Usr S12
Usr S12
Usr S12
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 1 / 20 [email protected]
WIFI Audio Module (USR-S12)
File version: 1.0.1
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 2 / 20 [email protected]
1. Product Instructions:....................................................................................................................3
1.1 Parameters:........................................................................................................................ 3
2. Module dimensions......................................................................................................................4
2.1 Pin definition....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Dimensions......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Audio output........................................................................................................................6
2.4 Power...................................................................................................................................7
2.5 Indicator...............................................................................................................................7
2.6 Software instruction...........................................................................................................8
2.7 WPS settings...................................................................................................................... 9
2.8 Restore defaults.................................................................................................................9
3. Web configuration........................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 WIFI page......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 system settings................................................................................................................ 14
4. Airplay.......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Airplay instruction............................................................................................................ 14
4.2 Airplay application on PC............................................................................................... 15
4.3 Airplay application on iOS........................................................................................... 16
5. DLNA........................................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 DLNA application on Android.........................................................................................17
6. Contact........................................................................................................................................ 20
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 3 / 20 [email protected]
1. Product Instructions
This USR-S12 module is used to develop wifi audio player and smart Home Appliances.
Support 802.11b/g/n, can work in AP/AP client/STA mode. Audio is compatible with the
AirPlay function which is launched by Apple Inc. and industry equipment interconnected
DLNA standard DLNA. Can play the music on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch by AirPlay
function. Can also use the third-party player which matches DLNA standard to play music
on the Android device or PC.
1.1 Parameters
Item Parameters
Wireless parameter
Certification FCC/CE
Wireless standard 802.11.b/g/n
Frequency 2.4.12GHz-2.484GHz
Transmit Power
802.11b: +20dBm(Max.)
802.11g: +18dBm(Max.)
802.11n: +15dBm(Max.)
Receive sensitivity
802.11b: -89dBm
802.11g: -81dBm
802.11n: -71dBm
Antenna External I-PEX antenna
Hardware parameter
Working voltage 5.0V (+/-5%)
Working current 170mA~300mA
Working temperature -25- 85
Storage temperature -40- 135
Size 33483mm 28-pin SMT
Software parameter
Wireless network type AP Client mode
Security type WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
Encryption type WEP64/WEP128/TKIP/AES
User configuration Web Server
User upgrade Web Server
Audio protocol AirPlay
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 4 / 20 [email protected]
2. Module dimensions
2.1 Pin definition
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 5 / 20 [email protected]
Pin Description Name Type Instruction
6, 7 GND GND Power Ground
15, 16 5VD 5VD Power +5V@350mA
1 SPI interface data SPI_MISO I/O SPI interface, used to
connect with SDcard 2 SPI interface data SPI_MOSI I/O
3 SPI interface clock SPI_CLK I/O
17 SPI interface SPI_CS1 I/O
4 Module start status
nReady OIPU Module boot up, output
0, otherwise output
5 Module reset nRST IIPD Low level reset, reset
time >300ms
8 UART receive data UART_RXD IIPD UART function
9 UART send data UART_TXD OIPD
10 Restore factory
nReload IIPD Input low level 0, pull
high after 5s, module
11 Out put 1.8V 1V8_Output O 1.8V@300mA, applied
to Ethernet
12 Audio output -R OUT_R A Audio output interface,
connect with speakers
13 Audio gnd AGND Power
14 Audio output -L OUT_L A
18 Reserved Reserved I/O,IPD Reserved, vacant
19 General
programmable IO
20 General
programmable IO
21 Reserved Reserved I/O,IPD Reserved, vacant
22 Reserved Reserved I/O,IPD Reserved, vacant
23 Ethernet output+ PHY_TX+ O 1.8V level interface
(supply circumscribed
1.8V , reference
voltage , Pin11
24 Ethernet output- PHY_TX- O
25 Ethernet input- PHY_RX- I
26 Ethernet input+ PHY_RX+ I
27 USB input- USB- I USB interface, connect
with USB flash disk 28 USB input+ USB+ I
1.I-Input, O-Output, P-Power, IPU-Internal Pull Up, IPD: Internal Pull Down, A:Analog
Meanwhile, S12 configurate two 3 pin SMD connect interface socket, respectively is 5V
power input and audio stereo output.
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 6 / 20 [email protected]
2.2 Dimensions
S12 module size approximately (3348mm), see following picture:
2.3 Audio output
USR-S12 module internal Audio Codec relevant parameters shown as picture 2-3
If module periphery need to expand the Audio parts, design suggestions:
1. The power supply path should be as thick as possible. The filter and energy storage
capacitance close to the chip pin as much as possible.
