Subject and Object Questions
Subject and Object Questions
Subject and Object Questions
In questions, the word order subject-verbs-object is the same as in affirmative sentences. The only
thing thats different is that you usually have to put the auxiliary verb (or the main verb be! before the
sub"ect. Interrogatives are put at the beginning of the sentences#
place time
$hat would you li%e to tell me
&id you have a party in your flatyesterday'
$hen were you here'
(ou dont use an auxiliary verb if you as% for the sub"ect. In this case the interrogative simply ta%es
the place of the sub"ect.
interrogative verb(s! ob"ect
$ho as%ed you'
)s% for the sub"ect (in bold print!. *se +who+ (for people! or +what+ (for everything else!.
,. Gareth spea%s -nglish. .
$ho spea%s -
/. Mandy plays the guitar. .
0. John is from )ustralia. .
1. Our room is on the second floor. .
2. You will meet them next wee%. .
3. My bike is blue. .
4. The show started early. .
5. My computer doesn+t wor%. .
6. Her brother went to 7anada last year. .
,8. Your friends don't like pizza.
Put the following words in order to make a question. Remember to conjugate the verbs
and add an auxiliary verb if required.
1. he/who/visit/last week/
2. which/car/kind of/300 k.p.h/go
3. him/invite/who/dinner/to/yesterday
4. which/you/tv/buy
5. book/they/read/which/for/class
. who/ask/!uestion/the
9a%e sub"ect and ob"ect questions and other predicate questions using :do of the following sentences.
*se appropriate question words (the first one has been done for you!#
-.g. $ho saw her friend' ; $ho did 9arine see' ; $hen did she see her friend'
,. 9arine saw her friend yesterday.
/. I bro%e the window.
0. The man saw the murder.
1. I went home.
2. <e didnt come because he was ill.
3. =ara destroyed the crucial evidence a few wee%s ago.
4. >incent discussed the matter with the director over dinner the morning after.
5. It didnt go well.
6. <e chose the blue one over the blac% one and still wasnt satisfied.
,8.<e bought her 2 different dresses for the engagement party over the wee%end and she loved
them all except the frilly one because it was too long. (3 questions?!
$rite a question about the underlined section of each answer below.
*se $<@ for people and $<)T for things. *se informal -nglish.
The doctor is wor%ing with the nurse.
The doctor told the nurse to draw blood.
The repairman wor%ed on the computer yesterday.
The repairman wor%ed on the computer yesterday.
The woman wrote a long letter.
The woman wrote a long letter.
The teacher gave the student some advice.
The teacher gave the student some advice.
The robber demanded all the money in the cash register.
The robber as%ed for all the money in the cash register.
Aoo% at the following prompts and decide if the required question is a
sub"ect or ob"ect question.7hoose the correct questions using the following
prompts. (ou should as% a question about the word underlined#
,. I bought a newspaper this morning.
$hat bought you this morning'
$hat did you buy this morning'
$hat you did buy this morning'
/. =omething odd happened during the storm last night.
$hat happened during the storm last night'
$hat did happen during the storm last night'
0. @ne of the students didn+t do the final exam.
$ho didn+t the final exam do'
$ho didn+t do the final exam'
1. I wrote a romantic letter to one of the teachers.
$ho did you write a romantic letter to'
$ho wrote you a romantic letter'
2. =omething disturbed me when I was wor%ing.
$hat did you disturb when you were wor%ing'
$hat disturbed you when you were wor%ing'
$hat did disturb you when you were wor%ing'
3. I dreamt about a strange animal last night.
$hat did you dream about last night'
$hat dreamed about you last night'
4. =omebody rang me at 0am last wee%?
$ho did you ring at 0am last wee%'
$ho you rang at 0am last wee%'
$ho rang you at 0am last wee%'
5. =omeone gave me a watch for my birthday.
$ho gave you a watch for your birthday'
$ho did give you a watch for your birthday'