.



Implementation Team VENDOR INTERFACES
Copyright 2013 Fluor Corporation all rights reserved
By: John Dressel
SmartPlant Instrumentation (SPI) has more Vendor interfaces to
than any other Process Controls Engineering Automation tool
SPI Vendor Interfaces
Typical interface points for Vendor Data From and To SPI
How Vendor Interfaces work in SPI
Build Instrument Tags and sizing data in
SPI using automation functions
Create Control Valve Datasheets
Export to Specification to Sizing software
Use Vendor software for valve sizing
calculations and selection
Create Field Instrument Datasheets
Export to Instrument Selection software
Use Vendor software for sizing and
selection of instruments
Create Field Wiring Network with I/O
Import SPI I/O Card Library for DCS
Export SPI DCS I/O data to DCS software
Use DCS Configuration tools and SPI to
Configure and Maintain DCS Process
Control System

SPI Control Valve Vendor Interfaces
Steps for SPI Control Valve Vendor Interfaces:
1. Build Control Valve Instrument Tags and input
process sizing and selection data in SPI using
automation functions
2. Create Control Valve Datasheets in SPI
3. Export to Vendor Sizing and Selection Software
4. Use Vendor sizing and selection of instruments
5. Import Manufacturer and Model Numbers into SPI
From Vendor Selection Software
6. Issue Purchase Orders and Construction Hookup
documents from SPI
7. Export Inline Instrument Dimensional Data to
SP3D for model

SPI Control Valve Work Processes
3. Load SPI data into Vendor
specs for Sizing and Selection
2. Export a .cvs file from
SPI to Vendor Sizing and
Selection software
1. Map SPI data fields to
vendor data fields in project
Spec (if not already done)
4. Size and Select valve
using selection filters
and data Pick Lists
5. Export Size and
Selection data to SPI
with DDP information
Fisher Control Valve SPI Interfaces
Fisher has a built in SmartPlant Instrumentation interface to Fisher FirstVue
FirstVue does Sizing and Selection and uses Fisher First for pricing and RFQ
Fisher First and FirstVue must use SPI form 70 for proper export of sizing data
Fisher Specification Manager allows any SPI Form to be mapped for export
Because Fisher Specification Manager does not use the cost estimating tool in
Fisher First some suppliers and business partners are reluctant to use it
The Fisher Specification Manager can map to Fisher First and FirstVue
The Fisher Interfaces cannot handle multiple Process Cases for a single tag.

Flowserve Control Valve SPI Interfaces
Flowserve Performance like most other Control Valve Vendor Sizing and
Selection software has Import Export capabilities for interfacing with SPI

Dresser Relief Valve SPI Interfaces
Dresser Consolidated uses their
SRVS (Computer Assisted Sizing
Program) software for sizing and
selection of Safety Relief Valves
They have created a unique
interface by building an SPI Spec
Sheet form specifically for their
Relief Valves that is pre mapped
to the SRVS program
PSV Sizing data is exported and
Imported between SPI and SRVS
as a coma delimited file

SPI Instrument Interfaces
Steps for selecting Vendor Model Numbers:
Build Instrument Tags and input process sizing and
selection data in SPI using automation functions
Create Instrument Datasheets in SPI
Export to Vendor Sizing and Selection Software
Use Instrument Vendor Selection software
Import Manufacturer and Model Numbers into SPI
From Vendor Selection Software
Issue Purchase Orders and Construction Hookup
documents from SPI
Export Dimensional Data to SP3D for model
SPI Instrument Vendor Interfaces
1. Export product data from
data sheets in Intergraph
Smart Plant Instrumentation
(SPI) to a .xls or .xml file.
2. Open Vendor selection
software Import Tool
3. Using the Import tool
map variables from SPI to
Vendor software variables
4. The Import tool creates SPI
tag data sets or specs in the
vendor software. Fill in
incomplete information and
select the Model Number
5. Use the Export tool to
export completed tag data
sets and Model back to SPI
Emerson Instrument SPI Interfaces
Issues with the Rosemount Micro Motion Instrument Toolkit
Each Type of SPI Spec Form must be mapped to the Toolkit
It is necessary to send a copy of the spec to determine the required
options and materials
In Toolkit, the selection process requires a long step by step process
Moving to the next tag requires a start-over and you must go through
the step by step process again
Issue Mitigation
Group Like instrument types together and send one of each type
through the interface then apply the model number to all tags

E+H W@M Instrument SPI Interface
Issues with the Endress+Hauser W@M Portal Interface
Each Type of SPI Spec Form must be mapped to the E+H Project
Engineering Assistant and a new project is created in the system
A new detailed Specification is created in the W@M portal in E+H
format, NE100 or ISA SP20 forms.
A XLS spreadsheet is mapped for SPI data and imported as an XML
Documentation is held until the As Built phase of the project , then
associated to the Tags in SPI (e.g. vendor operating manual, initial
calibration certificate and certified drawings)
Issue Mitigation
May need to use E+H Spec Forms in SPI for consistent mapping

