The document discusses how the Rockefeller empire became interested in the drug industry after observing the meat packing industry's business model. It describes how Rockefeller's grandfather sold petroleum as a cancer cure under the name 'Nobel' and how this led to the formation of the drug industry. The drug industry has grown into a $10 billion per year business through monopolies and alliances with German chemical companies.
The document discusses how the Rockefeller empire became interested in the drug industry after observing the meat packing industry's business model. It describes how Rockefeller's grandfather sold petroleum as a cancer cure under the name 'Nobel' and how this led to the formation of the drug industry. The drug industry has grown into a $10 billion per year business through monopolies and alliances with German chemical companies.
The document discusses how the Rockefeller empire became interested in the drug industry after observing the meat packing industry's business model. It describes how Rockefeller's grandfather sold petroleum as a cancer cure under the name 'Nobel' and how this led to the formation of the drug industry. The drug industry has grown into a $10 billion per year business through monopolies and alliances with German chemical companies.
The document discusses how the Rockefeller empire became interested in the drug industry after observing the meat packing industry's business model. It describes how Rockefeller's grandfather sold petroleum as a cancer cure under the name 'Nobel' and how this led to the formation of the drug industry. The drug industry has grown into a $10 billion per year business through monopolies and alliances with German chemical companies.
The book discusses how the Rockefeller family monopolized the drug industry in America through questionable business practices and influence over the government, leading to the socialization of medicine. It also describes some of the negative impacts this had on public health.
The book is about how the Rockefeller family came to dominate the drug industry in America in the early 20th century through their oil company, Standard Oil. It discusses how they later used this influence to take over healthcare through the government and socialize medicine for profit.
The book describes the first time the government took over healthcare in America after the Rockefellers gained influence. It led to horrible results, with the government essentially becoming gangsters for the drug industry. Citizens lost choices and freedom over their own healthcare.
The Drug Story Morris A.
Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1 / 210
The DRUG STORY By Morris A. Bealle [Edited and formatted y !Me"# A Factological History Of America's $10,000,000,000 (in 1949) Drg !artel " #ts $et%o&s, O'erations, Hi&&en O(ner)*%i', +rofits An& ,errific #m'act On ,%e Healt% Of ,%e American +eo'le- $ulished y T%E %OR&ET'S &EST( $.O. Bo) *+( S,anish -or.( Utah /0112 3o,yright 4561. MRS. MORR7S A. BEA88E. All Rights Reser9ed 3o,yright 4505. 7n the United States and 3anada y Morris A. Bealle( All Rights Reser9ed. Editor's &ote: .ea&ers s%ol& /e a(are t%at 0,%e .oc1efeller Family2 is o(ne& an& o'erate& /y t%e .ot%sc%il& Family +22/ Emergen;y $D- Edition The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 2 / 210 -rom the Editor of the +22/ !Emergen;y $D- Edition" As. yourself t<o =uestions and read the ans<er. >uestion 4: 3%y is t%is /oo1 rele4ant to yo5 >uestion +: 3%at is yor life (ort% to yo5 Ho( a/ot t%e li4es of yor family an& frien&s5 Ans<er: Free&om or sla4ery- ,%ose are t%e c%oices, an& t%ere are only t(o c%oices, as ol& .oman la( recogni6e&- ,%e latter .oman economy (as fele& /y sla4ery- *la4es lac1 c%oices- 7o, $r- or $s- 0free2 American &o %a4e c%oices, /t only to t%e e8tent t%at yo're informe& of t%e facts (%en yo ma1e a c%oice- #gnorant 'eo'le can't remain free- 9ac% of s is ignorant or 0n&er)informe&2 a/ot one t%ing or anot%er- *o (e all %a4e mc% to learn- 7o'4e 'ro/a/ly %ear& a/ot t%e 0rig%t2 to Free +/lic Healt% !are- +eo'le (%o o''ose it call it 0*ociali6e& $e&icine-2 3illiam :efferson !linton, (%o s''orts it calls it 0.ig%ts t%at can ne4er /e ta1en a(ay-2 +eo'le arge an& &e/ate t%is isse (it%ot e4er mentioning one sim'le fact t%at (ill lig%t ' t%e (%ole s/;ect- Or go4ernment %as alrea&y ta1en o4er me&icine- #t %a''ene& in t%e not so &istant 'ast- ,%e reslts (ere %orri/le- ,%at ta1e)o4er %as ne4er /een o4ertrne&- ,%e s/;ect of t%is /oo1 is< ,%e first time go4ernment too1 o4er %ealt% care- $lease s,end t<enty minutes s.imming elo<. ,%in1 a/ot (%at (e ga4e ' ((%at it really ;ost) t%e first time (e let go4ernment ta1ie o4er %ealt% care- Try to imagine ho< mu;h health ;are is is going to ;ost you <hen it is !free?" The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust = / 210 3O&TE&TS 1- 3%at >;ol *tarte& 2- ,%e *'i&er'* 3e/ =- ?o4ernment ?angsters a) ,%e Foo& An& Drg @an&its /) Aangaroo !ort c) +atent Office &) Drg ,rst A''ointments 4- *ociali6e& $e&icine a) !o'elan& @ill, 19=B /) 3agner @ill, 19=9 c) 3agner)$rray @ill, 194B &) 3agner)$rray)Dingell @ill, 194C e) ,rman)9(ing @ill, 1949 B- ,%e .ac1et #n !ancer !ontrol C- ?et),%e)$oney @oys D- Dangeros Doses a) @ayer's As'irin /) *al He'atica c) Eic1's Eatro)>ol &) 9'som *alts The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 4 / 210 e) @romo *elt6er f) @ame @en ?ay g) @romo Finine %) Feen)A)$int i) Aon&on'* >asal :elly ;) !arter'* Gittle Gi4er +ills 1) ,ms l) @ell)Ans m) 98 Ga8 n) !res For O/esity o) !ol& ,a/lets An& Eaccines H- *erm +/licity 9- !entries Of +rogress 10- 9nter ,%e $e&icine $an 11- ,%e Drg !%am/er Of !ommerce 12- !lose& *%o' 1=- *%a1e&o(n 14- ,ime $arc%es On The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B / 210 3ha,ter 4 @hat &uAol Started I# firmly /elie4e t%at if t%e (%ole materia me&ica col& /e sn1 to t%e /ottom of t%e sea, it (ol& /e all t%e /etter for man1in& an& all t%e (orse for t%e fis%es-I " Oli4er 3en&ell Holmes, $- D- +rofessor of $e&icine at Har4ar& ,%irty years ago t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any /ecame im'resse& (it% t%e met%o&s of t%e /ig 'ac1ing %oses (%ic% se&, 'rocesse& an& sol& e4ery 'art of t%e %og /t t%e sJeal- ,%eir sales researc% &e'artment (ent '(ay /ac1 to t%e 1HC0's (%en IOl& @illI .oc1efeller, t%e itinerant 'a''y of :o%n D- (t%e first) an& a 'atent me&icine s%o(man, se& to 'alm off /ottle& ra( 'etrolem on t%e yo1els as a cre for cancer- IOl& @illI (as an 'state >e( 7or1 farmer ntil 1HB0- He mo4e& to !le4elan& t%en, entere& t%e 'atent me&icine rac1et an& %a& %imself liste& as a I'%ysicianI in t%e city &irectory- #n selling ra( 'etrolem in a 'retty /ottle IOl& @illI &i& not%ing ne(- He merely too1 a 'age ot of t%e /oo1 of ot%er 'atent me&icine fa1irs (%o (ere t%en %a(1ing t%eir (ares from t%e /ac1s of (agons " co4ere& an& nco4ere&- 3%en oil (as &isco4ere& in nort%(est +ennsyl4ania (1HB0) t%e ;ac1als of t%e oil tra&e fon& t%ere (as more gol& in t%e ;eans of t%e glli/le yo1els t%an t%ere (as in (or1ing for it in t%e oil fiel&s- ,%ey /egan to /ottle t%e ra( 'etrolem an& 'alm it off n&er 4arios names as a cre for e4eryt%ing n&er t%e sn- ,%e 'o'lar mala&ies of t%e &ay (ere li4er com'laint, c%olera mor/s, consm'tion an& /ronc%itis- Among t%e names gi4en t%is ra( 'etrolem (ere I*eneca Oil,I I.oc1 OilI an& IAmerican $e&icinal Oil-I IOl& @illI o'ene& ' a ne( fiel& for %imself- He calle& %is /ottle& 'etrolem I>;olI (meaning ne( oil) an& sol& it to t%ose (%o %a& cancer an& t%ose (%om %e col& ma1e fear t%ey (ol& %a4e it- ,%is son&e& goo& to *tan&ar&'s researc%ists- #t son&e& e4en /etter (%en t%ey fon& it cost /t $2-00 a /arrel to concoct >;ol from cr&e 'etrolem- An& t%at from one /arrel of t%e ra( stff t%ey col& ma1e 1,000 si8)once /ottles of finis%e& >;ol- #nstea& of calling it a cre for cancer t%ey calle& it a cre for The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C / 210 consti'ation- ,%e latest tra&e catalog lists >;ol as going to t%e &rggist at 2H)2/= cents a %alf 'int (H fli& onces)- ,%e &rggist t%s 'ays a/ot 21 cents for a C)once /ottle of >;ol (%ic% costs *tan&ar& Oil 1/B of a cent- ,%ese /reat%)ta1ing 'rofits from >;ol ma1e it ine4ita/le t%at America's largest an& most rt%less in&strial com/ine (t%e .oc1efeller 9m'ire) s%ol& soon a&& t%e &rg traffic to its alrea&y 4ast 'ro&ction an& sales &omain- #t (asn't ntil 19=9, %o(e4er, t%at t%e Drg ,rst (as forme& an& t%e '(ar& cr4e in t%eir &rg 'rofits /egan to assme t%e 'resent gigantic 'ro'ortions (%ic% to&ay ma1e it a maca/re $10,000,000,000 a year /siness- Ho( t%e American Drg ,rst (as forme& /y an alliance (it% its o''osite nm/er in ?ermany is almost a story in itself- *oon after t%e 'resent)&ay >;ol (as 't on t%e mar1et it (as &isco4ere& /y '%ysicians to /e %armfl- #t ro//e& t%e /o&y of fat sol/le 4itamins an& case& serios &eficiency &iseases- *tan&ar& Oil c%ec1e& t%e loss in sales /y a&&ing carotene (one of t%e fat sol/le 4itamins) to >;ol an& claiming t%is o4ercame t%ese in;ries- +%ysicians &isagree (it% t%e sales &e'artment of *tan&ar& Oil on t%is 'oint- An& (%at of >;ol, no( /eing sol& to t%e '/lic as a la8ati4e- For some years /efore %is &eat% *enator .oyal *- !o'elan& of >e( 7or1 se& to set ' a ra&io micro'%one e4ery morning in %is *enate Office @il&ing Jarters in 3as%ington, frnis%e& /y t%e American ta8'ayers, an& 'lg t%is greasy concoction " at $DB,000 a year- ,%e >e( 7or1 *enator (as a &octor of sorts- Alt%og% %e 'ossesse& a me&ical &egree %e (as ne4er a/le to ma1e a li4ing as a /e&si&e 'ractitioner- He (ent into 'olitics an& ma&e me&icine 'ay in a /ig (ay- First %e /ecame %ealt% commissioner of >e( 7or1 !ity, t%en a *enator from t%e 9m'ire *tate (%ere %e se& t%e 'rominence t%s gaine& to /ally%oo >;ol to nss'ecting ra&io listeners- ,o&ay >;ol is ma&e /y *tanco, #ncor'orate&, 21C 3est 14t% *treet in >e( 7or1, liste& in $oo&y's $anal as one of t%e many s/si&iaries of t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any- *tanco's only ot%er 'ro&ct is Flit, (ell 1no(n fly 1iller an& insectici&e, ma&e from t%e same ra( materials an& /y 'retty mc% t%e same 'rocess- 3%en a ?erman /eer %all /m name& Hitler /egan to 'lan %is 1,000)year .eic%, t%e 'o(ers)t%at)(ere in ?ermany &i&n't actally 1no( t%at American 'oliticians (ere going to sol4e t%eir The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D / 210 acte em'loyment crisis /y forcing s into t%e secon& (orl& (ar to again sa4e 9nglan&'s %i&e an& .oc1efeller's oil- @t t%ey (eren't ta1ing any c%ances- ?ermany's %ge &ye trst (or c%emical cartel) 1no(n as t%e #- ?- Far/enin&strie A1tiengesellsc%aft, en;oye& a mono'oly on all c%emical 'ro&cts manfactre& in ?ermany- ?erman #? ma&e an alliance (it% American *tan&ar& Oil in or&er to control im'ortant 'atents- ,%e general i&ea (as t%at t%e t(o (ere to 'ool t%eir 'rocesses- ,%is (as &one " in a one)si&e& (ay- 3it% t%e %el' of *tan&ar& Oil t%e ?erman /e%emot% 're4ente& American c%emists from learning %o( to ma1e synt%etic r//er ntil after t%e :a's too1 t%e $alayan +eninsla an& its 4ast r//er 'lantations- ,%is almost lost (ar for t%e Knite& *tates- *o, in 19=9, (%en it /ecame a''arent t%at ?ermany (ol& soon /e n'o'lar in t%e Knite& *tates, *tan&ar& Oil %el'e& Hitler's .eic% co4er its American %ol&ings in t%e &rg an& c%emical fiel&- ,%e American #? (as forme&, /y ta1ing o4er t%e *terling +ro&cts !om'any, t%e ?rasseli !%emical 3or1s (alias t%e ?eneral Aniline 3or1s), t%e Agfa)Film !om'any, t%e 3int%ro' !%emical an& t%e $agnesim De4elo'ment com'anies- *tan&ar& Oil too1 1B % of t%e stoc1 in t%e ne( ?erman) American c%emical trst- 9fforts to %oo1 t%e &+ont com'any into t%is sitation 'artially faile&- Among t%e &irectors of t%is Ico4er 'I com'any (ere 3alter ,eagle (+resi&ent of t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any), +al 3ar/rg (a .oose4elt).oc1efeller stooge), an& 9&sel For&- Fi4e %n&re& t%osan& s%ares of stoc1 (ere isse& to 3alter ,eagle- At a later *ecrities L 98c%ange !ommission in4estigation $r- ,eagle &enie& %is 'arentage of t%is stoc1, claiming %e (as %ol&ing it as a &mmy for someone else- 3%en as1e& /y t%e e8aminer (%o t%is Isomeone elseI (as %e /lan&ly re'lie& %e &i& not 1no(, alt%og% %e (as n&er oat%- 94eryone else 1ne( it (as eit%er one of t%e .oc1efeller clan in 'erson, or t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any- ,%e (ar (as getting 'retty close to t%is contry- +resi&ent .oose4elt (as setting ' t%e +earl Har/or &isaster, an& %a& or&ere& or ra&ar &efenses let &o(n at D o'cloc1 e4ery morning- History recor&s t%at t%e :a's acce'te& t%is Io''ortnity') to &estroy most of t%e American >a4y, ma&e &efenseless on or&ers from 3as%ington- MEditor's &ote +22/: Ha4e yo loo1e& into t%e allegation t%at FD. 1ne( a/ot, an& encorage& t%e :a'anese attac1 on +earl Har/or, to get s into t%e (ar5N The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H / 210 At t%is ;ctre American #? Far/en &eci&e& to camoflage its ?erman 'arentage an& sym'at%ies, (it% t%e %el' of *tan&ar& Oil- #t c%ange& its name to t%e ?eneral Aniline L Film !or'oration s%ortly /efore t%e +earl Har/or attac1- @efore &oing t%is, American #? 'rc%ase& an n&isclose& nm/er of s%ares in t%e O6ali& !or'oration, *c%ering L !om'any, $ission !or'oration, $onsanto !%emical, Alminm !or'oration, Drg (#ncor'orate&), Do( !%emical, Anti&olar !om'any, *tan&ar& Oil of >e( :ersey, *tan&ar& Oil of #n&iana, *tan&ar& Oil of !alifornia an& t%e &+ont !om'any- #t too1 o4er /o&ily t%e 'ri4ately) o(ne& Hoffman)Ga.oc%e !om'any- $ean(%ile, *terling Drg go//le& ' 3int%ro' !%emical, t%e @ayer !om'any, ?eneral Drg, Eege8 (#nc-), !oo1 Ga/oratories, t%e !entar !om'any an& Al/a +%armacal !om'any- Drg, #nc-, o(ne& /y Gois A- Giggett (a 'o(erfl $assac%setts 'olitician &ring t%e Hoo4er a&ministration), %a& in 1929 ta1en o4er t%e @ristol)$yers !om'any, Eic1 !%emical, Knite& Drg, Gife *a4ers (#nc-), an& t%e Giggett c%ain of I.OI .etail &rg stores- 3it% Eic1 !%emical, Drg, #nc- (an& t%e .oc1efeller)*tan&ar& Oil)?erman #? Drg ,rst) got t%e :- ,- @a1er !%emical !om'any, t%e 3illiam *- $errell !om'any, t%e :ensen)*als/erry Ga/oratories, +rince $atc%a/elli (#nc-), Alfre& D- $cAel4y !om'any, Goeser Ga/oratories (#nc-), ,aylor !%emical an& t%e *ofs1in !om'any- 3%en t%e American &og%/oys slog%e& into ?ermany, an& reac%e& t%e in&strial city of Fran1fort, t%ey (ere ama6e& to fin& intact all of t%e /il&ings an& t%e %ge 'lant of t%e ?erman #? Far/en !%emical ,rst- American a4iators, 'in'ointing t%eir targets, %a& &emolis%e& e4ery ot%er strctre in to(n- 3%at t%e &og%/oys &i&n't 1no( (as t%at t%e *ecretary of 3ar, one .o/ert +- +atterson, (as a .oc1efeller la(yer, a''ointe& /y +resi&ent .oose4elt 'on .oc1efeller or&ers, fres% ot of Dillon, .ea& an& !om'any- ,%e Dillon).ea& concern not only is a .oc1efeller s/si&iary, /t (as t%e /an1ing %ose t%at finance& ?erman #? Far/en an& atten&e& to t%e financial &etails of forming t%e American IcC4er 'I firm for t%e ?erman c%emical cartel- American a4iators, (%o gnas%e& t%eir teet% at t%eir or&ers to miss t%e /iggest target in Fran1fort, %a4e ne4er acce'te& t%e (ea1 ali/i gi4en t%em from %ea&Jarters- 3%ic% (as t%at t%is ;icy an& #$+O.,A>, target s%ol& /e sa4e& /ecase t%e American 98'e&itionary Forces (ol& Inee& an office /il&ingI The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 9 / 210 (%en t%ey got into ?ermany 'ro'er- ,o s%o( %o( t%e ?erman !%emical !artel an& t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst affect t%e li4es of most American 'eo'le, *terling Drg's CC s/si&iaries manfactre among ot%er t%ings +%illi's' Dentrifices an& !osmetics, Do/le Dan&erine, #roni6e& 7east, An&re(s' Gi4er *alts, .oss' +ills, $e;oral, Astringosol, !am'%o) +%eniJe, $olle, 9nergine, Diamon& Dyes, an& many anaest%etics, 4itamins, anti)malarials, slfa &rgs, analgesics, arsenicals, /ar/itrates, antise'tics, anti)/acterials an& &igesti4e ferments- ,%e @ristol)$yers !om'any ma1es #'ana ,oot% +aste, *al He'atica, Eitalis, #ngram's *%a4ing !ream, $m, $initr/, ,rs%ay, +eterman's #nsectici&es, @ene8 an& Ammer's +o(&er- Do( !%emical ma1es 9'som *alts, /romi&es an& many ot%er K*+ (K- *- +%armaco'oeia) 'ro&cts- $onsanto ma1es glycero) '%os'%ate, 4anillin, as'irin, sacc%arin, /en6oic aci& an& many me&icinals an& IfineI c%emicals- ,%e !entar !om'any ma1es !astoria- Hoffman)Ga.oc%e ma1es Allonal, Alrate, Anti%istamine, !al)!) ,ose, !itro),%iocol, Digitalis, +anto'on, *e&lon !og% *yr', +resi&on (se&ati4e), ,%e'%orin ( a '%ony %ay fe4er nostrm), Ei+enta Dro's an& Eitaminets- Hoffman)Ga.oc%e is 'ri4ately o(ne&, an& is 'art of t%e *(iss /ranc% of ?erman #?, set ' in 19=9 to 're4ent confiscation as alien 'ro'erty- 3it% t%ese .oc1efeller concerns %a4ing all of t%ese t%ings to sell, 'ls t%osan&s of t%e 12,000 &rg items &escri/e& an& a&4ocate& in me&ical te8t)/oo1s, it (as t%e most natral t%ing in t%e (orl& " %man natre an& %man gree& /eing (%at it is " for t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation to /e c%ange& into an instrment for Ie&catingI me&ical st&ents into t%e e8cessi4e se of &rgs- ,%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation (as first set ' in 1904, an& calle& t%e ?eneral 9&cation Fn&- An organi6ation calle& t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation, ostensi/ly to s''lement t%e Fn&, (as forme& in 1910 an& an effort (as ma&e to get a c%arter from !ongress- *enator >elson of !olora&o smelle& a mose /ecase t%e .oc1efeller &e're&ations in t%e MG&lo(N !olora&o coal fiel&s (ere still a stenc% in t%e nostrils of all &ecent !olora&oans- MEditor's &ote: Ha4e yo loo1e& ' t%e 0G&lo( $assacre52N
3%en *enator >elson /rog%t ot t%e fact t%at t%e 'ro'ose& Fon&ation %a& $100,000,000 for 'ro'agan&a at its &is'osal, +resi&ent ,aft an& %is Attorney ?eneral 4igorosly o''ose& t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 10 / 210 c%arter an& it (as &efeate& in t%e !ongress- For t%ree years t%e .oc1efeller lo//yists /esiege& or national legislatre for a c%arter an& official res'ecta/ility- !ongress trne& t%em &o(n year after year on t%e gron& t%at t%ey (ol& gi4e no sanction to an organi6ation (it% $100,000,000 to s'en& for commercial 'ro'agan&a- ,%ey ga4e ' %o'e an& &i& t%e ne8t /est t%ing- ,%ey got t%e >e( 7or1 legislatre to isse a c%arter on $ay 14, 191=, t%rog% t%e Igoo& officesI of t%e t%en *tate *enator .o/ert F- 3agner- 3it% .oc1efeller money an& 'olitical inflence t%is ?erman /orn i&eologist later /ecame a *enator of t%e Knite& *tates an& one of t%e %ammiest %m/gs in t%e entire I>e(I Deal set)'- #t %as long /een &emonstrate& t%at t%e .oc1efeller interests %a4e create&, /ilt ' an& &e4elo'e& t%e most far reac%ing in&strial em'ire e4er concei4e& /y t%e min& of man- *tan&ar& Oil is of corse t%e fon&ation in&stry 'on (%ic% all of t%e ot%er in&stries %a4e /een /ilt- ,%e story of Ol& :o%n D-, as rt%less an in&strial 'irate as e4er came &o(n t%e 'i1e, is (ell 1no(n- ,%e 1eystone of t%is mammot% in&strial em'ire is t%e !%ase >ational @an1 (it%, 2D /ranc%es in >e( 7or1 !ity an& 21 in foreign contries- #t %as assets of $4,C=1,4D1,BH1 an& otstan&ing loans of $1,B11,C0D,1BH- ,%e .oc1efeller 9m'ire no( o(ns millions of s%ares of stoc1 in America's lea&ing steel, railroa&, oil, to/acco, (%is1y, atomo/ile, insrance, 'o(er, tility, &rg an& ot%er manfactring concerns- >ot t%e least of its %ol&ings are in t%e &rg /siness- ,%e .oc1efellers o(n t%e largest &rg manfactring com/ine in t%e (orl&, an& se all of t%eir ot%er interests to /ring 'ressre to contine an& increase t%e sale of &rgs- ,%e fact t%at most of t%e 12,000 se'arate &rg items on t%e mar1et are %armfl is of no concern to t%e Drg ,rst- #n a&&ition to t%e com'anies controlle& from .oc1efeller !enter, t%ere are %n&re&s " may/e t%osan&s " of ot%ers, in&irectly /t ;st as tig%tly, controlle& t%rog% /an1 loans /y !%ase >ational- One of t%ese is t%e Hearst ne(s'a'er em'ire- #t &oesn't ta1e mc% Iste''ing ot of lineI to /ring a/ot t%e calling of a /an1 loan- A&4ertising me&ia recor&s for 194H list $1,104,224,=4D as e8'en&e& for national a&4ertising on t%e ra&io net(or1s, an& in t%e larger &aily ne(s'a'ers an& maga6ines- ,%e aggregate estimate for all me&ims is estimate& at $1,B00,)000,000- Ho( The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 11 / 210 H0 P of t%is sm is tili6e& an& mani'late& to control information on %ealt% an& &rg matters (%ic% fin&s its (ay to t%e rea&ing '/lic is tol& in anot%er c%a'ter (,%e *'i&er's 3e/)- ,%ere are many ne(s'a'ers o(ne& /y in&e'en&ent)min&e& '/lis%ers or '/lis%ing cor'orations- ,%ere are ot%ers of corse (%ose o(ners are of t%e milJetoast ty'e, (%o li1e to stra&&le e4ery isse an& s''ress altoget%er anyt%ing (%ic% mig%t case a contro4ersy- ,%e most in&e'en&ent of ne(s'a'ers are still &e'en&ent on t%eir 'ress association for t%eir national ne(s- ,%ere is no reason for a '/lis%er or a ne(s e&itor in Aalama6oo or 3alla 3alla to ss'ect t%at a story concerning %ealt% matters, coming o4er t%e (ires of t%e Associate& +ress, t%e Knite& +ress or t%e #nternational >e(s *er4ice is gar/le&, 'artly s''resse& or only %alf tre- 7et it is an ama6ing fact t%at t%is is (%at &oes %a''en time after time, /ecase all Associate& +ress Ine(sI on %ealt% matters is censore&, s''resse& or gar/le&- ,%e Drg ,rst %as one of its &irectors on t%e &irectorate of t%e Associate& +ress- ,%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation Director in Jestion is Art%r Hays *l6/erger, '/lis%er of t%e >e( 7or1 ,imes an& t%erefore one of t%e most 'o(erfl of t%e Associate& +ress &irectors- #t (as t%s easy for t%e .oc1efeller cro(& to Iin&ceI t%e Associate& +ress *cience 9&itor to a&o't a 'olicy (%ic% (ill not 'ermit any story to clear t%at is not a''ro4e& /y t%e Drg ,rst censor, an& t%e Drg ,rst censor is not going to a''ro4e any article t%at can in any (ay %rt t%e sale of &rgs- ,%e :ornal of t%e American $e&ical Association on :anary 20, 1940, /ragge& t%at t%e Knite& +ress %a& /een in&ce& to isse a &irecti4e reJiring all articles on cres an& %man %ealt% to IclearI t%rog% its >e( 7or1 @rea an& so)calle& science e&itor- ,%e most ironical featre of t%is 'rogram is t%at t%ese so)calle& Iscience e&itorsI acce't Morris -ishein, &ictator of t%e American $e&ical Association as an Ie8'ertI on me&ical matters- ,%e recor& s%o(s t%at $r- Fis%/ein ne4er 'ractice& me&icine a &ay in %is life, &i& not com'lete t%e interns%i' 'art of %is me&ical corse, an& col& only ma1e 4H in anatomy (%en %e trie& to 'ass t%e state /oar& me&ical e8amination- 3illiam .an&ol'% Hearst (as once a 4ery in&e'en&ent '/lis%er an& amena/le to no man's (ill /t %is o(n- @t in t%e &e'ression year of 19=2 %is great ne(s'a'er em'ire %it financial roc1 /ottom- .eslt (as t%at !%ase >ational @an1 too1 o4er many loans to I3.,I incl&ing $2B,)000,000 &e/t to The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 12 / 210 #nternational +o(er an& +a'er, an& foreclose& on t%e *age of *an *imeon- @ecase of t%e name %e %a& /ilt ' o4er t%e years of sensational ;ornalism, 3illie (as gi4en t%e title of e&itor, $100,000 a year in salary an& allo(e& to (rite any e&itorials an& &irect t%e c%ain's e&itorial 'olicies in any (ay t%at &i&n't conflict (it% .oc1efeller interests- One concession (as ma&e to t%e Hearst ego " one (%ic% %as &one little %arm to t%e .oc1efeller serm interests /ecase of t%e carefl (ay in (%ic% it is %an&le&- Once a year %e is allo(e& to /ello( an& fme an& rant at t%e crelty of 4i4i)section, /t not at its ftility an& t%e %arm &one t%e %man system /y serms- *ince t%e Hearst em'ire o(ns t%e #nternational >e(s *er4ice t%is se(s ' 100P t%e 'ress associations for t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst, an& acconts for t%e many fa1e stories of serms an& me&ical cres (%ic% go ot /ra6enly o4er its (ires to all &aily ne(s'a'ers in t%e lan&- 9manel $- :ose'%son, $- D-, a >e( 7or1 '%ysician (%om Fis%/ein an& t%e Drg ,rst %a4e /een na/le to t%rottle or e4en to intimi&ate &es'ite many attem'ts, 'oints ot t%at t%e >ational Association of *cience 3riters (as ca;ole& or /og%t into a&o'ting as 'art of its co&e of et%ics t%is<
I*cience e&itors are inca'a/le of ;&ging t%e facts of '%enomena in4ol4e& in me&ical an& scientific &isco4ery- ,%erefore, t%ey only re'ort '&isco4eries' a''ro4e& /y me&ical at%orities, or t%ose 'resente& /efore a /o&y of scientific 'eers-I
*ince t%e me&ico)'olitician ($r- Fis%/ein) (%o &oesn't 1no( (%ere %alf t%e /ones, organs, ner4es an& tisses of t%e /o&y are locate& " or e4en (%at t%ey are " is ran1e& /y t%em as an Ie8'ertI t%e ri&iclos natre of t%is co&e is a''arent- 3%ile eac% se'arate trst n&er .oc1efeller control en;oys t%e /est in 'ress agentry, t%e 'ro'agan&a of t%e Drg ,rst stan&s ot a/o4e all t%e ot%ers for s%eer /n1ment of t%e American '/lic- >e(s'a'ers are fe& (it% reams of 'ro'agan&a a/ot &rgs an& t%eir I4ale,I in s'ite of statements /y %onest an& corageos me&ical men t%at fe( of t%e 12,000 '%armacetical items ma&e are of any 4ale an& most of t%em are &o(nrig%t %armfl- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1= / 210 ,%e trt% a/ot cres (it%ot &rgs is careflly s''resse&, nless it sits t%e 'r'ose of t%e censor to gar/le it or ;st tell 'art of t%e trt%- #t matters not (%et%er t%ese cres are effecte& /y !%iro'ractors, >atro'at%s, Osteo'at%s, !%ristian *cience +ractitioners or $e&ical Doctors (%o se t%e /rains ?o& ga4e t%em- 7o ne4er rea& a/ot it- #n or&er to teac% t%e &rg an& serm i&eology it is necessary to teac% t%at ?o& &i&n't 1no( (%at %e (as &oing (%en %e ma&e t%e %man /o&y- *tatistics isse& /y t%e !%il&ren's @rea of t%e Fe&eral *ecrity Agency &o not /ear ot t%is i&eology- ,%ey s%o( t%at since t%e all)ot &ri4e of t%e &rg trst for &rgging, 4accinating an& sermi6ing t%e %man system, t%e %ealt% of or nation %as &ecline& enormosly, es'ecially among c%il&ren !%il&ren are no( gi4en Is%otsI for t%is an& Is%otsI for t%at, (%en t%e only immnity 1no(n to science is a %ealt%y %man /o&y an& a 're /loo& stream- +on&er t%ese go4ernment fin&ings<
>early %all a million c%il&ren are affecte& /y r%ematic fe4er- ,en million /oys an& girls n&er 21 %a4e &efecti4e 4ision- A %alf million %a4e ort%o'e&ic or s'astic con&itions- ,(o million %a4e im'aire& %earing- *e4enteen t%osan& are &eaf- For %n&re& t%osan& %a4e t/erclosis- *e4enty)fi4e 'ercent %a4e &ental &efects- ,%ree ot of e4ery 100 &raft registrants (1H an& 19 years ol&) %a& %eart tro/le- ,%ree ot of e4ery %n&re& %a& a mental &isease- ,(o ot of e4ery 100 %a& a nerological &ifficlty- ,en ot of e4ery 100 %a& &efecti4e 4ision- One ot of 40 %a& &efecti4e %earing-
,%ese con&itions &i&n't e8ist in t%e yot% of to&ay's mi&&le age& an& ol& 'eo'le- Eaccination (as t%e only nnatral 'ractice t%en an& most of s %a& enog% 4itality e4entally to t%ro( off t%e effects of t%is /loo& 'olltion- @t if (e %a& Ja&r'le& or &ec'le& t%is &ose, as is /eing &one to c%il&ren to&ay, or The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 14 / 210 'resent mi&&le age& 'eo'le 'ro/a/ly (ol& /e ol& an& or 'resent ol& 'eo'le &ea&- Kn&er t%e aegis of .oc1efeller Fon&ation fn&s me&ical colleges for t%e most 'art teac% t%e names an& s''ose& ses of 12,000 &rgs- ,%e me&ical st&ent %as to (aste &ays an& nig%ts an& mont%s of %is corse learning t%e names an& s''ose& ses of t%ese items, (%en %e col& /etter /e st&ying t%e %man s'ine an& ganglionic ner4os system as c%iro'ractic, osteo'at%ic an& natro'at%ic st&ents &o- ,%ere is an ol& an& tre saying t%at %e (%o 'ays t%e 'i'er calls t%e tne- ,%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation 'ays t%e me&ical college 'i'ers from t%e 'rofits ma&e /y t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst an& of corse t%e Drg ,rst calls t%e tne- #n its last annal statement t%e Fon&ation re'orts t%at, ' to Decem/er =1, 194H, colleges an& '/lic agencies %a& /een gi4en gratities totaling $44C,H=D,B2D- Dring 194H alone t%is 4ast sm (as s(elle& /y gifts of $=2,9=0,4BH-91- One cannot critici6e a college 'resi&ent for acce'ting %ge sms for e&cational 'r'oses, /t, college 'resi&ents are s''ose& to /e smart- O/4iosly t%ey are not- A smart college +resi&ent (ol& loo1 /e%in& gifts from a .oc1efeller, for Ol& :o%n D- (as ne4er 1no(n to gi4e a(ay more t%an a &ime nless %e sa( /ig 'rofits coming /ac1- He (ol& fin& t%at all of t%ese gratities are gi4en colleges (%ic% teac% t%e se of &rgs- #f %e (ent &ee' enog%, if %e as1e& corageos, intelligent an& %onest me&ical &octors t%ey (ol& tell %im t%at a/ot 11,990 of t%ese &rgs are seless an& a/ot 11,9B0 of t%em &o(nrig%t %armfl to t%e %man system- He (ol& also fin& t%at not a &ime of .oc1efeller Fon&ation money %as e4er /een contri/te& to &rgless colleges, (%ose st&ents are effecting cres e4ery &ay t%at %i&e/on& foot)in) t%e)mot% me&icine consi&ers im'ossi/le, or at least miraclos- ,%e college 'resi&ent (ol& as1 %imself (%y an& %e (ol& come ' (it% /t one ans(er " t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation is 'romoting t%e e8cessi4e se of &rgs (%ile 'reten&ing to /e engage& in '%ilant%ro'y- He (ol& also fin& t%at t%e .oc1efeller #nstitte (en&o(e& (it% $B0,000,000) is 'art of t%e Drg ,rst team- ,%is IinstitteI engages in researc% an& em'loys many %ig% class an& ca'a/le tec%nicians /t its acti4ities are &e4ote& mainly to fin&ing ne( ses for .oc1efeller &rgs, to t%e en& t%at more &rgs may /e sol& an& more 'rofits ma&e for t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B / 210 '%armacetical %oses- ,%e 'rofits of some of t%ese &rg factories, es'ecially t%ose controlle& /y t%e .oc1efeller in&strial em'ire, are fantastic- ,%e 9- .- *Ji// !om'any, &ring t%e (ar year of 194B ((%en t%e serm rac1et (as at its %eig%t, an& t%e American arme& forces (ere loa&ing t%e /loo& streams of all &raftees an& 4olnteers (it% Iimmni6ingI 'oisons), ma&e net earnings si8 times its '%ysical assets- $oo&y's #n&strial $anal for 194B s%o(e& tangi/le assets of $D,=CC,4HH for *Ji// an& net earnings for 194B of $42,4=2,4D2- ,%e 'rofita/le (ar %a& sto''e& in 194D- 3it% t%e (ar 'rofits, or else /y /oo1)1ee'ing entries, t%e '%ysical assets %a& increase& to $14,41C,DH=- ,%e earnings %a& /een re&ce& to $9,C01,=H9- @y (atering t%eir stoc1, t%ey %a& 'arlaye& t%is $14,)41C,DH= of '%ysical assets into 1,DB0,000 s%ares of stoc1, Jote& on t%e *toc1 98c%ange of :ly 1, 1949, at $2H-00 a s%are- *Ji//s t%s %as a 'a'er 4ale of $49,000,000, or ===P of its actal in4estment- ,a1e +ar1e)Da4is L !om'any- ,%eir o'erating income for 194D (as $1C,DCC,0C0Q t%eir '%ysical assets only $14,)990,C2C- ,%ese 1B millions of actal 4ale %as /een 'arlaye& into 4,H9C,D00 s%ares of stoc1 no( tra&e& at $2H-HD a s%are, total $141,=91,200 " almost 1,000P of its assets- An& *%ar'e L Do%me- ,%eir 194D o'erating 'rofit (as $B,2C=,2=CQ t%eir actal assets $C,24D,BB2- ,%eir 1,020,D12 s%ares of ca'ital stoc1 (as selling for $2D a s%are- ,otal " $21,BB9,224- Ge&erle Ga/oratories, one of t%e larger of t%e /iological manfactrers, in 194B %a& an o'erating 'rofit of $29,=24,)B2B an& 'ro'erty (ort% $=B,1=H,90H- !ommon stoc1 totalling 2,D0D,02C s%ares (as so 4ala/le t%at it (as not liste& or tra&e& in on any 1no(n stoc1 e8c%ange- #n 194C t%e entire concern (as 'rc%ase& /y t%e .oc1efeller) controlle& American !ynami& !om'any an& it %el'e& to s(ell t%is c%emical /e%emot%'s 194H income to $=D,)491,H94- *terling Drg, #nc-, t%e main cog an& largest %ol&ing com'any in t%e .oc1efeller Drg 9m'ire, an& its CC s/si&iary com'anies, s%o(e& o'erating 'rofits in 194H of $20,)D42,=H2, an& '%ysical assets of only $2=,9D9,42H- #ts =,H90,)C4D s%ares (ere /eing %a(1e& on t%e e8c%ange at $=9 a s%are- ,%is totals $1B1,D=B,2== of 'a'er 4ale, or se4en an& a %alf times t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C / 210 com/ine's aggregate assets- $erc1 L !om'any %a& an o'erating income of $10,)120,0B=, accor&ing to $oo&y's, an& '%ysical assets of only $19,9CB,H0B- #ts 2,200,000 s%ares of $1-00 'ar 4ale common (ere Jote& :ly 1, 1949, at $=1-DB, an& its 190,000 s%ares of 'referre& at $10C-B0- ,otal $90,140,000- $cAesson L .o//ins s%o(e& an o'erating 'rofit of $1C,H0D,4DC on '%ysical assets of only $C,C2H,=42- #ts 1,)H=2,42C s%ares (ere Jote& at $==-B0 " $C1,=HC,2=D- !%arles +fi6er L !o-, #nc-, is a &rg trst nit (%ic% ma1es Ifine organic c%emicalsI for ot%er nits to 'rocess into 4arios items- #ts statement s%o(s a 194H 'rofit, of $1C,91D,11H an& '%ysical assets of only $1B,421,C==- #ts 'rofit (as 109P of its actal in4estment, (%ic% %as /een 'arlaye& into B0,000 s%ares of =R P $100 'ar 4ale 'referre&, an& 1,4H0,0B0 s%ares of common- ,%e latter (as Jote& on t%e >e( 7or1 *toc1 98c%ange :ly 1, 1949, at $4B-B0 a s%are- ,%is gi4es t%e com'any's inflation, 4ale as $D2,=42,2DB, or 4DB P of its in4estment 4ale- A usiness <hi;h 1B on its in9ested ;a,ital is ;onsidered a sound money and its in9ested ;a,ital ;an usually e Audged y its a;tual ,hysi;al assets. 3atering t%e stoc1 can ma1e its assets loo1 as %ig% as (aterers (ant it to- Here is $cAesson an& .o//ins ma1ing, not CP /t 2B4 P of t%e actal 4ale in4ol4e& " (%en yo &on't consi&er t%e (ater or inflate& /oo1 4ale- *Ji// in 194B ma&e, not si8 'ercent, /t BDC P on t%e actal 4ale of its 'ro'erty- @t t%at (as &ring t%e lscios (ar years (%en t%e Army *rgeon ?eneral's Office an& t%e >a4y @rea of $e&icine an& *rgery (ere not only acting as 'romoters for t%e Drg ,rst, /t (ere actally forcing &rg trst 'oisons into t%e /loo& streams of or sol&iers, sailors an& marines, to t%e tne of o4er 200 million Is%ots-I 3it% t%e (ar o4er (e fin& t%ese 'rofits re&ce&, /t still many times %ig%er t%an t%e Ita1eI in any /siness t%is si&e of t%e nm/ers rac1et- For instance, in 194H, *terling ma&e HDP of its '%ysical 4ale, t%s inflating its stoc1 strctre an& Jotations to C=2 P of actal assets- *Ji// s%o(e& an earning of CCP an& inflation of ==HP- +ar1e) Da4is earne& 112P of its assets, an& s%o(e& inflation to 9BC P- $cAesson L .o//ins, (%ile earning only =9P of its assets ne4ert%eless, /y stoc1 mar1et mani'lation, increase& its 'a'er The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D / 210 4ale to 92C P of its actal assets- An e8ten&e& list of t%ese inor&inate 'rofits from t%e &rg traffic is gi4en in anot%er c%a'ter of t%is /oo1- #s it any (on&er t%at t%e Hose of .oc1efeller, t%e most ra'acios in&strial em'ire e4er concei4e& /y t%e min& of man, s%ol& ta1e to &rgs as a money ma1er, e4en if in &oing it e4entally ma1es t%e Knite& *tates a nation of in4ali&s- #s it any (on&er t%at t%e .oc1efellers, an& t%eir stooges in t%e Foo& an& Drg A&ministration, t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice, t%e +ost Office De'artment, t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission, t%e @etter @siness @reas, t%e Army $e&ical !or's, t%e >a4y @rea of $e&icine, t%e 3agner)$rray)Dingell ty'e in !ongress, an& t%osan&s of %ealt% officers all o4er t%e contry, s%ol& com/ine to 't ot of /siness all forms or t%era'y t%at &iscorage t%e se of &rgs- 3e %a4e not gone to &rgless 'ractitioners for scientific information on t%e %armflness of most of t%ose 12,000 &rg items (%ic% in t%e &rg traffic t%e Hose of .oc1efeller an& its colleages %a4e for sale an& is 'lgging (it% mig%t an& main t%rog% all of its %ig% 'o(ere& an& (ell)finance& '/licity a4enes- Get's go into t%e ran1s of ots'o1en me&ical 'ractitioners for or information- ,%e American Dis'ensatory lists o4er 12,000 items of &rgs on t%e mar1et- # am tol& /y me&ical 'ractitioners t%at to teac% a st&ent t%ese 12,000 &rgs or any more t%an (say) a certain selecte& 100 of t%em, is 99)44/100P a (aste of time- @t it DO9* %el' s(ell t%e 'rofits of t%e '%armacetical %oses- Get s Jote an at%ority on t%is s/;ect, Dr- Da4i& G- 9&sall, (%o (as at one time Dean of t%e Har4ar& $e&ical *c%ool<
'# (as, for a 'erio&, a 'rofessor of t%era'etics an& '%armacology, an& # 1no( from e8'erience t%at st&ents (ere o/lige& t%en /y me an& /y ot%ers to learn a/ot an intermina/le nm/er of &rgs, many of (%ic% (ere 4aleless, many of t%em seless, some 'ro/a/ly e4en %armfl, some ot%ers relati4ely 4aleless " all /ecase t%ey (ere still &iscsse& in some te8t /oo1s, %a& ne4er /een &iscar&e& an& (ere some times as1e& a/ot /y state /oar& of me&ical e8aminers-I
Art%r .o/ertson !s%ny, $-D-, former +rofessor of $ateria $e&ica an& ,%era'etics at t%e Kni4ersity of $ic%igan, is The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H / 210 recogni6e& as one of t%e (orl&'s lea&ing at%orities on +%armacology- His te8t /oo1 I+%armacology an& ,%era'eticsI is recogni6e& as t%e lea&ing (or1 of its 1in& in t%e (orl&- #n it, Dr- !s%ny says<
I,%e more a&4ance& teac%ers of me&icine %a4e 4ery 'ro'erly a//re4iate& t%eir lists of reme&ies, /t t%e st&ent on going into 'ractice meets nm/ers of &rgs 're4iosly n1no(n to %im an& not a''reciating t%at t%ese %a4e alrea&y /een trie& an& &iscar&e& /y %is teac%ers is tem'te& to fall into t%e slog% of nreasoning em'iricism- I,%ere is still a ten&ency, e4en among t%e e&cate&, to ascri/e t%era'etic 4irtes to e4ery ne( (ee& an& e4ery ne( 'ro&ct of t%e c%emical in&stry- IAs long as t%e me&ical st&ent %as to learn t%e s''ose& 4irtes of a %ost of o/scre s/stances, %e (ill ten& to se t%em in 'ractice- ,%is, in trn, necessitates t%eir inclsion in t%e '%armaco'oeia, (%ic% again 'er'etates t%em as s/;ects of teac%ing-I
,%ere are a fe( ots'o1en $e&ical Doctors (%o (ill tell yo 'oint /lan1 t%at, n&er t%is Drg ,rst aegis, &octors are trne& ot of t%ese s/si&i6e& me&ical sc%ools li1e mac%ines- From %is earliest st&ent &ays %e is not allo(e& to se %is min& or to t%in1 for %imself- He is ma&e to follo( certain (ell)forme& groo4es- He is not gi4en time to &isco4er (%et%er t%e me&icines an& &rgs %e is tag%t to 'rescri/e are of any /enefit- He is tol& t%at IAI says t%is s%ol& /e &one in IOI illness, t%at I@I says sc%)an&)sc% a c%emical com/ination %as /eneficial effects (%en t%e 'atient is sffering from I7I &isease- Again let s Jote from Dr- 9&sall<
IAlmost all s/;ects mst /e ta1en at e8actly t%e same time, an& in almost e8actly in t%e same (ay, /y all st&ents, an& t%e amont intro&ce& into eac% corse is sc% t%at fe( st&ents %a4e time or energy to e8'lore any s/;ect in a s'irit of in&e'en&ent interest- A little com'arison s%o(s t%at t%ere is less intellectal free&om in t%e me&ical corse t%an in almost any ot%er form of 'rofessional e&cation in t%is contry-I
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 19 / 210 #t ta1es corage for a me&ical &octor to come ot an& say sc% t%ings- ,%e Drg ,rst %as t%e American $e&ical Association so (ell organi6e&, an& it %as sc% a &ynamic s'o1esman in $r- Fis%/ein, t%at a (%is'ering cam'aign of ama6ing intensity is imme&iately starte& against %im- #f %e is a yong &octor %is 'ractice is rine&- He can /e 1ic1e& ot of %is conty me&ical society on trm'e& ' c%arges an& t%e reslting '/licity can ma1e %im loo1 li1e an incom'etent 'ractitioner- Among me&ical 'ractitioners (%o %a4e %el'e& com'ile t%e tec%nical information in t%is 4olme are t%e late Dr- !%arles G- Goffler of !%icago, Dr- ?eorge *tarr 3%ite of Gos Angeles, Dr- !%risto'%er O'Day of Honoll, Dr- !arl $- Frisc%1orn of >orfol1, Ea-, Dr- ?eorge Fran1lin *mit% of !%icago, Dr- 3illiam F- Aoc% of Detroit an& Dr- :ose'%son- Dr- Frisc%1orn says %e ne4er ses /t t(o &rgs " se&ati4es an& o'iates, an& t%ese s'aringly- He a4ers t%at t%ere are times (%en t%e lac1 of t%em may &o more to t%e 'atient's ner4es t%an t%e %arm t%e &rgs t%emsel4es &o- Dr- Goffler often sai& t%at serms an& 4accines 't more to8ins in t%e %man /loo& in one a&ministration t%an in;&icios eating %a/its &o in a year- Dr- Goffler (as a /loo& s'ecialist (%o eliminate& to8ins /y t%e o8yc%lorine met%o&- Anot%er 'rogressi4e an& intelligent me&ical &octor of my acJaintance %as ;st /een 't t%rog% t%e (ringer /y %is conty me&ical society for es'osing t%e 'rinci'le of 'raying Ifor t%e millennim (%en t%e one)sc%ool)t%og%t t%era'y may at least /e /ro1en an& &et%rone& for all time-I ,%is 'articlar &octor is no /ig %el' to t%e Drg ,rst- He ses as fe( of t%ese concoctions as 'ossi/le an& t%ose only to meet or&inary me&ical emergencies- He lists t%em as<
Dr- ?eorge *tarr 3%ite %as /ilt ' one of t%e largest me&ical 'ractices in t%e Knite& *tates /y sing t%e /rains ?o& ga4e %im- He is in&e'en&ent of t%e $e&ical !%am/er of !ommerce, t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 20 / 210 Drg ,rst, t%e F%rer of $e&icine an& all of t%eir satellites- He &oesn't gi4e a %oot (%at t%ey t%in1 of %im, or try to &o to %im- He says in 'lain (or&s t%at t%e I/enefitsI of slfa an& 'enicillin %a4e /een misre'resente&- ,%at t%e term Istre' t%roatI is %o1m- ,%at t%e socalle& 4irses are merely fancy (or&s for t%e common col& " (or&s se to e8tract more money ot of t%e 4ictims of allo'at%ic gree&- # Jote %im< IDring t%e 'ast year (194=) t%e me&ical 'rofession %as recei4e& (arnings from 'ractically all of t%e large &rg %oses, (%o manfactre slfa &rgs- ,%ese (arnings state t%at t%e more (i&ely t%ese &rgs are se&, t%e more e8'erience t%e 'rofession %as gaine& (%ic% is not (%olly fa4ora/le to t%em- I,%ese ta/lets %a4e /een o'enly sol& in &rg stores- # %a4e seen many an ato &ri4er na/le to steer %is car, ta1en in as a '&rn1', (%en 'on e8amination it (as fon& t%at %e %a& sim'ly lost %is 'o(er of orientation, from ta1ing t(o or t%ree slfa ta/lets t%e nig%t /efore 'to (ar& off a col&'- I$any an air'lane 'ilot %as steere& %is 'lane into a montainsi&e, casing &eat%s of all on /oar&- # %a4e learne& t%at, at least se4eral of t%ese &ea& 'ilots, %a& ta1en slfa ta/lets to '(ar& off a col&' t%e nig%t /efore- I*lfa &rgs %a4e a ten&ency to case t%e 4ictim to lose %is 'o(ers of orientation- He cannot reac% (it% %is arms an& legs (%ere %e t%in1s %e is going to reac%- He cannot steer %is atomo/ile or 'lane (%ere %e t%in1s %e is going to steer it- He cannot gage &e't%s a/o4e or /elo( t%e srface of t%e eart%- ,%ese &rgs tem'orarily &estroy a 'erson's a/ility to ;&ge &irection or &istance- I+enicillin is not%ing more t%an a /rea& mol&, t%at or gran&mot%ers se& to gro( in eart%en croc1s for ma1ing 'oltices to cre infecte& sores an& sore t%roats, no( 1no(n as a 'miracle &rg-' ,%e '%armacetical cartel, in or&er to start a fa&, too1 a s%ort ct to ma1e t%e mol& an& se& it /y (ay of t%e %y'o nee&le to ma1e it loo1 more ''rofessional-' I#n ma1ing it Jic1ly, (it% e8'ensi4e mac%inery, t%ey trne& a natral crati4e 'ro&ct into a 'oison- @y in;ecting it into t%e /loo& stream t%ey contri4e& to 'oison t%e (%ole system, (%ereas or&inary /rea& mol&, 'lace& on t%e otsi&e as a 'oltice, &re( t%e 'oison from t%e /loo&- I,%ey %a4e ta1en natral /rea& mol&, an& so 'refine&' it The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 21 / 210 t%at it /ecomes 'oisonos " casing /listers, %i4es, art%ritic 'ains an& &e'osits of colon /acteria t%at ne4er e8iste& /efore-I ,%e last annal re'ort of t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation itemi6es t%e gifts it %as ma&e to colleges an& '/lic agencies in t%e last =0 years, an& t%ey total ;st s%ort of a %alf /illion &ollars- ,%ese colleges, of corse, teac% t%eir st&ents all t%e &rg lore t%e .oc1efeller '%armacetical %oses (ant tag%t- Ot%er(ise, t%ere (ol& /e no more gifts, ;st as t%ere are no gifts to any of t%e =0 o&& &rgless colleges in t%e Knite& *tates- ,%e amonts otline& in t%e Fon&ation's re'ort cannot /e ignore&- Har4ar&, (it% its aristocratic /ac1gron& an& (ell)'/lici6e& me&ical sc%ool, %as recei4e& $1,CH=,C21 of t%is Drg ,rst money- 7ale got $CD4,D4=- :o%ns Ho'1ins, &o(n in @altimore, $arylan&, an& its famos me&ical sc%ool %as /enefite& since 1914 to t%e e8tent of $H,DB0,000 of Drg ,rst largesse- On t%e +acific !oast, Gelan& *tanfor& Kni4ersity in !alifornia lea&s t%e .oc1efeller 'ara&e (it% $912,C1B- 3as%ington Kni4ersity in *t- Gois recei4e& $4=B,1H4- !olm/ia Kni4ersity in >e( 7or1 !ity, (%ic% is so /ig t%e teac%ers &on't e4en 1no( eac% ot%er, too1 $H49,BDH from its neig%/ors in $i&to(n $an%attan- D1e Kni4ersity in >ort% !arolina got only $CC,9H=, /t t%en D1e &i&n't nee& any more /ecase (%en 'o(er trst tycoon I@c1I D1e &ie&, %e left $40,000,000 to little ,rinity !ollege 'ro4i&e& it c%ange& its name to D1e Kni4ersity- #t &i&- ,fts !ollege in $assac%setts recei4e& $1B1,H1D- Ean&er/ilt &o(n in ,ennessee $CD,911, >e( 7or1 Kni4ersity $CB,11C, $em'%is' colore& $e%arry $e&ical !ollege $==B,)000, #o(a *tate's corn /elt 1no(le&ge factory $H=,BBC, an& !ornell Kni4ersity $4CB,C0D- $any of or lea&ing state ni4ersities, (it% ta8 s''orte& me&ical sc%ools, %a4e t%eir %an&s nnecessarily in t%e Drg ,rst till " an& of corse tailor t%eir me&ical corses to sit t%e Fon&ation- 3e can mention t%e Kni4ersities of<
Ala/ama $ 40,000 !alifornia 1,1C0,D12 !olora&o 1H,110 The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 22 / 210 #llinois 1C1,000 #n&iana HB,000 $ic%igan 11,40C $innesota 21C,C4= $issori 1D,2B0 >ort%!arolina =B,000 O%io *tate 4B,000 O1la%oma B0,000 Oregon 9,000 +ennsyl4ania =C=,=90 *ot%ern !alifornia 4,000 ,ennessee 1,000 ,e8as CC,000 Kta% C,000 Eirginia D2,DH1 3as%ington =H=,900 3isconsin ==4,H00
,%is ImissionaryI (or1 of t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation 'ai& off %an&somely " to t%e ?rim .ea'er " on Fe/rary 1H, 19B0, (%en Deat% an& Drgs ro&e at t%e controls of a Gong #slan& (>e( 7or1) .ailroa& commters' train- ,%irty)t(o 'assengers (ere 1ille& an& 11C in;re&, in (%at (as ' to t%at time t%e (orst railroa& (rec1 in recent American %istory- On *e'tem/er 11t%, == +ennsyl4ania >ational ?ar&smen (ere (antonly mr&ere&, an& 24H in;re&, near !os%octon, O%io- @ot% (rec1s (ere case& /y a &rg- ,%e let%al &ose in t%e Gong #slan& catastro'%e (as gi4en t%e motorman /y a railroa& me&ic- #n t%e case of t%e !os%octon (rec1, t%e Drg ,rst's cl'a/ility may ne4er /e &efinitely 1no(n- 3it%in 24 %ors t%e +ennsyl4ania .ailroa& retire& t%e engineer (%o %a& 'asse& fi4e signal lig%ts at DB miles on %or O> A FKGG +9>*#O> an& tol& %im not to (orry- #t is 4ery significant t%at t%e +ennsyl4ania .ailroa& is o(ne& an& controlle& /o&ily /y t%e .oc1efeller organi6ation " (%ic% also o(ns t%e Drg ,rst- #nterloc1ing &irectorates %el' in t%e control, /t t%e fiscal agents are t%e clinc%ers- ,%e last 1= /on& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 2= / 210 isses of +.., totalling $B14,C0=,000 " (ere all %an&le& /y sc% stal(art .oc1efeller affiliates as Halsey)*tart L !o-, Ge%man @rot%ers, Harriman).i'ley, @ro(n)Harriman L !om'any, *aloman @rot%ers an& Ht6ler, an& t%e 94ans) *tillman !om'any- ,%m/s &o(n on any or all of t%ese /on& isses /y t%e !%ase >ational @an1 (ol& %a4e sim'ly meant t%ere (ol& %a4e /een no /on& isse- ,%s t%e .oc1efeller controlle& .ailroa& is com'lete an& t%ere (ill /e no em/arrassment to t%e Drg ,rst /ecase of t%e O%io (rec1- ,%e motorman " (%o (as t%e goat for t%e Gong #slan& catastro'%e " %as %ig% /loo& 'ressre, so t%e !om'any me&ic sai&- #nstea& of cleaning t%e to8ins ot of %is arteries an& eliminating t%e &isease, %e (as gi4en ca'sles containing '%eno/ar/itol, amino'%ylline an& 'otassim io&i&e an& t%en sent /ac1 to &ty- Fifteen mintes /efore %e reac%e& t%e 'rotecting atomatic signal %e fell aslee' at %is controls- An& no (on&er- Dorlan&'s $e&ical Dictionary lists '%eno/ar/itol as a %y'notic (slee' 'ro&cer)- #ts tra&e name is Gminol an& it is t%e most 'o'lar of all slee'ing 'ills- $any 'eo'le ta1e t%em an& ne4er (a1e '- Amino'%ylline is liste& as a &iretic (to 'romote faster flo( of rine)- +otassim io&i&e is liste& as an alternati4e for sy'%ilis- ,%e me&ic (%o &i& t%is liste& in t%e Directory of t%e American $e&ical Association as a Is'ecialistI in internal me&icine- #n t%e O%io (rec1 t%e story gi4en t%is at%or /y t%e engineer is t%e most fantastic %e e4er %ear&- ,%is man 'ilote& t%e +ennsyl4ania .ailroa& crac1 o4erlan& limite&- (I*'irit of *t- GoisI) (%ic% cras%e& into t%e rear of a stalle& troo' train (it% %orri/le reslts- #n &oing so " %e a&mits " %e 'asse& a cation signal ((%ic% meant =0 miles an %or) t(o miles from t%e (rec1, at DB miles an %or an& 1e't going ntil %e (as almost on t%e troo' train- ,%is in s'ite of a re& fsee &ro''e& /y t%e troo' train's flagman B00 feet /efore it sto''e&- ,%en t%e flagman (as (a4ing %is re& lantern, an& t%re( a re& flare- ,%e near signal (as re& an& 4isi/le for t(o miles /t t%e engineer ne4er sa( any of t%em ntil (as %e a'tly sai&) it (as too late- An e8%asti4e in4estigation of t%e (rec1 scene /y t%is at%or, an& a com'lete e8amination of t%e #nterstate !ommerce !ommission's recor&, in&icate t%at t%e engineer (as son& aslee' (%en %e 'asse& all t%ese (arning lig%ts- He &enie& %e %a& ta1en a col& ta/let or sl'%a &rg- #n fact %e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 24 / 210 &enie& %e %a& e4er ta1en a &octor's 'rescri'tion or 'atent me&icine of any 1in& &ring %is CD years of life- ,%e facts s'ea1 for t%emsel4es, as Drg ,rst agents (ell 1ne( (%en t%ey %a& t%eir railroa& ta1e care of t%ings so 'rom'tly- ,%e +ennsyl4ania .ailroa& is 20 years /e%in& t%e times- ,%e ma;or airlines of t%e Knite& *tates fon&, t%e %ar& (ay, (%at se& to case t%eir ma;or &isasters in (%ic% 'ilots ran into montainsi&es, often in /roa& &aylig%t- #t (as sl'%a 'ills Ito (ar& off a col&I or col& ta/lets to Icre one-I From Agst =1, 1940, to $arc% 12, 194H, t%ey %a& 19 of t%ese ImysteriosI (rec1s (%ic% too1 t%e li4es of 4=H 'ersons, accor&ing to t%e !i4il Aeronatics @oar&- At t%at time t%e airlines isse& or&ers gron&ing all flig%t 'ersonnel from 4H to D2 %ors after t%ey %a& ta1en a &rg of any sort- ,%e reslts (ere more t%an satisfactory- ,%ere %asn't /een a ma;or &isaster on an American commercial airline since- 3it% a nation still s%oc1e& at t%e O%io trage&y, t%e +ennsyl4ania .ailroa& 'lle& anot%er one ot of its %at on >o4em/er 2=- ,%is (as t%e (orst of all, for DD G#.. commters (ere 1ille& in a rear)en& collision at .ic%mon& Heig%ts an& ==2 (ere in;re&- #t (as a re'lica of t%e ot%er t(o- ,%e motorman of t%e Deat% ,rain ran 'ast re& an& am/er lig%ts of an atomatic /loc1 system (it%ot slo(ing &o(n- He ignore& t%e re& fse an& t%e re& lantern of t%e flagman (%o %a& &ro''e& off t%e rear of t%e stalle& train- O/4iosly, %e (as son& aslee'- ,%is motorman (as 1ille& an& cannot tal1- ,%is at%or %as information t%at %e %a& /een loa&ing ' on slfa 'ills or col& ta/lets, or some sc% concoction, (%ic% 't 'eo'le to slee' at %ig% s'ee&- ,%e +.. (ent into action almost as Jic1ly as it &i& in O%io- ,%e .oc1efeller !enter cro(& %a& its stooge in t%e *tate Hose at Al/any (?o4ernor De(ey) annonce from a 4acation s'ot in !/a t%at %e %a& Ior&ere&I a com'lete an& t%orog% in4estigation of t%e (rec1- ,%e little man (it% t%e !%arlie !%a'lin mstac%e got 'lenty of '/licity for %is ne8t election cam'aign- @t %ere is t%e 'ay)off- De(ey annonce& t%at %e %a& trne& t%e entire in4estigation o4er to .o/ert +- +atterson, a stanc% an& a/le .oc1efeller '''et (%o %as s'ent most of %is 'ri4ate life on t%e .oc1efeller 'ayroll-
