Parra, Nicanor - Sermons and Homilies of The Christ of Elqui
Parra, Nicanor - Sermons and Homilies of The Christ of Elqui
Parra, Nicanor - Sermons and Homilies of The Christ of Elqui
Ser mons and homi l i es of t he Chr i st of El
PQ8097. P322 S413 198 1 9 K4
Par r a, Ni canor ,
ms and homilies
nhri st Elqui
r o o m
// 8 216
Par r af Ni canor * 1914-
Ser mons and homi l i es oi t he Chr i s t of
El qui / Ni canor Par r a i Engl i s h
t r ans l at i on by Sandr a Keyes wi t h a
f or ewor d by Mi l l er Wi l l i ams *
Col umbi a Z Uni ver s i t y of Mi s s our i
Pr ess, 1984.
x i i v 105 p ; 24 cm. ( ALTA Ri char d
Wi l bur pr i z e f or poet r y ; no* 1)
" The poems i ncl uded her e or i gi nal l y
appear ed as t yo publ i cat i ons
Ser mones y pr edi cas del Cr i s t o de El qui
11977) and Nuevos s er mones ( 1979) "
T. p. ver s o ,
Tr ans l at i on of : Ser mones y pr edi cas
del Cr i s t o de El qui *
#821b Bal l e n i i l 3. 50.
Bi bl i ogr aph y Z p. 105*
17 J UL 89 1. 0375764 NEWPxc SEE NEXT CRD
Date Due
Cat No 23 233
Pr i nt ed in U S A
Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui
( 4 1 5 ) 6 2 6 - 4 2 1 2
ALTA Richar d Wilbur Prize for Poetry, no. i
University of Missouri Press
Columbia, 1984
Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui
Engl i sh t r an sl at i on by Sandra Reyes
with a foreword by Miller Williams
Copyright 1984 by The Curators of the University of Missouri
University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri 65211
Printed and bound in the United States of America
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Parra, Nicanor, 1914-
Sermons and homilies of the Christ of Elqui.
(ALTA ; no. 1)
The poems included here originally appeared as two publications
Sermones y predicas del Cristo de Elqui (1977) and Nuevos sermones
(1979) T.p. verso.
I. Reyes, Sandra. II. Parra, Nicanor, 1914- Nuevos
sermones y predicas del Cristo de Elqui. English. 1984.
III. Title. IV. Series: ALTA (Series) ; no. 1.
PQ8097.P32.2S413 1984 861 842187
I SBN 0- 8262- 0455- 1
^ The poems included here originally appeared as two publications
a of Estudios Humanisticos de la Facultad de Sciencas Fisicas y
" ^ Matematicas de la Universidad de Chile entitled Sermones y predicas
del Cristo de Elqui (1977) and Nuevos sermones (1979).
Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui is the 1984 winner
of the Richard Wilbur Prize for the translation of poetry and
verse drama. The Prize is given biennially to the best translation
submitted to the competition sponsored by the American Literary
Translators Association and the University of Missouri Press.
Translations are chosen by a panel of judges for literary and technical
merit as well as for their significance in their original language.
A good many poets from other languages have been read by En
glish-language poets over the past two decades, sometimes in the
original, more often in translation. These poets have occasionally af
fected our thinking and our themes; very rarely have they influenced our
styles. Nicanor Parra has. More than a few poets have found the shape
and texture of their work different after encountering the Poems and
Antipoems and the Emergency Poems. This, and Parras winning ways
as a visiting poet at Louisiana State, Columbia, Yale, the University of
Arkansas, and other writing centers have made him seem one of us.
So the Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui will be received
by many as if it were a new and welcome volume by an American or
Canadian or British poet, so much has Parra addressed our purposes.
But he is not ours. He is pure chileno, but he is not Chiles either. It has
become a triteness to say it, but he belongs to the world. Perhaps it
would be better to say the worlds: the first, second, and third
worlds, and he makes them one.
It is important to be reminded that Nicanor Parra does not write
in English, that the Christ of Elqui speaks to us here in translation.
When I first read the Sermons and Homilies as rendered into English
by Sandra Reyes, I was delighted but I was not surprised. I have
been honored for more than twenty years to call Nicanor Parra
friend; Sandra Reyes has been my sometime student and always
friend for more than six. I cannot think of a poet and translator bet
ter suited to one another. They share a fierce dedication to good
sense, an energy constantly startling to their comrades, a great
(sometimes prickly, always forgiving) wit, a love for both languages,
and an unfailing good grace. I celebrate them both and this marvel
ous marriage of talents. As the Cristo de Elqui might put it, we have
been blessed.
John DuVal, accepting the ALTA Translation Award for Sandy
Reyes (who was in Germany at the time), described her as all of us in
the Arkansas Translation Workshop remember her,
hurrying down the hall with the manuscript of The Christ of Elqui in
one hand and a little boy or two hanging onto the other, hunting people
down in the building to ask what they thought was the best equivalent
for some Chilean expression.
With her husband away on military duty while she took classes, taught,
prepared for graduation and departure and took care of three children,
she revised and polished, polished and revised with startling energy and
attention to capture that special quality that exists nowhere except in Ni
canor Parras poetry.
The preacher to whom Parra attributes these brief sermons did
only half a century ago walk the byways of Chile, admonishing the
sinful. Not often in our histories has a person died into his own
myth. There are those who believe he never did die.
I am one of those; clearly the Christ of Elqui is (for which I am
joyfully indebted to Nicanor Parra and now Sandra Reyes) even
now among us.
Miller Williams
Fayetteville, Ark.
January 1984
Foreword by Miller Williams,
Translators Introduction, xi
Sermons and Homilies
of the Christ of Elqui, i
Bibliography, 105
Translators Introduction
In translating poetry, there are always a number of difficult prob
lems and choices with which the translator must deal, choices involv
ing tone, content and meaning, poetic form, or syntactical subtlety.
Regardless of the genre in which the translator is working, certain
translation theories are revealed by the methods in which he or she
solves these problems, through what is sacrificed or retained. In
translating the poetry of Nicanor Parra, I tried to keep poetic form
intact, taking liberties when necessary, not attempting to create a poem
of my own but rather to re-create the original in English, as nearly
as possible. In Parras free verse, where the poetic form is less dis
cernible (but just as important) and therefore difficult to capture in
translation, I have tried to employ the poetic techniques most used by
the author, for example, enjambment, repetitive devices such as allit
eration and anaphora, and other workable elements of style.
In Nicanor Parras poetry, the authors tone is heavily pronounced.
Thus a distinct poetic voice is essential to a successful translation. I
have attempted to capture the voice and tone by using language that
is comparable to the original Spanish. At the same time, I have tried
to keep a sense of Parras use of basic hendecasyllabics by means of
iambic pentameter. Since Parras meter is often irregular and incon
sistent, though, so is that of the translation.
The Poetry
Both the poetic form that Parra has chosena fairly free structure
based on the hendecasyllabic lineand the comic allusions to the
medieval, such as the speakers jongleur characteristics and his sa
cred vows reminiscent of those made by epic heroes, suggest an
underlying sense of traditionalism on the part of the author, even
though this is a trait he often denies. Parallel to this undercurrent of
traditionalism flows Parras antipoeticism, seen not only in the lan
guage as it flips easily and smoothly from street talk to mock sublim
ity and back again, but also in the recurring theme of reality as Parra
perceives itthat things both are and are not what they seem, that the
antihero both exists and does not, that true pathos lies in the absurd.
Politically, Parra uses poetry to speak his mind about the social
conditions of Chile; there are some private jokes about the govern
ment, but for the most part he directs his criticism toward the
people. There is a great deal of mockery, but through it all a fierce
patriotism and love for his countrymen. As for religion, Parra treats
all sides with equal severity: he shows not only the phony side of
the religious scene but also the phony side of the phony side of
the religious scene.
The Antihero
Not much is known about Domingo Zarate Vega, the speaker of
these poems, except that he lived in Chile during the 1920s and 1930s
and that he left his occupation as a construction foreman to become an
itinerate preacher. He believed that he had been given a mission from
God, to which he was enlightened by his mothers death. He neither
claimed nor disputed his own divinity, but many believed he was Christ
returned from the dead, or at least a prophet, and called him the Christ
of Elqui.
Nicanor Parra, after deciding to have this exceptional figure speak
his lines, spent over three years composing the Sermones y predicas del
Cristo de Elqui. The work first appeared in 1977 and was reissued
in 1979, followed shortly by Nuevas sermones y predicas.
Throughout the Sermones, the character fits well the mold that the
author intended for him. Guilelessly illogical, flagrantly contradic
tory, Parras Christ of Elqui takes on an almost Groucho Marx per
sonality, in the guise of a soapbox preacher who presents his own ideas
of how the world ought to be, assuming the language of the Bible and
ascending to the heights of poetry just long enough to snare the reader,
only to bring him down to earth again with absurdity.
The effect is varied. The reader is left to wonder at times whether
the lines should be interpreted in the antipoetic sense, or whether it
might be the real Parra showing through. Concealed beneath the
sackcloth of the demented charlatan, the antihero, with charming
impertinence, compels the reader to believe everything he says,
which is virtually impossible, since he cannot agree with himself.
Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui
Nuestro Senor Jesucristo en persona
que despues de 1977 anos de religioso silencio
ha accedido gentilmente
a concurrir a nuestro programa gigante de Semana Santa
para hacer las delicias de grandes y chicos
con sus ocurrencias sabias y oportunas
n . s. j. no necesita presentacion
es conocido en el mundo entero
baste recordar su gloriosa muerte en la cruz
seguida de una resurreccion no menos espectacular:
un aplauso para n . s. j .
Gracias por los aplausos
a pesar de que no son para mi
soy ignorante pero no cretino
hay algunos senores locutores
que se suelen pasar de la raya
por arrancar un aplauso barato
pero yo los perdono
por tratarse de bromas inocentes
aunque no deberfa ser asi
la seriedad es superior a la chunga
sobre todo tratandose del evangelio
que se rian de mi perfectamente
esta no seria la primera vez
pero no de n . s. j .
el respetable publico dira.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alive in person
who after 1,977 years of religious silence
has kindly condescended
to attend our spectacular Easter Services
to delight grown-ups and children alike
with wise and timely witticisms
o. L. j. c. needs no introduction
being well known throughout the world
one need only speak of his glorious death on the cross
followed by his no less spectacular resurrection
Lets give a big hand to o. l . j . c .!
