This document provides instructions for playing a single player card game called "(Your Name Here) and the Argonauts" which is based on Greek mythology. The objective is to complete a deck of adventure cards representing monsters, treasures and gods by assigning crew members to face the challenges. Players aim to have at least one surviving crew member after facing all cards, winning heroic deeds that make the character stronger for the next game. The game ends when a player checks off all heroic deeds, having completed a heroic tale.
This document provides instructions for playing a single player card game called "(Your Name Here) and the Argonauts" which is based on Greek mythology. The objective is to complete a deck of adventure cards representing monsters, treasures and gods by assigning crew members to face the challenges. Players aim to have at least one surviving crew member after facing all cards, winning heroic deeds that make the character stronger for the next game. The game ends when a player checks off all heroic deeds, having completed a heroic tale.
This document provides instructions for playing a single player card game called "(Your Name Here) and the Argonauts" which is based on Greek mythology. The objective is to complete a deck of adventure cards representing monsters, treasures and gods by assigning crew members to face the challenges. Players aim to have at least one surviving crew member after facing all cards, winning heroic deeds that make the character stronger for the next game. The game ends when a player checks off all heroic deeds, having completed a heroic tale.
This document provides instructions for playing a single player card game called "(Your Name Here) and the Argonauts" which is based on Greek mythology. The objective is to complete a deck of adventure cards representing monsters, treasures and gods by assigning crew members to face the challenges. Players aim to have at least one surviving crew member after facing all cards, winning heroic deeds that make the character stronger for the next game. The game ends when a player checks off all heroic deeds, having completed a heroic tale.
(Your Name Here) and the Argonauts is single player game of adventures and legends set in Grecian mythology. You will take on the role of a hero set out to recover treasure, slay monsters, and find a place for yourself in the retelling of Greek myths. he game is played with a set of (initially) !" cards that represent the monsters, treasures, and gods will #ecome the tale of your adventure. his deck, and your character, will change and grow as you play more games, which is meant to reflect how tales #ecome more em#ellished and outlandish each time they are told. Game Includes: $% Adventure cards & 'layer card & Name ag card ((ust for fun. Not used in the game.) You will also need: A si) sided die A pen or marker *ounters to represent your crew. +eeples work #est. You will need &% plus any #onuses listed on your character card First Time Set-Up: &. *ut out all the cards, %. -ind and set aside any cards that have the reserve sym#ol in the #ottom right corner. hese cards are the reserve deck and will not #e used in the first game. !. Also separate the player card. his will #e used to track your personal progress #etween games. .. /huffle the remaining cards to form the adventure deck. How to Play: he o#0ect of the game is to traverse the entire adventure deck and have at least one crew mem#er remaining at the end. he game is played as series of turns. Turn Order: 1. uest P!ase ake the top three cards (or however many remain) of the adventure deck and spread them out, face up on the play field. hese represent the monsters, treasures, and divine intervention you will e)perience on this leg of your adventure. 1f any 2lessing cards have #een revealed, the gods have decided to give you respite. he #lessing card will do nothing, #ut will allow you to focus on the other cards that are revealed. 1f any 3rath cards have #een revealed, the gods have #een angered #y your hu#ris. 1mmediately take two additional cards off the top of the deck and add them to the play field. ". #ssi$nment P!ase ake your crew mem#ers and assign them in any distri#ution to the cards revealed during the 4uest phase. You do not have to assign them all. You may not assign any crew mem#ers to 2lessing or 3rath cards. %. &om'at ( Treasure )eco*ery P!ase *hoose the order that you wish to resolve the cards on the field. -or each card that has at least one crew mem#er assigned to it, roll the die. Add the num#er of crew on that card, as well as any modifiers from treasures you control, to the die roll. 1f a card says that you may ignore it, do not roll for it, #ut instead place it in the discard pile. 1f the result is greater than or e4ual to the current difficulty on the card, it resolves successfully. +onster cards are defeated and sent to the victory pile. reasure cards come under your control5 place them in front of you. here is no limit to the num#er of treasures you can have. *ontinuous treasures take effect immediately and single6use treasures may #e used at any time is appropriate for their effect. 7nce a single6use treasure has #een used, place it in the victory pile. 1f the result is lesser, or no crew mem#ers were assigned to the card, it resolves negatively. +onsters will kill a num#er of crew e4ual to their deadliness and then go to the discard pile. hese fatalities may come from anywhere and are chosen #y the player. his happens immediately and can affect the num#er of crew left to handle other adventures. reasure cards that you failed to ac4uire are sent to the discard pile. T!e )andom #cts o+ Heroism rule: 1f at any time you roll a natural 898 for a com#at or recovery roll, you automatically succeed, regardless of the num#er of crew on that card and monster or treasure difficulty. ,. &lean Up P!ase 1f there are any 2lessing or 3rath cards remaining on the field, move them to the discard pile. 1f there are no cards left in the deck, you have won the game, /ee #elow on how to proceed ne)t. :nding he Game; -osin$: 1f all of your crew mem#ers die, you have lost the game. 'lace the discard and victory piles into the adventure deck, and do not make any changes any cards. +ark a loss on the #ack of your player card. .innin$: 1f you finish a turn with at least one crew mem#er left alive and no cards left in the adventure deck, you have won, ake any treasures under your control and place them in the victory pile. -or every card in the victory pile, check the ne)t #o) on its level track. 1f it is already full, do not do anything. 1f a card is checked that is la#eled <A==> at its new level, take the indicated card from the reserve deck and add it to the adventure deck. ?eturn #oth the discard and victory piles to the adventure deck. -inally, check any one 8Heroic =eed8 #o) of your choice on the victory side of your player card. Additionally, cards you defeated during the game may give you additional Heroic =eeds, which will #e printed on the card. Heroic =eeds are important to increasing your strength, so these cards are 4uite valua#le, +arking Heroic =eeds may add new cards to the adventure deck or give you additional crew mem#ers to start the ne)t game with. Note that some rewards re4uire more than one Heroic =eed to unlock. .innin$ &ompletely: 1f, after completing a game, you have checked off every Heroic =eed on the player card then you have completely won (Your Name Here) and the Argonauts. 1t is time for your hero to retire with a tale worth telling down the ages. *ongratulations, 1f you desire a score for your campaign, total the num#er of losses marked on the #ack of your player card. his is your total score, with a lower num#er #eing #etter. #ppendi/: 0/ample Play Space: &ard Types How to read #d*enture &ards Find t!e last c!ec1ed 'o/ on t!e le*el trac1. o I+ t!ere is a num'er directly 'elow it on t!e di++iculty trac12 use t!is num'er. o I+ not2 loo1 le+t until t!ere is a num'er. Use t!is. )epeat t!is process to +ind t!e 3eadliness o+ a monster as well.