Army Aviation Digest - Jun 1960
Army Aviation Digest - Jun 1960
Army Aviation Digest - Jun 1960
'tI"uteJ Staitu
AVIA110-N -D1GES-r
PROFESSIONALISM, Capt Joseph H. Poole, Inf
NO HANDS, CWO Geor ge R. Coll inge, TC
ALPINE HORROR, Capt Walter F. J ones, Art y
IS THERE A DIFFERENCE? Capt Robert W. Koepp, Armor.
BY ARMY AIRCRAFT, Capt Athol M. Smi th, Inf
Capt Harvey C. Lohr, Inf .
Capt Edward H. Bauerband, Jr., TC .
Capt Howard L. Hudson, MC
The Professional
JUNE 1960
Back Cover
Speak of "The Professional" and a different picture appears in
the mind of every person.
To some he is a stalwart figure seen at the operations desk of
an Army, Navy, Air Force, or civilian field. He is remembered for
his ease in filling out a complicated flight plan or asking a par-
ticularly shrewd question on en route weather. You knew from
his attitude he was a PROFESSIONAL.
Others think of him as a voice heard giving position reports,
always made in a calm, assured manner, brief, but clear in answer
to a complicated change in clearance. You knew from his voice
A number of individuals visualize someone they have flown
with. Some of his methods and practices may remain with them to
this day. His lack of waste motion, easy familiarity with the air-
craft and precision flying, even under adverse conditions, marked
To some of you he may be a personal friend and you know
the many extra hours he puts into maintaining his knowledge
and state of proficiency. These added personal efforts mark the
To others it is a self portrait, for you qualify and are
Maj Gen Ernest F. Easterbrook
Col Delk M. Oden
Assistant Commandant
Col Robert H. Schulz
Director of I nstruction
Lt Col J ack Blohm
CO, USA A VNS Regiment
Lt Col John W. Oswalt
Combat Development Off ice
Maj Mark F. Fowser
Acting Secretary
Lt Col Ritchie Garrison
Lt Col Oliver S. Helmuth
Rotary Wing
Lt Col J ames B. Gregorie, Jr.
Advanced Fixed Wing
Lt Col Harry J . Kern
Lt Col Thomas J. Sabiston
Pnblications and
Non-Resident 1 nst'ruction
Lt 01 G. Wilfred J aubert
Primary Fixed Wing
Tht' {". :-; , AIDI\" _\ 1)[(; I':S'J' is
all otri c lal pllhli(,ation of the DepartmPllt of
thp \ rilly ])lIhlishpd lIlonthl} IIlldpr til('
slIlH'n ision of tl1<' Commandant. t . :-; . \rlllY
.\ I' ia! iOll :-;choo\. .
Th(' missioll of tIl(' l'. H. _\IDlY .\\- 1.\ -
'fl()X DIU I:wr to provide IIIformatioll of
a ll oppra! ional or functional nalun' (' OIH'I' rn-
ing sa fpt} alld aircraft a('cidl ' lIt pn\,plltioll.
truinillg. maillt pn ullcp. opE-rat lOll s. n 'sl'ar(' h
and dp Il' lopnH'nt . aviation mp(ii C' illl' and
othl' r rplat('d (lata .
:\t alllls('ript,s, :l1l<I othl' r illus
trat.iolls p<'rtaininK to t.hp ahoH' slIh,i I' ctS of
illtprps t to personnpl ('on('('rll('d with .\rn1\
\yiatioll are invited. Dirpct ('ollllllllni(' ati o'l
is alit horizpd to: Editor -in , (,hid e. H.
.\ lOt Y _\ \ L\TIOX ])J(:r: Wf . t'. H. Army
.\yiation Schoo\. I"ort I h\( k I'T \Iabama.
Pnl('ss o!hl'r\\'isl' indieatl' d , matprial in
till' t ' , S . . \IDfY A , ' lATH):\' I>lUES}' maY
hI' rpprintpd pl'ovidl'd (TPdit IS giV('ll to
l". K .\TDIY \ \'L\ T I O ' ]) I( : I';WI' and to
t hI' all thor.
Thp prInting of this pllhli catioll has hp('n
appl'ol('<i hy the I>irel'tor of tIl!' Burl' au of
thl' Budgl't , ] )e('pmber Hl f) K.
\ -iPII' S exprl'ssed in this magazine arl' not
11{' ('('ssariIy thosl' of thE- Dplmrtment of th('
\ rmy or of the t ' . S. Army Aviation Sehoo\.
t ' nle!;s sp<, (' ifil'd all p h ot ographs
ar(' U. H. Ar my.
Di s tr ihution:
To he distributed in :l<' l'ordan('e with
requirements "tated in 1>A For m 12.
Captain Joseph H. Poole, Inf
A LL TOO OFTEN we hear
the same old answers to
the reasons for a lack of pro-
ficiency, knowledge, or judg-
"Well, you know how busy
I've been lately ... I just don't
have time ... "
"That landing was a lulu,
hey? Of course, you realize I
just don't get out often enough
to keep up my proficiency."
"I didn't know an L-20 was
above normal gross with four
passengers, full front, center,
rear and tiptanks."
"I shouldn't have tried to
maintain VFR under those con-
ditions, but I didn't want to get
involved with filing IFR en
"No, I'd better not take that
flight; I haven't flown a chop-
per in two months now."
Familiar words? Too often
we give lip service to a dif-
ficult, time-consuming task and
fail to use all of our available
time and talent to be truly pro-
fessional. A true professional
JUNE 1960
is a real master of the airways,
an aviator who is so good others
want to copy his methods.
His knowledge, judgment, and
proficiency make him the con-
fident, assured aviator to whom
the spectacular rarely happens.
Why? He is up-to-date in the
knowledge required to do the
job and currently proficient,
with the resultant judgment
and confidence necessary to see
the job through. He knows his
strengths and weaknesses; and
he s t r i v e s to eliminate his
weaknesses and improve his
strong points. He's dedicated
-a true professional.
Too often, when the term
"professional" is used, the
image of a weather-beaten old
aviator with thousands of fly-
ing hours and years of service
as a pilot is conj ured up in the
mind of the reader. Fortunate-
ly the professional ranks in-
clude a good number of such
highly experienced individuals.
Unfortunately, being weather-
beaten, an old aviator, having
thousands of flying hours and
years of experience do not
make a professional.
How can this be? Doesn't ex-
perience gained from thousands
of hours of flight qualify the
individual to be called a pro?
Regrettably, NO. Experience
alone doesn't make a profes-
sional. Young aviators with
less than a thousand flying
hours and only a few years in
the program can be and are
Other aviators think of the
professional as the individual
who accomplishes a miraculous
"save" of an aircraft under
particularly hazardous con-
ditions. Although sometimes
justified, this is not usually the
case. A true pro is seldom
caught in the circumstantial
web which would place him in
the predicament in the first
place. His ability to avoid these
circumstances is why you sel-
dom read of him in print. He's
the individual who consistently
accomplishes his job with a
minimum of effort, wasted
time, and hazard - through
foresight and prior planning.
Why don't we have a more
professional approach? We
either rationalize that "I'm as
much a pro as any other aviator
I know," or else procrastinate
by saying to ourselves, "I
should sharpen up, but I just
don't have time for it." Ration-
alization and procrastination
are our biggest enemies.
Living proof that they can
be defeated is available in every
Army A viation unit: those
aviators who are professional
in spite of these obstacles. How
do they succeed while others
procrastinate and find ex-
cuses? They adopt the positive
approach. They don't reason,
"I can't do it because ... " but,
"How can I do .... "
How can the positive ap-
proach be put into practice?
Get that proficiency time now;
answer the question you had
aloft when you land; read your
professional journals w hen
they arrive; talk to the safety
officer, tech rep, flight com-
mander when the question
arises; write for information
you need immediately. If you
do these things before you lean
back in your chair or hustle off
to the club, they're done-mis-
sion accomplished.
What about rationalization?
Keep in mind that excuses
don't produce results. In fact,
excuses don't produce any-
thing-except a twinge of
conscience or the ire of your
CO. Given time, an individual
can come up with valid reasons
not to do anything. To end
such a habit, firmly make up
your mind to quit making ex-
cuses and apply the time gained
to accomplish what you should
do. You'll discover that the job
can be done after all. Self -dis-
cipline is the answer.
Once we adopt the positive
approach, how do we go about
achieving our goal of profes-
sionalism? How can we be an
aviator who is so good that
others want to copy our meth-
ods? What are the basic qual-
ities necessary?
Confidence and judgment are
the qualities we need. How can
they be obtained? Through
knowledge and proficiency.
Knowledge and proficiency
build confidence and judgment.
The basic building block of
professionalism is knowledge.
Aviation knowledge can be
broken down into three general
types: original, sustaining, and
advance knowledge.
Original knowledge is that
gained at flight schO'O'I and
thrQugh subsequent CQurses O'f
instructiQn. Successful comple-
tiO'n Qf such cO'urses does nO't
mean that the aviatQr has per-
fect knO'wledge at that time.
Only a perfect student could
make such a claim. Certain
difficult areas always arise in
CQurses and leave questiDns in
the student's mind. Critiques
fO'llow every written examina-
tiQn and flight check for this
very reaSQn. Every flight an
aviator makes is alsO' an ex-
aminatiO'n O'f his knQwledge O'f
flight and his aircraft. SeldQm
will he make a flight in which
several questions dO' not arise.
Sustaining knowledge is that
req uired as new aircraft are
added to' the inventory, new
flight techniques and doctrine
are evO'lved, and new and re-
vised flight rules and regula-
tiQns are implemented. Keep-
ing a currently posted Jeppesen
Manual is sustaining knQwl-
edge. Any reinforcement Qf
Qriginal knowledge is sustain-
ing knO'wledge, whether gain-
ed Qn a rDutine flight, read in
an aircraft handbO'ok, Dr dis-
covered on the annual written
In studying these aviatiQn
publica tiQns and in actual
flight, if you discover SQme-
thing that needs improvement,
dO' something about it-as SQQn
as you possibly can. Discussing
yQur PO'int over a cup of cQffee
with YDur fellow pilots usually
brings agreement, but dQesn't
bring abQut needed changes.
UERs and letters recQmmend-
ing changes aren't too. difficult
to' submit if yO'U dQn't wait until
to' morrow to do them. ImprO've-
ments of aircraft, its cO'm-
ponents, tactical dQctrine, em-
pI 0' Y men t, ATC prQcedures,
Civil Air Regulations, etc.,
aren't brQught about withDUt
the need being made known.
Individual suggestiQns play a
majO'r rO'le in exacting neces-
sary changes in the Army
A viatiO'n prO'gram.
AviatQrs whO' are quite cO'n-
tent to' let Qthers turn in the
UER Qr suggest changes in
SOPs, etc., dQn't realize that
prQfessiO'nalism is a 24-hQur a
day prO'PO'sitiO'n. If YO'U are nO't
a full-time participant in this
vital role Qf the professional,
start today. The imprQvement
yQU suggest may nQt Qnly bene-
fit you, but all fellO'w aviators.
There's a great deal O'f persO'nal
satisfactiO'n awaiting YO'U when
yQur "pet" prO'j ect cO'mes intO'
practice Qr yQur suggested
change to' the SOP is in use.
Advance knowledge is the
bugabQO' fQr a IQt Qf Army
Aviators. TO'O' many cries Df,
"Where can I find it? Only
thQse at Fort Rucker knQw,"
are heard frO'm thO'se in the
field. Advance knO'wledge is
easily O'btained by reading prQ-
fessiQnal jO'urnals and maga-
zines. The latest wO'rds O'n cur-
rent thought in Army AviatiQn
may appear in your branch
publicatiO'n O'r in yQur daily
newspaper. Quotes, frO'm the
Secretary O'f Defense, the Army
Chief Qf Staff, and frQm Re-
search and DevelO'pment groups
are Qften fO'und first in a news
release. Detailed infO'rmatiQn
will fQIIO'W in yQur prO'fessional
jQurnals. If your curiO'sity still
isn't satisfied, write them a
letter. YQu'll be pleasantly sur-
prised with the attentiO'n yQU
receive. PersQnal cO'ntact with
individuals newly assigned to'
yO'ur unit is alsO' a sO'urce O'f
advance knowledge. He may
well have been a project officer
fQr a new helicO'pter O'r helped
to devise new dQctrine and tac-
tics in Qur ever-changing Avia-
tiQn prQgram.
Proficiency is a must fQr the
prQfessional. The accumulatiO'n
of all available aviatiQn knO'wl-
edge will not make an aviator
a professiO'nal withO'ut actual
practice and adeptness on his
part. PrQficiency is obtained by
instructiO'n and maintained by
practice, practice, practice. A
golf prO' is a gO'od example O'f
a prO'ficient person. WithO'ut
CQnstant practice, he loses his
ability. He retains the knowl-
edge but cannot consistently
channel it into perfQrmance.
GO'lfing 0' n c e a week won't
maintain the high standards
necessary for tO'urnament com-
petitiO'n-the proof O'f his abil-
ity. He must practice his knO'wl-
edge and tone up his judgment
by maintaining his proficiency.
This proficiency is a booster of
his confidence', which is neces-
sary to be a constant winner.
Judgment is obtained by
h a v i n g thorough up-to-date
JUNE 1960
knowledge and proficiency. It
is making a decision and taking
appropriate action based upon
the decision. There are three
elements in exercising good
judgment: ability to make
timely decisions, knowledge on
which to' base the decision, and
the proficiency to accomplish it.
Too often judgment is built up-
on faulty knowledge and inade-
quate proficiency. The result-
ant poor judgment leads to a
lack of confidence or false con-
fidence on the part of the avia-
tor. Poor judgment is a prime
causal factor of pilot error.
Judgment b u i I t on sound,
thorough knowledge of the
principles of flight, weather,
navigation, his aircraft and
state of proficiency auto-
matically instill the aviator
with the confidence needed to
be a professional.
Confidence cements our basic
building blocks of knowledge,
proficiency and judgment into
a solid professional structure.
With the many pressures placed
upon the modern aviator's ca-
pabilities, his. toughest job in
maintaining a professional ap-
proach is remaining confident
under pressure. Confidence al-
lows a calm assured approach
to any situation arising in
With the rapid expansion of
Army Aviation, the need for
high professional standards is
mandatory. The professional
Army Aviator must constantly
evaluate his knowledge of all
fields of flight and his current
state of proficiency, and put in
extra hours during the week
and time on weekends and holi-
days, if necessary, to be truly
The versatility required of
an Army Aviator in maintain-
ing both aviation and branch
proficiency is a challenge. Can
we be true professionals in
both fields of endeavor? By
keeping abreast of the rapid
pace in the. modern-day Army,
knowing our true capability in
relation to ground and air en-
vironment, and through con-
stantly seeking self-improve-
ment, we can maintain the high
professional s tan dar d s re-
quired. Let's be professional!
of the Professional -------------.......
My aircraft is my life and the life
of my passenge1rs. It serves me only
as well as I serve it.
I know myself, my true knowledge
and proficiency. I will neve'r place
myse1lf in a position which e,xceeds
I will always base my confidence
on good judgme'nt derived from my
knowledge and state of proficiency.
I will never allow false p1ride to im-
pair my judgment.
I will always be a student aviator.
I will never be too old or experi-
enced to learn.
I will strive constantly. to eliminate
my faults and corr,e'ct my weak-
nesses. I will never lower my per-
sonal standards and accept medi-
Only through a deep personal pride
and constant striving for perfection
can I be and remain
PROFESSIONAL AVIATOR- .. ............... - ...............