Thank you for that applause
even though I know its not for me
I may be ignorant but Im no idiot
there are certain public speakers
who will stoop to any depth
to drum up a little cheap applause
but I forgive them
I realize its innocent and all in fun
but they shouldnt do these things
sobriety is superior to jest
especially when it comes to the gospel
let any mock or laugh at me who want to
it wont be the first time
but never at o. l . j . c .
I leave the last word to you.
A pesar de que vengo preparado
realmente no se por donde empezar
empezare sacandome las gafas
esta barba no crean que es postiza
22 anos que no me la corto
como tampoco me corto las unas
o sea que cumpli la palabra empenada
mas alia de la fecha convenida
puesto que la manda fue solo por veinte
no me he cortado barba ni unas
solamente las unas de los pies
en honor a mi madre idolatrada
pero por las que tuve que pasar
humillaciones calumnias desprecios
siendo que yo no molestaba a nadie
solo cumplfa la sagrada promesa
que hice cuando ella murio
no cortarme la barba ni las unas
por un lapso de veinte anos
en homenaje a su sagrada memoria
renunciar a la vestimenta comun
y reemplazar por un humilde sayal
ahora les revelare mi secreto
la penitencia ya se cumplio
pronto me podran ver
nuevamente vestido de civil.
Although 1came prepared to speak to you
I really dont know where I should begin
Ill start by taking off my glasses
if you think this beard is false it isnt
I havent cut it for zz years
for the same reason that I dont cut my nails
to fulfill a sacred vow
going further than necessary
since the pledge was only set for twenty
I havent cut my beard or my nails
except for my toenails
in honor of my sainted mother
just because of that I ve had to suffer
indignities scorn and humiliation
although I wasnt bothering anyone
only keeping a sacred promise
made the day my mother died
not to cut my beard or my nails
for a period of twenty years
paying homage to that sacred memory
and to renounce the wearing of common clothing
replacing it with this humble sackcloth
Now I can tell you my secret
the penance finally over and done with
soon youll be able to see me
in plain clothes again.
El 5 de febrero de 1927
me encontraba trabajando en el norte
como oficial de maestro albanil
a las ordenes de una firma norteamericana
deseoso de juntar un poco de plata
para ayudar a mis progenitores
que estaban en pesima situacion
ella postrada en cama
y mi pobre viejo cesante
cuando oigo mi nombre por el altoparlante
senti que se me helaba la sangre en las venas
a pesar de que hacia un calor espantoso
naturalmente sospeche lo peor
y por desgracia no me equivoque
Como me sentiria de confundido
que en un primer momento me rei
no podia dar credito a mis ojos
imposible Dios miono puede ser
en mi desesperacion hice aiiicos el telegrama
y cuando recupere la razon
me sente en una piedra a llorar como un nirio
olvidando que ya era un hombre hecho y derecho.
On 5 February 1927
I happened to be working in the North
as a construction foreman
for a North American firm
I wanted to save a little money
so I could help my progenitors
who were really in a bad way
my mother bedridden
my poor old daddy dying
suddenly I heard my name on the loudspeaker
I felt the blood grow cold in my veins
even though it was a dreadfully hot day
naturally I suspected the worst
sorry to say I wasnt wrong about that
I was so confused by everything
that at first I started laughing hysterically
I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw the telegram
impossiblemy Godit cant be
in that wild state I tore it into confetti
when I finally came to my senses
I sat down on a rock and cried like a child
forgetting that I was grown up and ought to know better.
A1verme vestido con este humilde sayal
hasta los sacerdotes se mofaron de mi
ellos que debieran dar el ejemplo
por algo son los representantes de Dios en la tierra
estoy absolutamente seguro
que El no se hubiera burlado
todo fue en homenaje de una madre
como iba a hacer otra cosa
mientras ella dormi'a el sueno eterno
imaginen el hijo divirtiendose
con mujeres de dudosa reputacion
hubiera sido una traicion sin nombre
tomando en cuenta que fui hijo unico
hombre y no dios como creen algunos.
Everybody who sees me dressed in this humble sackcloth
starts poking fun at me even the priests
and thats terribletheyre supposed to be examples
arent they representatives of God on earth
I am absolutely positive
that He wouldnt have mocked me
it was all in honor of a sainted mother
how could I have done otherwise
imagine if her son were out there living it up
cavorting around with women of ill repute
while she was sleeping the eternal sleep
that would have been the worst kind of treachery
when you consider that I was her only child
a man, not a god, as some believe.
No se diga que soy un pordiosero
quien no sabe como me he ganado la vida
en estos zo anos que duro mi promesa
giras al sur y norte del pais
como tambien a los paises limftrofes
predicando mis sanos pensamientos
en beneficio de la Humanidad
aunque los cuerdos me tildaran de loco
cientos de conferencias en carceles y hospitales
en Asilos de Ancianos
en Sociedades de Socorros Mutuos
Yo no nacf para glorificarme a rm mismo
nacf para ayudar a mis semejantes
en especial a las almas en pena
sin distincion de clases sociales
ya se trate de enfermos desahuciados
o de personas de escasos recursos
sin aceptar jamas una limosna
ha sido un cuento de nunca acabar
humillaciones burlas risotadas
al verme vestido con un humilde sayal
hubo semanas meses anos bisiestos
que no encontraba en donde dormir
nadie queria darme alojamiento
yo ganaba bastante dinero
con la venta de mis modestos libritos
(hasta la fecha llevo publicados 18)
mas que suficiente para pagar un hotel
y sin embargo se me rechazaba
so pretexto de esto o de lo otro
aunque pagara el doble o el triple de la tarifa
A no mediar el Cuerpo de Carabineros de Chile
yo no se que hubiera sido de mf.
Never let it be said that Im a beggar
everyone knows how I ve supported myself
in the 20 years that Ive kept my vow
on foot from the north to the south of this country
and also in the neighboring countries
preaching my wholesome and wise cogitations
for the good of Mankind
being labeled a looney by sensible folks
yet I ve held hundreds of lectures in jails and hospitals
in rest homes
at meetings of Mutual Aid Societies
I wasnt born to glorify myself
I was born to help my fellowman
especially those souls in distress
showing no distinction of social class
even in cases of terminal illness
or people who had almost nowhere to turn
Ive never taken a dime for what I ve done
if I told it all itd be an endless story
mockery humiliation and horselaughter
seeing me dressed in this humble sackcloth
there were weeks months years leap years
when I couldnt find a place to lay my head
nobody offered me so much as a bed for the night
but I was earning enough to live on
from the publication of my modest writings
(right now it comes to about 18 books)
I made enough to pay for the hotel
and even then theyd always turn me away
for some pretext or other
even though I offered double or triple rates
if it hadnt been for the Chilean Police
I dont know what would have become of me.
Una vez un beodo
tuvo la osadfa de llegar a tocarme la barba
pero triunfo la fuerza de voluntad
puesto que yo me mantuve imperterrito
no se movio ni un musculo de mi rostro
y el agresor tuvo que retirarse
sin saborear el fruto de su ofensa
el esperaba que yo me diera por ofendido
para poder refrse a sus anchas
por eso es que yo digo en mis conferencias
que la virtud debe estar por encima de todo
para que nadie sufra injustamente
seriedad y paciencia ante todo.
One time a drunk
had the gall to come up and touch my beard
but I won out by sheer force of will
believe it or not I stayed perfectly still
not a muscle in my face so much as twitched
my adversary had to back away
without tasting the fruits of his insult
he was hoping I would turn tail
so he could laugh himself into a fit
this is why I say in all my sermons
to put virtue before everything else
so that no one need suffer unjustly
sobriety and patience in all things.
Unos poquitos consejos de caracter practico:
levantarse temprano
desayuno lo mas liviano posible
basta con una taza de agua caliente
que el zapato no sea muy estrecho
nada de calcetines ni sombrero
carne dos o tres veces por semana
vegetariano soy pero no tanto
no cometan el error de comer marisco
todo lo proveniente del mar es veneno
no matar un pajaro sino en caso de extrema necesidad
evitemos las bebidas espirituosas
una copa al almuerzo suficiente
siesta de 15 minutos maximo
basta con la perdida de la conciencia
hace mal dormir demasiado
no retener el aire en el estomago
porque se puede romper una tripa
abstinencia sexual en Semana Santa
zahumerio cada 15 dfas
ropa interior absolutamente blanca
salvo cuando se muere la madre
dada la gravedad extrema del caso
recomiendase luto riguroso
cuando a mi me toco pasar por esa experiencia traumatica
que no se la doy ni a mi peor enemigo
decidf vestirme totalmente de negro
tanto por fuera como por dentro
cosa que hago hasta el dia de hoy
a 20 anos de esa fecha fatfdica.
A few practical words of advice:
get up early
breakfast as lightly as possible
a cup of hot water should be sufficient
you dont want your shoes to fit too tightly
never mind about socks or a hat
meat two or three times a week
I am a vegetarian but not to excess
whatever you do dont eat oysters
all that stuff that comes out of the sea is poison
never kill a bird except when you have to
let us avoid strong spirits
one glass at lunchtime is sufficient
naps should be kept to fifteen minutes at most
as long as you lose consciousness thats enough
its not good for you to sleep too much
Never let gas stay on the stomach
theres a risk of rupturing the bowels
sexual abstinence during Holy Week
purification every fifteen days
underwear should be faultlessly white
except of course when ones mother dies
given the extreme gravity of the case
I recommend rigorous mourning
when I passed through that traumatic time
an experience that I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy
I decided to dress completely in black
from inside out
which I have done until this very day
twenty years past that fateful date.
Los maridos debieran seguir un curso por correspondencia
si no se atreven a hacerlo personalmente
sobre los organos genitales de la mujer
hay una gran ignorancia al respecto
quien podria decirme por ejemplo
que diferencia hay entre vulva y vagina
si embargo se consideran con derecho a casarse
como si fueran expertos en la materia
resultado: problemas conyugales
adulterio calumnias separacion
iy como quedan esos pobres hijos?
Yo soy mas yerbatero que mago
no resuelvo problemas insolubles
yo mejoro yo calmo los nervios
hago salir al demonio del cuerpo
donde pongo la mano pongo el codo
pero no resucito cadaveres putrefactos
el arte excelso de la resurreccion
es exclusividad del divino maestro.
Husbands should take a correspondence course
if they arent brave enough to learn firsthand
about the genital organs of a woman
there is serious ignorance in that area
for instance who among you can tell me
the difference between the vulva and vagina
even so they think they have the right
to marry as if they were experts in the matter
results: marital difficulties
and what about the poor innocent children?