2. All analog component in an area, all digital component in another area.
3. Make sure digital signal clock or other high speed signal far away from analog signal
and reference voltage
4. Make sure the high speed signal of digital signal has completed reference plane
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 7 / 20 [email protected]
5. The audio signal should be around with GND, and far away from RF signal.
6. When layout AGND single point connect to GND
2.4 Power
S12 adopts univoltage 5V power supply, peak current about 350mA, working current is
200mA, sleeping mode(wifi disabled) is 100mA
Power filtering suggest to be near the connector of customer board, recommend 100uF
and 100uF two parallel decoupling capacitor, can supply system stability and wireless
2.5 Indicator
S12 module has 4 status indicator in total, see follows:
1. Power
2. AP
3. Client
4. WIFI data transmitter
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 8 / 20 [email protected]
The following table explains the S12 indicator order and its instruction
Indicator status Instructions
Ap off WIFI AP waiting connect
AP on WIFI AP connected
Client off WIFI AP Client did not connect with router
Client on WIFI AP Client connected to router, but can not connect to internet
through router
Client flash WIFI AP Client connected to router, can connect to internet
through router
Power on System starting
Power flash (on 1s,
off 1s)
System succeed to start, normal working
Power quick flash
(on 0.3s, off 0.3s
System in upgrading or restoring to factory default, MUSTNT stop
the power, or it may cause module broken
WIFI data on Wifi data transmission
2.6 Software instruction
USR-S12 support Apple Airplay and standard DLNA
Item instruction
iOS version iOS 4.2 ++
iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iPad Mini
iTune version iTunes 10.2 ++
PC, iMac
Support Airplay
Play, pause, Seek, volume, previous, next
Support Airplay
Apple Music (local)
QQ Music (local and on-line)
Support DLNA
Play, pause, Seek, volume, previous, next
support DLNA program Compatible with the third-party player which pass the DLNA
certification, such as:
QQ Music
Support browser PC: IE9/10, Chrome, Firefox
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 9 / 20 [email protected]
iOS/MAC OS: Safari
Web server support
Web server support
set USR-WA3 network
set USR-WA3 device name, add password protection
update USR-WA3 firmware and restore factory default
2.7 WPS settings
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is used to simplify the wireless LAN install and safety
performance configuration. WPS will help to automatically set SSID, set powerful WPA
data encoding and authentication function. Customer just click press the button(button set,
or we say PBC), then can connect to WLAN safely.
S12 module pin10 nReload short time low level pulse (300ms < t <5s) to open WPS
2.8 Restore defaults
S12 module pin10 nReload long time low level pulse (t>5s) to restore. System will restart
automatically after restore.
3. Web configuration
USR-S12 module support Web server function, support setup by browser.
In default settings, S12 AP interface SSID is WIFIAudio_xxxx, xxxx represent 4 numbers.
IP address, user name and password as follows:
Parameters Default
ssid WIFIAudio_xxxx
IP address
Sub net mask
Username admin
Password admin
Can connect S12 AP interface through PC, and configurate by webpage.
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 10 / 20 [email protected]
3.1 WIFI page
When your device in the same LAN with S12, type in in browser, then this
It shows the APs surrounded, click the router name then you can join it.
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 11 / 20 [email protected]
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 12 / 20 [email protected]
3.2 click Settings on the top left conner, we can see S12 module basic information
3.3 click system button, you can choose language, restore and firmware update
Language support Chinese and English, remember to click save on the top right conner
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 13 / 20 [email protected]
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 14 / 20 [email protected]
3.4 system settings
In this page, you can set S12 wireless network security and password. This module
support WPA PSK. Click open to switch to WPA PSK, input password. Dont forget to click
save on the top right conner.
Also you can change module SSID here.
4. Airplay
4.1 Airplay instruction
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 15 / 20 [email protected]
AirPlay is developed by Apple, a play technology added in iOS4.2 and OS X
Mountain Lion. Can transmit the audio on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Mac (need OS X
Mountain Lion) to the devices which support Airplay. Need the iOS4.2 version device or
iTunes10.1 ++ version on MAC computer
When customer device (Mac, PC, iPod touch, iPhone, iPad) in the same LAN with
speaker that support Airplay, users open iTunes 10 or higher version on MAC or PC, will
see this button beside the volume bar. Click it, then choose device, then will
synchronous musics to devices for playing. While the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad
customers can find Airplay button in music interface, operation is the same as MAC and
4.2 Airplay application on PC
1. To use Airplay on PC, you need to install iTunes first.
2. As shown below: log PC WIFI into S12 device, or log PC and S12 in a same wireless
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 16 / 20 [email protected]
3. Choose WiiMu-AP in iTunes software play interface asplay device.
4.3 Airplay application on iOS
iOS device native support Airplay
1. Shown as follows: log the iOS WIFI into S12 device, or log the iOS device and S12 to a
same wireless LAN.
2. Open the music application program, choose WiiMu-AP as play device
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 17 / 20 [email protected]
3. Then, the third-party music player will play through Airplay
DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance)
5.1 DLNA application on Android
Android system has many third-party music players which support DLNA, we take QQ
music as example:
1. Shown as following picture, log the Android device to S12 or log Android and S12 to a
same wireless LAN
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 18 / 20 [email protected]
2. Open QQ music, choose music to play
3. Click QPlay button in player interface
4. Choose WiiMu-AP as output, WiiMu-AP start to play
WIFI audio module
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 19 / 20 [email protected]
Other DLNA player operation similar to this.