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 2B / 210 3ha,ter + The S,ider's @e I#f yo tell a lie /ig enog%, an& lo& enog%, an& long enog%, an& often enog%, t%e 'eo'le (ill /elie4e it-I A&ol'% Hitler MEditor's &ote: Ha4e yo e4er rea& a t%is Jote in conte8t an& &isco4ere& t%at A- Hilter (as sing it to e8'lain t%e stan&ar& o'erating 'olicy of t%e .ot%sc%il&e Family an& t%eir frien&s an& s''orters, (%o incl&e t%e .oc1efellers5 $ay/e yo s%ol& rea& A- Hitler's %atefl little /oo1- After all, aren't (e tol& (e mst 01no( or enemy52NN $any rea&ers of my /oo1s an& maga6ines of t%e 'ast %a4e as1e& me %o( it is 'ossi/le for t%e Drg ,rst to 're4ent t%e 'rinting of ne(s a/ot &rgless cres, to e8aggerate t%e efficacy of &rgs, to falsify t%e recor& in t%e serm fiel& an& to sen& ot gar/le& 'ress stories at (ill- # &o not /lame t%e a4erage '/lis%er for t%is as mc% as # /lame t%e IsystemI (%ic% (as create& an& &e4elo'e&, e4en /efore K'ton *inclair (rote %is famos /oo1 on t%e 'ress an& 'ress associations calle& I,%e @rass !%ec1-I $any times #'4e %ear& /e(il&ere& citi6ens say Iyo can only /elie4e B0P of (%at yo rea& in t%e ne(s'a'ers-I #'4e %ear& ot%ers go /eyon& t%at an& say yo can't /elie4e 2BP of (%at yo rea& in a Hearst 'a'er or BP of (%at yo rea& in a commnist s%eet " $ars%all Fiel&'s 'a'ers, t%e former *tern 'a'ers, t%e 'resent >e( 7or1 +O*,, !O$+A** an& DA#G7 3O.A9.- #t is t%e a4erage American ne(s'a'er an& t%e (ay it is ta1en for a ri&e /y t%e Drg ,rst t%at (e are &ealing (it% in t%is c%a'ter- *o, &on't /lame t%e '/lis%er- $c% less s%ol& yo /lame t%e re'orter or e&itor if yor 'a'er let's yo &o(n as t%ey &i&, say, on t%e !olm/s 'olio story (&escri/e& in t%is /oo1) an& on many ot%er sc% items (%ic% ne4er sa( t%e lig%t of &ay- $any years ago a %ig% 'ressre an& %ig% 'o(ere& a&4ertising agent name& :- 3alter ,%om'son /egan t%e system of inflencing ne(s t%r %ge a&4ertising a''ro'riations- $r- ,%om'son tie& %imself ' (it% t%e .oc1efeller interests an& t%e $organ interests- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 2C / 210 ,%ese t(o financial /e%emot%s controlle& so many com'anies /et(een t%em t%at t%e ,%om'son !om'any, (it% t%e fon&er long since 'asse& to %is celestial re(ar& (if any) no( %as t%e most st'en&os /siness of any a&4ertising agency in t%e (orl&- *tan&ar& A&4ertising .egister for 194H s%o(e& t%is firm %a4ing 9B large in&strial acconts- Any agency %a4ing %alf a &o6en consi&ers itself lc1y an& (ell)to)&o- ,o %an&le t%is /siness t%e :- 3alter ,%om'son !om'any %as eig%t /ranc% offices in t%e Knite& *tates an& eig%teen in foreign contries " /ranc%es in nearly all lan&s (%ere *tan&ar& Oil's &erric1s rise- #ncl&e& in t%ese acconts are Ge4er @rot%ers ($1H,)CHC,=29), *%ell Oil ($1,221,1H=)Q *tan&ar& @ran&s ($=,9C2,40H)Q 9astman Ao&a1 ($1,HC1,49=)Q For& $otors ($11,)242,212)Q :o%ns) $an4ille ($9BB,=9H)Q >as%)Ael4inator ($=,D21,B29)Q Gi//y, $c>eill L Gi//y ($4,1H0,==H)Q +an American 3orl& Air(ays ($1,02D,BC9) Q .a&io !or'oration of America ($=,DBB,902) Q Aaiser)Fra6er $otors ($B,04H,9=4) " to mention ;st a fe(- @ecase a''ro'riations a&4ertising manfactre& 'ro&cts nationally %as reac%e& an aggregate of a /illion an& a %alf, a nm/er of ot%er agencies are no( 'artici'ating in t%e /siness of t%e .oc1efeller 9m'ire, an& of (%at is left of t%e $organ 9m'ire since :- +- (t%e Gast) &ie&- A recent com'ilation /y t%e maga6ine ADE9.,#*#>? A?9 s%o(e& t%at t%e larger com'anies e8'en&e& in 194H for ne(s'a'er, ra&io an& maga6ine a&4ertising t%e aggregate sm of $1,104,224,=4D- For many years it %as /een estimate& t%at t%e .oc1efeller)$organ interests controlle& a/ot H0P of t%is /siness- ,%is control is 4este& 'artly in t%ose com'anies o(ne& in (%ole or in 'art /y t%e $oney ,rst, (%ic% also %as its %ea&Jarters in .oc1efeller !enter- An e4en larger 'art of t%is control is re'resente& in t%e %n&re&s of large cor'orations an& com/ines t%at %a4e to go, from time to time, for financing to t%e !%ase >ational @an1, ?aranty ,rst, >ational !ity an& ot%er /an1ing %oses controlle& /y, or closely affiliate& (it%, t%e .oc1efellers- ,%is %ge a&4ertising figre (o4er a /illion an& a tent%) is only a 'art of t%e story, /t it is t%e only com'lete figres (e can 't or fingers on- #t is /ro1en &o(n as follo(s<
$=H9,2C1,000 to t%e larger of or 1-HD= &aily ne(s'a'ersQ $4=0,BD=,=99 to 9D national maga6inesQ The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 2D / 210 $4C,D09,CH= to si8 maga6ine sections for *n&ay ne(s'a'ersQ $=H,CH4,B2= to B0 farm '/licationsQ $19H,99B,D42 to net(or1 ra&io stations-
,%is &oes not ta1e into accont t%e %n&re&s of non)net(or1 (in&e'en&ent) ra&io stations in t%e contry, nor any of t%e 10,0BC (ee1ly ne(s'a'ers, 4ery fe( of (%ic% lac1 a Jota of national a&4ertising acconts- A conser4ati4e estimate of t%e total sets it at aron& $1,B00,000,000- 9ig%ty 'er cent of t%is (ill a&& ' to 1,200 million a&4ertising &ollars annally (%ic% a''arently are controlle& from .oc1efeller !enter /y t%e o(ners an& management of t%e Drg ,rst, t%e *teel ,rst, t%e Oil ,rst, t%e +o(er ,rst, t%e #nsrance ,rst, t%e Ktilities ,rst, t%e $etals ,rst an& %n&re&s of ot%er 'o(erfl com/inations in restraint of free enter'rise- ,%e American ,%og%t !ontrollers 'ay 'lenty of attention to t%e (ee1ly ne(s'a'er- # (ell remem/er 1B years ago (%en # (as rnning a conty seat ne(s'a'er in $arylan&, contigos to t%e nation's ca'ital- ,%e metro'olitan 'o(er com'any ser4ing my commnity se& to rn a Jarter of a 'age a&4ertisement e4ery (ee1- ,%ey 'ai& 'rom'tly an& (ell, an& t%is accont too1 Jite a lot of (orry off my s%ol&ers (%en t%e /ills came &e- One &ay (e too1 ' t%e c&gels for some of or rea&ers (%o (ere /eing gi4en 'oor ser4ice an& inslting treatment from t%e 'o(er com'any- #t (as or first e8'erience in t%e realm of Hell /rea1ing loose- ,%e isse (as in t%e mails only a fe( %ors (%en t%e tele'%one rang an& # recei4e& t%e &ressing &o(n of my life from t%e a&4ertising agency (%ic% %an&le& t%e 'o(er com'any's accont- @riefly an& 'lainly t%ey tol& me t%at any more sc% Iste''ing ot of lineI (ol& reslt in t%e imme&iate cancellation of t%is contract, as (ell as t%at of t%e gas com'any an& t%e tele'%one com'any- # still remem/er (%at a tremen&os let&o(n t%is (as for meQ %o( it o'ene& my eyes to t%e meaning of a Free +ressQ %o( # t%en an& t%ere &eci&e& to get ot of t%e ne(s'a'er /sinessQ %o( # /egan to see1 a /yer an& finally sol& ot at t%e /est figre # col& get an&, of corse, at a %ge loss- 3%en # reali6e t%at t%is is (%at e4ery ne(s'a'er o(ner is ' against, an& t%at (%ere # %a& only a fe( t%osan&s tie& ' most &aily ne(s'a'er '/lis%ers cont t%eir in4estments in t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 2H / 210 millions, # really feel sorry for t%em- ,%at is, all e8ce't t%e (orms, of (%ic% t%e ne(s'a'er /siness %as its s%are- >o( t%at # %a4e ma&e it clear %o( t%e .oc1efeller interests %an&le t%e 4arios me&ims of '/lic information, # am going to gi4e a list of t%e 2B largest a&4ertisers in t%e contry an& t%e amonts t%ey e8'en& (it% t%e 4arios me&ims- # am t%en going to s%o( yo %o( .oc1efeller !enter controls eac% an& e4ery one of t%ese concerns t%r (%at is calle& interloc1ing &irectorates- 7o %a4e alrea&y seen %o( t%e (ell traine& (in .oc1efeller $et%o&s) a&4ertising agencies can %an&le I'ro'erlyI so many ne(s'a'ers, maga6ines an& ra&io stations- Here are t%e @ig ,(enty)Fi4e of American @siness< +roctor an& ?am/le $=4,99=,=41 ?eneral $otors 2D,0HC,B14 !olgate)+almoli4e)+eet 1H,DD=,21= Ge4er @rot%ers 1H,CHC,=29 ?eneral Foo&s 1D,=0=,HD2 ?eneral 9lectric 1B,0BH,+1H *terling Drg 1=-C24-2HD ?eneral $ills 12-09H-0C1 *(ift L !om'any 11,=BB,BB1 .eynol&s ,o/acco 11-2D1,1=C *eagram 10,009,9CD For& $otors 11,242,2B2 ?illette .a6or 9,49D,H20 Giggett L $yers ,o/acco 9,24=,==C !am'/ell *o' H,992,11B !%rysler $otors D,H==,D=B American Home +ro&cts D,C9B,=40 American ,o/acco D,4D9,DBB +%ilco .a&io C,992,1BB 3esting%ose 9lectric C,DBC,01C $iles Ga/oratories C,410,B1= >ational Dairy +ro&cts C,H=9,99B @ristol)$yers B,D0=,HC2 The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 29 / 210 Aaiser)Fra6er $otors B,04H,9=4 @or&en's $il1 4,1D9,CC4 Of t%ese to' flig%t a&4ertisers Ge4er @rot%ers, *terling Drg, American Home +ro&cts, an& $iles Ga/oratories manfactre &rgs an& 'ro'rietary me&icines- @or&en's an& >ational Dairy +ro&cts are t%e t(o largest nits of t%e Mil. Trust, an& t%e greatest /eneficiaries of t%e 'asteri6ation rac1et- ,%is ,asteuriCation ra;.et is so lcrati4e t%at >D+ can 'ay its 'resi&ent (G- A- Eon @omel) $1B0,000 a year for &oing not%ing mc% e8ce't going aron& an& registering %orror at t%e t%og%t of anyone &rin1ing ra< mil.- MEditor's &ote: Ha4e yo loo1e& into t%e allegations t%at 'astri6e& mil1 is actally a slo( 'oison to yor /o&y5 3%y &on't yo &o t%at5N >o one claims t%at .oc1efeller o(ns any of t%ese com'anies otrig%t e8ce't *terling Drg- @t t%at t%e Hose of .- %as large stoc1 %ol&ings in most of t%em is atteste& /y t%e 'ersonnel of t%e se4eral &irectorates- 3%en a Financial Aing in4ests money in an enter'rise %e al(ays arranges to %a4e a stooge sitting on t%e /oar& of &irectors- Get's start at t%e to' (it% +roctor an& ?am/le- #ts 'resi&ent is .ic%ar& D'ree, (%o also is a &irector of t%e @altimore L O%io .ailroa& an& of t%e !oca !ola !om'any- ,%is railroa& is al(ays in financial &ifficlties an& going to 3all *treet /an1s for financing an& refinancing- ,%at alone is enog% to i&entify $r- D+ree as a man (%om t%ey trst at .oc1efeller !enter- ,%e !oca !ola !om'any is also (ell)amena/le to t%e .oc1efeller (ill- ,%e c%airman of its @oar& is one .o/ert 3- 3oo&rff, a &irector of t%e ?aranty ,rst !om'any (%ic% (as formerly a $organ)controlle& /an1 /t (%ic% is no( (ell n&er t%e .oc1efeller t%m/- ?eneral $otors %as as &irectors ?eorge 3%itney (a Hose of $organ 'artner), an& Ge(is 3- Doglas of t%e Hose of .oc1efeller- ,%e .oc1efellers t%og%t so mc% of Doglas' seflness to t%em t%at t%ey %a& %im a''ointe& Am/assa&or to 9nglan&, to control t%e flo( of American &ollars to t%at tig%t little islan&, to 'rotect t%e .oc1efeller oil an& international /an1ing interests o4er t%ere- !olgate)+almoli4e)+eet %as as a &irector ?eorge 3- $erc1, 'resi&ent of $erc1 L !om'any " t%e &rg /e%emot% (%ose stoc1 strctre %as /een inflate& to 4B1P of its actal assets /y The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =0 / 210 t%e 'rofits in t%e &rg traffic- Also $- F- *- .ssell of t%e K- *- +i'e L Fon&ry !om'any (%ose 'resi&ent (+%ilo 3- +ar1er) is a /ig 'i'e in *tan&ar&)Eacm Oil !om'any- Ge4er @rot%ers ma1es +e'so&ent an& t%s (ill &o not%ing to interfere (it% t%e fallacy t%at &rgs an& cosmetics an& 'ro'rietary reme&ies aren't /est for (%at ails e4eryone- ?eneral Foo&s is so n&er t%e .oc1efeller t%m/ t%at t%eir &mmy &irectors electe& a &irector of t%e !%ase >ational @an1 (Amstin *- #gle%art) 'resi&ent- On ?F's &irectorate are .o/ert +- Ge%man (of t%e .oc1efeller)controlle& Ge%man @rot%ers /an1ing %ose), !arl *c%mi&la'' (anot%er !%ase >ational Director) an& $rs- $ary +- Da4ies of a famos family affiliate& closely (it% t%e Hose of .oc1efeller- ?eneral 9lectric %as on its &irectorate as t%e .oc1efeller re'resentati4e *loan !olt of t%e .oc1efeller)controlle& @an1ers ,rst !om'any- Get's loo1 at /ot% si&es of t%e 'ictre- ,a1e t%e 4arios &irectors of t%e !%ase >ational @an1 an& see (it% (%om t%ey are tie& ' as &irectors<
H- Donal& !am'/ell (!onsoli&ation !oal !om'any, $at%ieson Al1ali 3or1s, 3estern Knion ,elegra'%, American *melting L .efining !om'any)
Francis 3- !ole (Knite& Aircraft, for insrance com'anies)
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =1 / 210 :- F- Dra1e (+llman !om'any, ?lf Oil, American .olling $ill, .oc1(ell $anfactring, nine ot%er oil com'anies)
!arl :- *c%mi&la'' (?eneral Foo&s, !ontinental #nsrance, !/an)Atlantic *gar, The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =2 / 210 .ayonier #nc-, !%icago +nematic ,ool)
.o/ert 9- 3ilson (+an American +etrolem, First >ational @an1 of !%icago)
,%is 1in& of set)' is calle& /y statisticians an& actaries t%e S,ider's @e 3hart- #f a c%art (ere ma&e s%o(ing t%ese concerns in Jestion in a 4ertical colmn, an& t%e 4arios &irectors in a %ori6ontal colmn, t%en a line &ra(n from eac% &irector to t%e concerns %e is s''ose& to &irect, t%e effect (ol& loo1 not nli1e a s'i&er's (e/- As a reslt of t%is tig%t control of t%e nation's t%in1ing " from .oc1efeller !enter to t%ese #n&strial !oncerns an& !om/ines, to t%e A&4ertising Agencies, to t%e $e&ims of +/lic #nformation, to t%e .ea&ing +/lic a sm estimate& /y a censs of manfactrers as eJalling $10,000,000,000 in 194H %as /een 'ai& in to t%e &rg concerns in t%e Knite& *tates for &rgs (%ic%, as (e %a4e s%o(n, intelligent me&ical at%orities consi&er, in large 'art, seless- ,%e enormos 'rofits reslting from t%is enormos &rg traffic " &o'e traffic as some ots'o1en '%ysicians call it " %a4e reslte& in inflation of t%e stoc1 strctres of many of t%ese Dealers in Deat%- *ome %a4e increase& t%eir stoc1 strctre as %ig% as 20 s%ares to one- Ot%ers %a4e ;st let natre ta1e its corse in t%e stoc1 mar1et- 3e can get a 4ery goo& 'ictre of t%is from $oo&y's $anal of #n&strials- #ts crrent one s%o(s, for instance, t%at A//ott Ga/oratories, /y ma1ing an o'erating 'rofit in one year of HD P of its actal '%ysical assets, %as so inflate& its stoc1 t%at it is The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust == / 210 selling on t%e mar1et for C=2P of t%e com'any's actal '%ysical assets- #t s%o(s 'rofits 1=9 P o4er assets /y American Home +ro&cts (manfactre of Anacin, Aolynos, @iso&ol an& Hill's !ol& ,a/lets), of 112P /y +ar1e)Da4is, of 109P /y +fi6er L !om'any an& also /y >ational Drg an& !%emical- #t s%o(s a 1,H=9P inflation /y American Home +ro&cts, a 92CP inflation /y $cAesson L .o//ins, a DB0P inflation /y Eic1 !%emical an& a C=2P inflation /y *terling Drg- A ran&om com'ilation of 1B of t%ese large &rg concerns is s%o(n on t%e ne8t 'age- #t (as a (ise '%iloso'%er (%o sai& " IHe (%o 'ays t%e 'i'er calls t%e tne-I
3ha,ter D Go9ernment Gangsters *ince t%e regimentation of $e&icine /y Jac1s an& me&ical gangsters in control of t%e American $e&ical Association, t%is organi6ation %as /ecome one of t%e most 4icios rac1ets in t%e contry- A large ma;ority of t%e 'eo'le %a4e lost fait% in t%e me&ical &octor an& loo1 else(%ere for relief- " !%arles Gyman Goffler, $- D ,%e (or& I+rotectionI se& to %a4e a sinister meaning in Democratic 'arty concils an& 'ro'agan&a- #t meant t%e +rotecti4e ,ariff, a 'et isse of most of t%e /siness tycoons (%o finance& t%e .e'/lican 'arty- ,%e fact t%at t%e 'rotecti4e tariff 'rotecte& American la/or as (ell as American in&stry (as con4eniently lost sig%t of /y Democratic s'ell/in&ers- @t (it% t%e coming of t%e .oose4elt A&ministration in 19== t%e (or& I'rotectionI Jic1ly got lost from t%e Democratic Ge8icon- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =B / 210 The Ro;.efeller interests( <ho finan;ed Roose9elt's original foray into ,oliti;s, also finance& %is 19=2 /lit6 at !%icago an& too1 o4er t%e &irection of some of %is ma;or 'olicies (%en %e mscle& into t%e 3%ite Hose- ,%eir yac%t I>orma%alI (o(ne& /y Eincent Astor of t%e !%ase >ational @an1) (as 'lace& at %is &is'osal for (ee1en& 'arties- ,%is (as 1e't ' ntil t%e @lac1 s/committee of t%e *enate interce'te& ra&io messages from a 3all *treet international /an1ing %ose to Eincent Astor telling %im (%at t%ey (ante& .oose4elt to &o- ,%ese messages (ere ne4er ma&e '/lic- *enator @lac1, (it% e4ery /it of a year an& a %alf's e8'erience as a 'olice cort ;&ge, sentencing %alf)'int /ootleggers to t%e Ala/ama c%ain gang, (as ma&e a ;stice of t%e Knite& *tates *'reme !ort- #t (as t%at easy- ,%e first large scale 'rotection isse& /y t%e .oose4elt A&ministration (as to t%e American an& ?erman &ye trsts, a mo4e t%at nearly lost 3orl& 3ar ## for t%e Knite& *tates- ,o ma1e t%e recor& com'lete (e s%ol& 'oint ot t%at ;st /efore t%e Hoo4er De'ression 'lace& .oose4elt in t%e 3%ite Hose, t%e .e'/lican A&ministration itself (as gilty of 'rotecting t%e o(ner of a %ge &rg concern (%ic% 1ille& o4er B,000 'eo'le (it% a mis/ran&e& e8tract of :amaica ?inger- *o it seems t%at t%e .oc1efeller (.oose4elt) A&ministration merely 'ic1e& ' (%ere t%e $ellon (Hoo4er) a&ministration left off- @t, n&er t%e .oose4elt aegis, a %alf &o6en agencies of t%e Fe&eral ?o4ernment (ere trne& o4er to t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst to &o (it% as t%ey (ille&- #t is to t%ese &is%onest an& corr't agencies t%at t%is c%a'ter is &e&icate&-
T%E -OOD A&D DRUG BA&D7TS >early 40 years ago t%at ol& (ar%orse for t%e 'rotection of t%e American +/lic from s'oile& an& 'oisonos foo& an& &rgs (t%e late Dr- Har4ey 3- 3iley) %a& a fine la( enacte& for t%is 'r'ose- @t t%e Drg ,rst got its %oo1s into t%e go4ernment /rea (%ic% (as c%arge& (it% enforcing t%e la( soon after Dr- 3iley's &eat%- ,%is @rea " no( 1no(n as t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration " is se& 'rimarily for t%e 'er4ersion of ;stice /y Icrac1ing &o(nI on all (%o en&anger t%e 'rofits of t%e Drg ,rst- ,%e @rea occasionally 'rosectes, on its o(n initiati4e, smalltime o''ortnists (%o s%ol& /e 'rosecte&- ,%s in a fe( small The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =C / 210 cases t%e @rea &oes goo& (or1- #ts 'rinci'al acti4ities, %o(e4er, are as ser4ants of t%e Drg ,rst- >ot only &oes t%e FLDA (in1 at 4iolations /y t%e Drg ,rst (sc% as t%e mass mr&ers in t%e ginger ;a1e an& slfat%io6ole cases) /t it is 4ery assi&os in 'tting ot of /siness any an& all 4en&ors of t%era'etic &e4ices (%ic% increase t%e %ealt% inci&ence of t%e '/lic an& t%s &ecrease t%e 'rofit inci&ence of t%e Drg ,rst- 3%en t%e FLDA, (%ose officials all %a4e to /e acce'ta/le to .oc1efeller !enter /efore t%ey are a''ointe&, recei4e or&ers to &estroy an in&e'en&ent o'erator it goes all ot to carry ot t%ese or&ers- ,%e or&ers &o not come from *tan&ar& Oil or a &rg %ose &irector- ,%e American $e&ical Association is t%e front for t%e Drg ,rst- ,%e A$A frnis%es t%e Jac1 &octors to ItestifyI t%at, (%ile t%ey often 1no( not%ing of t%e 'ro&ct in4ol4e&, it is t%eir o'inion t%at it %as no t%era'etic 4ale- Finance& /y t%e ta8'ayers, t%ese Drg ,rst 'ersections lea4e no stone ntrne& to &estroy t%e 4ictim- #f %e is a small o'erator, t%e reslting attorney's fees an& cort costs 't %im ot of /siness, (%ic% is ;st (%at t%e Drg ,rst (ants- Occasionally t%e Drg ,rst, an& its 3as%ington stooges, rn ' against a tartar " one (%o /attles t%em &o(n to t%e last &itc%- 3e can name se4eral of t%ese /attlers off%an&- First, Dr- A&ol'%s Ho%ensee of *cranton, +a-, 1no(n as one of America's lea&ing 4itaminologists- Dr- Ho%ensee %as a file of o4er 120,000 'ersons (%o %a4e atten&e& %is lectre corses an& (%o 'ractice %is a&4ice on 'ro'er eating- ,%osan&s of t%em still conslt %im an& /y t%e 4itamins (%ic% %e 'rocesses an& 'ac1ages as &ietary ai&s- >ee&less to say, t%e Drg ,rst %as ne4er lost an o''ortnity to I'rosecteI %im t%r its stooges in t%e FLDA- ,%e most recent %arassment (as /rog%t in t%e K- *- District !ort for Ari6ona an& t%e met%o&s se& to con4ict %im (ol& &efy t%e imagination of a mo4ie scri't (riter- ,%e s'ecific c%arge (as t%at " (%en %e s%i''e& a consignment of 4itamins from +%oeni8, Ari6ona, to H#$*9GF in Gos Angeles (for %is ne8t series of lectres) " %e Imis)/ran&e&I t%em- >o( comes t%e comic o'era 'art (%ic% (asn't fnny to t%e &octor- ,%e go4ernment %a& to contra&ict t%e re'orts of its o(n agents in or&er to e4en get into cort- 3%en t%e s%i'ment (as first sie6e& (A'ril 10, 194B) t%e go4ernment c%emist (%o e8amine& it The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =D / 210 sai& t%ey (ere Ie8actly accor&ing to la/elI an& not mis/ran&e&- 3%en t%e trial came ' (Fe/rary 1D, 194H) t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its 'ro&ce& anot%er go4ernment (itness (%o &enie& t%e re'ort of t%e first e8aminer- ,%e Drg ,rst &i&n't t%in1 t%e Ari6ona &istrict attorney (as 4ery /rig%t, so t%ey sent &o(n from 3as%ington (at ta8'ayers' e8'ense) t(o ot%er go4ernment Ie8'erts-I ,%ey (ante& t%e (or1s 't to Dr- Ho%ensee /a&ly- ,en local me&icos " all mem/ers of t%e A$A " (ere 't on t%e stan&- ,%eir stories (ere so ali1e as to gi4e t%e im'ression t%at t%ey %a& /een (ell coac%e&- ,%ey re4erse& all 1no(n me&ical t%eories /y ItestifyingI t%at I4itamins are not necessary to t%e %man /o&y-I ,%ey (ere confronte& (it% go4ernment /lletins to t%e contrary /t merely (iggle& ot of t%at one /y o'ining t%at t%ese stan&ar& '/lications (ere ot&ate&- ,%e go4ernment 'ro4e& not%ing- Accor&ing to an affi&a4it in or 'ossession, a go4ernment (itness &i& actally tam'er (it% t%e ;ry- >ot%ing a/ot 're4ios %arassments of Dr- Ho%ensee in >e( 7or1 in a similar frame)' (as intro&ce& at t%e trial, /t a ;ry (oman a4erre& t%at anot%er mem/er of t%e ;ry tol& t%is story to %is colleages, t%s 're;&icing t%e case of ;stice- A con4iction of Dr- Ho%ensee an& an $1,H00 fine (as secre&- @t t%e cort &enie& Dr- Ho%ensee %is constittional rig%t of a ne( trial- An& to frt%er 't t%e slg on %im, t%e ;&ge sa( to it t%at %e col&n't a''eal t%e 4er&ict in s'ite of t%is o4er(%elming e4i&ence of a miscarriage of ;stice- He &ecree& t%at Dr- Ho%ensee mst go to ;ail ntil %e 'ai& t%e fine- ,%is son&s more li1e Hitler ?ermany or *talinesJe .ssia t%an li1e a contry (%ic% is s''ose& to %a4e or !onstittional safegar&s to life, li/erty an& t%e 'rsit of /siness- >o( let's ta1e t%e case of !ol- Dins%a% +- ?%a&iali of $alaga, >e( :ersey- !ol- Dins%a% %as a system of %ealing /y colors- Knli1e t%e Ho%ensee 4itaminology it is too scientific for or lay min&, /t it $K*, /e effecti4e /ecase o4er 9,000 satisfie& 'atients %a4e ta1en %is corse an& 'rc%ase& %is normalating a''arats at $90 'er- ,%e +ost Office's 1angaroo cort isse& a fra& or&er against !ol- Dins%a%- ,%is s'rre& t%e Foo& & Drg @an&its on- ,%ey annonce& t%ey (ol& fin& e4ery *'ectro)!%rome eJi'ment t%ey col& an& ta1e it a(ay from its 'rc%aser an& rig%tfl o(ner- ,o &o so t%ey resorte& to legali6e& /rglary, claiming The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =H / 210 t%ey (ere (it%in t%eir legal rig%ts in ta1ing 'ri4ate 'ro'erty- @t an Oregon ;&ge faile& to agree (it% t%em- He (asn't as amena/le to t%e Drg ,rst slg as t%e Ari6ona ;&ge- ,%e Foo& L Drg @an&its entere& t%e %ome of 3illiam .- Olsen in +ortlan& an& forci/ly ma&e off (it% %is a''arats- Olsen %ale& t%em into cort- ,%eir ali/i (as t%at t%ey &i&n't t%in1 t%e mac%ine (or1e& " t%at $r- Olsen s%ol& %a4e sent for one of t%ose me&ical &octors ((%o 'romote t%e sale of &rgs, serms an& /iologicals)- ,%e cort rle& t%at (%et%er or not t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its (ere correct in t%eir o'inions of t%e a''arats (as /esi&e t%e 'oint- A man's %ome is still %is castle, t%e cort rle&- ,%e $90 (ort% of 'ri4ate 'ro'erty (as retrne& to $r- Olsen- ,%e ;&ge (as 1in& to t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its- He &i&n't cite t%em to %is gran& ;ry for nla(fl entry an& /rglary- @t t%e Drg ,rst %oo1s (ere &ee'er into or ;&icial system t%an anyone col& srmise- ,%e Foo& L Drg @an&its a''eale& t%e case to t%e K- *- !ircit !ort of A''eals (%ic% rle& t%at a man's %ome isn't %is castle after all, an& t%at (in effect) an American citi6en %as no 'ro'erty rig%ts if sc% rig%ts interfere (it% t%e 'rofits of t%e Drg ,rst- ,%at is all anyone can ma1e ot of sc% an nconstittional &ecision (%ic%, (e n&erstan&, t%e %onest ;&ge of t%e District !ort calle& Igo4ernment's ma&ness-I ,%e Foo& L Drg @an&its &i& not sto' %ere- ,%eir or&ers from t%e Drg ,rst (ere to &estroy Dins%a% at any cost- ,%ey (ere tol& to ta1e %im into cort an& frame %im (it% t%e ItestimonyI of /ro1en &o(n me&ical Jac1s (%o 1ne( not%ing (%atsoe4er a/ot *'ectro)!%rome- ,%is (as &one in t%e Fe&eral !ort at !am&en, >- :-, /efore a ;&ge name& Forman- ,%is ;&ge 4irtally acte& as 'rosector for t%e Drg ,rst as (ell as t%e ;&ge on t%e /enc%- ,%e &efen&ant (as a/le to fin& an& ron& ' 120 of %is 'atients " one)time sic1 'eo'le (%o %a& /een cre& /y *'ectro)!%rome- ,%ey testifie& to t%e facts " to (%at t%ey 1ne(- ,%e I(itnesses for t%e go4ernmentI testifie& to o'inions an& a&mitte& t%ey %a& ne4er trie& *'ectro)!%rome- ,%e ;&ge c%arge& t%e ;ry not to /elie4e t%e (itnesses for t%e &efense- He calle& t%em I&el&e&I 'eo'le (%o, not /eing t%e /earers of me&ical &egrees, &i&n't 1no( (%et%er t%ey %a& /een cre& or not- ,%s :&ge Forman re4erse& all 1no(n rles of e4i&ence (%ic% %a4e /een 'ractice& in American an& 9nglis% corts since The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust =9 / 210 t%e magna c%arta- A ;ry of morons con4icte& !ol- Dins%a%- ,%e ;&ge (as as tog% as %e col& /e, /t %e (as afrai& to gi4e !ol- Dins%a% a ;ail sentence- He so state& in (or&s an& sai& t%at if %e &i& %e (ol& ma1e a martyr of t%e !olonel an& /ring many ot%ers to %im an& %is follo(ers to /e cre&- He col& (ell %a4e a&&e& " Ian& t%s frt%er &ecrease t%e 'rofits of t%e Drg ,rst-I !ol- Dins%a% (as fine& $20,000 an& all of %is 'ri4ate 'ro'erty connecte& (it% t%e manfactre an& sale of *'ectro)!%rome &e4ice (as sie6e& an& forci/ly ta1en from %im- ,a1e t%e case of Dr. @illiam -. Eo;h of Detroit, one of t%e fe( 'ractitioners in America (%o sccessflly %an&les cancer cases- 3%en t%e +ar1e)Da4is re'resentati4e in @ra6il /ecame so incense& at %im for intro&cing a science into t%at *ot% American contry t%at (ol& cre cancer (it%ot &rgs, ra&im, O)ray or srgery, %e imme&iately ca/le& %is %ea&Jarters in t%is contry- ,%e Foo& L Drg @an&its (ent into action- ,%ey ca/le& Dr- Aoc% t%at t%ey (ante& to &iscss %is la/els (it% %im 'ersonally- Dr- Aoc% corteosly, an& at %is o(n e8'ense, came /ac1 to t%e Knite& *tates to straig%ten t%em ot- @t t%ey, &i&n't (ant to /e straig%tene& ot- ,%ey %a& %im frame& /efore t%ey starte&, an& /efore %e &oc1e& at $iami- ,%ey refse& to consi&er t%e e4i&ence of accracy %e 'resente& /t t%re( %im into ;ail at $iami, Fla-, (it%ot a s%re& of %onest e4i&ence against %im- #n attem'ting to get t%e /on& set at $10,000, t%e Flori&a D- A- sai& t%e Fe&eral D- A- in Detroit %a& ma&e t%is reJest /y tele'%one, claiming Dr- Aoc% %a& starte& (or1 in @ra6il (%ic% %e (t%e Detroit K- *- District Attorney) &i&n't (ant %im to go /ac1 an& finis%- ,(o long an& costly trials (ere %el& " t%e ta8'ayers footing t%e /ill for t%e Drg ,rst an& Dr- Aoc% 'aying %is o(n e8'enses- >ot%ing (as 'ro4e& /y t%e Igo4ernment,I /t a fe( morons on t%e 'anels case& /ot% ;ries to /e %ng- ,%is failre (as in s'ite on t%e fact t%at large sms of ta8 money (ere s'ent sen&ing Foo& L Drg Iin4estigatorsI t%rog% t%e contry trying 4ainly to fin& IfailresI from t%e Aoc% treatment- Or, at least, genine failres- #n !alifornia, !%arles $- +ierce in4ente& a &e4ice (%ic% %e calle& a slanting /oar&- ,%is (as a ta/le not nli1e an ironing /oar&, on (%ic% a 'erson can lie (it% %is feet 12 or more inc%es a/o4e %is %ea&- Dr- ?eorge *tarr 3%ite of Gos Angeles recommen&e& it- # The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 40 / 210 trie& it an& fon& it to /e a (on&erfl rela8er- # also fon& t%at it ga4e instant, e4en t%o tem'orary relief from %ay fe4er attac1s- Alt%o it costs /t $12-B0, it (as (ort% $1,000 to me t%e 'ast smmer (%en t%e %eat trne& t%e &st, in t%at geogra'%ical sacer 1no(n as t%e District of !olm/ia, into fine 'o(&er an& ma&e life misera/le (%ene4er # left an air) con&itione& room or /il&ing- Dr- 3%ite, in analy6ing t%e /oar&, says t%at t%e gra4itational 'll on or /o&ies ten&s to 'rola'se an& t%ere/y ener4ate t%e internal organs- #t is only (%en (e lie (it% t%e %ea& lo(er t%an t%e %eart, an& t%e /o&y in t%e incline& 'osition, t%at genine rela8ation seems to /e /rog%t a/ot- Also, %e says, /y se of t%e *lanting @oar& t%e /loo& circlation in t%e /rain irrigates to a /etter a&4antage, (as%es ot an& clears ' &e'osits an& rene(s its normal fnctions- $r- +ierce %as sol& 11,000 of t%ese /oar&s in t%e last ten years an& %as yet to %ear from a single 'rc%aser t%at t%e &e4ice isn't all t%at is claime& for it- 7et, (%en t%e Drg ,rst %ear& a/ot it t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its (ent into action- >ine times t%ey cite& $r- +ierce /efore a Fe&eral cort at great e8'ense to %im an& to t%e ta8'ayers- ,%e last time %e (as fine& $100-00, /t s&&enly t%is 'ersection sto''e&- 3%y5 ,#$9 $aga6ine recently carrie& an item a/ot t%e sorce of +resi&ent ,rman's nsal %ealt% an& fitness- #t sai& %e se& a *lanting @oar& e4ery &ay an& &i& a nm/er of I'll)'sI on it- ,%e +ierce *lanting @oar& is fitte& (it% a foot stra' /y t%e se of (%ic% t%e ser can e8ercise %is torso in e4ery (ay %e (or s%e) &esires- ,%e Foo& L Drg @an&its o/4iosly (ere afrai& of contracting a se4ere case of re& face, s%ol& t%e +resi&ent e4er fin& ot t%ey (ere lo()rating t%e &e4ice (%ic% 1ee's %im in /etter %ealt% t%an a +resi&ent %as e4er /een 1no(n to /e in at %is age- @ert Go(ry in *an Diego in 1921 in4ente& a little contra'tion (%ic% mig%t /e terme& a c%iro'ractic self)a&;ster- #t is a sim'le &e4ice t%at fits n&er t%e c%in an& /ac1 of t%e %ea&, (it% a ro'e an& 'lley to /e attac%e& to a ;oist, rafter or &oor ;am/- ,%e ser lifts %imself ' an& off a c%air " (%ic% can &o no 'ossi/le %arm- Actally it a&;sts all s/l8ations (e8ce't t%e sacrm an& coccy8) an& t%e ser can feel t%e 4ital ner4e force flo(ing &o(n t%e s'ine from t%e /rain an& into t%e 4ital organs- # %a4e se& it 'ersonally for a year, feel ten years yonger, &o not fatige easily any moreQ elimination, a''etite an& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 41 / 210 meta/olism %a4e im'ro4e& B0P- 7et $r- Go(ry %a& to sen& me my &e4ice /y e8'ress " t%e +ost Office %a& /arre& it from t%e mail 'ri4ileges grante& me, yo, $r- Go(ry an& e4ery ot%er la( a/i&ing citi6en /y !ongress- 3%en t%e Drg ,rst &isco4ere& t%at t%is little &e4ice col& concei4a/ly &estroy 'er%a's B0P of &rg sales, if it e4er /ecame ni4ersally 1no(n an& se&, t%ey %a& t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its come &o(n on $r- Go(ry li1e a ton of /ric1s- He (as cite& into cort a nm/er of times- He an& t%e ta8'ayers 'ai& a 'retty /ill for cort costs- ,%is 1e't ' ntil ,om *cri''s, a Icity fat%erI of *an Diego an& a &istant cosin of t%e famos ne(s'a'er family of t%at name, as1e& t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its in 3as%ington (%at t%e Hell (as t%e matter (it% t%em- He %a& a Go(ry &e4ice in %is o(n %ome, %e 'ointe& ot, an& (as more t%an 'lease& (it% its /enefits- 3%ere'on Foo& L Drg 'eo'le calle& off t%e &ogs- @t t%ere are ot%er ?o4ernment ?angsters in 3as%ing)ton o'erating at t%e /ec1 an& call of t%e Drg ,rst- 3%en t%e Foo& L Drg @an&itti faile&, t%e Drg ,rst calle& in t%e +ost Office De'artment (%ic% %as effecti4ely sto''e& t%e &issemination of t%ese %ealt%)'ro&cing ga&gets for t%e time /eing- $r- Go(ry %as /een /arre& from se of t%e mails in eit%er &irection " /y t%e 1angaroo cort o'erate& on a onesi&e& /asis /y t%e +ost Office De'artment- ,%e at%or of t%is /oo1 %as /een /arre& from t%e mails also (%en %e (rites to $r- Go(ry- His mail is retrne& to %im mar1e& Ifra&lentI an& t%e go4ernment 1ee's t%e = cents (%ic% (as 'ai& for t%e e8'ress, !onstittional an& stattory rig%t to %a4e t%is mail &eli4ere&- ,%ere is no &o/t in t%e min&s of &octors (%o n&erstan& t%e s'ine an& t%e ganglion ner4e system t%at se of t%e Go(ry *'ine)9ase (ol& sto' t%e no( fas%iona/le I&isc o'erationsI " t%e ty'e (%ic% nnecessarily rine& t%e ma;or leage /ase/all career of !%arley Aeller of t%e >e( 7or1 7an1ees- ,%e I&iscI is not%ing more t%an cartilagenos anterior 'rocess of t%e s'inal colmn- @y lig%tly stretc%ing t%e (%ole s'inal colmn, t%e s/)l8e& 4erta/rae (ol& strig%ten itself ot " somet%ing e4ery com'etent c%iro'ractor or osteo'at% can &o (it% %is %an&s- ,o ta1e ot t%at cartilagenos cs%ion from a %man s'ine is a crime in any langage- #t not only 'ermits s%oc1 (%en t%e s'ine is /ent for(ar& in t%at s'ot, /t 'ermits more an& often serios interference (it% t%e flo( of ner4e force to 4ital organs in t%e torso- @t t%at is alrig%t (it% t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its an& t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 42 / 210 American $e&ical Association, /ecase sc% a con&ition (ill /ring t%e 4ictim /ac1 to t%e offices of me&icos (%o (ill %a4e to se &rgs to ease t%e 'ain an& to co4er ' t%e effect for t%e /alance of %is s%ortene& life- ,%e I'rotectionI t%eme of t%e Foo& L Drg /an&its sometimes 4aries- 3e %a4e in min& t%e ?inger :a1e $r&ers of 19=0 an& 19=1, &ring t%e &ays (%en (e %a& legal 'ro%i/ition (%ic% 'ro%i/ite& not%ing- Gois A- Giggett (as national committeeman from $assac%setts, treasrer an& a financial angel of t%e .e'/lican 'arty- He (as also t%e o(ner of t%e Giggett Drg !om'any, a large an& (ealt%y '%armacetical concern- ,%e Giggett !om'any 'rocre& some s/)stan&ar& an& &angeros fli& e8tract of :amica ?inger- ,%ey /egan to &istri/te it- Ho(ar& Am/rster, an im'orter of ergot (%o (as %a4ing tro/le (it% t%e Foo& L Drg rac1eteers, /egan to com'lain of t%ese s%i'ments of &angeros I;a1e-I *ince it containe& alco%ol t%osan&s of 'eo'le (ere /ying it for /e4erage, rat%er t%an me&icinal 'r'oses- $r- Am/rster (as tol& t%at it (as a /ootleg 'ro&ctQ t%at t%e +ro%i/ition at%orities s%ol& %an&le it- ,%e +ro%i/ition at%orities 'ointe& ot t%at t%ey %a& to 'ro4e sales for /e4erage 'r'osesQ t%at it (as sol& /y &rgstores &isgise& as me&icine " only t%e FLDA col& sto' its sale- $r- Giggett (as a 'o(er in t%e A&ministration- >ot%ing (as &one ntil 'eo'le /egan to &ro' &ea& on t%e streets of cities an& to(ns in Ar1ansas, O1la%oma an& ,ennessee (%ere t%is &ea&ly concoction %a& /een (i&ely sol& to &rg stores- All tol& B,000 'eo'le (ere mr&ere& /y t%e Giggett com'any an& t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration- O4er =0,000 (ere 'araly6e& an& maime& for life- ,%is (as /efore Hoo4er I'ros'erityI %a& %it t%e nation- ,%e A&ministration (as all)'o(erfl- 9fforts to %a4e t%e De'artment of :stice &o its s(orn stattory an& !onstittional &ty met (it% stone(all resistance- 9fforts to %a4e !ongress 'ro/e t%is &isaster met (it% eJally strong resistance- As a so' to t%eir consciences, t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration %a& t(o (%olesale &rg &ealers in&icte& an& con4icte&, an& gi4en C)mont% ss'en&e& sentences- ,%e main cl'rit (as in&icte& as I'arty n1no(nI an& ne4er /rog%t to trial- ,%e (orst case of conni4ance /et(een Dealers in Deat% an& Fe&eral officials since t%e ?inger :a1e $r&ers of 19=0 an& 19=1 The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 4= / 210 (as t%e *lfat%ia6ole case of 1940- #n t%e 'rotecte& mr&er of a large nm/er of innocent American citi6ens t%e Foo& L Drg @an&itti %a& t%e acti4e co)o'eration of $orris Fis%/ein an& %is s%a1e&o(n rac1et- A ne( 'ro&ct calle& slfat%ia6ole ta/lets (as concocte& /y 3int%ro' Drg !om'any, one of t%e CC s/si&iaries of ?erman Far/en)American *tan&ar& Oil's &rg cartel- @eing ma&e /y t%is .oc1efeller nit it (as atomatically n&er t%e 'rotection of /ot% t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration an& t%e American $e&ical Association- Fis%/ein annonce& in %is :ornal of t%e American $e&ical Association on :anary 2B, 1941, t%at - - - I*lfat%ia6ole) 3int%ro' %as /een acce'te& /y t%e !oncil of +%armacy an& !%emistry for inclsion in its official 4olme of ne( an& non) official reme&ies-I 94ery mem/er of t%e me&ical 'rofession (%o is na(are of t%e ty'e of 'erson Fis%/ein is regar&s sc% an Iacce'tanceI as a solemn garantee to t%em /y officers of t%e A$A t%at an in4estigation %as /een ma&e an& t%at t%e 'ro&ct can /e relie& on for Jality an& efficacy- ,%is concoction (as also a''ro4e& /y one Dr- :- :- Drrett of t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration " t%e official in c%arge of ne( &rgs- Dr- Drrett /eing a .oc1efeller)a''ro4e& a''ointee (as only &oing (%at %is n&erco4er /osses e8'ecte& %im to &o- For %n&re& t%osan& slfat%ia6ole ta/lets (ere nloa&e& on t%e mar1et in Decem/er, 1940- ,%ese ta/lets (ere a mi8tre of t%e Igerm &estroyingI slfa &rg an& Gminal, t%e &rg (%ic% 'ts 'eo'le to slee'- Alt%og% t%e sal safe &osage of Gminal is one grain, some of t%e slfat%ia6ole ta/lets (ere fon& to contain fi4e grains- $any 'eo'le (%o /og%t an& too1 t%ese 3int%ro's really &i& go to slee'- ,%ey ne4er (o1e '- #t (as t%en &isco4ere& t%at, to /e c%arita/le, t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration %a& /een aslee' at t%e s(itc%- ,%ey %a& a''ro4e& &ea&ly ta/lets a''arently (it%ot 1no(ing (%at t%ey containe&- >o one (as e4er 'nis%e&, or e4en em/arrasse&, for t%ese mr&ers- After rea&ing of t%e /an&itry 'erforme& /y Foo& L Drg agents an& ins'ectors for t%e /enefit of t%e Drg ,rst, it is %ar& to /elie4e t%at t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration actally &oes goo& (or1 (%en it confines itself to t%e &ties allocate& to it /y !ongress- #n t%e case of t%e small fry, or of firms not o(ne& /y t%e Drg The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 44 / 210 ,rst, t%e FLDA often crac1s &o(n on t%ose (%o sell 'tri& foo& or a<erate& an& mis/ran&e& &rgs an& 'ro'rietary reme&ies to t%e '/lic- 3e can name some rac1ets (%ic% t%e FLDA ni''e& in t%e /&- ,%ey (ill incl&e<
Get6 & *c%ramm " mose %airs an& ro&ent s1in in t%eir a''le /tterQ !alifornia +ac1ing !om'any " &ecom'ose& sar&inesQ Gy&ia +in1%am " for a&4ertising a /a/y in e4ery /ottleQ 9raft)+%eni8 !%eese !or'oration " insects an& ro&ent %airs in t%eir 'ro&ctQ 9&na 3allace Ho''er " for saying %er restorati4e cream (ol& ta1e t%e (rin1les ot of any faceQ 9stis +ac1ing !om'any " for nee&ling t%eir tangerinesQ Eita Foo& +ro&cts !om'any " for selling (ormy fis%Q 94eritt +ac1ing !om'any " for selling mol&y cats'Q ,%e +arme&a !om'any " for saying t%eir %air tonic (ill ma1e %air gro(-
,%ese are ty'ical of t%e rotine ;o/s 'erforme& /y t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration- @t (e ne4er %ear of t%em sto''ing t%e sale of @ayer's as'irin, (%ic% is &o(nrig%t %armfl, as s%o(n in t%e c%a'ter of t%is /oo1 entitle& IDangeros DosesI or of any of t%e ot%er %armfl an& e4en &ea&ly 'ro&cts sol& /y nits of t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst- EA&GAROO 3OURT !ongress enacte& a mail fra& la( to 'rotect t%e '/lic against mail fra&s an& create& t%e *olicitor's Office in t%e +ost Office De'artment to a&minister it- @t !ongress ne4er inten&e& for t%e la( to /e mala&ministere&, or se& as an instrment for t%e Drg ,rst's /lac1;ac1 acti4ities- 3%en a 4ictim gets 'ast t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration /y The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 4B / 210 'ro4ing to a ;ry t%at t%e c%arges are trm'e& ', t%e Drg ,rst t%en %as t%e +ost Office De'artment ;m' on %im- ,%ere %e %as no recorse to a ;ry- He is frame& /y +ost Office officials an& Icon4icte&I /y t%e +OD's o(n Aangaroo Icort-I An& t%en %e is &enie& %is !onstittional rig%t to se t%e K- *- mails an& %is li4eli%oo& is &estroye&- Facts are not allo(e& to /e 'resente&- A cstomer 'atient, a 'rc%aser, (%o %as se& t%e 'ro&ct com'laine& against an& (%o 1no(s e8actly %o( it (or1s an& (%et%er or not it is goo& or (ort%less, is not allo(e& to testify- ,%ere is a ni4ersal rle in corts of ;stice t%at (itnesses cannot testify to t%eir o'inions " only facts- Facts are e8cl&e& from t%e 'rocee&ings of t%e +ost Office De'artment's Aangaroo !ort- #n t%eir 'lace are allo(e& t%e /ilios o'inions of Jac1 me&icos, on t%e '/lic 'ayroll /ecase t%ey (ere failres at 'ri4ate 'ractice- #n many instances t%ese Jac1s are force& to a&mit t%at t%ey A>O3 >O,H#>? of t%e 'ro&ct t%ey are con&emning- ,%ey claim t%ey are Ie8'ertsI an& t%s 1no( e4eryt%ing (it%ot actally 1no(ing anyt%ing- ,%is 1angaroo cort is 'resi&e& o4er /y a gentleman 1no(n as It%e trial e8aminer-I *ome of t%ese e8aminers %a4e /een goo& men, %onest men, (%o 1no( t%e (%ole 'rocee&ing is illegal an& namerican- One of t%em tol& s as mc%, /t sai& %e col& &o not%ing a/ot it, as %is s'eriors reJire& %im to ren&er a I&ecisionI /ase& on t%ese n;&icial rles- #f t%ere (ere any la(yers in t%e *olicitor's office t%ey (ol& 1no( t%is entirely illegal /ecase t%e *'reme !ort %as rle& so- #t (as in t%e Oct- 1902 term, in t%e case of t%e American *c%ool of $agnetic Healing an& :- H- Aelly 4s- :- $- $cAnnlty, an& is to /e fon& in K- *- *'reme !ort .e'orts (1HD)190), +age 90, officially title& 1HD K* 94- @oile& &o(n, t%is &ecision " (%ic% is still t%e la( of t%e lan& " re4erse& t%e *olicitor of t%e +ost Office De'artment an& sai& %e (as >O, ;stifie& in issing a mail fra& or&er I(%ere t%e effecti4eness of t%e treatment in Jestion is a mere matter of o'inion-I #t s'ecifically a&&e& t%at t%e stattes are only inten&e& to co4er actal F.AKD #> FA!,- #n t%e 'rocess of 'rotecting t%e %ge 'rofits of t%e Drg ,rst t%e +OD occasionally 'rosectes an& 'ts ot of /siness a real fra&- @t t%ere is no (ay to tell (%et%er or not a 'ro&ct /arre& /y t%e +ost Office is actally fra&lent- ,%at's t%e '/lic's %ar& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 4C / 210 lc1- *c% a t%reat to t%e Drg ,rst 'rofits is t%e Go(ry *'ine)9ase, t%at t%e +ost Office %as &enie& %im an& %is cstomers, t%eir stattory rig%t to se t%e mails, e4en after t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its calle& it a &ay- 94en t%e 'o(erfl *cri''s family seems to %a4e /een na/le to call off t%e *olicitors' Office from t%eir 'rotection rac1et of Drg ,rst 'rofits- #n t%e case of !ol- Dins%a% t%ey %a4e gone to n/elie4a/le lengt%s " em/e66lement of $20,000, it (ol& /e calle& if 'erforme& /y a 'ri4ate in&i4i&al- $any of %is satisfie& 'atients, (%o %a& 'rc%ase& %is &e4ice for $90, &i& so (it% 'ostal money or&ers- #t (as t%e !olonel's %a/it to %ol& eac% sc% or&er a mont% or t(o /efore cas%ing t%em, to gi4e t%e 'atient time to ma1e a com'laint if t%e &e4ice (asn't e8actly as re'resente&- 3%en t%e fra& or&er (as isse&, %e %a& a''ro8imately =00 money or&ers on %an& an& rea&y for &e'osit- 3it%ot t%e slig%test at%ority of la( or morality, t%e *olicitor's Office of t%e +ost Office De'artment %a4e &eclare& t%ese money or&ers I(ort%less-I All 'ost offices %a4e /een or&ere& not to cas% t%em, alt%o t%e go4ernment %as t%e money, t%e cstomers %a4e t%e &e4ices an& !ol- Dins%a% %as ne4er recei4e& a com'laint t%at t%ey are not ;st as %e re'resente& t%em- An& satisfactory to t%e /yers-
$ATE&T O--73E @ac1 in 19=B, (%en t%e :ornal of t%e A$A (as cag%t 'rinting fa1e 'ictres of (%at it claime& to /e t%e 9llis $icro&ynameter, sccessfl &emonstrations on mem/ers of t%e Hose !ommittee on !ommerce &iscorage& efforts to se !ongress for t%is 'r'ose- Fis%/ein %a& in&ce& Doctor)*enator !o'elan& to 'lace in t%e !ongressional .ecor& a totally false &escri'tion of t%e 9llis mac%ine (&escri/e& in anot%er c%a'ter of t%is /oo1)- I+lain ,al1 $aga6ine,I of (%ic% # (as e&itor, e8'ose& t%e fa1ery of /ot% t%e A$A :ornal an& *enator !o'elan&, t%s /loc1ing efforts to 1ee' t%e micro off t%e mar1et- *ecretly, Fis%/ein set ot to &o frt%er &amage to t%e 9llis 'eo'le- 3%en F- !- 9llis a''lie& for a 'atent, to 'rotect %is in4ention from t%e ;ac1als (%o al(ays s'ring ' (%en someone &isco4ers or in4ents somet%ing of a 4ala/le natre, %e fon& t%at t%e Drg ,rst %a& reac%e& into t%e +atent Office also- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 4D / 210 For eig%t years t%e +atent Office sccee&e& in stalling off any action on t%e in4ention- #t 1ic1e& t%e t%ing aron& sccessi4ely into eig%t &ifferent classification &i4isions, e4en 'reten&ing to t%in1 it (as eit%er a /olt or a nt- At one time it (as gat%ering &st in t%e @olts an& >ts Di4ision- One e8aminer after anot%er tol& $r- 9llis t%at t%e t%ing (as &efinitely 'atenta/le, /t t%at %e (t%e e8aminer) (as not allo(e& to a''ro4e issance of letters 'atent- $r- 9llis (ent from t%ere to t%e !ort of +atent A''eals (it% t%e same reslt- ,%e Drg ,rst a''arently (as re'resente& on t%at /o&y also- $r- 9llis (as not to /e intimi&ate&, so %e file& a sit in Fe&eral !ort at !%icago to force t%e +atent Office to com'ly (it% t%e la(s of t%e Knite& *tates- #n t%is action %e fon& an %onest an& intelligent ;&ge (@ars1&ale) (%o insiste& on %earing all t%e e4i&ence an& not ;st t%at (%ic% t%e Drg ,rst &esire& 'resente& to t%e cort- One of t%e e8%i/its of t%e Igo4ernmentI (as a Ire'ortI of $r- Fis%/ein, alias t%e @rea of #n4estigation of t%e American $e&ical Association- ,%is Ire'ortI /ra6enly sai&<
I,%e @rea of #n4estigation %as ma&e no e8amination of t%e mec%anics of t%e micro&ynameter-I
:&ge @ar1s&ale as1e& t%e 'rosection if it %a& any e4i&ence an& 'on /eing tol& t%at t%e Igo4ernmentI consi&ere& t%at Ire'ortI e4i&ence, or&ere& t%e +atent Office to isse t%e 'atent fort%(it%-
FBETTERF BUS7&ESS BUREAUS #n 1922 t%e great international /an1ing rac1et 1no(n as :- +- $organ L !om'any lai& ela/orate 'lans for s(in&ling t%e in4esting '/lic t%r t%e sale of /illions of &ollars in (ort%less /on&s of foreign go4ernments- ,%e o4erall 'lan (as (%i''e& ' /y t%e t%en *ecretary of t%e ,reasry an& /oss of t%e reigning .e'/lican 'arty " An&re( 3- $ellon- $r- $ellon first gently ta''e& any foreign go4ernment on t%e noggin (%ic% s%o(e& any signs of %onesty an& (or) &emrre& against issing /on&s or&ere& /y t%e Hose of $organ- 3%en t%e /on&s (ere rea&y to nloa& on t%e 4ictim +/lic, The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 4H / 210 $ellon %a& %is /an1 e8aminers from t%e ,reasry De'artment IsggestI to all national /an1s t%at t%e $organ foreign /on&s /e /og%t as a Isecon&ary reser4eI an&, if necessary, to call all goo& time)teste& loans to local /sinesses- ,%e net reslt (as t%e closing of o4er =,000 national /an1s (%en t%ese foreign /on&s (ere fon& (ort%less- #n or&er to e8tract t%e last 'ossi/le &ollar from t%e 4ictim '/lic t%e $organ $o/ &eci&e& to stifle all com'etition from in&e'en&ent /ro1ers, financiers an& firms- ,%ey %a& t%eir affiliates, t%e in4estment /an1ers of t%e >e( 7or1 *toc1 98c%ange, gi4e $100,000 to a 'romoter to organi6e (%at (as calle& t%e @etter @siness @reas of America- @ranc%es (ere organi6e& in e4ery large an& many me&im si6e& cities, an& some of t%em set an all time %ig% for %y'ocrisy an& fra&- ,%e annonce& fnctions of t%ese /reas (as fine, /t t%e annonce& fnctions (ere too often a co4er ' for acti4ities (%ic% (ol&n't /ear t%e lig%t of &ay- ,%r local '/licity t%e @@@ /ecame 1no(n as an organi6ation to 'rotect t%e '/lic against (ort%less secrities an& s/stan&ar& local merc%an&i6e- ,%e @@@ (as al(ays carefl to a&4ise t%e 'rc%ase of secrities nloa&e& /y $organ an& %is affiliates " an& &iscorage t%ose sol& /y any ot%er sorce- Gocally t%ey loo1e& after t%e interests of t%ose merc%ants (%o 'ai& &es, an& (ere often rog% on t%ose (%o &i&n't- One of t%e @@@'s first acti4ities (as to lo//y t%r a/ot 40 state legislatres a stan&ar& @le *1y Ga(- An ama6ing /t ra( featre of t%ese @* la(s (as t%at t%ey e8em'te& secrities liste& on t%e stoc1 e8c%ange " no matter %o( (ort%less t%ey (ere 1no(n to /e- #n t%e early =0s a committee of !ongress cag%t some of t%ese 3all *treet /rglars re&)%an&e& /ri/ing t%e e&itors an& financial (riters of t%e large >e( 7or1 &ailies " incl&ing t%e ,imes an& 3all *treet :ornal " to 'rint fa1e stories of (ort%less secrities to I'eg t%e mar1et-I $illions of &ollars (ere lost /y t%e 4ictims of t%ese Iins'ire&I ne(s'a'er articles- ,%e @@@s (ere not a/o4e selling /lac1;ac1ing ser4ices to t%e American $e&ical Association to ai& in t%e Drg ,rst's /lac1;ac1ing of ri4al 'ac1age& me&icine 4en&ors- ,%e K- *- !ircit !ort of A''eals, for t%e Ct% !ircit, in a &ecision %an&e& &o(n in t%e case of t%e .ala&am !om'any (%ic% %a& also incrre& ill(ill of t%e $e&ical F%rer /y refsing to /e s%a1en &o(n, s%o(e& %o( t%is (as &one- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 49 / 210 #t 'ointe& ot t%at t%e American $e&ical Association (as engage& in a cam'aign against 'ro'rietary reme&ies (%ic% it I/elie4e&I s%ol& /e se& not at all or only n&er t%eir Is'er4ision-I ,%e cort fran1ly sai&, in s'ea1ing of t%e $e&ical @n& an& its F%rer ($orris Fis%/ein, F-A-) <
I#t %as a @rea for t%at an& ot%er 'r'oses- 3%en it is t%og%t t%at a 'articlar a&4ertisement s%ol& /e sto''e& t%e @rea ta1es t%e matter ' (it% t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission an& (it% t%e Ass'n of @etter @siness @reas (%ic% are scattere& o4er t%e contry- S S S ,%e @etter @siness @reas e8'lain to t%eir local ne(s'a'ers an& to t%e general 'erio&icals, t%at it (ol& /e (ise to refse t%is a&4ertising- S S S I
,%is is not an in&ictment of all local /rea managers- $any of t%em are conscientios, as are some local &irectors- @t t%e o4erall 'rotection of stoc1 e8c%ange secrities mst go on- Gogan @illingsley of t%e $an%attan @oar& of !ommerce, (%o %a& Jite a setto (it% t%e @@@ in t%e 19=0s tol& a committee of t%e !ongress< I$any of or citi6ens lost t%eir life sa4ings t%r s'eclation in stoc1s an& /on&s, an& 1in&re& secrities, /elie4ing t%ey (ere &ealing in legitimate in4estment secrities- $ore t%an B0 /illion &ollars %a4e /een (i'e& ot t%r &e'reciation o4er a s%ort 'erio& of mont%s- +eo'le are &a6e& /y t%is sitation an& see1ing to &isco4er t%e case-I
9- !- .iegal of t%e !onsmers ?il& of America sai&<
I,%e @etter @siness @reas are t%e militant arm of t%e >7 *toc1 98c%ange- ,o call t%is nefarios system a rac1et is to com'liment it- A rac1et at least %as t%e %onesty to &eclare itself, (%ile t%e 'rofesse& 'r'ose of t%e @etter @siness @reas is ''/lic 'rotection' at t%e 'reten&e& e8'ense of self)sacrificing, self)rig%teos contri/tors - - - *lan&er, /lac1mail, e8tortion, %y'ocrisy, corr'tion, terror, timi&ity, ss'icion an& /siness 'aralysis " t%ese are t%e reslts-I
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B0 / 210 DRUG TRUST A$$O7&TME&TS 3%en +resi&ent ,rman too1 o4er t%e +resi&ential reins an& fire& a fe( !ommies an& incom'etents from %ig% 'laces on t%e ?o4ernment 'ayroll, many 'eo'le (ere o'timistic enog% to t%in1 t%at %e (as going to &o a goo& ;o/- @t %e sto''e& far s%ort of t%at, as recent %earings /y committees of /ot% t%e Hose an& *enate %a4e 'ro4en- ,%ere is no recor& of %im %a4ing cleane& ot t%e .oc1efeller a''ointees in t%e *tate De'artment, nor in any of t%e 4arios agencies %a4ing to &o (it% t%e '/lic %ealt%- # list t%ese, as follo(s, an& as1 'ar&on for t%ose (%ic% # may %a4e misse&<
Foo& & Drg A&ministration Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission *olicitor's Office of t%e +ost Office De'artment K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice K- *- Eeterans A&ministration *ocial *ecrity @oar& *rgeon ?eneral of t%e Air Force Army *rgeon ?eneral's Office >a4y @rea of $e&icine & *rgery >ational Healt% .esearc% #nstitte >ational .esearc% !oncil >ational Aca&emy of *ciences
,%e a''ointment of t%e %ea& of t%is latter /o&y is a concrete e8am'le of %o( t%e Drg ,rst is gi4en com'lete control of all of t%ese agencies " no Jestions as1e&, no Jarter gi4en (t%e '/lic)- Giste& in t%e crrent !ongressional Directory as +resi&ent of t%e >ational Aca&emy of *ciences is Alfre& >- .ic%ar&s- ,%e >ational Aca&emy of *ciences is consi&ere& in 3as%ington t%e all(ise /o&y (%ic% in4estigates e4eryt%ing n&er t%e sn, es'ecially in t%e fiel& of %ealt%, an& gi4es to a 'al'itating '/lic t%e last (or& in t%at science- ,o t%e im'ortant 'ost at t%e %ea& of t%is agency t%e Drg ,rst %as %a& one of t%eir o(n a''ointe&- He is none ot%er t%an Alfre& >- .ic%ar&s, one of t%e largest stoc1%ol&ers an& &irectors of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B1 / 210 $erc1 L !om'any, (%ose inor&inate 'rofits %a4e inflate& t%e mar1et Jotations of t%eir stoc1 to 4R times t%e 4ale of its assets- $r- .ic%ar&s, (%o is ma1ing %ge 'rofits from t%is &rg traffic, cannot /e e8'ecte& to loo1 at any IscientificI &isco4ery or a&4ance e8ce't t%r t%e eyes of t%e Drg ,rst- 3%et%er %e 1no(s it or not, %is first Jestion (ill /e "