I m really more of an herb doctor than a wizard
I dont claim to solve unsolvable problems
instead I cure I calm the troubled spirit
I can expel a demon from a body
where I lay my hand it goes in up to the elbow
but I dont raise up rotten cadavers
the whole sublime art of resurrection
I leave exclusively to the Divine Master.
Ahora que ya revele mi secreto
quisiera despedirme de todos ustedes
en total armonfa conmigo mismo
con un abrazo bien apretado
por haber llevado a feliz termino
la mision que el Serior me encomendo
cuando se me aparecio en suerios
hace la miseria de 22 anos
juro que no le guardo rencor a nadie
ni siquiera a los que pusieron en duda mi virilidad
sepan esos reverendos senores
que soy un hombre totalmente normal
y perdonen si me he expresado en lengua vulgar
es que esa es la lengua de la gente.
Cuando mi madrecita dejo de existir
hice la firme resolucion
de no dejarme veneer por la ira
y pagar insolencia con bondad
ironfa con dulzura cristiana
arrogancia con humildad de cordero
por ignominiosa que fuera la provocacion
aunque confieso que mas de una vez estuve a punto
de rebelarme contra el Creador
por permitir tamanas tropeh'as.
Now that Ive told my secret
Id like to take my leave of all of you
with a hearty hug and handshake all around
being in total harmony with myself
now that Ive successfully brought to a close
the mission the Lord commended unto me
when he appeared to me in dreams
22 miserable years ago
I swear I bear no malice to anyone
not even those who cast doubts on my manhood
let it be known to those reverent gentlemen
that I m every inch a man completely normal
begging pardon for speaking in vulgar terms
because this is the language of the people.
After my poor mother gave up the ghost
I made a firm resolution
not to let myself be overcome with anger
to answer insolence with kindness
sarcasm with Christian sweetness
arrogance with the humility of a ewe
no matter how extreme the provocation
although I confess I was sometimes at the point
of rebellion against the Creator
for such outrageous injustice as he allows.
Un agregado de ultima hora:
tan pronto como se me aparecio el Senor
tome un lapiz y una maquina de escribir
y me puse a redactar mis predicas
en el mejor castellano posible
no sin antes haberme retirado al desierto
por un lapso de 7 anos consecutivos
claro que sin la menor vanidad
a pesar de que soy un analfabeto
nunca pise la puerta de una escuela
mi papa fue mas pobre que la rata
por no decir otra cosa peor
Distinguidos lectores: en estos momentos
os estoy escribiendo en una enorme maquina de escribir
desde el escritorio de una casa particular
eso si que ya no vestido de Cristo
sino que de ciudadano vulgar y corriente
y les pido con gran humildad
leanme con un poquito de carino
yo soy un hombre sediendo de amor
y muchas gracias por la atencion dispensada.
A final word here at the last minute:
as soon as the Lord appeared unto me
I took my pencil and paper and typewriter
and started in setting down my sermons
in the best Castilian grammar possible
not without first having gone out into the desert
for a period of 7 consecutive years
I say all this without the least vanity
in spite of the fact that Im illiterate
Ive never so much as stepped inside a school
my daddy was poorer than a churchmouse
for want of a better way to say it
distinguished readers: at this very moment
I am seated before an enormous typewriter
at a desk in a private home
now no longer wearing a Christ costume
but dressed like a common ordinary citizen
I beg of you in all humility
read me with a little kindness in your hearts
bearing in mind I m a man thirsting for love
and thank you very much for your kind attention.
Palabra que da lastima
ver a gente que podria viajar
en vapor en avion en lo que sea
morir sin pena ni gloria
en el mismo lugar en que nacio
viendo siempre las mismas caras
enjauladas en el mismo paisaje
como si no tuvieran un cobre
en circunstancias de que nadan en plata
yo que he viajado a lo largo de todo Chile
sin disponer de otra fuente de entradas
que lo que gano con el sudor de mi frente
me pregunto por que no viajaran
dhay algo mas interesante en el mundo?
sobre todo en un pais como el nuestro
que tiene fama de ser tan hermoso
vayan a una oficina salitrera
donde yo trabaje en mi juventud
antes que falleciera mi madrecita
a diluiros en la inmensidad del desierto
a gozar de sus atardeceres maravillosos
creanme que parecen
verdaderas auroras boreales
o visiten la region de los lagos
es cuestion de acercarse a un telefono publico
si no se dispone de telefono en casa
y reservar pasaje de ida y vuelta
no me explico por que viaja tan poco la gente
debe ser por razones personales
o por motivos de fuerza mayor
y en ese caso prefiero quedarme callado.
The most pitiful thing that I can imagine
is to see people well and able to travel about
in boats cars planes or trains or whatever
going toward their graves without grief or glory
in the very same spot they were born in
seeing the same old faces every day
taking in the same old scenery
as if they hadnt a penny to their names
when the truth is theyre out there rolling in dough
I who have traveled the length and breadth of Chile
without depending on any source of income
beyond what I earn by the sweat of my brow
I ask myself why they dont go anywhere
is there anything more interesting in the world?
especially in a country like our own
world famous for its beauty
why only visit the office of the nitrate companies
where I used to work when I was young
before my poor old mother passed away
go immerse yourselves in the immensity of the desert
and drink in the marvels of its twilights
believe me youre going to think
its a real aurora borealis
or go pay a visit to the lakes
its just a matter of finding a public phone
if you dont happen to have one in your home
and getting yourself a round-trip reservation
I cant understand why people dont travel
there must be personal reasons
or reasons connected with the Powers That Be
and in that case Ill have to keep my mouth shut.
La actualidad no tiene remedio
cuantos son los que invocan a la Virgen Marfa
con palabras destinadas al Padre:
Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo . . .
ignorancia o descuido digo yo
o se dirigen erroneamente al Hijo
como si se tratara de la Madre:
Dios te salve Mariallena eres de gracia
desproposito grande ciertamente
por no decir otra cosa peor:
la Torre de Babel queda palida
icomo se reira el Espfritu Santo!
Mentes que solo pueden funcionar
a partir de los datos de los sentidos
han ideado un cielo zoomorfico
sin estructura propia
simple transposicion de la fauna terrestre
donde pululan angeles y querubines
como si fueran aves de corral
jinaceptable desde todo punto de vista!
yo sospecho que el cielo se parece mas
a un tratado de logica simbolica
que a una exposition de animates.
Theres no solution for what goes on in the world
how many are there who pray to the Virgin Mary
with words meant for the Father:
Our Father who art in heaven . . .
ignorance or sheer neglect is what I call it
or they erroneously address the Son
when really it concerns the Holy Mother:
Hail Mary full of grace
certainly a great absurdity
for want of a better way to say it:
how the Tower of Babel must blanche
how the Holy Spirit must roar with laughter!
Minds that are able to function
only on the sensuous level
have visions of a zoomorphic heaven
without a structure of its own
a mere transposition of terrestrial fauna
with cherubim and angels flapping about
like poultry in a barnyard
unacceptable from any point of view!
I suspect that heaven is more like
a text on symbolic logic
more likely that than an animal exhibit.
z 5
Recen por midicen algunos catolicos
yo no tengo tiempo para rezar
tengo que ir a un baile de mascaras
a la vuelta les doy una propina
A esos hay que pararlos en seco:
lo mejor es denunciarlos al cura parroco
para que el los ponga en su lugar.
A mi me parece evidente
que religion y logica a la larga
vienen a ser practicamente lo mismo
se debiera sumar
como quien reza un ave maria
se debiera rezar
como quien efectua una operation matematica
oraciones y ruegos claro que si
ceremonias diabolicas no
humillemonos ante el grandioso
para que no se ria Satanas.
Hay algunos sacerdotes descriteriados
que se presentan a decir misa
luciendo unas enormes ojeras artificiales
y por que no decirlo francamente
con los cachetes y labios pintados
Su Santidad debiera tomar nota.
Say a prayer for me, some Catholics say
I dont have time to pray myself
Im on my way to a costume party.
When I get back Ill pay you for it.
Those kinds you need to stop cold in their tracks
its best to turn them over to the parish priest
leave it to him to put them in their place.
It seems perfectly evident to me
that religion and logic in the long run
have come to mean practically the same thing
addition ought to be
like saying a Hail Mary
praying ought to be
like solving an equation
prayers and petitions, of course
diabolical ceremonies, no
we should humble ourselves before the sublime
so that Satan wont laugh.
There are certain despicable priests
who present themselves to say mass
wearing gaudy eyeshadow
andI might as well speak frankly
makeup all over their cheeks and lips
His Holiness should take note of this.
En el conflicto ya milenario
que amenaza con una nueva division a la Iglesia de Cristo
yo me declaro fundamentalista:
me pronuncio por la plegaria mental
soy enemigo de la plegaria verbal
a pesar de no tener velas en ese entierro
puesto que soy un libre pensador.
El sacerdote no debe refrse nunca
que quedaria para el sacristan
es por eso que no me canso de repetir
in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum
hagase tu voluntad yo no la rma.
En la realidad no hay adjectivos
ni conjunciones ni preposiciones
dquien ha visto jamas una Y
fuera de la Gramatica de Bello?
en la realidad hay solo acciones y cosas
un hombre bailando con una mujer
una mujer amamantando a su nene
un funeralun arboluna vaca
la interjection la pone el sujeto
el adverbio lo pone el profesor
y el verbo ser es una alucinacion del filosofo.
In the premillennial conflict
that threatens Christs Church with a new schism
I declare myself a fundamentalist:
1wave the banner of silent prayer
I am an enemy of public prayer
although its really none of my concern
since I m a liberal in my way of thinking.
The priest should never laugh on any occasion
what would be left for the sexton to do?
This is why I never get tired of saying
in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum
not my will but thine be done.
Actually there are no adjectives
conjunctions interjections or prepositions
who for instance has ever seen an and
outside of Bellos Complete Spanish Grammar?
Actually there are only acts and objects
a man dancing with a woman
a woman giving titty to her baby
a funerala treea cow
its the subject that imposes the interjection
its the professor that imposes the adverb
and the verb to be is only a philosophers hallucination.
Soy un convencido 100%
que el acto sexual enfrfa el espfritu
razon por la cual me mantengo soltero
en esto si que soy intransigente
sacerdote que rompe el voto de castidad
es un candidato seguro al infierno
por la misma razon
es que condeno con todas mis fuerzas
la teorfa y la practica de la masturbation
se de muchos curitas depravados
que la practican ante el espejo
los compadezco pero me dan asco
si no tienen control sobre si mismos
deberfan colgar la sotana.