RECENTLY ON A low-level
night cross-country training
flight, the pilot casually reach-
ed down, picked up his tactical
map, devoted enough time' to
ascertain his exact position,
made necessary corrections,
and arrived at all pickup points
without navaids. He safely de-
livered supplies to a recon unit,
picked up wounded personnel,
and completed a safe air evac
mission to the hospital. Upon
arrival at his base after the
3-hour flight, he looked as if
he had just come from the
early movie. Why? Because his
H-34 Choctaw was equipped
with one of Army Aviation's
best pilot aids, automatic stab-
ilization equipment (ASE).
I had heard about ASE and
had a smattering of knowledge
about its operation from read-
ing tech manuals and aviation
journals. But I wanted to know
CWO George R. Collinge, TC
more about it. Why equip Army
helicopters with ASE? Do the
benefits of ASE outweigh the
cost of installation, not to men-
tion the time and training in-
herent in producing pilots pro-
ficient in its use? Is an ASE
equipped helicopter safer than
one without it?
Today, I hoped to find the
answers to these and other
questions. I made an appoint-
ment with an instructor in the
Rotary Wing Bra n c h, Ad-
vanced Maintenance Division,
Department of Maintenance,
USAA VNS, Fort Rucker. Then
I scheduled an orientation ride
in one of the Choctaws equipped
with ASE.
Sitting in the office of the
Warrant Officer instructor, I
started the interview with,
"Does the weight of ASE im-
pede the load or speed factors
of the helicopter?"
"No," replied my companion,
"the extra 50 lbs. weight of
ASE is no important disad-
"Is visibility more limited
with ASE?" I asked.
"Do the ASE control panel
and switches pose additional
problems for the pilot?"
Again he answered in the
"Are they easy to reach and
"Yes," he replied. Then he
answered my next query by
saying, "Either the pilot or co-
pilot can operate the system."
My companion stopped the
Mr, Collinge is an instruct01'
in the Rotary Wing Branch,
Advanced Maintena;nce Division,
Dept of Maintenance, USAAVNS.
Ii e has approximately 800 flight
hours in rotGIrY wing aircraft.
JUNE 1960
questiDn and answer periQd by
saying that he could sDlve many
Df my prDblems if we went Dut
to. the airfield and tDDk a IDDk
at the equipment.
On the way to the airfield I
was infQrmed that ASE serves
as a pilot aid during all types Df
flying-night, day, Qr instru-
ment. It allQws the pilDt to. fly
helicopters in a cDmplete hands
off cQnditiDn. (Like the pilDt
mentiDned on the night flight
who. had plenty Df time to per-
fDrm all his pilDting and ma-
Arriving at the airfield, I
glanced in every directiDn fDr
an unusual looking ChDcta w.
Surely ASE must make an H-34
bulge or prDtrude somewhere.
But IDDking at the neat line
Df 34s, I saw nDthing to in-
dicate the presence Df ASE Dn
any Df them.
On the preflight I nDticed
that my pilDt friend did nDt
make any unusual inspectiDns;
everything was checked just as
Dn any Dther H-34. AlthDugh
ASE might seem expensive, the
CDSt Df Dne Dr twO. ChDCtaws
saved frDm tDtal destructiDn by
use Qf it wDuld pay for modify-
ing all H-34s in Army AviatiQn.
(A I ate r c he c k wit h
USABAAR uncQvered no. acci-
dent attributable to ASE equip-
ped helicDpters.)
After the preflight I asked,
"Is there any difference in
c 0' c k pit prDced ures between
ASE and nDrmal helicDpters?"
"Yes, there is," came the re-
ply. "ThDugh not numerous,
they are very impDrtant.
"First, make sure the auto-
stabe circuit breaker is DUt un-
til the generatDr is operating.
This prevents excessive drain
on the battery.
"Second, the channel engage
switches must be in the Dn posi-
tion with exceptiDn Df the GOV
switch, which is not used Dn
Army H-34s.
"N ext, after the generator is
Dperating, push in auto-stabe
circuit breaker."
"NQW can I engage the
ASE?" I asked.
"N 0, because there is a time
delay of apprDximately 3 min-
utes to' allQw erection of the
gyro. This delay is impDrtant
because the gyro is the stable
reference fDr the pitch and roll
channels Df ASE. YDu'll knDw
it's erect when the engage but-
tDn green light comes Dn and
stays on."
It didn't seem like 3 minutes
H-34 cockpit showing important ASE controls
had passed when the pilot said,
"O.K. The ASE is engaged.
There's Dne other precaution.
YQU must have the stick trim
in the on pDsition. If the stick
trim is. nDt Dn, the pitch and
roll channels wDuld go 'ape'
(nDt Dperate). "
From this point I cDuld see
that nDrmal takeDff prDcedures
were fDIIDwed. But what's
this-I dDn't have to' have my
feet Dn the pedals!
After reaching a desired alti-
tude (2,000 feet), airspeed, and
heading, the pilDt made neces-
sary pDwer correctiDns to. es-
tablish his zerO' rate of climb.
He released cyclic stick, took
his feet off pedals, pressed the
bar alt button, sat back and
let his cares go. by Dn the
passing wind.
His Dnly comment, "Look
Ma, no hands!"
I t was hard to believe-the
hands-Dff flying-the relaxed
time DUt for a smoke and to.
study navigatiDnal prDblems.
All this, and the pilDt needed
to. knDw how to Dpera te only 2
additiDnal buttons for ASE.
In the still air I nDticed that
Dur altitude remained almDst
cQnstant. There was none Df
that DId business Df being at
1,800 feet one minute and 2,-
300 feet the next. ASE was
making the necessary correc-
tions to maintain altitude so.
quickly they were almDst im-
perceptible. The eCDnomy Df
fuel consumptiDn from normal
flight is readily apparent. ASE
will perfQrm at any altitude
frDm 1,000 feet to 50,000 feet,
regardless of the temperature
or density altitude.
Any time after the ASE has
been engaged, and the pilot de-
sires to, maintain CDnstant alti-
tude during cruising flight, he
need only apply approximately
3 lbs. frictiDn to' the collective
pitch and with a zero rate of
climb push the barometric al-
titude (bar alt) hold button.
Differential collective pitch
signals will then be introduced
into the collective pitch control
system to maintain the altitude
at which the altitude mode was
engaged. Since the throttle
compensating linkage takes its
signal after the ASE and pilot
collective pitch input are com-
bin e d, collective corrections
should not disturb engine rpm.
Power will be adj usted as re-
quired within the capabilities
of the throttle synchronizer.
There was no tendency to
yaw because the H-34 is equip-
ped with the J-2 compass sys-
tem which provides navigation
indication and directional sta-
bility reference fQr the ASE.
Direction signals are introduced
to the ASE from the J -2 gyro
whenever the ASE is engaged.
What would happen if some-
thing went wrong? The pilot
was secQnd guessing, because
he broke into my thQughts
with, "ASE has only 20 per-
cent authority-moves flight
controls thrQugh 20 percent of
travel. The yaw channel can,
by means of the yaw Qpen loop
spring, exert 100 percent or full
range Qf travel. This provision
allQws large power corrections
which normally WQuld exceed
20 percent of pedal travel, such
as maximum performance take-
"This leaves the pilot with
the ability to override controls
at any time, under any cir-
cumstances. There's no way for
ASE to get a pilot into. a pre-
dicament that he can't over-
come. In fact, he might go. to
sleep for lack of anything to
do! Another built-in safety fac-
tor is that ASE works only Qn
auxiliary hydraulic system;
therefQre, the pilot can always
turn the hydraulic system Qff.
Also, the ASE works through
an a.c.-d.c. interlock. If power
fails on either circuit, the in-
terlQck opens and autQmatical-
ly cuts out ASE.
"An emergency auto-stabe
release button is incorporated
in both the pilot's and copilot's
cyclic stick grip. ActuatiQn Qf
either button disengages all
modes and ASE Qperation. De-
pressing the engage button
on the ASE cQntrol panel
will re-engage attitude mode
"One more questiQn. Do we
h a veto disengage and re-
engage ASE when we change
headings ?"
"No.. YQU see these small
pedal switches. When I make
a large heading correction, I
step on anyone of the pedals.
This disengages the yaw chan-
nel. Then I set up my heading
and as soon as I release the
pedal switch, the ASE will lock
on the new heading."
"Man," I cried, "this is easy
flying !"
"FQr a small heading correc-
tion, say 5 or 10," the pilot
continued, "I turn the yaw trim
knob here on the ASE control
panel in the direction I wish to
go, that's all."
"Well, here's Hanchey. Be-
fore leaving cruising altitude,
let's disengage the altitude
channel by pushing the bar alt
off button. N Qrmallanding pro-
cedures will be followed from
here until we get ready to shut
"After landing the first
action is to push the engage
standby button. This allows all
servo motors to recenter, and
prevents erratic movement the
next time ASE is engaged.
N ext, push the ASE release
button, located on either the
pilot or copilot cyclic stick. The
last thing is to pull the auto-
stabe circuit breaker. This step
is necessary only if we are go-
ing to shut down the aircraft."
My friend explained that
even if we are to fly
without ASE the auto-stabe
circuit breaker sho.uld be in to
prevent damage to our vertical
Sitting in the cockpit, Qne
other question c r 0. sse d my
mind, "What happens to ASE
in turbulence?"
"That depends o.n the degree
of turbulence. In light Qr mod-
erate turbulence, I WQuid only
disengage the altitude chan-
nel," he replied. "This channel
is not sensitive enough to
counteract the updrafts and
downdrafts. In heavy Qr severe
turbulence, I'd disengage all
ASE channels. Since the ASE
has only 20 percent authority,
it would be impQssible fo.r it
to. make corrections exceeding
this amo.unt."
Before leaving the wonderful
new world of flight with autQ-
matic stabilization equipment,
I asked if there had been a re-
cent accident which might have
been prevented if ASE had
been installed and Qperating.
"Yes," replied my compan-
iQn. "Within the past two
months an HU-1A pilQt smelled
something burning during a
climbing turn at 200 feet. He
reached and IOQked up to his
left to turn o.ff the heater. The
Iroquois. assumed a nQsedQwn
attitude and the pilo.t was un-
able to recover befQre impact.
The pilot suffered a brQken
leg and hand, and lacerations
of the scalp. The aircraft was
destroyed. It's entirely PQssible
in this instance that if ASE
had been ins taIled and Qpera t-
ing the pilQt CQuid have let it
contro.l the aircraft while he
took the necessary time to
thorQughly check for the fire."
Wouldn't you like to have
ASE on your next flight?
Captain Walter F. Jones, Arty
UDDENL Y, there was an
explosion in the engine and
I tore my eyes from the falling
oil pressure gauge to see a
dense cloud of black smoke
pour from under the cowl. A
piston sailed past the window
and disappeared toward the
tail. Frantically, I look e d
around for a forced landing
site. Two thousand feet below,
the snow-capped, rocky peaks
of the Alps waited. Sheer rock
walls disappeared into the haze
below at impossible angles.
There was no place to go. I
turned around in the seat, re-
leased my safety belt and kick-
ed the door open to bail out.
I t began on a cold, damp
morning in Salzburg, Austria.
I awoke with the CQ's flash-
light blinding me.
"Lieutenant! Lie u tenant!
Wake up, sir!"
"Huh, huh-what the --?"
I looked at my watch. "It's
only 3 o'clock!"
"Sorry, sir. The CO wants
you right away."
"What's up?"
"Don't know, sir. The CO
just told me to wake you and
said he wanted to see' you r ight
I t hrew the covers back, sat
up and groped for the lamp
switch. The CQ left as the light
came on, and I swung my legs
over the side of the bed, rub-
bed the sleep from my eyes.
I dressed hurriedly, doused
my face with cold water and
walked out into the cold, black
night. What could it be? The
war had bee n over for 10
months and they didn't jerk
you out of bed in the middle of
the night except for a real
emergency. A hundred possi-
bilities raced through my mind
as I walked across the wet field
to the operations s hac k. I
pushed open the door and step-
ped into the lighted warmth.
An iron stove glowed in the
corner and I smelled the wel-
come aroma of fresh coffee
from the blackened pot on its
lid. The captain, seated behind
his desk, looked up as I ap-
"Morning, Jonesy. Sorry we
had to get you out, but there' s
been an emergency. Two guys
turned over in a jeep at the
Swiss border and one of them
is pretty well banged up. Doc
called and said he needed peni-
cillin right away. The only way
to get it there fast is to fly it in,
and you've been elected."
"Whose ship will I use?
Mine's grounded for an engine
"We only have one aircraft
that isn't grounded for one rea-
son or another and it hasn't
flown for over 3 weeks. The
sergeant is preflighting it now.
Captain Jones, a Senior Army
Aviator, is Chief , Engineering
Section, Analysis & Research Di-
vision, U. S. Army Board for
Aviation Accident Research.
If I were you, I'd go over it
pretty thoroughly. The peni-
cillin will be here soon and you
have about an hour before day-
light. I told Doc you'd be tak-
ing off at dawn. How about a
cup of coffee?"
I took an enamel cup from the
desk and poured it full of the
steaming co,ffee. The first sip
scalded my tongue, so I fired
up a cigarette, walked over to
the wall map and waited for the
coffee to cool. The 'captain came
up behind me and pointed to a
tiny dot on the' Swiss border,
approximately 200 miles across
the Alps.
"That's the place. Doc says
there's a pasture just north of
town where you can land.
You'll have to climb to 15,000
to clear the mountains."
Those mountains are rough.
Just looking at them on the
map made my stomach turn
over. Suddenly, I was very anx-
ious to start checking that air-
craft. I swallowed my coffee
down and hurried outside.
A winking light showed me
where the sergeant was going
through the preflight. As I
walked forward, I could make
out the dark shape of the plane.
A great many wild tales of the
aerial shennanigans, pulled in
L-5s have been told. Most of
them are true. For my money,
it still ranks as one of the best
aircraft I've ever flown. With
its saucy snub nose and stubby
fuselage, it looked like a bull-
dog ready to pounce. The pow-
erplant was a 6 cylinder, hori-
zontally opposed Lycoming, as
dependable as any engine could
be in those days of sketchy
maintenance. I'd be depending
on those 185 horses to pull me
across the Alps 1
The sergeant had untied her
and pulled the canvas covers
from cowl and windscreen. He
turned as I approached.
"How's she look, Sarge?"
"Abou t as well as any gal
you pull the covers off before
day 1 i g h t, sir 1 Everything
seems to be in order, but this
is an unassigned aircraft and
the engine has'nt been fired up
for over 3 weeks. Be a good
idea to run her up lean for
awhile and burn the plugs
"O.K., I want to give her a
good going over first. Borrow
your flashlight?"
The sarge handed over his
flashligh t. I pulled the form
from the map case and leafed
through its pages. Other than
the usual carry forward items,
it seemed to be flyable. Start-
ing with the right main gear
and wheel, I went through a
preflight my instructor back
at Sill would have been proud
The olive drab surface was
covered with a heavy dew, but
the temperature was, well above
freezing. We'd been having
clear warm weather up in the
day, so the moisture should be
gone by the time I'd climbed to
I completed the preflight and
climbed aboard. The s a r g e
stood by the prop, ready to
pull it through a few times be-
fore I fired up.
"Switch off, sir!"
"Switch off 1" I answered
and watched him stretch up to
pull the high blade downward.
He pulled it through about 6
times, stood clear and called,
"O.K., Lieutenant, she should
fire up now."