I3ill t%is, or (ill it not ma1e more 'rofits for $erc1 & !om'any5I
,%at %e acts accor&ingly is 'ro4en /y t%e fact t%at t%e >ational Aca&emy of *ciences (# og%t to Jote t%e (or& IsciencesI) %as ne4er lifte& a finger to try ot t%e Aoc% treatment (%ic% %as cre& %n&re&s of cases of cancer, or any of t%e 4arios D.K?G9** met%o&s of treatment (%ic% s%ol& %a4e %ig% rating in any /o&y (%ic% calls itself scientific- #n fact, $r- .ic%ar&s is 'art of t%e *ystem (%ic% %as ma&e e4ery effort 'ossi/le to s''ress t%ese sccessfl t%era'ies-
3ha,ter 0 So;ialiCed Medi;ine IA ;st go4ernment 'rotects all in t%eir li/erty of c%oice-I " ?eorge I3as%ington Or crrent *ociali6e& $e&icine @ill (*enate 1CD9) (ill go &o(n n&er its o(n (eig%t if t%e ne(s'a'ers of America e4er &ig /e%in& its 3%ite Hose 'ro'agan&a an& let t%e '/lic in on t%e salient featres of t%is remar1a/le 'ro'osal- First off, t%e /ill is a t%inly)4eile& 'olitical 'ay)off to Oscar 9(ing, or a/le (too a/le) Fe&eral *ecrity A&ministrator- $r- 9(ing %as /een claiming e4er since >o4em/er C, 194H " t%r t%e mot%s of %is frien&s an& 'olitical %enc%men " t%at %e raise& more money for t%e ,rman /lit6 of last fall t%an Gois A- :o%nson, t%e money)getting (%i6- $r- 9(ing is no( see1ing t%e /iggest 'olitical 'ayoff e4er as1e& in American 'olitics- ,%e /ill calls for at least $B,000,000,000 a The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B2 / 210 year for $r- 9(ing to control, s'en&, 'lay (it%, 'oliticate on an& (may/e) se to rn for +resi&ent- #t calls for a =P ta8 on e4ery &ollar of salaries an& (ages earne& in t%e Knite& *tates for t%e com'lsory %ealt% insrance featre- #n a&&ition it calls for an nname& 'ercentage for &ental an& nrsing insrance- A 4P gran& total is not an nreasona/le estimate- ,%e De'artment of !ommerce tells s t%at t%e total 194H 'ayroll (as $1=4,400,000,000 an& t%at a total of B9,)=DH,000 'ersons (ere em'loye& gainflly to &ra( t%is sm in (ages an& salaries- ,%is means t%at eac% (age earner too1 from %is em'loyer (/efore income an& ot%er Ine(I &eal ta8es) $2,2C= eac% on an a4erage- For 'ercent of $2,2C= means t%at eac% (age earner (ill /e com'elle& to 'ay $90-B2 to $r- 9(ing to %a4e %is %ealt% insre&- *omet%ing t%e A&ministration 'ro'agan&ists for *ociali6e& $e&icine %a4e >9E9. ,OGD K* is t%at one t%ir& of t%ese B9,=DH,000 (age earners are alrea&y insre& n&er efficiently manage& %ealt% insrance 'lans of t%e @le !ross an& ot%er 'ri4ately rn co)o's- ,%e @le !ross c%arges eac% in&i4i&al insree H0c a mont% for %is me&ical insrance an& $1-10 for %os'itali6ation- He can get /ot% for $1-90 a mont%, or $22-H0 a year- 7et t%e 9(ing +lan 'ro'oses to slg for times as mc% ot of %im for I%ealt% insranceI (%et%er %e (ants it or not- 3%ile t%e /ill 4agely garantees t%e &octor of t%e insrer's c%oice, t%ere is no garantee t%at sc% a 'lan (ill /e 't into effect- #n fact, t%is is only B0P tre- ,%e I&octor of yor o(n c%oiceI means one a''ro4e& for yo /y t%e Drg ,rst " one (%o %as /een traine& to se enog% &rgs to /ring a/ot fantastic 'rofits for '%armacetical %oses controlle& /y t%e Hose of .oc1efeller, et al- *%ol& t%is socio)commnistic /ill 'ass, it (ol&n't /e ot of t%e line of Drg ,rst mo&s for '%ysicians to /e instrcte& (%at &rgs to se, an& %o( many, in eac% an& e4ery s'ecific &iagnosis- ,%e @ill ta8es e4ery (age earner in America " /t e8cl&es at least =0 P of t%em from its &o/tfl /enefits- #n 4ie( of t%is fact, an& t%at one)t%ir& of or 'eo'le are alrea&y insre& at 2BP of t%e rates $r- 9(ing 'ro'oses to c%arge t%em, (%at mem/er of !ongress (%o 1no(s t%ese facts (ill 4ote for t%e /ill 5 ,%e =0 P (%o are e8cl&e& are t%ose American citi6ens (%o The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B= / 210 %a4e o/taine& /etter reslts from t%e &rgless sciences " c%iro'ractic, osteo'at%y, natro'at%y an& !%ristian *cience " t%an from &rgs an& t%e me&ical t%eory of &isease- *ociali6e& $e&icine is /t t%e o'ening (e&ge, %o'e& for /y t%e !ommnists, to sociali6e e4eryt%ing n&er t%e sn in t%e Knite& *tates- !ommnist &ictators%i' &oes not contem'late letting t%e in&i4i&al citi6en %a4e anyt%ing to say a/ot anyt%ing- #f yo &on't /elie4e t%e 'arlor 'in1s an& nati4e IAmericanI re&s are /e%in& t%is /ill loo1 at t%e names of fi4e of t%e si8 *enators (%o s'onsor t%e measre- !la&e +e''er of Flori&a, 1no(n as t%e $osco( $ot%'iece /ecase of %is 4ociferos a&miration for e4eryt%ing .ssian- He e4en goes so far as to a&4ocate gi4ing .ssia t%e secret of t%e atom /om/- ?len ,aylor of #&a%o, (%o (as Henry 3allace's rnning mate of last fall on t%e !ommnist's +resi&ential ,ic1et- 3illiam 9- (I+in1yI) $rray of $ontana, (%ose entire recor& %as /een t%at of es'osing cases (it% at least a 'in1is% tinge- Dennis !%a4e6 of >e( $e8ico, (it% a recor& similar to $rray's, /t not so acti4e- .o/ert F- 3agner of >e( 7or1, ?erman /orn tool of all .oc1efeller interests, incl&ing t%e Drg ,rst-
,%ere is anot%er name on t%e /ill " *enator Ho(ar& $c?rat% of .%o&e #slan&- *en- $c?rat%, c%airman of t%e Democratic >ational !ommittee, is in no sense eit%er a re& or 'in1- He a''en&e& %is name to t%e /ill to gi4e it A&ministration an& 'arty sanction, /ecase $r- 9(ing mst /e 'ai& off for /ringing in t%e money- *ince intro&ction of t%e /ill for sociali6ation of me&icine, *enator $c?rat% %as resigne& from t%e *enate to acce't t%e a''ointment as Attorney ?eneral of t%e Knite& *tates- #n 'ro'erly analy6ing a contro4ersial isse it is al(ays a&4isa/le to e8amine t%ose 4arios s'ecial interests (%ic% are for an& against it- #n t%e case of *ociali6e&, or !ommni6e& $e&icine, (%ic% (e %a4e %a& (it% s since 19== t%is is not %ar& to &o- ,%ere are for se'arate an& &istinct *'ecial #nterests 'lgging t%e 1949 4ersion " nig%t an& &ay, early an& late, toot% an& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B4 / 210 toenail- ,%ese for interests are<
1- ,%e Drg ,rst (%ic% aims, t%rog% its 3as%ington stooges an& me&ical &ictators%i', to s''ress all forms of t%era'y, e8ercise an& &iets (%ic% (ill re&ce t%e se of &rgs in any manner- 2- #ncom'etent me&ical &octors (%o see in *)1CD9 a c%ance to %a4e 'atients, (%o %a4e no c%oice in t%e matter, assigne& to t%emQ an& a c%ance t%at t%e go4ernment (ill ma1e for t%em (%at t%ey cannot ma1e for t%emsel4es- =- ,%e American !ommnists (%o see, in t%e 'ossi/le 'assage of !ommni6e& $e&icine legislation, t%e o'ening (e&ge to commni6e e4eryt%ing else n&er t%e sn- 4- Oscar 9(ing, .oc1efeller attorney, Fe&eral *ecrity A&ministrator (%o, n&er *)1CD9, (ol& not only /e t%e !6ar of me&icine, /t (ill %a4e t%e a&ministering of a fn& of 'ro/a/ly fi4e /illion &ollars a year " (it% all t%e 'o(er, 'om', 'ano'ly, 'restige, glory an& /enefits t%at go (it% $B,000,000,000-
,%ere are t%ree gro's an& entities t%at are o''ose& to it- ,%e first t(o (gro's) are 'ermanently an& naltera/ly o''ose& to it- ,%e t%ir& (in&i4i&al) is o''ose& only ntil t%ey ma1e %im an offer of a !a/inet ;o/ to s''ort it-
1- ,%e American '/lic- +eo'le (ant to /e allo(e& to c%oose t%eir o(n &octor an& mo&ality- ,%ey o/;ect to 'aying 'oliticians $90-B2 for somet%ing t%ey can get (if t%ey (ant it) for $22-H0- 2- ,%e &octors of America, (%o &o not (ant to /e regimente& as t%eir conter'arts in .ssia are- =- $orris Fis%/ein, s'o1esman for an& &irector of t%e American $e&ical Association- $r- Fis%/ein (as 4ery mc% for t%e first (!o'elan&) sociali6e& me&icine /ill-, (%ic% (ol& %a4e ma&e %im *ecretary of Healt%- 3%en !o'elan& &ie& an& t%e ne8t sc% measre, /y *en- 3agner, name& t%e *rgeon ?eneral, K*+H*, c6ar of me&icine, Fis%/ein %ollere& Ico'-I
A /rief %istory of t%e 4arios sociali6e& me&icine /ills (%ic% %a4e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust BB / 210 'lage& !ongress since 19==, is in or&er- #t %as often /een sai& t%at t%e ,g(ell @ill of 19== an& t%e !o'elan& @ill of 19=4 (ere sociali6e& me&icine measres- ,%is is not e8actly tre, e4en t%o +rof- ,g(ell " a mem/er of Fran1 D- .oose4elt's original B) man !oncil of !lo(ns " (as a 'in1o (it% a yen to ma1e America o4er- @ot% t%is, an& t%e sccee&ing measre (%ic% /ore Doctor)*enator !o'elan&'s name, (ere sc%emes to emasclate t%e famos ol& 3iley Foo& L Drg @ill in or&er to 'rotect (ealt%y an& 'olitically 'o(erfl manfactrers of &angeros &oses-
3O$E8A&D B788( 45D* Dr- !o'elan&'s *)B, also 1no(n as t%e Fis%/ein @ill, (as t%e first measre intro&ce& to /ring sociali6e& (or commni6e&) me&icine ot into t%e o'en- Kn&er t%is a ca/inet 'ost of *ecretary of Healt% (as to /e create&- *ens- !o'e)lan& of >e( 7or1 an& Ge(is of #llinois 'romise& t%e ;o/ to $r- Fis%/ein, (%om it %a& /een s%o(n col& ma1e only 4H in an anatomy e8am- ,%e /ill 'ro'ose& to regiment all &octors in t%e contry an& &o a(ay (it% t%e &rgless 'ractitioners- Dr- !o'elan& &i&n't %a4e (%at it too1- >eit%er &i& %is an& Fis%/ein's /ill- Dring t%e ne8t for years it langis%e& an& finally &ie& (%en /ot% *enators also 'asse& on- @AG&ER B788( 45D5 *ociali6e& $e&icine a''eale& mig%tily to t%e 'arlor 'in1s an& 4irlent re&s of 3as%ington- *o, (it% t%e &eat% of Dr- !o'elan&, t%e I>e(I Dealers &eci&e& to ta1e t%e /all a(ay from $r- Fis%/ein an& 'ass it to one of t%eir o(n 1in&- *enator .o/ert F- 3agner, ?erman /orn fascist from >e( 7or1, one of t%e %ammiest of t%e I>e(I Deal %m/gs, (as selecte& to front for *ociali6e& $e&icine- ,%ey (rote a /ill for %im an& %e intro&ce& it early in 19=0- #t (as nm/ere& *)1C20 an& calle& a I>ational Healt% @ill-I Fis%/ein (as left a(ay ot on %is o(n lim/- ,%e !6ar of Healing, n&er t%e 3agner @ill, (as to /e ,om +arran, fres% ot of .oc1efeller !enter, t%en t%e *rgeon ?eneral of t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice- Fis%/ein sa( re& " an& not t%e .oose4elt A&ministration ty'e of re& eit%er " (%en t%is /ill came ot- O4ernig%t %e /ecame a /itter foe (on t%e srface) of *ociali6e& $e&icine- *ince %e %asn't /een offere& a ca/inet 'ost to c%ange o4er again, %e is still o''ose& to t%e !ommni6ation of America's me&ical &octors as (e go to 'ress- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust BC / 210 ,%e first 3agner @ill a''ro'riate& $=B,000,000 for maternal an& c%il& %ealt% ser4ices, $C0,000,000 for '/lic %ealt% (or1 an& in4estigations, $=B,000,000 for grants to states (%ic% (ol& set ' systems of sociali6e& me&icine- ,%e /ill also a''ro'riate& an in&efinite amont a&&itional if t%is =B million (asn't enog%- #n or&er t%at t%e I>e(I &ealers a&ministering t%is in&efinite fn& col& &o (it% it (%at t%ey (ille&, t%e langage of t%e /ill (as ma&e as confsing an& in&efinite as 'ossi/le, for it sai&<
IFrom t%e sms a''ro'riate& t%erefor, an& t%e allotments ma&e in accor&ance t%ere(it%, 'ayments s%all /e ma&e to sc% state (%ic% %as a 'lan a''ro4e& for eac% year or 'art t%ereof co4ere& /y t%e sai& 'lan- ,%ese 'ayments s%all /e in sc% 'ro'ortion to t%e total amont of '/lic fn&s e8'en&e& n&er sc% 'lan &ring eac% year or 'art t%ereof co4ere& /y sc% 'lan as is &etermine& 'on t%e /asis of t%e financial resorces of t%e state, not conting so mc% of sc% total e8'en&itres /y t%e state are - - -I
#f yo're not ot of /reat% trying to follo( t%is in4ol4e& an& meaningless grammatical conglomeration, rea& on<
I(1) #n e8cess of $20 for eac% in&i4i&al eligi/le for me&ical careQ I(2) 98'en&e& for t%e care in %os'itals, instittions an& ot%er organi6e& facilities an& in cases of mental &isease, mental &efecti4eness, e'ile'sy an& t/erclosisQ I(=) #ncl&e& in any ot%er state 'lan s/mitte& or grants to a state n&er any ot%er title of t%is act-I
3%at &oes all t%is legislati4e mm/o ;m/o mean5 Damne& if (e 1no(- 3ell %ere's anot%er section in (%ic% t%e (riter seems to /e trying to 'ro4e t%at t%e &ictionary means e8actly t%e o''osite to (%at it says- *ec- 40B, n&er t%e general %ea&ing of IDefinitions,I seems to say<
I,%e term 'tem'orary &isa/ility com'ensation' means cas% 'ayments 'aya/le to in&i4i&als an& for not more t%an B2 (ee1s an& (it% res'ect to &isa/ility not arising ot of in corse of em'loyment-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust BD / 210 @AG&ERGMURRAY B788( 450* ,%e first 3agner /ill %a4ing &ie& a natral &eat% /ecase t%ere (ere too fe( collecti4ists in !ongress, t%e *enator from .oc1efeller !enter (aite& for years an& t%en trie& to sli' anot%er one /y t%e national legislatre- ,%is (as 1no(n as *) 1C0C an& calle& t%e I>ational Healt% Act of 194B-I #t carrie& a catc%'%rase I$e&ical !are +ro4isions-I #t (ol& %a4e ma&e t%e *rgeon ?eneral of t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice t%e !6ar of $e&icine, so $r- Fis%/ein too1 ' t%e c&gels against it- ,%is /ill also carrie& t%e name of *enator :ames 9- (I+in1yI) $rray of $ontana, an in%eritor of great (ealt% (%o ro&e into t%e *enate on %is ncle's money an& t%en t%og%t es'osing collecti4ist measres t%e s%ortest (ay to fame an& notoriety- Dring t%e %earings on t%e /ill *enator 3agner /lan&ly tol& an inJiring *enator (Hill of Ala/ama) t%at t%e @ill (as Iall inclsi4eI an& co4ere& e4ery/o&y, (%en as a matter of fact t%e %earings /rog%t ot t%e fact t%at o4er =0P of t%e 'eo'le in t%e Knite& *tates ('atients of !%ristian *cientists an& &rgless 'ractitioners) (ere ineligi/le to any of t%e &/ios /enefits carrie& in t%e measre-
@AG&ERGMURRAYGD7&GE88 B788( 4501 #n 194C t%e !ommnists (ere feeling t%eir oats an& or&ere& an all ot &ri4e for sociali6e& me&icine- ,%ey &eci&e& t%at t%en (as t%e time to get t%e camel's nose n&er t%e tent " t%at a&o'tion of !ommni6e& $e&icine (ol& /e t%e first ste' to(ar& commni6ing e4eryt%ing else in t%e Knite& *tates- #n 19=4 Fran1lin .oose4elt's entorage %a& secretly incor'orate& si8 cor'orations in Dela(are, %a4ing t%e collecti4e 'o(er to ta1e o4er e4ery /siness an& 'rofession in t%e Knite& *tates- A tremen&os &ri4e, consisting mainly of men&acios 'ro'agan&a, (as 't on in 'ress an& ra&io /y t%e !ommies- Fis%/ein's otcries against t%e /ill %el'e& its 'ro'onents- ,%e /ill (1no(n as *)1C0C) (as /ottle& ' in t%e Hose .les !ommittee /y !ongressman !o8, t%e nreconstrcte& Democrat from ?eorgia, (%o ((it% t(o ot%er Democrats) ;oine& (it% t%e .e'/lican minority in 're4enting consi&eration /y t%e Hose (%ile t%e collecti4ist lo//y (as at t%e 6enit% of its 'o(er- ,%e (in& (as ta1en ot of t%e !ommnist sails t%at >o4em/er (%en t%e 4oters ga4e a /a& lic1ing to many of t%eir can&i&ates an& retrne& a .e'/lican !ongressional ma;ority for t%e first The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust BH / 210 time since 192H- ,%e /ill (as a %orrific corr'tion of t%e Aing's 9nglis% " DH 'ages of nintelligi/le gi//eris%- ,%e o/;ecti4e of t%is ty'e of 4er/al s%ortc%anging is to gi4e t%ose (%o (ol& %a4e a&ministere& t%e /ill an e8cse (in t%eir o(n min&s) to inter'ret it any (ay t%ey (ante&- #n t%e 'ro'agan&a &ri4e for 'assage no attention (as 'ai& to facts- Des'ite (%at t%e American '/lic (as tol&, %ere is t%e (ay t%e /ill (ol& %a4e affecte& &octors<
I*ec- 20B (a)- Any '%ysician, &entist, or nrse legally Jalifie& /y a state to frnis% any ser4ices incl&e& as 'ersonal %ealt% ser4ice /enefits n&er t%is title s%all /e Jalifie& to frnis% sc% ser4ices as /enefits n&er t%is title (e8ce't as ot%er(ise 'ro4i&e& in s/)section McN of t%is section or in s/)section MfN of section 214, an& t%is 'ro4ision s%all e8ten& to any gro' of '%ysicians, &entists, or nrses or com/inations t%ereof (%ose mem/ers are similarly Jalifie&-I
Accor&ing to t%e /est researc% into ?erman an& .ssian totalitarian met%o&s, t%e 'attern of (%ic% %as /een closely follo(e& /y most Ine(I &eal 'olicies, t%is is (%at t%e /ill, if 'asse& actally (ol& %a4e meant to t%e &octor< Doctors (ol& %a4e /een %ire& an& 'ai& /y t%e go4ernment on a salary, 'er &iem or 'er ca'ita /asis- ,%ey (ol& %a4e (or1e& t%e con4entional eig%t %ors an& col&n't %a4e gone ot on a call (e4en /y *t- +eter) after t%e (%istle- ,%ere (ol& %a4e /een no incenti4e for t%em to %a4e /ecome s1ille& in me&icine, /ecase t%e Jalifications for a&4ancement (ol& %a4e &e'en&e& on t%eir &ogro//ing an& inflence (it% 'oliticians, instea& of t%eir s1ill or c%aracter of (or1 &one- ,%e &octor (ol& %a4e %a& little or no 'ersonal interest in %is 'atients " (%en it (as &eci&e& for %im /y t%e commissars (%at an& %o( many 'atients %e (ol& %an&le- He (ol& %a4e /een 'ai& t%e same, (%et%er %e &i& a goo& ;o/ or let t%e 'atient sffer an& &ie /y carelessness or neglect- ,%e !6ar of $e&icine, as calle& for in t%at 'articlar *ociali6e& $e&icine /ill, (ol& %a4e /een t%e *rgeon ?eneral of t%e K* +/lic Healt% *er4ice, a Drg ,rst minion (%o %a& ne4er &emonstrate& any a/ility as a 'ri4ate 'ractitioner an& (%o %a& come to t%e Fe&eral 'ayroll &irect from t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust B9 / 210 Here is (%at t%e /ill sai& a/ot t%e American citi6en (%o (as to 'ay t%e freig%t<
I(/) 94ery in&i4i&al entitle& to recei4e general me&ical or general &ental /enefit s%all /e 'ermitte& to select, from among t%ose &esignate& in s/section (a) of t%is section, t%ose from (%om %e s%all recei4e sc% /enefit, s/;ect to t%e consent of t%e 'ractitioners selecte&, an& e4ery in&i4i&al an& e4ery gro' of sc% in&i4i&als s%all /e 'ermitte& to ma1e sc% selection t%r a re'resentati4e of %is or %er o(n c%oosing, an& to c%ange sc% selection-I
#f t%e citi6en in nee& of a &octor &oesn't get &i66y trying to figre ot (%at t%is section actally means, t%en %e &oesn't nee& a &octor- He's as %ealt%y as a (oo&c%o''er- ,%e I>e(I Dealers (ill inter'ret for %im if %e isn't " an& of corse t%ey (ill 't t%eir o(n constrction on it- As :stice IHot DogI Fran1frter says " e4en if !ongress enacts a la( t%at anyone can n&erstan& it still &oesn't mean (%at it says- #t (as im'ossi/le to tell %o( mc% money t%e t%ing a''ro'riate& for t%is e8'eriment in socialism- ,%e langage (as so confsing t%at one col& %a4e rea& it eit%er a''ro'riating a flat $4,000,000,000 a year, or $4,000,000,000 for eac% of t%e 4H states-
TRUMA&GE@7&G B788( 4505 *)1CD9, (%ic% is no( /efore t%e !ongress, is calle& t%e I>ational Healt% #nsrance an& +/lic Healt% @ill-I #t is s'onsore& /y all t%e re&s an& 'in1s in t%e *enate " 'ls t%e c%airman of t%e Democratic >ational !ommittee- #t (as (ritten /y $r- 9(ing an& %is t(o c%ief ai&s (!%airman Altmeyer of t%e *ocial *ecrity A&ministration an& Director *c%eele of t%e +/lic Healt% *er4ice)- @ot% t%ese gentlemen (ill /e minor c6ars (or /ig commissars) in t%e 'ro'ose& set)'- 94en t%og% %e %asn't /een gi4en a tm/le /y any mem/er of !ongress since Dr- !o'elan& &ie&, yo'4e got to gi4e F1- Fis%/ein cre&it- He's still in t%eir 'itc%ing- At t%e 1949 con4ention in Atlantic !ity %e %a& %is o(n little 'et resoltion 'asse&- #t rea&<
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C0 / 210 I,%e American $e&ical Association a&4ocates creation of a Fe&eral De'artment of Healt% of !a/inet *tats (it% a *ecretary (%o is a &octor of me&icine an& t%e co) or&ination an& integration of all Fe&eral %ealt% acti4ities n&er t%is &e'artment, e8ce't for military acti4ities of t%e me&ical ser4ices of t%e arme& forces-I
#t is sai& t%at t%e &elegates at Atlantic !ity 4ote& for t%e Fis%/ein agen&a (it% gsto, %o'ing t%at it mig%t come a/ot as a (ay to get ri& of t%e $c1ra1ing $ot%'iece of $e&icine- As a matter of fact t%ings %a& come to sc% a 'ass t%at t%e more res'ecta/le mem/ers of t%e A$A felt t%ey %a& to m66le %im to some e8tent to sa4e t%e association's face- ,%ey col&n't (ait for %is '%ysical &isa/ility to ta1e %im off t%eir %an&s- ,%ey 'asse& anot%er resoltion in (%ic% t%is All)American Fac1 (as a&monis%e& to "
1- *to' ma1ing '/lic s'eec%es on contro4ersial s/;ectsQ not to s'ea1 at all (it%ot a''ro4al of t%e e8ecti4e committee- 2- 9liminate all inter4ie(s an& 'ress conferences- =- */mit all e&itorials on contro4ersial s/;ects to t%e e8ecti4e committee /efore '/lis%ment- 4- Discontine %is I&iaryI an& so)calle& colmn I,onics an& *e&ati4es-I ,%ese ot'orings from a I&octorI (%o col& not ma1e 4H in anatomy (ere, it (as sai&, offensi4e to &ignifie& mem/ers of t%e me&ical 'rofession-
,%e 9(ing),rman /ill is &ilte& in or&er to assist in its 'assage- #t is in se4en sections, 4i6< 9&cation of Healt% +ersonnel, $e&ical .esearc%, Hos'ital *r4ey an& !onstrction, *'ecial Ai& for .ral Areas, ?rants to *tates for *tate an& Gocal Healt% 3or1, .esearc% in !%il& Gife an& +re'ai& +ersonal Healt% #nsrance @enefits- ,%is last title is t%e core of t%e (%ole /ill, an& it %as t%e 'oliticians of t%e I>e(I Deal lic1ing t%eir c%o's in antici'ation of getting t%eir %an&s on t%at fi4e /illion a year 'ls (%ic% t%e /ill carries for Icarrying on t%e (or1-I ,%e first section of t%is title (*ec- D01) e8cl&es /et(een =0 an& B0 'ercent of t%e 'eo'le of t%e Knite& *tates, /y ma1ing eligi/le The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C1 / 210 only in&i4i&als nee&ing Ime&ical ser4ices, &ental ser4ices, %ome)nrsing ser4ices, %os'ital ser4ices an& a8iliary ser4ices-I ,%e term a8iliary ser4ices means O)ray, ra&im, 'at%ological, c%emical, an& t%e ty'e of a me&ical &octor 1no(n as a s'ecialist- A&&e& 'artici'ants n&er t%e term a8iliary are liste& as o'tometrists an& c%iro'o&ists- +atients (ill %a4e free c%oice of t%eir 'ractitioner, ;st so t%ey c%oose one from t%e gro' to (%ic% t%e first section of t%e title narro(s it &o(n- ,%at's (%at *ection D0= says, /t *ection D04 tells a &ifferent story- ?o//le&egoo1 is resorte& to ma1e t%is a&&itional reJirement for eligi/ility so confsing an& nonn&erstan&a/le t%at t%ose a&ministering t%e /ill can inter'ret it to sit t%e nee&s of t%e Democratic 'arty as long as it stays in 'o(er- Here is t%e e8act (or&ing- 7o figre it ot- 3e can't-
E87G7B787TY -OR BE&E-7TS *ec- D04- (a) 94ery in&i4i&al s%all /e eligi/le for /enefits n&er t%is title t%rog%ot any /enefit year if " (1) %e %as recei4e& (or, in t%e case of income from self) em'loyment, %as accre&) " (A) >ot less t%an $1B0 in (ages &ring t%e first for of t%e si8 calen&ar Jarters 'rece&ing t%e /enefit yearQ or (@) not less t%an $B0 in (ages eac% of si8 calen&ar Jarters &ring t%e first t(el4e of t%e last forteen calen&ar Jarters 'rece&ing t%e /eginning of t%e /enefit year (not conting as one of sc% forteen calen&ar Jarters any Jarter in any 'art of (%ic% t%e in&i4i&al (as n&er a total &isa/ility (%ic% contine& for si8 mont%s or more)Q (2) %e is entitle&, for t%e first mont% in t%e /enefit year, to a /enefit n&er title ## of t%e *ocial *ecrity Act, as amen&e&, or to an annity n&er t%e !i4il *er4ice .etirement Act, as amen&e& (B K- *- !-, c%- 14)Q or (=) %e is on t%e first &ay of t%e /enefit year a &e'en&ent of an in&i4i&al (%o is eligi/le n&er 'aragra'% (1) or 'aragra'% (2)- (/) 94ery in&i4i&al, not eligi/le t%erefor n&er s/section (a), s%all /e eligi/le for /enefits n&er t%is title &ring t%e remain&er of a /enefit year, /eginning (it% " (1) t%e first &ay of any calen&ar Jarter in sc% /enefit The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C2 / 210 year, if %e %as recei4e& (or, in t%e case of income from self)em'loyment, %as accre&) not less t%an $1B0 in (ages &ring t%e first for of t%e last si8 calen&ar Jarters 'rece&ing t%e /eginning of sc% calen&ar JarterQ (2) t%e first &ay of t%e first mont% in sc% /enefit year for (%ic% %e is entitle& to a /enefit or annity referre& to in s/section (a) (2)Q or (=) t%e first &ay in sc% /enefit year on (%ic% %e is or /ecomes a &e'en&ent of an in&i4i&al (%o is eligi/le for /enefits n&er s/section (a) (1) or (2) or n&er 'aragra'% (1) or (2) of t%is s/section-
,%e /ill calls for t%e a&ministering of t%e act /y a /rea of t%e Fe&eral *ecrity Agency 1no(n as a >ational Healt% #nsrance @oar&- ,%is @oar& s%all /e com'ose& of t%e Fe&eral *ecrity A&ministrator, t%e *ocial *ecrity A&ministrator, t%e *rgeon ?eneral of t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice, an& t%ree +resi&ential A''ointees at $12,000 a year salaries- ,%e @oar& s%all fnction n&er t%e Fe&eral *ecrity A&ministrator, t%s ma1ing t%e .oc1efellers' $r- 9(ing t%e c6ar of America's *ociali6e& $e&icine set)'- #t s%all ma1e a''ointments of state an& area /oar&s, all of corse to /e a''ointe& /y t%e 'atronage c%ief of t%e Democratic >ational !ommittee (it% $r- 9(ing stic1ing %is finger in t%e 'ie (%ene4er an& (%ere4er %e (ants- ,%e /ill a''ro'riates, for t%e fiscal year en&ing :ne =0, 1942, sms eJal to t%ree 'ercent (=P) of all (ages estimate& to /e recei4e& /y t%e American 'eo'le &ring sc% fiscal year< +ls sms eJal to t%e estimate& cost of frnis%ing &ental ser4ices an& %ome nrsing as 'ersonal %ealt% ser4ice /enefits &ring sc% fiscal year< Any frt%er sms reJire& to meet t%e e8'en&itres ma&e /y t%e A&ministrator- ,%e /ill frt%er a&&s for t%e first year of t%is no/le e8'eriment, t%e fiscal year 19B1, t%ere s%all /e a''ro'riate& a sm eJal to one 'ercent of all (ages estimate& to /e recei4e& &ring t%e sai& fiscal year- ,%is is t%e main /ill (%ic% t%e ,rman A&ministration is in an all) ot &ri4e, flan1e& /y t%e !ommnists, to 't o4er in t%e H1st !ongress- #t is a /ill (%ic% $r- ,rman is merely fronting for, as t%ey say in t%e /est +ro'agan&a !ircles- Get's e8amine t%e recor&s of t%e t%ree men (%o (ol& a&mininster t%is B)/illion &ollar fn&- $r- 9(ing, of corse, (ol& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C= / 210 /e t%e /oss (it% t%e ot%er t(o some(%at in t%e figre%ea&, or Istan&)in,I class- $r- 9(ing %as /een a 'olitician an& a la(yer all %is life " (it% no e8'erience in a&ministering a million &ollars, mc% less fi4e or ten /illion- $r- 9(ing's recor& is mainly t%at of a 3all *treet attorney, %is 'rinci'al clients /eing *tan&ar& Oil an& t%e Alminm !om'any of America- @eing /e%ol&en to t%e .oc1efeller interests, %e is t%eir can&i&ate for !6ar of $e&icine /ecase %e can /e &e'en&e& on to see t%at t%e &rg in&stry is t%e main /eneficiary of sociali6e& me&icine- ,%e ,rman)9(ing /ill is &ra(n ' to t%is en&- $r- 9(ing %as for many years /een a mem/er of t%e firm of !%arles 9- Hg%es, :r-, (%ic% &efen&e& t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any at a 3as%ington in4estigation in 194D- *tan&ar& Oil &oesn't ta1e a /ac1 seat to anyone in 'aying %ig% (ages for im'ortant (or1- Dring t%e (ar, $r- 9(ing re'resente& t%e Alminm !om'any at a sti'en& of $DB0,000 a year " a fact (%ic% is of recor& in t%e files of t%e ,rman 3ar #n4estigating !ommittee of t%e Knite& *tate *enate- At t%e time t%is (as /rog%t ot, 9(ing (as alrea&y 'lm'ing for sociali6e&, or commni6e&, or nationali6e& me&icine ((%ic%e4er yo (ant to call it)- $r- 9(ing's %eart /le& for t%e 'oor common man (so %e sai&) (%o %a& to 'ay %ig% 'rices for me&ical care- He sggeste& t%at &octors og%t to /e content (it% $4,000 or $B,000 a year- *enator @re(ster sggeste& t%at t%e 'oor common man nee&e& legal ser4ices alsoQ t%at may/e la(yers s%ol& also /e nationali6e&Q t%at instea& of $r- 9(ing ma1ing $DB0,000 a year %e too s%ol& /e content (it% $B,000- 9(ing ne4er forga4e *enator @re(ster for t%at crac1- #nstea&, %e /og%t t%e @angor Daily !ommercial in t%e metro'olis of *enator @re(ster's state- His son is in c%arge an& t%e 9(ings %a4e &eclare& (ar on t%e *tate's a/le *enator- ,%ey %a4e 4o(e& to &efeat %im (%en %e comes ' for re)election in 19B2- Art%r :- Altmeyer, t%e 'resent *ocial *ecrity A&ministrator, is a mem/er of t%e >ational 7ot% A&ministration an& a nm/er of ot%er organi6ations &esignate& as !ommnist Fronts /y t%e Hose !ommittee on Kn)American Acti4ities- At least %is 'ress agent says so- Dr- Geonar& A- *c%eele, srgeon)general of t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% A&ministration, %as /een on t%e '/lic 'ayroll e4er since %e gra&ate& from me&ical college- He %as a/soltely no recor& of ac%ie4ement as a 'racticing '%ysician, nor %as %e e4er %a& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C4 / 210 any e8'erience as a /e&si&e &octor- He (as for for years connecte& (it% Icancer controlI acti4ities of t%e >ational !ancer #nstitte- Dr- *c%eele's recor& (as one of 100P ftility in t%is 'ost, ;st as t%e #nstitte's recor& is one of 100P ftility in locating t%e cancer I/gI or controlling cancer in any (ay- After t%e (ar Dr- *c%eele /ecame Director of t%is same ftile /rea, again (it% a recor& of 100 P ftility in &oing anyt%ing a/ot cancer- For t%is negati4e recor& %e (as name& *rgeon ?eneral of t%e K*+H* in 194H- +resi&ent ,rman recently isse& a '/licity /last (ritten for %im /y some 4ery goo& 'ress agents of t%e interests t%at are trying to ram t%is /ill &o(n t%e '/lic t%roat- #t ma&e t%e first 'ages of e4ery ne(s'a'er in t%e contry " often (it% H)colmn %ea&lines- #t (as re'lete (it% %alf trt%s an& ntrt%s- $r- ,rman ne4er rea& t%e /ill, or %e 'ro/a/ly ne4er (ol& %a4e en&orse& it- A letter to %im /y t%e at%or of t%is /oo1 as1e& (%y %e 'ro'ose& to ta8 e4eryone in t%e lan& an& e8cl&e %alf of t%em from its f66y /enefits- ,%is is t%e letter<
2= a'ril 1949- $r- Harry *- ,rman ,%e 3%ite Hose $y &ear $r- +resi&ent< " # am 're'aring a /oo1 for fall '/lication " ,H9 D.K? *,O.7- #n it (ill /e incl&e& a c%a'ter on sociali6e& me&icine, starting from its ince'tion, t%e ,g(ell @ill- # (ill a''reciate t%e follo(ing information at an early &ate- # %a4e rea& t%orog%ly t%e te8t of yor statement of A'ril 22&, a&4ocating a certain %ealt% insrance 'rogram- ,o t%ose (%o 1no( (%at t%is is all a/ot t%e follo(ing stic1s ot li1e >otre Dame Ga t%e national foot/all 'ictre< 3%y &o yo a&4ocate ta8ing all of t%e 'eo'le, yet lea4ing ot more t%an B0P of t%em from t%e /enefits to /e &eri4e& t%erefrom5 7o (ant more me&ical sc%ools /ilt 7o (ant t%is an& yo (ant t%at for me&icine- 7et yo &o not (ant a single &ime s'ent for c%iro'ractic or natro'at%ic sc%ools, not a single &ime s'ent for t%ese ser4ices- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust CB / 210 Get me call yor attention to t%e #llinois $e&ical *ociety's :ornal (%ic%, in a some(%at e8aggerate& article, sai& t%at HBP of t%e American 'eo'le 'refer c%iro'ractors, natro'at%s, osteo'at%s an& !%ristian scientists to me&icos- 3%y &o yo a&4ocate ta8ing t%e 'atients of t%ese 4ery efficient 'rofessions an& e8cl&e t%em from t%e /enefits to /e 'ro4i&e& /y t%eir ta8 money5 A(aiting yor 4ale& re'ly- $O..#* A- @9AGG9- Knreconstrcte& Democrat- ma//rg
Ha4ing ne4er rea& t%e /ill (*)1CD9) $r- ,rman &i&n't 1no(, so %e sent it t%e IA&ministrator for t%e 'rogramI in t%e Fe&eral *ecrity Agency- ,%e A&ministrator &i&n't 1no( eit%er, /t ma&e a /ra4e attem't to ans(er t%e letter- ,%e only tro/le (as t%at t%e ans(er (as 100 P at 4ariance (it% t%e facts- #t sai& t%e /ill D#D incl&e 'atients of c%iro'ractors an& osteo'at%s- Ha& t%e letter (riter rea& t%e /ill, 'articlarly +age 104, %e (ol& %a4e 1no(n t%e /ill s'ecifically e8cl&es all /t t%e 'atients of I'%ysicians engage& in t%e general or family 'ractice of me&icine,I me&ical s'ecialists, &entists, nrses, me&ical tec%nicians, o'tometrists an& c%iro'o&ists- *ome &el&e& mem/ers of t%e c%iro'ractic 'rofession, (it% no i&ea of t%e (or&ing of t%e /ill, %a4e follo(e& t%e I>e(I Dealers an& 'arlor 'in1s in 'lm'ing for *)1CD9< On t%e ot%er %an&, Dr- @- :- +almer, 'resi&ent of t%e #nternational !%iro'ractors Association, %as &one somet%ing 'ractical to(ar& correcting t%is 'art of it " ;st in case t%e /ill gets /y !ongress- Dr- +almer's /ac1gron& in t%is res'ect is goo&- He is o(ner of t%e +almer *c%ool of !%iro'ractic in Da4en'ort, #o(a, an& son of t%e fon&er of t%e science of c%iro'ractic- Dr- +almer a''arently is a t%orog% (or1er /ecase %e too1 e4ery 'ractical ste' it (as 'ossi/le to ta1e to %a4e c%iro'ractors incl&e& in any /ill (%ic% mig%t /e 'asse&- ?eorge *%eri&an of ,acoma, 3as%ington, is t%e non)'ai& legislati4e re'resentati4e of t%e #nternational !%iro'ractors Association- $r- *%eri&an %a& $on !- 3allgren, former go4ernor of %is state an& a ,rman crony, arrange an a''ointment (it% +resi&ent ,rman for Dr- +almer- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust CC / 210 Dr- +almer %a& an a&ience (it% +resi&ent ,rman on :ly 1=, 1949, an& a/ly s''lemente& t%e letter t%is at%or (rote $r- ,rman A'ril 2=r&- Also " # ss'ect " Dr- +almer 'ointe& ot to t%e +resi&ent t%e large nm/er of 4otes re'resente& in t%e 'atients of 40,000 &rgless &octors, an& in t%e frien&s an& relati4es of t%ese 'atients- 3it% t%e +resi&ential sanction (of going after t%ese 4otes) in t%e /ag, t%e #!A (as not inacti4e on t%e ot%er en& of +ennsyl4ania A4ene " as t%e !a'itol is calle& in connection (it% t%e 3%ite Hose- $r- *%eri&an too1 t%e case &irect to one of %is *enators " 3arren ?- $agnson- *enator $agnson lost no time going into action- @y Agst 20 %e %a& an Iamen&ment to *)1CD9I &rafte& an& into t%e legislati4e %o''er of t%e Knite& *tates *enate- ,%is amen&ment first &escri/e& !%iro'ractic *er4ice as consisting of It%e &etermination an& a&;stment of t%e s/l8ations of t%e s'inal colmn for t%e 'r'ose of releasing 'ressre 'on ner4es, as &efine& /y t%e la(s of t%e states-I #t a&&e& t%e (or& Ic%iro'ractorI after t%e (or& I'%ysicianI in all 'arts of t%e /ill, an& a&&e& t%e (or& Ic%iro'racticI after t%e (or& Ime&ical-I ,o ca' t%e clima8 an& ma1e assrance &o/ly sre, t%e $agnson amen&ment a&&e& t%at It%e term me&ical incl&es c%iro'ractic an& t%e term '%ysician incl&es c%iro'ractor an& t%e term me&ical ser4ices incl&es c%iro'ractic ser4ices ---I A re'ort from 9nglan& ga4e t%e Drg ,rst mc% ;oy- *ince @ritain's *ocialist go4ernment %a& sociali6e& me&icine, an& ma&e 'ills an& &rg concoctions Ifree,I t%e @ritis% 'eo'le %a& tri'le& an& Ja&r'le& t%eir consm'tion of t%ese nnatral 'ro&cts- +ill s(illers " t%e @ritis% 'eo'le are /eing calle&- 3%en yo Ja&r'le t%e 10 /illion &ollar annal &rg /ill of t%e American 'eo'le yo get t%e figre $40,000,000,000- ,a1e 90P of t%at an& yo get $=C,000,)000,000 'rofits- Fi4e s/stitte /ills %a4e /een intro&ce&, an& (ill /e 'resente& to t%e *enate as Iin lieI /ills (%en (an& if) *)1CD9 gets to t%e floor of t%e *enate for &e/ate an& action- ,%e most sensi/le is /y *en- .o/ert ,aft of O%io- #t (ol& consoli&ate t%e 44 o4erla''ing Fe&eral agencies, (%ic% %a4e t%eir fingers in t%e '/lic %ealt% 'ie, an& sa4e mc% of t%at $1,2B0,000,000 (%ic% is (aste& annally, accor&ing to t%e re'ort of t%e Hoo4er !ommission- ,%e ,aft /ill (ol& ma1e t%e a&ministrator of t%ese 44 consoli&ate& o4erla''ing agencies a &octor of me&icine, /t %e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust CD / 210 &i& not fall for t%e Fis%/ein &esire t%at t%e a&ministrator /e gi4en !a/inet *tats an& Fis%/ein gi4en t%e ;o/-
3ha,ter * The Ra;.et 7n 3an;er 3ontrol I,%e 'cre&it' for intro&cing &isease e8'loitation, as a means of ta''ing an en&less flo( of &ollars from an nss'ecting '/lic, goes to Harry G- Ho'1ins- First trie& on t%e '/lic on an e8tensi4e scale /y t%e >e( 7or1 ,/erclosis an& Healt% Association, of (%ic% Ho'1ins (as gi&ing genis an& &irector, it 'ro4e& an instant an& lcrati4e sccess for its organi6ers-I 9manel $- :ose'%son, $- D-
,%e /est of me&ical statistics in&icates t%at one ot of e4ery eig%t %man /eings &ies of cancer- An& it is eJally a matter of recor& t%at cancer %as increase& manifol& since t%e Drg ,rst sol& t%e me&ical 'rofession on its %ig%ly 'rofita/le Iimmni6ationI 'rogram- Aoc% an& Goffler an& @lass an& Ho8sey %a4e 'ro4en t%at cancer is a con&ition in (%ic% t%e /loo& stream is o4erloa&e& (it% to8ins- ,%ey %a4e cre& cancer /y cleaning t%ese to8ins ot- Ort%o&o8 me&ical met%o&s %a4e ne4er cre& a case of cancer in all its %istory " nless yo consi&er t%at sto''age of t%e 'atient's sfferings /y &eat% is a Icre-I ,%e reason me&ical ort%o&o8y cannot cre cancer is t%at it follo(s ort%o&o8 te8t/oo1s, an& t%ese te8t/oo1s say cancer is case& /y a /g (%ic% me&ical science %as faile& to &isco4er in =,000 years of trying- ,%e me&ical 'rofession %as frt%er %an&ica''e& itself /y follo(ing its 'olitical lea&ers in o''osing sccessfl met%o&s (%ic% &o a(ay (it% t%e 'rofits from t%e se of O)ray, ra&im an& &o'e- Dr- Goffler sai& 'oint /lan1 t%at mc% cancer is case& /y 4accines an& serms " t%at t%ese nnatral s/stances in;ecte& into t%e %man /loo& stream &e'osit more to8ins in one- Is%otI t%an a year of in;&icios eating an& falty elimination &oes- For t%is corageos attem't to s'rea& t%e trt% Dr- Goffler (as fore4er &amne& /y t%e Drg ,rst an& all its stooges- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust CH / 210 !ancer is a terri/le t%ing- >ot only is t%e 4ictim of cancer, (%o goes to a Drg ,rst traine& an& &ominate& '%ysician &oome& to &ie, /t %e (or s%e) is &oome& to sffer ntol& tortres /efore t%e mercifl Deat% Angel a''ears- ,%at is t%e reason t%at, after t%e met%o&s of me&ical ort%o&o8y %a4e gi4en only tem'orary relief (most of t%is mental), o'iates %a4e to /e a&ministere& for (ee1s or mont%s /efore t%e en& comes- @ecase of t%e %o'elessness an& sffering in4ol4e&, fear is t%e first t%ing t%at gri's t%e cancer 4ictim- Fear gri's many (%o &o not %a4e cancer, for ort%o&o8 tam'ering (it% t%e many ac%es an& 'ains of mi&&le age sel&om /ring any 'ermanent relief to t%ose (%o eat at B0 as t%ey (ere a/le to at 20- ,%is element of fear %as /een sei6e& 'on an& trne& into a %an&some 'rofit /y some of America's %ig%est)class rac1eteers- ,%is is calle& t%e Fear ,ec%niJe- ,a1ing a&4antage of t%is fear of cancer, millions of &ollars are collecte& e4ery year /y a &o6en Inon)'rofitI societies for t%e a4o(e& 'r'ose of com/ating cancer- # &efy any official of any of t%ese cancer rac1ets, or any &octor (%o treats cancer in t%e ort%o&o8 (ay, to 'oint to one single &isco4ery t%at %as ma&e 'ossi/le t%e 're4ention or alle4iation or arrest of cancer /y t%e e8'en&itre of any of t%ese collecte& millions- ,%is ls% ri4er of gol&, (%ic% t%ese societies collect eac% year from Americans ric% an& 'oor (it% %manitarian moti4es an& %earts, &oes 'ro4i&e l8rios li4ing for %n&re&s of %ig%)class rac1eteers- Kni4ersal 're4ention an& cre of cancer " (%ic% (ill come only (%en t%e (orl& is 'ro'erly e&cate& in t%e Aoc%) Goffler)Ho8sey)@lass met%o&s " (ill sto' t%e flo( of t%is ri4er of gol& an& a goo& many rac1eteers (ill %a4e to go to (or1 for a li4ing- #t is also a matter of fact t%at, as a /y)'ro&ct, t%ese millions collecte& for Icancer controlI %a4e 'ro4i&e& ;o/s for %n&re&s of (ell)meaning an& %onest me&ical tec%nicians, (%o col& /e /etter em'loye& in me&ical 'ractices of t%eir o(n- !ertainly none of t%ese tec%nicians, %ig%ly traine& an& intelligent as t%ey are, %as gotten to first /ase in fin&ing t%e non)e8istent cancer /g- #f t%ey (ere traine& n&er a Aoc%, a Goffler, a Ho8sey or a @lass t%ey col& 'erform mc% for %manity- @ecase t%e 'rice of ra&im increase& 1,000 'ercent (%en some enter'rising me&ical /siness men starte& a fa& in sing it on cancer 4ictims, too mc% money is tie& ' in ra&im no( for t%ose (%o o(n it to gi4e ' cancer ftility (it%ot a strggle- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust C9 / 210 An& /ecase t%e cancer 4ictim /efore %e &ies %el's /ll t%e &rg mar1et, t%e Drg ,rst (ill not consent to t%e natro'at%ic met%o& of treating cancer (it%ot a similar &eat% strggle- ,%s a me&ical &octor (%o cres cancer (it%ot sing &rgs, serms, O)ray, ra&im an& t%e 1nife " an& %e cannot cre it /y sing t%ese Ia''ro4e&I met%o&s " not only sffers 4ile %arassment from organi6e& me&icine /t e4en (orse from t%e Foo& an& Drg A&ministration, t%e +ost Office De'artment, t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice, t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission an& any ot%er Fe&eral agency, s/ser4ient to t%e Drg ,rst, (%ic% can get its finger into t%e 'ictre- Honest '%ysicians (ill tell yo t%at cancer is incra/le /y ort%o&o8 me&ical met%o&s " t%at t%e me&ical 'rofession cannot cre cancer- O)ray an& srgery only 'rolong or s%orten t%e life an& agony, t%is s''ose&ly /eing /alance& /y t%e comfort false %o'e gi4es t%e 'atients an& t%eir relati4es for a little (%ile- ,%is 'erio& of 'ain is 'rofita/le to t%e Drg ,rst, (%ic% is t%e moti4ating force in o''osing all cres of cancer (it%ot &rgs- Fi4e cents' (ort% of &o'e /rings $B-00 retail, an& t%e necessity for co4ering ' t%e agony of t%e cancer 4ictim %el's not inconsi&era/ly to s(ell t%e annal 'rofits of t%e '%armacetical %oses- #t is also a fact t%at e8treme agony follo(s t%e irra&iation (/y O) ray or ra&im) an& t%at large &oses an& in;ections of &o'e t%en /ecome necessary- ,%at is (%y Drg ,rst 'ro'agan&a recommen&s Iirra&iation as an a&;nct to srgery-I ,%e comfort of t%e nm/ing gi4es false %o'e- ,%e irra&iation neritis t%at follo(s ltimately 1ills, in s'ite of t%e enormos amont of o'iates (%ic% %a4e to /e a&ministere& an& (%ic% is /og%t /y t%e 'atient at a 10,000P mar1' o4er its cost of 'ro&ction- !ancer %as /een cre&, /t not /y loo1ing for a none8istent /g, (%ic% is all t%ose cancer control rac1ets &o (it% t%e money &onate& /y (ell)intentione& 'eo'le- #t %as /een cre& /y Aoc% an& Goffler an& +r&e /y t%e me&ical 'rofession, an& /y @lass an& Ho8sie of t%e natro'at%ic 'rofession, an& a fe( ot%ers- 9ac% of t%ese Inort%o&o8I '%ysicians %as cre& cancer /y t%e same general 'rinci'le " 'rification of t%e /loo& " /t /y slig%tly &ifferent met%o&s- ,%ey &isco4ere& t%at cancer is sim'ly an e8treme case of to8emia, ;st as t%e common col& is t%e mil&est form of to8emia- A col& is somet%ing else t%e /g %nting me&ical 'rofession %as learne& not%ing a/ot in =,000 years- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D0 / 210 #ntelligent '%ysicians, me&ical an& &rgless, (ill tell yo t%at t%ere is only one &isease 1no(n to t%e %ealing arts- #ts o4erall name mig%t /e ,OO9$#A an& it is calle& /y 41B (more or less) &ifferent names, &e'en&ing on (%ere t%e inflammation ('ain or &istress) is locate& an& (%o is &oing t%e &iagnosing (gessing)- $an &oesn't catc% a col&- He eats it- ,%at's t%e reason t%e only (ay yo can really cre a col& is to sto' eating for a &ay or t(o, or go on a frit or 4egeta/le ;ice &iet, ntil natre %as a c%ance to clean ot t%e accmlate& to8ins- .est %el's /ecase e8%astion or fatige ma1es it %ar&er for >atre to eliminate t%e accmlate& to8ins- ,%e only (ay to 're4ent a col& is to eat ;&iciosly an& eliminate t%e resi&e of (%at yo &o eat- ,%e &iet s%ol& /e /alance&- A glass of celery ;ice or a stal1 of celery a &ay (ill go a long (ay to(ar& 're4enting col&s, /ecase celery not only acti4ates t%e ot%er foo&s, /t is a cleaner an& a rectifier- ?rammar sc%ool c%il&ren also learn in t%e +%ysiology /oo1s t%at t%e s'inal cor& is t%e tree of life, t%e trn1 line of ner4es (%ic% /egins at t%e /ase of t%e /rain an& en&s e4ery(%ere in t%e /o&y- ,%ey learn t%at insi&e or torso are Iin4olntary organsI (%ic% (or1 (%et%er (e are a(a1e or aslee', an& (%ic% &o not %a4e to res'on& to or (ill to fnction in t%e manner of or legs, arms, fingers an& ;a(s- 3e learn t%at t%ese in4olntary organs " t%e %eart, stomac%, lngs, li4er, 1i&neys, /o(els, etc- " (%ic% are 4irtally life itself (ill sto' (or1ing if or s'inal cor& is ct an& t%e /rain cannot sen& its im'lses &o(n to t%ose organs- 3%ile me&ical science %as /een aslee' at t%e s(itc%, t%e &rgless sciences %a4e &isco4ere& t%at misalignment of t%ose &og%nt s%a'e& 4erte/ra of t%e s'ine, (%ic% encase an& 'rotect t%e s'inal cor&, can case im'ingement of t%e ner4es (%ic% fee& t%e in4olntary organs " an& great im'airment of t%eir (or1- ,%s a 'erson (%ose system is fille& (it% to8ins, an& (%o also %as %an&ica''e& in4olntary organs, gi4es natre a &o/le loa& in trying to t%ro( off to8ins in t%e natral (ay- +ro'er s'inal a&;stments /y a &octor s1ille& in t%is art often %el's restore %ealt% as mc% as sto''ing t%e se of t%e stomac% as a gar/age 'ail- 3e also learne& in grammar sc%ool +%ysiology t%at t%ere are t%ree main a4enes of elimination in t%e %man /o&y- ,%ese t%ree are t%e /o(els, t%e /la&&er an& t%e 'ores- #ntelligent '%ysicians, (%o aren't loo1ing for /gs an& (%o &on't ta1e t%e Drg ,rst 'ro'agan&a in t%e me&ical /oo1s too The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D1 / 210 seriosly, (ill tell yo t%at (%en t%e to8ic loa& is too great for t%ese t%ree 'rimary eliminators, t%e ne8t 'lace >atre tries is t%e &elicate nasal mem/rane- ,%en, (e %a4e a col&- ,%e nasal &isc%arge for a col& is n'leasant /ecase natre is getting ri& of to8ins for yo- #f t%ere is too mc% of a loa& for yor nasal mem/rane t%en some ot%er organ is attac1e& an& yo %a4e a serios con&ition- #f it is in t%e a''en&i8 t%at t%e to8ins gat%er yo %a4e a''en&icitis- #f in t%e stomac% (alls or intestine yo %a4e lcers- #f it comes in t%e form of general inflammation in t%e lngs yo %a4e 'nemonia- #f in t%e 'leral ca4ity yo %a4e 'lerisy- @t (%en t%e con&ition /ecomes so /a& t%at yor (%ole system is affecte&, t%e to8ins rs% in enormos Jantities to some 'art of t%e /o&y an& yo %a4e cancer- ,%at means natre %as gi4en ' trying to o4ercome t%e effects of yor o(n st'i&ity an& ignorance of natral la(s- ,%at's t%e reason no o'eration, O)ray or .a&im treatment %as e4er /een 1no(n to cre cancer, %o(e4er 'rofita/le sc% measres may /e to %os'itals, srgeons an& t%e Drg ,rst- ,%e only &octors (%o %a4e e4er attac1e& cancer effecti4ely are t%ose (%o %a4e attac1e& it t%rog% t%e /loo&stream, /y s%ort ct or fn&amental 'rification- An& /ecase t%ere is no sc% t%ings as a cancer /g, all t%e millions gi4en to cancer researc% fon&ations %a4e so far /een tterly (aste&- ,%is /g %nt (ill contine to get no(%ere from no( 'til Aing&om !ome nless t%e researc% is 't in c%arge of men (%o %a4e 'ro4en t%at t%ey 1no( somet%ing a/ot cancer- Dr- Aoc% or Dr- Ho8sey or Dr- @lass ((%o are still li4ing) col& ta1e t%e millions gi4en any of t%e 4arios cancer control fon&ations an& 't t%e /ra1es on t%at great scorage of t%e mi&&le age&- ,%e /g %nters can't- Di& yo e4er (on&er (%y so fe( 'eo'le %a4e col&s in smmer5 Or in Flori&a5 Or in t%e tro'ics5 ,%e reason is t%at t%e 'ores (or1 o4ertime in (arm (eat%er an& in (arm climates, an& eliminate most of t%e to8ins- #n col& (eat%er t%e 'ores (or1 more slo(ly- ,%s t%e to8ins 'ile ' an& t%e nasal mem/rane feels t%e first s%oc1 of a (ise >atre's effort to o4ercome yor o(n st'i&ity in eating- A &el&e& me&ic, or a cancer rac1eteer (layman or '%ysician), if %e t%in1s yo (ill res'on& to &o/le tal1 (ill tell yo t%at tmors are cra/le if remo4e& in time- ,%at is tre, /t a tmor is not a cancer anymore t%an a common col& is a''en&icitis- ,%e case The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D2 / 210 is t%e same, /t t%e '%ysical as'ects an& effect are &ifferent- A tmor is an accmlation of to8ins confine& in a mem/ranos sac- !ancer is to8ins rnning (il&, an& cannot /e cre& e8ce't /y cleaning t%em ot of t%e /loo& from (it%in- :st (%y t%is mercifl sac forms in some cases no one 1no(s- @t e4en (%en t%e tmor is ct ot anot%er one forms nless t%e 'atient ta1es ste's to eat an& eliminate 'ro'erly, an& 're4ent t%e accmlation of e8cess to8ins in t%e /loo&- A 'erson (%o eats tem'erately an& 'ro'erly, (%ose meta/olism an& elimination is (or1ing as a (ise natre inten&e& it s%ol&, (ill ne4er %a4e cancer- Or a col&- Or any ot%er &isease for t%at matter- ,%at is t%e 'rinci'le on (%ic% Dr- Aoc% an& Dr- @lass an& Dr- Ho8sey (or1 an& effect t%eir cres (%ic% ma1e t%e &rg trst an& me&ical 'oliticians see re&- ,%at is (%y t%ey are %arasse& an& interfere& (it% at e4ery trn /y agents of t%e Drg ,rst on t%e 'ayroll of t%e Fe&eral go4ernment- ,%at is (%y t%eir cres are ne4er mentione& in t%e .oc1efeller controlle& 'ress, (%ose Iscience e&itorsI in >e( 7or1 s''ress all %ealt% stories (%ic% (ill not %el' t%e sale of &rgs, serms, O)ray an& ra&im- Hman natre /eing (%at it is, it (as t%erefore ine4ita/le t%at certain 'ersons (ol& ta1e a&4antage of t%e Drg ,rst's 4igoros cam'aign against t%e cring of cancer /y sc% n'rofita/le (to t%em) means as cleaning ot t%e /loo& an& remo4ing t%e case- .ecent mont%s %a4e seen t%e /est %eele& an& most e8tensi4e cam'aign to get t%e '/lic to contri/te fn&s to Icancer controlI e4er seen in t%is contry- ,%e 'arties gilty of t%is crrent large scale rac1et are t%e American !ancer *ociety (%ic% (as e8'ose& as early as 1940 /y 9manel $- :ose'%son, $- D-, of >e( 7or1 !ity in %is fearless /oo1 entitle& I7or Gife #s ,%eir ,oy-I #f any organi6ation of /siness men " not 'rotecte& /y t%e Drg ,rst " %a& /een as gilty of t%e false a&4ertising s%o(n in recent (ee1s /y t%e American !ancer *ociety, it (ol& %a4e /een 'rosecte& for an& con4icte& of o/taining money n&er false 'retenses- +rior t%ereto it (ol& %a4e /een /arre& from t%e mails /y t%e +ost Office De'ortment- #t (ol& %a4e /een %arasse& /y agents of t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration an& t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission- @etter @siness @reas all o4er t%e contry (ol& %a4e s%ote& from t%e %oseto's in t%eir local ne(s'a'ers t%at it (as a fra&- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D= / 210 7et (e fin& sc% statements as t%ese, s'onsore& /y t%e American !ancer *ociety an& '/lis%e& " sometimes free an& sometimes for cas% " in re'ta/le ne(s'a'ers an& maga6ines t%e contry o4er-
?OD @G9** 7OK, $#*,9. " t%osan&s of !ancer 'atients are gratefl to yo- ,%e money yo contri/ate to t%e American !ancer *ociety %el's 'ay for t%e &e4elo'ment of met%o&s of treatment (%ic% are no( sa4ing a/ot one)Jarter of t%e 'eo'le (%o are stric1en (it% cancer " 'eo'le (%o ot%er(ise mig%t %a4e &ie&- " #n t%e 'ast year DB,000,000 'ieces of '/licity material containing (il& statements of t%is sort coo1e& ' in t%e min& of a %ig% 'o(ere& '/licity engineer, %a4e /een sent ot to t%e '/lic in t%e *ociety's &ri4e to mil1 t%e last 'ossi/le &ollar ot of nss'ecting an& c%arita/ly)incline& Americans- A catc%)'%rase, se& in many of t%eir 'ress agent &reams, says<
I,%is year one Jarter of all cancer 'atients (ill /e sa4e& /y srgery- O)ray or ra&im-I
7et on Oct- 19, 1949, t%e 3as%ington >93*, carrying an accont of t%e District of !olm/ia $e&ical *ociety's annal con4ention, sai&<
I!ancer s'ecialists a&&ressing t%e District $e&ical *ociety's scientific assem/ly yester&ay (ere in agreement t%at t%e cre for cancer is n1no(n- $oreo4er, &etection of cancer in most cases is still a factor of lc1 or acci&ent,I sai& Dr- 9&(ar& A- ?all-