Los sacerdotes deben aprender a cantar
un sacerdote mudo no convence
eso si que como reza San Agustin
en el canto eclesiastico
no se permite la expresion personal
la voz no debe superar al verbo
puesto que el fin es el contacto con Dios
y no con un artista de las cuerdas vocales.
I am thoroughly convinced 100%
that sex cools the spiritual ardor
that is why I remain a bachelor
I stand absolutely firm on this
a priest who breaks the vow of chastity
is a surefire candidate for hell
and for that same reason
I condemn with all my authority
the theory and practice of masturbation
I know there are certain depraved priests
who indulge in this practice in front of the mirror
I sympathize with them but they disgust me
if they have this little control over themselves
they should hang up their hoods.
I maintain that priests should learn to sing
a mute priest could never convince anyone
but it should be like the mass of Saint Augustine
in the ecclesiastical canto
personal expression is not permitted:
the voice should never supersede the word
the idea is of course to make contact
with God, not with a vocal artist.
Y estos son los desaffos del Cristo de Elqui
que levanten la mano los valientes:
a que nadie se atreve
a tomarse una copa de agua bendita
a que nadie es capaz
de comulgar sin previa confesion
a que nadie se atreve
a fumarse un cigarro de rodillas
jgallinas cluecasgallinas cluecas!
a que nadie es capaz
de arrancarle una hoja a la biblia
ya que el papel higienico se acabo
a ver a ver a que nadie se atreve
a escupir la bandera chilena
primero tendria que escupir mi cadaver
apuesto mi cabeza
a que nadie se rie como yo
cuando los filisteos lo torturan.
Now hear the challenges of the Christ of Elqui:
raise your hands if you think youre brave enough
if theres anybody who dares
to drink a cup of holy water
if anybody has the guts
to take communion without confession
if theres anybody brave enough
to smoke a cigarette on his knees
chickens! spineless yellowbellies!
Ill bet not one of you has the guts
to yank a page out of the Holy Bible
when you run out of toilet paper
See? See? I ll bet nobody would dare
to go up and spit on the Chilean flag
youd have to spit on my dead body first
and Ill bet my head
that nobody would laugh the way I would
while being tortured by the Philistines.
Cuando los espanoles llegaron a Chile
se encontraron con la sorpresa
de que aquf no habfa oro ni plata
nieve y trumao si: trumao y nieve
nada que valiera la pena
los alimentos eran escasos
y continuan siendolo diran ustedes
es lo que yo querfa subrayar
el pueblo chileno tiene hambre
se que por pronunciar esta frase
puedo ir a parar a Pisagua
pero el incorruptible Cristo de Elqui no puede tener
otra razon de ser que la verdad
el general Ibanez me perdone
en Chile no se respetan los derechos humanos
aquf no existe libertad de prensa
aquf mandan los multimillonarios
el gallinero esta a cargo del zorro
claro que yo les voy a pedir que me digan
en que pais se respetan los derechos humanos.
Todas las profesiones se reducen a una
hay quienes dicen somos profesores
somos embajadores somos sastres
y la verdad es que son sacerdotes
sacerdotes vestidos o desnudos
sacerdotes enfermos o sanos
sacerdotes en acto de servicio
Hasta el que limpia las alcantarillas
es indudablemente sacerdote
ese es mas sacerdote que nadie.
When the Spaniards arrived in Chile
they found to their surprise
there was neither gold nor silver here
snow and sludge yes, sludge and snow,
nothing that was even worth the trouble
food was scarce
still is some of you might say
which is what I have tried to emphasize
the Chilean people are hungry
I know that for saying that
1could be sent to Pisagua
but the incorruptible Christ of Elqui has no reason to exist
except to tell the truth
may General Ibanez forgive me
in Chile they dont respect human rights
freedom of the press does not exist here
the multimillionaires run everything here
the fox is in charge of the henhouse
but I wish somebody would tell me
in what country they do respect human rights.
All professions can be reduced to one:
there may be those who call themselves professors
some who call themselves ambassadors or tailors
but actually theyre all no more than priests
priests with clothes, naked priests,
sick priests healthy priests
all priests performing acts of service
Down to the one who cleans the toilet bowls
that one is undoubtedly a priest
more of a priest in fact than all the others.
Resumiendo la cosa
al tomar una hoja por una hoja
al tomar una rama por una rama
al confundir un bosque con un bosque
nos estamos comportando frfvolamente
esta es la quinta-esencia de mi doctrina
felizmente ya comienzan a vislumbrarse
los contornos exactos de las cosas
y las nubes se ve que no son nubes
y los rios se ve que no son rios
y las rocas se ve que no son rocas
son altares
json cupulas!
json columnas!
y nosotros debemos decir misa.
To sum it all up
to mistake a leaf for a leaf
to mistake a branch for a branch
to confuse a forest with a forest
is to be a fool
this is the quintessence of my doctrine
youre starting to get the hang of it, happily
things are becoming clear to you
now you can see that clouds are not clouds
rivers are not rivers
rocks are not rocks
theyre altars!
its time to say mass.
Ahora que puse las cosas en su lugar
explicando con lujo de detalles
el por que el cuando y el como
de mi presentation personal
a lo largo de estos 22 anos interminables
con f 10 de todo corazon
que no se seguira tomando el rabano por las hojas
no soy chino ni arabe ni mapuche
como me lo dijeron en mi cara
los llamados doctores de la ley
cuando desembarque en la Estacion Mapocho
procedente del norte del pais
a fines de 1929
decidido a radicarme en la capital
sin sospechar que ahi comenzaria mi via crucis:
soy un hijo que sabe lo que es madre
soy un soldado raso mas humilde que el yuyo
mas sufrido que el tiuque
mas chileno que el mote con huesillos.
Now that I ve put things in their proper perspective
explaining all the details with elegance
the how the when and the wherefore
of my personal appearance
at the end of zz interminable years
Im convinced in my heart
that youll not get off the track again
Im not a Chinaman Arab or Mapuche
as they told me to my face I was
those so-called doctors of law
when I got off the train in the Mapocho station
on my way down from the North
at the end of 1929
my mind was made up to settle in the capital
not realizing my way of the cross would start here
Im a son who knows the meaning of the word mother
a plain soldier humbler than a weed
more patient than a bird of prey
more Chilean than stewed corn with peaches.
Respetemos las luces del trafico
cuantas desgracias no se producen en nuestro pais
por no respetar las luces del trafico
cientos o miles de accidentes al ano
muchos de los cuales podrian evitarse perfectamente
con un poquito de espiritu practico
que les cuesta detener el vehfculo
basta frenar en vez de acelerar
las luces rojas se ven desde lejos
nadie puede decir que no la vio
lo que falta al comun de los mortales
es un poco de buena voluntad:
arrodillemonos como buenos chilenos
a rezar por las victimas inocentes
que provoca la negligencia culpable
de conductores ebrios o neuroticos
y comprometamonos ante el Altisimo
a no violar jamas el Reglamento del Transito
quien apurado vive apurado muere
por no perder una minima parte
resultamos perdiendolo todo.
We must all respect traffic lights
how much affliction is brought upon this land
from the simple lack of respect for traffic lights
hundreds and thousands of accidents each year
many of which could easily be avoided
with a little common sense
whats so hard about stopping your car
all it takes is braking instead of speeding up
red lights are clearly visible at a distance
no one can claim he didnt see one
what all mortals have in common
is a lack of good will
let us all kneel like good Chileans
and pray for those poor innocent victims
the product of the irresponsibility
of some drunken driver
let us promise to the Most High
never again to break a traffic law
He who lives in a hurry shall die in a hurry
better to lose a part
than that the whole should perish
4 i
Un consejo de buena voluntad:
ellas tambien tienen derecho a volar
hay algunas senoras duenas de casa
que practican ese deporte diabolico
preferible perder una gallina
a cometer la imperdonable torpeza
de creernos capaces
de enmendarle la plana al Creador:
si El en su infinita sabiduria
acordo provisionarlas de alas
alguna razon poderosa debio tener
aunque a nosotros nos parezca ridfculo.
A little friendly advice:
d o n t c l i p t h e w i n g s o f yo u r c h i c k en s
they have as much right to fly as anyone
certain housewives
indulge in this diabolic practice
it is better to lose a chicken
than commit the unpardonable sin
of believing ourselves capable
of improving on the plan of the Creator
if He in his infinite wisdom
provided them with wings
he must have had a powerfully good reason
even if it seems ridiculous to us.
Pierden su tiempo miserablemente
los improvisados teologos de pacotilla
que me llaman el Cristo de Elqui
impresionados por mi aspecto exterior
algo que yo no tragare jamas
tendria que estar malo de la cabeza:
de que arrastro mi cruz no cabe duda
por el hecho de ser un ser humano
mas pesada tal vez que las demas
ustedes saben a que me refiero
se que lo hacen por reirse de mi
pero no me perturban en absoluto
con igual fundamento
pueden decir que soy Napoleon Bonaparte
Pedro Urdemales o Perico de los Palotes
valga la explication en todo caso:
de acuerdo a sus propias palabras
que yo no tengo por que poner en tela de juicio
quien soy yo para andar en esos trotes
el verdadero Cristo es lo que es
en cambio yo que soy: lo que no soy.
Those trumped-up quack theologians
are wasting their precious breath
calling me Christ of Elqui
just because of my outward appearance
they cant fool me
Id have to be sick in the head to swallow that
oh Im carrying a cross all right
just being human
Mine is a little heavier than most I admit
you all know what I m talking about
I know they do it just to make fun of me
it doesnt bother me one whit
they might as well
call me Napoleon Bonaparte
Pedro Urdemales or Peter Piper
It calls for an explanation in any case
by their very words
who am I to pass judgment on their claims
I havent the right to dispute them
the true Christ is what he is
on the other hand what am I: what I am not.
Creo no equivocarme
cuando digo que soy un desdichado
un peso muerto para la sociedad
una especie de Caja de Pandora
nada me satisface plenamente
el sagrado recuerdo de mi madre
no me deja pensar en otra cosa
llena todo el ambito de mi espiritu
no gano nada con levantarme temprano
o con dormir 48 horas consecutivas
cuando me dan los monos
y eso puede ocurrir en cualquier momento
no soy capaz ni de leer el diario
si no fuera por esta enfermedad
hubiera sido lo que hubiera querido
comerciante politico sacerdote
militar o marino por que no
soy tan chileno como cualquier otro
a pesar de que en lo mas l'ntimo de mi corazon
el oficio que mas me satisface
es el oficio de maestro albanil
<;hay algo mas hermoso
que construirse la propia vivienda
como lo hacen los hermanos pajaros?
imposible senoras y senores
sin embargo yo tengo que esperar
puesto que todavfa no se cumple la penitencia.