I checked the fuel selector,
gave it several shots. of prime,
shoved the mixture forward,
ran the throttle through its
quadrant and cracked it open,
flipped on the battery switch
and touched the startQr. When
2 blades had gone by, I switched
the mags on and the engine
started with a cough. I held the
stick in my belly, adjusted the
throttle for 1000 rpm and
waited for the engine to warm
up. The oil tern per a t u r e
touched the green and I shoved
it up to 1500 rpm, eased the
mixture back until I got a 25
drop and let it run.
I "guesstimated" the time it
would take to clear the plugs,
pushed the mixture back to full
rich and checked the mags.
Despite 3 weeks of idleness,
they checked out within limits;
an 85 drop on the right mag
and about 70 on the left. I
shoved the throttle full open
and watched the tachometer
creep forward to 2100. Satis-
fied the engine would see me
through, I throttled back, shut
it down and stepped out.
"I'm going up to get my maps
and see if that medicine's come
yet. How about topping off the
tanks ?"
"Yes sir. Captain said to
load two 5-gallon cans of gas.
Said you might not be able to
find any where you're going."
"O.K. Make sure they're
lashed securely."
As I walked back toward the
operations shack, the first faint
streaks of gray came over the
mountains to the east. Dawn
would soon be here and I was
anxious to get started. I hur-
ried inside, saw the captain
rigging a pocket handkerchief
parachute to a small package.
A similar package lay on his
"That the medicine, sir?"
"Yes. You'll be taking 2
packages. I'm rigging one with
a chute so that you can drop it
in cas,e you can't find a landing
I helped myself to another
cup of coffee and looked over
JUNE 1960
the maps the captain had pre-
pared. As near as I could figure,
the rO'und trip would be about
400 miles. I t should be no
sweat with the extra 10 gallons
of gas. abO'ard, providing I could
find a place to land and get it in
the tanks!
I finished the coffee, folded
the maps, and took my chute
from its locker. The captain
carried the 2 packages of medi-
cine and we walked out to the
plane. It was daylight now and
looked as though it would be a
clear day. At least I'd get a
break in the weather. The ser-
geant had finished topping the
tanks, and the two extra cans
of gas were lashed in the rear.
I checked to make sure they
couldn't bounce loose, climbed
aboard and started her up.
The engine ran fine. I waved
the chocks away, taxied out to
the end of the strip and lined
up. I put down takeoff flaps and
opened the throttle. The little
Stinson leaped forward and the
tail rose, giving me an unob-
structed view of the strip. I
held her down a little longer
than usual, lifted off and
brought her to' climb attitude.
At 500 feet, I eased into a gentle
bank, turned to a heading of
, leveled the wings and
climbed straight ahead.
The air was clear. I could
see the Alps to my left, and
some 80 miles away I would
have to cross them. Inside, the
cockpit was warm and comfort-
able, but the outside tempera-
ture gauge showed a steady de-
cline as I climbed higher and
I leveled off at 15,000 feet
and looked down at the steadily
worsening terrain. Soon I was
over the first of the really tall
mountains and, as usually hap-
pens, the engine went into auto-
matic rough. With no possible
forced landing sites below, I
listened to each stroke as
though my life depended on it.
It did!
An hour later, the highest
peaks were behind me and I
started a de,scent, checking land-
marks closely against the line
on the map. I located the small
town O'n the floor of a relatively
even valley and saw a pasture
strip to the north. I circled the
strip at 1,000 feet, made a high
and low recon and came in for
the landing. The grassy sod
gave me a smooth touchdown
and I rolled toward a waiting
jeep. A medical corpsman came
forward as I shut off the en-
gine. I gave him the packages
and asked him to stay long
enough to help me refuel.
We took the 5-gallon cans, a
funnel and a chamois from the
cockpit. I carefully strained
the fuel, 5 gallons into each
tank. I checked the oil, found
it all right, got back aboard and
started the engine. I waved to
the jeep, watched it race away
toward the village. I taxied to
the spot that would give me the
longest takeoff run, lowered
flaps, held the brakes and
opened the throttle. At 2100
rpm, I released the brakes and
the aircraft leaped forward. I
was airborne and climbing be-
fore I reached the halfway
point of the pasture.
This leg of the trip promised
to be a little more tedious than
the outbound leg. This time
I'd have to climb to altitude
over the valley before I could
point the nose home. I kept
it at maximum power and made
lazy circles for some 30 minutes
while the altimeter needle slow-
ly crept up to 15,000 feet. Then
I leveled the wings on the home-
ward course.
To avoid looking down at
that awesome terrain, I began
to concentrate more and more
on the few instruments that
made up the L-5 instrument
panel: altimeter, airspeed in-
dicator, needle and ball, oil tem-
perature and pressure. As I
watched, the oil pressure needle
began to drop. Horrified, I
watched it sink toward the red
line. Engine failure here meant
one thing: bail out ! Next the
airspeed indicator beg a n to
fluctuate, bounced erratically
and settled at zero. Fifteen
minutes later, it happened.
Suddenly, there was an ex-
plosion in the engine. I tore
my eyes from the falling oil
pressure gauge to see a dense
cloud of black smoke pour from
under the cowl. A piston sailed
past the window and disap-
peared toward the tail. Frantic-
ally, I looked around for a
forced landing site. Two thou-
sand feet below, the snow-
capped rocky peaks of the Alps
waited. Sheer rock walls dis-
appeared into the haze below
at impossible angles. There
was no place to go. I turned
around in the seat, released my
safety belt and kicked the door
open to' bailout. The sudden
blast of cold air and the sight
of those mountains made me
hesitate. Jumping into those
rocky crags would mean almost
certain death. I decided I'd bet-
ter stick with the aircraft as
long as it would fly.
To my amazement, the en-
gine continued to run and the
prop was turning over at a
steady 1850 rpm. How this
could be, I didn't know. Surely
it would grind itself to pieces
in a very few minutes. I found
myself hunched forward, every
muscle tense, staring at the
tachometer. Sweat poured from
my body and soaked my uni-
form. I wasn't sure it was all
After what seemed an etern-
ity, actually about 10 minutes,
I saw the far side of the moun-
tains moving toward me. I held
my breath, gripped the controls
and prayed the L-5 over the
next 20 miles. At the edge of
the mountain, I looked down
into a valley that was the most
beautiful sight I had ever seen.
I was afraid to move the throt-
tle for fear it would interrupt
the miracle that kept the en-
gine running, so I lowered the
nose and circled down to the
valley at cruising rpm. I spot-
ted a long level field and set up
a straight-in approach. When
I knew I had the field made, I
closed the throttle, glided in
and touched down. The aircraft
rolled to a stop, and I tumbled
out on all fours.
When I stopped shaking, I
walked around to the engine
and looked at the cowl. Strange-
ly, it was completely intact.
Where had that piston come
through? I jerked open the
cowl and stared at the engine
with unbelieving eyes. All 6
cylinders were in their accus-
tomed places and there was ab-
solutely nothing wrong!
Oxygen? This is one Army
Aviator who'll never be caught
above 10,000 feet without it
Some 10 years after Captain
J ones' experience, a Bird Dog
aviator, fiying over the moun-
tainous regions of the western
United States learned a more
costly lesson. This aviator saw
the propeller leave the aircraft
and spin away below. He bailed
out and considered himself very
lucky to escape unharmed from
an aircraft which was obviously
coming apart in midair. Im-
agine his amazement w hen
searchers found the L-19 with
propeller still attached!
The United States Army
Aviation School has started
training in the AC-1 (Caribou),
an STOL, 3 ton, twin-engine
The AC-1 was delivered to
the combined test activities
(T ATSA and the U. S. Army
Aviation Board) during Octo-
ber 1959. TATSA has flown
two AC-1s over 1000 hours each
to determine maintenance sup-
port requirements. The Avia-
from the
tion Board performed user tests Current items of interest from
on two aircraft, one equipped the U. S. Army Aviation School
with anti-icing and deicing
equipment plus reversible pro- School has resulted in the com-
pellers. Preliminary informa- pletion of the required ATP,
tion indicates the tests were ATT, and detailed plan of test.
very satisfactory. The 1st Aviation Co will re-
On 2 May the USAA VNS re- ceive four AC-1 aircraft with
ceived one AC-1, which was eight trained crews on 10 Oct
utilized for instructor standard- 60. On 17 Oct these crews, or-
ization and the training of ganized under TO&E, 1-107T
additional instructors. Effec- will begin pre-troop test train-
tive 1.8 June two more Cari- ing under the ATP prepared by
bou will be turned over to USAA VNS. After three months
USAA VNS from the test activ- of training the unit will un-
ities. Starting 20 June, instruc- dergo the Army training test
tors and projects personnel will developed by the Aviation
participate in a five-week tran- School. In mid-February 1960
sition course to evaluate the the troop test will begin under
program of instruction and the direction of the Infantry
pilot prerequisites. On 1 Aug- School. Termination of test is
ust the USAAVNS will receive anticipated in early May 61.
the fourth Caribou, and the The crew training concept
first class of AC-1 crews will under which selected personnel
start training. will be trained specifies a crew
Early in 1959 the USAA VNS of three: pilot, copilot and
received the mission of con- flight crew chief. The entire
ducting initial transition crew crew will attend classes to-
training in the AC-1 Caribou. gether and fly tog e the r
Additionally, the school was re- throughout the training. The
quired to prepare an ATP, course will be five weeks in
ATT, and Detail Planning Test length with a total of 34 pilot
for the AC-1 troop test unit. flight hours.
The 1st Aviation Co., Ft Ben- The last of the two troop test
ning, Ga., was designated as transition classes will finish
the troop test unit and the In- training at Ft Rucker on 7 Oct
fan try School was given the 60 and depart, taking the four
task of conducting the test. aircraft with them to be uti-
Coordination bet wee n the lized in the troop test. The
USAAVNS and the Infantry CO'ntinued O'n inside back
Safety? Flight Safety? To the Profe'ssional Army Aviator
NOT UNTIL I was assigned
Flight Safety Officer did I
realize how very little I knew
about this additional duty.
However, lack of knowledge on
a subject is always correctable,
so I armed myself with the
latest Army Regulations and
several reams of material from
the Aviation School. I diligent-
ly scanned the many publica-
tions and before long, PRES-
TO! ! I was completely confused.
I've alway been a slow
starter, so I leaned back, closed
my eyes and tried to visualize
just what I should do. Within
minutes my fertile brain had
churned out such earth-shak-
ing ideas as erecting a special
Captain Robert W. Koepp, Armor
bulletin board, posting a few
more NO SMOKING signs, and
passing on any information I
might receive in the mail.
While I was at it I decided it
might be wise to acquaint my-
self with the preaccident plan
for the airfield. The ringing of
my telephone saved me from
further labors of the mind.
"Yes, this is the Safety Offi-
cer," I replied. "You say that
your firemen haven't had any
sort of an aircraft accident
drill in over 6 months? Well,
Chief, I will sure look into it."
My hand was still on the re-
ceiver when the phone rang
"Yes indeed, 'tis he. Whatsa-
matta with the first aid kits?
What am I - a medic? Yeah,
okay, I'll check on it."
I don't know why those jok-
ers called me; I'm the Flight
Sa f e t y Officer. Now wait a
minute - that is rather silly.
The job I have now is to pre-
vent, if possible, accidents in-
volving aircraft and pilots. But
if that is true, in the complete
meaning of the word, I should
also try to prevent accidents to
pilots even when they are no-
where near an airplane.
Capt Koepp is a special staff
officer at Davison AAF, Fort Bel-
voir, Va. A Senior Army Aviator,
he is dual rated with over 3,000
hours flight time.
Hmmmmmmm? SAFETY and
FLIGHT SAFETY - is there
a difference? The mission can-
not be accomplished if the pilot
is hQspitalized from an automo-
bile accident any mQre than it
can if he crashes on takeQff.
Very interesting - is there a
difference? I guess there is no
really big difference, so let us
just go ahead and use the wQrd
"safety" to. cover all phases
Qf airfield operations. N QW
safety is easily definable. It is a
- well actually, it is more like
the .... DoggQned, if I'm nQt
stymied again.
I guess safety is one Qf the
most cQmplex, misunderstQod,
and cQnfusing facets of the mil-
itary, particularly in Army
A viatiQn. To. many it is har-
rassment: the continual re-
minders to. preflight the air-
craft, use a fire guard, and
check the weather. Is all this
necessary? Every pilot checks
the oil prior to flight - most
of the time.
SQme aviators view safety as
a bulletin bQard, poster, or
snappy slogan. They IOQk at
the PQsted material because it
is CQlorful and attracts the eye.
They read the message, chuckle
at the cleverness of it, and
then light a cigarette in a "No
SmQking" area and go about
their business.
Safety insults many pilQts.
Because of the numerQUS re-
minders, the pUblicity of stupid
mistakes and threats of com-
manders, some pilots dig in and
say, "Make me!" The apprQach
to safety that these individuals
pro.test may be improper, but
the attitudes they now possess
are much more dangerous.
Why doe s an intelligent,
skilled individual so. often dis-
regard directives, statistics,
crash facts, and the countless
attempts to teach the treachery
of everyday situations? False
pride is the most IQgical answer.
Pride in the assumptiQn that:
that other fellow was fQolish; I
am too familiar with my job to.
get in trouble; I may make an
occasiQnal small error, but cer-
tainly not a fatal Qne.
These egotistical and, frank-
ly, stupid thoughts belong to.
many men who. are nQrmally
mQdest individuals. Even the
hard facts and figures that
shQW the victim Qf a recent
crash held these same views do.
nQt sway the beliefs of the
"Proud One."
The perSQns most receptive to.
infQrmatiQn on safety, preacci-
dent plans, and the latest
"word" are those who have
been invQlved in an accident;
the worse the accident, the
mQre receptive. Even these
peQple forget, however, and
many return to. the Qverconfi-
dent personalities of an earlier
time. This leaves them wide
Qpen to. a million other accident
PQssibilities because Qf their "it
can't happen to me" attitude.
Let's say that Captain BOQb
always struck a match with his
thumbnail, until one day a
piece of the match caught un-
der his thumbnail and ignited.
Boob would most likely strike
his matches in a different man-
ner thereafter. Across the
cO. un try, Captain Stupe, a
th umbnail match striker from
way back, reads Qf BQQb's mis-
fortune and shakes his head at
the carelessness involved. In-
stead of stQPping to realize that
BQQb was just as much of a
match striking expert as he,
Stupe will continue with the
thumb bit until he tQQ has a
similar accident. How much
easier (and less painful) it
WQuid be if Stupe accepted
BQQb's experience as a warning,
denied his pride of 20 years Qf
Do you practice unsafe habits?
match scratching withQut er-
rQr, and stopped the unsafe
NQW also., we have the half
and half aviatQr. This guy does
everything exactly right from
the time he approaches his air-
craft until the time he lands
and walks back into. o.peratiQns.
He is proud of his persQnal
flight safety record - 2,500
hQurs and no accidents. T his
same guy then jumps into. his
sPQrts car, gets it up to 55 mph
befQre he is out Qf the parking
lot and considerably higher
than that befQre he reaches
hQme. He leaps nimbly over the
sharp picket fence, rushes into
the house and finds he is just
in time to help his wife replace
a burned out light bulb. He's
not tQQ tall, so. he places a
small bQX and several bQQks on
a chair, climbs atQP this pre-
cariQus perch and quickly fin-
ishes the job. Need I go. on?
The unsafe practice Qf snap-
rolling a helicQpter at 50 feet
is so. Qbvious that the recQrds
show no. accident Qf this type.
. . for how long?
But how about the pilot that
flew through just one tiny cloud
on his VFR flight?
