Newslet Summ112014
Newslet Summ112014
Newslet Summ112014
July at
3.30 p.m. and we return for the new school year on !d"!#day $
S!%t!&'!r at 8.45 a.m.
(REA)FAST *LU( Will re-open on the second week back after the holiday which will be M+"day
This is my last school newsletter time to retire and spend more time with randchildren
before they are all rown up. !nd perhaps do a few other thins " ha#e ne#er had time for $
Thank you for all you kindness and support and my best wishes to all of you for the future.
The last four years ha#e flown by and " ha#e been so proud of the school the people
adults and children - ha#e been a deliht to work with and " know that the school will o from
strenth to strenth. %mma &ooke will be a brilliant new 'ead and the team she has
athered around her looks really stron and " know that they are burstin with loads of
new ideas( and masses of enery and enthusiasm. )ind reards( Pete McGuigan
D+&! *+&%!titi+" - *oncaster *ome was o#erwhelmed by the response from schools
enterin their completion to name the new soft play area due to open on ++
!uust. "t was
so difficult to select a name from all the entries( they decided in the end to ,ust draw out one
entry at random and declare the entry the winner. -ne of our children( .essica /ateman0s
entry was selected. .essica0s nomination was to call the area 1uite simply -.lay /+"!0
therefore this is what the area will now be known as. Well done to .essica and thank you to
all the children who entered. .essica has recei#ed an annual entry pass2 all other children
who entered ha#e recei#ed a free day pass.
U"i1+r& r!&i"d!r - .ust to remind parents that the last date to order !&'r+id!r!d uniform
from Tesco online is the ++
!uust. !ll other items of uniform will be continuously a#ailable
but if you wish the item to be embroidered with the school name !uust the ++
is the last
SUMMER .I*NI* Thank you to e#eryone who helped make our 3amily 4icnic such a
success( either by donatin( helpin with the stalls or simply attendin and supportin us.
We made o#er 5500 for school funds( so thank you all once aain for your ama6in support.
S2h++l I&%r+3!&!"t# - Tony( our lo#ely caretaker will be #ery busy with the schedule of
buildin work bein carried out o#er the summer. "f all oes to plan when we reopen in
7eptember you will see8
9eception classes redesined and refurbished includin new ceilins and floors( with new
interacti#e screens fitted
9edesinin and oranisation of year + and year : store cupboards
Toilets throuhout school bein refurbished
;ew ceilin and smart lihtin from reception to year 4
)ey stae + playround resurfaced
Willow panel fencin fitted to front playround
/uddy station relocated to newly de#eloped wildlife arden
;ew floors in <ear 5
=ain school )itchen refitted
;ew 4layround =arkins
>pdated to "&T facilitates includin super-fast fibre optic broadband #ia #irin media
We are sure e#erythin scheduled will impact on the children0s learnin and are sure you will aree
the children will benefit from the impro#ed facilities.
S2h++l M!al# 1r+& S!%t!&'!r - !s you are aware the ?o#ernment has initiated U"i3!r#al
Fr!! S2h++l M!al# 4UFSM5 for all children in 9eception( <ear + and <ear :. The school will
offer a choice menu to all children includin the option of our milk@sandwich bar. We are
presumin that all 2hildr!" entitled to uni#ersal free school meals A>37=B will take up the
offer as it will mean a #a3i"6 +1 7 888,9: %!r y!ar, "f your child intends to brin a packed
lunch from home please return the slip at the bottom of the letter in 7eptember. 'owe#er
there will be NO option whatsoe#er to swap and chane. <our commitment to the UFSM will
be on a termly basis. 7chool meals for older children will be chared at 7;,$: %!r day and
will also re1uire the same le#el of the commitment. Tthe option to dot and chane will no
loner be a#ailable.
$$$$$$$$$$$$>37= 7chool =eal - O%t Out F+r& $$$$$$$$$$$$$
;ame of &hild$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&lass$$$$$$$$$$$
" do not wish my child to be allocated a >3 7chool =eal. " will pro#ide my child with packed lunch
from home each day. " understand there is no option to chane my mind until the start of the neCt
school term which will start =onday 5
7ined $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.4arent@?uardian