I think I can say in all honesty
that Im the most miserable of men
a dead weight on society
a sort of Pandoras box
nothing ever really satisfies me
the sacred memory of my mother
wont let me think of anything else
it fills me to the boundaries of my soul
it doesnt matter whether 1get up early
or sleep for 48 hours straight
when everything goes haywire
something that can happen at any moment
Im not fit even to read the paper
if it werent for that
I could have been anything I wanted
businessman politician priest you name it
army or naval officer why not
Im just as Chilean as anybody else
the best profession I can think of
is foreman of a construction company
can there by anything more beautiful
than building your own house
just like our little brothers the birds:
Impossible, ladies and gentlemen
anyway, Ill just have to wait
since my penance still isnt over.
Quienes son mis amigos
los enfermos
los debiles
los pobres de espfritu
los que no tienen donde caerse muertos
los ancianos
los nirios
las madres solteras
-los estudiantes no porque son revoltosos-
los campesinos porque son humildes
los Pescadores
porque me recuerdan
a los santos apostoles de Cristo
los que no conocieron a su padre
los que perdieron como yo a su madre
los condenados a cadena perpetua
en las llamadas oficinas publicas
los humillados por sus propios hijos
los ofendidos por sus propias esposas
los araucanos
los postergados una y otra vez
los que no saben ni siquiera firmar
los panaderos
los sepultureros
amigos mfos son
los sonadoreslos idealistas
que entregaron su vida como El
en holocausto por un mundo mejor.
Who are my friends
the sick
the weak
the poor in spirit
those with no place to fall down dead
the old people
the babies
the unwed mothers
not students because theyre rebellious
country people because theyre humble
because they remind me
of the apostles of Christ
those who dont know who their fathers are
those who, like me, have lost their mothers
those condemned to life in prison
in so-called public offices
those humiliated by their own sons
those insulted by their wives
the Araucanians
those who are put off time after time
those who cant write their names
the bakers
the morticians
those are my friends
the dreamers
the idealists
who have offered their lives in a Holocaust
as He did for a better world.
El error es una fuerza motriz
ay del humano que no ierra nunca!
si Colon no se hubiera equivocado
no existiria America del Sur
si no se hubiera equivocado Hitler
no existiria America del Norte
si no se hubiera equivocado Mahoma
todos ahora seriamos musulmanes.
Ustedes habran ofdo decir
que los espanoles pronuncian las palabras inglesas
no como se pronuncian sino como se escriben
infraction increfble pero cierta
hay que ser espanol para tomar
a Cristobal Colon por un iluso
a Isabel la Catolica por una bruja
al Nuevo Mundo por las Indias Occidentales
como si yo tomara
al Escorial por Felipe II
al Santo Padre por la Inquisition
a Satanas por el Espiritu Santo
pampiroladas de la Madre Patria.
Mistakes make things happen
oh for the human who never makes a mistake!
If Columbus had not screwed up
South America would not exist
if Hitler had not screwed up
North America would not exist
if Mohammed had not screwed up
we would all be Muslim.
You may have heard it said
that Spaniards pronounce English words
not as they are pronounced but as they are spelled
incredible but true
youd have to be a Spaniard to mistake
Christopher Columbus for a crazy dreamer
Isabella the Catholic for a witch
the New World for the West Indies
as if I would mistake
the Escorial for Philip II
the Holy Father for the Inquisition
Satan for the Holy Spirit
Tomfooleries of the Mother Country.
Ultima vez que repito lo mismo
ruego a todos los ninos de Chile
que no me confundan con el Viejito Pascuero
no me escriban pidiendome regalos
yo no soy fabricante de juguetes
bueno es el cilantro pero no tanto
y a los adultos les digo una cosa
yo no ando pidiendo limosna
no me confundan con un pordiosero
yo me gano mi vida honradamente
no necesito obolos de nadie:
los sofistas ensenan por dinero.
Yo no se que pretenden estos senores
calguien va a querer sentar a su mesa
a un vagabundo sucio y andrajoso
para que no lo tilden de momio?
<0 compartir el talamo nupcial?
jel 32 de diciembre de mil novecientos nunca!
eso yo no lo llamo socialismo
promiscuidad es el nombre que tiene
mucho cuidado con el concepto de socialismo
socializar todo lo socializable perfecto!
pero no vamos a socializar el w.c.
serfa como poner varios cadaveres en un mismo ataud
en ese caso todos a la fosa comun
y se acabaron los mausoleos de lujo
si realmente fueran socialistas
un monumento para cada mortal
o ningun monumento para nadie.
For the last time Im making a special plea
to the children of Chile
stop confusing me with Santa Claus
stop writing to ask for presents
Im not a walking toy factory
Theres a limit to what I can do
and to the grown-ups Id like to say
I dont want charity
dont take me for a beggar
I earn an honest living
I dont need handouts from anybody:
a sophist gets paid for his teaching.
I dont understand some people
Would a man bring a filthy bum
to his own dinner table
just to keep from being called ungenerous
or worse yet share the marriage bed with one of them?
On the 3 2d of December of Nineteen Hundred and Never!
I dont call that socialism
promiscuity is a better word for it
you have to be careful when you talk about socialism
socialize the socializable thats fine!
but we dont want to socialize the toilet
Itd be like throwing a lot of bodies in the same coffin
Lets have a common grave for everybody
forget about fancy monuments
if they were true socialists
theyd have tombstones for everybody who died
or no tombstone for anybody.
La neurosis no es una enfermedad
es una concentration de energfa psfquica
que debemos saber aprovechar
un neurotico bien administrado
rinde el doble o el triple que un sujeto normal
tomen el caso de Napoleon Bonaparte
de don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
de don Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga
de Cristobal Colon
del portugues Hernando de Magallanes
el primero que dio la vuelta al mundo
y de tantos otros genios inconmensurables
quien va a poner en duda
la grandeza de todos estos hombres
y sin embargo todos eran neuroticos.
Neurosis is not a disease
its a concentration of psychic energy
that we should be able to take advantage of
a well-managed neurotic
renders double or triple your average subject
just take Napoleon Bonaparte for instance
or Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
or Don Alonso Ercilla y Zuniga
or Christopher Columbus
or that Portuguese Fernando de Magellan
who first went around the world
and other geniuses too numerous to mention
nobody can question the greatness
of all these guys
and every one of them was a neurotic.
Hay algunos charlatanes de sobremesa
que se burlan del todo y sus partes
como si el universo fuera un circo
no negaremos que nos hacen reir
pero no les creemos ni lo que rezan
en su locura llegan a decir
que no fue Dios quien nos creo a nosotros
sino nosotros quienes lo creamos a El
estupidez que no merece replica
como si lo imperfecto
pudiera dar origen a lo perfecto
como si lo finito
dar origen pudiera a lo infinito
como si lo mortal
origen dar pudiera a lo inmortal
jcuanto mas razonable
cuanto mas natural y consecuente
es la palabra de Nuestro Senor!
I A quien creer amigos escepticos? . . .
I A Mahoma?
da San Juan?
<a Perico de los Palotes?
la pregunta carece de sentido
entre varios payasos y un profeta
creo que no hay por donde equivocarse.
There are certain after-dinner theologians
who ridicule everything and what goes with it
as if the universe were a circus
we dont deny that theyre funny
but we mustnt listen to their doctrine
they suggest in their madness
that it wasnt God who created us
but we who created him
nonsense not even worth answering
as if the imperfect
could create the perfect
as if the infinite
could originate in the finite
as if the immortal
could arise from the mortal
how much more reasonable
how much more natural and logical
the word of our lord.
who are you going to believe my skeptical friends?
St. John?
Peter Piper?
the question isnt even worth raising
between a bunch of clowns and a prophet
I dont see how anyone could be mistaken.
Soy un hombre sagrado tal vez
algo hay en mi que no hay en los demas
El ha querido ser benevolente conmigo
porque comprendo lo que es una madre
sin embargo me canso como cualquiera
me da hambre y como como cualquiera
tengo que ir a la casita como cualquiera
necesito limpiarme como cualquiera
nada hay en mi que no haya en los demas
soy un mortal vulgar y corriente
jdonde esta lo sagrado de mi ser!
Maybe I am a holy man
Ive got something nobody else has
He has chosen to bless me
because I know the meaning of the word mother
just the same I get tired like anybody
I get hungry and eat like anybody
I have to go to the outhouse like anybody
I have to wipe myself like anybody
I havent got anything anybody else hasnt
Im just a common vulgar ordinary mortal
what is there holy about me?
Nadie puede decir que es un hombre
para su jefe puede ser un flojo
para su esposa puede ser un adultero
para la ley un vulgar asesino:
jel eligio su propia perdition!
iasesino Dios Santo!
que palabra mas llena de odio
se debiera borrar del diccionario
felizmente Dios Santo
para la madre no hay nada de eso
lo purifica todo con su llanto
suena con el cuando tenfa 5 anos
y lo ve manejando su triciclo
y despues la Primera Comunion . . .
no lo vera jamas purial en mano
no puede ser Dios Santo no puede ser
era bello de cuerpo y espfritu
nadie lo conocio mejor que yo
lo condenaron a la silla electrica
nadie accedio a cerrarle los ojos
quien va a cerrar los ojos de un asesino
jque se queden abiertos para siempre!
ni Extrema Uncion ni funeral alguno
nadie recuerda donde esta su tumba
pero ella que nunca dudo de el
lo seguira llamando hijo querido.
XI .
No one can really say what a man is
for his boss he might be a lazy goldbrick
for his wife he might be an adulterer
for the law hes a common murderer
he chose his own damnation!
a murderer Dear God
can there be a more hateful word
it ought to be deleted from the dictionary
happily Dear God
for his mother there is none of this
she purifies him with her sorrow
dreaming of him when he was five years old
she sees him riding around on his tricycle
and then the first communion
It cant be Dear God it cant be
he was beautiful in body and spirit
nobody knew him better than I did
theyve condemned him to die in the electric chair
no one came forward to close his eyes
who would close the eyes of a murderer
let them stare forever!
no Extreme Unction no funeral
nobody remembers where his grave is
but she who never lost her faith in him
will go on calling him her beloved son.
