The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using Ansys®
The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using Ansys®
The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using Ansys®
The Finite Element Method and Applications in
Engineering Using Ansys
Authors: Erdogan Madenci, Ibrahim Guven
ISBN: 978-0-387-28289-3 (Print) 978-0-387-28290-9 (Online)
Services we provide
Finite Element Analyses and consultations
CAD modeling
3D models conversion, repair, NURBS to CAD etc.
Documentation and scientific articles for projects and research topics
Material estimation and proposals of metalic alloys etc.
Website and Youtube channel log
18th of July 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a metal ball bouncing on a rubber bellow (variant 2) (Youtube
6th of July 2014: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of high speed stamping of Copper and Aluminum(Youtube video)
6th of July 2014: WEBINAR 4: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a high speed stamping (Youtube video)
5th of July 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a long piston with cam (Youtube video)
4th of July 2014: celebrated Independence Day with 40% discount for all products on the website(Screenshot link)
30th of June 2014: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the high quality of our FEA research by favoriting us on Twitter (Screenshot link)
20th of June 2014: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the high quality of our FEA research by favoriting us on Twitter (Screenshot link)
20th of June 2014: NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards) appreciated our high quality FEA by re-
tweeting us(Screenshot link)
19th of June 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of an aircraft radial engine (Youtube video)
9th of June 2014: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a 3 stage gearbox (Youtube video)
6th of June 2014: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the high quality of our FEA research by favoriting and replying to us on
Twitter (Screenshot link)
31st of May 2014: WEBINAR 3: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a crank and slider mechanism(Youtube video)
30th of May 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a crank and slider mechanism (Youtube video)
21st of May 2014: WEBINAR 2: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a steel ball falling onto a rubber bellow (Youtube
21st of May 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of rubber spheres falling on a steel plate(Youtube video)
21st of May 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a steel ball falling onto a rubber bellow (variant 1)(Youtube
18th of May 2014: WEBINAR 1: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a car-body crash (Youtube video)
15th of May 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a micro rubber ball drop test (Youtube video)
28th of April 2014: NAFEMS (National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards) appreciated our high quality FEA work
on Twitter(Screenshot link)
26th of April 2014: TUTORIAL 21: Transient structural FEA of a small skid steer loader (Youtube video)
25th of April 2014: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a plastic buckle clip (Youtube video)
20th-22nd of April 2014: As usually happens during great holidays, celebrated Easter with up to 40% discount on all
products: PDF tutorials, book and solved FEA(Screenshot link)
18th of April 2014: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a jelly cube drop test (Youtube video)
11th of April 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Thermal FEA of a convector heating a frying pan filled with water (Youtube
6th of April 2014: TUTORIAL 20: Static structural FEA of a pin largely deforming a rubber sealing (Youtube video)
4th of April 2014: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our FEA and tutorials by favoriting and re-tweeting us on
Twitter (Screenshot link1)(Screenshot link2)(Screenshot link3)
2nd of April 2014: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a wire bending process (Youtube video)
28th of March 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a Newton cradle (trial) (Youtube video)
14th of March 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a metallic part falling on a soft rubber bushing (Youtube
7th of March 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of pin on disk dry sliding with friction(Youtube video)
28th of February 2014: PUBLISHED 1st BOOK: "111 ANSYS Workbench Mechanical - tips and tricks" (Book link)
21st of February 2014: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of impact simulation in the game of curling(Youtube video)
14th of February 2014: FEA Cupid gave away all tutorials for half the price, to celebrate love for ANSYS Workbench on (Screenshot link)
3rd of February 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a miniature carousel (Ferris wheel)(Youtube video)
30th of January 2014: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a metal pin deforming a reinforced rubber sealing (Youtube
26th of January 2014: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a double universal joint with spring(Youtube video)
24th of January 2014: Published the February FEA catalog with excerpts from all tutorials to date (PDF link)
23rd of January 2014: TUTORIAL 19: Static Structural detailed FEA of verification of M10 screws using Bolt Pretension (Youtube
18th of January 2014: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our FEA and tutorials by favoriting us on Twitter (Screenshot
17th of January 2014: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our FEA and tutorials by favoriting us on Twitter (Screenshot
6th of January 2014: celebrates 1st year of presence on Youtube (Screenshot link)
3rd of January 2014: ANSYS Workbench Modal FEA of a simple metal frame (Youtube video)
28th of December 2013: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our FEA and tutorials by favoriting our FEA work on