As a reslt of t%is ty'e of irres'onsi/le 'ro'agan&a t%e American !ancer *ociety too1 in $1=,221,0CH in 194H from &el&e& Americans- :&ging from t%e %ig% 'ressre t%ey are 'tting on no( t%eir 1949 'ta1eI s%ol& easily /eat t%at- ,%ey starte& in 19=D (it% a mo&est $111,2=0- @y ste''ing ' t%eir 'ro'agan&a, t%ey 'rogressi4ely increase& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D4 / 210 t%eir ta1e eac% year ntil it reac%e& $HB0,000 in 1944- 3it% t%e (ar o4er t%ey (ent to to(n an& in 194B nette& o4er for million- ,%e year 194C sa( it ste''e& ' to ten million an& 194H to 12 million- 3%ere it (ill en& " (%en t%e satration 'oint (ill /e reac%e& " no/o&y 1no(s- #t %as /ecome sc% a ls% rac1et t%at 2,C1= local nits %a4e /een organi6e& to teac% 4olnteers %o( to get t%e money- ,%e only I(or1I t%ey can actally 'oint to is t%e o'eration of 142 cancer &iagnostic clinics- ,%at t%ese cancer &iagnostic clinics are merely a&;ncts of t%e &rg trst " 'rotectors of its 'rofits " is atteste& /y t%e follo(ing fact- >ot a single one of t%ese Icancer &iagnostic clinicsI is eJi''e& (it% t%e 9llis $icro&ynameter (%ic% %as /een 'ro4en /y '%ysicians (%o se it to &iagnose cancer many mont%s /efore any manal or 'ersonal &iagnosis can- 7et mc% literatre of t%e American !ancer *ociety says Iget an early &iagnosis an& /e cre&-I 3%ile telling cancer 4ictims t%is, t%e *ociety actally 're4ents t%em from getting t%e earliest 'ossi/le &iagnosis /ecase t%e 9llis 'eo'le %a4e earne& t%e enmity of t%e Drg +eo'le on t(o conts- >m/er 1, an early &iagnosis of anyt%ing /y t%e 9llis mac%ine (ill ct &o(n enormosly t%e sale of &rgs- An&, >m/er 2, /ecase $r- 9llis refse& to /e s%a1en &o(n /y t%e front man for t%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce, as tol& in anot%er c%a'ter of t%is /oo1- For years ago, (%en # (as (riting a c%a'ter on t%e cancer rac1et for my /oo1 I3as%ington *Jirrel !age,I t%e American !ancer *ociety (as telling t%e (orl&, t%r t%e *cience 9&itor of Hearst's Kni4ersal *er4ice (?o/in& @e%ari Gai) t%at no cre for cancer %as /een fon&- ,%ey /lame& it on lac1 of fn&s- 94i&ently t%is false%oo& &i&n't /ring enog% fn&s, so t%is year t%ey are re4ersing t%emsel4es an& claiming t%at one fort% of cancer cases are cre& /y t%ese ineffecti4e Iort%o&o8I met%o&s- #'& li1e to intro&ce at t%is 'oint anot%er (itness for t%e 'eo'le " Dr- Francis !arter 3oo&, 'rofessor emerits at *t- G1e's Hos'ital in >e( 7or1- Kntil t%e name of t%e 'resent American !ancer *ociety (as c%ange& in 1944 in its 'rogram to go after e4ery &ime an& &ollar (ring)a/le from t%e American '/lic %e (as its 4ice 'resi&ent- Dr- 3oo& says< I.a&im (ill not cre cancer- #t only &estroys cancer tisse (it%in a certain ra&is, /t &oes not &ri4e t%e &isease from t%e /loo&-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust DB / 210 >o (on&er Dr- 3oo& is not 4ice 'resi&ent of t%e *ociety any more- ,%e Drg ,rst consi&ers t%e American !ancer *ociety so im'ortant to a large 'art of its 'rofits t%at it %as 'lace& on t%e society's @oar& of &irectors none ot%er t%an 3int%ro' 3- Al&ric%, %ea& of t%e !%ase >ational @an1 an& .oc1efeller's financial %atc%et man- $r- Al&ric%'s name is gi4en an element of res'ecta/ility /ecase on t%e same /oar& are t%e names of 2H ot%er laymen from all 'arts of t%e Knite& *tates, many of t%em %ig%ly res'ecte& American citi6ens- #ncl&e& in t%is list are sc% names as ?en- 3illiam :- Dono4an, a (ar %ero, an& ?en- :o%n .ee& Ail'atric1, an immortal 7ale foot/all 'layer- All of t%ese 2H citi6ens 'ermit t%eir names to /e se& to gi4e res'ecta/ility to a rac1et /ecase t%ey %a4e no i&ea t%at t%e *ociety's cres of cancer are a/soltely nil- ,%e American !ancer *ociety &oesn't /elie4e its o'erations (ol& /ear t%e lig%t of an intelligent in4estigation- #t %as refse& to coo'erate or ;oin (it% local commnity c%est &ri4es, /ecase some of t%ese local c%est gro's are rat%er inJisiti4e as to (%ere t%e money t%ey solicit from t%eir to(nsfol1 goes- #nstea&, t%e *ociety says it (ants to reac% DB,000,000 contri/tors an& ta1e in all t%e money t%emsel4es- As 'art of its Fear ,ec%niJe it claims 22,000,000 li4ing Americans are &oome& to &ie nless it gets t%is money- Get's %ear a corageos me&ical &octor (%o %asn't /een intimi&ate& /y eit%er t%e Drg ,rst, or its 'o(erfl s/si&iary " t%e American $e&ical Association- # Jote from Dr- :ose'%son< IAssociations %a4e /een forme& to 'control cancer-' ,%ey %a4e /een more sccessfl in controlling t%e cancer /siness- #f t%ey inci&entally increase& t%e financial retrns on t%eir &octors' in4estments in ra&im " it mst /e sai& t%at t%e 'rice of ra&im increase& 1,000P (%en t%ey /egan to se it on cancer 4ictims " t%at (as %ar&ly ne8'ecte& or n&esire&- I,%e more one st&ies t%e sitation t%e more one is incline& to (on&er (%et%er t%e tre fnction of cancer Jac1ery on a %ig%er le4el or on a more lcrati4e financial 'lane- ,%ey /oost ra&im an& srgery as t%e only 'cres' for cancer- ,%ey ser4e to gi4e a mono'oly of t%e cancer /siness to t%e cliJes of &octors an& &ominate t%em- *ome e4en cont t%eir annal 'rofits in si8 figres- I,%ese &octors 'roclaim t%emsel4es 'at%orities' an& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust DC / 210 's'ecialists' in cancer- ,%ey systematically &eny e4eryt%ing t%at &oes not emanate from t%emsel4es an& a&& to t%eir cas% incomes- *ince t%ese fa1ers (ol& /e 'ro//e&' of t%eir li4eli%oo&s an& incomes /y any effecti4e means of 're4enting cancer, t%ey can /e &e'en&e& on to 'rom'tly 're;ect' any met%o& (%ic% mig%t /e &isco4ere&- As 'omniscient at%orities' t%ey 4e%emently scorn an& &iscre&it any sc% 'ossi/ility- ,%ey %o'eflly insist t%at t%e cancer 'ro/lem (ill /e (it% s fore4er- I!ancer Associations &o not se t%e fn&s t%ey collect for t%e relief of cancer 4ictims or for t%e 'ayment of instittions for t%eir care- ,%e money collecte& %as /een se& for t%e 'ayment of salaries to t%e me&ical /osses, to ot%er 'ersonnel an& for '/licity, 'ro'agan&a an& a&4ertising (for more contri/tions)- I,%ey %a4e sccee&e& in esta/lis%ing a censors%i' of t%e 'ress /y alternately (ooing an& 'an&ering e&itors- 3it% t%e ai& of t%e 'ress t%ey maintain a constant %ysteria an& '%o/ia among t%e '/lic, a constant flo( of 'atients into t%e office of &octors 'osing as 'cancer s'ecialists' an& t%e flo( of millions of &ollars into t%eir coffers-I ,%is 'ro'agan&a 'attern (as o4er&one /y t%e American !ancer *ociety in 3as%ington recently (%en t%eir 'ai& 'ress agent (a $iss 94elyn 7ong) ga4e ot a sensational story to t%e ne(s'a'ers a/ot %erself- I94elyn follo(e& %er o(n a&4ice,I t%e story ya1ya11e&, Itoo1 t%e cancer test an& (as sa4e&-I Accor&ing to %er o(n 'ress agent yarn, s%e (as fon& to %a4e Ierosi4e tisseI (%ic%, if not ct ot, col& reslt in cancer- 94elyn a4erre& t%at s%e (as going to t%e %os'ital t%e ne8t &ay an& %a4e %er erosi4e tisses ((%ate4er t%ey are) ct an& t%s /e sa4e&- ,%e story, of corse, ma&e t%e front 'ages of at least %er local %ometo(n 'a'ers- >ot%ing in t%is 'ress agent yarn ga4e any in1ling to (%at Ierosi4e tissesI (ere or %o( t%ey (ere li1ely to I&e4elo' into cancer-I @eing a crios 'erson # sog%t information, not from a Icancer e8'ertI (%o ne4er cre& a case of cancer in %is life, /t from one of t%e fe( &octors in America (%o &o cre it- Dr- 3illiam F- Aoc% tol& me<
I,%e erosions t%at lea& to cancer come from c%il& /irt% in;ries t%at %a4e ne4er %eale&, &e to infection- #f t%e /io'sy s%o(e& ss'ecte& cancer it col& /e /t a %y'er'lasia from t%e c%ronic infection- #f it s%o(e& cancer The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust DD / 210 in an early state( t%e 'ress agent yarn (as not clear on t%at 'oint " may/e 'r'osely) t%en s%e eit%er %as no cancer an& it is a frame)', or if it is cancer t%e reme&ies t%ey sggest to se are t%e /n1 an& s%e (ill &ie- On t%e ot%er %an&, t%ey may 1no( s%e %as no cancer an& in t%e years to come t%ey (ill say, '*ee (e cre& %er /y early o'eration-' I
Dr- Aoc% (as s'ea1ing for t%e me&ical men (%o may rea& t%is, an& in me&ical langage- # also as1e& anot%er learne& &octor, of t%e &rgless fiel&, (%o s'ea1s lay langage- Dr- 3- A- @&&en, &irector of t%e 3estern *tates (Drgless) !ollege, rea& t%e 'ress agent yarn for me an& re'lie&<
I# imagine t%e at%or of t%e article means 'cer4ical erosion-' ,%is is a 'rocess of re'air occrring at t%e entrance of t%e cer4ical canal- 3%at %a''ens is t%at t%e or&inary friction resisting 'a4ement cells (%ic% co4er t%e entrance to t%e cer4ical canal are re'lace& /y ot%ers of &ifferent s%a'e, i- e- colmnar- ,%is 'rocess &oes not %eal rea&ily an& may go into t%e formation of small cysts- # s''ose t%at e4eryone (%o &e4elo's cancer may /e sai& to %a4e /een in 'a 're)canceros stage' /efore t%e malignancy /ecame noticea/le, an& to t%at e8tent cer4ical erosion may /e consi&ere& ''re)canceros' (%ere t%e malignancy &e4elo's on t%e site of t%e erosion- # %a4e /een na/le to fin&, among t%e at%orities, any nm/er (%o consi&er t%is con&ition as a necessary 'rereJisite to malignancy- #n fact, one " 3- A- D- An&erson, $- A-, $- D-, F- A- !- +-, goes so far as to say It%e initial '%ases of cancer %a4e not /een fon& in areas of erosion or laceration-'I I3%at 'r4eyors of tri'e or ne(s'a'ers %a4e /ecomeTI
Dr- @&&en &oesn't 1no( %alf of it- ,%e cancer society 'ress agents in t%e 9ast %a4e a&o'te& t%e met%o&s of t%e circs /ally%oo artist in t%e ty'e of IsensationalI attention)catc%ing stories t%ey 'lant in t%e (illing an& glli/le 'ress- One sc% story (as 'lante& t%r t%e Knite& +ress, an& its IscienceI e&itor in >e( 7or1- #t (as %ea&line& IAtom !oc1tail !%ec1s !ancer, .estores +atient-I An& (e fin& sc% tri'e as t%is " I.imless ?lasses @lame& for !ancer-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust DH / 210 Anot%er one /y t%e Knite& +ress, ot of *ot% @en&, #n&- ,%e %ea&line I*ome *ccess is .e'orte& in *earc% for !ancer Aillers-I ,%e story follo(s (it% t%is 1in& of %ocs 'ocs< IDr- !am'/ell, (%o (as recently a(ar&e& $D,200 /y t%e >ational !ancer #nstitte to contine %is (or1, is sing t%e al1aloi& !olc%icine, a 'oisonos s/stance o/taine& from t%e mea&o( saffron 'lant, in attem'ting to synt%esi6e a cancer)1illing com'on&-I ,%is 1in& of 'ress agent stff %as ne4er cre& a single cancer case, /t it %as /rog%t many t%osan&s of &ollars into t%e coffers of t%e American !ancer *ociety- ,%at's (%y t%ey 'ay t%eir '/lic relations firm so %an&somely- #n e8'osing t%e (ay t%e *ociety %an&les t%e 'ress, 'lants its o(n fra&lent Ine(sI in or me&ims of '/lic information an& 're4ents t%e trt% of t%e Aoc%, Ho8sey an& ot%er cancer cres from a''earing, Dr- :ose'%son contines<
I#t (t%e cancer society) (on t%e %earts of e&itor mem/ers of t%e >ational Association of *cience 3riters /y /esto(ing on t%e Association (of science (riters) t%e !lement !le4elan& me&al for 'otstan&ing (or1 in t%e cam'aign to control cancer-' #n 'resenting t%e me&al, t%e *ociety s'o1esman gs%e& t%at &octors (or1ing in cancer feel t%ey are safe in gi4ing to t%e '/lic t%rog% t%e science (riters sc% facts as t%ey are entitle& to 1no( an& se- ',o (%ic% t%e s'o1esman for t%e Association of *cience (riters %m/ly res'on&e& " '>o( t%at yo %a4e gi4en s a me&al 't s to (or1-' ,%e !ancer *ociety %as &one t%at- I,%e *ociety %as free access to ne(s colmns- ,%e reliance of e&itors on it for cancer ne(s is tantamont to censors%i'- 3ee1ly, an& sometimes &aily, t%e *ociety an& its officers /rea1 into t%e ne(s colmns (it% some annoncement %o(e4er insignificant an& trite, tre or ntre-I
Ho( tre Dr- :ose'%son is %as /een atteste& in recent mont%s (it% many Ine(s storiesI a/ot I&isco4eriesI in t%e fiel& of cancer cre, 'lante& /y t%e *ociety in its all)ot &ri4e for fn&s- ,%e American !ancer *ociety /elie4es in t%e 'rinci'le of t%e B) an&)10 cent store tycoons " great (ealt% is ac%ie4e& from millions of small sales- #t is /t natral t%at a rac1et as lcrati4e as t%e A!* s%ol& %a4e its imitators- #t %as, /t many of t%em The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust D9 / 210 scorn t%e &imes an& &ollars (%ic% t%e American !ancer *ociety eagerly goes after an& gra/s- ,%ere are t%ose %ig%)class rac1eteers (%o go after not%ing less t%an a si8 or D)figre ta1e- ,%eir mo&s o'eran&i is more s/tle an& lcrati4e- ,%ey fin& a (ealt%y 4ictim (%o is &ying of cancer- ,%ey gain %is ear, often /y crossing (it% gol& t%e 'alm of t%e '%ysician (%o is lea&ing t%e 4ictim on to %is &eat% /y telling %im t%ere Iis no cre e8ce't O)ray, ra&im or srgery-I ,%ey tell t%e 4ictim (%at a great t%ing for %manity it (ol& /e for %im to lea4e 'art or all of %is fortne to t%eir IsocietyI (often not e4en yet forme&) (%ic% (ill Isome &ay fin& t%e case an& cre for cancer-I #t is %ar& for a &ying 'erson to resist sc% sa4e /lan&is%ments- ,%e &eat%s of Damon .nyon, /elo4e& s'orts (riter, an& @a/e .t%, t%e great %omern 1ing of @ase/all, %a4e /een se& for a similar 'r'ose- A (ell)1no(n ra&iorator %as raise&, it is sai&, a/ot $=,000,000 for t%e Damon .nyon !ancer Fn&- ,%ere is a @a/e .t% Fon&ation o'erating no( for t%e 'r'ose of e8'loiting t%e &eat% /y cancer of t%e t%roat of t%e great *ltan of *(at- >ot a &ime of t%is money (ill e4er &o anyt%ing a/ot controlling or alle4iating cancer- 3%at isn't se& for Ia&ministrationI an& salaries (ill /e se& to %nt t%e none) e8istent cancer /g-
For years ago # '/lis%e& t%e names of nine Icancer fon&ationsI finance& mostly /y (ealt%y 4ictims of cancer- ,%ey (ere<
1- #nternational !ancer .esearc% Fon&ation (+%ila&el'%ia) $2,000,000 2- !roc1er !ancer .esearc% Fn& (>e( 7or1) $1,400,000 =- Anne Fller Fn& (>e( Ha4en) $CB,000 4- :onat%an @o(man Fn& ($a&ison, 3isc-) $400,000 B- Henry .t%erfor& Fn& (>e( 7or1) $200,000 C- !- +- Hntington Fn& (>e( 7or1) $100,000 The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H0 / 210 D- @on&y Fn& (>e( 7or1) $100,000 H- !%arles F- *'ang Fon&ation (+itts/rg%) $100,000
An interesting e8am'le of %o( (ealt%y 'eo'le are in&ce& to 'art (it% t%eir money /y t%ese cancer rac1eteers is t%e case of 3illiam H- Donner of +%ila&el'%ia, one of t%e e8)fat%ers)in)la( of 9lliott .oose4elt- $r- Donner ga4e $2,000,000 (%ic% %as /een se& for salaries, Jarters an& e8'ensi4e /t seless la/oratory eJi'ment- *ome of it (as also se& for 'ress agentry (%ic% ma&e $r- Donner /elie4e some tall tales- #n a letter to t%is at%or $r- Donner sai&<
IFn&amental scientific researc% &irecte& to(ar& &etermining t%e cases of malignant &iseases %as /een t%e main interest of t%is fon&ation since its ince'tion- ,%ere are %n&re&s of in&i4i&als in t%is contry to&ay (%o are li4ing 'roof t%at srgery, O)ray or ra&im &o cre cancer-I
As e4ery intelligent '%ysician 1no(s, $r- Donner %as /een Ita1en for a ri&eI " an& for a $2,000,000 ri&e at t%at- ,%e me&ical &octors %a4e a stereoty'e& '%rase to co4er t%eir non)sccess< IO'erations, ra&im an& O)rays are t%e t%ree recogni6e& treatments for cancer-I ,%e &octor &oes not a&& I/t me&icine also %ol&s t%at yor cancer is incra/le-I !ancer comes /ac1 in nearly ninety)nine cases ot of a %n&re&, accor&ing to one of t%e late Drs- $ayo, of t%e $ayo !linic- @t " t%e me&ic (%o faile& al(ays %as (%at %e t%in1s is a goo& ali/i- I,%e 'atient came too late-I Often t%e stric1en 'atient retrns to t%e same &octor- ,%e &oc &oesn't &are recommen& an o'eration again- #nstea& O)rays- +er%a's t(o mont%s of tem'orary reliefQ an& t%en t%e malignant gro(t% /rea1s ot again, gro(ing t%is time li1e a fire &renc%e& (it% gasoline, &e to t%e O)rays Jic1ening of t%e gro(t% of t%e canceros mass- O'eration %as faile&, O)rays %a4e faile&- @t t%ere is ra&im left- A fe( treatments, more %ig% fees- Again a tem'orary relief an& t%en more &rea&fl 'ain t%an e4er- ,%e &octor 'rringly gi4es t%e sffering 'atient a /o8 of (%ite ta/lets, an& tells %im to ta1e one e4ery t(o %orsQ an& so %e sen&s t%e 'atient %ome- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H1 / 210 ,%e relati4es go to t%e &octorQ (%at can t%e 'atient &o ne8t5 #f t%ey still %a4e money, t%e &octor 'ro/a/ly recommen&s sc%) an&)sc% a clinic- Anot%er %ig% fee, from t%e 'atient, almost on t%e /rin1 of t%e gra4e no(- ,%is fee is s'lit fifty)fifty (it% t%e local &octor (%o %as s%i''e& t%e &ying 'atient on- Home again, (it% more tem'orary relief from more O)ray an& ra&im, (%ic% &ea&ens t%e tisses tem'orarily as mor'%ine &ea&ens t%e ner4es- ,%e 'atient is still getting (orse- @y t%is time, t%e relati4es %a4e gone to t%e &octor an& &eman&e& an %onest e8'ression from %im< t%ey are tterly ag%ast (%en %e says< I# am 4ery sorry, /t (e %a4e &one all (e can for %im- ?i4e %im t%e mor'%ine 'ills (%ene4er %e e8'eriences e8treme 'ain, as # /elie4e t%at t%e en& is near- $e&ical science 1no(s no cre for cancer-I @t natro'at%ic science &oes- Dr- 3illiam F- Aoc% of Detroit /egan t%e treatment of cancer in 191H- *ince cancer is /t an e8treme case of to8emia, an& since all ot%er &iseases are /t to8emia in &ifferent forms of manifestation, it (as natral t%at %e s%ol& /egin to cre ot%er &iseases later- Among t%e &iseases (%ic% still %a4e t%e ort%o&o8 me&icos fm/ling an& /m/ling, (%ic% Dr- Aoc% cres sim'ly an& Jic1ly, are arterio)sclerosis, r%ematism, art%ritis, infantile 'aralysis an& t/erclosis- #n or&er to cre, Dr- Aoc% first got at t%e case of &isease (%ic% %e e8'lains sim'ly t%s<
I,%e %man /o&y normally is not afflicte& (it% &isease- +oisons come into t%e system from foo&, li4ing %a/its, air an& 4arios o''osition forces in natre (it% (%ic% e4eryone is /om/ar&e&- ,%e o8i&ation system /rns off t%ese to8ins an& 1ee's t%em from %arming t%e /o&y- *omet%ing may %a''en to 1ee' t%e o8i&ation system from fnctioning normally- ,%e 'oisons remain in t%e system an& case a reaction, namely &isease- #f one man %as certain (ea1nesses it may manifest as cancer- #n anot%er as t/erclosis, an& so on, &e'en&ing on t%e ty'e of to8in (%ic% %as in4a&e& t%e /o&y- ,%e immnity 'rocess is im'aire&, an& t%e o8i&ation mec%anism mst /e restore& to /rn off t%e accmlate& to8ins- ,%e Aoc% treatment consists of a cleaning regime to eliminate 'oisons from t%e /o(els, an& to cleanse t%e li4er an& organs /y &iet- ,%is is accom'anie& /y cm in;ection of Aoc% anti)to8in (%ic% acts The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H2 / 210 as a catalyst (or ste''ing ' agent) to %el' restore t%e o8i&ation mec%anism so t%at natral immnity is again en;oye&- As t%is ta1es 'lace t%e &isease lea4es, since it cannot e8ist in a /o&y (%ose o8i&ation mec%anism is fnctioning as t%e !reator inten&e&-I
Dr- Aoc% 't %is finger on 'ro/a/ly t%e main fn&amental of &isease " Fsometimes something ha,,ens to .ee, the o)idation system from fun;tioning normally.F ,o8ins t%at are eliminate& ne4er %arm anyone- #t is (%en t%ey 'ile ' in t%e /loo&stream t%at tro/le comes- *%oc1, li1e as (et feet or cooling off too s&&enly (%en t%e 'ores are o'en an& t%e 'ers'iration is flo(ing freely, (ill sto' t%e s1in elimination a/r'tly, casing natre to &etor t%rog% t%e nasal mem/rane- ,%at is (%y some 'eo'le t%in1 yo Icatc% col&I (%en yor feet get (et- ,%ere are se9en emotional states of t%e %man min& t%at interfere " an& seriosly " (it% o8i&ation an& e4en (it% &igestion- ,%ey are< 4. fatigue( +. grief( D. disa,,ointment( 0. fear( *. anger( 1. hate and 6. frustration. @t t%e greatest &eterrent to o8i&ation an& all ot%er forms of elimination 'ro/a/ly is a me;hani;al im,erfe;tion of t%e s'ine " 1no(n to &rgless '%ysicians as Is/l8ationI of one or more 4erte/raes- Any goo& &rgless &octor can &iagnose an& correct t%is in a matter of secon&s- >o me&ical &octor can &o it at all, as t%eir /oo1s tell t%em t%at t%e science of c%iro'ractic Itaint so-I A s/l8ation seriosly interferes (it% t%e flo( of ner4e force from t%e /rain to t%e in4olntary organs- 3%en t%is %a''ens t%ose organs only (or1 on %alf time an& o8i&ation an& &igestion an& elimination is slo(e& &o(n- 3%en t%e c%iro'ractor remo4es t%is o/strction, t%e /o&y (or1s normally again- *cientific s'inal mani'lation is t%erefore e4en more of a 're4enti4e t%an a cre- ,%e %n&re&s an& %n&re&s of cancer an& ot%er cres (%ic% The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H= / 210 %a4e /een effecte& /y Dr- Aoc% since 191H %a4e /rog%t &o(n on %is %ea& t%e (rat% of t%e Drg ,rst, an& of t%ose me&icos (%o %a4e t%osan&s of &ollars in4este& in ra&im an& ot%er totally ineffecti4e agents- ,%e Foo& an& Drg @an&its in 3as%ington (ere 't to (or1- Dr- Aoc% (as arreste& in A'ril 1942 an& force& to s/mit to a trial (%ic% laste& fi4e mont%s an& cost /ot% %im an& t%e American ta8'ayers many t%osan&s of &ollars- He 'ro4e& /y restore& 'atients t%at %e (as ma1ing no ntrt%fl claimsQ t%e Igo4ernmentI (as na/le to 'ro4e a single c%arge against %im- ,%e ;ry refse& to con4ict, /t t%e Drg ,rst (as a&amant- ,%eir stooges in 3as%ington ma&e %im stan& trial again in 194H- After anot%er fi4e mont%s of re'etition an& recrimination t%e case again en&e& in a mistrial- For fi4e (ee1s t%e go4ernment 'ara&e& a gro' of (itnesses, none of (%om 1ne( anyt%ing a/ot t%e Aoc% treatment- ,%eir testimony (as t%at (%ic% is not allo(e& n&er any 1no(n rles of e4i&ence " t%at t%ey &i&n't /elie4e it (ol& cre --- it (asn't t%e acce'te& (ay to treat cancer - - - t%is - - - t%at - - - an& t%e ot%er t%ing- @t t%e Drg ,rst (asn't t%rog%- ,%ey or&ere& t%eir stooges in t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission to o/tain a Item'oraryI in;nction in Fe&eral !ort at Detroit, &esigne& to %amstring %im an& %is &isco4eries an& (or1- ,%is Item'oraryI in;nction %as laste& se4en years- #t %as /een se& 'rinci'ally to intimi&ate ot%er '%ysicians (%o se t%e Aoc% met%o& an& cre 'atients of cancer Jic1ly an& ine8'ensi4ely " an& interfere (it% t%e o4erall 'ictre of Drg ,rst 'rofits- Dr- Aoc% is at 'resent in @ra6il, &oing %is (or1 for %manity (%ere it is a''reciate& more " mc% more " t%an in t%e Knite& *tates, (%ere go4ernment agencies are controlle& /y an #n4isi/le ?o4ernment of in&strial /e%emot%s- 3%en Dr- Aoc% (ent to @ra6il %e trne& %is clinic an& 'ractice o4er to a religios gro' (%ic% is no( s%iel&ing t%e Aoc% treatment from t%e Foo& an& Drg @an&its (it% t%e first amen&ment of t%e !onstittion " free&om of religion- ,%e !%ristian $e&ical .esearc% Geage %as /een forme& to arrange for t%e treatment of all cancer 4ictims (%o (is% t%e Aoc% treatment " an& cre- ,%e .e4- *am *(ain, a Knite& @ret%ren minister of A1ron (O%io) is 'resi&ent of t%e Geage (%ic% is com'ose& of re'resentati4e 'astors of a &o6en &ifferent religios &enominations- .eligion is 'olitical &ynamite an& t%e ?o4ernment ?angsters are, at t%is The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H4 / 210 (riting, rac1ing t%eir (ar'e& /rains to fin& a (ay to ser4e t%eir master, t%e Drg ,rst- *o far t%ey %a4e limite& it to intimi&ating many of t%e 2,000 me&ical &octors (%o %a4e trie& t%e Aoc% treatment an& fon& it effecti4e- ,%ey are /ro(/eating t%ose (%o &on't 1ic1 t%e FLD agents ot of t%e &oor into trning o4er t%e am'les of t%e Aoc% treatment (%ic% t%ey may %a4e on %an&- ,%is is a calling 1no(n as %ig%(aymans%i' or /rglary (%en committe& /y gangsters (it%ot go4ernment /a&ges- ,%e reason for t%is n/elie4a/le %arassment of Dr- Aoc%, an& of '%ysicians (%o se %is glyo8yli&e treatment for Jic1ly cring ' canceros con&itions, is o/4ios- *tatistics s%o( t%at t%e a4erage cancer 'atient 'ays $D,B00 " ,O D#9- ,%e list 'rice of one in;ection of glyo8yli&e is $100, an& it ta1es only a fe( in;ections to o8y&i6e t%e to8ins (%ic% form t%e canceros gro(t%- #f t%e 'atient cannot 'ay $100 %e 'ays (%ate4er %e can- ,%e organi6ation (%ic% no( %as control of t%e Aoc% treatment frnis%es all of its '%ysicians sfficient am'les to ta1e care of all /ona fi&e c%arity 'atients- *''lementing t%is little item of $D,B00, a /oo1 entitle& I,%e @irt% of a *cience,I '/lis%e& /y t%e Gt%eran .esearc% *ociety of Detroit, says<
IKntol& millions are in4este& in %os'itals, &rgs, ra&im O) ray a''arats- >o (on&er it is t%e 'o'lar t%ing to 'on& into t%e '/lic min& t%e i&ea t%at t%ere is not t%e remotest 'ossi/ility of a cre for cancer " e8ce't (it% ra&im, O)ray or srgery- I,%is claim %as /een &emonstrate& to /e entirely false- 7et t%e '/lic are gi4en sc% articles as a''eare& in t%e *A,K.DA7 9E9>#>? +O*, on Decem/er 21, 194C, (%ic% state& I- - - a &octor (%o claims to 1no( an effecti4e treatment for cancer not in4ol4ing srgery, ra&im or .) rays is an i'so facto Jac1-I
#n t%is one statement t%e *ate4e'ost raise& t%e Jalities t%at ma&e Ananias famos to its 6enit%- ,%ey %a4e in4ente& t%e Do/le Gie in one statement- ,%e Aoc% treatment, an& t%e Goffler treatment, an& t%e Ho8sey treatment, an& t%e @lass treatment, an& ot%er natral treatments, DO !K.9 !A>!9.- *rgery, ra&im an& O)ray HAE9 >9E9. !K.9D A !A*9 OF !A>!9.- As 'roof of t%is # (ill Jote some 'rominent me&ical men- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust HB / 210 Dr- D- !- $acFarlane, testifying as a t%roat s'ecialist /efore !ancer !ommission for t%e +ro4ince of Ontario, !ana&a - - - I,%e only treatment # %a4e %a& any e8'erience (it% is O)ray an& ra&im an& t%ey %a4e /ot% /een most nsatisfactory-I Dr- !- 94erett Fiel&, Director of t%e .a&im #nstitte of >e( 7or1 - - - I@lin&ly (e %a4e /een attac1ing cancer in its a&4ance& stage (it% srgical effort, only to fin& 'rom't recrrence after remo4al-I Dr- G- Dncan @l1ley, senior srgeon of t%e >e( 7or1 *1in an& !ancer Hos'ital - - - I!ancer is not a srgical &isease- >eit%er srgery, O)ray nor ra&im %a4e c%ange& in any (ay (%ate4er t%e ltimate mortality of cancer in 40 years-I Dr- 3- A- De(ey, former 'rofessor of me&icine at t%e Kni4ersity of $ic%igan --- I#n a 'ractice of nearly 4B years # %a4e yet to see a single case of cancer, sa4e a fe( semi)malignant e'it%eliomata, cre& /y srgery, O)ray or ra&im-I F- 3- Aannel, $- D-, of Fort 3ayne, testifying /efore t%e Ontario !ancer !ommission - - - I# (as /a&ly &iscorage& (it% my first 24 years e8'erience (it% srgery an& O)ray an& ra&im- # (as gla& to fin& somet%ing (t%e Aoc% treatment) t%at (ol& cre e4en a fe( of t%em, an& # &o say t%at it %as cre& a fe(-I Dr- 3arren H- Ge(is, former 'rofessor at :o%ns Ho'1ins me&ical sc%ool - - - I3e mig%t as (ell face t%e fact t%at as yet (e 1no( little of t%e case of cancer- .a&im %as /een a &isa''ointment-I Dr- !%arles Gyman Goffler, (%o &ie& last year, treate& 'eo'le in a not so &issimilar met%o& to Dr- Aoc%'s- Dr- Goffler's n&erstan&ing of &isease (as t%e same- He (ol& first ta1e a &ro' of %is 'atient's /loo& an& analy6e it in a test t/e for to8ins- He t%en ga4e an intra4enos in;ection of o8y)c%lorine an& all tests s%ortly t%ereafter ((%ic% # sa() s%o(e& a mar1e& &ro' in t%e to8in)content of t%e /loo&- Goffler's cres of cancer 'atients /rog%t &o(n on %is %ea& t%e (rat% of t%e Drg ,rst an& t%e 'ersonal s'leen of t%eir !%icago stooge- $orris Fis%/ein- Dr- Goffler's (or1 is no( /eing carrie& on /y %is t%en n&erst&y, Dr- A- F- $r'%y (2B 9ast 3as%ington, !%icago)- ,%e first 4ictim of Drg ,rst 'ersection to (in a 4ictory in corts (as Harry Ho8sey (4B0D ?aston A4ene, Dallas, ,e8as)- #n 'ersonally in4estigating t%e Ho8sey cres, # %a4e seen '%otogra'%s of e8ternal cancer com'letely cre& after se4eral (ee1s' treatment- @t it stan&s to reason t%at a cre (%ic% can clear ' cancer of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust HC / 210 t%e nose or tonge can also clear ' cancer of t%e stomac% or intestines- A score of t%ese '%otogra'%s s%o(e& /eyon& 'era&4entre of a &o/t t%at eac% of t%ese 4ictims %a& %a& a serios e8ternal cancer " an& (as com'letely cre&- ,%e Ho8sey treatment is /ase& on t%e fn&amentals of &isease, ;st as is t%e Aoc% an& Goffler an& @lass tec%niJe, an& t%e met%o&s of t%osan&s of natro'at%s an& ot%er &rgless '%ysicians- #nstea& of a&ministering cleansing agent intra4enosly, Ho8sey gi4es it t%rog% t%e mot%- #n %is clinic at Dallas %e em'loys me&ical '%ysicians " /t '%ysicians (%o %a4e ta1en off t%e /lin&ers 'lace& /y t%e /oo1s 're'are& for t%em /y t%e Drg ,rst (%en t%ey (ere in me&ical college- #t is a matter of cort recor& t%at in a recent %arassment action /rog%t against $r- Ho8sey in cort at Dallas /y t%e Drg ,rst, 'at%ologists of t%e American $e&ical Association (ere force& to a&mit (n&er oat%) t%at t%e Ho8sey treatment %as cre& a melanoma carcinoma " a ty'e of cancer (%ic% A$A me&ico) 'oliticians %a& testifie& at t%e same trial (as Iincra/le-I #t (as, of corse, incra/le /y met%o&s a''ro4e& /y t%e Drg ,rst- #t is a sa& commentary on or Army officials t%at t%e Ho8sey treatment is se& /y t%e $e8ican Army Hos'ital to cre cancer, (%ile %e is not allo(e& to cre cancer of American sol&iers- ,%ese nfortnates are &oome& to &ie /y t%e Army $e&ical !or's- *en- 9lmer ,%omas of O1la%oma is one of t%e fe( men in '/lic life (%o %a4e t%e corage to &efy t%e Drg ,rst an& its smear /n&- #n a letter to $r- Ho8sey, %e sai&<
I#t seems t%at t%e me&ical fraternity is %ig%ly organi6e& an& t%at t%ey %a4e &eci&e& to crs% yo, if at all 'ossi/le- # %a4e %a& a fe( 'ron&s (it% t%e %ea&s of t%e me&ical organi6ation as (ell as t%e +/lic Healt% *er4ice %ere in 3as%ington, an& it seems t%at '/lic officials are afrai& t%at if t%ey ma1e any mo4e, or say anyt%ing antagonistic to t%e (is%es of t%e me&ical organi6ation, t%ey (ill /e 'once& 'on an& &estroye&- #n ot%er (or&s, '/lic officials seem to /e afrai& of t%eir ;o/s an& e4en of t%eir li4es- ,%is 'resents a most serios case, an& # am at a loss to 1no( %o( to 'rocee&- # am of t%e o'inion t%at (%at t%e me&ical organi6ation &oes (ill /e re'eate& /y t%e se4eral state organi6ations in t%e e4ent any !ongressman or *enator starte& ot to '/licly o''ose t%eir 'rogram- # The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust HD / 210 %a4e &one (%at # col& to %a4e yor reme&y, or at least t%e recor& of yor accom'lis%ments, consi&ere& an& 'asse& 'on- @t, to &ate, t%e at%orities %ere %a4e refse& to act-I
,%e @lass ,reatment is fn&amentally similar to t%e ot%er sccessfl met%o&s- Dr- F- $- 9gene @lass (Gong Ealley, >- :-) first gi4es %is 'atient a t%orog% internal cleansing- His met%o& is to a&& to, a rectal syringe fll of te'i& (ater a teas'oon of lemon ;ice an& a teas'oonfl of (%ite 'o(&er %e %as formlate& 1no(n as SanaCon- ,%e 'atient lies on t%e rig%t si&e an& t%is enema ne4er ma1es %im sic1, as enemas freJently &o (%en gi4en nscientifically in some %os'itals- #t is %el& a %alf %or /efore t%e /o(els are 4oi&e& an& (%en t%ey are t%ey /ecome sally as clean as t%ose of a ne(/orn /a/y- He 'ts %is 'atients on a &iet of frit ;ices an& (ater for any(%ere from t%ree &ays to a (ee1, &e'en&ing on t%e e8tent of t%e accmlate& to8ins- He e8amines t%e stool for mcs an& ot%er reslts of in;&icios eating an& falty elimination- *ince $ay 11, 194H t%e me&ical /n& of +ennsyl4ania %as /een trying to sJelc% t%e Drosnes)Ga6en/y !ancer !linic (4DD4 Gi/erty A4ene, +itts/rg%)- On t%at &ay t%e !linic com'lete& its e8'eriment on canceros animals an& starte& to cre %mans of cancer (it% a 're'aration t%ey name& $cor%icin- $cor%icin is a (%eat ferment (%ic% melts t%e tmor an& 'asses it ot t%rog% normal met%o&s of elimination- 3%eat is one of t%e greatest %ealing agents of all time- 3%eat (as t%e /asis of or gran&mot%ers' /rea& mol& cre for t%is, t%at an& t%e ot%er t%ing- #t is also t%e /asis of 'resent &ay 'enicillin " a (i&ely %aile& I(on&er &rgI (%ic% me&ical science %as sccee&e& in ma1ing into a 'oison (%ic%, in most cases, &oes more %arm t%an goo&- #t is 'ractically t%e same t%ing Dr- 3al&o :ones ($yrtle @eac%, *- !-) ses in t%e cre of cancer, 'olio, ,@, art%ritis, neritis an& ot%er cases (%ic% me&icos %a4e 'rononce& incra/le- Dr- :ones, a natro'at%)researc%ist, a&&s some (ell 1no(n %er/s (%ic% certainly &on't &etract from its effecti4eness- ,%e Ga6en/y !linic %as /een cring many cases of cancer- ,%ey %a4e e4en cre& some Iterminal cases,I (%ic% t%e me&ics %a4e gi4en less t%an t(o (ee1s to li4e- 3%en t%is goo& ne(s s'rea& t%rog% +itts/rg%, t%e !ity Healt% Officer an& t%e Alleg%eny The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust HH / 210 !onty $e&ical *ociety %a& conni'tion fits- ,%e Drg ,rst %a& loo1e& to t%em to 1ee' &o(n t%is sort of t%ing, an& t%ey %a& fallen &o(n on t%e ;o/- ,%e !linic %ires t(o me&ical licentiates (%o are so enamore& of t%e reslts t%ey are getting t%at t%ey tol& $r- Drosnes t%eir me&ical /oo1s (ere all (rong- An& t%ey are 'ro4ing it e4ery &ay-
3ha,ter 1 GetGTheGMoney Boys ?et moneyQ still get money, /oyQ no matter /y (%at means- " @en :o%nson 3it% t%e American !ancer *ociety s%o(ing %o( easy it is to get t%e money " to t%e tne of $1=,000,000 a year in e4er increasing gl's " it (as ine4ita/le t%at t%is met%o& of li4ing off t%e fat of t%e lan&, (it%ot &oing any (or1, s%ol& s'rea&- ,o&ay (e %a4e Inon)'rofit societiesI collecting money for t%e IcontrolI of nearly e4ery &isor&er n&er t%e sn- >e8t to t%e cancer cro(& t%e Anti),/erclosis Association 'ro/a/ly is t%e largest one, (it% t%e infantile 'aralysis rac1et not far /e%in&- 3e %a4e societies for t%e Ist&yI an& IcontrolI of art%ritis, r%ematism, mental %ealt%, 4ision, 'syc%oanalysis, o'tics, infantile 'aralysis, tro'ical &iseases, ort%o'syc%iatry, cere/ral 'alsy, /loo& transfsion, mlti'le sclerosis, /ioc%emical researc%, e'ile'sy, &ia/etes, 're mil1, infantile 'aralysis an& t/erclosis- ,%e Anti),/erclosis Association, (%ile t%e late Harry Ho'1ins (as general manager, s%o(e& %o( millions col& /e collecte& from sc1ers an& not a &ime s'ent for anyt%ing /t salaries an& allege& e8'enses- ,%e mlti'le sclerosis gang got itself reams of ne(s'a'er '/licity last s'ring /y /ringing t%e (i&o( of t%e late Go ?e%rig, one of t%e finest an& /est lo4e& /ase/all 'layers (%o e4er li4e&, to 3as%ington to tell a committee of !ongress t%at t%ey s%ol& a''ro'riate fn&s for t%e anti)sclerosis Icontrol-I ,%e money collectors, (%o se cancer, 'olio, t/erclosis an& %eart tro/le as t%eir /ait, %a4e many /ranc% offices in t%e 4arios states, conties an& cities of t%e contry- >ee&less to say 'eo'le (it% sc% a ls% rac1et as t%is go after t%e &ollars, as The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust H9 / 210 (ell as t%e /ig c%ec1s, in a %ig% 'ressre manner- ,%ey &on't miss a /et- ,%e American !ancer *ociety re'orts conty nits of 2,C1= in t%e =,0CD K- *- conties, (it% collectors an& contri/tors Ienrolle&I to t%e nm/er of 1,=19,4DH- #t's state& aim is to %a4e DB,000,000 contri/tors- ,%e American !ancer *ociety %as an acti4e ri4al in t%e >ational !ancer Fon&ation (it% s(an1 offices at 101 Fift% A4ene, >e( 7or1- #n 're'aring t%is c%a'ter (e (rote to 2D organi6ations in >e( 7or1 (%ic% (ere in t%e Iassociation or Ifon&ationI /siness- Also 12 in 3as%ington, se4en in !%icago, t(o in *t- Gois an& t%ree in *an Francisco- 3e corteosly reJeste& statements of t%eir annal /&get, amonts s'ent for 'romotion an& collecting, s'onsors an& statements of accom'lis%ments if any- $any of t%em re'lie& in 1in&- ,%e >ational !ancer Fon&ation, %o(e4er, (as (ary an& refse& to sen& t%is information ntil an& nless (e tol& t%em I%o( (e 'ro'ose& to se t%is information-I >e8t to t%e cancer control rac1et t%e t/erclosis /siness is t%e most 'rofita/le to its 'rofessional 'romoters- ,%e District of !olm/ia nit sent s its annal re'ort, /t t%e national /o&y ;st ignore& or reJest- ,%is re'ort s%o(e& t%at t%e District of !olm/ia Knit (as a&ministering its collections %onestly " only $12,H=1-9H of t%e $14C,20C-9H collecte& in 194H /eing se& for a&ministration- ,%at's not t%e (ay Harry Ho'1ins, t%e late /t nlamente& Igentleman rac1eteerI of Fran1lin .oose4elt's 3%ite Hose !oncil of !lo(ns, tag%t 'em- Ho'1ins (as a lifelong c%arity /ro1er an& &e l8e 'arasite- ,%ere is no recor& t%at %e e4er earne& an %onest &ollar in %is life- His a&ministration of t%e affairs of t%e >e( 7or1 ,/erclosis an& Healt% Association, in t%e late 1920's an& early 19=0's, (as an o/;ect lesson in 'rotecte& 'ic1'oc1etry- ,%is association for many years %as /een ma1ing an a''eal to t%e '/lic for fn&s e4ery !%ristmasti&e- ,%ey IsellI yo ,)@ seals, to /e ostentatiosly attac%e& to yor !%ristmas mail- 3%en $r- Ho'1ins too1 c%arge /ig salaries an& large e8'ense acconts /ecame t%e rage an& in 19=1 not a &ime contri/te& /y t%e '/lic (as se& to e4en remotely &o anyt%ing a/ot t/erclosis- #t (as all se& for salaries an& e8'enses- Dr- Gois #- Harris, t%en !ommissioner of Healt% of >e( 7or1 !ity (as an Ief)officio officerI of t%e Association- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 90 / 210 ,%at meant %is name (as se& to gi4e t%e rac1et res'ecta/ility an& %e (as s''ose& to /e not too inJisiti4e a/ot t%e o'erations of t%e Association- Ho(e4er, %e 3A* inJisiti4e an& as a reslt of %is fin&ings %e (rote t%e follo(ing letter to t%e >e( 7or1 ,#$9* (%ic% (as '/lis%e& on :ne H, 19=2<
I*o for as # %a4e /een a/le to &isco4er &ring many years of intimate contact an tterly insignificant fraction of t%e se4eral millions collecte& /y t%e >- 7- ,/erclosis L Healt% Association &ring t%e 'ast &eca&e an& a %alf %as /een se& to s''ly &iagnostic care, me&ical treatment, sanitorim or %os'ital care, or any of t%e necessities of t/erclosis 'atients or t%eir families- #n fact, # am confi&ent t%at none of t%e money is se& to assist t%ose sffering from t/erclosis-I
!ontrast t%is fact (it% t%e (i&e an& s'ectaclar a''eal sent ot /y $r- Ho'1ins an& %is fello( gangsters t%e 're4ios Decem/er 1Bt% (19=1)- #t (as in t%e form of a simlate& telegram an& (as %ea&line& I*a4)A)Gife)?ram-I #t sai&<
,%is I,%omas 3- GamontI (as none ot%er t%an t%e c%ief 'artner of t%e Hose of $organ, (%ic% se& to 4ie (it% t%e Hose of .oc1efeller for t%e lea&ing role in mil1ing t%e American consmer, (it% colla/oration of fait%less '/lic officials, electi4e an& a''ointi4e- 94en sc% an %onest otfit as t%e District of !olm/ia ,@ Association ma1es /t little inroa&s into t%e &isease- ,%e reason is sim'le " too mc% Drg ,rst- >one /t me&ical &octors are ta1en into t%e I(ar on ,@I an& /ecase of t%eir left%an&e& met%o&s, t%e only 'ersons cre& are t%ose (%o are stronger t%an t%eir neig%/ors an& to (%om a 'erio& of rest is one t%ing The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 91 / 210 nee&e& to conJer t%e Igreat (%ite 'lage-I &aturo,aths ha9e found that tuer;ulosis is a mu;ous disease. Gaymen, (%o %a4e (atc%e& a IlngerI s'itting %is life a(ay in a sanitarim in t%e montains into a s'tm c' %a4e also note& t%at it is a mcos &isease- >ot so t%e me&ics, (%o %a4e /een tag%t to &rg an& &rg an& &rg- Of corse, in t%e final stages t%e 'ain is so great t%at &o'e mst /e gi4en to ease t%e 4ictim's sfferings- Dr- !arl *- Frisc%1orn of >orfol1, Ea-, (%o is /ot% a &octor of me&icine an& a &octor of natro'at%y, sccessflly treats t/erclosis 'atients /y first ta1ing t%em off t%e ort%o&o8 mil1 an& ra( eggs &iet- $il1 an& ra( eggs 'ro&ce more mcos t%an anyt%ing else, yet (e fin& t%e %onora/le me&ical 'rofession fee&ing t%ese items to ,)@ 'atients as t%ey %a(1 an& s'it t%eir li4es a(ay- A >e( 7or1 *tate sanitarim annonce& once t%at it (as sccessflly treating 'atients t%e same (ay- ,%is story mst %a4e sli''e& /y t%e Drg ,rst censor (science e&itor) in >e( 7or1 for it ne4er a''eare& /t once to or 1no(le&ge- # Jote from Dr- Frisc%1orn<
I,%e casati4e factors of t/erclosis are as follo(s- #t is a mcos &isease (it% a stre'tococcic infection, /efore (%ic% t%e me&ical 'rofession's acce'te& reme&ies are %el'less- ,%e stre'tococcic gets in t%e lngs- 3it% t%e associate& consti'ation an& (ea1ene& 1i&ney con&ition elimination is left to t%e lngs- 3%en a lng cell is /loc1e& it &ies- ,o get sccessfl treatment t%e 'atient mst imme&iately go on a &iet free of mcos)forming foo&s- .a( foo&s are /est Eery little /rea& an& 'ractically no meat, eggs or fis%- ,%is may seem strange to t%ose (%o %a4e /een tag%t to stff t%e stomac% (it% %ea4y foo&s to '1ee' ' t%e strengt%'- @t t%e main o/;ect of natro'at%ic treatment is to free t%e /o&y of &ea&ly mcos or cltre me&ia-I
,%e most %ig%ly '/lici6e& of all money collecting rac1ets %as /een t%at of infantile 'aralysis, tec%nically calle& 'oliomyelitis- ,%is (as /t natral, since a +resi&ent of t%e Knite& *tates %a& it an& s%oo1 &o(n a certain :o%n :- .as1o/ for $B0,000 to esta/lis% an allege& mecca for 'olio 4ictims at 3arm *'rings, ?eorgia- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 92 / 210 94ery :anary =0t% from 19=4 to 194B reams an& reams of /ally%oo (ent ot e8%orting e4eryone in t%e Knite& *tates to gi4e a &ime, or a nm/er of &imes, in %onor of t%e .oose4elt /irt%&ay t%at Isome little c%il& mig%t (al1 again-I >o financial re'ort of t%e 19=4 cam'aign (as e4er gi4en to t%e '/lic /y t%e cro(& of 'olitical rac1eteers (%o con&cte& t%e I&ri4e-I ,%e /est an& most relia/le gra'e4ine re'orts (ere t%at $H,000,000 (as collecte& an& $1,000,000 sent to 3arm *'rings- @t 4ery little of s/seJent collections (ere e4er sent t%ere, (%ere t%e '/lic (as informe& it (ol& go- # %a4e /efore me a re'ort &ate& A'ril 21, 19=9, signe& /y- 9- 9- @oone, :r-, A&ministrator of 3arm *'rings Fon&ation- He sai& t%e only 'rocee&s from t%ese I@irt%&ay @allsI an& /ally%oo collections t%e Fon&ation %a& e4er recei4e& (ere<
,%e >ational Fon&ation for #nfantile +aralysis re'lie& to or letter (it% its annal re'ort for 194H- #ts total income (as $11,0BB,112-04- #t ga4e to 4arios agencies in Igrants an& a''ro'riationsI $C,0BC,09C-BB- ?eneral a&ministration e8'enses (ere $=1B,1B0 an& $1=1,D02 (as s'ent for '/licity- ,o a nm/er of ni4ersities it ga4e for 4irs researc% $2,0D9,901 (%ic%, t%e (%ole %istory of Drg ,rst me&icine in&icates, is a (aste of goo& money- ,%is is not a reflection on t%e 'ersonnel or s'onsors of t%e Fon&ation (%o a''arently /elie4e t%ey are &oing a Igoo& (or1-I #nfantile 'aralysis is a &e/ility &isease- #t stri1es in e'i&emic form in t%e &og &ays of Agst, (%en e4eryone's 4itality is at its lo(est e//- #t stri1es mostly in t%e *ot%ern states (%ere long %ar& smmers, /eginning in A'ril, sa' t%e strengt% an& (%ere t%e &ietary %a/its of t%e &eni6ens are not of t%e /est- ,%ere is not%ing any(%ere in t%e re'ort to s%o( t%at any money (as gi4en to t%e *ister Aenney Organi6ation (%ic% %as &emonstrate& t%at t%e Astralian >rse &isco4ere& a system of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 9= / 210 cring many 'olio cases mc% more Jic1ly t%an (as e4er 'ossi/le /y ort%o&o8 me&ical met%o&s- #nstea& of em/racing %er system of cre, s%e (as inslte& an& slan&ere& /y t%e loty %ea& of t%e American $e&ical Association an& tol& s%e I(asn't (ante& in t%is contry-I F1- $orris Fis%/ein (as s'ea1ing for t%e Drg ,rst, since t%e Aenney met%o& &iscar&e& &rgs of any sort- A fe( 'olio sfferers get some im'ermanent /enefits from t%e Fon&ation (%en it 'rc%ases an& &eli4ers iron lngs for t%ose (%ose lng)fee&ing motor ner4es %a4e /een affecte&- @t, (%at little goo& t%ey &o /y t%e 'rc%ase of iron lngs, etc-, is offset a million times /y its refsal to let any 'atients in its care /e treate& /y 'ro4en an& teste& met%o&s (%ic% cre t%is mala&y Jic1ly an& com'letely- ,o 1ee' 'atients in %os'itals an& (%eel c%airs an& mont%s an& years is more 'rofita/le to t%e &rg trst an& its satellites t%an to cre t%em in 4H %ors or a (ee1- For t%is reason t%e #nfantile +aralysis Association sees to it t%at t%is is >O, &one- # can Jote as an e8am'le a 19)year)ol& st&ent of O%io *tate Kni4ersity, /y name $ary Go @arnes- #f anyone &o/ts t%ese facts t%ey can contact t%e yong la&y %erself, or %er mot%er, at 11C @len%eim *treet, !olm/s, O%io- $iss @arnes (as attac1e& /y 'olio one &ay last Agst, a''arently as t%e reslt of ta1ing s%ots of 4accine re'te& to cre col&s- Eaccine %as not an& ne4er can cre col&s- #t merely &ams ' insi&e t%e system t%ose 'tri& to8ins (%ic% natre is eliminating from %man systems (%ic% %a4e 4iolate& %er eating an& elimination la(s- 3%en t%e innocent $iss @arnes sto''e& t%e natral elimination of t%ese to8ins t%r t%e nasal mem/rane, otrage& natre sent t%em to anot%er 'art of %er /o&y, toget%er (it% t%e a&&itional concentrate& to8ins containe& in t%e col& 4accine- #t (as too mc%, an& t%is %ge to8in loa& soon /egan to attac1 t%e motor ner4es of %er rig%t leg- 3%en t%is mem/er starte& to /ecome nm/ an& seless s%e sent for t%e family '%ysician- Fortnately for %er, %e (as a me&ical &octor (%ose natral intelligence %a& not /een 'ermanently (ar'e& /y %is te8t/oo1s- ,%e 'rononce& attac1 starte& on a Fri&ay morning- @y e4ening t%ere (as no &o/t t%at s%e %a& infantile 'aralysis- # %a4e tal1e& to t%e &octor in t%e case- Her entire rig%t leg (as nm/ an& insensate " seless- Her rig%t arm (as /eginning to go t%e same (ay- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 94 / 210 ,%is '%ysician %as as1e& me to (it%%ol& %is name /ecase %e 1no(s (%at t%e (%is'erers of t%e American $e&ical Association (ill &o to %im if it /ecomes '/lic- He %a& se& t%e Aoc% treatment sccessflly in cleaning to8ins ot of t%e /loo& an& clearing ' cases /efore " cases (it% (%ic% ort%o&o8 me&icine an& &rggery %a4e /een %el'less t%ese many years- He ga4e $iss @arnes t%e Aoc% treatment at 11 Fri&ay nig%t- @y si8 '-m- *atr&ay sensation /egan to retrn to t%e leg, an& t%e arm affectation %a& com'letely 4anis%e&- @y *n&ay nig%t com'lete sensiti4ity %a& retrne&- @y $on&ay nig%t s%e (as (al1ing again- @y ,%rs&ay s%e (as /ac1 at %er st&ies at O%io *tate Kni4ersity- ,%e st&ents t%ere sa( to it t%at t%e !olm/s ne(s'a'ers fon& it ot- One of t%em " t%e D#*+A,!H " 'rinte& t%e story in its noon e&ition, (it% a '%otogra'% of $iss @arnes s%o(ing t%at s%e %a& /een com'letely cre&- ,%en all Hell /ro1e loose in t%e Dis'atc% Office- ,%e e&itor (as calle& /y t%e Drg ,rst re'resentati4e in O%io (may/e t%e city %ealt% officer, may/e t%e me&ical society)- He (as ra1e& o4er t%e coals so /a&ly t%at %e 1ille& t%e story in ftre e&itions, an& %a& e4ery co'y of t%e noon e&ition &estroye& as fast as it (as retrne& to t%e circlation &e'artment- #nstea& of 'rinting t%e trt%, ne8t &ay t%e Dis'atc% came ot (it% 'rofon& an& confsing statements from t%e city %ealt% officer an& ot%er me&ical Jac1s (%o 1ne( not%ing a/ot t%e Aoc% treatment, /t &i& 1no( t%at it (as n&er t%e /an of t%e Drg ,rst an& t%e American $e&ical Association- ,o t%e &ismay an& c%agrin of t%e Drg ,rst, t%e story %a& /een gi4en to t%e Associate& +ress /y t%e D#*+A,!H- @eing a s'ot ne(s story, ot of an O%io mem/er's office, it (as not cleare& t%r t%e IscienceI e&itor in >e( 7or1- #t fon& its (ay into se4eral %n&re& &aily ne(s'a'ers in t%e contry- ,%e tec%niJe (as t%e same in t%ose cities an& to(ns as it (as in !olm/s- Frantic statements from local %ealt% officers an& secretaries of me&ical societies (ere gi4en great 'rominence in t%ese IerringI 'a'ers- ,%ese statements (arne& against sing t%e Aoc% treatment, (%ic% is n&er /an of t%e American $e&ical Association " t%e great front for t%e Drg ,rst- *taffs in Detroit (ere /etter traine&, /t not so t%e ra&io stations- ,(o of t%em /roa&cast t%e ne(s item t%ey %a& recei4e& from t%eir 'ress associations- For t%ree sccessi4e follo(ing &ays t%e Detroit ne(s'a'ers '/lis%e& I(arningsI from t%e city %ealt% officer against sing t%e Aoc% treatment- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 9B / 210 An& (%at (as t%e >ational Fon&ation for #nfantile +aralysis &oing all t%is time5 # Jote from one of t%e ne(s'a'ers (%ic% carrie& t%e attac1s on t%e Aoc% treatment<
I,%e American $e&ical Association state& flatly t%at t%ere (as no &rg 1no(n t%at (ol& 're4ent or affect t%e corse of 'olio- ,%e A$A 4ie('oint (as /ac1e& also /y t%e >ational Fon&ation for #nfantile +aralysis-I
#t %as /een learne& t%at t%e +olio Fon&ation (ill not 'ermit t%e Aoc% treatment to /e se& on t%e 'atients it sen&s to !%il&ren's Hos'ital in !olm/s- 7et t%ey are, as t%is is (ritten, 'racticing t%e scare tec%niJe in !olm/s- 3ire co4ere& /arrels 'ainte& re&, (%ite an& /le &ecorate many street corners in t%e O%io ca'ital- ,%e city's ne(s'a'ers e8%ort t%eir rea&ers to 't money in t%ese /arrels for t%e I'olio emergency-I ,%e money t%s collecte& is se& 'artly to 're4ent Jic1 an& 'ermanent cres of infantile 'aralysis- ,%is seems to ma1e t%e (or& Irac1etI a rat%er (ea1 one in &escri/ing t%e >ational Association for #nfantile +aralysis- ,%e 'olio rac1et at times em'loys t%e same circs 'ress agent stnts engineere& /y '/lic relations /rains for t%e cancer cro(&- .ecently a >e( $e8ican man tra4ele& (or &i& %e %itc% %i1e5) from %is %ome to(n to 3as%ington in a (%eel c%air- At eac% to(n %e &i&n't fail to 4isit t%e ne(s'a'er offices- $any of t%em too1 %is 'ictre in t%e (%eel c%air, an& '/lis%e& it in (ell 1no(n so/)sister style to get t%e nss'ecting '/lic to contri/te money to t%e infantile 'aralysis e8'loiters- #n 3as%ington, D- !, %e searc%e& (in t%e ne(s'a'ers at least) for a cosin I(%om %e %a& not seen in 12 years-I +ress agents for t%e 'olio rac1et &//e& %im It%e (%eel c%air (ayfarerI an& ne(s'a'er %ea&line (riters fell for t%is 'lg- One of t%e /est ns'ectaclar 'ress agent stnts of mo&ern times (as t%e cancelling of t%e 7ale)For&%am foot/all game of *e't- 2D, 1949- @ot% teams %a& %orri/le 194H seasonsQ %ence t%e /o8 office retrn 'romise& to /e a /st- *o t%e management of /ot% teams (ere in&ce& to annonce t%at t%e game (as /eing cancelle& /ecase t%ree cases of infantile 'aralysis %a& /een &isco4ere& on t%e 7ale cam's- ,%at's t%e scare tec%niJe &e4elo'e& to its tmost- At t%e %eig%t of t%e 194H 'olio IseasonI t%e Associate& +ress sent ot a story, (%ic% al/eit timely, (as 're 'ro'agan&a for The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 9C / 210 &rgs- #t sai& Ie8ercise 'ls se of t%e &rg crare a''ears to s'ee& reco4ery from t%e cri''ling effects of infantile 'aralysis, t(o &octors re'orte& to&ay-I !rare is ma&e /y $erc1 L !om'any, (%ose annal 'rofits e8cee& %alf t%eir total assets- O/4iosly, t%is 'ro'agan&a (as &is'ense& to %el' $erc1 &is'ose of its Ion %an&I an& Ifro6enI s''ly of t%is &rg- Ho( con4enient (an& 'rofita/le) for t%e Drg ,rst front (.oc1efeller Fon&ation) to %a4e interloc1ing &irector (Art%r Hays *l6/erger) (it% t%e Associate& +ress- I*ym'at%y for t%e 4ictims of %eart tro/le is 'rofita/le for some 'eo'le- ,%e American Heart Association is (ell)%eele& an& far reac%ing- #t faile& to sen& a financial statement to s- .ecently a ri4al s'rang ' in t%e >ational Heart !ommittee, 2=D $a&ison A4ene, >e( 7or1- >ear)'age a&4ertisements in &aily ne(s'a'ers (ere se& in $ay 1949 rging t%e *enate of t%e Knite& *tates to a''ro'riate $=2,000,000 for %eart an& cancer researc%- As 'art of t%e tec%niJe of raising money " an& 'lenty of it " t%is a&4ertisement (as se& as a (e&ge to get large &onations from D0 (ealt%y citi6ens incl&ing :ames A- Farley, @o/ Ho'e, *am ?ol&(yn, Fi//er $c?ee, $olly, ?rant)lan& .ice an& @ernar& ?im/el- ,%ose /ig names " some of t%em o/4iosly 'eo'le (%o contri/te (ell to t%e 'olitical cam'aigns of /ot% 'arties " mst %a4e %y'noti6e& t%e !ongress- An a''ro'riation of $10,D2B,000 (as ma&e from t%e Fe&eral ,reasry for t%is great in&oor s'ort of searc%ing for non)e8istent /gs- An a&&itional $B,=B0,000 (as a''ro'riate& for real estate an& /il&ings in (%ic% to con&ct t%is 'articlar /g %nt- ,%e American ta8'ayers (ill stan& for anyt%ing if it is 'ro'erly /ally%ooe&- ,%e a&4ertisement faile& to state ;st (%at I%eart researc%I col& /e &one (it% t%e reJeste& $=2,000,000 t%at %asn't alrea&y /een &one- +%ysicians %a4e %a& a 'retty goo& 1no(le&ge of t%e %eart e4er since t%e first &issection of a %man /o&y- ,%ose (%o %a4e not /een /lin&e& /y Drg ,rst 'ro'agan&a %a4e a 'retty accrate 1no(le&ge of t%e %eart an& %o( it (or1s, not to s'ea1 of t%e se4eral forms of %eart tro/le, t%e least serios of (%ic% is fatige- .est " not &igitalis " (ill cre t%is- @t (%en a 'atient &e4elo's a t%rom/s or an em/olism it is in&ee& serios an& if not +.O+9.G7 treate& (ill ine4ita/ly reslt The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 9D / 210 in &eat%- #n or&er to treat a t%rom/s or an em/olism it is necessary for t%e '%ysician to 1no( (%at case& its formation- An em/olism is a clot (%ic% %as forme& in t%e /loo& stream an& (%ic% mo4es- A t%rom/s is a clot (%ic% %as sto''e& mo4ing an& %as gotten stc1 in t%e %eart 4al4es, casing instant &eat%- An em/olism (%ic% gro(s /ecomes a t%rom/s an& is more li1ely to get stc1 in t%e 'lmonary artery t%an any(%ere else- A /loo& clot is not%ing more nor less t%an an accmlation of to8ins- ,%e only (ay it can /e cleare& is /y cleaning ot t%e /loo& stream eit%er /y natro'at%ic (&ietary) met%o&s or /y t%e s%ort ct of t%e Aoc% or Goffler treatment- Drgs mig%t stimlate t%e %eart to faster action (tem'orarily) /t t%ey only a&& to t%e to8in loa&, /eing 'oisons t%emsel4es- ,%e ot%er form of serios %eart tro/le is 4al4lar- #n t%is ty'e to8ins form on t%e lea4es of t%e %eart 4al4es li1e /arnacles on a s%i''s %ll- ,%ey 're4ent t%e com'lete closing of t%e 4al4e, t%s forming t%e lea1- =2 million &ollars (ill &o not%ing a/ot t%is- ,%ere is a >ational Art%ritis Association (it% %ea&Jarters in !%icago- #ts s'o1esman is :&ge A- @- Frey of *t- Gois- #t seems t%at t%e gol& 'ros'ecting in t%is organi6ation mst %a4e loo1e& goo& to a gro' of >e( 7or1 me&ics (%o %a& forme& t%e American .%ematism Association for t%e 'r'ose of collecting money from t%e '/lic- :&ge Frey's '/lic relations consel arrange& a &inner at t%e Hotel Astor in >e( 7or1, s'onsore& /y *'yros +- *1oras, +resi&ent of 20t% !entry)Fo8 'ictres- 20t% !entry &oes a raft of a&4ertising, so t%e ,imes, Heral&),ri/ne an& *n in >e( 7or1 ga4e t%e 'arty fa4ora/le '/licity, as &i& ,#$9 maga6ine- ,%e r%ematism rac1eteers &escen&e& on :&ge Frey an& con4ince& %im t%at t%ey %a& %im srron&e&- He merge& (it% t%e .%emmies an& t%ey calle& t%e com/ination t%e Art%ritis an& .%ematism Fon&ation, :&ge Frey agreeing to &iscontine %is money)raising acti4ities an& let t%e ne( organi6ation %a4e it all- ,%is fon&ation ses t%e scare tec%niJe in a /ig (ay- #ts circlar %as a 'air of crtc%es an& a (%eelc%air for a frontis'iece- #ts lea&ing &is'lay ty'e says I!onJer t%e !ri''ler ---- ?i4e-I All t%r t%is circlar t%ese lines s%ot at t%e rea&er "