When an airplane is struck
by lightning and explodes dur-
ing a VFR day, 5,000 feet over
a desert with no other aircraft
in the area, we bow our heads
and try to realize that the good
Lord had his reasons. Acci-
dents of this strange variety
cover 2 percent of the total (a
proverbial 2 percent at that),
but what about the other 98
percent? The responsibility for
the 98 percent breaks down to
every pilot, mechanic, tower
operator, GCA operator, dis-
patcher, truck driver, and wea-
ther observer that cleans paint
off his hands with gasoline,
uses a cotter pin instead of
some prescribed safety wire, or
fails to heed a yield sign "j ust
What is safety? Guess we'd
have to say that we are safety.
Every thought, deed and pre-
cautionary measure aimed at
preventing an a c c ide ntis
safety. Analyzing the mistakes
of others and learning from
those errors is safety. The
right man doing the right job
with the right tool is safety.
The absolute - excuse me,
there's the telephone again.
"Hello. Oh, hi Stupe! How's
the old kid? What? Why can't
we take that mission? Oh, I
see. Burned clear through the
th umbnail, you say."
Human Bullet to Address Aeromedical Symposium
Chief of the Air Force's
Aerospace Medical Laboratory
and pioneer in the field of crash
inj ury survival, will address the
Army-wide Aeromedical Sym-
posium to be held June 7-9 in
Pensacola, Fla. Sponsored by
the United States Army Board
for Aviation Accident Research,
the symposium is planned to
acquaint staff surgeons and
hospital commanders with aero-
medical factors in aircraft ac-
cidents. Approximately 100
Army medical officers and an
equal number of staff aviators
are expected to attend. Sub-
ject of Colonel Stapp's address
will be "Human Tolerance to
Aircraft Crash Forces."
Colonel Stapp will be remem-
bered as the volunteer for 29
Air Force rocket sled decelera-
tion and windblast experiments.
During 1954, in the last experi-
ment of this series, he attained
a speed of 632 mph (consider-
ably faster than a .45 bullet)
and stopped in 1.4 seconds, sus-
taining decelerations of 25 g
average and 40 g peaks. Col-
onel Stapp did not lose con-
sciousness or suffer permanent
disability from any of his roc-
ket sled experiments, although
he incurred two wrist frac-
tures, rib fractures, retinal
hemorrhages and lesser in-
juries at various times.
The results of these experi-
ments established the basic
knowledge for aircraft and
ground vehicle safety design;
for tolerance limits of trajec-
tories of ej ection seats and es-
cape capsules for supersonic
and hypersonic aircraft; and
basic data applicable to impact
forces expected in space ballis-
tic flight.
During his service career
Colonel Stapp has served as
General Duty Medical Officer,
Industrial M.edical 0 f f ice r,
Flight Surgeon, and Research
Specialist in A v i at ion and
Space Medicine. He founded
and organized two laboratories
for the Air Force: the Aero-
medical Facility of Edwards
Air Force Base, Calif., and the
Aeromedical Field Laboratory
of Holloman Air Force Base,
New Mexico.
Delivery of
Personnel by
RMY AVIATION now plays
a large part in the tactical
thinking and an ever increasing
role in the strategic concepts of
our military commanders in
this age of air mobility. One
area in this evolution of tactics
is aerial delivery of personnel.
Army aircraft are the logical
delivery system for special mis-
sions, where small groups must
be parachuted into an area to
perform a mission.
Captain Athol M. Smith, Inf
This added capability of
Army aircraft has been greeted
with enthusiasm by the Air-
borne. The most potent reason
for Airborne acclaim is simply
this: Army Aviators and air-
craft are responsible to the
Army commander.
Many studies exist which
furnish the detailed informa-
tion necessary for safely j ump-
ing from Army aircraft, includ-
ing helicopters. This article,
therefore, omits the methods of
affixing anchor lines, static
lines, methods of jumping, and
allied testing.
In spite of the opinion of
some experts that a helicopter's
capability precludes having to
jump from a helicopter and
Capt Smith is Chief, Manage-
ment Division, Office of the Sec-
retary, USAAVNS. He is pa.ra-
chute qualified, dual rated, and
has over 800 hours of flight time.
JUNE 1960
would almost never be required,
extensive jump tests have been
conducted. Some opined that
dense jungle would constitute
the only terrain over which a
paratrooper might be required
to jump from a helicopter. And
in such case, they point out,
fixed wing aircraft would be
just as compatible as helicop-
ters. The enemy, normally ex-
pecting cargo helicopters to
carry troops or cargo due to
their VTOL capability, will not
expect a paradrop. It follows
that counter-intelligence ac-
tions could then be used to de-
ceive the enemy as to the exact
area of activity, and any mis-
sion requiring such secrecy
could easily justify helicopters.
It also follows, that these small
jumps should not be restricted
to anyone aircraft type for
counter-intelligence rea son s,
thus taking advantage of the
full capability of all fixed and
rotary wing aircraft.
Parachuting personnel from
helicopter and fixed wing Army
aircraft stems from a specific
need. Many situations will be
found on the modern battlefield
in which this parachute capa-
bility may be of inestimable
value, especially when intelli-
gence is skimpy and secrecy is
necessary for mission accom-
plishment. These may include
the necessity of putting a small
reconnaissance pat r 0 1 into
enemy territory; an Army
pathfinder operation, a small
raiding party or patrol to cap-
ture a key figure or to destroy
small installations, bridges, and
communication facilities; quick
delivery of rescue personnel to
inaccessible sites; or aid to un-
derground or guerrilla fighters.
The list can be endless.
Parachutists can also be used
to establish Army airfields. A
pathfinder team dropped into
an area at, say, dawn or dusk
can clear trees, fill or mark
large holes, set up a wind tee,
and run a small field operation
for either fixed wing or heli-
copter aircraft which could fol-
low up this pathfinder team
within hours.
This method is much faster
and safer than a flight of air-
craft arriving at an unpre-
pared strip. Without this path-
finder team, the flight may be
delayed while a high and low
Door position in Shawnee, left; exit position, right
recon, with detailed ground re-
con, is made by another air-
craft. Meanwhile, the flight
could be sitting ducks.
The pathfinder team can do
many of these tasks u n d e r
cover of darkness and have
everything all set up to land
any number of aircraft, includ-
ing parking service. Such path-
finder teams, delivered by
Army aircraft can greatly as-
sist the Army Aviation unit.
Jumping from Army aircraft
is not just a matter of going
up in the air and getting out.
Many safety factors and special
techniques are required which
vary according to the type of
airplane, just as technique
varies in different types of
troop-carrier aircraft. The tech-
nique of jumping from troop-
carrier type aircraft is not at
all like jumping from Army
airplanes due to speed and
space limitations. The opening
shock of the parachute is norm-
ally less when jumping from
Army aircraft because of the
slower forward speed. While
reduced opening shock may
please the jumper, this type of
jump demands that he be more
alert. The slower speed leng-
thens the time it takes his para-
chute to fully deploy. The 4
seconds usually required for the
chute to open when flying at
speeds of 100 to 130 knots in-
creases to 5 or 6 seconds when
parachuting from slower Army
aircraft. The jumper must al-
low for this time difference be-
fore making use of his reserve
Of the Army aircraft tested
to date, all but the Shawnee re-
quire the parachutist to exit
from the craft from a sitting
position. This necessitates some
modification in technique and
does not appeal to all jumpers.
Although the helicopter can
hQver withQut fQrward mQtiQn,
the parachutist shQuld nQt
jump frQm the craft while hov-
ering. DQwnwash frQm the
rQtO'r blades CQuld invert his
canO'PY Qr push him into the
static line Qr lines Qf preceding
trO'Qpers, causing seriQus mal-
functiO'n Qf the parachute and
PO'ssible injury Qr death. It is
necessary, therefQre, to' pre-
scribe a minimum fQrward
speed fQr each type Qf helicop-
ter which will neutralize this
dO'wnwash hazard. On the
Shawnee this speed ranged
from 30 to 70 knO'ts. Maximum
fQrward speeds must alsO' be es-
tablished for each helicopter.
When r 0' tar y wing aircraft
reach a certain speed, the bQdy
O'f the parachutist may be
whipped into the landing gear
O'r O'ther parts Qf the craft by
wind blast Qf the rQtQr blades.
This is alsO' true O'f the Otter
and Beaver operating at cruise
Door position in Otter, left; and Chickasaw
Since Qnly a small number Qf
trQQpers can be drQPped frQm
Army aircraft, there is nO' need
fQr the large drQP ZQnes nQrm-
ally required for jQint para-
chute missiQns. Small fields
can, and nQrmally will, be used
as drQP ZQnes.
Due to the slQW speed Qf
Army aircraft, the pattern O'f
parachutists will be small, even
with a 2-secQnd interval be-
tween jumpers. This cQmpact
drQP pattern greatly increases
speed Qf assembly fQr the Qver-
all missiQn Qn the grQund. The
trQQpers can be out Qf the air-
craft, Qn the drQP ZQne, and
assembled at a predesignated
PQint in a matter Qf a few min-
The trQQP-carrying capacities
Qf different Army aircraft vary
even as types vary under cli-
matic cQnditiQns. In temperate
climates, the Beaver can drQP
up to' 4 paratrQQpers in a single
pass Qver a drQP ZQne with
abO'ut a 2-secQnd interval be-
Jumper in standing position in Beaver, left; exiting right
tween jumpers. In the Arctic,
hQwever, twO' troopers wearing
cQmplete arctic ensemble, mini-
mum survival gear, snQwshQes,
weapQns and parachute assem-
bly are crQwded. This arctic
IQad brings the Beaver to' grQSS
QverlQad weight O'f 5,100 PQunds
when the 129-PQund wing bun-
dles are alsO' carried. The
Chickasaw can drQP 5 in a sin-
gle pass, and the Shawnee can
drop 10. Since the Shawnee
can lift a tQtal Qf 12 parachu-
tists, it usually will drQP them
in twO' passes over the drQP
ZQne. FQr example, twO' sticks
Qf six men each can be carried
in Qne lift, with Qne stick being
jumped Qn each of the twO'
Army AviatiQn parachute
QperatiQns will be restricted to'
limited Qbjectives. Mass para-
chute drQPs and IQng-range
parachute-trQop QperatiQns, will
continue to' be delivered in Air
FQrce troop-carrier aircraft.
Parachuting from Army air-
craft will be limited to' small-
scale QperatiQns invQlving de-
livery Qf squad Qr Army path-
finder teams, platQQn-sized re-
cQnnaissance patrols, and small
raiding fQrces. The Army's
aircraft are suitable fQr and
capable Qf perfQrming these im-
PQrtant missiQns.
H-19C ENTERED DOWNDRAFT during pinnacle
approach, slid and rolled down side of pinnacle.
Crew chief suffered fractured elbow and abra-
sions. Pilot suffered abrasions. Aircraft de-
L-20A VEERED to right and struck tree during
landing in 20-knot crosswind. Right wing de-
molished; right wing span broken; major damage
to all components. No injuries.
L-19A RIGHT FLAP retracted during go-around.
Aircraft yawed to right and crashed into trees.
No injuries. Aircraft destroyed.
H-13E CRASHED INTO TREES during attempted
landing on sloping river bank with gusty quarter-
ing tail wind. Pilot suffered numerous cuts and
bruises and possible fractured foot . Two civilian
bystanders suffered cuts and bruises.
H-34A ENGINE FAILED during flight and air-
craft struck powerlines during autorotation ap-
proach. Extensive damage to rotor system and
fuselage, landing gear and frame. One passen-
ger suffered fractured leg. Cause of engine
failure undetermined pending analysis.
H-13E MAIN ROTOR BLADES flexed into tail
boom by downwash from passing H- 34. H-13
engine was shut down with rotor blades still
turning. Aft short shaft sheared; main rotor
blades damaged and possible transmission dam-
age. No injuries.
H-19C ENGINE FAILED during pinnacle takeoff .
Pilot flared aircraft sharply in attempt to avoid
civilian during autorotation. Main rotor flexed
downward and severed tail boom. No injuries
to crew. Civilian suffered critical multiple in-
juries. Outboard exhaust portion of number 7
cylinder failed.
YH-41 CRASHED AND BURNED when tail rotor
control was lost in flight. Pilot suffered second
degree burns on legs and arms. Civilian passen-
ger suffered second degree burns and lacera-
tions. Aircraft destroyed. Suspect tail rotor mal -
L-19A STALLED after takeoff and cartwheeled
to the right, buckling right wing and fuselage.
No injuries. Weather not a factor.
H-21 C ENGI NE FAI LED during instrument train-
ing mission. Instructor pilot noted partial power
loss, followed by loss of oil pressure and then
complete engine failure. I P autorotated into
open field with no damage to aircraft . Cause of
engine failure undetermined pending analysis.
H-34C ENGINE FAILED during cruise flight .
Pilot autorotated to safe landing with no damage.
Suspect push rod failure.
H-23D BLADE TIP damaged by contact with
telephone lines during landing approach. No
L-20A LOST OIL PRESSURE during flight. Pilot
shut engine down and completed forced landing
with no damage. Oil plug PI N 20126 FSN
4730-474- 3072 was not safetied after engine
H-13E ENGINE FAILED and pilot autorotated
to safe landing with no damage. Equalizer tube
loose. No significant indications prior to engine
U-l A STALLED 3 feet above runway and landed
hard during practice power approaches with air-
craft loaded to full gross weight . Skin wrinkled
vicinity right main landing gear.
5 ,fro m "april and may
H-13G TAIL ROTOR BLADE struck tree limb
during demonstration rehearsal.
contact with trees while aircraft was being
parked in tactical parking area.
L-20A PILOT HEARD BUMP while taxiing,
looked out and saw left wheel canted at 45
angle. Suspect bearing seizure; nut and cotter
key intact.
H-21 C LANDED HARD on right main gear dur-
ing autorotation demonstration. Major damage
to fuselage. No injuries. Autorotation was per-
formed in a 6-8 knot downwind due to arrange-
ment of personnel viewing demonstration.
L-20A VEERED to left and struck obstruction
along runway during landing roll. Right landing
gear sheared from fuselage; major damage to
right wing, engine and fuselage. No injuries.
Weather not a factor .
H-13E ENGINE SHUT DOWN, with blades still
turning. Downwash of another H- 13 caused
main rotor to flex into tail boom, damaging
main rotor blade and tail boom. No injuries.
H-19D ROLLED INTO TREES as rotor was dis-
engaged during slope landing. Tail boom severed
and main rotor damaged. No injuries.
H-13H HIT WIRES on approach to river sand-
bar. One tail rotor blade lost. No injuries.
Approach was made at sunset, in haze.
L-19A CARTWHEELED following hard landing
bounce and loss of directional control. Pilot
suffered numerous contusions and abrasions.
Ai rc raft destroyed.
H-21 C RAIN SHIELD assembly flew into rotor
system during flight, damaging forward and aft
rotor blades, forward rotor head. No further
damage. No injuries.
H-34A ENGINE SURGED to 2750 rpm during
cruise flight. Instructor pilot cut engine by pull -
ing mixture control to off and autorotated to
safe landing with no damage to aircraft . Engine
surge caused by materiel failure of throttle box
belt, stock number 1630-80826.
HU-1A TAIL ROTOR BLADES struck pine tree
limbs while aircraft was being parked at night
in tactical area. No injuries.
H-21 C ROTOR BLADES damaged by contact
with telephone wire strung across taxiway of
airfield. Aircraft was on ground roll from
L-19A STRUCK EMBANKMENT at end of strip
during touch-and-go landing. Left and right
wings demolished; fuselage buckled aft of rear
seat. No injuries.
when aircraft was rounded out high and landed
hard. Weather not a factor.
L-19A LOST OIL PRESSURE in flight and pilot
landed in meadow with no damage to aircraft.