Todo puede probarse con la Biblia
por ejemplo que Dios no existe
por ejemplo que el Diablo manda mas
por ejemplo que Dios
es masculino y femenino a la vez
o que la Virgen era liviana de cascos
basta con conocer un poco el hebreo
para poder leerla en el original
e interpretarla como debe ser
es cuestion de analisis logico
Tienen razon los amigos escepticos
todo puede probarse con la biblia
es cuestion de saberla barajar
es cuestion de saberla adulterar
es cuestion de saberla descuartizar
como quien descuartiza una gallina:
ipongan otra docena de cervezas!
You can prove anything by the Bible
that God doesnt exist for example
that the Devil has greater power for example
that God for example
is male and female at the same time
or the Virgin was a flighty-headed featherbrain
all you need is to know a little Hebrew
so you can read it in the original
and interpret it correctly
its all a question of logical analysis
Our friends the skeptics were right
you can prove anything by the Bible
its a question of knowing how to shuffle the pages
its a question of knowing how to adulterate it
its a question of knowing how to cut it up
the way you cut up a chicken
lets have another round of beers!
La presencia del Espiritu Santo
se percibe con toda nitidez
en la mirada de un nirio inocente
en un capullo que esta por abrir
en un pajaro que se balancea sobre una rama
dificulto que alguien pueda poner en duda
la presencia del Espiritu Santo
en un pan recien sacado del horno
en un vaso de agua cristalina
en una ola que se estrella contra una roca
jciego de nacimiento tendrfa que ser!
hasta un ateo tiembla de emotion
ante una sementera que se inclina
bajo el peso de las espigas maduras
ante un bello caballo de carrera
ante un Volkswagen ultimo modelo
lo difi'cil es saber detectarlo
donde parecerfa que no esta
en los lugares menos prestigiosos
en las actividades inferiores
en los momentos mas desesperados
ahf falla el comun de los mortales
quien podrfa decir que lo percibe
en los achaques de la ancianidad
en los afeites de las prostitutas
en las pupilas de los moribundos?
y sin embargo tambien esta ahf
pues lo permea todo como el sodio
ique lo digan los Padres de la Iglesia!
6 4
The presence of the Holy Spirit
can he perceived with clarity
in the eyes of an innocent child
a cocoon at the point of bursting
a bird perched on a branch
its hard to believe that anyone could doubt
the presence of the Holy Spirit
in bread fresh from the oven
a glass of clear water
an ocean wave crashing against the rock
Hed have to be blind from birth!
even an atheist trembles
before a fallow field
bending with ripe ears
before a high-stepping racehorse
before a Volkswagen of the latest design
the hard part is knowing how to find it
in less prestigious places
where it wouldnt seem to he
in base activities
in moments of despair
therein lies the failure of most mortals
who can say he has ever seen it
in the lapses of old age
in the rouge of a whore
in the eyes of the dying
it is there nevertheless
soaking through everything like salt
may the Fathers of the Church affirm it
Arrodillemonos una vez mas
en homenaje al Espiritu Santo
sin cuyo visto bueno nada nace ni crece
como tampoco muere en este mundo.
Invulnerable es el sacerdote
en el instante en que levanta la hostia
Alguien saco una vez un revolver
y disparo a boca de jarro contra el sacerdote
en el instante en que este levantaba la hostia
con tan poco exito
que el proyectil en vez de incrustarse
en la nuca del cura parroco
reboto como pelota de tennis
y regreso a su punto de partida
pulverizando la mano del malhechor.
once more let us kneel
in homage to the Holy Spirit
without whose blessing nothing lives or grows
or even dies in this world.
The priest is invulnerable
at the moment he gives communion
Once somebody took out a revolver
and shot it point blank at the priest
just at the moment he lifted up the wafer
the attempt was so unsuccessful
that when the bullet hit the priests neck
it bounced off like a tennis ball
and flew back to its original point of departure
crushing the hand of the evildoer to a pulp.
6 7
Pobre Cristo de Elqui dicen mis detractores
no podemos creer en su doctrina
no queremos ser pobres como el
no tiene mas que un rmsero par de sandalias
en este mundo hay que pasarlo bien
la pobreza es un signo de inferioridad
A mi se me enseno
que ni el Padre ni el Hijo fueron ricos
supongo que tampoco lo sera el Espiritu Santo
ni palacios ni fundos ni vehfculos
ninguno de los Tres
necesita de bienes materiales
y no por eso dejan de ser Dios
al contrario verdad?
Es por esto que yo no me preocupo
cuando mis detractores me descalifican
por el hecho de tener una sola tunica
una sola camisa
un solo par de calzoncillos negros:
mientras mas pobres
mientras mas humildes
mas nos pareceremos al Senor
Arrodillemonos esta vez
a rogar por el alma de los ricos:
Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo . . .
Poor Christ of Elqui the scoffers say
we can't believe in his doctrine
we dont want to be poor like him
all he owns is a miserable pair of sandals
in this world you have to try to live well
poverty is a sign of inferiority
Ive always been taught
that neither the Father nor the Son was rich
I assume the Holy Spirit wouldn't be either
they had no palaces property or vehicles
not one of the three of them
has any need for material things
but that didnt stop them from being God
quite the opposite, isnt it?
This is why I dont worry about it
when the scoffers defame me
just because I possess only one shirt to my name
a single tunic
a single suit of black underwear
the poorer we are
the humbler we are
the greater in the eyes of the Lord
let us kneel then
to plead for the souls of the rich:
Our Father who art in heaven . . .
A medida que vayan cayendo las hojas del calendario
muchos cristos apareceran en escena
de esto no quepa la menor duda
todos aficionados como yo
pero niguno Cristo de verdad
unos vendran del norte del pais
a predicar sus sanos pensamientos
otros vendran del sur
sin mencionar a los que ya vinieron
entre los cuales me cuento yo mismo
que no soy otra cosa que uno mas
un taumaturgo de menor cuantfa
un charlatan como dicen algunos
un impostor que le tiene terror al trabajo
Si supieran del dario moral que me hacen
es para no creer nunca mas en el projimo
a veces me pregunto
para que crestas me pariria mi madre
jque gano con parir un desdichado!
As ihe pages of the calendar turn
many Christs will appear
theres no doubt at all about this
all amateurs like me
but no real Christ
some will come from the North
to preach their wise doctrines
some will come from the South
without a word about those whove already come
1count myself among them
Im just one of many
a low-class miracle worker
some say a charlatan
an imposter whos afraid of working
if they only knew the moral harm theyre doing me
its enough to make you lose faith in your fellowman
sometimes I wonder
why did my mother conceive me?
what good did it do her to give birth to such a bum?
Y ahora con ustedes
nuestra Section Preguntas y Respuestas
Senor Cristo de Elqui
que piensa Ud.
de los trajes de bano de una pieza?
No tengo nada contra la juventud
a condition de que no exageren la nota.
Senor Cristo de Elqui
que opinion le merece la Democracia Cristiana
No tengo nada contra la Democracia Cristiana
a condition de que no exagere la nota
Que piensa usted de los concursos literarios
La competencia no resuelve nada
pues no somos caballos de carrera
los condeno de todo corazon
en esto si que soy intransigente
Senor Cristo de Elqui
que recomienda usted
autoritarismo o libre albedrio
No se que responderle: en verdad en verdad
autoritarismo es sinonimo de represion
Que porvenir le ve a la Revolution Cubana
Caperucita Roja triunfara
Senor Cristo de Elqui
tiene usted alguna opinion
acerca del escabroso tema de las perversiones sexuales?
No tengo nada contra las perversiones sexuales
a condition de que no se exagere la nota
claro que yo propugno el amor platonico
Nos podria aclarar ese concepto?
El amor platonico llega hasta el beso en la frente
lo demas es trabajo del Demonio
Que piensa usted de los bailes de mascaras
No tengo nada contra los bailes de mascaras
a condition de que no se exagere la nota
And now wed like to open up
our question-and-answer session
Christ of Elqui Sir
what do you think
of one-piece bathing suits?
I dont have anything against youth
if it doesnt go too far
Christ of Elqui Sir
what is your opinion of the Christian Democrats?
I don't have anything against the Christian Democrats
if they dont go too far
What do you think about literary contests?
Competition doesnt solve anything
were not race horses
I absolutely condemn it
on that I stand firm
Christ of Elqui Sir
do you recommend
authoritarianism or free will?
I don't know how to answer you I really don't
authoritarianism is a synonym for repression
What future do you see for the Cuban Revolution?
Little Red Riding Hood will win
Christ of Elqui Sir
do you have an opinion about sexual perversions?
I dont have anything against sexual perversions
if they dont go too far
of course I advocate platonic love
Could you clarify that for us please?
Platonic love allows a kiss on the forehead
anything more is the work of the Devil
What do you think of costume parties
I have nothing against costume parties
if they don't go too far
nada contra la fiesta de la primavera
que cada cual se divierta a su modo
a condition de que nos demos cuenta
de la fugacidad de todo esto
de la precariedad de todo esto
de la irrealidad de todo esto.
Que por que no me instalo con un negocio?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
que por que no respondo cuando me ofenden?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
que por que no fumo ni bebo?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
que por que no me caso?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
que por que no me ven en los prosti'bulos?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
que por que no manejo armas de fuego?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
Que por que no como carne de rana?
porque mi religion no me lo permite
antes muerto de hambre
que comer ese bicho repugnante!
nor anything against the Spring Festival
each to his own diversion
as long as we can keep in mind
the brevity of all this
the precariousness of all this
the unreality of all this.
So why dont I set myself up in business?
its against my religion
why dont I lash back when they insult me?
its against my religion
why dont I smoke or drink?
its against my religion
why dont I get married?
its against my religion
why dont I go to whorehouses?
its against my religion
why dont I bear arms?
its against my religion
why dont I eat frog meat?
its against my religion
better to die of starvation
than swallow one of those repulsive creatures!
Yo soy el hombre mas feliz del mundo
mentiria si digo que miento
cuando declaro ser
el desgraciado mas feliz del mundo
no tengo nada contra la parentela
no tengo nada contra mis enemigos
no tengo nada contra mis hermanos
resolvi mis problemas personales
me salve por un pelo pero me salve
lo repito para que no quede sombra de duda:
yo soy el hombre mas feliz del mundo
me dan ganas de dar un aullido
y saltar desde un septimo piso
claro: me sentiria mas feliz
si no fuera tan extraordinariamente feliz
si no fuera tan insolentemente feliz
si no fuera tan escandalosamente feliz
hay que tener estomago de avestruz
para tragarse tanta porqueria.