I*a4e From *ffering As 3ell As From Deat%I I*a4e From t%e Fear of !ri''ling DeformityI IDeli4er a One),(o +nc% at t%e ?reat !ri''ler /y *en&ing The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 9H / 210 $oneyI I7or ?ift Fig%ts t%e !ri''ler 2 3aysI (,%is '%rase (as stolen from t%e @romo *elt6er ra&io a&s)- I,%e !ri''ler ,%at AillsI I,%e *ffering of D,000,000 +eo'le !an @e !re&-I IA $2,000,000 art%ritis an& r%ematism fn& is nee&e& to lanc% t%is attac1-I
:&ge Frey (rites t%at none of t%e officers or trstees are on t%e 'ayroll- ,%at &oesn't ans(er t%e Jestion as to (%at t%ey inten& to &o (it% t%at 2 million /c1s, or (%ate4er sms t%is fear tec%niJe 'ries ot of t%e sc1er '/lic #t is t%e %istory of t%ese rac1ets t%at no money is e4er s'ent on intelligent met%o&s of cre or 're4ention- .at%er it is s'ent loo1ing for a non)e8istent /g an& to /y &rgs an& ot%er items t%at ma1e t%e &rg com'anies ric%- Art%ritis s'rings from t%e same case as all ot%er forms of &isease- #n;&icios eating an& incom'lete elimination, sometimes aggra4ate& /y s'inal &istortion- #n t%is form of to8emia t%e to8ins gat%er an& cling to t%e gristly en&s of t%e /ones in t%e ;oints, ma1ing it 'ainfl to mo4e any articlation of t%e /o&y (%ic% %a''ens to /e a focal 'oint for to8ins- !leaning ot t%e /loo& is t%e only cre- ?i4ing money to Ifon&ationsI %as ne4er effecte& a single clearance- Dring t%eir &ri4e for fn&s t%e 3orl&'s 3orst !olmnist ($rs- 9leanor .oose4elt) (as solicite& to %el' an& s%e &e4ote& %er (%ole IcolmnI to silly &iscssion of art%ritis " somet%ing s%e 1ne( less t%an not%ing a/ot- :st ten &ays /efore t%is .oose4elt /lr/ a''eare&, ot%er '%oney stories of art%ritis IcresI (ere 'lante& in t%e 'ress associations an& sent ot to e4ery ne(s'a'er in t%e contry /y so)calle& (or mis)calle&) science e&itors- ,%e Hearst #nternational >e(s *er4ice tol& of a Ine( &rg for relief of art%ritis (%ic% yiel&s &ramatic reslts in from for to eig%t %ors-I ,%is 'ress agent yarn (ent on to say t%at it is a %ormone secrete& in t%e a&renal glan&, t%at only fi4e grams of it e8ist in t%e (orl& an& t%at it (as &isco4ere& at t%e $ayo !linic- ,%e Knite& +ress yarn (as some(%at &ifferent- ,%is one calle& it Iareomycin,I sai& it (as a I(on&er &rgI an& Imay 'ro4e to /e a (ea'on in t%e /attle against art%ritis-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 99 / 210 ,%e Associate& +ress story ca''e& t%em all- #ts IscienceI e&itor let t%e Drg ,rst's '/licity firm ta1e t%e sally &ignifie& A+ into t%e realm of circs 'ress agentry- #t (as a 'ress agent for t%e ?eorgia s(eet 'otato in&stry (%o (rote a 'oem a/ot t%e famos *ot%ern yam- #t 'r'orte& to Jote ?eneral *%erman's commissary as claiming t%at t%e 7an1ee Army, in its fa/le& marc% from Atlanta to t%e *ea, li4e& totally on s(eet 'otatoes, ser4e& in some =0 &ifferent forms- ,%e recent Associate& +ress story (ent (ay /eyon& t%at- I,ro'ical 7am !%ea' *orce of Art%ritis DrgI (as t%e %ea&line in a sally conser4ati4e 9astern ne(s'a'er- ,%e yarn (ent on to say t%at Icorti6one, t%e ne( (on&er &rg for art%ritis, can /e ma&e from a 'lant gro(ing at or &oorste' " t%e tro'ical yam or s(eet 'otatoI an& Iit offers a ne( an& c%ea'er sorce for t%e rare an& costly &rg-I 3e t%in1 t%e Drg ,rst 'lle& a /oner on t%is one- ,%e (ay t%e yarn rea& mig%t ma1e art%ritis sfferers, (%o still fall for &rg 'ro'agan&a, start eating Jantities of s(eet 'otatoes instea& of %a4ing t%eir Drg)trst)e&cate& &octors 'rescri/e corti6one- >e4ert%eless, an& all of t%is 'ro'agan&a not(it%stan&ing, art%ritis at t%is (riting contine& to /e a 'ainfl /t not fatal effect of man's a/se of %is &igesti4e an& eliminati4e organs- Dia/etes is anot%er Ire(ar&I of a mis)s'ent yot% in eating %a/its- #t is a scorge of t%e mi&&le age& an& is not%ing more nor less t%an im'aire& 1i&neys, in (%ic% ot%er organs %a4e to (or1 o4ertime to &o mc% of t%e (or1 natre %a& 'lanne& for t%em- #nslin is a stimlant an&, (%en accom'anie& /y' *'artan eating %a/its, 'rolongs t%e life in&efinitely of t%e &ia/etes 4ictim- ,%e >e( 7or1 Dia/etes Association (ol& still /e %el'less to &o anyt%ing a/ot &ia/etes 4ictims, 'ast, 'resent an& ftre " if it col& collect a /illion &ollars a year from t%e '/lic- #n fact, ls% li4ing /y its 'romoters (ol& 'ro/a/ly en& ' (it% all of t%em %a4ing &ia/etes- ,%e >e( 7or1 association is a /ranc% of t%e American Dia/etes Association, (%ic% (or1s ot of @oston an& %as 'lanne& an all) ot &ri4e for fn&s Octo/er 10t% to 1Ct% 1949 (%ic% it %as &esignate& as IDia/etes 3ee1-I ,%e +/lic .elations Director of t%e >- 7- Dia/etes Association ans(ere& or letter see1ing information, /y /eing (ary also- 3e (ere tol& to (rite to a &octor in @roo1lyn an& tell %im ;st (%at 1in& of a /oo1 I,%e Drg *toryI (as going to /e an& or The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 100 / 210 'r'ose in (anting to incl&e any information a/ot t%e organi6ation- 3e &i&n't (aste t%e time- ,%e most neglecte& gro' of %manity's sic1 'eo'le are t%e mentally ill- ,%e /rain is one 'art of t%e %man /o&y t%at no amont of &issection 'ractice, researc% an& instrction %as e4er /een a/le to fat%om- $ental 'atients are generally 't into a '/lic or 'ri4ate mental instittion an& too often forgotten- ,%e >ational $ental Healt% Fon&ation in +%ila&el'%ia (as originally forme& to raise fn&s for t%ree otfits " t%e >ational !ommittee for $ental Hygiene, t%e 3orl& Fe&eration for $ental Healt% an& t%e >ational $ental Healt% Fon&ation- ,%e &ri4e faile&- 3e also %a4e liste& t%e American +syc%iatric Association an& t%e Association for t%e A&4ancement of +syc%oanalysis, /ot% (or1ing ot of >e( 7or1- >o information %as /een 'rocra/le from eit%er of t%em- ,%ey ;st ignore& or reJest for se4en (ee1s " t%en (rote t%ey &i&n't (ant Ito /e incl&e&I in t%is /oo1- ,%e Knite& +ress ga4e a 'lg for a &rg calle& myanesin, manfactre& /y t%e @iorganic Ga/oratories of @roo1lyn- ,%is a''arently is a ne( concern, not yet liste& in $oo&y's #n&strial $anal- ,%e 'lg (ent I.esearc% (or1er sai& to&ay a ne( &rg is %el'ing treat an increasing 4ariety of mental illnesses- ,%e &rg is calle& interc%angea/ly myanesin or tolserol- #t %as rela8ing effect on t%e ner4os system (it%ot casing &ro(siness- ,%e latest re'ort on its se incl&e& e8'eriments on 'atients sffering from an8iety, 'syc%onerosis, %y'omania, alco%olism, mor'%ine an& %eroin a&&iction-I >ot%ing (as sai& a/ot t%e %arm sc% a &rg (ol& &o to t%e %man system- ,%ere is one Association in t%is fiel& (%ic% is o/4iosly not a rac1et- #t is calle& t%e American 9Jity Association, (it% %ea&Jarters at 1=0= Fairmont *treet, >- 3-, 3as%ington- ,%is association, (%ic% is 'ri4ately finance&, s'eciali6es in e8'osing otrages 'er'etrate& on 'atients in mental %os'itals " many of t%em 'erfectly normal /t railroa&e& to instittions /y gree&y relati4es or 'olitical o''onents- ,%e Director, one *am Frie&man, %as little /t contem't for me&ical rac1eteers (%o ma1e a ls% li4ing 'osing as mental e8'erts, or I'syc%iatrists-I $r- $r- Frie&man %as a stan&ing offer of $1,000 to eac% an& e4ery one of t%ese 'syc%iatrists (%o can The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 101 / 210 'ro4e %e is not cra6y- *o far %e %as not /een ta1en ' on t%is offer- $r- Frie&man is (ell /ac1e& in %is lo( o'inion of me&ical &octors (%o e8tract %ge fees 'osing as I'syc%iatrists,I /y ?eorge Ean >ess Dear/orn, $-D-, +%-D-, of t%e K- *- Eeterans' %os'ital in t%e @ron8, >- 7- Dr- Dear/orn says<
I#n 192C in t%e Knite& *tates, =,211 '%ysicians &eclare& t%emsel4es 'syc%iatrists, an& of t%ese 'ro/a/ly not a &o6en are tec%nical, 'rofessional, i- e-, real 'syc%ologists, trly sc%olarly in t%e science- +syc%iatrists as a gro' not only %a4e no &etaile& 1no(le&ge of t%e mental 'rocess, /t (%at is far (orse, t%ey %a4e ne4er &e4elo'e& an interest in t%e almost mystic intricacies of t%e min&- ,%is remains (ell nig% a s%ame to me&ical e&cation, %o(e4er, 'soon' it is to /e atone& for no( /y a&eJate instrction in 'syc%ology-I
,%e American Hearing *ociety o'erates ot of 3as%ington- #t mst /e (ell %eele& /ecase (e %a4e /een s(am'e& (it% large Jantities of 'rinte& literatre a/ot its acti4ities an& 'ersonnel- 3e /elie4e t%em to /e a sincere an& %onest gro', /t rat%er nfitte& to e8'en& money /y (%ic% anyt%ing can /e accom'lis%e&- #ts financial re'ort for 194H s%o(s $12,DD=-=0 collecte& an& all of t%is e8'en&e& for 4arios forms of a&ministration e8ce't $BH0 for li' rea&ing teac%ers an& $H9-4= for a&itory training an& s'eec% teac%ers- A &ri4e for fn&s for mlti'le sclerosis IcontrolI (as institte& (%en $rs- Go ?e%rig, (i&o( of t%e famos /ase/all 'layer an& %omern s'ecialist (%o (as re'orte& to %a4e &ie& of t%at mala&y, (as /rog%t to 3as%ington in t%e s'ring of 1949 to Itestify /efore a *enate committee-I $rs- ?e%rig %onestly t%og%t s%e (as %el'ing ftre 4ictims of t%e form of to8emia (%ic% 1ille& %er %s/an& (%ile %is &octors (ere loo1ing for a non)e8istent /g instea& of cleaning ot %is /loo&- ,%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice is res'onsi/le for t%e most ri&iclos story a/ot /gs yet to a''ear in t%e '/lic 'rints- #t still %as intelligent '%ysicians lag%ing- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 102 / 210 ,%e story (as t%at t(o &octors I(or1ing on 200 %man ginea 'igs in Gorton .eformatory near 3as%ington sccee&e& in isolating some ''article' of stff " may/e a 4irs " (%ic% cases one ty'e of col&- Frt%er, t%ey can gro( t%is s/stance in eggs-I #t 'rece&e& t%is infantile %o1m /y calling it It%e latest scientific %o'e t%at t%e common col& may some &ay /e eit%er Jic1ly cra/le or 're4enta/le-I Dr- !arl Frisc%1orn, Gegislati4e !%airman of t%e >ational $e&ical *ociety, sggests t%at if t%is is t%e /est t%e .oc1efeller)traine& IscientistsI of t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice can &o t%ey og%t to s%t ' t%at s%o' an& sa4e t%e K- *- ta8'ayers t%e $2DC,==0,000 (%ic% !ongress a''ro'riate& in 1949 to s''ort sc% a cra6y %ose-
3ha,ter 6 Dangerous Doses I# fin& t%e me&icine (orse t%an t%e mala&y-I " *%a1es'eare *elf)me&ication can /e &angeros- #t may /e %ar& to /elie4e t%is, in 4ie( of t%e la(s (e %a4e on or Fe&eral statte /oo1s &esigne& to 'rotect t%e consming '/lic against a<erate&, s'oile& an& e4en mis)/ran&e& &rgs an& foo&- #f t%e Foo& an& Drg la(s (ere %onestly an& efficiently a&ministere& /y t%e Fe&eral /rea 'ai& to &o t%is " t%e K- *- Foo& an& Drg A&ministration " self)me&ication (ol& /e as %armless as 'laying /ean/ag (it% yor Ant >ellie- ,%ese la(s are neit%er %onestly nor efficiently a&ministere&- ,%e FLDA is engage& 'rimarily in (1) +tting ot of /siness any %onest manfactrer or 4en&or of &e4ices (%ic% (ill increase %ealt% an& interfere (it% Drg ,rst +rofits an& (2) 'rotecting t%ose nits of t%e Drg ,rst (%ic% manfactre an& sell %armfl &rgs an& mis/ran& t%em- *econ&arily, t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration, (%en it gets aron& to it, sto's t%e small fry from 4iolating t%e Foo& L Drg Ga(s- #t is t%e 'r'ose of t%is c%a'ter to s%o( %o( 'rotection is grante& sc% concerns as t%e American /ranc% of t%e ?erman The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 10= / 210 !%emical !artel (trst), (%ic% is controlle& /y .oc1efeller's *tan&ar& Oil !om'any- Among t%e many %armfl 'ro&cts t%is firm manfactres, rig%t n&er t%e noses of t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration, is @ayer's As'irin- ,%e at%or of t%is /oo1 'ossesses a &egree of Doctor of $e&icine, /t %e got it (nsolicite&) n&er as s%a&y circmstances, to say t%e least, as $orris Fis%/ein got %is- ,%erefore, # ne4er se it, ne4er claim me&ical 1no(le&ge- # %a4e gone to a &istingis%e& an& learne& +%ila&el'%ia '%ysician " &rgless /ranc% " (Dr- :ames #- @ra&sley) (%o %as ma&e a st&y of all &angeros &oses (%ic% %a4e come to %is attention in %is 'ractice- ,%e analyses of t%ese concoctions are Dr- @ar&sley's-
BAYER'S AS$7R7& HBayer's As,irin is made y the Bayer 3om,any( a susidiary of Sterling Drug( 7n;. Sterling is the large holding 3om,any( then ;alled Sterling $rodu;ts( 7n;.( ta.en o9er y Standard Oil and Ameri;an 7G( <hen the Ro;.efeller Drug Trust <as hel,ing the %itler Regime emas;ulate the ;hemi;al ,art of Ameri;a's defenses.I @ayer's As'irin " li1e *t- :ose'%'s As'irin, He8in, Orangeine an& ot%er sc% concoctions " is a DO+9- ,%ere are many As'irin &o'e fien&s in %os'itals, sanitarims an& asylms- ,%ese &angeros little (%ite 'ills co4er ', /t &o not cre %ea&ac%es, toot%ac%e, neritis, lm/ago, sciatica, ner4osness an& col&sQ in fact any 1in& of a /o&y 'ain, incl&ing t%e &iscomforts of t%e female 'erio&- As'irin is &o/ly &angeros- #n co4ering ' t%e 'ains it gi4es t%e 4ictim a false sense t%at e4eryt%ing is all rig%t- He (ill t%en not /ot%er to remo4e t%e case, (%ic% is e8cesses of many sorts, 'rinci'ally of eating or &rin1ing- All of t%ese &isor&ers, (%ic% (e are falsely tol& As'irin (ill cre, are accom'anie& /y 'ain- !ol&s are accom'anie& /y e4en more insistent (arnings from >atre t%at yo are committing e8cesses- All 'ain occrs t%rog% t%e ner4os system- ,%rog% t%e sensory system is t%e only (ay >atre can inform yo t%at somet%ing is (rong in yor /o&y, an& t%at s%e nee&s assistance- *o, instea& of %ee&ing t%is (arning yo ;st ta1e an As'irin, an& inform >atre to go &ig a %ole an& ;m' in " t%en The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 104 / 210 get ot t%e /est (ay s%e can- #f a 'ain gets /eyon& control, an& yo %a4e trie& e4eryt%ing else to sto' or ease it, an as'irin col& /e se& as an emergency, an& is a little safer &o'e t%an ot%ers- @t it s%ol& ne4er /e se& as a %a/it- Ha4e t%e case correcte& as soon as 'ossi/le- +ain is only a sym'tom, an& >O, a &isease or a con&ition- :st /ecase yo ri& yorself of t%e 'ain is no in&ication t%at yo are cre& " or e4en im'ro4e&- 7o %a4e &one not%ing e8ce't !OE9. K+ t%e 'ain- ,o &ea&en t%ese 'ains yo %a4e to DO+9 t%e ner4os system, as t%e 'ill really cannot /e &irecte& to t%e 'ainfl 'art itself- ,%erefore, t%e !O$+G9,9 ner4os system %as to /e &o'e& to &ea&en t%e one 'art- 7o are informe& t%at t%is (ill &o yo Ino %arm-I ,%ey frt%er inform yo t%at Iit (ill not %arm t%e %eart-I ,%e free se of t%is &rg is a /ig reason (%y t%e increase in %eart &isease an& 1i&ney &iseases is occrring in lea's an& /on&s- ,%is &angeros c%emical is a case of many 1i&ney &iseases an& con&itions, as it gra&ally eats a(ay t%e celllar tisses of t%at organ- ,ry 'tting a 'iece of as'irin in a ca4ity of a toot% to relie4e 'ain, an& yo (ill see %o( Jic1ly t%at toot% (ill &isintegrate- Figre t%en, (%at it (ill &o to t%e &elicate cells insi&e yor /o&y- A&4ertisements se& to say t%at I@ayer's As'irin &oes not %arm t%e %eart-I As a matter of fact As'irin is 1no(n in +%armaco'oeia as A!9,7G *AG#!7G#! A!#D-
94ery '%ysician 1no(s t%at acetyl salicylic aci& 3#GG HA.$ t%e %eart (%en enog% is ta1en, an& t%at it %as a &eleterios effect on t%e &igesti4e tract, 1i&neys, ner4es an& s1in- #n 19=B t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission cite& t%e @ayer !om'any for claiming As'irin &oesn't %arm t%e %eart- # %a4e no recor& of t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration " (%ic% leans o4er /ac1(ar& to I'rotectI t%e '/lic against 'i&&ling false claims " e4er noticing t%is ty'e of @ayer a&4ertising- Ho(ar& 3- Am/rster, a >e( :ersey ergot im'orter, (as res'onsi/le for t%is Fe&eral ,ra&e Action against *terling Drg for false a&4ertising claims- Knfortnately, t%e !ommission (nli1e t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration) %a& no 'o(er to or&er &iscontine& concoctions as %armfl as As'irin- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 10B / 210 @t t%e Foo& L Drg @an&itti %a4e religiosly steere& clear of &oing t%eir s(orn &ty in t%e @ayer case- *terling Drg is o(ne& /y t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any- @t t%e FLD @an&its &i& 't t%e (or1s, in 19==, to a small concern in Gittle .oc1, Ar1-, for ma1ing t%e i&entical claims t%at *terling &i& for t%eir o(n /ran& of as'irin- $r- Am/rster, in %is /oo1 I,.9A*O>'* +9A!9,I 'oints ot t%at t%e !ommission force& *terling to acce't a cease)an&)&esist or&er It%s a&mitting t%at e4ery single t%era'etic claim t%ey %a& ma&e for t%e safety an& crati4e 'o(ers of @ayer's As'irin (as false, mislea&ing an& illegal- >ine mont%s after *terling Drg cease& an& &esiste& from falsely claiming As'irin &i&n't %arm t%e %eart, mem/ers of t%e $e&ical *ociety of >e( :ersey 'asse& castic resoltions critici6ing t%e action of t%e American $e&ical Association in officially 'rotecting t%e ma1ers of t%is %armfl 'otion an& acce'ting a&4ertising (it% t%ese false claims in it- @elate&ly t%e A$A's !oncil on +%armacy an& !%emistry sla''e& Fis%/ein an& t%e ma1ers of @ayer's As'irin on t%e (rist (it% t%e follo(ing, in t%eir 19=B re'ort<
I,%e in&iscriminate se of @ayer As'irin, as rge& in t%e a&4ertising, is inimical to '/lic an& in&i4i&al %ealt%, /ot% &irectly an& in&irectly- As'irin (acetylsalicylic aci&) is 'otentially a &angeros &rg an& its nJalifie& se as a %ome reme&y s%ol& /e n&erta1en, originally in any case, n&er t%e gi&ance of t%e family '%ysician (%ose 1no(le&ge of t%e 'ersonal c%aracteristics of t%e in&i4i&al 'atient can alone ren&er sc% se safe an& a&4isa/le-
3it% t%e F,! /an on against t%ese false claims, t%e *terling com'any c%ange& t%eir a&4ertising Icome onI claims to IAs'irin &issol4es Jic1er in a glass of (ater t%an any 1no(n %ea&ac%e reme&y-I
SA8 %E$AT73A HSal %e,ati;a is manufa;tured and sold y the BristolG Myers 3om,any. 7n 45+/( 8ouis E. 8iggett organiCed Drug( 7n;.( as a holding ;om,any for BristolGMyers( Ji;. 3hemi;al( et al( under the o9erall ;ontrol of Standard Oil's The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 10C / 210 Sterling and Ameri;an -arenI
*al He'atica, Al1a *elt6er, @icar/onate of *o&a, $il1 of $agnesia ,a/lets an& similar concoctions all come n&er t%e same category- ,%ey stress t%e al1ali6ation fa&, (%ic% (as se& to ingrain t%eir allege& /t false reme&ial 'ro'erties in t%e '/lic min&- A&4ertising (riters really (ent to to(n in ma1ing t%e '/lic al1ali)conscios- A&4ertisements s%ote&<
I!ome o4er to t%e al1aline si&e- @e (ise- Al1ali6e- @e mo&ern " se t%e la8ati4e t%at com/ats t%e aci&ity- Al1ali6e an& goo& %ealt% is yors- #t is t%e cre for (%at ails yo- #t (ill ri& yo of t%at &ar1 /ro(n taste- Free yo of t%at foggy feeling- *to' t%e ;itters after a %ar& nig%t-I
,%ese a&4ertisements tol& t%e rea&ers, ;st as srely as t%og% t%ey %a& se& t%ese (or&s " ?o a%ea& %a4e a goo& time- Half 1ill yorself- Drin1 all yo (is%- *tff yor stomac% an& /o(els till yo nearly /rst, All yo %a4e to &o is to al1ali6e an& /y &oing so, ri& t%e /o&y of e4ert%ing /t yor organs- ,%e organs &on't min&- !an t%ese al1ali6ing agents %arm5 $ost assre&ly t%ey can /ecase too mc% al1aline is (orse t%an too mc% aci&ity- ,%e %man anatomy %as t%e 'o(er to reglate its o(n al1aline reser4e, an& tries of its o(n accor& to correct t%e reslts of in;&icios eating if gi4en %alf a c%ance- #t is o/4ios t%at t%e or&inary %ealt%y 'erson &oes not %a4e to fear aci& into8ication or aci&osis- >ot%ing t%at (e eat or &rin1 can frnis% a 4olme of aci& t%at (ill en&anger or aci& /ase /alance- #t is only /y (ilflly &rin1ing a large 4olme of aci&, or ta1ing tremen&os amonts of certain aci& &rgs, t%at t%e al1aline reser4e can /e t%reatene&- #n certain s'ecific &iseases %o(e4er, aci&osis may occr an& (%en it &oes often cases &eat% of t%e 'atient- #f yo %a4e any of t%ese con&itions all t%e Al1a *elt6er, *al He'atica, an& @icar/onate of *o&a in t%e (orl& (ill not cre yo- ,%e sym'toms of aci&osis an& its treatment are a far cry from t%e a&4ertising gi//eris% t%at inslts or intelligence &aily- Fogginess, loss of 'e' an& a I&ar1 /ro(n tasteI in t%e mot% are The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 10D / 210 >O, sym'toms of aci&osis- ,%ese sym'toms may /e case& /y a %n&re& &ifferent ailments, as any &octor (ill inform yo- 3%ite .oc1 (%ic% a&4ertises It%e al1aline si&eI is ;st a sim'le mineral (ater t%at tastes an& acts li1e or&inary 4ic%y (ater- #n some 'eo'le it may %a4e a mil& la8ati4e effect- #t (ill not 'll yo o4er Ito t%e al1aline si&eI /ecase yo are alrea&y t%ere- *al He'atica is a cr&e cat%artic- ,%e acti4e ingre&ient (?la/er's salt) is c%iefly se& /y %orse &octors an& is se& in &ye %oses- ,%is salt is a 'o(erfl irritant an& no salt s%ol& /e se& e8ce't in an emergency- ?la/er's salt is t%e last t%ing in t%e (orl& a &octor (ol& se to com/at %man aci&ity- Al1a *elt6er is t%e /ol&est of all fra&s- #t consists of As'irin com'resse& into an effer4escent ta/let an& t%erefore %as all t%e e8alte& 'ro'erties of an As'irin ta/let, &ro''e& into a glass of selt6er (ater- #ts 4en&ors claim it (ill relie4e or cre col&s, %ea&ac%es, neralgia, r%ematic fe4er, &issi'ation, o4erin&lgence, sor stomac%, %eart/rn, fatige, ner4osness, slee'lessness, alco%olic e8cess " all of (%ic% (if (e /elie4e t%e a&4ertisements) are case& /y e8cess of aci&ity or &eficient al1alinity- ,%is as (e %a4e seen is nonsense- ,%ese sym'toms are case& /y many acte an& c%ronic &iseases in (%ic% aci&osis 'lays no role (%ate4er an& yo may /e neglecting t%ese &angeros con&itions an& /ringing a/ot a more &ifficlt ;o/ of cring t%em /y *$O,H9.#>? ,H9$ (it% al1alines- #t is a matter of recor& t%at t%e @ristol)$yers !om'any, one of *terling Drg's little /rot%ers in t%e .oc1efeller)?erman Far/en com/ination, fon& itself also on t%e net%er si&e of a Isto' lyingI or&er /y t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission- # Jote again from $r- Am/rster's e8cellent /oo1<
I,%e @ristol)$yers !om'any 'resente& a nm/er of fine targets for t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission s%ar')s%ooters- $c% of it (as so fat (it% a/sr&ity an& glamoros ntrt% t%at, (%en t%e !ommission finally (ent to (or1 on it, it (as li1e s%ooting &c1s in a /arrel- IFi4e of its /est 1no(n 'ro&cts (ere /rog%t &o(n (it% cease)an&)&esist (sto' lying) or&ers- ,%ey (ere *al He'atica, #ngram's *%a4e !ream, #ngram's $il1(ee& !ream, $inii)r/ an& Eitalis-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 10H / 210 ,%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration, as sal, (as loo1ing t%e ot%er (ay at t%ese mis/ran&e& 'ro&cts of t%e Drg ,rst-
J73E'S JATROG&O8 HJi;.'s JatroG&ol is made y the Ji;. 3hemi;al 3om,any. The Ji;. ;on;ern <as asored y Drug( 7n;.( Aust at the time the Ro;.efeller drug trust <as forming their giant ;omine to hel, Germany <in the ;hemi;al side of @orld @ar 77. Drug( 7n;.( <as ,art of the Standard OilG7G -aren ;o9erGu, grou,.I
Eic1's Eatro)>ol is not t%e only nostrm (%ic% is &angeros to se for t%e common col&, or for gri''e- Among many sc% are !am'o)Gy'ts, !%lorestone #n%alant, Hill's >ose Dro's, $acy's >ose Dro's, $istol, +inolem, .e8all >asal *'ray, *il4er)!ol an& CCC >ose Dro's- 3%en yo are sffering from la gri''e, IflI (inflen6a) or a common %ea& col&, one of t%e most ineffecti4e an& often &angeros t%ings yo can &o is to se nose &ro's- >ose &ro's may sto' t%e IrnningI of yor nose an& if t%ey &o t%ey are &o(nrig%t &angeros- 3%at t%ey actally &o t%en is to loc1 t%e 'oisons, (%ic% natre is trying to e8'el from t%e /o&y t%rog% t%e natral eliminati4e organs, /ac1 in- #t &oesn't ta1e more t%an or&inary intelligence to see %o( &angeros t%is is- 7o actally &e4elo' t%e original con&ition into a &angeros an& &ee' seate& 'at%ological &isor&er or &isease- Deat% sometimes reslts from t%e loc1ing of 'oisons (it%in t%e /o&y- 3%en >atre (is%es to e8'el 'oisons from t%e system, s%e s%ol& /e allo(e& to &o so an& t%e &rainage 'assages s%ol& not /e seale& /y any sc% nostrms as nose &ro's- 7o (ol& not t%in1 of sto''ing ' t%e /o(elsQ an& yo (ol& t%in1 it silly if someone tol& yo to /loc1 t%e rinal 'assages of t%e 1i&neys- 7et >atre's safety 4al4e, t%e mcos mem/rane of t%e res'iratory tract, yo &am ' an& seal, an& force t%e 'oison natre is e8'elling /ac1 into t%e /o&y- ,%e reslt is t%at if no greater &isease &e4elo's, yor col& or ?ri''e (ill ta1e many, many &ays longer to o4ercome- Dr- !arl Goe/, (riting in t%e *er4ice @lletin of t%e Actino Ga/oratories, !%icago, sai&<
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 109 / 210 IFor t%e last fe( (ee1s t%e !%icago Healt% De'artment re'orte& 'nemonia as t%e %ig%est case of &eat% from commnica/le &iseases- >e8t in line is t/erclosis, /t 'nemonia s%o(e& t%ree times as many &eat%s as t/erclosis- I+nemonia is &eci&e&ly on t%e increase, es'ecially in yong 'eo'le an& c%il&ren- ,%osan&s of c%il&ren (ill &ie from t%is &isease in t%e coming year, an& t%e 'rimary case of &eat% in many (ill /e &e to mr&er /y mineral oil nose &ro's- I$ineral Oil nose &ro's %a4e a/soltely no 4ale in eit%er 're4enting or cring a col&- #n most instances, t%ey (ill not e4en gi4e relief- 3%en e'%e&rine, 'inene, ment%ol or a&renalin is se& in com/ination (it% t%ese &ro's, t%ey gi4e a sign of tem'orary relief &e to t%e o&or or astringent action of t%ese &rgs, /t more often t%e careless se of nose&ro's %as carrie& a locali6e& infection into t%e sinses-I
,%e 'resence of mineral oil in t%ese &ro's is often res'onsi/le for li'oi& 'nemonia (%en t%ese oils are a&ministere& /y mot% an& in t%e nasal '%aryn8- ,%ey may /e as'irate& into t%e trac%ea ((in& 'i'e) an& ltimately reac% t%e al4eoli an& 'ro&ce lym'%oi& 'nemonia- Knscr'los money)ma& manfactrers an& ignorant &octors a&4ise t%e se of mineral oil in nose &ro's- ,%e 4ale of all nasal s'rays an& gargles is Jestiona/le- #nforme& 'ractitioners are ra'i&ly &iscar&ing t%is 'ractice- ,%erefore, if yo (is% to %ea& yorself into a more &rastic &isease or con&ition, yo cannot ta1e a s%orter rote t%an /y t%e se of nose &ro's-
E$SOM SA8TS HE,som Salts are made y Do< 3hemi;al. Do< 3hemi;al is one of the many drug firms asored y the Ro;.efeller interests <hen Ameri;an 7G -aren ;hanged its name in 4504( and formed a F,rote;ti9e allian;eF <ith Standard Oil to disguise ;onne;tion <ith %itler Germany.I
,%is saline 'ro&ct %as /een on t%e mar1et for yearH, /t all salt The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 110 / 210 'ro&cts are 'oisonos to t%e /o(els- #f t%ey (ere not, natre (ol& not try to get ri& of t%em as s%e &oes- ,%e salt, irritating t%e mcos lining of t%e intestines, cases t%em to floo& secretions t%e same (ay t%e eye (ol& &o if yo %a& somet%ing in it- ,%is a&&itional liJi& %as to come from some(%ere, so it creates a &rainage on t%e ot%er glan&s of t%e /o&y- ,%is is (%y yo get t%irsty, yor li's get &ry, an& yor %an&s lac1 moistre- ,%en, after ta1ing salts, (%et%er it /e 9'som or +lto 3ater, or :a& *alts, or !ra6y !rystals, etc-, yo are more consti'ate& after(ar&- ,%e normal secretions are &rie& ', an& it ta1es >atre a (%ile to restore t%em- #n t%e meantime t%e /o&y is (ea1ene&- ,%erefore, 'rgati4es of any 1in&, (%et%er salt or ot%er(ise, s%ol& only /e se& in an emergency- A sensi/le &iet " 'lenty of frit an& green 4egeta/les, co'ios &rag%ts of %y&rant (ater " (ill 're4ent an& cre consti'ation- #n selling t%eir &ea&ly &oses to t%e '/lic some of t%e a&4ertisements say IAma6ing &o/le action-I 3%at t%ey mean is t%at t%e /o(els an& li4er /ot% react to t%e salt (ater- ,%ey col& e4en go so far as to say IJa&r'le actionI an& /e ;st as rig%t- #t affects t%e stomac%, li4er /o(els an& 'ancreas, not to s'ea1 of t%e glan&s of t%e mot%, t%roat, rectm, s'leen, etc- " in fact all secreting glan&s of t%e /o&y- >o(%ere in t%e a&4ertisement &oes it say t%at it !K.9* consti'ation- As a matter of fact it &oesn't- ,%e 'atient %as to contine ta1ing t%is 'rgati4e in greater an& greater Jantities to get any mo4ement at all- ,%e a&s generally en& (it% (or&s to t%is effect " I!leanse yor system of %ealt% &estroying 'oisons t%is sre, Jic1 (ay-I #t fails to inform yo %o( t%e 'oisons accmlate& in t%e first 'lace " st'i& eating %a/its- !orrect t%is an& yo (ill ne4er get %oo1e& /y sc% a&4ertisements-
BROMO SE8TKER HAnother nostrum of the Sal %e,ati;GAl.a SeltCer ty,e is Bromo SeltCer( manufa;tured y the Emerson Drug 3om,any <hose Drug Trust ;onne;tions are attested y the ,resen;e on its dire;torate of Alfred G. Janderilt and E. A. Bonham.I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 111 / 210 @romo *elt6er is com'ose& of /romi&e (&o'e) an& selt6er, (%ic% is com'ose& of so&im car/onate (so&a (ater)- ,%e car/onate acts as an al1aline, an& t%e /romi&e as a &e'ressant- 3%y slo( ' fnctional acti4ity5 3%y &o'e t%e organs an& slo( t%em ', (%en t%ey are trying so %ar& to nloa& t%e 'oisons in t%e /o&y5 3%y 1ee' t%em in t%e /o&y longer, to &o more &amage5 For t%at is all @romo *elt6er &oes- An& &on't forget- ,o &o'e an organ yo first %a4e to &o'e t%e ner4os system " t%e master an& controlling system of t%e /o&y- @y &o'ing t%e ner4os system yo force t%e organs to (or1 t%at mc% %ar&er- *ince t%is incl&es t%e %eart, it is no (on&er t%ere is so mc% %eart tro/le- @romo *elt6er a&4ertising is t%e ty'e of false an& &angeros a&4ertising t%at fin&s t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration eit%er loo1ing t%e ot%er (ay or stic1ing its %ea& in t%e san& li1e an ostric%- All of t%ese &ea&ly 'ro&cts are manfactre& /y nits of t%e Drg ,rst- @t let a famos 4itaminologist, (%o teac%es 'eo'le to eat so t%at t%ey (on't /e %oo1e& /y t%ese c%arlatans or /y systems (%ic% se &rgs, s%i' some 4itamins to %imself at %is ne8t sto', an& %e is %ale& into cort /y t%e Foo& L Drg @an&its on t%e c%arge of Imis/ran&ingI %is o(n 'ro&ct- ,%e interests of t%e Drg ,rst are loo1e& after first, last an& foremost /y t%e FLDA-
S S S S >o( %ere are some ot%er Ireme&ies,I ma&e /y smaller concerns (%o a''arently %a4e &rg trst connections (%ic% are (ell %i&&en- Fran1ly, (e cannot 'oint to t%e connection of sc% firms as ,%omas Geeming L !om'any, ?ro4e Ga/oratories, +%armaco, #nc-, Aon&on $anfactring !om'any, t%e !arter +ro&cts !om'any- @t t%e 'resm'tion is t%at t%ere is a connection, as long as t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration 'ermits t%em to a&4ertise sc% &angeros nostrms " an& to tell only %alf t%e trt% in t%eir a&4ertising co'y-
BAUME BE& GAY (,%omas Geeming L !om'any) ,%e s1in is t%e largest eliminating organ of t%e /o&y- ,%e fnctions of t%e s1in are as follo(s< +.O,9!,#O>< #t is com'ose& of a %ar& %orny material (%ic% (it%stan&s or&inary 'ressre (it%ot affecting n&erlying The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 112 / 210 strctres- *9>*A,#O>< #n t%e s1in are locate& most of t%e en& organs of t%e s'ecial sense of toc%- .AD#A,#O>< ,%e s1in ser4es to ra&iate %eat an& t%s maintain t%e /o&ily tem'eratre at t%e normal- .9*+#.A,#O>< ,%ere is a slig%t e8c%ange of car/on &io8i&e for o8ygen on t%e srface of t%e s1in- *9!.9,#O>< ,%e s1in ser4es to secret an oily s/stance /y means of t%e fnctional acti4ity of t%e se/aceos glan&s- 9O!.9,#O>< #t eliminates s(eat /y means of t%e s&oriferos glan&s containe& in its strctre- ,%e s1in a/sor/s not%ing- ,%ere are t%ree layers of it, an& it is 1/1C inc% in t%ic1ness- @eing sre t%en t%at t%e s1in is an eliminating organ, &i& yo e4er try to ma1e (ater rn '%ill5 #f yo %a4e, yo %a4e fon& t%at it is a fairly %ar& ;o/- >o(, %a4ing t%e facts at or finger ti's, # /elie4e (e can safely say t%at yo cannot r/ anyt%ing into t%e /o&y t%rog% t%e s1in- ,%e /o&y, t%rog% t%e s1in, is t%ro(ing ot 'oisons e4ery fractional secon& of yor life t%rog% t%e 'ores- ,%e oil glan&s of t%e s1in are co4ering t%e srface (it% its s/stance continally to 1ee' it 'lia/le an& soft- *o yo may as (ell try to ma1e (ater rn '%ill as to try to r/ anyt%ing in t%rog% t%e s1in- ,%e s1in is a 'rotector to 1ee' 'oisons an& material ot of t%e /o&y- #f t%is (ere not so, an& t%e s1in (ere an a/sor/ent an& allo(e& material to 'enetrate its srface, (e (ol& %a4e to (atc% 4ery closely t%e materials (e %an&le&, as (e (ol& 1ill orsel4es- ,%e c%emist, an& &rggist (ol& %a4e to (ear t%ic1 r//er glo4es- Hose%ol& Ammonia is se& /y t%e %ose(ife &aily as are ot%er c%emicals se& for %ose cleaning- *%e &oes not (ear r//er glo4es all t%e time, an& millions ne4er at all- 7et yo (ol& not t%in1 of &rin1ing ammonia, (ol& yo 5 #t is 'oisonos, is it not5 3ell, if t%e s1in a/sor/e& it, an& if it 'enetrate& t%e s1in, into t%e /o&y an& /loo& stream, it (ol& not ma1e it less 'oisonos, (ol& it5 7o say I3%y, # %a4e se& t%ese r//ing c%emicals, sc% as @ame @en)?ay, Ea'o)./, Giniments, an& all 1in&s of r//ing materials an& c%emicals, an& %a4e fon& t%at t%ey gi4e me The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 11= / 210 relief-I Do yo notice %o( many times t%at r//ing %as /een se&5 All t%ese materials s'ecify r//ing- ,%ey &o not say I:st 'or it on, an& let it set-I ,%ey say .K@ it on, .K@ it in, .K@ ntil it e4a'orates- ,%ey &o not say, I+or it on, (ait till it a/sor/s, or lea4e it till it 'enetrates-I >o( (e %a4e t%e tre meaning, an& t%e tre action of all t%ese Giniments, @en)?ays, etc- #, #* ,H9 .K@@#>? ,HA, H9G+*, an& &oes t%e tric1, (%ere yo get relief- @ecase t%e material e4a'orates, &oes not mean it 'enetrates- ,%e r//ing stimlates t%e 4aso)motor, an& /rings /loo& to t%e 'arts an& assists in relie4ing t%e congestion in t%e area- 3it%ot t%e r//ing all t%e 'atent a''lications e4er ma&e (ol& &o no goo&- ,%s, my frien&s, anot%er trt% is Iot-I
BROMO >U7&7&E (?ro4e Ga/oratories) ,%e correct name for a col& is cory6a, or acte r%initis- #t is an acte inflammation of t%e nasal ca4ities- ,%is con&ition &oes not occr o4er nig%t or /y getting yor feet (et or sitting in a &raft- ,%ese s%oc1s only /ring it to a %ea&- ,%e /eginning of it %as /een many (ee1s or mont%s /efore, /y allo(ing t%e system to Irn &o(nI an& 'oisons to accmlate in t%e system- ,%e mcos mem/ranes of t%e nose an& t%roat /ecome inflame& an& s(ollenQ t%en /egin to Irn-I >atre (ill nloa& t%ese /o&y 'oisons at t%e nearest srface mcos mem/rane, t%is /eing t%at of t%e nose an& t%roat- ,%e ol& saying is IA col& is t%ree &ays coming, an& t%ree &ays going-I ,%is s%ol& /e a rle- ,o sto' a col& t%e first &ay is &oing &amage to t%e /o&y /y forcing /ac1 into t%e /o&y t%ese 'oisons (%ic% >atre (is%es to e8'el- Goo1 ot for ftre tro/le if yo &o t%is- ,%e nasal 'assages s%ol& rn freely t%e first 24 to 4H %ors- #f t%is is allo(e& t%en yor col& (ill clear faster, an& yo (ill 'rotect t%e ot%er organs of t%e /o&y- An a&4ertisement of @romo Finine says I*to' a !ol& t%e First Day- Dri4e #t Ot of 7or *ystem-I 7o (ill not I&ri4e it ot of yor systemI /y t%is met%o&, /t yo (ill &ri4e it /ac1 in- ,%ey tell yo it is an Iinternal infection,I (%ic% is correctQ /t t%eir The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 114 / 210 Iinternal treatmentI is (rong, as is also t%eir a&4ice- 3%at is @romo 5 #t is @romi&e- #t is a salt of %y&ro/romic aci& " t%e /romi&es of calcim, iron, ammonim, 'otassim an& so&im, se& in me&icine- ,%ey allay ner4os e8citement, an& are em'loye& as se&ati4es- 3%at is a se&ati4e 5 An agent lessening fnctional acti4ity- 3%at is Finine 5 #t acts as a stimlant to t%e ner4os system casing, in large &oses, cere/ral congestion an& lessening of t%e refle8es- #t is a slig%t res'iratory stimlant an& a &e'ressant to t%e circlation- #n large &oses it cases ringing in t%e ears, a feeling of fllness in t%e %ea&, &i66iness, slig%t &eafness an& sometimes &istr/ances of 4ision- ,%ese 'ills also contain a &o'e or &e'ressant calle& Acetanili&e- 3it% all t%is going on insi&e of yo, (%at c%ance %as >atre to t%ro( ot t%e 'oisons5 ,(o &o'es an& a stimlator- A col& is t%e reslt of a con&ition, more flly e8'laine& in t%e c%a'ter I,%e .ac1et #n !ancer !ontrolI in t%is /oo1- #t is only secon&ary- @romi&es treat reslts " not con&itions- ,%is ty'e of It%era'yI is &o/ly &angeros-
-EE&GAGM7&T (+%armaco, #ncor'orate&) A Feen)A)$int a& rea&s " I$y Hea&ac%e " ,ire& Feeling " @anis%e&-I #t fails to a&& Iso long as # ta1e Feen)a)$int all t%e time-I ,%is of corse (ol& son& too mc% li1e /siness- ,%e ot%er (ay t%ey are &oing yo a fa4or, an& some&ay after cring all cases, t%ey (ill /e force& ot of /siness for (ant of cstomers- ,%ey forget t%at t%ere are a/ot 2,000 la8ati4es an& 'rgati4es on t%e mar1et, an& all are &oing t%e same t%ing " 'oisoning t%e &igesti4e tract- @t %o( &o t%ey 1no(, or yo 1no(, t%at It%at %ea&ac%eI yo are sffering from comes from consti'ation5 ,%ere are %ea&ac%es t%at come from li4er, 1i&ney, ner4osness, eyestrain, sins, stomac%, toot% an& ear con&itions, etc- *o t%ey tell yo to 'rge t%e /o(els to cre t%em- >o( t%ey start story telling on t%e ot%er com'anies to sell yo t%eir 'ro&ct- ,%ey say< The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 11B / 210
I- - - %ars% 'all)at)once' cat%artics (ill %a4e to goI an& Ino cram's, no gri'ing, no /a& after)effects-I
*o e4ery/o&y is (rong e8ce't Feen)a)$int- # (on&er (%at t%e ot%er fello( says a/ot Feen)a)$int- ,%is is t%e (ay (e get t%e trt%- @t Feen)a)$int forgets t%at t%ey se '%enol in t%eir I&eliciosI gm, t%s (e %a4e t%e first 'art of t%eir tra&e name IF99>-I ,%en t%ey a&& a little mint to 1ill t%e fla4or, t%s (e %a4e a '%enol)an&)mint, or Feen)a)$int- An& +%enol, # /elie4e, t%e c%emist (ill a&mit is a 'oison an& an irritant- An& in t%e en&, Feen)a)$int tells yo I%o( t%e c%il&ren lo4e it-I 3%et%er or not c%il&ren lo4e it may /e a moot Jestion, /t t%ere is no Jestion a/ot t%e %arm it (ill &o to a c%il&'s insi&es- A c%il& cannot stan& c%emicals in its little system any more t%an an a< can, an& in fact G9**- # %a4e seen little /o&ies torn &o(n /y t%e contine& se of la8ati4es in c%il&ren- $any stomac%, /o(el an& li4er con&itions %a4e /een case& /y la8ati4e irritants- Do not forget- ,o mo4e t%e /o(els (it% a c%emical, it %as to /e an irritantQ an& to /e an irritant, it %as to /e a 'oison to t%e /o&y- #t is %ar& to tell (%ic%, if eit%er, is (orse on t%e &elicate mem/rane of t%e intestines " saline 'ro&cts or t%e c%emical ty'e in (%ic% category Feen)a)$int stan&s- *alt irritates t%e mcos lining of t%e /o(els, casing it to floo& secretions an& t%s &raining mc% nee&e& liJi&s from ot%er 'arts of t%e /o&y- Feen)a)$int is mostly c%emical (%ic% %as a ten&ency to 'ermanently in;re t%e &elicate 'arts of t%e %man system- +%enol is ;st anot%er name for car/olic aci&- +eo'le often gl' &o(n ra( car/olic aci& to commit sici&e- ,%is is a sre (ay /ecase it Jic1ly eats an& &estroys t%e lining an& often t%e (all of t%e stomac%-
EO&DO&'S &ASA8 LE88Y (Aon&on $anfactring !o-) :st anot%er 4ersion of t%e ol& story " &amming ' an& 1ee'ing in t%e /o&y 'oisons (%ic% >atre is trying to get ri& of- Aon&on's The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 11C / 210 >asal :elly is sai& to sto' t%e nose from rnning, (%en it s%ol& rn for at least 4H %ors if >atre %as %er (ay- ,%e $ent%ol an& @alsam in t%e 'ro&ct are soot%ers " goo& in t%eir (ay, /t t%e sto''ing of t%e &isc%arge, /efore >atre %as cleane& t%e to8ins ot of t%e system, is criminal-
3ARTER'S 87TT8E 87JER $788S (!arter +ro&cts, #nc-) 7or gran&'arents " may/e yor 'arents " col&n't ta1e a tri' B0 miles from t%eir %ome (it%ot seeing li4i& re& a&4ertisements of !arter's Gittle Gi4er +ills 'ainte& on nmeros /arns an& ot%oses- ,%is case& a foreigner on a 4isit %ere to o'ine t%at t%e American 'eo'le mst /e t%e most consti'ate& in t%e (orl&- !arter's a&4ertising material claims to cre all t%e ills of yor li4er /y (a1ing ' Iyor li4er /ile-I @t it isn't t%at sim'le- Again t%eir a&4ertisements (ill say IGa8ati4es are only ma1es%ifts-I ,%is is t%e most trt%fl 'art of t%e a&- !arter's Gittle Gi4er +ills (ill not sol4e t%e 'ro/lem of li4er con&itions, (%ic% are sally case& /y eating foo&s t%at are too ric% for t%e se&entary %a/its of t%e eater- ,%ey (ol&n't cre t%em e4en if !arter's 'ills (ere @ig- For t%ey, too, are only ma1es%ifts-
TUMS ,rns' a&4ertising (riter tells yo it is I,%e *mart ,%ing to DoI " to ta1e ,rns- ,%en %e tells yo stories on t%e ot%er fello( (%o is selling al1alines, /ecase I'%ysicians %a4e long (arne& may ma1e t%e ten&ency to(ar& aci& in&igestion-I ,%e %ar&est t%ing in rea&ing t%ese a&4ertisements is trying to fin& (%o is t%e /iggest liar- 3ol& yor me&ical &octor gi4e yo a 'rescri'tion for yor stomac% ailment, an& t%en tell yo to go %ome, an& eat all t%e fancy an& ric% foo&s yo (is% an& e8'ect to cre yo of yor stomac% ailment5 7o lag% at sc% a statement, /t t%at is ;st (%at yo are &oing an& ot%ers are &oing (%en t%ey ta1e ,ms-
BE88GA&S ,%e ne8t (ell a&4ertise& organ is t%e stomac%- ,%is 'oor organ ta1es t%e loa& of e4eryt%ing- ,%e foo&s yo eat, (%et%er goo& or The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 11D / 210 /a&, t%en on to' of t%at all 1in&s of me&icines an& nostrms t%at it can stan&- 3e (on&er many times %o( it e4er stan&s t%e treatment t%at it &oes not &eser4e- >o( t%ese fello(s come along an& tell yo %o( to loa& it ' more, an& %e (ill sell yo somet%ing so t%at Iyo can get a(ay (it%-I He &oes not tell yo %o( to correct yor stomac% ailment, for %e &oes not 1no(, /t %e tells yo %o( yo can eat ric% 'ie an& gra4y, t%en anti&ote it, an& to %ell (it% t%e stomac%- ,%is is li1e t%e stra( t%at /ro1e t%e camel's /ac1, somet%ing e4entally %as got to go an& it is generally yor stomac%-
EM 8AM 98)Ga8 is t%e most conser4ati4e of t%e gro'- ,%ey gi4e yo a little goo& a&4ice- Frt%er t%ey say I#f yo nee& %el' in 1ee'ing yor /o(els o'en-I ,%ey are not telling yo to contine to ta1e it rig%t along as t%e ot%ers %a4e &one, or le& yo to /elie4e- 98)Ga8 li1e all ot%er la8ati4es contains '%enol'%t%alein- ,%is is '%enol an& '%t%alic aci&- +%enol is anot%er name for car/olic aci&- >o( yo %a4e t%e tre story (%y la8ati4es &o yo %arm- An& of (%y t%ere is so mc% cancer of t%e stomac%, /o(els an& li4er- ,%at's (%y # say t%at t%ey s%ol& only /e se& as emergencies-
3URES -OR OBES7TY ,%ere are many cres on t%e mar1et for o/esity, or e8cess fat- 98cess fat is n&esira/le on t%e %man frame for more t%an one reason- ,%e most im'ortant is t%at it s%ortens t%e life /y ma1ing &o/le (or1 for t%e %eart, an& t%at it slo(s ' '%ysical an& mental 'rocesses- ,%is natrally, is t%e last one t%ose (%o ta1e o/esity cres care a/ot- 98cess fat on (omen ten&s to &etract from t%eir attracti4eness to t%e male se8 an& from t%e en4y of t%eir sisters- ,%erefore, t%at is t%e F#.*, !O>*#D9.A,#O> of t%ose (%o see1 o/esity cres an& t%e strongest reason (%y t%ey ris1 t%eir li4es to ta1e t%em- ,%ere are t(o (ays of getting ri& of fat " t%e easy (or s%ort) (ay an& t%e %ar& (ay- $ost 'eo'le ta1e t%e easy (ay, e4en t%o it is &angeros to t%e %ealt%- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 11H / 210 ,%e %ar& (ay is &ieting an& e8ercise, rational li4ing an& o/e&ience to t%e la(s of natre- ,%is isn't as easy as it son&s, es'ecially (%en one %as &e4elo'e& a synt%etic a''etite for ric% fattening foo&s an& natral foo&s are mc% %ar&er to get- ,%e easy (an& Jic1) (ay is /y t%e c%emical an& &rg rote- ,%is is also an easy (ay to t%e n&erta1er's or t%e cemetery, /t fe( 'eo'le (%o (ant to re&ce Jic1ly /ot%er a/ot loo1ing into t%is featre- >eit%er &o t%ey seem to reali6e t%at catering to t%eir nnatral &esire %as &e4elo'e& into a 'rofita/le rac1et- >ot only &o # con&emn a&4ertise& 'ac1age& o/esity IcresI /t # con&emn 'rescri'tions for &rgs for t%is 'r'ose gi4en /y registere& '%ysicians- 7o can't ot(it >atre " yo can't Iget aron&I >atre (it%ot 'aying &early for it- ,%e ignorant me&ical &octor is ;st as &angeros as t%e 'ac1age& me&icine salesman or 4en&or- Get me Jote from a (ell 1no(n me&ical maga6ine 1no(n as IA$9.#!A> $9D#!#>9-I Get any me&ical &octor lag% t%is off- ,%e ol& e8'ression I3%ile (e are trying to cre one &isease (e are casing anot%erI s%ol& /e t%eir slogan-
3O8D TAB8ETS A&D JA337&ES #n recent mont%s a floo& of Icol& cresI %a4e come on t%e mar1et an& %a4e /een %ea4ily a&4ertise& in or &aily ne(s'a'ers- $ost of t%e material claims in t%ese a&4ertisements %a4e /een otrig%t false, yet t%ere %as /een no effort /y t%e F- L D- A- to cr/ t%is false a&4ertising- ,%e .eason< $ost of t%ese concoctions are ma&e an& sol& /y nits of t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst- ,%e a''arent effect of all are /ase& on t%e same 'rinci'le " t%e &amming ' insi&e t%e /o&y of t%e to8ins (%ic% natre is see1ing to eliminate- ,%e ine4ita/le &anger is t%at (%en more to8ins are a&&e&, natre later (ill case a more serios con&ition in its eliminati4e efforts- ,%e &ifference /et(een 'ills an& 4accines is t%at t%e 'ills merely &am ' t%e to8insQ t%e 4accines not only &am t%e to8ins ' /t a&& enormosly to t%e to8in loa&, often &estroying 1i&ney cells an& casing serios %eart con&itions- $any a&4ertisements refer to t%eir &ea&ly concoctions as Imiracle &rgsI an& I(on&er &rgs-I ,%is is- goo& sc1er /ait, /t t%e (on&er is t%at t%e 'atient sr4i4es many of t%ese The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 119 / 210 Itreatments-I Often it really is a miracle- ,%ere are as many names for t%ese &angeros &oses as t%ese are '%armacetical %oses ma1ing t%em- All are /ase& on t%e &rg Histamine (%ic% loc1s ' t%e 'oisons in t%e /o&y an& 're4ents elimination t%rog% t%e mcos mem/rane of t%e nasal 'assages- *ince a col& is case& /y (%at yo eat an& &o not 'ro'erly eliminate (as yo %a4e alrea&y note& on +age DH) any fool 1no(s t%at t%e (ay to cre a col& is to ri& t%e /o&y of its accmlate& to8ins- An& t%at loc1ing t%ese to8ins ' isn't ri&&ing t%e /o&y of t%em- Histamine %as /een se& /y t%e me&ical 'rofession for years an& is 1no(n as a &angeros &rg to se- #ts effects are similar to t%ose of Jinine- 7o /ecome &i66y- 7o stagger- 7or min& /ecomes &ll- 7or /o&y refle8es slo( &o(n- ,%e o4erstimlate& /loo&stream affects %eart action- An& t%e re)&amming ' of t%e to8ins in t%e /o&y affects t%e entire system-
3ha,ter / Serum $uli;ity IDoctors can't e8'lain %o( 're4ention is /rog%t a/ot /y 4accines an& serms- ,%ey are not content to 4accinate 'eo'le (%o come to t%em, /t t%ey as1 t%e states to 'ass la(s to com'el e4ery/o&y to /e 4accinate&- # mig%t as (ell as1 t%e state to 'ass a la( to com'el t%e 'eo'le to %ire me to try t%eir la( cases-I " !larence Darro(- #n t%e year 194B t%e larger serm com'anies of t%e Knite& *tates re'te&ly ma&e net 'rofits of somet%ing li1e $14=,000,000- ,%ese are t%e figres (%ic% ,.K,H ,9GG9. $aga6ine Jote& from >93*)399A $aga6ine- >93*)399A og%t to 1no(- #t is a .oc1efeller)o(ne&, .oc1efeller)controlle&, .oc1efeller)&ominate& an& .oc1efeller) e&ite& ne(s (ee1ly- #t (as lanc%e& /y t%e Hose of .oc1efeller in 19=4 as a ri4al to an& 'ossi/le anti&ote for ,#$9, t%en o(ne& /y t%e Hose of $organ- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 120 / 210 3%en :- +- $organ (t%e Gast) &ie& %is financial em'ire (ent into an ecli'se- ,%e .oc1efellers too1 o4er ,#$9 /o&ily an& /ilt t%em a %ge ornate office /il&ing in .oc1efeller !enter- #t is 1no(n as ,ime)Gife)Fortne @il&ing- ,%e fi4e main stoc1%ol&ers of ,ime, #nc-, are &irectors of .oc1efeller)controlle& /an1s- A si8t% is #r4ing ,rst !om'any- Henry Gce (t%e &mmy e&itor)in)c%ief) is /t a 4ery minor stoc1%ol&er an& stooge I&irectorI- $a1ing serms an& 4accines is t%erefore a serios t%ing for t%e 'eo'le (%o are ma1ing sc% 'rofits ot of t%ese &ea&ly concoctions- *elling t%em is e4en more serios- >ot only &o t%ey s'en& millions in o'en)an&)a/o4e)/oar& a&4ertising, /t t%ey resort to %ig% 'o(ere& '/licity sc%emes an& %oa8es to c%isel ne(s'a'er s'ace, often on t%e front 'ages- Hig%)'rice& an& %ig%)'o(ere& '/lic relations firms are em'loye& flltime for t%ese c%ores- #t is a (ell 1no(n fact t%at many 'eo'le /elie4e (%at t%ey rea& in t%e ne(s colmns of ne(s'a'ers, t%o fe( 'ay any attention to e&itorials- >ot all 'eo'le 1no( t%at only B0 P of or nation's Ine(sI is trst(ort%y- ,%ere %a4e /een se4eral '/licity stnts for t%e sale of serms (%ic% stan& ot in t%e %istory of t%e '/lic relations 'rofession- ,%e one (%ic% &re( most %ea&lines, an& t%e most lineage for t%e '/lic relations actaries to /rag a/ot, (as t%e famos >ome (Alas1a) &ogsle& '/licity stnt- ,%e free a&4ertising &i'%t%eria anti)to8in got from t%is one single '/licity stnt col&n't %a4e /een 'rc%ase& for $10,000,000- ,%e Drg ,rst re'resentati4e in >ome sccee&e& in 'tting on t%e telegra'% (ires t%e yarn t%at t%ere (as an e'i&emic of &i'%t%eria in t%at fro6en mnici'ality- An&, %orrors, t%ere (as no serm to sa4e t%e li4es of t%e rest of t%e city's =,49B in%a/itants- A''arently t%e Drg ,rst %a& careflly 'lanne& t%is 'ress agent stnt- A &og team (as in (aiting at *eattle, a fe( /ottles of serm loa&e&, an& a single &ri4er (as rea&y to ms% t%e %s1ies on to >ome- ,%e lea& &og (as gi4en t%e name of I@alto,I one t%at fitte& rea&ily into ne(s'a'er %ea&lines- ,o t%e accom'animent of ne(s)'%otogra'%ers' flas% 'ans, t%e one) team cara4an starte&- ,%en t%e 'ress agents (ent to (or1- Daily an& %orly /lletins of t%e allege& 'rogress of t%e &og team (ere fe& to t%e 'ress associations " t%og% no one e4er e8'laine& %o( t%e Drg ,rst 'ress agents 1ne( so accrately t%e location of t%e &og team in The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 121 / 210 t%e sno(y (astes %or /y %or an& minte /y minte- #n fact, t%e 'ress associations &i&n't e4en as1- >e(s'a'er e&itors, not 1no(ing of t%e %oa8 t%at (as /eing 'er'etrate& 'on t%em an& t%eir rea&ers, ga4e t%ese ins'ire& /lletins /anner s'ace on t%eir first 'ages- @efore t%e sle& team got to >ome, t%e &og I@altoI (as America's %ero- ,%e (%ole contry 'raye& t%at I@altoI an& %is corageos &m/ colleages (ol& reac% >ome in time to sa4e t%ose =,49B corageos 9s1imos an& (%ite men from c%o1ing to &eat% from &rea& &i'%t%eria- $inisters of t%e gos'el t%rog%ot t%e lan& %el'e& t%is %oa8 along /y %a4ing t%eir congregations 'ray t%at t%e strengt% of t%ese &m/ /rtes (ol& %ol& ot ntil I>ome (as sa4e&-I #t (as a great 'ress agent yarn " one of t%e greatest in t%e %istory of 'ress agentry- 3%en t%e &og team got to >ome it (as fon& t%at only fi4e 'ersons of =,49B %a& &i'%t%eria " or e4en (%at (as &iagnose& as &i'%t%eria- ,o carry t%is %oa8 to almost nimagina/le %eig%ts t%e Drg ,rst 'ro'agan&a firm 'ai& for an& erecte& in !entral +ar1, >e( 7or1 !ity, an o4ersi6e& state of t%e myt%ical &og I@alto-I 3it% solemn ceremonies, conni4e& (it% an& con&one& /y t%e city fat%ers of ?ot%am, t%is state (as gi4en an In4eilingI on Decem/er 1C, 192B- ,%e >e( 7or1 ne(s'a'ers 'laye& it to t%e limit, t%s selling many more t%osan&s of &ollars (ort% of %orse 's for t%e serm com'anies- ,%is 'ress agentry &i&n't sto' t%ere- $orris Fis%/ein, t%e Drg ,rst's a/le stooge in c%arge of t%e American $e&ical Association, 1e't t%e 'ro'agan&a going- Accor&ing to %im<