Loss of oil pressure caused by worn vacuum pump
drive gear, which allowed oil to drain into vacuum
pump, pumping it out the bottom of the aircraft .
L-19A ENGINE FAILED after takeoff for test
flight and aircraft made forced landing in rough
field. Extensive damage to wings, landing gear
and tail section. No injuries. Suspect engine
oil pump failure.
NE OF THE most frustrat-
ing problems facing the
Army Aviator is the difficulty
of keeping current his hard-
earned instrument certificate.
By current, I mean not only
possessing a valid instrument
card, but, more important, pos-
sessing the confidence and abil-
ity to fly safely and profession-
ally his instrument-equipped
aircraft under actual instru-
ment conditions.
The former is very tangible.
A check ride can be scheduled
in time for the aviator to re-
new his ticket. The latter
phase of being current, cover-
ing the other 364 days of the
year, is far more important,
and more difficult to pin down
because there is no instrument
examiner aboard to judge per-
formance and instruct if neces-
The Department of Army's
(iii"i;Dt - r O
in.'rumen' ...e.ther condlf/Oft ao" ... n.d by
.. nt
Captain Thomas F. Hare
goal of having all Army A via-
tors instrument qualified poses
many problems. The policy is
fine. Every aviator should have
instrument training and should
qualify for a Standard ticket if
possible. This not only in-
creases the all-weather capabil-
ity of Army Aviation but makes
far better VFR pilots of every-
What's the outlook today for
the pilot assigned to an avia-
tion company which is organic
to the infantry division? Un-
der the newest TOE, assigned
pilots far outnumber the as-
signed aircraft. The pilots in-
strument rated exceed the in-
strument aircraft by 400 per-
cent. A smaller number of
fixed wing aircraft is assigned
than rotary wing aircraft for
instrument flying and profi-
ciency; yet, there is a far
greater number of fixed wing
instrument cards than rotary
wing tickets.
Not only must these aircraft
be used for training, they must
also supply the unit with ad-
ministrative and t act i c a I
flights. Combining an instru-
ment training program with
administra tive or tactical mis-
sions, except for actual instru-
ments and straight and level
hooded flight, is usually un sat-
isfacto,ry. It is difficult to prac-
tice unusual positions, partial
panel, with a Code 7 in the back
seat without his face turning
the color of the combat leader
tabs on his shoulder. And you
can't take the time to shoot an
approach at a terminal airfield
when the Code 7 is already late
to his meeting. This small
amount of available training is
Capt Hare is assigned to the
3d Avn Co, 3d I nfantry Division,
APO 36, New York, N. Y.
helpful only to those assigned
where these instrument air-
craft are available. This does
not include the majority of the
a via tors assigned to tactical
The majority of the assigned
aviators spend their time on
tactical missions flying recon
helicopters or airplanes. Yet,
these same people are expected
to be ready at any time to take
an actual instrument flight into
any high density control area.
Are they capable of doing this?
Yes, if they accept the flight
within a month after sharpen-
ing up for their annual instru-
ment flight check.
The question arises: Are
they able to perform this AI
flight safely 6 or 8 months
later? No! Now, most Army
Aviators possess a great deal
of good common sense and
would take such flights only if
they had a more currently qual-
ified pilot or copilot with them.
But to get the job done and to
impress the "old man" that
they can really fly that thing on
the gauges, good common sense
may slip away.
Many times I have heard as
an examiner, "That guy won't
file instruments; yank his tic-
ket!" When examining the
man's background, you find he
has flown no hood in the last
3 months, and his time the
previous months was in the
Link trainer. The man should
be commended for bejng honest
enough not to take risks when
he is not confident that he can
safely accomplish the mission.
Therefore, we have the predica-
ment of the man who is instru-
ment qualified but not willing
to blast off into the soup with-
out assistance. The unit CO
looks at him with a jaundiced
eye and the con1mander he sup-
ports thinks, "Do I really have
a qualified pilot supporting
I think a practical solution is
needed to save embarrassment,
s w eat, and lives. The ideal
solution, of course, is to modify
the TOE to allow spaces and as-
signed aircraft for a Flight
Standardization Section, organ-
ic to each company-sized unit.
Such a section should be as-
signed each major s e r vic e
school to allow the: student who
is a rated pilot during duty
hours to maintain proficiency.
The Navy and Air Force do this,
and we fly in the same murky
weather as they.
This section should consist of
instrument examiners, instruc-
tor pilots and link operators.
Sufficient fixed and rotary wing
aircraft should be assigned to
allow proper instrument train-
ing of the pilots it supports.
Not only could a complete in-
strument program be main-
tained, but also an aircraft
standardization program for
checkout and spot check pur-
poses. It must be emphasized
that the first priority of these
personnel and aircraft is to ac-
complish the assigned mission.
They should not be used to fly
tactical and administrative mis-
sions when other aircraft or
pilots at the station are short,
or when the administrative or
tactical mission seems to out-
weigh the training mission. A
good program of instrument
training with all pilots required
to take part would give to each
individual the confidence and
ability to fly actual instruments
at any time, anywhere.
Another solution could be
utilized, not only in large tacti-
cal units until the TOE is modi-
fied, but for Army Aviators in
Category II and III assign-
ments (Ref AR 600-105) who
have current instrument cards.
This solution is to establish a
separate classification of in-
strument cards, say Class A
and Class B.
Where the Army Aviators
are all in Category I assign-
ments, the classification could
be decided by the unit CO, un-
der advisement by the instru-
ment examiner. Army Aviators
in Catagory II and III assign-
ments would be in Class B. The
difference between Class A and
B is this: Class A would be
Army Aviators whose primary
job involves flying fully equip-
ped instrument aircraft as a
routine duty. They could be
called on at any time to take
actual instrument flights, either
solo or with a copilot, depend-
ing on local SOPs and current
flying regulations.
Class B would be Army A via-
tors whose primary duty is fly-
ing noninstrument equipped
aircraft in tactical units. They
spend most of their time flying
desks or are in Category II or
III assignments. The Class B
Army A viator could not file
IFR without a Class A Army
Aviator as pilot or copilot. This
would help in many ways. First,
violations would be fewer due
to errors resulting from lack of
current knowledge of the latest
publications and techniques.
Second, it provides a safety
measure for the man who wants
to fly instruments but doesn't
feel proficient enough to tackle
it alone.
The Class A Army Aviator
should be subject to a check
ride at any time, not just once
a year. He should receive his
check ride at the discretion of
the unit CO, at least once a year
and preferably more often. He
would still carry an instrument
card reflecting his birthdate as
the expiration date, and he
should be required to get at
JUNE 1960
least 4 hQurs per mQnth Qf hood
or actual instruments. The
Class B pilot would still pre-
pare for a check once a year to
coincide with his birthdate.
The classification system is
not intended to discriminate
against pilots or to' categQrize
them. The argument will be
Qffered, "I gO' out on my own
and stay current by flying Qn
weekends and holidays. There-
fQre, I should stay in Class A
even thQugh I fly a desk 5112
days a week." This is very com-
mendable on the part of the in-
dividual, but any time a pro-
gram must be conducted on
one's own time, the standards
vary toO' much to give a reliable
indication of proficiency.
Remember, Qn actual instru-
ments you are on crQwded air-
ways with airline pilots and
other professional aviators who
daily fly instruments. It is un-
fair to' subject a poorly pre-
pared pilQt to an over-crQwded,
highly complex syste.m twice or
three times a year.
Would a weekend gQlfer take
on a professional for monetary
stakes? Our stakes are much
higher. Let's keep the compe-
tition even. Instrument flying
in the Army is a great thing. It
shQuld not be diluted by rusty,
unprQfessional methods.
Editor's NQte: For the
information of Qur readers,
par 5 of AR 600-105, dated
21 Aug 59, and par 3b
Qf AR 95-63, dated 18 Feb
60 are quoted.
AR 600-105:
5. Categories of aviation as-
signments. a: To facilitate the
identificatiQn Qf the relation-
ship Qf aviation background re-
quirements for an aviator as-
signment, four categories of
assignments are es.tablished.
(1) Aviation officers will be
retained on flying status
while serving in the fQl-
IQwing three categories of
(a) Category I. Positions
where the primary
duty is pilot, or is the
direct command of
aircraft in a unit be-
low battalion level.
(b) Category II. Com-
mand and staff posi-
tions where flying is a
prerequisite skill but
not required as the
primary duty.
(c) Category III. Career
development assign-
ments necessary to
improve the aviator's
qualification as an
Army officer, pro-
vided such assign-
ments dO' nQt exceed
two cQnsecutive years'
(2) Aviators assigned to' pri-
mary duties other than
those included in catego-
ries described in (1) above
will be placed in Category
IV and will be indefinitely
suspended from flying sta-
tus for the period of such
duties. If such duties ex-
. tend for more than 3
years, the individual will
be eliminated from the
Army aviation prQgram
under provisiQns of AR
b. All orders changing the
primary duty of an Army avia-
tQr will include a statement as
to the category of the new as-
signment. Normally, Category
III assignments will be made
Qnly on Department of the
Army special orders. In cases
where this authority is dele-
gated such assignments will be
made only after branch clear-
ance is obtained from the Offi-
cers Assignment Division, Of-
fice of The Adjutant General,
Washington 25, D. C. Category
IV assignments will be made
only Qn Department of the
Army special orders.
AR 95-63:
3b. The ultimate objective of
the Department of the Army is
to require instrument qualifica-
tion of all aviatQrs. Mainten-
ance of instrument qualification
is mandatory fQr all instrument
qualified aviators unless exempt
under one of the fQllQwing cir-
(1) Aviators who are offi-
cially rotated to branch
material ground duty
and authorized to main-
tain flying proficiency.
(2) Aviators who are attend-
ing a f Qrmal s c h 0 0 I
course where flight in-
struction is not the pri-
mary objective.
(3) Dual instrument quali-
fied (helicopters and air-
planes) aviators are re-
quired to maintain in-
strument qualifications
only in the category
(helicQpter or airplane)
which is mQst appropri-
ate to his TOE or TD
( 4 ) Aviators who are Qnly
air p I a n e instrument
qualified and who are as-
signed to a helicopter
pilot PQsition need not
m a i n t a i n instrument
qualification in airplanes.
(5) A viatQrs in a cQmmand
or staff PQsition in ;:In
aviatiQn unit are re-
quired to maintain in-
strument qualification in
only one category, pref-
erably the cat egO' r y
which predominates in
the unit.
(6) Aviators of the Reserve
components not on active
duty (par. 13).
((everll el/ort mllst be made to strive for pro-
fessiollalism ill all tkillfls ... J1 (jelleral Brllce
elar/(, ePHfHfandinfl (jenera!,
The Professional
Army Aviation Mechanic
s THE MECHANIC the for-
gotten man in your picture
of Army Aviation? Too many
people visualize aviation in
terms of the pilot, the dashing
into - the - blue type. But most
Army Aviators would agree
that the mechanic is the most
important man in their profes-
sionallives. Without him there
would be no aviation. Yet, how
many of us fully understand
and appreciate his efforts? Or
do we simply take his knowl-
edge and skills for granted?
Less than half a century ago
only three professions were
generally recognized: medicine,
law, and teaching. Modern
technology has generated a de-
mand for individuals of diverse
knowledge and skills, creating
man y professions. Unfortu-
nately, merely working at a
profession does not make one
"professional." Arm y Avia-
tion, as all other fields, is filled
with both mediocrities and pro-
W hat is a professional?
There are many definitions, de-
Captain Harvey C. Lohr, Inf
pending on the primary point
of emphasis of the definer. We
like this one: the true profes-
sional is the individual who is
dedicated to the service per-
formed and whose work serves
the fundamental good of so-
ciety. The good Army Avia-
tion mechanic is a true profes ..
sional, serving these standards:
the conscientious application of
his skills to the job at hand;
careful adherence to the meth-
ods, procedures, and techniques
prescribed; and performance
with a sense of responsibility
to himself, his fellow workers,
his organization, and his coun-
try. In few other professions
does so much responsibility de-
pend on the individual.
Knowledge, craftsmanship,
and integrity will always be the
foundation and backbone of
aviation maintenance. The y
comprise its unchanging princi-
ple. Anything less-ignorance,
sloppiness, unreliability - is
totally unrelated to the work
of the good aviation mechanic.
Craftsmanship is the badge
of the real aviation mechanic.
There is silent pride of giving
one's best in every job of fine
maintenance. Doing the job in
the best way possible adds zest
to everyday routine and makes
the mechanic relish new main-
tenance problems to conquer
tomorrow. The reward for fine
craftsmanship is the continual
development of skill to perform
more intricate and exacting
The reward for integrity and
reliability is still greater trust-
worthiness. The Army A via-
tion mechanic does not post-
pone his rewards until after
work; he experiences through-
out each working day the full
satisfaction of the job at hand.
He will continue to give the ut-
most, even when it seems that
he is unappreciated and taken
for granted. But our Army
Capt Lohr is Assistant Divi-
sion Chief, Primary Mainte'YU1Jnce
Division, Dept of Maintenance,.
USAAVNS. He is dual rated
with a;pproximately 1200 flight
JUNE 1960
Aviation mechanic should never
need go without the personal
praise that he deserves.
Personal acknowledgement
for a job well done is food for
the soul of us all. The profes-
sional Army Aviator will re-
member this.
Aircraft maintenance goes
bey 0 n d servicing, checking,
aligning, adj usting, cleaning,
repairing, and replacing. It is
much more than a matter of
hand and tool; it is a matter of
the mind. Only through knowl-
edge can aircraft maintenance
be performed adequately. It
is safe only when performed
with understanding and respon-
sibility. Thus, the aviation me-
chanic must be a man of basic
and insatiable knowledge.
Advancing technology seems
to threaten a system of mainte-
nance where the engineer does
all the thinking and the tech-
nician does only what he is told.
But automaton will never re-
place the aviation mechanic be-
cause he possesses a curious
mind, a mind that has a gen-
uine interest in what is happen-
ing today and what is over the
horizon for tomorrow. He con-
siders the acquisition of knowl-
edge and skill in his profession
as a never ending process; he
accepts the responsibility of
study, research, and investiga-
tion in his field.
The Army Aviation mechanic
recognizes no limit to oppor-
tunity in the field of aviation.
He knows there exists oppor-
tunity to plan, to improve ef-
ficiency, to devise better meth-
ods and procedures. Instruction
is a part of every task; he real-
izes that he can learn a new
fact abo u t aviation mainte-
nance every day, that he can
improve his skill with every
The aviation mechanic knows
that aircraft maintenance re-
quires his highest skills, his
finest craftsmanship, his ulti-
mate integrity. There can never
be a second best method. He
doesn't coast along indifferent-
ly; he cannot be neutral in his
job. He is actively for sound
maintenance and safety, and he
works aggressively for them.
The Army Aviation mechanic
is a credit to his profession. He
is all these qualities, and more.
His loyalty and responsibility
are not limited to his immedi-
ate supervisor and organiza-
tion. His whole support goes to
Army Aviation, with no one
left out.
He is the best life insurance
any Army Aviator can have.
So, get your picture of Army
Aviation into focus - with the
aviation mechanic in the promi-
nent spot he deserves.
The Mechanic's Code
As a maintenance technician, I recognize my
To discharge these responsibilities:
I will perform maintenance of the highest
quality to assure the safety of every flight.
To the United States Army, who trusts that
I am technically qualified for the tasks ex-
pected of me.
To the air crews and passengers, who trust
their lives and safety to my mechanical
To my organization, who expects me to be a
professional mechanic as well as a profes-
sional soldier.
To my fellow mechanics, who as team mem-
bers must depend upon me for a task com-
To myself for the personal satisfaction of a
professional job well done.