Other Instrument SPI Interfaces
Issues with SmartPlant Instrumentation Vendor Interfaces
SPI requires a different Spec Form for each Instrument Type
Smart Instruments (HART Protocol) carry process conditions, ranges
and set points as part of the digital data set so process data needs to
be assigned to both element and transmitter for most instruments
Most Vendor model selection tools have Import / Export capabilities but
will require data mapping for each type of instrument
Information in Spec Sheet notes will not come over a mapped data
Issue Mitigation
More Compliance with ISO 15926 and NE-100 Standards needed

SPI DCS & PLC Interfaces
Steps for DCS & PLC Configuration:
Download SPI I/O Card Library for DCS
Create Field Wiring Network with I/O Cabinets
in SPI Wiring Modules by EPC
Connect field devices and cables in SPI using
the SPI Wiring Explorer and Modules
Export SPI DCS I/O data to DCS Vendor
Configuration Programs
Use DCS Configuration software and SPI
Wiring data to Configure and Maintain Process
Control System
Perform Owner Operator Functions for
Calibration and Loop Maintenance
DCS Vendor Configuration Interface
4. DCS Configuration Tools:
Explorers, Studios, Recipe
Libraries, I/O Configuration
application, User interface
Manager, Data Editors and
2. Transfer SPI I/O configuration
data to the DCS Excel File
3. Load DCS I/O data into
Configuration Software
5. Use DCS bi-directional
SPI Interface to maintain
operations and calibration
data between DCS and SPI
1. Load DCS I/O Cards in SPI
and wire the Tags to the I/O
Emerson DeltaV DCS SPI Interface
Pros for the DeltaV DCS SPI Interface
Provides I/O Libraries for all systems including HART and CHARMS
Uses a pre-mapped negative file (Excel) for interface export
Interface is bidirectional for Owner Operator maintenance and control
The interface is well supported by both Intergraph and Emerson
Interface supports both DeltaV DCS and DeltaV SIS hardware
Cons for the DeltaV DCS SPI Interface
Previous versions required costly license limiting usage
The interface does not work in Owner Operator mode where it is
needed most

Yokogawa DCS SPI Interface
Pros for the Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 - SPI Interface
Provides I/O Definition files for CENTUM CS 3000
Uses Excel add-ins to the CENTUM software for import and export
Interface is bidirectional for Owner Operator maintenance and control
The interface is well supported by both Intergraph and Yokogawa
Interface supports both Publish and Retrieve functions in SPI
Cons for the Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 - SPI Interface
Users must carefully maintain data definitions and ranges in SPI
Previous versions required costly license limiting usage
The interface does not work in Owner Operator mode where it is
needed most

Honeywell DCS SPI Interface
Pros for the Honeywell Experion PKS - SPI Interface
Pre defined I/O module and termination assemblies for all Experion I/O
Uses SPI Adaptor to publish data to Experion Control Builder
Interface is bidirectional for Owner Operator maintenance and control
Supports configuration of virtual tags and device resident functions
blocks within Experion and SPI
Interface supports both Publish and Retrieve functions in SPI
Cons for the Honeywell Experion PKS - SPI Interface
The interface is new so it is essentially unproven with limited user
The interface does not work in Owner Operator mode where it is
needed most

ABB DCS 800xA System SPI Interface
ABBs Process Engineering Tool Integration (PETI), SmartPlant
Instrumentation integrates with ABB 800xA Control System
ABB I/O Catalog Manager uploaded into SPI
Bi-Directional data Integration uses database to database
synchronization between SPI and 800xA
PETI - Wizard driven SPI and 800xA system integrator
Drag and Drop User Interface for integration data mapping
Enforced step-by-step procedure for Express-Sync and Transactions
Over-ride direction of data transfer between SPI and 800xA
Color Coding of differences between SPI database and 800xA
Other DCS and PLC SPI Interfaces
Other DCS and PLC systems that offer import capabilities for I/O
assignment can be interfaced with SPI
Requires manual user building of I/O cards and cabinets in SPI
I/O loading in SPI must be exported from SPI and imported into the
DCS or PLC configuration software
Manufactures that support SPI but do not have interfaces
Invensys joined Intergraph in a SmartPlant foundation alliance in 2009
but we have yet to see a Foxboro DCS or Triconex PLC SPI Interface
but they offer to import the SPI data into their Invensys Engineering
Siemens SPPA-T3000, Simatic PCS-7, Azbil and Harmonas are other
manufactures that have database integration capability
SPI Operations Interfaces