I,%e &e4elo'ment of t%e &i'%t%eria inci&ent in >ome /rog%t a floo& of inJiries from sc% 'a'ers as t%e Aansas !ity *tar, t%e Detroit >e(s, t%e Associate& +ress an& ot%ers -- - O''ortnity (as t%s gi4en for t%e &issemination of a 4ast amont of information regar&ing &i'%t%eria anti)to8in, its se, an& general 1no(le&ge of t%e manner in (%ic% scientific me&icine (or1s in t%e control of e'i&emics-I
>e8t in magnit&e to t%e >ome Hoa8, in t%e /rilliant annals of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 122 / 210 t%e '/lic relations fiel& (rac1et &i4ision), (as t%e &eat% of Floy& @ennett, one of America's %allo(e& 'ioneer trans)oceanic fliers- Floy& @ennett, %is system loa&e& (it% to8ins " 'ro/a/ly as t%e reslt of too many nig%ts on t%e /anJet circit (%ic% is one of t%e 'enalties of /eing famos " contracte& 'nemonia (%ile trying to resce a ?erman)#ris% flying team (%ic% %a& /een force& &o(n in t%e frigi& (astes of >e( Fon&lan&- ,%e Drg ,rst 'ress agents 'ersa&e& !%arles Gin&/erg%, t%en at t%e %eig%t of %is 'o'larity as t%e Gone 9agle (%o first fle( t%e Atlantic single)%an&e& non)sto', to fly to t%e stric1en @ennett an& carry se4eral (%ite mice an& some 'nemonia serm- ,%e (%ite mice, of corse, (ere ta1en along to a&& to t%e /e&a66lement of ne(s'a'er e&itors an& rea&ers in t%e '/licity s'lrge- ,%e flying air'lane too1 /t a s%ort timeQ %ence t%is stnt col&n't ma1e t%e %ea&lines for &ays as t%e slo(er mo4ing &ogsle& to >ome &i&- Gin&y ma&e %is ;orney in ;ig time /t t%e serm (as as ineffecti4e as any ot%er serm " Floy& @ennett &ie&- ,%en t%e +ro4incial *ecretary of !ana&a, t%e Honora/le G- A- Da4i&, castically score& t%ose (%o (ere res'onsi/le for t%e '/licity stnt- He a/sol4e& Gin&/erg% from any com'licity an& commen&e& %im %ig%ly for %is moti4es- @t, t%e +ro4incial *ecretary sai&, t%e flying of serm from t%e Knite& *tates (as totally nnecessary, for t%e Dominion of !ana&a %a& 'lenty of serm of %er o(n- He sai& t%ere (as a general feeling in !ana&a t%at a&4antage %a& /een ta1en of a tragic sitation n&er gise of c%arity an& t%at $r- Gin&/erg% %a& /een rt%lessly se& as an a&4ertising me&im- @ringing t%e s/;ect &o(n almost to &ate t%e ra(est '/licity stnt 'lle& /y '/lic relations firms for t%e /iologicals manfactring /siness (as in >e( 7or1 !ity in Fe/rary an& $arc% of 194D- On Fe/rary 2B 9gene Ge@ar, a $e8ico !ity im'orter too1 a /s to >e( 7or1 !ity- On $arc% 10t% %e &ie& in one of t%e city %os'itals- ,%e &iagnosis (as I%emorr%agic /ronc%itis-I *ome(%ere /et(een t%at &ate an& A'ril 10t% t%e .oc1efeller '/lic relations firm, recently assigne& to t%e American $e&ical Association /ecase t%e '(ar& s'iral of &rg trst 'rofits (asn't s'iraling '(ar& fast enog%, %a& a /rilliant i&ea- *enor Ge@ar, t%ey reasone&, &ring %is long tri' %a& /een in t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 12= / 210 same atmos'%ere (it% t%osan&s of 'eo'le from 9l +aso to >e( 7or1- 3%y not &rm ' a small'o8 scare all o4er t%e Knite& *tates an& ma1e ten million more &ollars filling t%e nation's /loo& stream (it% co( 's an& %orse filt%- 3it% >e( 7or1's '/licity)lo4ing $ayor, 3illiam O'D(yer, as t%e s'ear%ea&, t%is is e8actly (%at t%ey &i&- ,%e /ronc%itis &iagnosis (as c%ange& to one of small'o8 =0 &ays after *enor Ge@ar's &emise- $ayor O'D(yer or&ere& e4eryone in >e( 7or1 4accinate&, alt%og% %e %a& no more 'o(er to &o t%is t%an $a%atma ?an&%i %a&- ,%e Associate& +ress 't t%e story on its (ires in a /ig (ay, its IscienceI e&itor going allot to e8'loit t%is latest in Iscience-I Of corse, t%at &i&n't ma1e A+ Director Art%r Hays *l6/erger of t%e .oc1efeller fon&ation ma& (it% %is e&itors- All t%e &o'es an& &'es in >e( 7or1 forme& long lines in front of e4ery 'olice station an& e4ery &octor's office an& %a& fi4e years lo''e& off t%e ot%er en& of t%eir li4es- >e(s'a'ers an& %ealt% &e'artments all o4er t%e contry, follo(ing t%e O'D(yer '/licity s'rea& t%e serm %oa8, an& e8%orte& t%eir o(n &'es to Iget 4accinate&-I ,%osan&s 'on t%osan&s of t%em &i&- One '/lic relations firm for t%e &rg trst 'lante& a fa1e story t%at +resi&ent ,rman %a& %imself 4accinate& /efore coming to >e( 7or1 to a&&ress a ne(s'a'er con4ention- Alt%o t%is (as &enie& /y t%e 3%ite Hose t%e &enial, as sal, ne4er cag%t ' (it% t%e lie- ,%e 'olice station 4accinations cost t%e ta8'ayers of >e( 7or1 !ity $HB0,000 an& t%ose (%o (ent to 'ri4ate &octors e4en more- ,%e Drg ,rst n&o/te&ly a&&e& ten to fifteen million &ollars to its 194D 'rofits- ,%e Jestion of (%et%er or not serms, 4accines, antito8ins an& /iologicals really 're4ent anyt%ing is not merely an isse /et(een t%e &rgless an& t%e &rg)&is'ensing clts of t%e %ealing arts- *erios &o/t on t%eir efficacy %as /een cast /y me&ical men t%emsel4es- ,%at t%ey %a4e &one otrig%t an& &o(nrig%t %arm on many occasions cannot /e &enie&- :- H- ,il&en, $- D-, of Den4er %a& t%is 'articlar em'iricism of %is 'rofession in min& (%en %e sai&<
I,%e science of me&icine is niJe in one t%ing, if not in anyt%ing else- ,%at is t%at it %as sccee&e& in fooling t%ose (%o 'ractice it- #n t%is is t%e 'o(er of continity- $e&ical science of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 124 / 210 to&ay is a cree&- @elie4ing in its &ogmas is of more im'ortance t%an to st&y an& fin& ot (%et%er t%ey are tre or not- #t is easier to get t%e mental foo& 're'are& an&, if 'ossi/le, 're&igeste& /y t%e at%orities t%an to form yor o(n o'inion /y %ar& st&y-I
3%en one forgets t%e &ogmas, an& t%e at%orities, an& loo1s in t%e face t%e &o(nrig%t facts of 4accination " (%ere it %as /een 'erforme& on a (%olesale /asis " one gets t%e i&ea t%at Dr- ,il&en, an& ot%ers (%o refse to acce't (it%ot in4estigation t%e t%eory of Iimmni6ationI /y infection, %a4e somet%ing t%ere- #t is a matter of fact t%at small'o8 (as little 1no(n in t%e Ha(aiian #slan&s ntil !a't- !oo1 &isco4ere& t%em in t%e name of t%e @ritis% !ro(n an& &octors of t%e Aing's $e&ical *ociety /egan to 4accinate e4ery little /ro(n man t%ere t%ey col& catc%- *mall'o8 %as come into its o(n in Ha(aii e4er since, accor&ing to t%e recor&s- A (orse sitation e8iste& in t%e +%ili''ines- 3%en A&miral De(ey &ro4e t%e *'aniar&s ot of t%e +- #-'s in 1H9H, an& (%en t(o years later ?en- Fnston %a& ron&e& ' Aginil&o an& %is little /an& of 'rotesting 'atriots, t%e Army me&icos (ere sent to t%e #slan&s (it% instrctions to 4accinate e4ery little /ro(n man t%ey col& catc%- #t meant %ge 'rofits to American '%armacetical %oses- *o (%at %a''ene& 5 94ery little /ro(n man t%ey col& catc% (as 4accinate& an& insi&e of t%ree years small'o8 %a& increase& tenfol& in t%e +%ili''ine #slan&s- # Jote from 3illiam Ho(ar& Hay, $- D-, (%o nee&s no intro&ction to t%e me&ical or &rgless 'rofessions<
I,%e tre figres on 4accination for small'o8 %a4e ne4er got /efore t%e '/lic, t%og% t%ey can /e seen in t%e files of t%e 4arios &e'artments of t%e army as (ell as t%e go4ernment, if one cares to as1 for t%em- #f t%e recor& of 4accination in t%e +%ili''ines alone (ere e4er to /ecome matter of general 1no(le&ge it (ol& finis% 4accination in t%e (%ole contry, at least among t%ose (%o are a/le to rea& an& t%in1 for t%emsel4es-
IAfter t%ree years of t%e most rigi& 4accination, (%en almost e4ery little /ro(n man %a& /een 4accinate& from one to si8 The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 12B / 210 times, t%ere occrre& t%e se4erest e'i&emic of small'o8 t%at t%e islan&s %a& e4er seen, (it% a &eat% rate rnning in 'laces to almost se4enty 'er cent, an& in all (ell o4er si8ty t%osan& &eat%s- Di& yo e4er 1no( t%is /efore5 Assre&ly not- I7et it is fon& in t%e go4ernment recor&s in ;st t%is form- $anila an& t%e srron&ing 'ro4ince (ere 4accinate& most t%orog%ly, also t%ey s%o(e& t%e %ig%est case recor& an& &eat% recor& of t%e (%ole arc%i'elago, (%ile some of t%e otlying contry (as not so t%orog%ly 4accinate& an& esca'e& (it% 'ro'ortionately less &isease-I
#n c%ec1ing Dr- Hay's figres # (ent to t%e Army $e&ical Gi/rary in 3as%ington- # fon& t%at t%e reglar annal re'ort on +%ili''ine Healt%, (it% facts an& figres a/ot e4ery &isease an& t%e acti4ities of American %ealt% at%orities in t%e #slan&s, for t%e years 1H99,1900, 1901 an& 1902 %a& /een remo4e& from t%e files an& stac1s of t%e *rgeon ?eneral's Gi/rary- ,%e cler1 in c%arge trie& to /e %el'fl- He, too, (as '66le& at t%e missing 4olmes- After /ot% of s s'ent %alf a &ay ftiley trying to fin& t%em, n&er t%e 'resm'tion t%at t%ey mig%t %a4e /een misfile&, (e %a& to gi4e '- @t it (as o/4ios to me t%at t%is looting of '/lic recor&s %a& /een 'er'etrate& to 're4ent anyone from Joting 4er/atim from t%em to s''ort Dr- Hay's statement- # am tol& t%at t%e missing 4olmes also re4eale& t%at CD4 of or 4accinate& sol&iers in t%e +%ili''ines in t%e for years en&ing in 1901 contracte& small'o8 an& 249 &ie&- IDoes 4accination 're4ent small'o85I &i&n't seem to /e a $C4 Jestion t%ere- #n fact, it (as no Jestion at all- 3e %a4e some later statistics on t%e +%ili''ine *mall'o8 Front- #n t%e years 191H, 1919 an& 1920 " after 20 years of com'lsory 4accination " t%e greatest small'o8 e'i&emic in +%ili''ine %istory occrre&, (it% 1C2,B0= cases an& D1,4B= &eat%s- #n t%e 'ro4ince of .i6al, (%ic% srron&s $anila (%ere t%e re'resentati4es of t%e 4accine com'anies %a& %ea&Jarters, t%ey %a& a &eat% rate of CD-24 'er 100- ,%is (as t%ree an& a %alf times t%e &eat% rate s%o(n in any 'art of t%e arc%i'elago /efore 4accination came to t%e +%ili''ines- @ro1en &o(n for 191H t%e re'ort s%o(s t%at =,2HB,=DC Fili'inos (ere 4accinate&, 4D,=C9 came &o(n (it% small'o8, 1C,4DD &ie&- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 12C / 210 #n 1919 t%ey more t%an &o/le& eac% o'eration (%ic% (ol& seem to 'ro4e t%is 'oint- ,%e nm/er of 4accinations totalle& D,CD0,2B2, t%e nm/er of cases of small'o8 CB,1H0 an& t%e nm/er of &eat%s 44,40H- # feel constraine& to Jote /riefly one &rgless at%ority, Dr- Harry .- @y/ee, of >orfol1, Ea-, 'resi&ent of t%e >ational !%iro'ractic Association an& a man &istingis%e& in t%e science (%ic% %e 'ractices- *'ea1ing of 4accination %e sai&<
I$y %onest o'inion is t%at 4accination is t%e case of more &isease an& sffering t%an anyt%ing # col& name- # /elie4e t%at sc% &iseases as cancer, sy'%ilis, ol& sores an& many ot%er &isease con&itions are t%e &irect reslts of 4accination- 7et, in t%e state of Eirginia an& many ot%er states, 'arents are com'elle& to s/mit t%eir c%il&ren to t%is 'roce&re (%ile t%e me&ical 'rofession not only recei4es its 'ay for t%is n(ante& ser4ice, /t ma1es s'len&i& an& 'rofita/le 'atients for t%e ftre-I
#t (ill /e note& t%at t%is &rgless 4ie( of 4accination is conser4ati4e com'are& (it% t%e 4ie(s of many me&ical &octors- Dr- @y/ee, for instance, is mc% more restraine& in %is general &iagnosis t%an Dr- Her/ert *no(, for many years t%e senior srgeon of t%e !ancer Hos'ital in Gon&on, (%o sai&< IOf recent years many men an& (omen in t%e 'rime of life %a4e &ro''e& &ea& s&&enly, often after atten&ing a (e&&ing feast or /anJet- I# am con4ince& t%at some H0P of t%ese &eat%s are case& /y t%e inoclations or 4accinations t%ey %a4e n&ergone- ,%ese are (ell 1no(n to case gra4e an& 'ermanent &isease to t%e %eart- ,%e coroner al(ays %s%es it ' (it% '>atral !ases'-I Dr- 3- @- !lar1e of #n&iana'olis (as e4en more 'ositi4e (%en %e sai&< I!ancer (as 'ractically n1no(n ntil co('o8 4accination /egan to /e intro&ce&- # %a4e %a& to &o (it% at least 200 cases of cancer, an& # ne4er sa( a case of cancer in an n4accinate& 'erson-I Dr- :- $- +ee/les of *an Diego, at t%e trn of t%e centry, ma&e as t%orog% a scientific in4estigation of 4accination as col& /e ma&e- He (as so im'resse& (it% t%e fallacies (%ic% %a4e /een The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 12D / 210 s'rea& far an& (i&e /y t%e '%armacetical manfactrers t%at %e (rote a /oo1 on t%e s/;ect- Among %is reftacios fin&ings (ere< I,%e 4accination 'ractice, 's%e& to t%e front on all occasions /y t%e me&ical 'rofession an& t%rog% 'olitical conni4ance ma&e com'lsory /y t%e state, %as not only /ecome t%e c%ief menace an& greatest &anger to t%e %ealt% of t%e rising generation, /t li1e(ise t%e cro(ning otrage 'on t%e 'ersonal li/erty of t%e American citi6en- I,%e fee)%nting &octors are incessantly %on&ing t%e legislatres for more stringent com'lsory enactments, /y (%ic% t%ey (ill /e ena/le& to inflict an& re'eat t%is &egra&ing rite 'on &efenseless 'eo'le for t%e en%ancement of t%eir re4enes- I!om'lsory 4accination, 'oisoning t%e crimson crrents of t%e %man system (it% /rte)e8tracte& lym'% n&er t%e strange infatation t%at it (ol& 're4ent small'o8, (as one of t%e &ar1est /lots t%at &isfigre& t%e last centry- I,%e ma;ority of &octors are /e%in& t%e times- ,%ey may %a4e &i'lomas, /t t%ey are laggar&s- ,%ey are not st&ents- $any of t%em 'refer t%e golf corse to t%e 'ost gra&ate corse, t%e cl/room to t%e me&ical la/oratory, t%e cigar to t%e clinic I#t is a&mitte& t%at 're4ention is 'refera/le to cre- An& t%ere is not an intelligent me&ical 'ractitioner in t%e lan& (%o (ill nJalifie&ly ris1 %is re'tation 'on t%e statement t%at 4accination is a 'ositi4e 're4ention of small'o8- Eolmes of statistics, as (ell as t%e %ig%est me&ical science in t%e Knite& *tates, !ana&a, 9nglan& an& t%e !ontinent (ol& /e &irectly against %im- I,%e most t%at any '%ysician of goo& stan&ing no( conten&s is t%at 4accination mo&ifies t%e &isease- ,%is is stotly &enie&- On t%e contrary it aggra4ates t%e &isease as t%ere are t(o 'oisons no( in t%e system instea& of one for natre to conten& against- I#t is sanitation, &iet, 're air, calmness of min&, confi&ence an& cleanliness t%at mo&ify t%e small'o8- All of t%ese mo&ifiers are infinitely c%ea'er, safer an& in e4ery (ay 'refera/le to co('o8 'oison (%ic%, if it &oes not 1ill, often mar1s, maims an& so(s t%e see&s of ftre ec6ema, tmors, lcers, car/ncles, cancer an& le'rosy- I3e %a4e at or comman& testimonies " scores of testimonies " 'ro4ing /eyon& any 'ossi/le &o/t t%at men n4accinate& %a4e nrse& small'o8 'atients in %os'itals at &ifferent times, for The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 12H / 210 years, an& ne4er too1 t%e &isease- On t%e ot%er %an& (e %a4e, (it% &ates an& figres, t%e most 'ositi4e 'roof t%at t%ose (%o %a4e /een 4accinate& " 4accinate& t(o an& t%ree times " too1 t%e &isease (%en e8'ose& an& &ie& t%erefrom- ,%ese facts are n&enia/le-I A- $- .oss, $- D-, seems to %a4e smme& ' /riefly, sccinctly an& nans(era/ly (/y t%e 4accine manfactrers an& 4en&ors) t%e case of small'o8, (%ic% s%o(s t%at a&&ing fel to flames (ill not 't ot t%e fire- Dr- .oss sai&< I3%ere4er t%e streets are narro(, t%e lanes an& corts filt%yQ (%ere cess'its a/on& an& filt% is allo(e& to accmlate an& fermentQ (%ere t%e (ea1, intem'erate an& nclean congregate toget%er, an& (%ere t%e c%il&ren are ill)fe& an& /a&ly clot%e& " t%ere small'o8 ma1es its %ome an& riots in filt% an& &eat%-I
,%e small'o8 an& //onic 'lage e'i&emics in 9nglan& sto''e& (%en sc% con&itions (ere cleane& '- An& t%ese e'i&emics &i& not sto' ntil t%en- ,%e 9ncyclo'e&ia @ritannica lays t%e fairy tale tol& American troo's of t%e recent 3orl& 3ar, (%o (ere s1e'tical as to t%e yello( fe4er serm (%ic% lai& so many of t%em lo(- ,%is yarn (as t%at serm %a& sto''e& all yello( fe4er- ,%e 9ncyclo'e&ia, as it is in most t%ings, (as consi&era/ly more accrate in t%is matter- #t 'ointe& ot first t%at $a;or 3alter .ee& of t%e Army $e&ical !or's first I'ro4e& t%e fallacy of Dr- !arlos Finlay's notion t%at yello( fe4er (as transmitte& /y fomites in /e&&ing, clot%ing, etc-, of 'atients sffering from yello( fe4er-I I*ince t%e &isease (as not ta1en /y animals,I t%e 9ncyclo'e&ia contines, It%ere (as no met%o& of 'roof e8ce't /y e8'eriments 'on %man /eings- @y a set of e8'eriments, in (%ic% some of .ee&'s co)(or1ers sacrifice& t%eir li4es, $a;or .ee& 'ro4e& to a s1e'tical (orl& t%at t%e yello( fe4er 'arasite (as carrie& only /y t%e mosJito an& t%at its /ite case& t%e &isease only n&er certain con&itions-
F$ossessed of this .no<ledge( Army sanitary engineers eradi;ated yello< fe9er from 3ua. 7t has sin;e een largely eliminated from ;i9iliCed ,ortions of the <orld.F
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 129 / 210 Dr- :ose'%son, my me&ical frien& in >e( 7or1 (%o %as &one mc% researc% into so)calle& immni6ation in connection (it% %is o(n /oo1s an& (ritings says of 'nemonia serm (in %is /oo1 I$erc%ants #n $e&icineI)< I#t (as fon& t%at 'nemococcs germs col& /e gro'e& into for gro's or ty'es- *erms (ere 're'are& for eac% of t%ese ty'es of germs /y t%eir in;ections into %orses an& ra//its- 3%en 'atients (ere treate& (it% t%em it (as fon& t%at t%ere (as no material &ifference in t%e &eat% rate as com'are& (it% t%e ntreate& cases- I,%og% of 'ractically no 4ale in t%e 're4ention of &eat% from 'nemonia, t%e serm itself may menace t%e %ealt% an& life of t%e 'atient " as may any ot%er serm- @t t%e researc% (or1ers in t%e fiel& refse& to a&mit t%e o/4ios failre of t%e anti) 'nemococcs serms- I,%eir 'osition an& inflence ena/le& t%em to maintain t%emsel4es as 'at%orities' an& to force t%e acce'tance of t%eir o/4iosly erroneos 4ie(s- ,%ey create& nmeros 'refinements' in t%e ty'ing of germs (%ic% 'rogressi4ely increase& t%e nm/er of ty'es from for to =0- I,%is ena/le& t%em to 'lace t%e /lame for t%e failre of t%eir serm on t%e met%o& of ty'ing- ,%e greater nm/er of ty'es ma&e it more rea&ily 'ossi/le to mani'late t%e reslts o/taine& in sc% manner as to ma1e t%e serm a''ear a /it more sccessfl-I Of %is researc% into t%e actal reslts of serm, allege& to cre, 're4ent or mitigate infantile 'aralysis, %e (rites< IA flagrant instance (as t%e &eat% of scores of %mans reslting from t%e a&ministration of so)calle& 'immni6ation serm' in t%e treatment of 'ersons ss'ecte& of %a4ing infantile 'aralysis in 19=1- ,%is (as a case of &eli/erate ris1 an& sacrifice of %man life /y e8'erimentation engage& in /y a committee of t%e >e( 7or1 Aca&emy of $e&icine- ,%e committee (as %ea&e& /y t%e late Dr- Ginsly .- 3illiams (%ose 'osition interloc1e& t%e Organi6e& $e&icine an& *ocial *er4ice .ac1ets- IFor (riting an article in !OGG#9.'* $aga6ine, 'certifying' t%at Fran1lin D- .oose4elt (as '%ysically fit to /e +resi&ent of t%e Knite& *tates, Dr- 3illiams (as mentione& as a 'ros'ecti4e *ecretary of Healt% (%ic% 'osition (as to %a4e /een create& for %im in t%e !a/inet /y ?o4- .oose4elt (%en %e /ecame +resi&ent- Gi1e so many ot%er .oose4elt 'romises t%is (as forgotten (%en %e ac%ie4e& t%e state& goal- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=0 / 210 I,%e sale of t%is fa1e cre, an& its atten&ant '/licity ((%ic% /ac1fire&) (as &esigne& to /il& ' Dr- 3illiams as a national figre- @t t%e /est at%orities on t%e s/;ect neJi4ocally con&emne& t%e 'Ginsly' serm on t%e /asis of accmlate& &ata- ,%ey 'rononce& it of Jestiona/le 4ale an& actally in;rios (%en se& in certain manners- IAt a %earing /efore t%e @oar& of !ensors of t%e >e( 7or1 !onty $e&ical *ociety on $arc% 11, 19=2, Dr- 3illiams 'lace& t%e res'onsi/ility for t%e &isastros e8'eriment sJarely on t%e .oc1efeller #nstitte- He sai& t%e 'st&y' (as ma&e on t%e 'recommen&ation' of for &octors on t%e staff of t%is otfit-I Of t%e &i'%t%eria /ranc% of t%e Drg ,rst's +rofit Der/y, Dr- :ose'%son con&emne& t%e *c%ic1 test an& &i'%t%eria to8in, anti) to8in an& to8oi& as Inot (%olly relia/leI an& often &o(nrig%t %armfl- He (rites< I,%e trt% (it% regar& to *c%ic1 test 'immni6ations' (as &eli/erately s''resse& (%en it (as fon& t%at often t%e c%il&ren in a family (%o are 'immni6e&' an& s''ose&ly 'rotecte& against t%e &isease sccm/e& to &i'%t%eriaQ (%ereas c%il&ren (%o %a& not /een ''rotecte&' esca'e& t%e &isease- I+ro'agan&ists try to claim t%e &ro' in &i'%t%eria some years ago (as case& /y anti)to8in- ,%is is not t%e case- A carefl st&y of t%e sitation re4eals t%e fact t%at t%e &ro' in &i'%t%eria closely 'arallels t%e im'ro4e& &istri/tion of fres% 4egeta/les an& citrs frits ot of season, an& t%eir increase& se- ,%ese 'ro&cts contain Eitamin !, (%ic% is 1no(n to netrali6e t%e &i'%t%eria to8in an& to 'rotect against its 'oisonos effects- I#n t%e last Jarter of 19=D, a/ot fi4e years after t%e costly an& %ysterical anti)to8in cam'aign, &i'%t%eria claime& 2B= 4ictims in >e( 7or1 !ity, of (%om ten &ie&- *ome c%il&ren lost t%eir li4es /ecase &el&e& '%ysicians felt sre t%at t%e mem/rane (%ic% a''eare& in t%e t%roat of a c%il& t%at %a& /een 'immni6e&' col& not 'ossi/ly /e &i'%t%eria- I@t t%e cam'aign /ooste& materially t%e /siness of firms engage& in t%e 'ro&ction an& sale of t%e &i'%t%eria 'ro&cts in4ol4e&- As a reslt of t%e cam'aign, millions of &oses of t%e material (ere sol& /y a gro' of &rg firms at sr'risingly stan&ar&i6e& 'rices (%ic% yiel& 4ery %ig% 'rofits-I +lease note again t%at Dr- :ose'%son is not a &rgless &octor, /t a me&ical one- Also t%at %e ma&e consi&era/ly more t%an 4H in anatomy (%en %e 'asse& t%e >e( 7or1 *tate @oar& e8am- An& t%at %e %as ma&e a sccess of %is 'ri4ate 'ractice of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=1 / 210 me&icine for years, nli1e many Jac1s (%o s'en& t%eir li4es on t%e '/lic 'ayroll /ecase t%ey cannot sccee& in 'ri4ate 'ractice- One of t%ese Jac1s is ?eorge *- .%lan&, Healt% Officer for t%e District of !olm/ia- As # (rite t%is /oo1 %e " an& t%e 3as%ington ne(s'a'ers " are engage& in one of t%ose %ysterical cam'aigns (%ic% Dr- :ose'%son &escri/e& in attem'ting to sell t%osan&s of &oses of 'ractically (ort%less serms for &i'%t%eria, 'olio, small'o8, etc-, to t%e 3as%ington '/lic- ,%e ne(s'a'ers are more or less /lameless for t%eir e&itors %a4e ne4er rea& :ose'%son, Hay, @y/ee, ,il&en, !lar1e, Fraser, an& ot%ers (%o %a4e ma&e in&e'en&ent st&ies of t%e allege& affects of t%ese /iologicals- ,%ey &on't 1no(- An& it is &o/tfl if .%lan& &oes eit%er, since %e (as ne4er a/le to earn a li4ing in 'ri4ate 'ractice /t %as /een on t%e '/lic 'ayroll for many years- .%lan& calls for 4accination of t%e yong starting at si8 mont%s- #f t%e 'eo'le of t%e District of !olm/ia too1 %im seriosly, n&o/te&ly t%e nation's ca'ital (ol& /e a commnity of in4ali&s /efore 19D0, if not sooner- Alt%og% t%e ma1ers of ty'%oi& s%ots (for instance) claim t%at one e4ery t%ree years (ill 're4ent ty'%oi&, .%lan& calls for many s%ots in /et(een- He calls t%em I/ooster s%ots-I ,%is is a 4ery goo& name, for t%eir in;ection %a'%a6ar&ly (ill certainly /oost t%e 'rofits of t%e Drg ,rst, as (ell as t%ose of t%e n&erta1ers an& t%e cemetery cor'orations- # (ol& li1e to Jote from me&ical &octors on t%e ot%er si&e of t%is e8tremely im'ortant contro4ersy- # %a4e yet to fin& a single &octor (%o can 'oint to a single case an& say 'ositi4ely " e8ce't in %is o(n o'inion " t%at 4accines or serms %a4e e4er 're4ente& anyt%ing- # al(ays get t%ese 1in& of ans(ers to t%is im'ortant Jestion " t%e I'roI of immni6ation< I3e /elie4e serms immni6e,I or I#t is acce'te& me&ical 'ractice,I or I*cientific me&icine says it &oes-I
>e4er &o (e %ear it sai& /y sers of serms t%at t%e most ent%siastic a&4ocates of it are t%e &etail men from t%e '%armacetical %oses t%at %a4e t%em for sale- Ho(e4er, Dr- :- F- @al&(in, (%en %e (as +resi&ent of t%e O%io *tate $e&ical Association in 1920, &i& not mince (or&s (%en %e sai&< The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=2 / 210 IAt t%e 'resent time t%e 'rofession is /eing o4er(%elme& (it% tra4eling re'resentati4es of manfactring &rg %oses (%o, in a&&ition to all sorts of &rgs, are foisting 'on s serms an& 4accines an& 're'arations of 4arios organs, 'ractically none of (%ic% %as /een &emonstrate& to %a4e any 4ale (%ate4er, an& most of (%ic% are 1no(n /y intelligent '%ysicians to /e (ort%less or (orse- I# %a& a little corres'on&ence sometime ago (it% one of t%ese manfactrers- ,%og% %e a&mitte& t%at t%e /est men in t%e 'rofession &i& not se sc% 're'arations, %e seeme& %a''y in telling me %o( many million &oses %e %a& sol& to t%e ot%er 1in& in t%e corse of a year- I,%e treatment of &iseases or t%eir 're4ention, /y antito8ins, serms an& 4accines is still 4ery largely in t%e e8'erimental stage, (it% gra4e &o/ts as to t%e 4ale of t%e 4ast ma;ority- Knfortnately, mc% of or literatre on t%ese s/;ects, incl&ing statistics, is frnis%e& /y t%e manfactrers (%o are intereste&, a/o4e all t%ings in t%e financial as'ects of t%eir 'ro&ction-I
:o%n @- Fraser, $- D-, of ,oronto, !ana&a, after an in4estigation of t%e immni6ation t%eories of %is colleages, re'orte& in an article entitle& I,%e ,o8oi& $aniaI (%ic% (as 'rinte& in t%e ,oronto $ail an& 9m'ire, t%s< I,o8oi& (ill not 're4ent &i'%t%eria- An& " ,o8oi& may case ftre tro/le- ,%e reason to8oi& %as faile& to 're4ent &i'%t%eria is t%at its 're'aration is /ase& on a last)centry s''osition t%at &i'%t%eria is &e to a s'ecial germ (%ic% generates a to8in or 'oison, an& to8oi& is se& to 're4ent t%e &e4elo'ment of t%at germ- Gater scientific in4estigation %as s%o(n t%at t%ese germs (ill neit%er case &i'%t%eria nor generate to8ins- !onseJently one nee& not loo1 for sccess /ase& on false i&eas-I #t (ol& /e s'erflos to sggest (%at t%e Drg ,rst an& its smear /n& &i& to Dr- Fra6er for t%is I%eresyI or, in 'lainer an& more %onest 9nglis%, &e)'rofiti6ation of t%eir /alance s%eet- ,%e '%armacetical %oses (ol& li1e to forget t%e Ie'i&emicI in Dallas, ,e8as, an& srron&ing to(ns in 1920 (%en t%ey an& t%eir anti)to8ins 1ille& 100 c%il&ren an& in;re& many more for life- ,%e claim (as ma&e t%at t%e serm (%ic% (as sol& to t%e &rggists in Dallas t%at year (as Is'oile&I or Is/)stan&ar&-I >ot%ing (as sai& a/ot t%e 'ro'agan&a cam'aign (%ic% The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1== / 210 'rece&e& t%is (%olesale infantici&e " an& /rog%t it a/ot- $c% (as sai& a/ot t%e 'altry $DH,000 t%e com'any res'onsi/le for t%e (%olesale mr&er 'ai& ot to /erea4e& 'arents (%o raise& too mc% fss a/ot it to sit t%e Drg ,rst- #n 94anston, #ll-, a D)year ol& name& :ames !onnor &ie& t%ree mintes after /eing a&ministere& anti)scarlet fe4er serm- ,%e coroner's ;ry (as tol& /y t%e &octors (%o 1ille& t%e /oy t%at t%e serm col&n't 'ossi/ly %a4e 1ille& %im- *o con4incing (as t%eir la(yer t%at t%e ;ry officially &eci&e& t%e /oy %a& &ie& of Is%oc1-I 3%at (as t%e &ifference5 *ome '%ysicians are a little /lnt in a''raising t%e monetary 4ale of me&ical fa&s an& cstoms- #n s'ea1ing /efore a gat%ering of t%eir o(n t%ey are li1ely to say t%ings t%at &o not loo1 so goo& (%en &issecte& /y laymen or at%ors t%e morning after- One sc% elogy of $e&ical $ammonart, (%ic% stic1s in or memory, came from Dr- $att%e( +feiffen/arger, (%en %e (as 'resi&ent of t%e #llinois *tate $e&ical *ociety in 192C- Dr- +feiffen/arger s'o1e /efore t%e annal conference of #llinois Healt% officers at Alton- ,%in1ing %is s'eec% (ol& remain in Ifamily circlesI %e n/ls%ingly sai&<
I+re4ention 'ractice& to its tmost (ill create more (or1 for t%e '%ysician an& 3#GG >O, D#$#>#*H #,, for t%e flltime %ealt% officer (ill /e e&cating %is commnity constantly- ,%ere (ill /e more 4accinating, more immni6ing, more conslting an& se of t%e '%ysician- His ser4ices (ol& /e increase& manifol&- I# am informe& t%at e'i&emic an& infections case only 12 'ercent of all &eat%s, an& t%at t%e 'ercentage is &eclining ra'i&ly- Only 1B 'ercent of all c%il&ren (ol& e4er get &i'%t%eria, e4en n&er e'i&emic con&itions, (%ile 100P are 'ros'ects for antito8in- I,%e 'ercentage for small'o8, n&er 'resent con&itions is e4en lessQ /t 100P are 'ros'ects for 4accination- *carlet fe4er (ill soon come in for its 100P also, as it may for measles, ;&ging from t%e re'orts on t%at &isease- ,y'%oi& fe4er is &isa''earing, DK9 ,O *A>#,A,#O>, /t 4accination s%ol& /e se& (%en t%e in&i4i&al tra4els into n1no(n territory an& contries-I
#f t%ere is any &o/t in yor min& as to t%e money angle " ''ermost in t%e min&s of *O$9 '%ysicians an& AGG &rg The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=4 / 210 %oses an& '%armacetical &etail men, consi&er t%e statement of ?y G- Aiefer, $- D-, (%en %e (as !ommissioner of Healt% for $ic%igan- #n an article '/lis%e& in t%e :ornal of t%e $ic%igan *tate $e&ical *ociety, %e sai&<
I3it% 100,000 /a/ies /orn e4ery year t%e increase in the '%ysician's income for &i'%t%eria anti)to8in (ol& /e from a Jarter to t%ree)Jarters of a million &ollars if (e col& immni6e all c%il&ren against t%is &isease soon after t%ey are si8 mont%s ol&- I,%ere (ol& /e an a&&itional $200,000 if (e col& immni6e t%em against small'o8- #mmni6ation against ot%er &iseases (ol& %el' increase t%e earnings of t%e '%ysicians (%o acti4ely s'onsor t%is mo&ern ty'e of 'ractice-I
*ometimes a me&ical &octor (ill ta1e %is Ire'tationI in %is %an&s an& come ot (it% a s'a&e)calling &issertation on a fa4orite me&ical myt%- Al(ays t%e Drg ,rst an& its stooges an& me&ims &o t%eir tmost to &estroy any sc% I'startI (%o %as t%e temerity to en&anger e4en t%e slig%test 'ercentage of t%eir monetary 'rofits- # can remem/er t%e statement /y Dr- !%ester A- *te(art, Assistant +rofessor of +e&iatrics at t%e $e&ical !ollege of t%e Kni4ersity of $innesota (s/si&i6e& (it% $21C,)C4= of Drg ,rst money), (riting in t%e :ornal Gancet< I,%e occrrence of s&&en s%oc1 reaction follo(ing t%e a&ministration of serms to c%il&ren (%o %a4e /een immni6e& /y to8in)anti)to8in in;ections n&o/te&ly is far more common t%an a sr4ey of t%e literatre in&icates- ,%e (riter %as fon& consi&era/le nm/er of '%ysicians (%o %a4e %a& similar e8'eriences (%ic% (ere not re'orte&- I3%y &o &octors tal1 ''re4ention' (it% sc% ncertain reme&ies5 3%y are t%ey see1ing t%e 'o(er to control t%e '/lic, to com'el t%e a&ministration of t%eir many Jestiona/le reme&ies5 #t may /e a matter of %manity (it% some, /t it is more a matter of money (it% t%ose of t%e s(i4el c%air ty'e-I
IEirs is a (or& meaning 'oison,I (e %ear from Dr- 9- 9l(in @ranscom/e- I3%ile it is a fa& no( to call t%e common col& 'Eirs O' an& 'Eirs ,%is' an& 'Eirs ,%at' is (ol&n't /e entirely The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=B / 210 amiss to t%s name it- A col& is not%ing more t%an natre getting ri& of accmlate& to8ins ('oisons) in t%e /loo& stream- IEaccine 4irs is ma&e from t%e 's of a &isease& animal- #noclation is not /ase& 'on any scientific fact, /t 'on 'it is s''ose& to &o' an& 'it seems to &o' an& '(e /elie4e it &oes' an& so fort% an& so fort%- #t is s''ose& to 'ro&ce anti/o&ies, antigerms or antigens- ,%ese t%ings are myt%s- ,%ey %a4e ne4er /een isolate&- ,%ey &o not e8ist- I!arefl in4estigation (ill s%o( t%at sanitation an& more %ygienic (ays of li4ing %a4e al(ays (i'e& ot t%e 'lages- ?reat @ritain in #n&ia, an& t%e Knite& *tates in t%e +%ili''ines, %a4e fon& t%at it &oes no goo& to 4accinate nless sanitation is 'ractice&- I>or(ay %as a/olis%e& 4accination- 9nglan& an& *cotlan& %a4e a/olis%e& com'lsory 4accination, an& t%e &eat% rate from small'o8 %as &ecline&- Astria, t%e contry t%at ga4e /irt% to to8in)anti)to8in, %as otla(e& t%is s/stance, follo(ing many &eat%s from its se-I Dr- @ranscom/e, (riting in +lain ,al1 $aga6ine, sai&< I#n t%e Franco)+rssian 3ar e4ery ?erman sol&ier (as 4accinate&- !am's (ere s%ifte& so ra'i&ly t%at sanitation measres col& not /e enforce&- ,%e reslt (as t%at B=,2HH ot%er(ise a/le)/o&ie& an& %ealt%y men, ''rotecte&' /y calf 's, &e4elo'e& small'o8- ,%e &eat% rate (as %ig%- I,o all 'ractical 'r'oses t%e 'eo'le of Astralia are n4accinate&- Dring t%e 1B years from 1909 to 192= Astralia %a& only si8 &eat%s from small'o8- An& it %a& t%e secon& lo(est &eat% rate from all &iseases of any contry on eart%- I#n :a'an, /y com'lsion, e4eryone is 4accinate& for small'o8 /t, in 22 years, :a'an %a& 2HB,0C1 recor&e& cases of small'o8 an& DD,B00 recor&e& &eat%s- :a'an stan&s among t%e %ig%est in &eat% rate from all &iseases of t%e contries of t%e (orl&-I An& loo1 (%o's tal1ing no( " t%e American $e&ical Association- ,%e gree& of t%e '%armacetical %oses &ring t%e fl e'i&emic of 191H, an& t%e (ay t%ey 't 'ressre on t%e o4er(or1e& an& %arasse& me&ical &octors of t%e contry to in;ect anyt%ing an& e4eryt%ing t%ey %a& to sell in t%e (ell an& sic1 ali1e, /rog%t t%is (arning to mem/er &octors<
I,%e &anger of commerciali6e& t%era'etics %as /een The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=C / 210 enormosly increase& /y t%e intro&ction of /iologic 'ro&cts- ,%ese s/stances offer a ric% fiel& for t%e commercially)min&e&- ,%e inflen6a e'i&emic last year (as (i&es'rea& an& total in c%aracter- IHo(e4er, t%ere (ere more t%an enog% manfactrers rea&y to 'lace any 'ro&ct on t%e mar1et (it% s'ecios claims t%at col& not 'ositi4ely /e &enie&- Eaccines, serms, 'roteins " all (ere a&4ance& (it% sc% glo(ing statements as to t%eir 'ro'erties t%at only t%ose '%ysicians (%o 1e't t%eir feet firmly on soli& gron& col& resist t%e a''eal-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=D / 210
3ha,ter 5 3enturies Of $rogress ,%e %istory of me&icine on t%e one %an& is not%ing more t%an a %istory of 4ariationsQ an& on t%e ot%er %an& a still more mar4elos %istory of %o( e4ery ot%er sccessfl 4ariation %as, /y me&ical /o&ies, /een friosly &enonce& an& t%en /igote&ly a&o'te&- " *ir 3illiam Hamilton- " ,%ree %n&re& an& eig%ty)fi4e years ago t%e first '%armaco'oeia (as '/lis%e&- #t liste& 1,100 Ime&icinal agentsI an& (as title& I+%armaco'oeia Agstana-I ,%s (as t%e traffic in &rgs first intro&ce& into t%e category of I@ig @siness-I ,o&ay, so t%e 2=r& e&ition of t%e Knite& *tates Dis'ensatory tells s, t%e &rg traffic %as gro(n into t%e enormos total of o4er =0,000 Iitems-I ,%ree %n&re& years ago 'igeon &ng an& grass%o''er s'tm (ere solemnly se& as me&icines- ,o&ay concoctions a t%osan& times as &ea&ly are solemnly sJirte& into t%e %man /loo&stream on e4ery 1no(n 'rete8t, s%ortening t%e li4es of t%e 4ictims an& ma1ing ntol& 'rofits for t%e Drg ,rst- ,%e Drg ,raffic %as /ecome a ten /illion &ollar in&stry- ,%e 'rofits of some of t%e lea&ing serm ma1ers an& &rg 'e&&lers %a4e reac%e& fantastic figres, accor&ing to t%eir financial re'orts '/lis%e& in stan&ar& in&strial manals- Hn&re&s of millions of &ollars %a4e /een 'ai& /y t%e &rg interests to many me&ical colleges to mis)e&cate st&ents into t%e e8cessi4e se of &rgs, an& to 're4ent t%em from learning t%e &ea&ly an& &ea&ening effect of &rgs on t%e %man system- An& " >ot a t%in &ime %as /een allocate& to any &rgless college t%o &rgless '%ysicians to&ay are ma1ing cres of cases in (%ic% &rgs %a4e faile& an& (%ic% me&ical &octors mar4el at an& call Imiracles-I 3%en !%arles ## of 9nglan& lay &ying from a con4lsion (%ic% attac1e& %im (%ile s%a4ing, t%e me&icos of t%at &ay left no stone ntrne& in %el'ing %im along to t%e ?reat @eyon&- First, %e (as /le& of a 'int of /loo&- ,%en %is s%ol&er (as ct an& eig%t onces more of /loo& e8tracte& /y c''ing- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=H / 210 ,%en follo(e& an emetic, a 'rgati4e an& anot%er 'rgati4e- >e8t, an enema in (%ic% t%ey se& antimony, sacre& /itters, roc1 salt, mallo( lea4es, 4iolet, /eet root, camomile flo(ers, fennel see&, linsee&, cinnamon, car&amom see&, saffron, coc%ineal an& aloes- ,%e enema (as re'eate&- #n t(o %ors, anot%er 'rgati4e (as gi4en- ,%e Aing's scal' (as t%en s%a4e&, an& a /lister raise& on it- ,%ey ga4e %im ne8t snee6ing 'o(&er of %elle/ore rootQ t%ey sog%t to strengt%en %is /rain /y gi4ing %im 'o(&er of co(sli' flo(ers- ,%e cat%artics (ere freJently re'eate&- He (as gi4en &rin1s of /arley (ater, licorice, s(eet almon&s, (%ite (ine, a/sint%e, anise see&, e8tracts of t%istles, re, mint an& angelica- 3%en t%ese &i& not cre %im, t%ey ga4e %im a 'laster of /rgn&y 'itc% an& 'igeon &ng, to /e a''lie& to %is feet- $ore /lee&ing, more 'rgingQ t%ey a&&e& melon see&s, manna, sli''ery elm, /lac1 c%erry (ater, e8tracts of flo(er of lime, lily of t%e 4alley, 'eony, la4en&er an& &issol4e& 'earls- 3%en t%ese &i& not &o t%e tric1, t%ey (ent at it (it% gentian root, ntmeg, Jinine an& clo4es- 3%en t%is faile&, %e (as gi4en forty &ro's of e8tract of %man s1ll- ,%en t%ey force& &o(n %is t%roat a rallying &ose of %er/s an& animal e8tracts- ,%en some 'o(&ere& /e6oar stone- Dr- *car/rg re'orte&, IAlasQ after an ill)fate& nig%t His *erene $a;esty (as so e8%aste& t%at all t%e '%ysicians /ecame &es'on&ent-I An& so, more acti4e cor&ials, an& finally 'earl ;le' an& ammonia, (ere force& &o(n t%e royal 'atient's t%roat- ,%en %e &ie&- An& (%en ?eorge 3as%ington came &o(n (it% acte laryngitis at t%e age of only CD t%e me&ics %el'e& %im too into t%e great /eyon&- Historians say %e recei4e& for /loo&)lettings, a gargle of molasses)4inegar)an&)/tter ((%ic% almost sffocate& %im), /listers of &rie& /eetles a''lie& to %is t%roat an& cata'lasms of (%eat /ran on %is legs- >o (on&er %e &ie& /efore mi&nig%t- *o ran me&ical 'ractice, in t%e goo& ol& &ays- Gess t%an t(o %n&re& years ago t%e treatment of t%e sic1 (as still confine& to s'erstition, alt%og% t%e 'et s'erstitions of t%e me&ical fraternity %a& 'rogresse& " if yo call mere c%anges +rogress- ,%e &octors of t%ose &ays son& fnny to t%e &octors of t%e 'resent- @t no fnnier t%an some of to&ay's $e&ical Doctors, (%o in;ect more filt% into t%e %man /o&y to IcreI &isor&ers case& /y t%e filt% alrea&y in t%e /o&y an& neliminate&, son& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1=9 / 210 to t%ose (%o %a4e ma&e an intelligent st&y of &isease an& t%e one t%ing t%at cases it- Among t%e 'rescri'tions to /e ta1en internally (ere 'l4eri6e& (arts, &rie& eart%(orms, &rie& sna1es, li4e /e&/gs, %og's lice, &rie& /loo& of /lac1 cats an& nanny tea &istille& from s%ee' &ro''ings- 9ac% one of t%ese Ireme&iesI (as an Iinfalli/le s'ecificI for a s'ecific %man &isease- Here are more (or&s from t%e +%armaco'oeia of less t%an t(o %n&re& years ago< *%ee' &ng (as 'rescri/e& to cre measles, t%e &rie& /ellies of s1n1s to %eal /oils, 'o(&ere& fo8's lngs to cre ast%ma, s1inne& mice for (%oo'ing cog%- +o(&ere& /ones from t%e %man s1ll (ere recogni6e& /y t%e me&ical (orl& as one of t%e greatest s'ecifics, (it% a %n&re& or more ort%o&o8 ses- Ol& me&ical %an&/oo1s recommen&e&, (%en 'atients (ere 't on &iet, ste( ma&e ot of insects, ro&ents an& t%e or&re of animals- Eiga's +laster (as a great 'atent me&icine of its &ay- Alt%og% it (as ma&e ot of 4i'er's fles%, li4e frogs an& (orms, an& (as sai& to /e /eneficial in many ailments, it 'ro/a/ly (as (ort% as mc% as many 'atent me&icines of to&ay (%ic% are sol& to t%e glli/le '/lic /y %ig% 'o(ere& a&4ertising, an& are not as &angeros as most &rgs- $oss from t%e s1ll of a 'erson (%o %a& &ie& /y 4iolence (as consi&ere& %ig%ly 'otent- Hman rine, 'ers'iration an& t%e sali4a of a fasting 'erson (ere consi&ere& to 'ossess remar1a/le %ealing Jalities- !at ointment an& oil of '''ies /oile& (it% eart%(orms (ere sai& to /e effecti4e reme&ies in cases of &ysentery- +%armacy " or '%armacy of a sort " is at least D0 centries ol&, /t t%e 'resent %ig%)'o(ere& sales an& 'romotional en& of it %as /een (it% s less t%an %alf a centry- Get s Jote from t%e /i/le of t%e '%armacal tra&e IFn&amental +rinci'les an& +rocesses of +%armacy,I '/lis%e& /y $c?ra()Hill L !om'any< I,%ere is e4i&ence t%at &isease is as ol& as life itself- ?erms, an& 'er%a's /acterial &iseases, can /e trace& to t%e car/oniferos 'erio& (%ic%, accor&ing to geology, (as 1C0,)000,000 years ago- $an, it is t%og%t, &i& not a''ear on t%e scene ntil some millennims later- 3it% man came ci4ili6ation an&, (it%ot &o/t, t%e s'rea& of &isease- I+rimiti4e 'eo'les resorte& to magic to ri& t%emsel4es of t%e afflictions t%at /eset t%em- ,%ey /elie4e& t%at t%e (orl& s(arme& (it% in4isi/le s'irits, casing &isease an& &eat%- $agic The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 140 / 210 ser4e& 'rimiti4e man in many (ays- +rimiti4e 'ractices of me&icine (ere sally associate& (it% religios /eliefs- ,%e magician " (%et%er go&, %ero, 1ing, 'riest, 'ro'%et or '%ysician " (as to t%e sa4age t%e me&icine ma1er- I,%e *merians %a& a (ell)or&ere& ci4ili6ation in @a/ylon soon after B,000 @- !- ,%ey (ere familiar (it% many &rgs an& %a& a 1no(le&ge of %ygiene, agricltre an& craftsmans%i'- $any strange &e4ices (ere se& to treat t%e sic1- IAmlets an& c%arms (ere (orn- $any sim'le reme&ies (ere se& " enemas, 'oltices, /an&ages, 'laster com'resses, sal4es an& liniments- ,%e @a/ylonians %el& strongly to t%e &emoniac i&ea of &isease- ,%e Assyrians /elie4e& t%at illness (as, in 'art at least, 'nis%ment for /rea1ing)some la( or ta/oo- I,%e first recor& of +%armacy, as sc%, (as in Ara/ia in t%e eig%t% centry- Ara/ian '%armacists im'orte& &rgs " senna, cam'%or, r%/ar/, ms1, clo4es, aconite an& mercry- I+aracelss (149=)1B41), a *(iss alc%emist an& '%ysician, tag%t t%e se of sl'%r, lea&, mercry, antimony, iron an& ot%er metals in t%era'etics- He claime& to %a4e &isco4ere& t%e eli8ir of life, /t faile& to se it on %imself as %e &ie& in %is 4Ht% year-I Dr- @en;amin .s%, signer of t%e Declaration of #n&e'en&ence an& +%ysician)?eneral of 3as%ington's Armies, t%ro(s mc% lig%t on t%e s%a1y t%eories %el& /y t%e '%ysicians of .e4oltionary &ays- @t t%ey are no more ri&iclos t%an t%e t%eories of many Imo&ernI me&ical '%ysicians, (%o are still searc%ing for a cancer /g ((%ic% &oes not e8ist), for a col& /g ((%ic% &oes not e8ist) an& for many ot%er 1in&s of t%eoretical /gs, (%ic% form I/g/earsI t%at are 4ery 'rofita/le to t%e Drg ,rst- #n Dr- .s%'s Ato/iogra'%y %e tells s t%at '%ysicians of t%e 1Bt% an& 1Ct% !entries tag%t t%at t%e /o&y fnctione& " in t%ose &ays at least " t%r for 1in&s of fli&s or I%mors-I ,%ese (ere &esignate& as "
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 141 / 210 ,%ey /elie4e& t%at /o&ily %ealt% reslte& from t%e 'ro'er /alance an& conteraction of t%e for %mors- Diseases, t%ey t%eori6e&, (ere associate& (it% e8cess or &eficiency of one or anot%er of t%em- ,%ey, t%erefore, treate& t%e Ie8cessI /y /lee&ing, 'rging an& s(eating- An& to /e consistent t%ey, of corse, treate& (%at t%ey &iagnose& as t%e I&eficiencyI /y &iet or &rgs, or /ot%- ,%is t%eory /ecame o/solete in t%e 1Dt% an& 1Ht% centries (%en t%e a&4ent of I/ioc%emistryI ma&e t%e %moral '%ysiology 'asse- A ne( Ilea&erI name& Descartes tag%t t%at t%e /o&y (as a mac%ine an& &isease (as a &istr/ance of t%e mec%anical fnctions- Dr- .s% &escri/e& t%ese t%eories as /ase& on %alf trt%s an& n4erifia/le %y'ot%eses- @efore t%e 9&in/rg% *cots too1 t%e me&ical Ilea&ers%i'I a(ay from t%e Dtc% in 1DC0, Herman @oer%aa4e (as t%e c%ief figre- He %a& (atc%e& t%e gro(t% of '%ysics an& c%emistry- He %a& /ilt ' an eclectic system in (%ic% c%emical an& '%ysical Jalities (aci&ity, al1alinity, saltness, tension an& rela8ation) re'lace& t%e ol& %moral t%eories- Drgs an& &iet (ere em'loye& in a mil& an& e8'ectant (ay- ,o s%o( %o( effecti4e t%ese met%o&s " (%ic% faile& to ta1e into accont t%e factor of sanitation (%ic% later (as to re&ce t%e inci&ence of &isease an& increase t%e s'an of %man life " (ere t%e follo(ing as gi4en in t%e .s% Ato/iogra'%y as stan&ar& 4ital statistics for t%e year 1DH9< Ot of e4ery 100 'ersons /orn in any gi4en year only C4 remaine& ali4e at t%e age of C- ,en years later (e fin& only 4C still li4ing- At t%e age of 2C only 2C remaine& an& at t%e age of =C only 1C- ,en 'ersons ot of e4ery 100 sr4i4e& to t%e age of 4C, an& si8 to t%e age of BC- Only = &eni6ens li4e& to t%e ri'e ol& age of CC an& only one in a %n&re& to DC- Of Dr- .s%'s o(n 1= c%il&ren, for &ie& less t%an fi4e mont%s after /irt% an& a fift% &ie& at t%e age of =1- ,o&ay t%ere are 'arts of t%e (orl& (%ere t%e antics of t%e $e&icine $an seem ;st as intelligent- #n Ullan&, in &ar1est Africa, (%ere t%e c%rc%es sen& missionaries to sa4e t%e sols of t%e /lac1 man, t%e $e&icine $an /re(s messes of %man 4iscera, 'ieces of stic1s, feat%ers, r%inoceros s1in an& 'tri& ele'%ant fles%- ,%en, to ma1e %is ministrations to t%e sic1 more im'ressi4e, %e %as t%e (%ole tri/e of na1e& sa4ages grease t%eir %i&es, 't grotesJe loo1ing rings in t%eir noses an& sit aron& in a circle srron&ing t%e ill 'erson (%ile %e c%ants incantations as The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 142 / 210 meaningless to %is a&ience as t%e American &octor's 'rescri'tion of to&ay, (ritten in Gatin on a small 'iece of 'a'er, is to t%e layman- 3%en A&am an& 94e (ere first 't on eart%, man &i& not nee& &octors or %ealers- Gi1e an animal left alone /y %man /eings, %e li4e& strictly in accor&ance (it% t%e la(s of >atre- #t (as (%en t%e 'o'lation /egan to gro( an& 'eo'le /egan to %er& toget%er an& &e4elo' &egenerate an& n%ygienic %a/its t%at &isease /egan to ta1e a foot%ol& in t%e %man race- ,%e most ancient me&ical formlary in t%e (orl& is s''ose& to /e t%e +a'yrs 9/ers, (%ic% is /elie4e& to %a4e /een com'ile& some(%ere aron& 1B00 @- !- #f t%e translators of t%ese ancient %ierogly'%ics (ere correct in t%eir translations, t%e ma;ority of t%e me&icaments 'rescri/e& in t%e +a'yrs (ere for t%e relief of intestinal &isor&ers- ,%e ne8t $ateria $e&ica (%ic% %as /een %an&e& &o(n /y (or& of mot% in tra&ition is t%at of Dioscori&es- ,%is (or1, t%e translators say, &etails t%e 'ro'erties of a/ot C00 me&icinal 'lants- ,%is is t%e (or1 (%ic% is sai& to %a4e ser4e& as t%e /asis for ancient an& mo&ern, Occi&ental an& Oriental, '%armaco'oeias- An& t%ey (ere salesmen in t%ose &ays, too- ,o ma1e t%ese %er/s 'o'lar, t%e ol& sage a&4ise& t%e a&&ition of s(eet flag, oli4e oil, *icyonian oil, oil of myrtle, oil of Da'%ne, (ool fat, mil1, (%ey an&/or /tter- 3%en t%e ancient .oman (ent to (ar an& (as messe& ' /y t%e enemy's /roa& a8, s'ear or ot%er (ea'on, t%e 'rescri'tion of t%e .oman army's Ime&ical cor'sI containe& %orrific ingre&ients- Hot gla&iator's /loo&, %man e8crement an& ear (a8 (ere some of t%e otstan&ing e8am'les- 3%en t%e .oman 'alate re/elle& against t%is o/no8ios mi8tre, t%e me&ical man stirre& t%e 'otion (it% %is &igits me&ics, 'ro/a/ly t%e t%ir& finger of %is left %an&- ,%is (as s''ose& to s(eeten t%e mi8tre- @t t%e enlig%tene& 'atient too1 no c%ances- He colla/orate& /y a&&ing /tter, fat or /one marro( for 'alata/ility- An&, finally, %e e8'ectorate& t%ree times /efore s(allo(ing t%e &ose- He /elie4e& t%is insre& tri'le 'otency- ,%e %man /o&y (as t%e sorce of many ingre&ients for t%e early com'ilers of national '%armaco'oeias- ,%e Gon&on an& Agstan tomes mention materials &eri4e& from t%e ca&a4ers (%ic% insre& a greater 'alata/ility an& 'otency- !%ief among The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 14= / 210 t%e I%manI reme&ies (ere I'oor sinner's fatI an& Iras'ings of s1ll n/rie&-I ,%e me&ical atten&ants 'on t%e $e&ici family, early #talian &ictators, (ere 'ro'onents of t%e se of sc% &rgs- 3e can (ell imagine t%e sa4ants, in &eli/eration, arri4ing at t%e conclsion t%at to concoct me&ical am/rosials t%e /ase, 'ar e8cellence, is eit%er a&e's %ominis, olem ossem or cranim %manm- ,%e >atral History of +liny an& t%e ancient !%inese materia me&icas (ere t%e fon&ation 'on (%ic% many of t%e 1Ht% centry '%armacologists /ase& t%eir (or1s- ,%ese sorces stresse& t%e great t%era'etic /enefits to /e &eri4e& from certain 'arts of animal anatomy- Among t%e %er/alists of t%e time (as Os(al& ,roll, at%or of t%e 'o'lar I@asilica !%ymica-I #n t%is /oo1, %e a&4ocate& t%e se of ta/lets ma&e of 'earls- ,%is me&icament, %e asserte&, (as ma&e 'ositi4ely nectareos if t(o scr'les of Oriental saffron an& a fe( grains of ms1 or am/ergris (ere a&&e& Ito 'lease t%e sense of smell an& taste-I ,%e entire 4egeta/le, animal an& mineral 1ing&oms %a4e /een ransac1e& for %ealing s/stances &ring t%e long %istory of !%inese me&icine- $any of t%e /re(s of t%e %onora/le &octors (ere %orri/le e4en to t%e %ar&ene& !elestial taste- Hence, it /e%oo4e& t%e 'rescri/er to sggest t%e a&&ition of 4arios 'alata/le menstrms- ,%e syr' of (il& frit /er/eris lycorm (Hng1(o)1i) (as consi&ere& an a''eti6ing a&&ition, as (as licorice root (Aom) ts'o)- For t%e (ealt%y 'atient, rice s'irits (as t%e 'erfect 4e%icleQ for t%e 'oor coolie, 'rne ;ice- #nci&entally, t%e more 'otent t%e me&icine, t%e more t%e cost-
