This document is a portfolio created by Deidra Coles, a graphic design student. It includes descriptions and details of various design projects she completed for a Communication 130 course, including fliers, event advertisements, photo designs, montages, logos, business cards, letters, and web pages. For each project, she lists the program used (such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), date, course information, objectives, and her process for designing and creating the project. The portfolio provides an overview of the graphic design work Deidra created and skills she learned over the course of the semester.
This document is a portfolio created by Deidra Coles, a graphic design student. It includes descriptions and details of various design projects she completed for a Communication 130 course, including fliers, event advertisements, photo designs, montages, logos, business cards, letters, and web pages. For each project, she lists the program used (such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), date, course information, objectives, and her process for designing and creating the project. The portfolio provides an overview of the graphic design work Deidra created and skills she learned over the course of the semester.
Original Description:
An compilation of all the design work done in Comm 130.
This document is a portfolio created by Deidra Coles, a graphic design student. It includes descriptions and details of various design projects she completed for a Communication 130 course, including fliers, event advertisements, photo designs, montages, logos, business cards, letters, and web pages. For each project, she lists the program used (such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), date, course information, objectives, and her process for designing and creating the project. The portfolio provides an overview of the graphic design work Deidra created and skills she learned over the course of the semester.
This document is a portfolio created by Deidra Coles, a graphic design student. It includes descriptions and details of various design projects she completed for a Communication 130 course, including fliers, event advertisements, photo designs, montages, logos, business cards, letters, and web pages. For each project, she lists the program used (such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), date, course information, objectives, and her process for designing and creating the project. The portfolio provides an overview of the graphic design work Deidra created and skills she learned over the course of the semester.
by Deidra Coles Deidra Coles 214 207 0911 [email protected] 1415 Prker Rd Wylie Tx 759098 table of contents 1 fier 2 event ad 3 photo design 4 montage 5 logo 6 buisness card 7 letter 8 web page 9 brochure fier description Create a Flier using design principles as well as the required text, logo, and picture. While keeping it all in grey scale. programs Indesign date May 10, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Informative for soon to graduate students about business and being a leader. process For this design we are to use InDesign to design a fier. Use design rules and principles I used are the rule of thirds, grouping, alignment, value, white space, repetition & rhythm, focal point and fow. I used different shapes that were like building on each other like the leadership fier was talking about what they would teach at the conference, how to build on upon yourself. While also using the odds principles, fow, white& negative space, value with the gray scale and rule of thirds. Do you want to have the compititive edge in businness? Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference. Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day semnar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employer. graduate October 21 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Lincoln Conventioun Center Leadership Conference Registration and more information available at event ad description Create an Event Ad in Microsoft Word as our restrictions to give us an understanding of when things dont go as planned in the read world work force. programs Microsoft Word date May 18, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn how to use other programs incase you ever have too due to time constraints, money shortages or it is the only thing you have to design with. process Scan a high quality image. Then proceded to use Microsoft Word to design a ad. Pick a color scheme that complements the image and pick two type fonts that complent each other. Finally apply the nessisary text; title, discription, cost, time and location. To give the image and text seperate but harmonious place to live I used boxes with gradiants to give depth and fow into the image. And added opacities so the boxes werent too harsh on the image. z
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Water is needed everywhere by everyone! But many people and animals do not have access to clean water. Help provide clean water for those in need! photo design description Take a photo, edit in photoshop and make a color palette, then repeat color palette in the design. programs Photoshop date May 25,2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn to use photoshop and extent of what you can do in photoshop through editing and creating. process So for this project I went out by my apt on a cloudy day too some photos. This was perfect because the best time to take a picture is either ealy moring, right befoere dark or on a cloudy day. After getting the image you want proceeded to edit them in photosho. Using flters like brighting or contrasting. Then designed a fier that used colors in the photo and create a color scheme. Then repeat color scheme in said fier. To reitorate the importance and connection of colors. When you look at a dandelion field you can either see a hundred weeds or a hundred wishes. Triadic Wish Indigo Lime Brick montage description For this project we are to take two or more images and produce a 8.5 x 11 image. Then you can or dont have to have text to add to your image. programs Photoshop date June1, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn to make several images into one with photoshop. process For this project I explored the internet on different ways people combied images and how they made them look as one. The n looked for hight quality photos (google, free photography websites and Pinterest). Once images where found i edited them in photoshop and started combining to make one! After about the fourth try I found a combination of photos I liked. From there I worked on shaping, saturation, colorizing, vibrancy, opacity and masking, till I fnally get a desired look. Then to make the image have more meanigful I found a quote that could add to the depth I wanted to give it. Gving it a complete feeling. logo description Create 3 different logos, using three different colors and color combinations for a company/buisness. programs Illustrator date June 8, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn to make use Illustrator and