I will always be sure of my work or when in
doubt consult my supervisor.
I will strive to improve my professional skill
by attention to duty and self-education.
I will not allow personal desires or considera-
tion to affect performance of duty.
I will never attempt to perform duty when my
mental or physical condition might lead to
maintenance error.
I will keep my tools and equipment in first
class condition to insure a job worthy of
the professional mechanic that I am.
I pledge adherence to these principles to re-
flect credit to myself, my fellow workers
and my profession.
"One mark of the professional is a thorough background of the funda-
mental principles which govern his activity. Conversely, nothing points
up the amateur as much as a display of ignorance toward these same
principles." Brig Gen Clifton von Kann, ODCSOPS
Getting 10 ~ o w The IroqlJoi.r
years ago, GETTING TO
KNOW YOU, might be aptly
applied to aviators meeting the
newest member of the Army's
whirlybird stable. June 1959
marked a major advance in
Army Aviation with addition
of the HU-1A to the aircraft in-
ventory. Having just passed
the first anniversary of this
event, we are able to review 12
months of actual operation and
discuss from a practical view-
point the successes and prob-
lems which have arisen during
the first year. An outstanding
aircraft, the HU-1A forgives
many pilot shortcomings. On
the other hand, it is one of the
cleanest in the stable and has a
few characteristics a pi lot
should know before attempting
to fly it.
Pilot enthusiasm for the air-
craft is a significant factor.
Senior pilots have eagerly de-
voted time to transition and re-
view of fundamental flight the-
ory they had long since mas-
tered and applied to conven-
tional helicopters. The thrill of
flying this mac h i n e has
brought back a gleam in their
eyes. Pilots like it.
The Iroquois has proved it-
self reliable, safe, and adapted
to Army needs. Its most signif-
iean characteristic is its ease of
handling. It is so easy to fly
that a pilot handling it for the
first time is, inclined to go over-
board and pull out all the stops.
One aviator, newly checked
out, got in the aircraft and
fired up and too k off. He
climbed to 1,000 feet and cut
the power to shoot an au-
torotation. On the way down
he beg a n getting butterflies
and decided to, make a power
recovery. He applied power but
didn't take into account the 8-
10 second delay in power de-
livery. Luckily, he was a little
above 200 feet and he got the
choppers chopping just in time
to prevent a smash-up.
This is not a new problem to
aviation. The first jet-powered
aircraft brought on a rash of
accidents caused by pilots who
insisted on wheeling around the
sky in the sam e old way.
Popped rivets were the least of
the incidents; the more serious
involved such things as loss of
wings, etc. The Iroquois in-
spires that same kind of heady
response. The pilot feels the
power and maneuverability; he
uncorks it and the fireworks be-
gin. Just remember that ordi-
nary maneuvers won't make
the aircraft come unglued. It
takes a lot of hard work.
In view of this feature of the
Iroquois, the pilot's responsi-
bility must be directed first to
his own personal limitations.
All this means is that we're
bringing an old problem to a
new aircraft. Pilots have been
going beyond their capabilities
since Wilbur and 0 r viII e
Th1:s article was prepared by
the United States Army Board
for Aviation Accident Research.
JUNE 1960
Wright went teetering over the
sand dunes at Kitty Hawk.
Chances are they'll continue to
do. so fQr as as the human
machine remains unchanged.
Thus far, the features most
liked by pilQts are things yo.U
do.n't have to do.. You dQn't
have to. watch yo.ur rpm; it's
built in fQr yQur convenience.
And there's power to spare!
Under conditio.ns Qf high gross
weight (6,300 pounds), high
ambient temperature, and high
density altitude, the IroquQis is
capable Qf a zerQ-airspeed climb
of 1,000 fpm with a reserve of
power. Such capability is non-
existent in previous Army heli-
co.pters. This perfQrmance is
the very thing YQu've got to.
watch. It's an invitatio.n to. go
out, way Qut, on a limb. Even
older pilQts are susceptible.
Training accidents have not
furnished any sensatio.nal sta-
tistics. MQst Qf these have been
confined to autorotatio.ns due
to. materiel failure. These au-
torotatiQns have been acco.m-
plished without damage to the
helico.pter in all except one
case. The most frequent cause
o.f these failures has been the
drive shaft between engine and
The autorotatio.n which
caused damage occurred during
a training mission. Normal
takeoff was initiated by the
student pilo.t. While climbing,
at an altitude of abQut 200 feet,
a high pitched squeal devel-
o.ped, followed by a vibratio.n.
The instructor pilo.t took con-
trol and executed a straight-
ahead autorotation. As the hel-
ico.pter neared trees, the IP ap-
plied cQllective in an attempt to
carry o.ver them. The aircraft
yawed to the right and landed
upright in a small clearing.
There were no. inj uries, but the
aircraft sustained major dam-
age. The cause Qf this acci-
dent was failure of the engine
drive shaft assembly. Repre-
sentatives Qf the manufacturer
participated in the investiga.-
tio.n. These experts fo.und that
malfunctio.ning of the engine
drive shaft was induced by an
o.ut-of-alignment cQnditio.n.
An autorQtatiQn was suc-
cessfully accQmplished after a
fuel line qui c k disconnect
parted, causing f u e I system
failure. This was caused by
failure of maintenance person-
nel to. pro.perly secure fuel line
quick disco.nnect (P art No..
AnQther accident happened
o.n touchdQwn after autorota-
tion. Low main rotor rpm, com-
bined with gus t y wind and
pitching actio.n of the aircraft,
caused Qne main ro.tQr blade to.
strike the tail rQto.r drive shaft
ho.using. Damage was co.nfined
to the tail rotor drive shaft and
bro.ken control cables. The wind
was gusting to abQut 15 knots
at the time of the accident.
One pilo.t elected to. go. into
auto.rotatiQn when he experi-
enced vibration and lo.SS of
Po.wer. After a safe to.uchdQwn
it was fo.und that the tail roto.r
counterweight had flown off
and penetrated the engine com-
partment. There was negligi-
ble damage.
High rate descents in the have been publicized,
but shQuld nQt cause undue
anxiety. Any helicQpter which
is dived, with. ro.tor rpm and
rate o.f descent building, will be
difficult to pull up, especially in
a turn. The difference between
the Iroquois and conventiQnal
helicopters is all in the power-
plant; piston - powered models
can be flown to the ground
where power is applied and the
reco.very made. The delayed
response of turbine engines
prevent s u c h hair - splitting.
To.o., pilo.ts accustomed to re-
connaissance helicopters tend
to fo.rget the weight o.f the Iro.-, who. s e normal gross
(training configuration) tip s
the scales at 5,126 PQunds.
One Iroquois was destrQyed
while engaged in a demonstra-
tio.n flight. This accident re-
sulted in the safety o.f flight
message concerning high rate
of descent. The helicopter had
co.mpleted a high - speed run
parallel to and in front of the
spectators when the pilot initi-
ated a cyclic climb to. approxi-
mately 500 feet the ter-
rain to begin an
descent. Arriving at the de-
sired altitude, he made a 180
turn, reduced power, lowered
the of the aircraft, and
entered autorotatio.n. Immedi-
ately after starting the maneu-
ver, the pilot nQted an unusu-
ally high rate o.f descent. He
leveled the aircraft approxi-
mately 200 feet abQve the ter-
rain, applied full power and col-
lective pitch, but was unable to
decrease the high rate Qf ver-
tical descent. Realizing a crash
was inevitable, he continued
applicatio.n o.f power and pitch
and succeeded in partially re-
ducing the high sink rate just
prio.r to impact.
The aircraft crashed in level
attitude at appro.ximately 40 to
50 kno.ts. The tail began
shearing at impact and completely free as the air-
craft rebo.unded into the air.
The helicopter s t r u c k the
ground twice more, finally CQm-
ing to rest about 420 feet frQm
the PQint of initial impact. The
engine tore free during ground
contacts and rolled clear; the
cabin doors were torn o.ff, and
the main transmissio.n, mast
and ro.tor assembly left the air-
craft. The pilot and crew chief,
the only occupants, survived
the accident. The pilot suffered
a spinal inj ury; the crew chief
only minor inj uries.
This accident should provide
incentive for an experiment.
Climb the Iroquois to a safe al-
titude and enter a power-off au-
torotation. At a safe altitude,
eff ect a power recovery. Watch
your altimeter and clock from
the time you apply power until
you're flying again. Let the re-
sults be indelibly printed on
your memory for future refer-
ence. This is sound insurance
The record would not be com-
plete without mention of an
Iroquois that burned. The pilot
had shut down following a
service mission when he saw
smoke appear in the front of
the cockpit ne,ar the base of the
console. As he yelled for the
passengers to get out, there
was a muffled explosion.
Investigation revealed that
a grass fire was seen directly
under the cab i n combustion
heater exhaus,t prior to the
time fire was observed on any
part of the aircraft. The esti-
mated time until the grass fire
s tar ted after the aircraft
landed was approximately 15
This heater exhaust gener-
ates a temperature of approxi-
mately 700F. and is 0 n 1 y
/8 inches from the ground at
touchdown. The fuel vent, lo-
cated 38 inches from the heater
exhaust stack, caught fire and
flames rapidly spread to the
fuel tank, making it impossi-
ble for the aviato,r to remount
and flyaway from the fire. In
this particular case, the heater
had been in use during the
flight and was not shut off until
after landing. The landing area
was covered with dry broom-
Until a design fix can be
incorporated, it was recom-
mended that HU-1A aviators
shut the heater off at a point
d uri n g the landing pattern
which will allow the heater ex-
haust time to cool before the
aircraft is landed. A few min-
utes of cold air are well worth
avoiding the hot foot you might
Damage to the tail rotor
drive shaft of another Iroquois
was caused by a bucking bar
left in the tunnel during main-
tenance. The damage was not
discovered until the next daily
inspection after the aircraft
was flown.
The first year of Iroquois op-
eration must reflect the unde-
niable success accompanying
its introduction to Army Avia-
tion. Command and aviator re-
sponse have been enthusiasti-
cally sustained. There is every
evidence t hat this aircraft,
with its power and versatility,
is a major step forward in the
expanding abilities of Army
The New
Army Aviation EM
MOS Structure
Captain Edward H. Bauerband, Jr., TC
ON'T BOTHER TO requisi- Under the old system it was
tion that new 673 crew For a quick rundown of the possible for a skill to become
chief. After the 1st of July new numbering system, take a lost to the Army. For example,
1960, there won't be any me- look at the following: if a man had been crewing an
chanics with that classification 670.0 Aircraft Maintenance L-23 under MOS 671, it was
in the Army. Change 27 of Crewman (Entry Course) possible for him to be shipped
AR 611-210, entitled PERSON- 671.1 Aircraft Mechanic to another unit and wind up
NEL S E L E C T ION AND (L-19 and L-20) crewing an L-19. Of course the
CLASSIFICATION, contains a 671.2 Aircraft Mechanic Bird Dog needs proper care, but
completely new system for clas- (U-IA) the L-23 is just a little more
sifying aircraft mechanics. It 672.1 Aircraft Mechanic complex to maintain. Under the
is a far superior system to the (L-23) new MOS structure this situa-
one now in use for acquiring 672.2 Aircraft Mechanic tion will be avoided. In addi-
the type of mechanic you ac- (AO-1) tion, no MOS was provided for
tually need through the sole 672.3 Aircraft Mechanic twin-engine helicopter qualifi-
use of a requisition by classifi- (AC-l) cation and requisitioning an
cation number. 675.1 Aircraft Mechanic H-37 mechanic by MOS num-
Remember how you used to (H-13 and H-23) ber was, impossible.
requisition a 671 mechanic for 675.2 Aircraft Mechanic An additional course will be
your L-23? Remember your (HU-l) added in the near future at
consternation when you dis- 675.3 Aircraft Mechanic USAA VNS on the organiza-
covered that the young soldier (H-19 and H-34) tional maintenance of ASE, Au-
had been crewing an L-19 for 676.1 Aircraft Mechanic tomatic Stabilization Eq uip-
two years and hadn't been near (H-21) mentA No MOS will be awarded
an L-23 since receiving the one- 677.1 Aircraft Mechanic for this training; however, a
week course of instruction on (H-37) record of graduation will be en-
the aircraft at the Aviation II-___________ tered in the student's Form 20.
School? your type aircraft, but you are Since this form accompanies
Well, your troubles are over. also assured that he -holds the
Just as each of the aircraft in MOS (s) of a lower skill in avia-
the inventory has a model num- tion maintenance. If you re-
ber, so each mechanic has an ceive a school trained HU-1 me-
MOS that tens you his qualifi- chanic, you will know that he is
cations. You not only get the also qualified to crew the H-13
mechanic who is trained for Sioux and the H-23 Raven.
Capt Bauerband is the project
officer for the Operations Branch,
Dept of Maintenarnce, USAA VNS.
Ii e is dual rated and instrument
qualified, with approximately
1600 flight hours.
the EM throughout his career
and his MOS is identified by a
specific aircraft, this skill will
not be lost.
The code numbers 1 i s ted
above are arranged to indicate
the progressive skill of aviation
mechanics. This can be shown
best by the flow chart indicated
Notice that all soldiers en-
tering the field of aviation
maintenance are funneled into
the basic entry course: a five-
week course on aviation sub-
jects. In addition, those sol-
diers who have only e i g h t
weeks of basic training prior
to the entry course and who
are not selected to enter an in-
termediate a via tion mainte-
nance course will receive three
weeks of advanced individual
training. This completes the
16-week training cycle required
by pub lie law. The MOS
awarded upon successful com-
pletion of the initial five-week
entry course.
A graduate of the entry
course has three possibilitie
for his. next assignment. He
may be sent directly to the
field, to the intermediate fixed-
wing course, or to the inter-
mediate rotary-wing course.
If an entry course graduate
is selected for further training,
he enters eithe!r the intermedi-
ate fixed-wing (L-19 and L-20)
or the intermediate rotary-
wing (H-13 and H-23) course.
Graduates of these two courses
are awarded MOS 671.1 for
fixed - wing and 675.1 for ro-
tary - wing. They satisfy the
majority of the Army's needs
for aircraft mechanics.
The graduate of the interme-
diate fixed-wing course may be
sent to the field or may enter
one of the f 0 u r advanced
courses. In the majority of
cases he will be sent to the field
before receiving a d van c e d
training. The four advanced
courses in the fixed-wing cate-
gory are MOS 671.2, Otter;
MOS 672.1, Seminole; M 0 S
672.2., M 0 haw k ; and MOS
672.3, Caribou. If the advanced
c 0 u r s e is. successfully com-
pleted, he is awarded that MOS
which applies to the aircraft he
has learned to crew.
The rotary-wing intermedi-
ate course graduate may be
sent directly to the field or he
may enter one of the three ro-
tary - wing advanced courses.
Here again, he will likely be
sent to the field for on-the-job
training prior to taking an ad-
vanced course. The t h r e e
courses he could enter are MOS
675.2, HV-l Iroquois; MOS
Chart showing flow, progressive skills, and new MOS coding applicable to Army Aviation
SElECTED 671.1
671.1 FROM FiElD
H- 37
671.2 TO FiElD
672.1 TO FiElD
672 .2 TO FiElD
672.3 TO FiElD
676.1 TO FielD
677 .1 TO FiElD
JUNE 1960
675.3, H-19 Chickasaw or H-34
Choctaw; and the MOS 676.1,
H-21 Shawnee. After gradua-
tion he will be send to' the field.