I am the happiest man in the world
Id be lying if I said I was lying
when I declare myself
the happiest slob in the world
I hold no grudges against my kinfolk
I hold no grudges against my enemies
I hold no grudges against my brothers
Ive resolved all my personal problems
Ive been saved by the skin of my teeth but saved
I repeat so there wont be the shadow of a doubt
I am the happiest man in the world
Im so happy it makes me want to howl
and jump out of a seventh-story window
sure Id be happier
if I werent so outlandishly happy
if 1werent so shamelessly happy
if I werent so scandalously happy
youd have to have the stomach of an ostrich
to swallow that garbage.
Que Dios nos libre de los comerciantes
solo buscan el lucro personal
que nos libre de Romeo y Julieta
solo buscan la dicha personal
lfbrenos de poetas y prosistas
que solo buscan fama personal
lfbrenos de los Heroes de Iquique
lfbrenos de los Padres de la Patria
no queremos estatuas personales
si todavfa tiene poder el Senor
que nos libre de todos esos demonios
y que tambien nos libre de nosotros mismos
en cada uno de nosotros hay
una alimana que nos chupa la medula
un comerciante avido de lucro
un Romeo demente que solo suena con poseer a Julieta
un heroe teatral
en connivencia con su propia estatua
Dios nos libre de todos estos demonios
si todavfa sigue siendo Dios.
May God save us from businessmen
they look only for personal profit
may he save us from Romeo and Juliet
they look only for personal pleasures
God save us from poets and fiction writers
they look only for personal fame
save us from the Heroes of Iquique
and from the Fathers of our Country
were not looking for personal monuments
If the Lord still has power
may he save us from all these demons
and may he also save us from ourselves
within each of us lurks
a beast that sucks at our brains
the businessman greedy for profit
the demented Romeo who dreams only of possessing his Juliet
the theatrical hero
conniving with his own statue
God save us from all these demons
If, that is, he still is God.
Mis discfpulos se molestan conmigo
por lo bien que me ha ido ultimamente
despues de tantos anos de privaciones
acabo de comprarme una camionetita
a ellos les gusta verme rotoso
juran que tengo pacto con el Diablo
icruciffquenme entonces!
sin embargo yo sigo siendo el mismo de siempre
Domingo Zarate Vega
para servir a todos los radioescuchas
sin diferencias de clases sociales
sepan que estoy perfectamente bien
no morire en la cruz
estoy casi seguro
que morire de muerte natural
habla Domingo Zarate Vega
alias el Cristo de Elqui
Radio Cooperativa Vitalicia.
jEste pais es una buena plasta!
iiAquf no se respeta ni la ley de la selva!!
ya levantaremos cabeza Mya levantaremos cabeza
icuando vamos a levantar cabeza
si descendemos de indios borrachos
y de una cafila de espanoles aventureros
delincuentes comunes en su mayorfa!
i;el 32 de diciembre de mil novecientos nunca!!
jsangre sajona es lo que falta aquf
para contrarrestar al indio ladron e indolente!
My disciples are bothered about me
because of all the good that has come to me lately
after all those years of deprivation
Ive just now bought myself a little truck
theyd like to see me in rags and tatters
they swear I have a pact with the Devil
let em crucify me then!
Im the same person I always was.
Domingo Zarate Vega
here to serve all you radio fans out there
with no distinction of social class
heres to let you know I m perfectly well
I m not going to die on the cross
Im almost sure
Ill die a natural death
this is Domingo Zarate Vega
alias Christ of Elqui
speaking to you live from Chilean Radio Cooperative.
This country is a fine kettle of fish!
they dont even respect the law of the jungle here!
Soon we can hold our heads up, soon we can hold our heads up
How can we hold our heads up
when we descend from drunken Indians
and a cargo of renegade Spaniards
common scoundrels the lot of them
the 32d of December of Nineteen Hundred and Never!
Saxon blood is what we need here
to counteract those slovenly thieving Indians!
8 t
Ultimamente he visto que los diarios
se ven plagados de expresiones de gracias
Gracias Espiritu Santo
por haberme devuelto la salud
Gracias Espiritu Santo
por haberme devuelto la razon
Gracias Espiritu Santo
por haberme devuelto la confianza en mi mismo
Gracias Espiritu Santo
por haberme devuelto las piernas
ahora puedo caminar nuevamente
Gracias Espiritu Santo
por haberme devuelto la virilidad
estas cosas se dicen personalmente en la calle
en la Estacion Central en la Vega
arrodillados y con los brazos en cruz
para que tengan un valor efectivo
pero no se publican en el diario:
manerita de correrse por la baranda!
Lately Ive been seeing the daily paper
cluttered up with prayers of thanksgiving
Thank you Holy Spirit
for restoring my health
Thank you Holy Spirit
For restoring my sanity
Thank you Holy Spirit
for restoring my self-confidence
Thank you Holy Spirit
for restoring the use of my legs
now I can walk again
Thank you Holy Spirit
for restoring my virility
People should say these things personally in the street
in Central Station at the Fairgrounds
on their knees and with arms outspread
to get the full value of the desired effect
but dont publish them in the newspaper
talk about beating around the bush!
Y estas son las profecfas del Cristo de Elqui:
pronto muy pronto vencera la izquierda
prepararse muchachos
y los senores explotadores
que se vayan amarrando los pantalones con rieles
ahora le toca al pueblo
claro que los conchenchos
trataran de impedirlo por todo los medios
asesinatodolaresI TT
imposible senoras y senores
acuerdense de estas palabras profeticas
un socialista subira al poder
en mala hora me diran ustedes
eso yo no lo se
lo que se bien es que se suicidira
cuando se vea solo y traicionado.
Ni profeta ni mago
ultima vez que repito lo mismo
no tengo nada de comun con Elias
y mucho menos con el Hijo de Dios
jhasta cuando Senorhasta cuando!
no se me rfan en mis propias barbas
aquf tienen mi cedula de identidad
aquf tienen mi certificado de nacimiento
mi veterana se llamaba Clarisa
Dios la tenga en su santo reino
por favor un poquito de prudencia
no bautizo tampoco
para que me preguntan estupideces
saben perfectamente que soy un simple predicador
en el desierto de concreto armado.
Now hear the prophecies of the Christ of Elqui
soon very soon the left will overcome
prepare yourselves my brothers
as for those exploiters
let them hold up their pants with railroad ties
now its the peoples turn
of course those sons of Hitches
will try to stop it any way they can
assassinationsdollarsthe I TT
impossible ladies and gentlemen
remember these prophetic words
a socialist will rise to power
a day of doom some will say
I dont know about that
what I know is that he will commit suicide
once he finds himself betrayed and alone.
Not a prophet or a magician
Im telling you for the last time
I have nothing in common with Elias
let alone the Son of God
How much longer, Lord, How much longer!
Dont laugh in my face
here you have my I.D. card
heres my birth certificate
my old nanny was named Clarissa
may God keep her in his Holy Kingdom
some common sense, please, if you dont mind
I dont baptize either
why do you ask me such idiocies
you know perfectly well Im just a simple preacher
out there in the fortified concrete desert.
El arte no deberia ser una empresa privada
como dejar en manos de particulares
la production de rayos ultrarrojos
nada mas peligroso
para la integridad de la republica
nuestra salud mental en primerisimo termino
la poesia por ejemplo la poesia
puede llevar a la ruina a un pais
si no se tiene cuidado con ella
piensen en el Nocturno de Jose Asuncion Silva
que provoco una ola de suicidios
o en el Poema zo de Neruda
la poesia debe ser positiva
como la Corporation de Fomento
o los Ferrocarriles del Estado
la libertad de expresion es un mito.
En Espana no importa que ganen terreno los comunistas
es un hecho que se impondran en las proximas elecciones
y caramba que aquf tambien
yo mismo voto por los comunistas
porque estoy convencido
de que no van tras el interes personal
aunque sepa que estan equivocados
siempre estaran ahi los sacerdotes
para ponerlos en el lugar que les corresponde
en caso de que lleguen a sobrepasarse
cosa que en Chile no sucedera
porque los sacerdotes son muy pocos
mientras que en la Peninsula Iberica
hay mas curas que moscas en la miel.
Art should not be a private enterprise
its like leaving in the hands of the underworld
the production of infrared rays
nothing could be more injurious
to the integrity of the republic
our mental health above all things
poetry for example poetry
can bring a nation to ruin
if theyre not careful with it
remember the Nocturn of Jose Asuncion Silva
that provoked a wave of suicides
or poem number 20 by Neruda
poetry should be positive
like the Development Corporation
or Government Trains
freedom of expression is a myth.
In Spain it doesnt matter if the communists gain ground
its a fact theyll come out ahead in the next election
hell, I even vote for communists
here in Chile
because I m convinced
theyre not interested in personal profit
even though I know theyre wrong
But in Spain there will always be priests
to put the communists in their place
something that can never happen here
priests being so scarce
On the Iberian Peninsula, though
there are more priests than flies in honey.
Imposible entender a los chilenos
los que se quedaron aquf
no piensan en otra cosa que en irse
este pais no sirve para nada
los que se fueron suenan con volver
inutilmente porque no se puede
madre rma que estas en el cielo
santificado sea tu nombre
dejalos regresar a la patria
no permitas que mueran en el destierro.
tres epitetos mal intencionados
que me cuelga la prensa reaccionaria
a pesar de saber perfectamente
y adonde me aprieta el zapato
basta con observar mi vestimenta
para ver que no soy bianco ni rojo
sino tirado para el ultravioleta
que es el color de Nuestro Senor Jesucristo.
I just cant understand the Chileans
the ones who stay here
dont think of anything but getting out
This country is not any good for anything
those who leave dream only of returning
in vain because they cant come back
Holy Mother who art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name
let them return to the Patria
dont let them die in exile.
three scornful epithets I dont deserve
but the reactionary press hangs on me
even though they know perfectly well
and where the shoe pinches
all they have to do is look at my clothes
to realize Im neither red nor white
but more on the ultraviolet side
which is the color of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Don Secundino Fuentes es un gran caballero
muy liberal el hombre
muy corriente
jubilado de la Administration Publica
si les tocara ir a Chilian Viejo
pasen a saludarlo con toda confianza
vive en el Callejon Huambali
a cuadra y media del Lazareto
pueden decirle que van de mi parte
de seguro que el los invitara
a un copetfn o algo por el estilo
sin esperar retribution alguna
aunque es un hombre de escasos recursos.
Don Secundino Fuentes is a real gentleman
a very liberal man
retired from Public Administration
if youre ever passing through Old Chilian
go by and see him with every confidence
he lives on Huambalf Street
a block and a half from the Lazareto Square
you can tell him I sent you
I know hell invite you in
for a glass of wine or something
without expecting anything in return
even though hes a man of little means.