Twitter (Screenshot link)
27th of December 2013: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a bullet penetrating some recipients (trial) (Youtube video)
25th-27th of December 2013: Santa Claus gave away all tutorials for half the price, to celebrate Christmas on (Screenshot link)
24th of December 2013: TUTORIAL 18: Transient Structural FEA of an engine (Youtube video)
21th of December 2013: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a flange connection with bolts, nuts and rigid gasket (Youtube
19th of December 2013: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a differential with bevel gears(Youtube video)
15th of December 2013: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a helicopter crashing into a pole (trial)(Youtube video)
8th of December 2013: TUTORIAL 17: Transient Structural FEA of a gripper with gears and jaws (Youtube video)
3rd of December 2013: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our FEA work and tutorials by favoriting us on
Twitter (Screenshot link)
1st of December 2013: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a misaligned 4 cylinder engine(Youtube video)
29th of November 2013: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our FEA work and tutorials by favoriting us on Twitter (1st
Screenshot link) and (2nd Screenshot link)
26th of November 2013: TUTORIAL 16: Transient Structural FEA of bending a lamella with plasticity and spring back
effect (Youtube video)
16th of November 2013: TUTORIAL 15: Static Structural FEA of toggle clamp with plasticity (Youtube video)
10th of November 2013: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of Aluminum sheet bending (Youtube video)
30th of October 2013: FIRST IN THE WOLRD - ANSYS Workbench FEA of a full ball bearing under load (final)(Youtube video)
28th of October 2013: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA simulation of a rotating train wheel on a railway (trial) (Youtube
25th of October 2013: ANSYS, I nc. favorited us on Twitter for the top quality of TUTORIAL 14 (Screenshot link)
25th of October 2013: TUTORIAL 14: Seismic Random Vibration analysis using PSD on a real size skyscraper(Youtube video)
20th of October 2013: TUTORIAL 13: Static Structural FEA of stamping with half symmetry (Youtube video)
19th of October 2013: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a Small Loader / Excavator (Youtube video)
5th of October 2013: TUTORIAL 12: Explicit Dynamics FEA of the impact between a bowling ball and its pins(Youtube video)
3rd of October 2013: TUTORIAL 11: Static Structural FEA of a threaded bolt-washer-nut connection (Youtube video)
24th of September 2013: ANSYS, I nc. acknowledges the top quality of our tutorials by posting our Youtube channel on their
Facebook page (screenshot link)
22nd of September 2013: TUTORIAL 10: Explicit Dynamics FEA of machining with a planer (Youtube video)
22nd of September 2013: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a hollow cylinder hitting a fan(Youtube video)
22nd of September 2013: We partnered with and our tutorials can be seen there, link
15th of September 2013: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of copper sheet metal stamping (half symmetry) (Youtube
11th of September 2013: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of machining of a steel part with a planer(Youtube video)
11th of September 2013: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a disk rolling with low friction under self
weight (Youtube video)
6th of September 2013: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of a disk rolling frictionless under self weight (Youtube
10th of August 2013: Chelyabinsk meteorite impacting a building - FEA simulation in ANSYS Workbench(Youtube video)
3rd of August 2013: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics FEA of a bullet perforating different metals plates(Youtube video)
3rd of August 2013: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics Finite Element Analysis of a bullet impacting a reinforcement (Youtube
2nd of August 2013: TUTORIAL 9: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a roller bearing under load(Youtube video)
28th of July 2013: TUTORIAL 7: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of Heat Generated Between Piston and
Cylinder (Youtube video)
28th of July 2013: ANSYS Workbench FEA of modal and seismic random vibrations of a 1:1 scale building(Youtube video)
26th of July 2013: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural FEA of a ball bearing under load (Youtube video)
26th of July 2013: TUTORIAL 8: ANSYS Workbench FEA of modal analysis and random vibrations using PSD on a PCB (Youtube
26th of July 2013: ANSYS Workbench Modal Finite Element Analysis of a PCB assy (Youtube video)
14th of July 2013: ANSYS Workbench Transient Structural FEA of Heat Generated Between Piston and Cylinder (Youtube video)
12th of July 2013: TUTORIAL 6: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural Finite Element Analysis of rolling of a copper plate (Youtube
19th of June 2013: New module ANSYS "Workbench LS-DYNA" Explicit Dynamics Finite Element Analysis of a car body
crash (Youtube video)
10th of June 2013: TUTORIAL 5: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural Finite Element Analysis of copper sheet metal
stamping (Youtube video)
26th of May 2013: TUTORIAL 4: ANSYS Workbench Explicit Dynamics Finite Element Analysis of a car body crash (Youtube
17th of May 2013: TUTORIAL 3: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural Finite Element Analysis of meshing bevel gears (Youtube
16th of May 2013: TUTORIAL 1: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural Finite Element Analysis of meshing spur gears (Youtube
23rd of April 2013: TUTORIAL 2: ANSYS Workbench Static Structural Finite Element Analysis of a sphere with
plasticity (Youtube video)
6th of January 2013: We uploaded our first 15 FEA videos on Youtube
6th of January 2013: Our Youtube channel was created (link here)