The prerequisites of the
multiengine helicopter course
(H-37) require that the me-
chanic be qualified in MOS
675.3 O'r 676.1. In addition, he
must have at least one year of
work in the field in either the
675.3 or 676.1 prerequisite
MOSs. If a mechanic meets the
prerequisites, he returns to' the
Army Aviation School and is
trained to crew the H-37 Mo-
jave. MOS 677.1 is awarded
upon completiO'n Df the course
and the mechanic returns to
the field.
We have loO'ked at the vari-
DUS MOSs and knO'w how a me-
chanic progresses thrDugh an
masters smaller, less complex
aircraft prior to' being trained
fO'r the larger aircraft. This is
a natural and IDgical prDgres-
sion. Let's take a loO'k at the
method used to denote the skill
a mechanic has in crewing any
Df the aircraft in the inventory.
First it is necessary to' ex-
plain the difference between a
specialist and an NCO in the
Army Aviation MOS structure.
The flow through the various
courses is identical fO'r bO'th,
but the specialist will be ex-
pected to knDw only the air-
craft he is presently maintain-
If the specialist graduated
frDm the rotary - wing inter-
mediate course, entered the ad-
vanced rotary-wing course on
the Shawnee (MOS 676.1), was
awarded that MOS, and was
wDrking in that MOS, he would
be examined for proficiency pay
solely on the H-21 aircraft. He
would specialize in maintaining
that aircraft, and his MOS
would remain the same as long
as he crewed that aircraft. This
prDficiency pay system also ap-
plies to' all other MOSs except
If the NCO graduated from
the intermediate rotary - wing
course and entered the Shaw-
nee (MOS 676.1) course, he
wDuld alsO' receive MOS 676.1
upDn g r a d u a tiD n. TO' be
awarded and to' k e e pMOS
676.6 (NCO) he would be re-
quired to upervise and prove
his knO'wledge Dn the lesser
skilled MOSs in the system
leading up to 676.6.
TO' qualify for the .6 NCO
skill level MOS in the 671
series, fDr example, the me-
chanic must be qualified in
troubleshooting techniques fDr
single-engine aircraft, in sup-
ply procedures, and must be
able to' plan, direct, and su-
pervise organizatiDnal mainte-
nance of fixed-wing single-en-
gine aircraft. He must alsO' be
able to direct and supervise ac-
tivities of an airfield service
MOS 671.7, in additiDn to'
calling for all Df the qualifica-
tiDns Df the lesser skill digit,
requires the maintenance NCO
to' be able to plan, coordinate,
and supervise activities per-
taining to' organizatiDn, train-
ing, and technical DperatiO'ns
Df the unit to which he is as-
MOS 671.8 is the E-8 enlisted
grade and the .8 proficiency
pay skill level. The prerequisite
fDr this grade is the MOS 671.7.
TO' qualify, the maintenance
NCO must know the technical
missiDn, resPO'nsibilities, and
Dperations Df the company to'
which he is assigned. He must
k now the techniques and
tactics pertaining to the unit
defense and military subjects,
including drill and parade fO'r-
mations, field sanitation, field
mess operatiO'ns, selection Df
bivouac areas, and the use Df
the units' weapons. He must
alsO' knDw Army clerical, per-
sonnel, and administrative prD-
cedures, regulatiDns, and direc-
tives applicable to cDmpany
He must knDw the format Df
Army cO'rrespDndence, format
Df cDmpany orders, preparatiDn
Df morning rep 0' r t, mainte-
nance Df duty rDsters, and reg-
ulatiDns governing mail service
at cDmpany level. He must
know the fundamentals Df re-
quisitioning and stO'rage of ra-
tions, preparation and serving
Df fDDd, and care Df mess equip-
ment to assure that unit mess
meets prescribed standards. He
must alsO' be able to read and
utilize TOE, TD, and TAs and
supply manuals. It will take a
mighty sharp sDldier to qualify
fDr the .8 skill level of the nDn-
cDmmissioned officer.
The .9 skill level is even mDre
demanding, and is the highest
enlisted grade in the Army. He
must be qualified as a 671.8 and
further must knDw Dffice man-
agement and supervisory tech-
niques and responsibilities. He
must knDw military Drganiza-
tiDn and prDcedures applicable
to' battaliDn and higher echelon
headquarters. He must knDw
publications and directives gDV-
erning Arm y administrative
prDcidures. He must know the
prDcedure Df military direc-
tives and the Army chain of
command and lines Df CDmmu-
nication; the operation Df ad-
ministrative message centers;
precautiO'ns to be exercised in
handling classified material;
directives. and procedures gDV-
erning publication and distribu-
tion Df military orders, bulle-
tins, circulars, and memoran-
dums; and must be able to use
directives, manuals, and regu-
Continued on page 33
A viators should be prepared
to utilize the ADF alone or in
conjunction with other navaids.
Assignment overseas will de-
mand more than a passing in-
terest in the ADF. The ma-
jority of f I i g h t operations
throughout Europe and the Far
East depend on ADF and hom-
ing beacons. Complete familiar-
ity with the limitations of the
ADF is necessary. If you have
ADF in your aircraft, use it
freq uen tly. Complete confi-
dence in its use will follow.
with its automatic direction
seeking capability, is an excel-
lent navigational aid. I doubt
that many pilots disagree with
t hat statement, particularly
those who have been flying for
several years.
We have all been schooled in
the operation of the ADF and
understand its application for
use in time-distance determina-
tion, homing, and/ or tracking
to or from a station.
Since the advent of VOR in
the States, the requirement for
using the ADF has, been mini-
mized to a great degree. This
is readily apparent when one
looks at an avigation chart.
Without question the VOR is,
or is fast becoming, our major
mea n s of aerial navigation.
However, until Army aircraft
are equipped with dual omni
receivers, we need to fully un-
derstand the capabilities of the
With few exceptions, we are
currently flying the airways
with only a single omni re-
ceiver. We constantly need to
identify fixes along our route
and can do this, in most in-
stances, by switch tuning our
Major Ralph H. Vohs, Inf
single omni. This procedure
presupposes that we h a v e
pinned our track and are free
to leave one VOR station to
tune in another for a short pe-
riod. A vigation charts assist us
in this regard as numerous ra-
dials are published from most
all VORs. In man y cases
though, we can use the ADF
for this purpose and leave our
omni tuned to our original sta-
tion. However, rather than go
through the mental gymnas-
tics to determine the magnetic
bearing to a nondirectional bea-
con or low frequency range,
most of us elect to switch tune
our single omni receiver, or
create a lot of noise in our
headset trying to hear a range
leg crossing. We do this be-
cause we understand the omni
procedures and feel we are less
likely to, make mistakes.
Our apprehension of using
ADF probably began with our
classroom instruction regard-
ing the radio compass. In the
classroom we determined mag-
netic heading (MH), magnetic
bearing (MB) , and relative
bearing (RB) by the formula
MH + RB = MB. This for-
mula, modified by subtracting
360 if MB resulted in a figure
360 or larger, gave our instruc-
tor an unlimited source for ex-
amination questions. Much of
the information we received in
the classroom regarding this
formula was impractical; how-
ever, we all needed that de-
tailed instruction at that time.
If we are to understand the
radio compass, we must with-
out hesitation understand that
formula and be able to kick it
around in every way possible.
Outside of the classroom it be-
came obvious that two pieces
of information required by the
formula are always available
in the aircraft: the MH and
the RB.
We must have the MH and
the RB as they are the basis for
obtaining the information we
seek most-the magnetic bear-
ing. But, did you ever consider
that the only reason we have a
relative bearing is because we
placed the zero on the movable
card beneath the needle, direct-
Maj o h ~ is Chief, Research
and Proj ects Branch, Dept of
Tactics, USAAVNS. He is fixed
wing qualified with a standard
instrument ticket.
~ I
netic bearing to the station-
not the relative' bearing to the
station? Surely, this simple
act to determine a magnetic
bearing to a station is much
easier and more rapidly per-
formed than going through the
~ ______ mental exercise of MH + RB =
ly below the inverted pylon af-
fixed to the top of the radio
compass housing? Have you
noted that if we rotate the card
beneath th.e needle to such a po-
sition that our magnetic head-
ing is reflected immediately be-
neath the inverted pylon, the
number to w h i c hour ADF
needle now points is our mag-
~ \
Figure 2
\ ~
\ //
\ ,; /
\ ~
\-050 0 ,,/
\ ............. /
\ "'/
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ //
MB (minus 360 if necessary).
In figure 1, we are over point
A and tuned to point B; our
magnetic heading is 360
as in-
dicated by our directional gyro-
scope. Our ADF needle indi-
cates a relative bearing of 0
or 360
According to the for-
mula MH + RB = MB, we see
that our magnetic bearing to
station B is, 360
(360 + 360
= 720 - 360 = 360.)
Now, let's do it again. Only
this time, let's arrive over point
A (still tuned to point B) on a
different magnetic heading, say
(see fig. 2). We see that
the ADF nee die has n ' t
changed; it still points to sta-
tion B. Only the figure's be-
neath the needle have changed.
We merely rotated our aircraft
to the right; and in, do-
ing so, we also rotated the card
beneath the ADF needle 050
to the right. At least, this is a
good way to visualize what oc-
Note that our magnetic bear-
ing to s tat ion B has not
changed; it is still 360
is borne out by using our for-
mula MH + RB = MB. In the
case of figure 2 it is: 50 + 310
= 360. Only our magnetic
heading has truly changed. The
only reason that our relative
bearing is different now from
figure 1 is because we rotated
the card 50
to the right when
we turned the aircraft. In rela-
tion to station B, the needle has
not changed a bit. Since we ro-
tated the card beneath the
ADF needle 50
to the right,
the figure now beneath the
needle is 310
It appears, since the ADF
needle constantly seeks the sta-
tion regardless of the aircraft
heading, that the culprit in this
machine is the relative bearing,
which in turn gives us fits in
determining the magnetic bear-
ing. Since we created this prob-
lem by rotating the card be-
neath the ADF needle 50
the right when we turned the
aircraft, let's, manually t urn
the card back to 50
to the left
and see what happens (see fig.
Note that the figure beneath
the inverted pylon now reads
the same as, that which the di-
rectional gyroscope indicates.
The figure beneath the ADF
needle now reads 0
or 360
Recall that our magnetic bear-
ing to station B was 0
? Here it seems that our
ADF needle is, now indicating
the magnetic bearing, and not
the relative bearing.
Since the magnetic bearing
to any given station is the in-
formation we would like to
h a v e readily available, this
should suggest a rule that we
can tuck away in our bag of
tricks. The rule? Place be-
neath the inverted pylon on the
radio compass your magnetic
heading as indicated by your
directional gyroscope and read
your magnetic bearing beneath
the ADF needle. This rule dis-
penses with any mental gym-
nastics associated with MH +
RB = MB. The machine does
all the calculations for you in-
cluding any corrections applied
for drift.
Practical application of this
procedure is apparent (see fig.
4). Range legs have magnetic
bearings indicated. Locator
outer markers (LOM) and mid-
dle markers (MM) are centered
on instrument landing systems
(ILS) approaches which have
bearings indicated. N ondirec-
Figure 3
tional beacons (NDB), in many
cases, are near or adjacent to
VORs and TVORs, making
bearings to or from easy to' in-
terpret. Sometimes a colored
airway will give you the bear-
ing you desire to a navigational
It must be recognized that
using the ADF as expressed
Continued from Page 30
lations to locate specific poli-
cies and procedures.
This system of awarding
skills through the .9 dig i t
holds throughout the 67 series
MOS (s) except 672, which of-
fers up to and includes the .7
skill level. With the activation
of fixed wing medium transport
companies, the .8 and .9 skill
levels will most likely be added.
All of the mechanics now in
the field and those being gradu-
ated from USAA VNS prior to
1 July 1960 will have the old
code number for their respec-
tive MOSs. This necessarily
calls for a reclassification of all
of these personnel. In addition
above is not standard proce-
dure and cannot be applied in
all situations. This, procedure
assumes that the direction-
seeking capability of the ADF
needle is reasonably accurate.
We have been ta ugh t that
many things influence the ac.c.u-
racy and reliability of the ADF
receiver: distance, an g I e of
interception, s tat ion signal
strength, type station tuned,
and erratic fluctuations caused
by electrical storms. These are
normal and accepted limita-
tions of the ADF receiver and,
consequently, must be consid-
ered when using the instru-
If you determine that the
ADF is reliable, use it. It will
save you precious moments and
relieve you of some of your an-
guish in tight and hurried sit-
uations. It will help you to be
more professional in flying. It is
almost as good as a second omni
P. S. Should we consider
a. Gyroscopically or electri-
cally synchronizing the card be-
neath the ADF needle with the
to the reclassification proce-
dure outlined in paragraph 7 of
DA Circular 611-41, the U. S.
Army Aviation School recom-
mends the following to aviation
unit commanders.
All mechanics now in the
field with the old MOS code
numbers should be interviewed
in person by AG personnel and
a rated aviator familiar with
the MOS in question.
They will the n determine
what primary qualification the
mechanic possesses and in what
secondary MOSs he is also qual-
ified. If a man is awarded MOS
676.1 (H-21) as primary but
has knowledge of the H-13 and
... Of NEEDLE lE ... CHES 310'
TUNED TO ... . NOli .
0 ,
Figure 4
DG, for determining MB?
b. Affix a non-movable com-
pass rose on the housing of the
ADF receiver for use in track-
What is your answer?
H-23, he should be awarded a
secondary MOS of 675.1. This
will preclude the skill held in
the secondary MOS from being
lost in the transfer to the new
To cope with this new struc-
ture, the organizational struc-
ture of the Department of
Maintenance at the U. S. Army
Aviation S c h 001 had to be
changed. The department will
have three training divisions.
The new system is good. It
has been designed for expan-
sion to include new hardware
and should solve a great many
of the headaches we now have
in procuring the mechanic we
actually need.
U ... CHIS 310'
YOU"'U ... T
The mighty Mojave is the
largest bird to be hatched from
the whirlybird tepee. It can haul
more than any of its S1'sters of the
Army tribe and commands th e
respect of all who know it . Til e
Mojave has one other distinction :
i t is the most expensive singl e it em
in the aircraf t inventory. TMs
month's CRASH SENSE de-
scribes two H-37 accidents and
their cause fact ors.
HE NIGHT WAS black and
cool. A breeze from the
southeast moved damp air un-
der a 1,000-foot overcast. Def-
initely not field grade weather.
A call fro m headquarters:
"Faraway City has sent an ur-
gent request for demolition ex-
perts. Can you get the m
there ?"
Several telephone calls fr0'm
the staff duty officer alerted a
Mojave crew for the 80-mile
flight. As the pilot left his home
for the airfield, he told his wife,
"I'll definitely be home bef0're
Arriving at the field, the
pilots filed a VFR round-r0'bin
flight plan to Faraway City.
Weather was listed as : Local,
1,200-foot ceiling, 0'vercast, vis-
ibility 7 miles, wind southeast
6 mph; destination, 700 - foot
ceiling, overcast, visibility 7
miles, wind southeast 6 mph.
The demolition experts were
rushed to the airfield where
they boarded the waiting Mo-
jave. With 5 crewmen and 3
passengers aboard, the large
helic0'pter lumbered out and
took off into the darkness. Dur-
ing the 0'utbound flight, the air-
craft encountered ceilings, as
low as 500 feet in fog. This was
reported by the pilot at Fara-
way City, after he had landed
and discharged his passengers.
It was de c ide d that the
homebound p 0 r tiD n of the
round-r0'bin flight would be at-
tempted. The pilots were given
the following weather: Fara-
way City, ceiling 800 feet, over-
cast, visibility 8 miles, wind
southeast 14 mph; destination,
ceiling 1,100 feet, overcast, vis-
ibility 7 miles, wind southeast
6 mph, and temperature - dew-
point spread 2 points, 51-49.