3ha,ter 42 Enter The Medi;ine Man ,%e !onstittion of t%is .e'/lic s%ol& ma1e s'ecial 'ro4ision for me&ical free&om- ,o restrict t%e art of %ealing to one class (ill constitte t%e /astille of me&ical science- All sc% la(s are n)American an& &es'otic- " @en;amin @s%, $- D- " ,%e earliest recor& (e %a4e of anyt%ing a''roac%ing scientific st&y an& a''lication of t%e %ealing arts (as among t%e ancient ?ree1s a/ot C00 @- !- ,%ree of t%e greatest names in early The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 144 / 210 me&ical %istory are ?ree1 " 'Hi''ocrates, Aristotle an& ?alen- For eig%t centries an& ntil t%e &eat% of ?alen, a/ot 200 A- D-, t%e ?ree1s contine& to lea& t%e (orl& in t%e &e4elo'ment of me&icine an& often (ent into sc% t%ings as anatomy, '%ysiology an& 'at%ology- ,%e me&ical center of t%e ni4erse t%en mo4e& to 9gy't- ,%at contry &i& mc% to &e4elo' me&ical science in its early &ays- #t (as t%e first contry to go in for &rgs in a /ig (ay- ,%e first 1no(n me&ical sc%ools (ere at !os, (%ere Hi''ocrates (as /orn, an& at !ni&s- Historians say t%e most acti4e (or1 of Hi''ocrates /egan a/ot 420 @- !- an& t%at %e &ie& some(%ere /et(een =DD an& =B9- @ecase of %is s'eriority o4er t%e '%ysicians an& (ol&)/e) '%ysicians of %is &ay, %e is 1no(n as t%e Fat%er of $e&icine- #t (as Hi''ocrates (%o first 'lace& t%e crime of a/ortion in t%e class of n'ar&ona/les- ,%e me&ical st&ent to&ay generally ta1es t%e Oat% of Hi''ocrates /efore going ot to ser4e %is internes%i'- ,%e ne8t great &octor (as Aristotle, (%o li4e& from =C4 to =22 @- !- He (as 1no(n as t%e ?reat !o&ifier- He 't into concrete form an& '/lis%e&, most of t%e t%ings %e an& %is forernners %a& learne& a/ot %ealing- 9gy't (as a/sor/e& /y t%e .oman 9m'ire a/ot B0 @- !- an& t%e earliest re'orte& scientific me&ical teac%er of t%at era (as Aescla'is (%o fon&e& a great me&ical sc%ool at .ome- He ri&icle& t%e Hi''ocratic attit&e of relying on t%e %ealing 'o(er of >atre- ,%s %e so(e& t%e see&s of interfering (it% >atre to im'ress t%e 'atient (it% t%e atten&ing '%ysician's s''ose& 1no(le&ge an& a/ility- ,%e eig%t centries from A- D- 400 to 1200 sa( t%e ecli'se of great me&ical masters- !are of t%e sic1 (as n&erta1en /y mon1s (%o (ere concerne& 'rinci'ally (it% t%e imme&iate relief of t%e 'atient- $e&icine, t%erefore, &eteriorate& into a collection of formlae, 'nctre& /y incantations- @y t%e time t%e $i&&le Ages arri4e&, t%e gro(ing 'o'lation 'resente& a great 'ro/lem of '/lic %ealt%- 3ater s''ly (as al(ays &eficient- ,%ere (ere no &rains- .ooms (ere nsanitary- Disease (as ram'ant- ,%e (ay le'rosy (as treate& (as to com'letely /anis% t%e 4ictim- ,%e reslt of t%ese nsanitary con&itions, t%e &egenerate 'ractices of many 'eo'le, an& almost total ignorance of t%e la(s of >atre, /rog%t a/ot a nm/er of 'lages, incl&ing t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 14B / 210 &e4astating e'i&emic of t%e @lac1 Deat% in 1=4D an& 1=4H- At t%e start of t%e fifteent% centry, me&ical men /egan to e8'eriment more an& more, an& to careflly recor& t%e reslts of t%eir e8'eriments for 'osterity- ,%ere is a 'ictorial recor& of an attem't to cre sy'%ilis /y /lo(ing to/acco smo1e in t%e 'atient's face an& trying to sc1 t%e 'oison ot of %is arm- *anctoris, (%o &ie& in 1C=C, in4ente& t%e t%ermometer (%ic% (as later 'erfecte& /y ?alileo- #n 1C1B an 9nglis% &octor, 3illiam Har4ey, &isco4ere& t%at /loo& circlates t%rog% t%e /o&y- :st as t%e fat)%ea&e& me&icos of to&ay ri&icle an& o/strct any ne( &isco4ery in %ealing, nless a (ay can /e fon& to ma1e it 't many &ollars in t%eir 'oc1ets, or t%e coffers of t%e Drg ,rst, so t%e me&ical 'oliticians an& Jac1s of t%e 1Dt% centry ri&icle& Dr- Har4ey- ,o i&entify t%is 'erio& in t%e rea&er's min&, it (as a/ot t%e time t%e @ritis% colonists /egan to settle in an& fon& America- +re air (as an n1no(n, or rat%er a misn&erstoo&, Jantity in matters of %ealt% ' to a/ot B0 years ago- ,%ose in t%e si8ties an& ol&er (ill remem/er (%en t%ey %a& measles or some ot%er c%il&%oo& &isease, t%ey (ere 't to /e& an& t%e family &octor calle&, (%o soon came (it% a smile an& sincere interest in %is 'atient- After an e8amination an& a&4ising as to t%e care an& me&ication, %e (ol& instrct t%at t%e (in&o(s /e close& an& naile& &o(n, an& t%at crac1s an& any air %oles /e 'lgge& s%t so t%at all air /e 1e't ot- ,%e goo& &octor frt%er instrcte& t%at a %ea4y /lan1et /e %ng o4er t%e &oor so t%at as little air as 'ossi/le got into t%e sic1room (%en anyone came to care for t%e sic1- #t too1 Dr- Herman @re%mer of ?ermany si8ty long years to con4ince t%e me&ical 'rofession t%at air (as a goo& t%ing for t%e sic1- ,%en, 'resto c%angeT ,%e (ise me&ical 'rofession gra//e& t%e ne( i&ea an& many 'atients (ere almost fro6en to &eat% in tents an& o'en /il&ings so t%ey (ol& get 'lenty of fres% air- After Dr- @re%mer force& t%e me&ical &octors to recogni6e t%e 4ale of 're air, t%e A $ A %rrie&ly sent one of t%eir 'rominent mem/ers ' into t%e rarifie& air of t%e A&iron&ac1 $ontains on a fis%ing 4acation for scientific 1no(le&ge- ,%is &octor I&isco4ere&I t%at 're air (as not in;rios /t of great /enefit to t%e sic1- *o American $e&icine too1 cre&it for t%e &isco4ery of a man (%o fog%t for years to ai& %manity an& %is 'rofession- #t is (it%in t%e memory of many no( li4ing t%at (%en e4ening The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 14C / 210 came e4ery (in&o( an& &oor (as close& to 're4ent t%e Inig%t airI from contaminating t%e %ome an& en&angering t%e %ealt% an& li4es of t%e inmates- ,%e all (ise me&ical men (ere almost to a man in accor& in t%eir teac%ings t%at Inig%t airI (as &angeros an& (ere slo( to c%ange t%at o'inion ntil force& to- #s t%ere any &o/t /t t%at a great &eal of ill %ealt% an& many &eat%s follo(e& t%e nson& a&4ice of /reat%ing t%e 4itiate& air of t%e %ome (it%ot 'ro'er 4entilation5 ,%e gro(t% of 'o'lation in 9nglan& from B,000,000 'eo'le in 1CH0 to 14,000,000 in 1H2B /rog%t a/ot serios 'ro/lems to '/lic %ealt% in t%e @ritis% #sles- *e(er an& (ater mains (ere often not &ifferentiate& /et(een- 3ater (as a4aila/le only t%ree times a (ee1 an& t%en only for a fe( %ors at a time- !ess'ools (ere 'o'lar an& nco4ere& " sel&om cleane& an& ne4er &isinfecte&- *mall'o8 an& ot%er 'lages /ro1e ot- ,%e &eat% rate of c%il&ren n&er fi4e years of age (as DB0 'er 1000- @y 1H00 /etter 1no(le&ge of sanitation %a& re&ce& t%is to 41 an& /y 1914 to 14- #n an e'i&emic in !%ester in 1DD4, HBP of t%e 'eo'le (ere fon& to /e sffering from a &isease (%ic% at t%e time (as calle& small'o8 for lac1 of a /etter name- #n 1D9D :enner 'ersa&e& 'eo'le t%at if t%ey col& get small'o8 in a mil& form /y /eing inoclate& (it% t%e 's of &isease& co(s, t%ey (ol& (ar& off any aggra4ate& form of it- ,%s (as 4accination starte&- France, in t%e 19t% centry, /egan to ste' ot in t%e (orl& of &rgs an& me&icines- *ertrner &isco4ere& mor'%ine in 1H0C- !a4ento an& +elletier locate& stryc%nine in 1H1H " an& Jinine in 1H20- !ortois fon& io&ine in t%e as%es of sea(ee& in 1911- @alar& &isco4ere& /romine in 1H2C- #n 1HC0 a sc%ool of %ealing, %ea&e& /y *amel !- F- Ha%nemann, a '%ysician of Gei'6ig, ?ermany, s'rang '- ,%is (as 'artially natro'at%ic /ecase t%e secret of its sccess lay not in t%e effect of t%e fe( &rgs it se&, /t in letting >atre ta1e its corse- ,%is system (as calle& Homeo'at%y- ,%e allo'at%s, as t%e ort%o&o8ers (ere calle&, fog%t t%e %omeo'at%s- #n fact, t%ey fog%t so 4iciosly (as t%ey &o any more a&4ance& mo&ality to&ay) t%at Dr- Ha%nemann ga4e ' t%e fig%t in 1H21 an& left %is %ome fore4er- He en&e& %is &ays as a 'ractitioner in France- *atirists of t%e &ay sai& t%at t%e &istinction /et(een t%e %omeo'at%s an& allo'at%s lay in t%e fact t%at 'atients of t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 14D / 210 %omeo'at%s &ie& of t%e &isease an& 'atients of t%e allo'at%s &ie& of t%e cre- ,%e greatest /oon to man1in&, in t%e early 'art of t%e last centry, came in 1H4C (%en 3illiam $orton, a $assac%setts &entist, &isco4ere& anest%esia- @efore anot%er year (as ' et%er (as &isco4ere& an& its se starte& /y Dr- !ra(for& Gong of ?eorgia- #n 1HCB Gor& :ose'% Gister &eci&e& t%at cleanliness (as an im'ortant element in srgery- ,%is /rog%t a/ot t%e st&y an& &e4elo'ment of se'sis- #n 1HD4 great a&4ance in t%e science of %ealing (as ma&e (%en An&re( *till, a '%ysician of Air1s4ille, $o-, &isco4ere& an& &e4elo'e& osteo'at%y- ,%is met%o& of %ealing (as /ase& on t%e 'rimary 'rinci'le t%at t%e /loo& is t%e life, t%at t%e /o&y %as (it%in itself t%e fll 'o(ers of %ealing an& t%at any o/strction to t%e free flo( of t%e /loo& ten&s to case &isease- @esi&e t%ese t%ree fn&amentals, osteo'at%ic '%ysicians recogni6e& t%e effects of strain an& ot%er in;ry, 'ostre, o4er(or1, (orry, &iet, age, se8, climate, %ygiene an& sanitation- ,%ey reali6e& t%at 'lages an& e'i&emics reslte& solely from man's 4iolation of natral ('articlarly sanitary) la(s, atrocios &iet, (orry, o4er(or1, e8cesses an& ot%er in&lgencies- #n 1HH2 Aoc% (.o/ert, not 3illiam Fre&eric1) &isco4ere& t/erclar /acills- #n 1HH= Are/s &isco4ere& &i'%t%eria /acills- #n 1HHB it (as &eci&e& t%at flies carry germs- #n 1H90 @e%ring first e8'erimente& (it% &i'%t%eria antito8in, /t it (as 2B years later /efore its se (as commerciali6e& an& /ecame (i&es'rea&- #n 1H9B .oentgen &isco4ere& t%e O)ray (%ic% %as /een a great ai& to &iagnosis of all sorts- Knfortnately, t%e mercenary gentry in t%e me&ical fiel& %a4e se& it to e8tract large fees from cancer 4ictims as a 'reten&e& cre- #n 1H9B D- D- +almer &isco4ere& c%iro'ractic- #n 1H9H ty'%oi& 4accine nfortnately (as intro&ce&, t%is /eing a commercial /y)'ro&ct of t%e ty'%oi& e'i&emic among or sol&iers in t%e *'anis%)American (ar- @ot% t%e ty'%oi& an& yello( fe4er of t%at conflict (as case& mainly /y t%e criminal fee&ing of em/alme& /eef /y t%e American commissary &e'artment- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 14H / 210 Or !ommissary !or's in /ot% !/a an& Flori&a (ere also na(are t%at a &ifferent &iet is nee&e& in t%e tro'ics from t%at reJire& in t%e 'olar regions- ,roo's (ea1ene& /y t%is criminal st'i&ity of t%eir %ig%er)'s (ere easy 'rey to t%e 'oisons in;ecte& into t%eir /loo& /y mosJitoes (%ic% gro( /y t%e /illions in %ot climates- On to' of all t%is t%e Fartermaster !or's (as too st'i& to 'ro4i&e screening in cantonments- #n 190B American Army engineers /egan to /il& t%e +anama !anal- 7ello( fe4er soon &ecimate& t%e ran1s of t%e (or1ers an& t%reatene& to sto' all constrction (or1 on t%e @ig Ditc%- Dr- 3illiam !- ?orgas, later *rgeon ?eneral of t%e Army an& still later a figre%ea& +resi&ent of t%e American $e&ical Association, (as in c%arge of t%e $e&ical !or's Detac%ment on t%e #st%ms- ,%ere (as not%ing in t%e t%en)!olonel ?orgas' me&ical /oo1s t%at tol& %im %o( to fig%t a con&ition of t%at natre, since yello( fe4er serm %a& not yet /een concocte&- Gt- !ol- ?eorge 3as%ington ?oet%als, !or's of 9ngineers, K- *- Army, (as in c%arge of constrction- !ol- ?oet%als %a& %ear& of $a;or 3alter .ee&'s e8'eriment &ring t%e t%en recent *'anis%) American 3ar- #t (as 'ro4en t%at mosJitoes carry t%e 'articlar 1in& of 'oison (%ic%, (%en in;ecte& into %man /loo&, /rings a/ot a form of to8emia (%ic% attac1s t%e li4er an& cases sc% &iscoloration of t%e fles% t%at &octors calle& it Iyello( fe4er-I !ol- ?oet%als isse& or&ers to %is /attalions t%at all s(am's an& /ree&ing 'laces of mosJitoes /e eliminate&- For a time constrction (or1 on t%e canal sto''e&, (%ile e4ery a4aila/le man attac1e& yello( fe4er at its sorce- :st as American sanitary engineers %a& (i'e& ot yello( fe4er in !/a, after $a;or 3alter .ee& s%o(e& (%at case& it, ?eneral ?oet%als (t%e 9ngineer) (i'e& t%is mala&y ot in t%e !anal Uone- #n 190D t%e 3asserman test for sy'%ilis (as intro&ce&- 3%ile t%is (as 4ala/le as a sy'%ilis test 'er se, it (as e4en more 4ala/le /ecase it 'ro4e& t%at 4accination is one case of sy'%ilis- #n 191D &i'%t%eria 4accination (as commerciali6e& an& t%e innoclation of 'erfectly %ealt%y c%il&ren /egn on a nation(i&e scale- #n 191D (e %a& a great inflen6a e'i&emic (%ic% affecte& or military cantonments as (ell as or ci4ilian %omes- ,%is 'ro4e& to /e a malignant form of t%e common col& in (%ic% t%e accmlate& to8ins often &e4elo'e& into 'nemonia or semi) The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 149 / 210 'nemonia- #ts n&erlying case (as (ar %ysteria- 94eryone (as (or1ing at to' s'ee& for a greater nm/er of %ors a &ay t%an t%e %man /o&y col& stan&- 3orry o4er or /oys in France (ea1ene& many a ci4ilian /o&y an& ma&e it easier 'rey to t%e to8in loa&- Army life in t%e cantonments (as more carefree an& less /r&ene& (it% (orry an& s'ee&- @t or /oys (ere Iimmni6e&I for e4eryt%ing t%e serm com'anies col& t%in1 of- ,%is a&&itional loa&, or loa&s, of to8ins (as too mc% for many of t%em an& t%osan&s &ie& li1e flies in t%e Army cam's- $e&ical science (as %el'less- #n cam's (%ere t%e comman&ers %a& gm'tion enog% to a&mit t%e /ootleggers ((e %a& (artime 'ro%i/ition t%en) t%e mala&y (as /rog%t more Jic1ly n&er control- ,%e reason (as t%e stimls gi4en t%e organs of t%e /o&y (%ile resting on %os'ital cots, ntil natre col& eliminate t%e to8in loa&- IA&4ances in me&ical scienceI (ent into some(%at of an ecli'se in t%e ne8t t(o &eca&es- ,%e serm com'anies %a& to resort to sc% '/licity %oa8es as t%e &ogsle& &as% to >ome an& Gin&/erg% carrying serm to a stric1en 'al in t%e frigi& (astes of >e( Fon&lan&- ,%e coming of 3orl& 3ar ##, a great (ar for t%e &rg trst, re4i4e& t%e commerciali6e& e8'loitation of &rgs- O4er 200 million s%ots of serms (ere, in some cases, forci/ly in;ecte& into t%e /loo& streams of or sol&iers, sailors, marines, coast gar&smen, merc%ant mariners " an& e4en ci4ilians (%ose /siness too1 t%em ot of t%e contry- After t%e (ar somet%ing %a& to /e &one to contine /reat%) ta1ing 'rofits of t%e '%armacetical, /iological an& serm manfactrers " t%is /siness no( /eing largely in t%e %an&s of t%e .oc1efellers- >e( fa&s in &rgs (ere starte&, fanne& /y %ig%)'o(ere& '/licity in 'ress, ra&io an& maga6ines- *lfa &rgs (ere intro&ce& an& calle& Imiracle &rgs-I 3%en one of t%ese (slfat%eo6ole) 't ntol& nm/ers of 'eo'le to slee' fore4er, many &octors /egan to a/an&on t%em an& c%ange to 'enicillin- +enicillin (as calle& It%e ne( miracle &rg-I *'inal 'nctres " &ea&ly at /est " (ere intro&ce& an& %ig%ly '/lici6e&- A ne( &rg calle& stre'tomycin too1 its 'lace in t%e sn for a (%ile- ,%en /egan 'ro'agan&a for fancy)name& o'erations- ,%e most 'o'lar one (as remo4al of a I&iscI from t%e s'ine- !%arley The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B0 / 210 Aeller, one of t%e >e( 7or1 7an1ees' great sccession of %ome rn %itters (as t%e first ginea 'ig- Aeller %a& an or&inary s/l8ation t%at any com'etent c%iro'ractor or osteo'at% col& %a4e correcte& in fi4e secon&s an& ma&e a still /etter %itter ot of %im- #nstea&, t%e me&ics ct o'en %is /ac1 an& " so t%ey sai& " remo4e& a &isc- Anyone familiar (it% anatomy 1no(s t%at t%e I&iscI referre& to is t%e cartilagineos anterior 'rocess of t%e s'ine- ,o remo4e a &isc is a crime, /ecase it remo4es t%e 'a& (%ic% ta1es ' t%e s%oc1 of certain mo4ements of t%e /ac1/one- @t its remo4al not only (as 'rofita/le to t%e srgeon an& %os'ital (%ic% rine& IAing AongI Aeller " t%e 7an1ees are a ric% /ase/all cl/ " /t it starte& a sccession of s/seJent I&iscI o'erations (%ic% rine& ot%ers, /t /rog%t t%osan&s of &ollars to %os'itals, srgeons an& &rg com'anies- Aeller's &ays as a /ase/all star an& long &istance %itter en&e& (%en %e (as sent to t%e %os'ital for a &isc o'eration- Ha& a c%iro'ractor or osteo'at% %an&le& %im %e (ol& %a4e fi4e more years of star&om an& %ig% salary a%ea&- Dr- Gogan !len&enning, a s(i4el c%air &octor an& me&ico) 'olitician (%o too1 ' (riting a I%ealt% colmnI for ne(s'a'ers (%en %e faile& as a 'ri4ate 'ractitioner, &i& 't ot once some interesting facts (%ic% %e la/ele& IFa&s in $e&icine-I >o &o/t %e (as 'ri4ately %ale& on t%e car'et /y t%e '/lic relations e8'erts of t%e Drg ,rst- He ne4er committe& sc% an in&iscretion again- .egar&ing (%at %e calle& Ifas%iona/le &iseases of t%e 4arios erasI %e 'ointe& ot t%at "
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B1 / 210 Ha& Ol& Doc !lem&enning /een allo(e& to follo( t%is ', an& %a& %e 'ossesse& an elementary 1no(le&ge of (%at ails t%e %man animal, %e col& %a4e sai&<
As to (%at fa&s t%e ftre (ill /ring one 'erson's gess is as goo& as anot%er's- ,%e only certain t%ing is t%at t%ey (ill /e starte& /y some enter'rising me&ical '%armacetical o''ortnist, an& contine& as long as t%ere is gol& in t%eir e8'loitation- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B2 / 210
3ha,ter 44 Drug 3hamer Of 3ommer;e I,%e me&ical 'rofession is aslee', its senses /enm/e& /y t%e %y'ocritical cry of Iorgani6ation for t%e 'rofessionI (%ic% (it% t%e Oligarc%y, li1e t%e 'salm singing 'ic1'oc1et at a cam' meeting, is &istracting t%e attention of its &'es from its real moti4es-I " ?- Fran1 Gy&ston, $- D- " ,%at t%e Drg ,rst %as t%e most effecti4e, far)reac%ing an& tig%t 'ro'agan&a set)' no one can &eny (%o %as rea& t%s far in t%is /oo1- ,%e Drg ,rst goes e4en frt%er t%an t%is in its Jest for t%e last 'ossi/le &ollar in 'rofits an& t%e last %man /o&y in (%ic% to traffic- #t %as a (ell)oile&, (ell)%eele&, (ell)grease& c%am/er of commerce, 1no(n as t%e American $e&ical Association, (or1ing for &rg 'rofits &ay an& nig%t- #f, inci&entally, it increases t%e 'rofits for me&ical &octors (%ose tec%niJes case a ma8imm of &rgs to /e /og%t, sol& an& se&, t%e Drg ,rst &oesn't /egr&ge t%ese &octors t%eir fees- #t is a significant fact t%at t%e American $e&ical Association consi&ers t%e s''ression of its I/siness ri4alsI " t%e &rgless gro's " so im'ortant t%at it %as t%e most 'o(erfl an& one of t%e /est finance& lo//ies in 3as%ington an& e4ery state ca'ital in t%e nation- #n 3as%ington alone t%e A$A maintains a staff of 1D, an& s'ent $=20,2=D for lo//ying an& 'ro'agan&a &ring t%e first Jarter of 19B0- ,%is is a rate of $1,2H0,9B2 'er year- ,%e only &rgless association (%ic% maintains a 'rofessional lo//yist in 3as%ington is t%e osteo'at%s (%o 'ay a la(yer $1,000 a mont% to (atc% o4er t%ings- Dring t%e *enate %earings on t%e 19B0 social secrity /ill a !olora&o 'ractitioner a''eare& /efore t%e Finance !ommittee an& 'roteste& &iscrimination /y t%e *ocial *ecrity @oar& against t%e 'atients of osteo'at%s- As a reslt t%e ne( /ill ma1es it man&atory to %ire osteo'at%s from *ocial *ecrity fn&s- ,%e c%iro'ractors an& natro'at%s (eren't intereste&- >o one The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B= / 210 from eit%er of t%ese gro's a''eare& in s''ort of a 'arallel amen&ment, so t%e !ongress (asn't intereste& eit%er- ,%e American $e&ical Association is also a %ig%)class cat's 'a(- 3%en a &octor li1e 3illiam Fre&eric1 Aoc% /egins to cre cancer (it%ot t%e se of O)ray, ra&im or t%e 'ro&cts of t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst, t%e A$A goes into action- #t (ol&n't loo1 rig%t for t%e organi6e& '%armacetical %oses to com'lain to t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration, t%e +ost Office De'artment or t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission- @t (it% t%eir sanctimonios front " t%e American $e&ical Association " carrying t%e /all, e4eryt%ing is n&er, control- ,%e A$A is n&er t%e t%m/ of t%e most conscienceless scon&rel t%at e4er came &o(n t%e 'i1e " a 'erson (%o (ill &o anyt%ing for t%e almig%ty &ollar- ,%is, of corse, is $orris Fis%/ein, (%ose for years at .s% $e&ical !ollege (ere tinctre& (it% so many e8tra)crriclar acti4ities (some of (%ic% (ol&n't /ear t%e lig%t of &ay) t%at %e lac1e& sfficient me&ical e&cation to 'ass %is state /oar& e8am- His /oss, ?eorge H- *immons, an a&4ertising Jac1 an& a/ortionist, (as a 'o(er in #llinois 'olitics at t%at time- $r- Fis%/ein's mar1s in '%ysical &iagnosis, gynecology, etiology an& %ygiene (ere left ot (%en %is 'a'ers (ere gra&e&- >ot so %is mar1 in A>A,O$7 (t%e fon&ation of a me&ical e&cation) (%ic% (as 4H- @y lea4ing ot t%e lo( mar1s in t%ose for s/;ects t%e 'olitical state /oar& (as a/le to gi4e %im a 'olitical 'assing gra&e an& grant %im a 'olitical me&ical license- Fis%/ein ser4e& as an interne in t%e Dran& Hos'ital for B mont%s- #n %is 4arios ato/iogra'%ies %e calle& %imself It%e %ose '%ysician-I ,%ere is no recor& of %im e4er %a4ing ser4e& a &ay as a 'racticing '%ysician- *immons too1 %im on as %is general assistant in %is totalitarian %ol& o4er t%e A$A- 3%en *immons retire&, to rn t%e s%o( from /e%in& t%e crtain, Fis%/ein (as t%e front man- K'on *immons' &eat% Fis%/ein /ecame t%e a/solte o4erlor& of t%e American $e&ical Association, (it% t%e title I9&itor of t%e :ornal of t%e A$A-I *immons %a& so mani'late& t%e organi6ation t%at t%e tail (agge& t%e &og " t%e :ornal too1 in an& s'ent all t%e money- For many years # %a& %ear& of t%e American $e&ical Association " t%e A$A- Or ol& family &octor, &ear ol& *am A&ams, %as 'asse& to %is re(ar&- He (as family '%ysician to fi4e generations of t%e @ealle family- He se& to go to t%e yearly ron&'s of t%e A$A, get a fres% /ran& of Ireglarity,I come The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B4 / 210 /ac1 %ome an& toss %is nose contem'tosly at t%e Homeo'at%ics an& 9clectics, trn %is /ac1 on t%e ot%er me&ical Ima4eric1sI an& la&le ot /igger &oses t%an e4er of calomel an& Jinine- Ho( &ear ol& IDocI A&ams (ol& s(ell ot %is c%est an& loo1 at t%e (orl& o4er %is s'ecs (it% a I(e are t%e c%osen of t%e Gor&I e8'ression- Ho( %e (ol& /eam as %e tol& (%at %e an& *immons t%og%t of O)ray an& cancer, an& of t%e latest in serms an& antito8ins- >o(, &on't misn&erstan&- # am not con&emning Dr- A&ams, (%o (as an e8traor&inarily sccessfl me&ical man " at least insofar as %is ministrations to my family (as concerne&- ,%is conclsion on %is 'art (as a natral one- :st as At%eists &eny t%e e8istence of ?o& /ecase He &oesn't mo4e in t%eir circle, t%e A$A 'oliticos refse to recogni6e all ot%er t%era'ists (%o &o not mo4e in t%eir select 'ara/ola- #, li1e e4ery ignorant layman, se& to s(allo( t%at /n1 (%ole ntil some 1B years ago (%en ne(s'a'er in4estigations o'ene& my eyes to (%at %as ta1en on e4ery as'ect of a me&ical c%am/er of commerce an& many as'ects of a close& s%o' me&ical nion- ,%e American $e&ical Association %as not /een ma&e into a c%am/er of commerce /y t%e many t%osan&s of com'etent, %onest an& /sy &octors (%o 'ay mem/ers%i' &es- .at%er, t%e &egeneration of t%is society from (%at once (as an organi6ation for mtal /enefit an& %el'flness an& for ser4ice to t%e '/lic, into some(%at of a commercial rac1et, %as /een /rog%t a/ot /y me&ico)'oliticians an& me&ico)/siness men- ,%ese I%stlersI %a4e (orme& t%eir (ay into 'ositions of 'o(er (%ile com'etent '%ysician mem/ers (ere too /sy trying to %eal t%eir sic1 to reali6e (%at (as %a''ening- # %a4e yet to see a me&ico)'olitician or a me&ico)/siness man (%o is (ort% t(o (%oo's in Ha&es as a &octor- $any of t%e 'oliticians yo fin& ensconce& as secretaries of conty an& *tate me&ical societies come in t%is gro'ing, as &o a goo& many 'rofessional %ealt% officers- ,%is latter class too often ta1e ;o/s on t%e '/lic 'ay roll /ecase t%ey 'ro4e& financial failres as 'ractitioners- Knfortnately it is generally t%e me&ico)'olitician (%o ta1es t%e lea& in %is local me&ical association- !om'etent &octors merely 'ay t%eir &es, o/ey t%e rles an& assme, as ol& Dr- A&ams se& to, t%at mem/ers%i' in t%e A $ A gi4es t%em a %ig%er stan&ing t%an t%at of t%eir I/e1nig%te&I /ret%ren (%o &o not /elong- ,%ey are ma&e to /elie4e t%at t%eir &es go to im'ro4e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1BB / 210 t%e '/lic %ealt%, to a&4ance t%e tec%niJe an& stan&ing of '%ysicians an& to foster researc% (or1 (%ic% (ill, if gi4en time, ma1e t%is a &isease)less (orl&, @t " >ot%ing is frt%er from t%e trt%- A 14=,=C0)mem/er)s%i' at $10 or so 'er mem/er, an& DB,000 Ifello(s%i'sI at $12 a %ea& ma1es Jite a si6a/le ta1e for t%e 'oliticians (%o manage t%e affairs of t%e A $ A- ,%e $10 fee goes to t%e state an& conty societies " t%e $12 fee to $r- Fis%/ein (%o 4irtally o(ns t%e :ornal of t%e American $e&ical Association an&, (it% it, t%e Association itself- #n 'ointing ot t%at t%e American $e&ical Association is an a/solte &ictators%i' an& >O, an organi6ation of, /y an& for t%e me&ical &octors of t%e nation, it s%ol& first /e s%o(n t%at t%e +resi&ent of t%e A $ A is a mere figre%ea&- *ome (ol& call %im a I&mmyI /t # (ill not, /ecase t%at (ol& /e inter'rete& in a (ay not inten&e& /y t%e at%or- Get Dr- >at%an @- Ean 9tten, 120 3est 1H=r& street, >e( 7or1 !ity, (%o (as electe& +resi&ent of t%e American $e&ical Association in :ne 19=9 after /eing a mem/er for 40 years, tell a/ot it- Dr- Ean 9tten %a& /een smmone& as a (itness in t%e case of :- ,%om'son *te4ens, $- D-, 4s- $orris Fis%/ein an& t%e American $e&ical Association- Dr- Ean 9tten file& %is ans(er in t%e form of an affi&a4it, in (%ic% %e sai&<
I$y sole office in t%e American $e&ical Association is t%at of +resi&ent- # %a4e no e8ecti4e or a&ministrati4e &ties in connection (it% t%e office, t%e office /eing 'rimarily an %onorary one- $y c%ief fnction as +resi&ent of t%e Association is to &eli4er tal1s in 4arios 'arts of t%e contry to 4arios /o&ies, an& to '%ysicians an& t%e '/lic generally on t%e fnctions an& 'r'oses of t%e American $e&ical Association- --- # transact no /siness of any 1in& for t%e American $e&ical Association in t%e state of >e( 7or1- --- # %a4e ne4er /een gi4en any at%ority to act for t%e American $e&ical Association in >e( 7or1, nor to enter into any negotiations, contracts or agreements on its /e%alf, nor am # at%ori6e& to acce't t%e 'ayment of any moneys on /e%alf of t%e Association or con&ct /siness of any natre for it in t%e state of >e( 7or1, nor &o # 'erform any sc% fnctions-I
#t is e4i&ent from t%is t%at t%e +resi&ent of t%e American $e&ical Association %as no more to &o (it% its acti4ities t%an Di66y Dean- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1BC / 210 #t is also e4i&ent t%at %e %as no more 1no(le&ge of (%at goes on at t%e Dear/orn *treet %ea&Jarters t%an t%e ;anitor at t%at /il&ing " 'ro/a/ly not as mc% 1no(le&ge- ,%e inesca'a/le conclsion from Dr- Ean 9tten's s(orn statement is t%at t%e A$A is an a/solte &ictators%i' " as a/solte as ?ermany (as n&er Hitler an& as .ssia is to&ay n&er *talin " o'erate& /y $orris Fis%/ein 'artly for %is o(n financial aggran&i6ement /t 'rimarily for t%e /enefit of t%e American Drg !artel- 3%en t%e A $ A (as forme& in 1H4D it (as 'rely a social an& scientific organi6ation- As sc% it (as inten&e& /y its fon&ers an& as sc% it is still /elie4e& to /e /y many of its mem/ers- 7et, t%ere %as al(ays /een a /it of t%e %og element in4ol4e& /ecase t%e nice ol& gentlemen (%o fon&e& it (ere ort%o&o8 Allo'at%s an& afrai& of t%eir s%a&o(s- Ho(e4er, no commercial s%a1e&o(n or mono'oli6ation of t%e science of %ealing (as e4er committe& /y t%ese ol& fello(s- ,%e (orst t%ing t%ey &i& (as to /il& a fence aron& t%emsel4es calle& I,%e !o&e of 9t%ics-I ,%is may %a4e /een /a& enog%, accor&ing to t%e 4ie('oint of t%e nort%o&o8- @t in t%e 'almiest &ays of its fon&ing fat%ers, t%e A $ A ne4er &reame& of going into t%e trst, mono'oly or s%a1e&o(n /siness- #n t%e ol& &ays (e lo4e&, in&ee& almost (ors%i''e&, t%e family &octor- He (as or gi&e in %ealt% as (ell as in sic1ness- He alone, of all t%e commnity, 1ne( or family secrets, an& %e alone col& /e &e'en&e& 'on to 1ee' t%e fait%- ,re, %is reme&ies (ere occasionally %ars% an& %is &iagnosis largely gess(or1, /t %is recor& of cres (as sr'rising- He (as es'ecially 1no(n for %is a/ility to 'ractice t%e art of scientific o/ser4ation, sing to t%e tmost %is fi4e senses- All t%is is no( c%ange&- A goo& many me&ical men to&ay are loo1e& 'on as mercenary- ,%e reason for t%is isn't %ar& to locate- #ts genesis /egan in t%e ran1s of t%e once altristic American $e&ical Association- #t (as ;st a/ot t%e trn of t%e centry, at an A $ A con4ention in t%e city of *t- +al, $innesota, t%at a trio of me&ico)'oliticians concei4e& t%e i&ea of forming a close cor'oration for t%eir o(n /enefit- Here t%e i&ea of a me&ical &ictator an& a me&ical gol& mine (as /orn- Dr- ?eorge H- *immons (t%en an a&4ertising Jac1 of Gincoln, >e/r-), Dr- :- >- $c!ormac1 of Aentc1y an& a certain Dr- .ee& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1BD / 210 (ere t%e fon&ers- A c%arter (as 'rocre& in *'ringfiel&, #llinois, /y (%ic% t%e trim4irate (as ma&e a/solte in t%e affairs of t%e association- A constittion an& /y)la(s (ere &ra(n ' an& ratifie& /y a ftre con4ention n&er (%ic% it loo1e& as t%og% t%e mem/ers t%emsel4es %a& a 4oice in t%e con&ct of t%e Association- #t mst /e remem/ere& t%og% t%at a c%arter an& a constittion are t(o &ifferent t%ings- ,o se a meta'%or, it (as at t%is time t%at t%e A $ A felt t%e 'ains of la/or an& &eli4ere& an innocent loo1ing /rat &estine& to gro( into a fll fle&ge& me&ical &ictators%i'- ,%e t%ree &ocs " *immons, $c!ormac1 an& .ee& " (%o acte& as 'olitical mi&(i4es at t%e &eli4ery, attac%e& t%emsel4es li1e leec%es to t%e 'oor ol& A $ A- An& t%ey, an& t%eir sccessors an& 'olitical %eirs, %a4e stc1 e4er since- #n t%e /eginning of t%is oligarc%y *immons (as t%e general manager, secretary an& e&itor- $c!ormac1 (as t%e social (or1er an& .ee& t%e legislati4e lo//yist- ,%ese t%ree me&ical misfits 'rocee&e& to form a 'olitical steamroller at t%e %ea& of t%e /o&y, (it% a smaller 'olitical mac%ine in e4ery state of t%e Knion- 3%en *immons (as ct &o(n /y t%e $an 3it% t%e *cyt%e, Fis%/ein too1 o4er an& 'ro4e& a more &ynamic 'olitician an& a more enter'rising scon&rel t%an e4en ol& *immons %a& /een- >o %onest me&ical &octor %as e4er /een a/le to stomac% %is acti4ities- +rotests at national con4entions (ere in 4ain /ecase %e (as at t%e %ea& of sc% a 'o(erfl 'olitical organi6ation (it%in t%e A $ A- Fis%/ein &isco4ere& (ays to &ig money ot of manfactrers an& a&4ertisers t%at *immons %a& ne4er &reame& of- An& t%og% t%e &ignity of t%e me&ical 'rofession sffere& an& its 'restige too1 a %orri/le /eating, Fis%/ein contine& to ra1e in t%e money for %imself an& *immons " an& t%e organi6ation- ,%e million &ollars a year t%at is &g ot of t%e earnings of t%e small 'ractitioners, (%o mst ;oin t%e A $ A or sffer ostracism an& I(%is'eringI at t%e %an&s of t%eir fello(s, is only 'art of t%e loot- Fis%/ein (or1s on t%e t%eory t%at %e is safe so long as %e can s%o( t%at t%e Iaffairs of t%e organi6ation are 'ros'eros-I ,%at %is Drg !%am/er of !ommerce is 'ros'eros no one &enies " if (e consi&er (orl&ly goo&s o/taine& in (ays (%ic% (ol& ma1e a yeggman /ls% (it% s%ame a gage of 'ros'erity- ,%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce no( %as t%e ric%est me&ical graft in t%e (orl& (accor&ing to its latest financial re'ort (&ate& The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1BH / 210 Dec- =1, 194D)- #t o(ns $2,190,DBD-=0 in real estate, /il&ings an& eJi'ment- #t %as mar1eta/le secrities (ort% $4,402,H==-D0- #t %as /on&s an& ot%er in4estments (%ic% /ring t%is figre to $B,CC1,1D4-04- #t %as a researc% fn& of $1,49D,BC2-B0- An& it recently ar/itrarily &eci&e& to assess its 14=,=C0 mem/ers 2B /c1s a'iece for a legislati4e sls% fn&- ,%e a&4ertise& 'r'ose of t%is fn& (&efeat of sociali6e& me&icine) is a (ort%y case, /t its ltimate se for t%is 'r'ose is &o/tfl- ,o /egin (it% t%e 'rc%ase of 4otes from !ongressmen is illegal- #n t%e secon& 'lace it isn't going to /e necessary to 'rc%ase any 4otes if !ongressmen 1no( t%e (%ole trt% a/ot sociali6e& me&icine- ,%e /ig $C4 Jestion of t%e &ay, t%erefore, is " (%at &oes Fis%/ein inten& to &o (it% t%is $=B,000,000 (%en %e gets %is %an&s on it5 #n a&&ition Fis%/ein o(ns or controls %alf a &o6en me&ical ;ornals 'ls t%e =4 state society ;ornals (%ose a&4ertising re4ene of o4er $2,000,000 Fis%/ein can ct off (%ene4er %e (ants to- ,%e :ornal of t%e A $ A, an& many of t%e t%irty)fi4e *tate $e&ical :ornals (%ic% are controlle& /y Dictator Fis%/ein, are as c%oc1)fll of a&4ertising as t%e %ig%)'ressre sales force of t%e !o)o'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea at !%icago can 't in t%em- $c% stress is lai& on t%e /siness en& of %ealing- #n fact, t%e $e&ical Directory carries a I+rc%aser's #n&e8I (%ic% seems to say to t%e '/lic I@y only from t%ose (%o come across-I ,%e seal of t%e A $ A is anot%er 4e%icle /y (%ic% t%e $e&ical $ssolini /rings o''ro/rim 'on t%e %onest, ca'a/le an& goo& &octors of t%e contry- For, /e it remem/ere&, t%e general '/lic &oesn't classify t%e &octors " se'arate t%e s%ee' from t%e goats- ,%e '/lic ;&ges t%em all /y t%e most cons'icos- #t %as /een &emonstrate&, an& is conclsi4ely s%o(n in t%e c%a'ter of t%is /oo1 entitle& I*%a1e&o(nI t%at t%e main reJirement for 'rocring t%e IsealI of t%e American $e&ical Association is for t%e manfactrer or &istri/tor of t%e 'ro&ct to I1ic1 inI an acce'ta/le a&4ertising a''ro'riation, or an e8or/itant sm for a ItestI of t%e 'ro&ct-
S S S ,%e manner in (%ic% t%e American $e&ical Association /ecame an atocracy is in itself an illminating c%a'ter in t%e %istory of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1B9 / 210 &ictators%i's- #f anyone &o/ts t%ese (or&s, %e %as /t to rea& t%e #llinois $e&ical :ornal for Decem/er, 1922- ,%is '/lication is t%e organ of t%e #llinois $e&ical *ociety, an& is one of t%e fe( com'onent 'arts of t%e $e&ical Dictators%i' (%ic% %as al(ays %a& t%e corage to s'ea1 ot an& 'rotest against any sr'ation of 'o(er /y me&ical rac1eteers- +er%a's # %a& /etter Jote 4er/atim from 'arts of an article entitle& I,H9 A $ A @9!O$9* A> AK,O!.A!7I (%ic% t%e #llinois $e&ical :ornal '/lis%e& as of t%at &ate- ,%e otrage& e&itor of t%e # $ : sai&<
I,%e A $ A to&ay is a one)man organi6ation- ,%e entire me&ical 'rofession of t%e Knite& *tates, insofar as its organi6ation is concerne&, is at t%e mercy of one man an& a @oar& of ,rstees t%at is s/ser4ient to %im- ,%e :ornal of t%e A $ A is t%e 'ro'erty of t%e Association- ,%e Association o(ns t%e :ornal- ,%e :ornal &oes not o(n t%e A $ A, yet " t%e :ornal controls all t%e fn&s an& t%e 'ro'erty of t%e Association as (ell as t%e fn&s t%at /elong to t%e :ornal of t%e A $ A- ,%e tail (ags t%e &og- I,%e :ornal management (t%en ?eorge *immons, /t no( $orris Fis%/ein) &ictates t%e (ays in (%ic% t%e Association's money s%all /e s'ent- ,%e e&itor of t%e :ornal %as assme& t%e fnctions of ?eneral $anager of t%e Association an&, e8)officio, of e4ery '%ysician in t%e Knite& *tates- *c% &es'otic at%ority (as ne4er conferre& 'on %im, eit%er /y t%e Hose of Delegates or /y t%e '%ysicians t%emsel4es- I3%en t%e reorgani6ation 'lan (as a&o'te& (1902) it 'ro4i&e& for t%e first time for a Hose of Delegates, an& state& s'ecifically t%at t%is s%ol& /e t%e legislati4e an& fiscal /o&y of t%e Association, an& t%at t%e fn&s of t%e Association s%ol& /e a''ro'riate& /y t%e Hose of Delegates- ,o&ay t%e 9&itor of t%e :ornal of t%e A $ A an& %is @oar& of ,rstees %a4e nllifie& t%e Hose of Delegates an& %a4e assme& t%e rig%t to ma1e a''ro'riations for t%e entire Association- I,%e e&itor of t%e :ornal %as assme&, entirely (it%ot (arrant, t%at %e is t%e general manager of t%e Association, an& not of t%e :ornal only- ,%e +resi&ent of t%e A $A %as /een &egra&e& into a mere atomaton (%ere control of t%e organi6ation is concerne&, (it% e4en t%is 'erile 'o(er of 'recommen&ation' for a''ointment frt%er (ea1ene& /y t%e 'o(er of 4eto, assme& /y t%e @oar& of ,rstees- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C0 / 210 I,%e 'olicy of t%e 'resent management of t%e A $ A %as /een an& is t%e accmlation of money for t%e erection of /il&ings an& to ma1e a /ig s%o(ing for t%e :ornal- ,%is featre %as /een (or1e& o4ertime (%ile t%e economic (elfare of t%e in&i4i&al '%ysician an& t%e 'rofession at large %a4e recei4e& a minimm, if any, of attention- IHere is (%ere t%e A $ A falls &o(n (it% a 4engeance- #nstea& of ser4ing t%e in&i4i&al &octors of t%e Association as a great la/or organi6ation stan&s ' for its mem/ers, t%e A $ A &oes not%ing to %el' '%ysicians maintain t%eir economic 'osition in society- I*ince t%e reorgani6ation it is a''arent t%at t%e management of t%e A $ A 'refers to ta1e its a&4ice from men ot of toc% (it% t%e &aily nee&s of t%e 'rofession- ,%e strggling &octor is left to fig%t %is o(n (ay nai&e&- IA fe( of t%e mem/ers of t%e A $ A reali6e t%e centrali6ing c%anges t%at %a4e ta1en 'lace in t%eir organi6ation (it%in t%e last t(enty)fi4e years- *o a&roitly an& insi&iosly %a4e t%ese c%anges /een /rog%t a/ot t%at t%e ma;ority of mem/ers, e4en t%ose /est informe& regar&ing t%e organi6ation, %a4e /een so &a66le& /y t%e material 'ros'erity of t%e A $ A t%at t%ey %a4e entirely o4erloo1e& t%e fact t%at, &ring t%is 'erio& of e8'ansion, t%e Association %as /een con4erte& from a &emocratic an& self) go4erne& /o&y of 'rofessional men into a %ig%ly centrali6e& mac%ine (it% a/solte control concentrate& in a single in&i4i&al- I,%e ma;ority of attac1s (%ic% %a4e /een ma&e on t%e management of t%e Association &ring t%is time %a4e /een &irecte& entirely at t%e e&itor of t%e :ornal- ,%ese attac1s %a4e /een ftile an& %a4e /een (elcome& /y t%e management for t%e reason t%at t%ese criticisms %a4e &i4erte& t%e attention from t%e gra&al /t stea&y a/sor'tion of all t%e at%ority an& control of t%e organi6ation- I@y 1901 t%e :ornal %a& &e4elo'e& to a 'oint (%ere reorgani6ation seeme& necessary- #t is significant t%at t%e financial statement for t%is year (as %ea&e& '.e'ort of t%e ,rstees of t%e :ornal of t%e A$A'- I,%is reorgani6ation 'lan for t%e first time 'ro4i&e& for t%e &elegate /o&y to /e 1no(n as t%e Hose of Delegates- #t 'ro4i&e& for t%e follo(ing officers< +resi&ent, for Eice) +resi&ents, a *ecretary, a ,reasrer an& nine ,rstees- #t state& s'ecifically t%at t%e Hose of Delegates s%ol& /e t%e legislati4e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C1 / 210 an& fiscal /o&y of t%e Association an& t%at t%e fn&s of t%e Association s%ol& /e a''ro'riate& /y t%e Hose of Delegates- At 'resent, t%e e&itor of t%e :ornal an& t%e @oar& of ,rstees atten& not only to a''ro'riating t%e fn&s /t also to most of t%e ot%er fnctions of t%e Hose of Delegates- I,%e ne( @y)la(s frt%er 'ro4i&e& t%at all matters of t%e Association 'ertaining to t%e e8'en&itre of moneys (t%at is, money for ot%er 'r'oses t%an t%e '/lication of t%e :ornal), s%all /e referre& to t%e @oar& of ,rstees, (%o s%all ma1e a re'ort of t%e same (it%in t(enty)for %ors, an& if t%e Hose of Delegates or&ers t%e e8'en&itre of money, t%e 'ayments s%all /e ma&e /y t%e ,reasrer- I#t (ill /e seen from t%e a/o4e t%at t%e reorgani6ation 'lan s'ecifically ga4e t%e 'o(er of a''ro'riating money to t%e Hose of DelegatesQ t%at t%e fnctions of t%e @oar& of ,rstees (ere 'rely a&4isory an& t%at t%e action of t%e Hose of Delegates in a''ro'riating money (as final- Any claims, t%erefore, t%at t%e 'resent met%o& of controlling finances of t%e A $ A (ere a''ro4e& /y t%e Association at t%e time of t%e reorgani6ation in 1901, are entirely (it%ot fon&ation, as s%o(n /y t%e official recor&s- IAt t%at time, t%e only sorce of re4ene of t%e Association (as t%e :ornal an& t%e only 'r'ose for (%ic% money (as e8'en&e&, (it% t%e e8ce'tion of some slig%t Association e8'enses, (ere t%e e8'enses of '/lis%ing t%e :ornal- #t (as, t%erefore, 'erfectly natral t%at all /ills s%ol& /e a''ro4e& /y t%e e&itor an& all c%ec1s signe& /y %im- I#t (as 'erfectly natral t%at, as t%e only res'onsi/ility of t%e @oar& of ,rstees (as t%e '/lication of t%e :ornal, t%e 4oting of a''ro'riations s%ol& /e left in t%eir %an&s- #t (as early recogni6e& /y t%ose &esiros of concentrating t%e 'o(ers an& resorces of t%e Association ,HA, 3HO9E9. !O>,.OGG9D ,H9 F#>A>!9* OF ,H9 A**O!#A,#O> 3OKGD KG,#$A,9G7 !O>,.OG ,H9 A**O!#A,#O> #,*9GF, since no action col& /e ta1en, no committee col& fnction, no officers col& carry on any acti4ity, e8ce't as t%e necessary e8'enses for sc% 'r'oses (ere at%ori6e&- I#n t%e t(enty)fi4e years of e8'ansion of t%e Association an& t%e :ornal, t%e anomalos con&ition %as &e4elo'e& (%ere/y t%e :ornal, (%ic% is t%e 'ro'erty of t%e Association, no( a/soltely controls t%e Association to (%ic% it /elongs- I,%e e&itor of t%e :ornal %as &e4elo'e& into an a/solte The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C2 / 210 D#!,A,O. of t%e Association an& its affairs t%rog% %is control of t%e finances of t%e Association, (%ile t%e @oar& of ,rstees of t%e :ornal %as /een con4erte& into a @oar& of Directors of t%e Association (%ic% no( assmes to control all t%e acti4ities of t%e Association, an& e4en to &ictate to t%e officers, @oar&s an& !ommittees of t%e Association, as to (%at t%ey can &o, an& %o( t%ey can s'en& t%e money (%ic% is t%e 'ro'erty of t%e Association- I,%is con4ersion of t%e Association from a &emocracy to an a/solte atocracy %as /een /rog%t a/ot so slo(ly an& s%re(&ly, so srely an& so 'ersistently, t%at e4en t%e mem/ers of t%e Hose of Delegates t%emsel4es %a4e not /een a(are of t%is o4ert%ro( of self)go4ernment an& t%e s/stittion of an oligarc%y for a rle of t%e mem/ers- I,%ese c%anges %a4e reslte& in con4erting t%e @oar& of ,rstees from t%e s'er4ising committee of t%e '/lication of t%e :ornal into a @oar& of Directors of t%e Association (%ic% no( claims t%e rig%t to act on an& control all acti4ities of t%e Association- Anot%er instance of t%e tail (agging t%e &og- I3%at %as come a/ot, t%en, since 1901, is t%at t%e !onty $e&ical *ocieties %a4e &elegate& t%eir at%ority to t%e *tate Hose of DelegatesQ t%e *tate Association, t%rog% its *tate Hose of Delegates, %as &elegate& all its at%ority to t%e Hose of Delegates of t%e A $ AQ t%e Hose of Delegates of t%e A $ A %as &elegate& all its at%ority to t%e @oar& of ,rstees, (%ic% is no( t%e @oar& of Directors, an& t%e @oar& of Directors 'ractically %as &elegate& its at%ority to t%e e&itor of t%e :ornal, (%o as an nat%ori6e& an& self)constitte& general manager of t%e Association controls all of t%e acti4ities, finances an& fnctions of t%e organi6e& me&ical 'rofession- A 'yrami&, (it% one man sitting on t%e to'- I#t (as recogni6e& long ago t%at (%oe4er controls t%e finances of t%e Association (ill control t%e Association- *o (e %a4e, to&ay, t%e anomalos an& a/sr& sitation t%at t%e :ornal, (%ic% is t%e 'ro'erty of t%e Association, not only s'en&s (%at money is necessary from its o(n e8'enses, t%at t%e sr'ls earne& /y t%e :ornal eac% year, (%ic% &oes not /elong to t%e :ornal itself /t t%e Association, as (ell as all of t%e fn&s of t%e Association itself, are controlle& /y t%e :ornalQ so t%at t%is money cannot /e se& for any 'r'ose (%ate4er nless it is in line (it% t%e 'olicies an& 'lans of t%e e&itor- I$easre& from a 'enny)(ise stan&'oint, t%at t%e Association %as 'ros'ere& is conce&e&, /t (%at relation &oes t%is The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C= / 210 tem'orary financial sccess /ear to(ar&s me&ical i&eals, an& t%e /etterment of 'rofessional con&itions5 I#n t%e latter res'ect, FA#GK.9 #* !O$+G9,9- ,%at t%e A $ A %a& &one little or not%ing for t%e ran1 an& file of t%e 'rofession is mrmre& e4ery(%ere an& not (it%ot ;stification- #nstances galore col& /e cite&- I,H9 A $ A #* >O, A @K*#>9** 9>,9.+.#*9- I#ts sccess is not to /e gage& in &ollar /ills or /il&ings, /t in (%at it &oes to /enefit its mem/ers an& to retain t%e confi&ence an& merit t%e s''ort of '%ysicians- I#n ot%er (or&s, '3%at &oes it 'rofit a man if %e gains t%e (%ole (orl& an& loses %is o(n sol5' 3%at &oes it 'rofit t%e A $ A to accmlate lan&, /on&s an& mortgages (it% (%ic% to erect a (%ite& se'lc%re for t%e genine interests of t%e 'rofession it (as organi6e& to safegar&5I
,%is constrcti4e e8'osre an& å analysis of t%e real A $ A (as ma&e in 1922 " ;st t(o years /efore t%e $aster +olitician *immons trne& %is sce'ter o4er to $aster @siness $an Fis%/ein an& Iretire&I to &irect t%e $e&ical Oligarc%y from t%e o/scrity of anonymity- *immons 're'are& t%e organi6ation for 'ermanent atocratic control /y %imself an& %is stooge- ,%ere %as /een no c%ange in t%at control since an&, (%ile some &octors %a4e /een ma&e to /elie4e t%at certain aggressi4e 'ast 'resi&ents an& mem/ers of t%e &mmy @oar& of ,rstees really control $r- Fis%/ein, t%ere is no e4i&ence of t%is o/taina/le- ,%e last financial re'ort of t%e :ornal s%o(s t%at t%at organ still controls an& %an&les all money of t%e Association- $oney still ma1es t%e mare go- He (%o 'ays t%e 'i'er still calls t%e tne- As long as ,%e :ornal %ol&s t%e Association's 'rse strings, t%e man (%o controls t%e :ornal (ill control t%e Association " ntil t%at 'o(er is ta1en a(ay from t%e :ornal or ntil '/lic o'inion forces t%e $e&ical $ssolini ot- At t%e 1949 con4ention in Atlantic !ity a cle4er '/licity rse, inten&e& to lll to slee' t%ose (%o (is% t%e Association to 'rge itself of Fis%/ein, (as carrie& ot to 'erfection- #t (as annonce& t%at Fis%/ein (as to /e Iretire&-I Fis%/ein %imself sa4e& face (%ile %el'ing along t%is %oa8- He annonce& t%at %e (as training t%ree stooges to ta1e o4er %is &ties (%en %e retires a fe( years %ence- ,%e facts are t%at The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C4 / 210 Fis%/ein %as /een ma1ing freJent tri's to t%e $ayo @tc%er *%o''e at .oc%ester, $inn- ,%ese tri's are a&mitte&, /t t%eir natre %as remaine& a secret- One of t%e men (%o col& cre %im, if Fis%/ein (asn't committe& to s''ressing all Insanctione&I cancer cres, a4ers t%at Fis%/ein %as cancer of t%e 'rostate- #f t%at is so, an& it seems li1ely, Fis%/ein %as only a fe( more years on t%is 9art%, /t %is official stats (it% t%e Drg ,rst (ol& /e lost if %e %a& sense enog% to go to Aoc% or Ho8sey or @lass an& /e cre&- *ince t%ose srron&ing %im are for t%e most 'art &ll fello(s, (%o faile& at 'ri4ate me&ical 'ractice, it isn't nreasona/le to say t%at t%ree of t%em (ill /e reJire& to 'erform t%e tas1s so easily %an&le& no( /y t%e &ynamic an& energetic $r- Fis%/ein- ,%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce &oesn't limit its acti4ities to trying to 're4ent t%e cre of cancer, t%e se of t%e slanting /oar&, an& cre of many ills /y @ert Go(ry's Is'ine ease gi//etI an& ot%er &iscoragers of t%e se of &rgs- #t is se& as a 'ro'agan&a front against t%e sciences of c%iro'ractic, osteo'at%y, natro'at%y an& !%ristian *cience- >one of t%ese mo&alities " (%ic% cre millions of 'eo'le e4ery year " sanction t%e se of &rgs- Drg 'ro'agan&ists li1e to say t%at t%e osteo'at%s are Icoming aron& to t%e se of &rgs-I ,%is is &enie& /y t%e American Osteo'at%ic Association, (%ic% says<
I,%e se of &rgs %as /een ,AK?H, from t%e /eginning of osteo'at%ic e&cation- #t %as al(ays /een t%e 'olicy of osteo'at%ic colleges to teac% st&ents /ot% t%e ses an& A@K*9* of &rgs, t%at t%ey mig%t 'ro'erly e4alate sc% s/stances-I
One of t%e fnctions, (%ic% t%e Drg ,rst %as entrste& to t%e American $e&ical Association, is to create a false 'ictre of t%e &rgless sciences in t%e lay min&- ,%is t%e A$A lea4es no stone ntrne& in its effort to 'erform- 3%is'ering cam'aigns, sneers /y me&ical 'ractitioners, '%oney testimony in cort, ne(s'a'er 'ro'agan&a /y t%e %ge 'ro'agan&a mac%ine (%ic% t%e Drg ,rst %as /ilt ' in t%e 'ress associations " all are se& to 'aint a false 'ictre of &rgless t%era'y- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1CB / 210 ,%e c%ief canar& le4ele& at t%ese sccessfl mo&alities is t%at &rgless &octors Iare ntraine&-I >ot%ing col& /e frt%er from t%e trt%, /ecase t%e &rgless st&ent of to&ay is reJire& to com'lete many more %ors of resi&ent instrction t%an t%e me&ical st&ent in or&er to get %is &egree- 9ntrance reJirements are ;st as strictQ gra&ation reJirements are more so- ,%e me&ical st&ent is frt%er %an&ica''e& /y %a4ing to s'en& 400 to B00 %ors of %is corse learning t%e names an& s''ose& ses of contless &rgs " (%ic% t%eir o(n at%orities classify as seless- ,%e &rgless st&ent s'en&s t%is time learning more a/ot t%e s'ine an& t%e ganglionic ner4e system t%an t%e me&ical gra&ate (ill e4er 1no(- ,%e osteo'at%ic college is reJire& to teac% e4eryt%ing t%e me&ical college teac%es, in a corse of not less t%an 1,000 %ors in eac% of for aca&emic years- ,%e osteo'at%s %a4e si8 e8cellent colleges, locate& res'ecti4ely in Air1s4ille, $o- (t%e original one), !%icago, Gos Angeles, Des $oines, Aansas !ity an& +%ila&el'%ia- ,%e 'rofession %as 11,2D0 licentiates 'racticing in 4H states, t%e District of !olm/ia, !ana&a an& foreign contries- ,%e !%iro'ractic 'rofession %as more t%an 20 cre&ita/le colleges (none state s''orte&) at last cont- ,%ese colleges %a4e t%e same crricla reJirements as t%e osteo'at%ic an& me&ical " e8ce't t%at t%ey &o not teac% t%e &rg lore t%e ot%ers &o- #t %as o4er 20,000 'ractitioners- ,%e !olm/ia #nstitte of !%iro'ractic, (%ic% o'erates sc%ools in /ot% >e( 7or1 an& @altimore, reJires its st&ents to sccessflly com'lete 4,4CH %ors of resi&ent tition in or&er to Jalify for a &egree- !olm/ia's me&ical neig%/or in @altimore (:o%ns Ho'1ins Kni4ersity) &oesn't %a4e as strict e&cational stan&ar&s " an& Ho'1ins is rate& as one of t%e nation's to'flig%t me&ical instittions- ,%e Ho'1ins crriclm calls for only =,H9C %ors of resi&ent instrction an& 4H0 of t%ese are ta1en ' (it% t%e st&y of &rgs, 99P of (%ic% are rate& as seless /y ots'o1en me&ical &octors- >ot only !olm/ia, /t all ot%er &rgless colleges of any conseJence %a4e eJally %ig% instrctional stan&ar&s- ,%e Gogan @asic !ollege of !%iro'ractic in *t- Gois reJires 4,C20 %ors of resi&ent instrction for a &egree, (%ile its me&ical neig%/or (3as%ington Kni4ersity) reJires only =,DBH- ,%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1CC / 210 >ational !ollege of !%iro'ractic in !%icago %as a corse of 4,D42 %ors resi&ent instrction- ,%e Gincoln !%iro'ractic !ollege in #n&iana'olis reJires 4,49C %ors an& t%e +almer #nstitte of !%iro'ractic in Da4en'ort a minimm of 4,000 C0)minte classroom %ors- ,%e Kni4ersity of >atral Healing Arts in Den4er %as an e4en stiffer reJirement " fi4e years of 1,000 %ors eac% to Jalify for a &egree- ,%e >ational !ollege of >a'ra'at%y in !%icago reJires 4,=2C classroom %ors for gra&ation- 7et in t%e face of t%is (e fin& freJent 're4arications, often /y me&ical men, in s'rea&ing t%e 'ro'agan&a t%at c%iro'ractors, osteo'at%s an& natro'at%s are 'oorly traine& or not e4en traine& at all- ,%e reason for t%is 'ro'agan&a, most of (%ic% is actally nconsciona/le, is t%at t%e 'ractitioners of t%ese t%ree sciences cre t%eir 'atients (it%ot t%e se of &rgs- ,%ere are a''ro8imately 40,000 &rgless &octors cring 'atients in t%e Knite& *tates, in a&&ition to t%e !%ristian *cience 'ractitioners- ,%ese sccessfl e8'onents of t%e (is&om of $ot%er >atre ct enormosly into t%e sale of &rgs an& t%erefore into t%e 'rofits of t%e Drg ,rst- @t t%eir '%iloso'%y is not ne(- @en;amin Fran1lin a&4ance& it 220 years ago- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1CD / 210
