River Hospital To Partner With Upstate Medical University
River Hospital To Partner With Upstate Medical University
River Hospital To Partner With Upstate Medical University
Immediate Release
River Hospital to partner with Upstate Medical University
(Alexandria Bay, NY !"ly #$, %&#'( ) River Hospital is pleased to
announce that it has entered into an agreement with the Emergency
Medicine Medical Service Group of Upstate Medical University to assist River
Hospital in providing qualifed Emergency Medicine physicians for direct
physician services and supervision of emergency medical services for the
River Hospital Emergency Department
!his initiative is part of River Hospital"s long term quality initiative that is
#eing partly funded through the frst dis#ursement of a $ew %or& State
Department of Health 'ital (ccess )rovider grant which the hospital received
in *une of this year
(ccording to Dr (lfredo !orres+ ,nterim Medical Director of the River Hospital
Emergency Department- .!his in/u0 of Emergency Medicine trained
physicians will have an immediate and #enefcial e1ect on the services we
can provide at River Hospital , am e0cited a#out this23
Dr 4auren Roman+ River Hospital 5hief Medical 67cer o#serves+ .!he future
of successful healthcare organi8ations in our region and in the entire nation
is #ased on achieving the ma0imum possi#le in quality outcomes !his
relationship with Upstate will do much to ena#le River Hospital to meet that
River Hospital 5hief E0ecutive 67cer 9en Moore noted+ .!his is an e0tremely
important underta&ing at River Hospital which will help our Emergency
Department to enhance the quality of our services to our communities :e
are very appreciative for the leadership of Dr Gary *ohnson the 5hairperson
of Emergency Medicine at Upstate Medical University and his sta1 for ma&ing
this relationship a reality for us3
;rom Upstate Medical University"s 5hair of Emergency Medicine+ Dr Gary
*ohnson+ <Upstate Emergency Medicine is grateful for this opportunity to
wor& at River Hospital :e also appreciate this chance to continue to
improve the relationship with Upstate Medical University and $orthern $ew
A*o"t River Hospital+
River Hospital was designated as a 5ritical (ccess Hospital in =>>? Holding
@A acute care and B swing #eds+ River Hospital also operates an active
Emergency Room )rimary Medical 5are+ 9ehavioral Health+ 4a#oratory+
)hysical !herapy+ Respiratory !herapy+ (m#ulatory Surgery and Radiology
C ;uller Street (le0andria 9ay $ew %or& @?D>E
?@AFCG=F=A@@ )hone
?@AFCG=FCBG@ ;a0
services are availa#le ;or additional information+ visit our we#site at
wwwriverhospitalorg or call ?@AFCG=F=A@@
Media ,ontact+ Andrea -.ei/er
0irector o. Mar1etin2 and ,omm"nity Relations