understand how to make a cohesive logo with or with-out a image and text. process So for me I had to put together a fake company. I didnt have anyone I could make on for so I tried to come up with a base business; cafe. Then I had to think of a name and I saw a picture on pintrist of fowers; peony blooms. Then I came up with the what we sold. From there I started making logos in illustrator. Through this whole process I keep going back in forth to pintrest and looked a logos that i like and peeked my interest and asked why they are good. Was it the style, text, shapes used, color combination, etc. Once I asnwered the why I was able to build three unique logos. Peione Blooms Cafe P e o n ie Blo o m s m i n i- m ovie theater kitchen lo u n g e Cafe Cafe Peonie Blooms Cafe P e o n ie Blo o m s m in i - m o v ie theater kitchen lo u n g e Cafe business card description Create a stationary for a company, this will include a letter and a business card. programs Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign date June 15, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn to make a buisness card that works together with the letter head. And to better understand Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign. process So for this project we are to design a stationary (buisness card and letter heading) for a new company/client. I needed to make up a client so that I could really create for them I needed to know what was there needs or how could I apply there work into the stationary. For me, my client is Allison Waters, Graphic Designer. I wanted to do a play off of her last name and water color. So to make the watercolors I played in Photoshop. Once i got the look I wanted I moved to Illustrator and made a clipping mask with the texture and text to give me waters. The proceed to InDesign and put together the stationary pieces. letter description Create a stationary for a company, this will include a letter and a business card. programs Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign date June 15, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn to make a letter head that works together with the buisness card . And to better understand Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign. process So for this project we are to design a stationary (buisness card and letter heading) for a new company/client. I needed to make up a client so that I could really create for them I needed to know what was there needs or how could I apply there work into the stationary. For me, my client is Allison Waters, Graphic Designer. I wanted to do a play off of her last name and water color. So to make the watercolors I played in Photoshop. Once i got the look I wanted I moved to Illustrator and made a clipping mask with the texture and text to give me waters. The proceed to InDesign and put together the stationary pieces. web page description Create a web page using html and css, then continue to make a logo or use a logo that you already created then place it on the web design. Continue to alter and change the web page until to fts aligns with your goals. programs CSS, HTML, Illustrator, TextWrangler,Photoshop date a pa prerspi course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives Learn to design a web-site using the proper tools and coding. So to better understand and appricate the process and working going into in. process To start we were to make a logo or use on already made one. Then we used a pre-made web structure. Then plced all our information, colors, text and logo into the HTML and CSS. For special effects we looked on line for a semiless background image. Coming up with a wooden planks that added to the wood yet bright feel of the Fox Book Store. And to add to the effct found a opacity programing setting for CSS to make the logo, words, colors and image mess together better. Making them feel complete. brochure description Create a two-sides (duplex) folding brochure that will help promote a company or its products. The brochure should help advise or inform the audience. programs Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign date July 13, 2014 course Communication 130 instructor Cory Kerr objectives A brochure is a elemnt that is common and nessisary to any buisness. Learnign to use all three designing programs is crusal as well as understaning the concepts behind building a brochure. process Research types of brochures and designs online through google, pinterest and behance. Pick a audience, sketch idea for brochure, collect images that could go with theme. Edit images in Photoshop to make them cohessive and to create the text wrap that will go in the brochure. Create a logo in Illustrator, Compile information, words, images and designs, into Indesign. Untill tou have the desired formate and layout you want. Print, trim and fold. Proceeded to critique. Print again as many times as needed until fnal product has the desired look. START LIVING HEALTHY TODAY health foodand life By Deidra Coles Fresh outside Fresh START LIVING HEALTHY TODAY health foodand life By Deidra Coles inside helps you maintain your bodys everyday functions, promotes optimal body weight and can assist in disease prevention. Sleep Finally one of the last things that contribute to a healthy life is sleep. Sleep is essential for a persons health and wellbeing. Your immune system relies on sleep to stay healthy. This system defends your body against foreign or harmful substances. Ongoing sleep defciency can change the way in which your immune system responds. Recipe Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits Fruit parfaits are one of the easiest healthy desserts that are easy to make so you can try and mix with whatever fruits you enjoy! The ingredients list is short and the prep super easy simple! You can alter the recipe to your own taste. 16 oz of Greek Yogurt (plain or favored) 1 cups Blackberries 1 cups Bananas Place cup of each fruit at the bottom of each glass. Layer the yogurt over the fruit. Finish by placing the remaining cups of fruits over the yogurt. Top with a teaspoon of honey for an added touch of sweetness. Easy, simple, and fast! Goals Start with a goal, make it small that can be accomplished in two weeks. Small goals are vital so that you dont feel like you can never accomplish them. You need to learn to crawl before you run. Work-out We are recommended to workout for at least 30 minutes two to three times a week. Exercise increases muscle tone, leaving you looking more defned, and the extra muscle mass will also help to increase your resting metabolism. It can improve self-esteem and self- confdence. Working-out will give you extra energy, stamina, and endorphins will spill over into other areas of your life. Eat Well While working out is import and vital the most import is eat healthy! You can work out hours on end and make no head way if you eat horrible food! Eating in this manner H e a l t h L iv in g
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The average cherry tree can make about 28 cherry pies. Image on the left is what the recipe looks like. f r o n t b a c k outside inside