The aircraft departed Fara-
way City at 0333 hours. Ap-
proximately 57 minutes later it
crashed and burned 6 miles
from destination. The 5 crew-
men were killed in the impact
and resulting fire.
Examination of the distribu-
tion of wreckage, impact marks
on the terrain, and damage to
the aircraft revealed that it
had made initial contact with
the grO'und in an apprO'ximate
45 right bank, 10 nO'se-down
attitude at an estimated air-
speed of 80-90 knO'ts. A weather
observation, taken a few min-
utes after the crash, read:
"Ceiling measured 400 feet, ob-
scured and ragged, visibility 2
miles, wind southeast 6 mph."
InvestigatO'rs fO'und that one
tail rotor pitch change beam
and one tail rO'tor pitch change
rod end had failed. The nature
O'f the breaks revealed that the
beam failed priO'r to the rO'd
end. These parts were fO'und di-
rectly belO'w the tail rO'tor.
Pending laboratO'ry analysis, it
is unknown whether the fail-
ure O'f the beam was due to im-
pact or fatigue. If the beam
had failed prior to impact, the
resultant vibration may have
been O'f sufficient intensity to
disconcert or causel mO'mentary
distraction to, the pilot.
Now, let's gO' back and re-
view the pertinent facts of this
1. Marginal weather existed
over the route and the aircraft
had flown through fog and un-
der 500-foot ceilings on the out-
bound flight.
2. A dewpoint temperature
spread of 2 was included in
the weather briefing for the
homebound flight.
3. Neither pilot nO'r copilot
was instrument qualified.
4. The pilot's attitude indica-
tor was inO'perative. This item
was carried forward in the
maintenance discrepancy list
Six m,iles from destination
of the aircraft records.
5. The pilot had O'nly 2.2
hours of night flying in H-37
aircraft at widely spaced in-
tervals during the previO'us 7
6. The control tower of the
home airfield was inoperative
frO'm 2200 hO'urs to 0600 hours
daily and the pilO't would have
no means of obtaining en route
or destination weather during
the flight.
With the mission completed,
any urgency for making the
homebO'und flight could only
come from persO'nal motivatiO'n,
sO'metimes k n 0' w n as "get-
home-itis." It is unlikely that
the causes of this pilot's moti-
vation will be knO'wn. We only
know it was strong enough to
cause him to attempt the flight
in the face of some overwhelm-
ing odds.
The immense amount of pa-
pers poured into the IN basket
of the deskbound at tim e s
creates a silent and fervent
wish to revert to the stone tab-
lets O'f our ancesto'rs. It's a
safe bet these would not be
shuffled around in such quan-
tities and with the rapidity of
current methods. Napoleon was
only half right when he said an
Army traveled on its stomach
-modern Armies travel in ve-
hicles which require reams and
reams O'f paper. The more com-
plex the vehicle, the more paper
required-the more paper re-
quired, the greater the chance
for costly mistakes.
The Mojave, on a training
flight, made an approach to
land. ViO'lent vibrations set in
as the aircraft approached to
within 5-10 feet of the ground.
The instructor pilot was bru-
tally hammered by the cyclic,
but managed to hang on. He
made a desperate attempt to'
keep the aircraft level and land
it. The vibration stopped as
the aircraft tO'uched down, but
the left engine was burning and
the fire was spreading rapidly
to the fuselage. The instructor
pilot attempted to, retard the
throttles, fO'und them frozen.
He tried to cut the mixture con-
trO'ls and found them frozen.
He left his seat and hurriedly
checked the interior of the Mo-
jave to make certain crew and
passengers w ere out, then
abandoned the aircraft. The
crash crew arrived, but the fire
was burning with such inten-
sity it was impossible to extin-
guish. The aircraft burned to
the ground.
Investigators found that one
main rotor blade had failed at
pocket no. 17 and was thrown
approximately 330 feet from
the aircraft. Resultant vibra-
tiO'ns tore the main transmis-
siO'n, rotor head, and remaining
blades loose. These were found
135 feet from the aircraft. As
the main rotor assembly tore
away, fuel, oil and hydraulic
lines were ruptured, creating
an immediate fire.
Laboratory analysis of the
failed blade established that
Lost in the shuffle
JUNE 1960
the blade spar failed from fa-
tigue. Review of the aircraft
and blade records showed 240.5
hours total time for the failed
blade. Forty-five and three-
tenth hours of this time was
flown before an 80-knot maxi-
mum speed restriction was im-
posed by TWX message. The
TWX set the retirement life of
blades with more than 25 hours
of unrestricted flight at 200
Now comes the paper shuffle.
At the time the limitations
were imposed, the aircraft was
property of a helicopter unit.
It was then transferred to stor-
age. N ext, it was transferred
to an activity where it came
under a contractor for mainte-
nance. Still later, it was trans-
ferred to another contractor.
At the time the aircraft was re-
ceived by the first contractor,
the records indicated a replace-
ment life of 250 hours. The
contractor corrected the re-
placement, schedule to show re-
placement at 200 hours to com-
ply with the TWX message.
The original records were sub-
sequently destroyed.
When the aircraft was re-
ceived by the second contrac-
tor, a clerk noted that the
blades were given a life of only
200 hours. He referred the mat-
ter to his chief for clarification.
The chief clerk took up the
matter with the records inspec-
tor and a decision was made
that the sec 0 n d contractor
would comply with those in-
structions outlined in the hand-
book which did not reflect a
shortened life for the blade.
The second contractor was
unaware of the instructions for
restriction of blade life. The
TWX containing these n s t r u ~
tions was issued 15 months
prior to his acceptance of the
aircraft for maintenance, and
he did not know it existed.
Fortunately, a fix, designed
to prevent similar confusion in
the future, has been recom-
mended. The next time you, as
a maintenance officer, a rec-
ords clerk, or anyone handling
aircraft records, despair over
the seemingly never-ending pa-
per shuffle, remember that one
item on one piece of paper can
cause a $600,000 loss.
Few Army Aviators experi-
ence an act u a I emergency
forced landing during their fly-
ing careers. Rare is the flier
with more than one such un-
wanted occasion in his record.
Consider then the case of CWO
John L. Lawlor, 17th Aviation
Company (Fixed Wing) (Light
Transport), Fort Ord, Califor-
nia, who faced five actual emer-
gency landings during a two-
year period.
29 April 1958-CWO Lawlor
was test flying aSh awn e e
(H-21) at Fort Rucker when he
heard a loud grinding noise and
experienced partial engine fail-
ure. Lawlor selected the only
area in the trees below and
skillfully milked his remaining
power to get in position. Ap-
proximately 80 feet from the
ground, the engine failed com-
pletely and he autorotated to a
smooth three-point touchdown.
Unfortunately, the soft ground
g a v e way and the aircraft
rolled to its side.
13 November 1959 - CWO
Lawlor was at the controls of
a Beaver (L-20) when he ex-
perienced partial engine fail-
ure, accompanied by severe vi-
brations. Lawlor coaxed the en-
gine along and completed an
uneventful landing at the near-
est airfield.
1 7 November 1959 - Flying
an Otter (U-IA), CWO Lawlor
saw the propeller "run away"
and the oil pressure drop to
zero. The engine failed com-
pletely and he landed with no
damage to the aircraft.
15 December 1959 - Copilot
on another Otter flight, Lawlor
experienced the same symp-
toms as the November emer-
gency. This time, t h r 0 ugh
quick action, the aircraft was
landed before complete engine
fail ure occurred.
19 December 1959-Return-
ing from a Bird Dog (L-19)
flight, Lawlor experienced com-
plete engine failure during the
landing. The landing was com-
pleted with no damage to the
Lawlor is a former Naval
aviator. During his 17 years of
flying experience, he has re-
corded more than 4,300 flying
hours. Lawlor was awarded
the Distinguished Flying Cross
and two Air Medals for partici-
pation in air strikes against the
Communist North Koreans.
He holds a Special Instru-
ment Card and has recently
completed the Instrument Ex-
aminers School at Fort Rucker.
He is rotary wing and fixed
wing qualified.
Hats off to CWO John L.
Lawlor for five times WELL
eOlltinued from ba<>k page
Transient Army Aviators
surgeon states, "'as w 0 u I d whose aircraft may need servic-
have been the pilot had he not ing at Air Force installations
had a good fitting APH-5 Hel- are alerted to the danger of
met (with Hardman retention having a detergent oil mixed
kit and nape strap), his straps with the regular grade 1100
tight and an intact canopy.' " aviation oil used in Army air-
I The preceding quote was craft.
taken from APPROACH maga- The Air Force recently was
zine, April 1960.J to begin using a grade 1100
ronfilllled from page 11
USAA VNS will be out of the
AC-1 Caribou training business
until production aircraft be-
come available in early 1961.
In about May of that year the
familiar sight of the Caribou
will be at Ft Rucker to stay,
Another valuable feature of detergent oil (grade 1100/cy-
the helmet is its sound atten- clohexanone aviation oil) in all A current CDO study will
uating properties. The hearing reciprocating aircraft engines. attempt to determine the avia-
loss so often encountered in Army Aviators are responsible tion electronic equipment re-
for their aircraft and its main-
aviation personnel is evidence quired for the several types of
of the well documented high tenance on transient flights, air vehicles and organizations
noise levels in aircraft. The hel- They should be sure that de- expected to be available to the
met has approximately the tergent oil is not used when field army during the post-1965
same attenuating capabilities servicing is needed. The de- period, The study will consider
as a set of ear plugs; therefore, tergent oil loosens deposited IFF, ground-based or self-con-
it is rendering a valuable serv- sludge. tained navigation, self-contain-
ice eve n if the individual Army Aviators are reminded ed data link, air traffic and
wearer never has an accident. that only the oil called for in terrain viewers and anti-colli-
their -1 manuals may be used ' d' Add' ,
a There are certal'nly so m e SlOn eVlces, ltIonally, the
in their aircraft. If this oil is
problems assocl
'ated wl'th the study will consider pictorial dis-
not available, the aviator should I
helmet. Ma
ny of the criticisms pay, communications, absolute
purchase it with his credit card, It' t d I
are probably unfounded ,
. some a Ime ers, an e ectronic sen-
or, if this is not possible, have d' , d f
are not. Heat rete
ntion is a sory eVlces reqUITe or each
it brought to him from the f ' b
problem, and a partl
'al solution fun c t Ion to e performed
nearest Army installation. I b h
has been suggested
', any other y t ese air vehicles and or-
he knows this situation may ,
've comments would ganlzations,
come up he should carry the
be appreciated. It has been proper oil with him. As part of the research pro-
mentioned that the visor may r-____________ -! gram to gather background for
cut the nose in an accident. this avionics study, represent-
This has never been encoun- Dr. George H. Foster has atives of C DO, USAA VNS,
teredo Still even this is better been posthumously granted the have visited signal agencies at
than the loss of an eye from Navy's highest civilian award Fort Huachuca, Fort Mon-
shattering sunglasses. Ade- for his outstanding contribu- mouth, and the Air Defense
quate retention is a problem, tion to the Department of the School at Fort Bliss, and
and further investigation in Navy in the fields of flight several industrial electronic
this area is indicated. safety and aviation training. A concerns,
Even though all problems member of the Washington and Since this is of extreme im-
have not been sol v ed, the Lee University faculty, he is portance to the Signal Corps,
APH-5 helmet is probably the author of the Navy SENSE the Corps is coordinating very
best protective head gear for pamphlets on aviation safety, closely wit h the Aviation
and also author of the first
pilots yet developed, and as School in the study, The overall
such deserves full utilization three Army SENSE pamphlets, technical plan is to examine the
by aviation personnel. Medical including HUMAN SENSE. requirements of the United
sci e n c e has not devised a On April 11, 1960 the Secre- States field army for the post-
method for repairing damaged tury of the Navy awarded Dr. 1965 period to determine what
brain tiRsue; but the helmet Foster the Distinguished Pub- avionics equipment is com-
lic Service A ward. Dr. Foster
can prevent it, and prevention patible with and can render
has always been better than died following a heart attack in the greatest support to ground
November 1959.
cure. units,
recently been iss u e d to
Army A v i a t ion personnel.
Some of the salient features of
this helmet are given for those
who are not yet familiar with
it. Molded from glass fabric
and polyester resin, the outer
shell provides force distribu-
tion and ha penetration resist-
ant qua Ii ti e s. Attenuating
liners are provided to absorb or
dissipate impact energy and
thereby prevent skull fracture
and/or brain injury. The s e
liners are molded in three sec-
tions from cellular polystyrene
and are cemented to the inside
of the shell to intimately fit its
contours. Sizing pads permit
fitting of the helmet to individ-
ual head contours with proper
balance between stability and
If the helmet is to perform
the functions for which it was
designed it must be properly
fitted. Too large a helmet will
lead to minimized stability (a
snug fit just short of uncom-
fortable tightness provides the
optimum of safety and com-
fort); poor radio reception; a
slight weight penalty; and poor
visor fit over the nose.
Unfortunately, retention of
the helmet i a problem. A
rather un cientific but fairly
accurate test of retention capa-
bility can easily be applied by
all pilots. Put the helmet on
your head, fasten the strap
tightly, and try to take it off
Captain Howard L. Hudson, MC
with both hands either for-
wards or backwards. If you
can't take it off, it should re-
main on during a crash.
The primary function of the
helmet is the prevention of
head injury. Its ability to sup-
ply protection has been ade-
quately demonstrated by the
Navy. You may ask whether
this is an important factor in
ligh t aircraft. The answer is
an emphatic yes. Aviation
crash injury research in civil-
ian light aircraft revealed 88
percent of the injured occu-
pants received head injuries.
United States Army Board for
Aviation Accident Research
has shown that in L-19 acci-
dents in w hi c h more than
minor injuries were sustained,
head injuries were received by
91 percent of pilots. Sixty-five
percent of the personnel oc-
cupying rea r seats received
head injuries.
Of 24 Army helicopter acci-
dents which occurred during
the period July 1957 - August
1959, 11 accidents were classi-
fied as survivable. There were
14 fatalities in these 11 surviv-
able accidents. Of the 14 fa-
talities, 9 were not using the
helmet. What about specific
cases? At Fort Rucker there
have recently been two acci-
dents which show the value of
(Yapt lllldson is a Fliyllf 8111'-
!I('Ol/ with the r. S . 11'111,1/ .1/'ia-
lion Centcr,
a helmet. An HU-IA crashed
and was a total loss. The pilot
suffered a fractured ankle and
scalp lacerations when the seat
separated from the aircraft.
Without the helmet he would
undoubtedly have suffered fa-
tal head injuries. Had it been
properly worn, most I ike I y
there would have been no in-
jury to his head.
During a simulated forced
landing an L-19 failed to re-
spond to power application and
crashed. The aircraft was tot-
ally destroyed. The occupant
in the rear seat was wearing a
helmet and, although suffering
a di located shoulder, had only
a few scratches on his fore-
head. The student in the front
seat, wearing ItO helmet, had a
severe laceration on the fore-
head requiring approximately
15 stitches. Action has been
taken to procure helmets for
all students. It is in this stage
of training that the wearing of
the helmet should become a
"The pi lot of an F8U-l,
which crashed due to the fold-
ing of the port wing on take-
off, suffered a minor concussion
which r end ere d him uncon-
scious for about an hour. Hi
only other injury was a facial
"'The air c r aft was a
strike'," the reporting flight
COiltillllf'd Oil IJlsid( hack
HU-l A pilot would undoubtedly have suffered fatal head injuries without his APH-5