Calibration Module Interface
Maintenance personnel can upload or download
calibration data to and from the SPI, including as-
found, as-left, and other key instrument information
for Fluke 740 Series Calibrators

Asset Management Interfaces
The SPI interface with SAP NetWeaver is commonly
used for Plant Service and Asset Management
Emerging Technology & Vendor Interfaces
Most Projects today use a combination of Conventional, Bus wiring and Wireless Instrument
types and technologies selected for best fit to project and system requirements
Finding the right balance between system requirements and applied technology are day-to-
day choices facing engineers working in both large and small engineering companies
Electronic Vendor data integration to SPI is a major factor in the Vendor selection process

Improving the SPI Vendor Interfaces
The Vendor Interfaces are unique for each product
line with separate user interfaces and integration
mechanisms. As the interfaces mature they will
assume a more standardized look and feel as well as
a unified integration method
The Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation integration
component of SmartPlant Enterprise will allow supplier
data to be integrated with any of the SmartPlant Suite
of Software using adapters
The Interfaces will be based on one or more
international standards to facilitate Global
Implementation across multiple business sectors
The use of third party data integration tools and cloud
based vendor catalogs will standardize vendor data
Improving the SPI Vendor Spec Sheets
Demands on SPI Spec Sheets
Sizing Data Requirement
Process Data and Ratings
Instrument Selection Data
Materials and Design conditions
Optional Accessories
For catalog number resolution
Related Components
Positioners, etc
Manufacture & Model
Catalog Number
Vendor Specific Specifications
Future SPI Specification Libraries
Standardized across vendors
Specs Simplified for purpose
Minimal Required Data indicated
Improving the SPI Vendor Interfaces

Utilization of SmartPlant Foundation Integration will normalize the Vendor Interfaces
Improving the SPI Vendor Interface

Intergraph and E+H have teamed up to provide innovative interface
offerings that offers the best of both market-leading solutions.
This Interface makes the workflow paperless, eliminates manual entry
errors, and reduces the engineers work time
Improving the SPI Vendor Interface

Intergraph and E+H are working to improve the solution over time. Topics
in discussion and planning include automatic download of device-specific
drawings, electrical design macros, and 3D models.
Endress+Hauser has partnered with Thomas Industrial Network to Build
full CAD and SmartPlant 3D Libraries to maximize Vendor Data Integration
Improving the SPI Interface Standards

The Process Engineering communities need to further coordinate efforts
in areas critical to lifecycle information Interface and Integration
Companies like E+H, Fluor, and Intergraph are working together to utilize
international data interface standards for interoperability
Data Interface and Integration STANDARDS WARS

NAMUR / Prolist NE-100 Interface Data Definition Interface Standard for
engineering processes to build and maintain chemical plants

ISO 15926 is a Cross Product Data Mapping Integration Standard for data
exchange developments in the oil and gas industries
NAMUR / Prolist NE-100 Standard
NE-100 for engineering processes to build and maintain chemical
plants using Lists of Properties (LOP) for data exchange
NE-100 Version 3.1 (2009) contained 105 LOP for:
Measuring instruments (51)
Interface Devices (37)
Actuators (19)
In preparation: I/Os for DCS/PLC
XML Interface Data Definition Interface Standard
ISO 15926 Integration Standard
ISO 15926 is the basis for many developments in oil and gas data exchange
Part 1 - Introduction, information concerning engineering, construction and operation
of production facilities is created, used and modified by many different organizations
throughout a facility's lifetime. The purpose of ISO 15926 is to facilitate integration of
data to support the lifecycle activities and processes of production facilities.
Part 2 - Data Model. a generic 4D model that can support all disciplines, supply chain
company types and life cycle stages, regarding information about functional
requirements, physical solutions, types of objects and individual objects as well as
Parts 4,5,6 - Reference Data, the terms used within facilities for the process industry.
Part 7 - Implementation methods for the integration of distributed systems, defining an
implementation architecture that is based on the W3C Recommendations for the
Semantic Web.

SmartPlant Foundation is the information management and
integration component of SmartPlant Enterprise. The underlying
SmartPlant Foundation and SmartPlant Instrumentation data
model has shared a common basis with ISO 15926 Part 2.
Cross Product Data Mapping Integration Standard
Future Interfaces and Integration Standards
While many of the Interface Standards
work together and even complement each
other, Others contradict or duplicate data
transfer definitions
Whatever standards the Intergraph
SmartPlant Foundation integration
component of SmartPlant Enterprise adopt
will probably become the de-facto
standard for other interfaces
The demand for Vendor Interfaces and
Integration into Engineering Automation
tools is growing and Intergraph is well
positioned to take the lead in furnishing
well designed and functional interfaces for
some time to come
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SmartPlant Instrumentation

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