Creo no renegar de mis principios
si relato sin malas intenciones
los pormenores de una aventura romantica
que me fue confiada por un sacerdote
practicamente desde el lecho de muerte
en un rapto de suprema armoma:
anos atras en un pueblo del sur
una vez una rubia despampanante
-virgen naturalmente-
se desmayo por el exceso de incienso
mientras el sacerdote decfa su misa
con la mayor inocencia del mundo
sin sospechar el triunfo del demonio
pero mejor sera que me quede callado
que gano yo con poner en tela de juicio
la conducta de los seres humanos
y de un sacerdote en particular
simbolo de virtud y pureza
preferible pensar en otra cosa
maxime si se tiene en consideration
que la muchacha no se dio cuenta de nada
por hallarse en estado cataleptico.
1don't believe Im going against my ethics
it I should tell you a story with good intentions
concerning a certain little romantic adventure
told to me by a priest in confidence
practically on his deathbed
during a rapture of supreme harmony:
years ago in a little southern town
there wras a ravishing blonde
a virgin naturally
who fainted from inhaling too much incense
while the priest was reciting the liturgy
in all innocence
guilelessly unsuspecting the devils triumph
but really I oughtnt to say anything
what do I gain from passing judgment on people
upon their conduct
particularly on a priest
the symbol of virtue and piety
better to let my thoughts dwell on other things
especially taking into consideration
that the girl didnt know a thing that was going on
being as she was in a cataleptic state.
Como les iba diciendo
nadie lo conocio mejor que yo
puesto que fui su humilde Lazarillo
cuando el todavfa no era nadie
Cierro los ojos y lo veo tal cual
altomacizode mirada potente
sencillotepeinado para atras
un salitrero como cualquier otro
no le tenfa miedo a los burgueses
se abanicaba con la policfa
yo trabaje con el en una imprenta
repartiendo folletos y volantes
contra la sanguijuela capitalista
no tragaba a los gringos ni con aceite
le repugnaban los patrones gordos
el mas grande de todos los luchadores
inclufdos chilenos y extranjeros
si la memoria no me es infiel
el querfa abolir la esclavitud
en ese tiempo ser proletario
era peor que ser un leproso
ni con sombrero en mano lo escuchaban
con don Emilio cambiaron las cosas
libertario por donde se le mirara
no tragaba a los gringos ni con aceite
la juventud no tiene a la menor idea
lo que costo quebrarle el espinazo
a ese monstruo antediluviano
quien se acuerda hoy de la Escuela Santa Marfa
de Ranquil de Lontue de Punta Arenas
y quien se acuerda de Ramona Parra?
sin Recabarren no se concibe Lafferte
ni Contreras Labarca ni Fonseca
nada que tenga un atomo de luz
As I was saying
nobody knew him better than I
since 1was his poor guide dog
when he was still a nobody
I close my eyes and see him as he was
tallstockywith a fierce look
a plain manhair combed back
a nitrate worker like the rest of us
he wasnt afraid of the bourgeoisie
he thumbed his nose at the police
I worked with him in a print shop
folding pamphlets and fliers
against those capitalist bloodsuckers
he couldnt swallow a gringo not even with oil
he despised all fat cats
he was the greatest fighter
Chileans and foreigners included
if my memory serves me right
he wanted to abolish slavery
at that time being a proletariat
was worse than being a leper
they wouldnt listen to him even with his hat in his hand
with Don Emilio things changed though
a freedom fighter however you looked at him
he couldnt swallow a gringo not even with oil
the young people dont have any idea
of what it cost him
to break the back of that antediluvian monster
who remembers St. Marys School
in Ranquil in Lontue in Punta Arenas
and who remembers Ramona Parra?
without Recabarren, thered have been no Lafferte
or Contreras or Labarca or Fonseca
or anything that has even an atom of light
hombre sin vicios secos ni humedos
se tomaba sus tragos claro que si
como cualquier nortino de verdad
claro que sin pasarse de la raya
yo soy abstemio por naturaleza
pero jamas se me paso por la mente
condenarlo por esto o por lo otro
porque se respetar a mis mayores
y porque el hombre debe ser como es
el era un luchador a lo humano
yo soy un gladiador a lo divino
nuestros caminos no se juntan nunca
aunque tampoco veo que se alejen
somos dos peregrinos paralelos
el se batio con los chanchos burgueses
y yo me bato contra Lucifer
cada cual en su propia especialidad
sin ese faro de Chuquicamata
que seria de Chile en estos momentos.
9 6
a man with no vices either wet or dry
oh, he took a little nip now and then
like any true northerner
but he never stepped over the line
I am an abstainer by nature
but the thought never entered my head
to condemn him for this or for that
because I know how to respect my elders
and because a man ought to be the way he is
he was a fighter for the human race
I am a gladiator for the divine
our paths never join
but I dont think theyre far apart
we are two pilgrims side-by-side
he battled against the bourgeois pigs
and I battle Lucifer
each one to his own specialty
without that lighthouse of Chuquicamata
where would Chile be right now.
Lo primero la madre
padres pueden haber en cantidades
tecnicamente hablando
nadie puede decir este es mi padre
este sefior es mi progenitor
a ciencia cierta no se sabe nada
seguridad no hay en estas cosas
sin ofender a nadie en particular
el 50% por lo menos
algo que no sucede con la madre
siempre se sabe quien es nuestra madre
luego la madre es mas real que el padre
por algo dicen madre hay una sola
de lo que se desprende logicamente
que ella se encuentra por encima de todo
nada mas objetivo que la madre
centro de gravedad
piedra angular de este mundo y el otro
quien va a ponerla en tela de juicio
ni malo de la cabeza que fuera
es por esto que yo no digo nunca
padre nuestro que estas en el cielo:
con el perdon del respetable publico
me parece mas atinado decir
madre nuestra que estas en el cielo
santificado sea tu nombre . . .
desde el punto de vista masculino
se que estoy diciendo una barbaridad
al reemplazar el padre por la madre
en la oration mas solemne de todas
sin embargo las cosas son asi
piensen imparcialmente
como si no existiera la biblia
porque la biblia suele confundirnos
y se vera que tengo razon
a pesar de que soy un pobre diablo.
Your mother comes first
fathers you can have by the hundreds
technically speaking
nobody can truly say this is my father
this man is my progenitor
nothing is ever a sure thing
theres no security in matters of this nature
not more than 50% at least
not wishing to offend anyone
but anyway with a mother this cant happen
you can always be sure of who your mother is
that makes the mother more real than the father
thats why they say theres only one mother
so it follows logically
shes always put up on a pedestal
theres nothing more attractive than a mother
shes the center of gravity
the cornerstone of this world and the world beyond
who could ever pass judgment against his mother
not even if he were crazy in the head
for this reason I never say
our father who art in heaven
begging the respectable publics pardon
it seems to me more appropriate to say
our mother who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name . . .
from the male point of view
I know that Im speaking atrocities
replacing father with mother
within the most solemn prayer
nevertheless thats how it happens to be
try to think impartially
as if the Bible didnt exist
since the Bible only tends to confuse us
and youll see that I m right after all
in spite of the fact that Im just a poor devil.
Que el Tribunal Supremo determine:
si amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas
es poseer espfritu de lucro
si no jurar su santo nombre en vano
es poseer espfritu de lucro
si venerar al padre y la madre
es poseer espfritu de lucro
si no robar matar ni fornicar
es poseer espfritu de lucro
si respetar a la mujer del projimo
es poseer espfritu de lucro
Su Senorfa: si imitar al Senor
en la medida de las propias fuerzas
es poseer espfritu de lucro
para que nos echamos tierra a los ojos
el Cristo de Elqui es el peor de los comerciantes
el mas ruin el mas vil el mas canalla
pueden crucificarme sin mas tramite
reconozco que vendo mis folletos
exactamente: vendo los folletos
es decir no los puedo regalar
aunque me duela mucho el corazon
imposibleno puedo regalarlos
que me trague la tierra senor juez
apenas alcanzo para sobrevivir:
un poquitito de sentido comun!
Por mi madre: si fuera millonario
no tan solo folletos regalara
regalarfa bibliotecas enteras
harta falta que hacen creo yo
Don Quijote en primerfsimo termino
sin ese libro no se entiende nada
Martin Fierro mi libro predilecto
mi veladormi lamparami todo
Los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda
I.ct the Supreme Court decide:
if loving God above all else
is possessing the spirit of lucre
if not taking his holy name in vain
is possessing the spirit of lucre
if honoring father and mother
is possessing the spirit of lucre
if not killing robbing or fornicating
is possessing the spirit of lucre
if honoring your neighbors wife
is possessing the spirit of lucre
Your Honor, if imitating the Lord
to the best of ones ability
is possessing the spirit of lucre
why are we hiding the truth from ourselves
the Christ of Elqui is the most mercenary of all mercenaries
the basest the vilest scoundrel
you can crucify me without hesitation
I admit I sell my pamphlets
exactly: I sell my pamphlets
you can't expect me to give them away
even though it pains my heart
its impossibleI cant give them away
may the earth swallow me your honor sir
but I barely make enough to get by
lets be reasonable!
on my mothers grave: if I were a millionaire
not only would I give away pamphlets
Id donate entire libraries
There are few enough of them I might say
especially volumes of Don Quixote
without that book wed never understand anything
and Martin Fierro my favorite text
my lamp my nightstand my everything
and the knights of the Round Table
Bertoldo Bertoldino y Cacaseno
obra como no hay otra en su genero
el Han de Islandia por Victor Hugo
la sin par Genoveva de Brabante
y para terminar
o sea que por ahf debf haber empezado
la Santa Biblia
la Santa Biblia
que es el unico libro verdadero
los demas son hermosos pero falsos.
Bertoldo Bertoldino y Cacaseno
a nonpariel of its genre
or Victor Hugos Hans of Iceland
the incomparable Genevieve of Brabante
and to top it all off
or maybe I should have started with it
the Holy Bible
the Holy Bible
which is the only true book
the rest being only lovely imitations.
Parra, Nicanor. Emergency Poems. Translated by Miller
Williams. New York: New Directions, 1972.
--------- . Nuevas sermones y predicas del Cristo de Elqui.
Valparaiso: Editorial Ganymedes, 1979.
--------- . Poems and Antipoems. Edited by Miller Williams.
New York: New Directions, 1972.
--------- . Sermones y predicas del Cristo de Elqui.
Valparaiso: Editorial Ganymedes, 1979.
Valente, Ignacio. Nicanor Parra: Sermones y predicas del
Cristo de Elqui. El Mercurio de Santiago, 18 December