3ha,ter 4+ 3losed Sho, A 'reten&er is a Fac1- His n(illingness to in4estigate any ot%er system, e8ce't as in&icate& /y ort%o&o8 me&ical men an& ot%er t%an t%at (it% (%ic% %e is familiar, or to in4estigate t%e &efects of %is o(n met%o&s, stam's %im as 're;&ice& in min& an&, t%erefore, n(ort%y t%e res'ect an& confi&ence of t%og%tfl an& fair min&e& men- " Alfre& 3alton, $- D- " ,%e close& s%o' %as long /een a /one of contention /et(een in&stry an& la/or- Ga/or com'lains (%en it is loc1e& otQ in&stry com'lains (%en a stri1e is calle&- ,%e A Al8 Alan, in its %ey&ay, /rog%t cries of rage all o4er t%e Knite& *tates /ecase of t%e close& s%o' i&eas em/o&ie& in its rgent in4itations to negroes, !at%olics an& :e(s to 4irtally get off t%e 9art%- ,%e ltimate in close& s%o's is, of corse, t%e &ictators%i' in .ssia- #ts nearest com'etitors (ere t%e late /t nlamente& &ictators%i's in Fascist #taly an& >a6i ?ermany- ,%e Dictators%i' of t%e American Drg ,rst " (%ic% is closely allie& to an& (it% t%e ?erman c%emical cartel " is t%e most 'o(erfl com/ination in American life an& %istory- Only t%e fact t%at Fran1lin .oose4elt 1ic1e& t%e /c1et /efore %e col& entirely scra' t%e !onstittion, %as 're4ente& it from /ecoming an a/solte &ictators%i'- ,%ere is a small minority t%at refses to 1nc1le &o(n to t%e &rg &ictators%i'- Fronting for t%is in&strial com/ine, is t%e Dictator of $e&icine " one $orris Fis%/ein (%ose negati4e me&ical /ac1gron& %as /een 're4iosly &iscsse& at some lengt%- Fis%/ein %as /ilt ', for t%e Drg ,rst, t%e tig%test close& s%o' in America- ,%is close& s%o' " t%e American $e&ical Association " is e4en close& to t%e Homeo'at%ic an& 9clectic me&ical men, mainly /ecase t%e met%o&s of t%ese t(o offs%oots of t%e me&ical 'rofession are &irecte& more to %el'ing natre cre t%an to %in&ering %er (it% &rgs- An& t%e close& s%o' of t%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce, of corse, a''lies to all license& me&ical '%ysicians (%o eit%er The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1CH / 210 refse to ;oin ', or (%o are 1ic1e& ot for failre to IconformI to t%e e&icts of t%e Fe%rer of $e&icine- 3it% all t%e 'ressre /rog%t to /ear on t%e InonconformistsI it is remar1a/le t%at only 14=,=C0 of t%e nation's 199,000 o&& license& me&ical &octors %a& Isigne& 'I (it% t%e nion on $ay 1, 1949- @ecase " Any '%ysician in t%e contry (%o refses to ;oin %is conty or city me&ical society is terme& an Iotla(I or a Ire/elIQ an& in s/tle (ays t%e mem/er '%ysicians %miliate, ri&icle an& scoff (%en %is name is mentione&- #f %e is se& for mal'ractice, or im'ro'er illegal treatment, (%ic% is t%e constant fear of many '%ysicians, %e fin&s it %ar& to secre any of t%e IreglarI &octors to testify in %is /e%alf as me&ical e8'erts or ot%er(ise- >ee&less to say, t%is fear of %a4ing %is /siness rine&, an& of /eing na/le to secre 'rotection, is a 'o(erfl cl/ (it% (%ic% to inflence '%ysicians an& srgeons into ;oining conty me&ical societies- 7et t%is genteel san&/agging isn't enog% to sit t%e Dictator- He %as a far more effecti4e (ay to 4ent %is s'leen, al/eit a mc% more cr&e met%o& " a 'rinte& @lac1 Gist, camoflage& as a list of IJac1s an& c%arlatans-I ,o len& cre&ence to %is c%arges against %onest &octors, %e actally incl&es a fe( Jac1s in t%ese lists- @t t%e ma;ority of t%e listees are t%ose (%o refse& to recogni6e %is Dictators%i', (%o refse& to I;oin 'I or (%o sog%t to &isco4er an& gi4e to t%e (orl& a&4ance& %ealing met%o&s (it%ot o/taining %is 'ermission an& 'ermitting t%e le4ying of financial tri/te- #n or&er t%at mem/ers of t%e me&ical 'rofession may /e %el& (it%in t%e /on&s &escri/e& /y t%e !6ar of t%e me&ical fraternity, a cam'aign of rt%lessness, ai&e& an& a/ette& /y more or less innocent mem/ers of t%e 'rofession, is carrie& on against all (%o &o not /o( to Fe%rer Fis%/ein's ar/itrary e&icts- 3%en a la/or nion or em'loyer gets ot a @lac1 Gist %e is imme&iately %ale& into cort, /t (e %a4e yet to %ear of $orris Fis%/ein /eing ta1en /efore t%e /ar of :stice /ecase of %is official 'rinte& 'erio&ical @lac1 Gist- ,%e title of t%is /oo1let is I$iscellaneos *'ecialists-I #t says on its co4er t%at it is 're'are& an& isse& /y t%e @rea of #nformation of t%e :ornal of t%e American $e&ical Association, B=B >ort% Dear/orn *treet, !%icago, #llinois- ,%e I@rea of #nformationI is ;st anot%er one of $r- Fis%/ein's The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1C9 / 210 aliases an& in t%is @lac1 Gist %e ta1es to tas1 an& /ran&s e4eryone as a IJac1I or a Ifa1erI (%o %as incrre& %is &isli1e- Anot%er 'rinte& /lac1 list is t%e one (%ic% $r- Fis%/ein sells to glli/le &octors for $1-B0 a'iece- #t is entitle& I>ostrms an& Fac1ery an& +se&o)$e&icine, Eolme ###-I ,%is im'osing loo1ing 4olme %as a fore(or& of 'raise /y ?eorge H- *immons, t%e a&4ertising Jac1 of anot%er era, (%ic% greatly 'raises t%is (or1 of 4ilification an& san&/agging- #ts origin is attri/te& to a Fis%/ein office 'ro8y " Art%r :- !ram', $- D-, formerly &irector of t%e I@rea of #n4estigationI of t%e American $e&ical Association- #n t%is /oo1 (e fail to fin& a single concern (%ic% a&4ertises in any of t%e Fis%/ein ;ornals 4ilifie& or /lac1liste&- On t%e contrary (e fin& t%at all are non)a&4ertisers- 3it% t%e cle4erness one (ol& e8'ect from a %ig%)class rac1eteer, Fis%/ein %as 'lace& a fe( /onafi&e Jac1s an& '/lic enemies on t%is list- ,%is is n&o/te&ly &one so t%at if its entire contents s%ol& /e Jestione& %e col& 'oint to one or t(o 1no(n Jac1s an& %ol& t%em ' as a criterion of t%e (%ole (or1- One concern (%ic% e4i&ently refse& to a&4ertise (as t%e #nnerclean $anfactring !om'any- A''arently /ecase t%ey refse& to a&4ertise in %is 4arios ;ornals, #nnerclean %as /een consigne& to t%e oter &ar1ness in t%e Fis%/ein le8icon, yet it is consi&ere& one of t%e fe( la8ati4es (%ic% &oes not 'ro&ce a /a& after effect- All 'ro&cts (%ic% %a4e /een ;ac1e& ' /y t%e Foo& an& Drg A&ministration, an& (%ic% &o not a&4ertise in t%e Fis%/ein me&ical ;ornals, a''arently are liste& in t%is $aster @lac1 Gist /ecase %e is 'articlar to gi4e t%e Fe&eral >otice of :&gment nm/er- Ho(e4er, (e fail to fin& in t%e /lac1 list anyt%ing a/ot Gan& o'Ga1es @tter, (%ic% %as a string of >otices of :&gment as long as one's arm against it on file (it% t%e De'artment of Agricltre, an& in Fe&eral an& *tate corts- +art of Fis%/ein's /lac1 list is &e4ote& to o/esity cres, /t not%ing is sai& a/ot Dinitro'%enol, t%e most &angeros of all, (%ic% (as a''ro4e& /y t%e American $e&ical Association- At least, Fis%/ein ga4e t%e Association's a''ro4al of it- Dr- @en;amin .s% of +%ila&el'%ia, signer of t%e Declaration of #n&e'en&ence, mem/er of t%e !ontinental !ongress, me&ical officer in 3as%ington's armies /et(een sessions, an& 'ro/a/ly t%e foremost me&ical man of %is &ay, is sai& to %a4e rge& t%e First !ongress to incl&e a 'ro4ision for me&ical li/erty in t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D0 / 210 First Amen&ment to t%e !onstittion (%ic% is s/mitte& to t%e *tates for ratification in 1DH9- ,%e first amen&ment sai& t%at I!ongress s%all ma1e no la( 'ro%i/iting t%e free e8ercise of religion, or a/ri&ging t%e free&om of s'eec%, or of t%e 'ress-I Dr- .s% is re'te& /y %istorians to %a4e rge& t%e !ongress to a&& t%e (or&s Ior a/ri&ging t%e rig%t of citi6ens to secre me&ical treatment from &octors of t%eir o(n c%oice-I IKnless (e 't me&ical free&om into t%e !onstittion,I %e tol& t%e legislators, It%e time (ill come (%en me&icine (ill organi6e into an n&erco4er &ictators%i' an& force 'eo'le (%o (is% &octors an& treatments of t%eir o(n c%oice to s/mit to only (%at t%e &ictating otfit offers- 3as t%ere e4er a /etter 'ro'%et5 An&, /y t%e irony of fate, an organi6ation (as forme& in +%ila&el'%ia " t%e city (%ere Dr- .s% li4e& an& la/ore& " fifty)eig%t years later, (%ic% &i& gro( into t%e 4ery 1in& of an atocratic &ictators%i' Dr- .s% feare&- An& to ma1e t%e %emloc1 c' for Dr- .s%'s s'irit in t%e Doctors' Eal%alla t%e more /itter to s(allo(, /ot% Jac1s (%o %a4e ma&e t%e American $e&ical Association a com/ination close& s%o' la/or nion an& money)ma& c%am/er of commerce (ere gi4en &i'lomas from a me&ical college /earing %is name-
S S S #t (as t%e attem't of t%e American $e&ical Association, (%en control (as ta1en o4er in 1H99 /y ?eorge H- *immons, to mono'oli6e t%e me&ical fiel& for its o(n mem/ers, t%at le& t%e formation of t%e 9clectic sc%ool of me&icine- ,%is sc%ool annonce& t%at t%ey /elie4e& t%e in4estigation an& 'ractice of me&icine s%ol& /e entirely free an& ntrammelle&Q an& no central /o&y, association, com/ination or cons'iracy s%ol& %a4e t%e 'o(er to 'rescri/e a certain stan&ar& of fait% or me&ical cree&, (%ic% s%ol& /e recei4e& an& force& 'on e4ery mem/er of t%e 'rofession /y t%reats of 'rofessional &isgrace an& rin- ,%ey recogni6e& t%at e4ery enlig%tene&, e&cate& an& %onest '%ysician s%ol& stan& 'on t%e 'latform of 'rofessional res'ecta/ility an& s%ol& en;oy t%e same rig%ts no matter (%at &octrines %e a&4ocate& in me&icine, or (%at system of 'ractice %e &eeme& it %is &ty to a&o't- @t a 'o(erfl &esire to &ominate 'ossesse& t%e *immons controlle& gro' " t%e (ol&)/e atocrats in t%e fiel&- ,%ey The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D1 / 210 (ante& eac% man to /e remol&e& in t%e same mol& t%ey (ere ma&e in, an& sog%t to enforce t%is mol& 'on ot%ers, li1e a /e& of +rocrstes- ,%e 9clectic 'latform, (%ic% (ol& %a4e le& to(ar& t%e a&4ancement an& 'rogress of me&icine, (as slo(ly smot%ere&, an& e4ery effort (as ma&e to 1ill off t%e sc%ool- :st (%at 'o(ers of %y'notism *immons %a& o4er t%e &octors of 1H99 # (ol&n't 1no(- @t t%ey seem to %a4e &egenerate& (mentally, at least) from t%e gro' of earnest, intelligent, /roa&) min&e& 'ractitioners (%o got toget%er in 1H4D an& forme& an association for t%e mtal /enefit of &octors an& t%e ailing '/lic- ,%e com/ati4e 'rogram lai& &o(n /y @oss *immons %a& a t(o) fol& o/;ecti4e<
(1) ,o secre an& go4ern, for itself, all lcrati4e offices in t%e Army an& >a4y, t%e !i4il *er4ice an& t%e %os'italsQ (2) ,o nite as one against t%e ot%er '%ysicians an& 'ractitionersQ to &estroy t%eir social stan&ing an& to &ri4e t%em ot of t%e /siness of me&icine entirely-
@y t%e first o/;ecti4e of t%is 'rogram t%e *immons faction of t%e me&ical 'rofession t%re( off its cloa1 of %onora/leness /ecase t%is o/;ecti4e (as actate& entirely /y gree& an& t%e lo4e of money- An %onora/le me&ical &octor 'laces t%e (elfare of %is 'atient firstQ money, /a&ly as (e all nee& it, secon&- ,%e secon& *immons o/;ecti4e s%o(e& a /itterness of s'irit, a smallness of min& an& a form of /igotry far /elo( t%e &ignity of &ecent '%ysicians- ,%s t%e *immonsites %a& &egenerate& far /elo( anyt%ing concei4e& /y Dr- .s% or t%e fon&ing fat%ers of t%e American $e&ical Association- ,%ey (ante& to %a4e a mono'oly an& to /e t%e sacre& co(s, t%e only Irecogni6e&I me&icine men in t%e tri/e- ,o t%e e4erlasting &iscre&it of t%e mem/ers of many *tate legislatres it mst /e recor&e& %ere t%at t%is close& s%o' nion %as e8ten&e& tentacles to t%e %ealt% &e'artments of nine American common(ealt%s at t%e 'resent (riting- ,%ese tentacles are reac%ing ot as fast as t%ey can, an& &are to, into t%e ot%er t%irty)nine *tates, t%e District of !olm/ia an& all of t%e territories- #n nine *tates t%e American $e&ical Association is s'reme in The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D2 / 210 state %ealt% acti4ities- >o &octor (%o is not a mem/er is gi4en t%e slig%test consi&eration for a''ointments on any /oar&, or for a''ointments on t%e staff of any *tate o(ne& %os'ital or instittion- ,%ese states are Ala/ama, Dela(are, Goisiana, $arylan&, $ississi''i, >ort% !arolina, *ot% !arolina, Eermont an& Eirginia- ,(enty)eig%t 'ercent of t%e license& 'racticing me&ical &octors of Ala/ama are not mem/ers of t%e American $e&ical Association, alt%og% t%ey 'ay ta8es, 4ote an& generally e8ercise t%e rig%t of citi6ens as garantee& /y t%e !onstittion an& @ill of .ig%ts- 7et only a mem/er of t%e Ala/ama *tate $e&ical *ociety can /e a''ointe& to t%e Ala/ama *tate $e&ical @oar&- >o effort %as /een ma&e to e8'lain (%at is t%e matter (it% t%e ot%er 2HP of me&ical &octors, or (%y none of t%eir nm/er can /e a''ointe& to t%e state's go4erning me&ical gro'- ,%e la( also 'ro4i&es t%at a &rgless &octor, or a !%ristian *cientist, cannot /e license& to treat 'atients nless t%ey 'ass an e8amination gi4en /y mem/ers of t%e Ala/ama *tate $e&ical *ociety " in&i4i&als (%o a&mitte&ly 1no( not%ing a/ot t%e &rgless sciences an& are t%erefore as nfit to con&ct sc% e8aminations as a gro' of Ul #slan&ers (ol& /e- ,%is /oar& is also gi4en t%e 'o(er to refse to e8amine me&ical &octors (%o &i& not recei4e t%eir e&cation from a me&ical college a''ro4e& /y t%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce- An& t%e @oar& %as ma&e t%is n)American tenet one of its rles an& reglations- ,%e @oar& also %as &ictatorial 'o(er to re4o1e t%e license of any &octor in t%e state it c%ooses- O/4iosly, t%e Fe&eral la(s against trsts an& mono'olies in restraint of tra&e are not a''lie& /y t%e De'artment of :stice, t%e Fe&eral agency s(orn an& 'ai& to '%ol& t%e anti)trst la(s, to any s/si&iary or stooge of t%e Drg ,rst- ,%e Ala/ama la(s are similar to t%ose of t%e ot%er mono'olistic states enmerate&- ,%ese nine state me&ical societies t%s %ol& t%e @ig *tic1- 3it% it t%ey can (%i' &octors into line- ,%e me&ical 'ractice acts eac% 'ro4i&e frt%er t%at
It%e @oar& s%all %a4e t%e rig%t to &etermine all Jestions as to t%e sfficiency of t%e com'laint, as to its 'roce&re an& as to t%e a&missi/ility an& (eig%t of e4i&ence-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D= / 210
,%is 'ro4ision seals an airtig%t mono'oly- An& it is as air tig%t as t%e illegal an& nla(fl Aangaroo !ort con&cte& /y t%e +ost Office De'artment against all 4en&ors of t%era'etic 'ro&cts (%ose &estrction is or&ere& /y t%e Drg ,rst, an& (%ic% 'roce&re is &escri/e& in t%e c%a'ter I?o4ernment ?angsters-I An&, n&er t%is airtig%t mono'oly, a &octor (%o incrs t%e enmity or &is'leasre of t%e Drg ,rst (t%r its stooge, t%e American $e&ical Association) is %ale& /efore its 'ic1e& /o&y to ans(er t%e c%arge of In'rofessional con&ctI or some ot%er &rmme&)' c%arge, no matter %o( far)fetc%e& an& silly- His li4eli%oo&, t%e fate of %is family, %is name an& career are at sta1e- ,%e car&s are stac1e& against %im an& %e is frame& /efore %e starts- ,%e nlc1y '%ysician, 1no(ing t%e mono'olistic 'o(er of t%e American $e&ical Association, faces %is accsers only to fin& t%at t%e *tate $e&ical *ociety's 'ic1e& /o&y %as t%e 'o(er to &etermine (%at testimony t%e accse& may offer in %is o(n &efense- >ot only t%is, /t t%e *tate $e&ical *ociety's 1angaroo cort %as t%e sole 'o(er to &etermine t%e 4ale of t%e e4i&ence (%ic% t%e &octor offers- An& to ca' t%is tra4esty on ;stice, t%e *tate $e&ical *ociety's 'ic1e& an& 'ac1e& gro' acts as %is ;&ge an& metes ot t%e 'enalty- ,%e *tate $e&ical Association frt%er &etermines t%e stan&ing of t%e college from (%ic% t%e a''licant gra&ate&- #n so &etermining t%e stan&ing, t%e *tate $e&ical Association annonces t%at it is gi&e& /y t%e rating gi4en t%at college /y t%e American $e&ical Association- $ost of t%e ot%er *tates &o li1e(ise in /lac1)listing colleges (%ic% &o not s/mit to t%e ar/itrary &ictation of t%e $e&ical Dictator- !onseJently, if a st&ent (is%es to 'ractice me&icine, %e mst go to a college a''ro4e& /y t%e American $e&ical AssociationQ ot%er(ise %e (ill not /e allo(e& e4en to ta1e an e8amination- 3it% t%is stifling gri' 'on me&ical colleges t%ere can /e /t one ine4ita/le reslt- $e&ical colleges (%ic% t%e American $e&ical Association &oes not a''ro4e, go ot of e8istence /ecase st&ents (ill not atten& t%em- ,%is s%o(s a 'retty com'lete mono'oly o4er all t%ings &irectly connecte& (it% t%e 'ractice an& teac%ing of me&icine- ,%ere also are innmera/le ot%er %ealt% acti4ities in e4ery *tate not &irectly connecte& (it% me&ical 'ractice (%ic% are also mono'oli6e& /y t%e $e&ical Dictators%i', to t%e c%agrin of in&e'en&ent t%in1ing The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D4 / 210 '%ysicians- For instance, t%e *tate @oar& of Healt%, (%ose acti4ities &eal (it% sanitation, sc%ools, general %ealt% s'er4ision, etc- *''orting t%e *tate @oar& of Healt% is t%e 'olice 'o(er of t%e *tate, (%ic% means t%at t%e fll 'olice 'o(er of t%e Knite& *tates can /e calle& 'on if nee&e& to enforce its or&ers- #n (%ose %an&s s%ol& sc% tremen&os res'onsi/ility /e 'lace&5 #n t%e %an&s of s1ille& sanitary engineers, or in t%e %an&s of /ro1en &o(n me&ical Jac1s (%o are na/le to earn a li4ing at t%e 'ri4ate 'ractice of me&icine5 ,%e sai& Jac1 /eing s/ser4ient to t%e $e&ical Fe%rer or t%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce 5 ,%e ans(er is fon& in t%e fact t%at city an& conty %ealt% officers are ni4ersally a''ointe& from t%e ran1s of lame &c1 me&ical &octors " most of (%om are totally nfitte& /y eit%er training, latent a/ility or nati4e intelligence for sc% (or1- 3e fin& t%at, in t%e states of Aansas an& $issori, t%e state la(s say It%e &ifferent sc%ools of 'racticeI s%all /e re'resente& on t%e *tate @oar&- 3e also fin& t%at t%is la( is 4iolate& an& t%at only $- D-'s are e4er a''ointe& to t%ese /oar&s- ,%is me&ico)&rg cartel (as a'tly smme& ' /y :- 3- Ho&ge, $- D-, of >iagara Falls, >- 7-, in t%ese (or&s<
I,%e me&ical mono'oly or me&ical trst, e'%emistically calle& t%e American $e&ical Association, is not merely t%e meanest mono'oly e4er organi6e&, /t t%e most arrogant, &angeros an& &es'otic organi6ation (%ic% e4er menace& a free 'eo'le in t%is or any ot%er age- IAny an& all met%o&s of %ealing t%e sic1 /y means of safe, sim'le an& natral reme&ies is sre to /e assaile& an& &enonce& /y t%e arrogant lea&ers of t%e A $ A &octors' trst as 'fa1es, fra&s an& %m/gs-' 94ery 'ractitioner of t%e %ealing art (%o &oes not ally %imself (it% t%e me&ical trst is &enonce& as a '&angeros Jac1' an& im'oster /y t%e 're&atory trst &octors- I94ery sanitarian (%o attem'ts to restore t%e sic1 to a state of %ealt% /y natral means (it%ot resort to t%e 1nife or 'oisonos &rgs, &isease im'arting serms, &ea&ly to8ins or 4accines, is at once 'once& 'on /y t%ese me&ical tyrants an& fanatics, /itterly &enonce&, 4ilifie& an& 'ersecte& to t%e fllest e8tent-I
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1DB / 210 $any &octors may (ell (on&er a/ot t%e ra'i& rise of c%iro'ractic an& ot%er forms of &rgless %ealing, an& t%e corres'on&ing &ecrease in t%eir o(n res'ecti4e 'ractices- ,%e !%icago $e&ical *ociety %as fon& t%at HBP of t%e 'eo'le of its commnity 'refer &rgless %ealers as family '%ysicians- #n +asa&ena, !alifornia, a la&y &octor, t%e e8amining '%ysician for t%e +asa&ena 7-3-!-A-, &isco4ere& t%at HBP of %er e8aminees %a4e &rgless %ealers for t%eir '%ysicians- ,%is is startling information for t%e ort%o&o8 'ractitioner- >atrally %e (on&ers (%y- Any intelligent 'erson (ill a&mit t%at a mo&ality (%ic% can ma1e sc% %ea&(ay as t%is certainly mst affor& satisfactory relief to t%ose (%o see1 it, (%et%er it is 'syc%ological or '%ysical- @t is it eig%ty)fi4e fifteent%s as effecti4e as me&icine5 #f t%e me&ical &octors (ill ta1e off t%eir rose)colore& glasses an& loo1 at t%e American $e&ical Association as it really is t%ey (ill get t%e ans(er to t%is Jestion- $e&ical &octors, (%o &o not s%ot or a&4ertise t%eir acti4ities to t%e (orl& at large are ;&ge& /y t%e fe( me&ical &octors (%o &o- ,%ese a&4ertising &octors com'rise an& control t%e A $ A- $orris Fis%/ein, for instance, sol& a series of allege& %ealt% articles to t%e *cri's)Ho(ar& >e(s *yn&icate- At t%e /ottom of eac% article %e e8%orte& %is rea&ers to Icli' t%is ot an& /ecome yor o(n &octor-I 94en t%og% t%e '/lic &oesn't 1no( t%at Fis%/ein ne4er 'ractice& me&icine a &ay in %is life an& is not Jalifie& to a&4ise t%e laymen, mc% less t%e &octor, on %o( to treat t%e sic1, any intelligent man or (oman is a(are t%at yo cannot treat &isease in a stan&ar&i6e& manner /y t%m/ing t%rog% ne(s'a'er cli''ings- Any intelligent layman is /on& to t%in1 less of t%e me&ical 'rofession after rea&ing t%ese /og%t)an&)'ai&)for /lr/s (ritten /y t%e nation's s''ose&ly Ilea&ingI me&ical man- 7et &ring t%e recent (ar Fis%/ein a&4ertise& to all an& sn&ry to /y %is 9Hc /oo1 an& /e t%eir o(n &octor " to release t%eir goo& ol& family &octor for (ar &ties- 94ery &octor (e %a4e tal1e& to, (%o %as loo1e& at t%e Fis%/ein t%ing, says it is seless for e4en or&inary family life, t%at it is n&ignifie& in t%e e8treme an& t%at it is one of t%ose t%ings t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission an& t%e +ost Office De'artment (ol& s''ress if it &i&n't %a4e t%e sanction of t%e &rg trst- #n it Fis%/ein 'lgs a large nm/er of nostrms ma&e an& sol& /y nits of t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst, no matter %o( %armfl The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1DC / 210 t%ey %a4e /een 'ro4en to /e- 9'som *alts %e says I%as lots of 'o(er-I !itrate of $agnesia, %e says, s%ol& /e ta1en in large Jantities- Anyone (%o follo(e& t%is a&4ice (ol& soon /e mins t%e lining of %is /o(els- He 'lgs an& rges t%e e8cessi4e consm'tion of castor oil, mineral oil, agar, glycerine, 4aseline, col& cream, 6inc o8i&e ointment, io&ine, /oric aci&, 'ero8i&e, so&im /icar/onate, as'irin, ammonia, srgical 'o(&er, 'etrolatm ecaly'ts ment%ol com'on&, syringes, /e& 'ans, r//er s%eets, a&%esi4e ta'e, t%ermometers, ice /ags, atomi6ers an& t%e 'ro&ct of any 4en&or (%o a''arently (as (illing to 'ay for t%is Ia&4ertising-I #n %is a&4ertising 'rogram, $r- Fis%/ein ma&e some of t%e most otlan&is% claims imagina/le- $any a 4en&or, not 'ossessing t%e /lessing an& /ene&iction of t%e Drg ,rst, %as /een 't ot of /siness /y /ot% Fe&eral ,ra&e an& Foo& L Drg for statements not 10P as men&acios- For instance (e fin& sc% /lr/s as t%ese<
I#t !ontains t%e sm total of e4eryt%ing me&ical science %as learne&-I
I#t /rings to e4ery mo&ern %ome t%e 'eace of min& an& sense of secrity t%at comes of /eing 're'are& in time of nee&- - - - it is (ort% a t%osan& times its 'rice-I
Actally, me&ical '%ysicians (ill tell yo t%e Fis%/ein tome isn't (ort% t%e 'a'er it is (ritten on- #n fact, no one e8'ects it to /e (ort% t%at, since $r- Fis%/ein &emonstrate& at %is state /oar& e8amination t%at %e &oesn't 1no( (%ere %alf t%e organs, /ones, ner4es an& tisses are locate& or e4en (%at t%ey are- #n Dr- :ose'%son's /oo1 I$erc%ants #n $e&icineI %e goes into t%e Fis%/ein conglomeration in some &etail- He cites a nm/er of instances (%ere t%at gentleman's lac1 of me&ical 1no(le&ge is glaringly transmitte& to %is (ritings, an& gi4es a nm/er of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1DD / 210 instances of %arm a 'erson (ol& &o to %imself or %erself in follo(ing t%e a&4ice gi4en in t%e /oo1- 94en (orse, t%e *cri''s)Ho(ar& ne(s'a'ers (ere foole& into syn&icating to its ne(s'a'er clients a similar line of %o1m in t%e form of a ne(s'a'er colmn a &ay, (ritten /y $r- Fis%/ein n&er t%e 'retense t%at %e (as a &octor an& 1ne( %o( to treat %man ills- #t is sai& t%at t%ey actally 'ai& Fis%/ein goo& American fol&ing money for t%is ;n1- ,%e ne(s'a'er syn&icate (as as /ol& as Fis%/ein for, at t%e /ottom of eac% &aily colmn of t%ese Ime&ical tal1sI (as t%e /ol& inscri'tion, ringe& aron& /y a /o8 an& starting off in /ol& ca'ital letters (it% t%e e8%ortation I$a1e 7or O(n $e&ical ?i&e-I ,%is (as follo(e& /y<
I*a4e Dr- Fis%/ein's articles from &ay to &ay an& 'aste t%em in a scra' /oo1- #n a s%ort time yon (ill fin& yo %are acJire& an in4ala/le mo&ern %ome me&ical gi&e (it% relia/le information on e4ery %ealt% Jestion-I
Of corse, it is an e8treme t%og%t to e4en 4ision e4eryone of or 1B0,000,000 'eo'le gi4ing ' t%eir family '%ysician an& rs%ing to 3ool(ort%'s to /y scra' /oo1s in (%ic% to 'aste $orris Fis%/ein's gems of me&ical (is&om- @t t%ese isn't t%e slig%test &o/t t%at many glli/le rea&ers %a4e &one t%is- ,(o conseJences follo(- First, an& most im'ortant, is t%at eac% ignorant rea&er (%o &i& t%is too1 long c%ances (it% %is o(n %ealt% an& life, or t%at of %is or %er &ear ones- ,%e secon& is t%at many a family &octor lost fees (%ic% %e col& %a4e %onestly earne& /y a&ministering to %is 'atients (%o %a& /een e8%orte& /y t%is Igreat me&ical lea&erI to /e %is o(n &octor an& atten& %imself /y t%e ne(s'a'er)cli''ing met%o&- Fis%/ein's /oo1 (as one glaring o4ersi6e& /lr/ for t%e 'ro&cts of t%e Drg ,rst- >atrally t%e +ost Office, t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration an& t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission loo1 t%e ot%er (ay- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1DH / 210
3ha,ter 4D Sha.edo<n *ince t%e regimentation of $e&icine /y Jac1s an& me&ical gangsters in control of t%e American $e&ical Association, t%is organi6ation %as /ecome one of t%e most 4icios rac1ets in t%e contry- A large ma;ority of t%e 'eo'le %a4e lost fait% in t%e me&ical &octor an& loo1 else(%ere for relief- " !%arles Gyman Goffler, $- D- " $any 'ersons (%o %a4e in&lge& in t%e gentle art of (%at is 1no(n as Is%a1ing &o(nI %a4e /een nceremoniosly s%ot- $any more %a4e increase& t%e 'o'lations of or ;ails an& 'enitentiaries- @t t%ese are only t%e cr&e /oys " t%e ones (%o are not smart enog% to stay (it%in t%e la( /y organi6ing or controlling a Inon 'rofitI association (%ere s/tly generate& fear is s/stitte& for t%e &o(nrig%t t%reat- 3%en t%at &ictators%i', 1no(n as t%e American $e&ical Association, grants its a''ro4al to a 'ro&ct an& t%en, after t%e &istri/tor of t%is 'ro&ct refses to a&4ertise as %ea4ily as t%e Dictator &esires, (it%&ra(s t%e sai& IA''ro4al,I slan&ers t%e 'ro&ct an& attem'ts to s/orn t%e 4iolation of t%e 'ro&cer's contract (it% t%e &istri/tor, t%is can /e &escri/e& as not%ing else /t an attem'te& *HAA9DO3>- 3%en t%e $e&ical Dictator grants t%e Iseal of a''ro4alI to a (ealt%y /tter com'any (%ic% %as /een con4icte& &o6ens of times /y t%e Fe&eral go4ernment an& t%e *tate of +ennsyl4ania for selling 'tri& /tter an& eggs, an& (%en t%is Iseal of a''ro4alI is somet%ing solely to ma1e t%e '/lic t%in1 t%is 'ro&ct is 're, an& (%en, in s'ite of t%ese con4ictions, t%is /tter com'any, (%ic% is a goo& a&4ertiser in t%e me&ical ;ornals, contines to tili6e t%is fa1e seal, t%en t%e 'ictre of t%e Is%a1e&o(nI 'ractice& /y officials of t%e American $e&ical Association is too clear for sccessfl contra&iction- #n t%is c%a'ter # am going to cite a nm/er of instances of manfactrers an& &istri/tors, not to s'ea1 of me&ical &octors, (%o %a4e /een as1e& to I1ic1 inI or a&4ertise an&, failing to acce&e to t%ese &eman&s %a4e /een 'ersecte&, 4ilifie&, an& in many cases, t%eir /sinesses rine&- # (ill start off /y Joting a letter (ritten to one of America's The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1D9 / 210 /etter 1no(n IirreglarI '%ysicians, /y a salesman (%o formerly (as em'loye& /y $orris Fis%/ein an& %is I!o)o'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea-I ,%ese are t%e e8act (or&s of t%e salesman<
I# (as em'loye& /y ,%e !o)o'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea of t%e A-$-A- $r- 9- 3- $attison (as manager, /t (e (ere at all times n&er t%e rle of 3ill !- @ran, /siness manager of t%e A-$-A- I,%e !-$-A-@- %an&le& a&4ertising as an agency for t(enty)nine state me&ical ;ornals at t%at time, (%ic% incl&e& all /t t%e ;ornals of >e( 7or1 an& #llinois- IAll co'y cleare& t%rog% t%e !-$-A-@- %a& to conform to A-$-A- stan&ar&s an& (ere s/;ect to a''ro4al of t%e A-$-A- @rea controlling sc% 'ro&cts- I#n cases (%ere a&4ertising (as secre& /y a state me&ical ;ornal &irect an& in&e'en&ent of t%e !- $- A- @-, t%e same a''ro4al (as secre& /efore '/lication (as ma&e- IOn se4eral occasions in my e8'erience, si6a/le contracts for a&4ertising in state me&ical ;ornals (ere cancelle& /y t%e a&4ertiser at t%e insistance of t%e A&4ertising De'artment of t%e A-$-A- an& t%e a&4ertising rn in A- $- A- '/lications instea&- I,%e !-$-A-@- o'erating as an agency for t%e state me&ical :ornals c%arge& an agency fee to t%e ;ornals- At t%e en& of t%e year t%e recei'ts o4er an& a/o4e rnning e8'ense (as 'rorate& an& retrne& to t%e state me&ical ;ornals-I
*imilar statements (ere ma&e to my informant /y a salesman (%o (or1e& for one of $r- Fis%/ein's &mmy)/reas " I,%e American $e&ical Association A&4ertising @rea-I ,%is salesman tol& %o( %e (as sent ot in a %rry to see concerns (%o %a& (ritten in to a state me&ical ;ornal for a&4ertising 'ricesQ an& %o( t%e /siness manager of Fis%/ein's :ornal %a& /een ti''e& off /y solicitors of t%e I!o)o'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea-I He (ol& first c%ec1 ' on t%e concern as to its a/ility to /y a&4ertising- ,%en %e (ol& go after t%em for all t%e traffic (ol& /ear- #f anyone /al1e& t%e salesman (ol& first tell %o( goo& an Iin4estmentI t%is a&4ertising (as- #f t%ey contine& to %ol& ot t%e final trm' car& (as 'laye& " a t%reat of con&emnation of t%eir 'ro&ct /y t%e American $e&ical Association- ,%is sally The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H0 / 210 (on t%e &ay- ,%e same salesman again a4ers t%at (%en a concern (ants IrecognitionI for a 'ro&ct, an agent of t%e A $ A A @ is sent to fin& ot %o( mc% money sai& concern %as an& %o( mc% it is (illing to s'en& in a&4ertising in t%e A $ A :ornal- Knless t%ey signe& ' for It%e amontI sggeste&, t%ey (ere a&4ise& t%at no recognition (ol& /e gi4en to t%eir 'ro&ct, an& t%at s%ol& t%ey a&4ertise else(%ere t%eir 'ro&cts (ol& /e con&emne& t%rog% t%e A $ A I!oncil of +%armacyI an& t%e A $ A I@rea of #n4estigation-I # &on't 1no( (%et%er t%e ?ree1s %a& a name for it or not, /t (e in America %a4e- Kn&er t%e &irection of $r- Fis%/ein, t%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce %as ne4er /een a&4erse to e8tracting money from ma1ers an& 4en&ors of t%era'etic ai&s /y met%o&s (%ic% (ol& ma1e Fis%/ein's former fello( to(nsman (Al !a'one) loo1 li1e a small time o'erator- A mil& (or& for t%is 'articlar rac1et (ol& /e Is%a1e&o(n-I ,%e most 'rolific 4e%icle for e8tracting money from 'ac1age& me&icine an& foo& manfactrers is t%e so)calle& I!oo'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @reaI (%ic% is ;st anot%er name for $orris Fis%/ein- ,%is /rea is, to all 'ractical 'r'oses, a %ol&ing cor'oration for =B state me&ical ;ornals, t%e 4arios me&ical s'ecialty maga6ines, t%e :ornal of t%e A $-A- an& Hygeia (t%e I'ee'l'sI %ealt% ;ornal)- #f t%e manfactrer or &istri/tor of a 'ac1age& or /ottle& 'ro&ct &oes not (is% to %a4e %is 'ro&ct cl//e& off t%e me&ical mar1et /y Fis%/ein, o'erating as t%e I@rea of #n4estigationI an& as I,%e !oncil of +%armacy an& Drgs,I (it% t%e assistance of %is stooges in t%e Fe&eral Foo& an& Drg A&ministration, or %is &'es in t%e >ational @etter @siness @reas, %e %a& /etter Ia&4ertise-I An a&4ertiser (%o (rites to one of t%e *tate ;ornals inJiring as to t%eir a&4ertising rates, etc-, generally recei4es a letter li1e t%e follo(ing stoc1 ans(er sent ot /y t%e Ar1ansas $e&ical *ociety<
I,%an1 yo for yor inJiry (%ic% (e are referring to t%e !oo'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea, B=B >ort% Dear/orn *treet, !%icago, #llinois, (%o %an&les t%e national a&4ertising for t%e :ornal of t%e Ar1ansas $e&ical *ociety- 7ors, trly, 3- .- @oo1s%er-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H1 / 210
An& (it%ot solicitation from %im, t%e manfactrer (ill almost in t%e same mail recei4e t%e follo(ing from general %ea&Jarters, signe& I!oo'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea<I
I7or letter a&&resse& to t%e Ar1ansas *,A,9 $9D#!AG :OK.>AG a/ot a&4ertising in t%at '/lication %as /een referre& to t%is @rea, as (e are t%e central a&4ertising &e'artment for t%e state me&ical ;ornals t%rog%ot t%e Knite& *tates- 3e ta1e 'leasre in enclosing or rate on (%ic% yo (ill fin& t%e s(orn circlations an& rates for eac% of or '/lications, incl&ing Ar1ansas- 3e are no( 'lacing or or&ers for co'y for t%e A'ril isses- I3e ;&ge from yor letter%ea& t%at yo manfactre an& sell cosmetics- 3e s%all /e 'lease& to %a4e yo tell s (%at s'ace an& %o( many ;ornals yo (is% to se, an& if yor co'y is acce'ta/le (e may t%en e8ecte yor or&ers in t%e ;ornals yo select- I,%an1ing yo for yor early re'ly, (e are Eery trly yors, I!OO+9.A,#E9 $9D#!AG ADE9.,#*#>? @K.9AK-I
Along (it% t%is letter from t%e $e&ical Dictator t%e 'ros'ect (ill recei4e a ta/le s%o(ing t%e a&4ertising rates, toget%er (it% s(orn I'ai&I circlation, total circlation an& t%e &ate t%e forms close for t%e *tate me&ical ;ornals eit%er o(ne& or controlle& /y Fis%/ein- An&, if %e %as any cas% (ort% going after, %e %a& /etter Ia&4ertiseI " or else- #f a manfactrer refses to a&4ertise ;st as %ea4ily as t%e Fis%/ein organi6ation or&ers %im to, t%e (or& is 'asse& aron& not to %a4e anyt%ing to &o (it% t%at 'ro&ct- #t is 't on t%e @lac1 Gist an& la/ele& as IJac1ery-I #f it is a 'ro&ct (%ic% t%e general '/lic /ys, t%en an effort is ma&e to %a4e its normal mar1et &estroye& /y t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission, t%e Foo& an& Drg A&ministration an& t%e @etter @siness @reas, /y c%arging t%at it is Ifra&lentI a&4ertising- Here is as clear ct an e8am'le of an attem'te& s%a1e&o(n as # %a4e e4er seen- #t in4ol4es t%e effort of Fis%/ein to force !- !arl ?il&ner of Gos Angeles, !alifornia, &istri/tor of a 'ro&ct 1no(n as Aing's $aelm, to acce't an inor&inate a&4ertising sc%e&le in The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H2 / 210 nmeros me&ical ;ornals (%ic% Fis%/ein o(ns an& controls- Aing's $aelm is a 're foo& 'ro&ct, ma&e an& &istri/te& from t%e +acific !oast- # %a4e /efore me t%e (%ole story in '%otostat form " letters from t%e American $e&ical Association's t(o &mmy I/reasI " t%e so)calle& I@rea of !o)o'erati4e A&4ertisingI an& t%e so) calle& I!ommittee on Foo&sI " (%ic% a''ear to /e t%e only t(o aliases t%e $e&ical Dictator se& in %is effort to cl/ t%is 'articlar manfactrer into I1ic1ing in-I !- !arl ?il&ner of Gos Angeles %a& a contract (it% Aing's Ga/oratories of !alimesa, !alifornia, manfactrers of t%is 'ro&ct, to &istri/te it nationally- ,%rog% /a& a&4ice, t%e la/oratories t%emsel4es a''lie& for an& secre& t%e seal of a''ro4al of t%e American $e&ical Association, n&er t%e erroneos im'ression t%at t%e a(ar&ing of t%e seal meant t%e 'ro&ct %a& /een e8amine& an& fon& to /e 're an& safe for %man consm'tion- #mme&iately t%ereafter $r- ?il&ner (as solicite& to acce't an& 'ay for a large a&4ertising cam'aign in t%e se4eral A $ A an& t%irty)one state me&ical ;ornals, all n&er t%e control of t%e American $e&ical Association an& its s/si&iaries- $r- ?il&ner &ecline& to meet t%is sc%e&le, (%ere'on t%e Ia''ro4alI (as re4o1e&- >ot only t%at, /t t%e $e&ical Dictator /ecame so incense& at $r- ?il&ner t%at %e attem'te& to /ll&o6e Aing's Ga/oratories into 4iolating t%eir contract (it% t%e &istri/tor- ,%is in itself is a 4iolation of t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission Act, (%ic% isses or&ers to !ease an& Desist against small concerns (%ic%, in t%e langage of t%e !ommission's rlings I#n&ce em'loyes of com'etitors to 4iolate contracts-I ,%e o(ner of Aing's Ga/oratories at t%at time (as one Harry .- *%e''ar&, an Ala/ama)/orn !alifornian- $r- *%e''ar& (as 't ot of /siness /y t%ese Fis%/ein met%o&s an& imme&iately (ent into 'olitics- He (as electe& to !ongress from !alifornia's 21st District in 19=C, an& %as /een re)electe& e4er since- From t%e e4i&ence (%ic% (e %a4e at %an& it is clearly a''arent t%at t%e *eal of t%e American $e&ical Association an& t%e Ia''ro4alI of t%e $e&ical Dictator is grante& only to t%ose (%o &o not incr %is (rat% /y &eclining %is in4itation to Ia&4ertise-I ,%ose (%o I1ic1 inI can sell a<erate& 'ro&cts to t%eir %eart's content- ,%ey can /e in&icte& an& con4icte& /y t%e at%orities for selling a<erate& an& 'tri& 'ro&cts- 7et /ecase t%ey The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H= / 210 Ia&4ertiseI or ot%er(ise 'lacate t%e $e&ical Dictator, t%ey contine to se t%e IsealI (%ic% merely &ecei4es t%e '/lic into t%in1ing t%e 'ro&ct is 're- #t (as on Octo/er 2D, 19=1, t%at t%e $e&ical Dictator, (riting on stationery %ea&e& I!ommittee on Foo&sI an& s%o(ing $orris Fis%/ein as Ic%airman,I a&4ise& t%at<
"King's Maelum is being accepte b! this committee an the compan! is entitle to ispla! the seal on the package label an in a"ertising."
An& t%en on >o4em/er 10t% " e8actly t(o (ee1s later " t%is (as follo(e& ' (it% anot%er form letter from t%e $e&ical Dictator, t%is time on stationery %ea&e& I!o)o'erati4e $e&ical A&4ertising @rea-I ,%is letter sai& in 'art<
I3e are a&4ise& t%at yor 'ro&ct A#>?'* $A9GK$ %as /een acce'te& /y t%e !ommittee on Foo&s of t%e American $e&ical Association (it% (%ic% t%is /rea is associate&- 7o are no( entitle& to se t%e insignia of t%e !ommittee on Foo&s in any a&4ertising yo may se in t%e official *tate me&ical ;ornals- I,%is /rea re'resents t%irty)one of t%ese '/lications, eac% one /eing t%e official ;ornal of one or more *tates, an& confining its circlation to t%e imme&iate fiel& (%ic% eac% ;ornal re'resents, conseJently yo may a&4ertise Aing's $aelm in se4eral or all of t%ese '/lications co4ering forty)t(o *tates an& (it%ot any &'lication of circlation- I3e are enclosing or literatre s%o(ing t%e territory (%ic% eac% ;ornal co4ers an& or rate car& (%ic% gi4es t%e s(orn statement of circlation of eac% ;ornal an& rates for 4arying time an& s'aceo-I
,%is IofferI (as trne& &o(n /y $r- ?il&ner an& t%e Dictator strc1 Jic1ly- ,%e /ig stic1 &escen&e& in less time t%an it ta1es to tell, an& on >o4em/er 1Ct% (;st si8 &ays later) Fis%/ein (rote a letter on stationery %ea&e& I!ommittee on Foo&sI to t%e Art%r .- $aas Ga/oratories in Gos Angeles, !alifornia, informing t%em t%at t%e Iacce'tance of Aing's $aelmI %a& /een (it%&ra(n- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H4 / 210
S S S #f t%ese facts are not 'lain enog% for yo t%ey (ill /e (%en yo rea& t%e case of t%e Gan& O'Ga1es @tter !om'any- ,%is /ig /tter an& egg concern in 19=1 a&4ertise& Jite e8tensi4ely in t%e !osmo'olitan $aga6ine, Hearst's *n&ay $aga6ine an& nmeros ot%er '/lications- #n /ig ty'e t%eir a&4ertisements state&<
+rominently &is'laye& in its a&4ertising (as t%e tra&emar1 seal of t%e American $e&ical Association's I!ommittee on Foo&s,I 'lace& t%ere to ma1e t%e '/lic /elie4e it garantee& 'rity of 'ro&ct- # %a4e /efore me a fll)'age a&4ertisement from Hearst's American 3ee1ly of t%e Gan& O'Ga1es !reameries, #nc- ,%is a&4ertisement says<
IFirst /tter to /e acce'te& /y t%e American $e&ical Association- ,%e seal s%o(n &enotes t%at Gan& O'Ga1es *(eet !ream @tter an& a&4ertisements for it are acce'ta/le to t%e !ommittee-I
# no( Jote from a letter (ritten to me /y ?o4ernor ?iffor& +inc%ot, of +ennsyl4ania, Agst 19, 19=1, at t%e time (%en t%e !reamery 'eo'le (ere %ol&ing ' t%e IsealI of t%e A $ A as a garantee of I'rotection to t%e consming '/licI<
I3e are no( going a%ea& an& not 'aying any attention to (%o t%e 'arties may /e- 3e too1 t%e GA>D O'GAA9* into t%e corts only a fe( &ays ago on t(enty)t%ree moistre cases, an& it &oesn't matter (%o t%e 'arty is if (e fin& t%em 'tting into +ennsyl4ania any a<erate& foo&, if (e get t%e e4i&ence, t%ey are going into cort-I
Kn&er &ate of Decem/er 11, 19==, ?o4- +inc%ot again (rote<
The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1HB / 210 I,%e cases against t%e GA>D O'GAA9* !.9A$9.7 concerne& illegal Jantities of moistre in /tter- #n some of t%e cases t%ey 'ai& a fine- #n ot%ers, (%ere t%e e4i&ence (as not so clear, t%ey 'ai& t%e costs, /t in no case &i& &ecision go against t%e *tate-I
Fi4e times in t%e year 19=0 t%e Gan& O'Ga1es !reamery 'eo'le (ere %aile& into t%e Fe&eral !orts of >e( 7or1 an& >e( :ersey for selling a<erate& /tter an& mis)/ran&e& eggs- ,%e 'ro&ct in eac% case (as con&emne&, /t t%e &efen&ants (ere allo(e& to go free In&er /on&-I #n t%e latter case it (as a&mitte& /y t%e !reamery 'eo'le t%at 'art of t%e =99 cans of fro6en eggs in4ol4e& ('rity garantee& /y t%e IsealI an& Ia''ro4alI of t%e American $e&ical Association) (ere filt%y, &ecom'ose&, an& t%at sgar %a& /een a&&e&, 'resma/ly to &isgise t%e smell- 3e %a4e no recor& of t%e IsealI an& Ia''ro4alI of t%e American $e&ical Association %a4ing /een (it%&ra(n /efore or after t%ese facts came to lig%t- #t is, t%erefore, a''arent from t%ese '/lic recor&s t%at t%e Gan& O'Ga1es !reamery mst %a4e I1ic1e& inI some(%ere an& some%o( to t%e $e&ical Dictators%i'- #t reJires no e8traor&inary intelligence for one to see t%at t%e Aing's $aelm 'ro&ct, against (%ic% no c%arge (mc% less a con4iction) %as e4er /een /rog%t of im'rity or a<eration, (as re;ecte&, not /ecase of im'rity or nsafeness, /t /ecase $r- ?il&ner refse& to /e s%a1en &o(n to %el' /il& ' t%e $H,000,000 sr'ls of Fis%/ein's Inon 'rofitI cor'oration- ,%e fate of Aing's $aelm is ty'ical of t%e fate of many %onest manfactrers of 'ac1age& me&icines-
S S S As immoral as is t%e 'ractice of li/eling an& slan&ering a 'ro&ct (%ose 'ro&cer refses to ct %is a&4ertising sc%e&le to t%e 'attern or&ere& /y t%e $e&ical Dictator, t%e Aee'ers of t%e *eal are gilty of 4astly more &angeros 'ractices- ,(o otstan&ing inci&ents are t%e failre to in4estigate t%e to8ic Jalities of a 'oison containe& in +%ili' $orris !igarettes ((%ic% s'en& many t%osan&s of &ollars a year on a&4ertising in me&ical ;ornals), an& t%e co4ering ' of t%e ame/ic &ysentery e'i&emic in !%icago ntil t%e last 4isitor %a& 'asse& t%rog% t%e trnstiles of t%e 3orl&'s Fair in 19==- ,%e +%illi' $orris inci&ent really smells to %ig% %ea4en- >o one The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1HC / 210 e4er &o/te& t%at a stiff a&4ertising sc%e&le (as t%e only O'en *easame nee&e& to secre t%e Ia''ro4alI an& I*ealI of t%e American $e&ical Association- @t ntil t%e &eat% of se4enty)t(o 'eo'le from *lfanalami&e in t%e fall of 19=D it (as not &efinitely 'ro4en t%at a stiff a&4ertising sc%e&le col& co4er ' an in4estigation of 'ossi/le &angeros ingre&ients- ,%e +%ili' $orris !om'any, Gtc, lanc%e& a %ea4y a&4ertising cam'aign in nearly e4ery a4aila/le me&im in 19==- Among t%ese me&ims (ere t%e :ornal of t%e American $e&ical Association, an& =1 states an& regional me&ical :ornals- ,%e t%en $=40 a 'age rate in t%e :ornal is ct to $2H0 'er (ee1 for fifty)t(o insertions- ,%e $B0 rate in t%e >e( 9nglan& :ornal of $e&icine (ee1ly (as ct to $=4 for fifty)t(o insertions- ,%e t%irty)one ot%er ;ornals '/lis%e& mont%ly, t%en %a& a com/ine& rate of $9D0 a mont%- ,%s t%e +%ili' $orris !om'any 'ai& t%at year into me&ical coffers<
B2 insertions, :ornal of t%e A $ A $14,BC0 B2 insertions, >e( 9nglan& :ornal of $e&icine 1,DCH 12 insertions in eac% of =1 state an& regional me&ical ;ornals 11,C40 )))))))))))) $2D,9CH
,%ese figres may %el' t%e rea&er &igest t%e ama6ing facts (%ic% are to follo(- ,%e e8tensi4e +%ili' $orris a&4ertising cam'aign (as /ase& on t%e one Isales smas%,I t%at /ecase of t%e se of t%e &rg &iet%ylene glycol as a %ygrosco'ic agent, instea& of t%e glycerine se& /y ot%er cigarette manfactrers, +%ili' $orris cigarettes 'ro4e Iless irritating to t%e t%roat-I ,%e a&4ertising co'y (riter, in %is flig%ts of imagination, e4en (rote in one of t%e a&4ertisements carrie& in t%e :ornal of t%e A $ A< I+atients (it% cog%s (ere instrcte& to c%ange to +%ili' $orris cigarettes- #n t%ree ot of for cases t%e cog%s &isa''eare& com'letely- 3%en t%ese 'atients c%ange& /ac1 to cigarettes ma&e /y t%e or&inary met%o& of manfactre, (it%in a limite& nm/er of &ays, cog%s %a& retrne& in one)t%ir& of t%e cases- ,%is +%ili' $orris s'eriority is &e to t%e em'loyment of &iet%ylene glycol as a %ygrosco'ic agent " 'ro4e& a ma;or The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1HD / 210 a&4ancement in cigarettes-I $any an a&4ertiser %as /een ;ac1e& ' /y t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission for a mil&er flig%t into t%e realm of fiction t%an t%at- Ha& t%is /een tre, an& t%e &iet%ylene glycol not &angeros, e4ery ot%er ma;or cigarette com'any in t%e lan& (ol& %a4e c%ange& to &iet%ylene glycol- ,%e +%ili' $orris !om'any is sai& to %a4e /ase& t%ese statements on t%e /og%t)an&)'ai&)for Io'inionI of t(o '%ysicians (%om it %ire& for t%is 'r'ose " Dr- $ic%ael ?- $linos of !olm/ia Kni4ersity, an& Dr- Fre&eric1 @- Flynn, also of >e( 7or1- As is t%e case of /og%t)an&)'ai&)for e8'erts, t%e ot%er si&e can al(ays fin& contra)e8'erts to testify to &iametrically o''osite Ifacts-I *o, t%e glycerine interests %ire& Dr- A- :- !arlson, %ea& of t%e &e'artment of '%ysiology at t%e Kni4ersity of !%icago, an& a Dr- Haral& Hoic1 of t%e De'artment of +%armacy, Kni4ersity of >e/ras1a- ,%ese t(o e8'erts ren&ere& an o'inion stating t%at t%e o'inion of t%e ot%er t(o e8'erts (as t%at mc% /ncom/e- !ame t%e fall of 19=D- *e4enty)t(o 'eo'le &ie& as t%e reslt of sing a &rg calle& *lfanilami&e $assengill in (%ic% it (as s%o(n t%at &iet%ylene glycol, t%e sol4ent, (as t%e to8ic agent res'onsi/le for t%e &eat%s of t%ese 'eo'le- >o(, %a& t%ere /een a (or& of trt% in t%e claims of $orris Fis%/ein, 9sJ-, t%at %e an& %is &mmy I!oncil on +%armacy an& !%emistryI an& ot%er nits of %is &mmy set)'s (ere concerne& (it% t%e '/lic %ealt%, %e (ol& %a4e imme&iately ss'en&e& t%e +%ili' $orris a&4ertising an& ma&e an e8%asti4e e8amination into t%e effect of &iet%ylene glycol on t%e %man /o&y (%en ta1en in sc% small &oses as 'ro4i&e& in cigarettes- Ha& t%e $e&ical Dictator /een concerne& at all (it% t%e '/lic %ealt%, t%e '/lic (eal or t%e re'tation of t%e A $ A, %e (ol& %a4e %a& an e8%asti4e e8amination ma&e at no matter (%at cost- An& no +%ili' $orris a&4ertising (ol& %a4e /een carrie& in any me&ical ;ornal nless t%ey &iscontine& t%e se of &iet%ylene glycol ntil, an& nless, it (as 'ro4en %armless to t%e %man /o&y in t%e small &oses containe& in cigarettes- On t%e ot%er %an& $r- Fis%/ein ;m'e& to t%e &efense of t%is a&4ertiser (%o s'en&s so mc% money to Ia&4ertiseI in %is me&ical ;ornals- ,%e :ornal of t%e A $ A itself, in an e&itorial on Octo/er =0, 19=D, sai&< I,%ere is no e4i&ence t%at t%e or&inary se of &iet%ylene glycol in in&stry, or as an ingre&ient The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1HH / 210 in t%e manfactre of cigarettes, is %armfl-I Kn&o/te&ly t%e $e&ical Dictator %as no e4i&ence of t%e %armflness of &iet%ylene glycol (%en se& in cigarettes, an& in 4ie( of t%at $2D,9CH a&4ertising a''ro'riation in 19== it is a safe /et t%at %e an& %is /siness staff &i&n't (ant any sc% e4i&ence- @t t%ey %a4e 'lenty of e4i&ence t%at it is %armfl (%en se& in larger Jantities " if yo can call se4enty)t(o &ea& 'eo'le e4i&ence- 7et, t%e American $e&ical Association also %as no e4i&ence t%at &iet%ylene glycol is >O, %armless (%en se& in cigarettes- ,%at is t%e 'art 9&itor Fis%/ein &i& not tell %is rea&ers " an& it is a 4ery im'ortant item- Dr- !arlson, t%e 'ai& re'resentati4e of t%e ri4al glycerine interests, is a little more %onest (it% %is a&itors in %is e8'resse& o'inion- He says< I# 1no( of no relia/le e4i&ence as to (%et%er t%e amont of &iet%ylene glycol in +%ili' $orris cigarettes is or is not in;rios to man- .elia/le e4i&ence of t%is 'ro/lem (ol& /e a long an& e8'ensi4e n&erta1ing /ecase in;ries, if any, (ill /e slig%t an& c%ronic in t%e amont of &iet%ylene glycol t%at (ol& enter t%e /o&y from smo1ing t%ese cigarettes- IHo(e4er, it (ol& seem a clear matter of (is&om to e8cl&e t%is 'oison from cigarettes, at least ntil 'ossi/le e4i&ence of %armlessness is a4aila/le- # t%in1 t%e 'eo'le res'onsi/le for t%e a&4ertising co'y of +%ili' $orris cigarettes are sing n&ly, if not nfairly, t%e so)calle& me&ical a''ro4al of t%e cigarette-I
S S S A mem/er of t%e American $e&ical Association, locate& in t%e District of !olm/ia, /rog%t to my attention a case of o/4ios san&/agging (%ic% %e sai& (as an e8tremely sore s/;ect (it% me&ical &octors (%o 'ai& &es to t%e A $ A- He 'ointe& ot t%at a 'ro&ct 1no(n as 9rgosterol is I/anne&I /y t%e A $ A (%ile an i&entical 'ro&ct 1no(n as Eiosterol is Ia''ro4e&-I Anot%er 'ro&ct 1no(n as I@efsalI (as I&isa''ro4e&I (%ile a 'ractically i&entical 'ro&ct 1no(n as IAto'%anI an& anot%er i&entical 'ro&ct 1no(n as I!eno'%anI (ere Ia''ro4e&I /y IDr-I Fis%/ein- Accor&ing to t%is '%ysician, District of !olm/ia &octors inter'ret t%is as sim'ly meaning t%at t%e manfactrers of Eiosterol, Ato'%an an& !eno'%an %a4e I1ic1e& inI to t%e 'o(ers t%at /e in The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 1H9 / 210 !%icago (%ile t%e ma1ers of 9rgosterol an& @efsal %a4e refse& to /e s%a1en &o(n in t%is manner- >o( let's see %o( near rig%t t%ese District of !olm/ia &octors are- Eiosterol is manfactre& /y $ea&, :o%nson L !om'any, an& se4eral ot%er 'o(erfl Ia&4ertisersI in t%e Fis%/ein ;ornals an& me&ical &irectories- ,%e i&entical 'ro&ct, 9rgosterol, is sol& /y ?loga L !om'any of !%icago, (%ic% concern refses to I1ic1 inI to t%e A $ A 1itty- >ot only &oes t%e American $e&ical Association refse to Ia''ro4eI 9rgosterol " (%ile a''ro4ing an i&entical 'ro&ct (%ic% is not%ing in t%e (orl& /t 9rgosterol (%ic% %as /een e8'ose& to 4iolet rays " yet Fis%/ein (ent ot of %is (ay sometime ago to /lac1list t%is 'ro&ct of ?loga L !om'any, calle& 9rgosterol- ,%e 'oint of &emar1ation /et(een a 'ro&ct ma&e /y t%e manfactrers of Ato'%an an& !eno'%an, an& one ma&e /y t%e manfactrer of @efsal is more clearly &efine&- @efsal (as ma&e /y Dr- Ge(is *- *mmers at Am/ler, +ennsyl4ania, no( &ecease&- ,%ere (as a fe& of long stan&ing /et(een Dr- *mmers an& t%e $e&ical Dictator, (%ic% en&e& only (it% Dr- *mmers' &eat%- Dr- *mmers (as force& to fig%t incessantly to 'rotect %is /siness- He sent ot 4olmes of letters an& circlars to t%e me&ical 'rofession, in (%ic% %e ga4e many testimonials of cres- ,%is incense& /ot% *immons an& Fis%/ein " no &o/t /ecase t%ey col& not force Dr- *mmers to Ia&4ertiseI in t%eir sn&ry me&ical ;ornals- ,%ey (ent far ot of t%eir (ay to 'oison t%e min&s of t%e entire Allo'at%ic 'rofession (it% %atre& an& 're;&ice against Dr- *mmers an& %is 'ro&ct-
S S S Anot%er interesting case is t%at of t%e 9llis $icro&ynameter- $r- 9llis informs me t%at an agent of t%e A $ A &eman&e& a large sm " estimate& from ot%er sorces at $=0,000 " for a ItestIQ ot%er(ise t%e Iscre(sI (ol& /e 't on t%e $icro&ynameter in t%e me&ical 'rofession- From 'ersonal e8'erience # 1no( t%at t%e 9llis mac%ine (ill &o e8actly (%at its 4en&or says it (ill " 'oint ot to t%e '%ysician t%e 'art of t%e /o&y (%ere t%ere is an a/normal con&ition- #f t%e '%ysician is a com'etent &iagnostician %is training an& ;&gment (ill &o t%e rest- @t t%e sensiti4eness of t%e mac%ine " far in The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 190 / 210 a&4ance of any %man faclty " can 'oint ot t%e &anger signs an& area mont%s or (ee1s /efore t%e /est '%ysician can- Fis%/ein %a& t%e late Doctor)*enator !o'elan& of >e( 7or1, (%o &es'ise& /t feare& t%e $e&ical Dictator, 't an nconsciona/ly false &escri'tion of t%e 9llis mac%ine in t%e !ongressional .ecor& ('age B02B, A'ril 2, 19=B)- Accor&ing to t%e Fis%/ein)!o'elan& '%ili''ic, t%e 9llis mac%ine %a& a I&ial (it% e4ery &isease from ast%ma to 6ymosis in&icate& on it-I 7o s'n a &ial, Fis%/ein sai& t%rog% t%e mot% of %is *enate stooge, an& I(%ere4er t%e &ial sto''e&, yo %a& t%at &isease-I # calle& on *enator !o'elan& for 'roof of t%is statement- ,%ree (ee1s later %e sent me some corres'on&ence (%ic% %e recei4e& from Fis%/ein, an& (%ic% (as sent to %im t%rog% Fis%/ein's stooges in t%e Foo& an& Drg A&ministration of t%e Agricltre De'artment- ,%is I&ataI incl&e& '%otostats from t%e :ornal of t%e American $e&ical Association, (%ic% ;ornal (as so /ol& as to %a4e incl&e& o/4iosly fa1e& 'ictres of t%e mac%ine in t%e articles- # %a& $r- 9llis /ring %is mac%ine to 3as%ington- He ma&e a 'erfect &emonstration on me an& on some officials of t%e De'artment of Agricltre- Fis%/ein's stooges " t%ose in t%e Foo& an& Drg A&ministration " &i&n't (ant to 1no( anyt%ing a/ot t%e instrment t%ey %el'e& to li/el- Hence, t%ey (ere not amena/le to a &emonstration- *enator !o'elan& refse& my offer for a &emonstration /efore %is !ommerce !ommittee, (%ic% %a& ;st railroa&e& Fis%/ein's 'et measre " t%e so)calle& ,g(ell @ill " t%rog% t%e *enate, a /ill (%ic% (ol& actally %a4e emasclate& t%e goo& ol& 3iley +re Foo& @ill- (,%e ,g(ell @ill, inci&entally, (ol& %a4e remo4e& t%e 'ro4isions ma1ing it man&atory to 'rosecte (ealt%y an& inflential offen&ers against t%e foo& an& &rg la(s-) *enator !o'elan& /lntly an& n/ls%ingly tol& me t%at %e &i&n't (ant a &emonstration of t%e 9llis mac%ine /ecase IC,000 &emonstrations col&n't con4ince %im-I Ho(e4er, t%e mac%ine (as sccessflly &emonstrate& /efore t%e Hose #nterstate !ommerce !ommittee- ,re to form, t%e $e&ical Dictators%i' a&mitte& t%at it 1ne( not%ing of t%e &e4ice it (as slan&ering an& li/eling- .ea& t%is self)con4icting statement (%ic% a''eare& in t%e :ornal of t%e A $ A, :anary C, 19=4, n&er t%e ca'tion I@rea of #n4estigation on 9llis $icro&ynameter-I #t says< The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 191 / 210 I,%e @rea of #n4estigation %as ma&e no e8amination of t%e mec%anism of t%e 9llis $icro&ynameter- ,%is article (ill /e confine& to a &iscssion of t%e /ac1gron& on (%ic% t%e &e4ice is 'ro;ecte& an& of t%e claims ma&e for it-I
Ano(ing t%e facts, # &o not /elie4e t%ere is an %onest, intelligent or self)res'ecting &octor in t%e Knite& *tates (%o (ol& not /e as%ame& of a me&ical ;ornal t%at con&emns a 'ro&ct /ecase t%e manfactrer (ill not I1ic1 inI to t%e $e&ical $ssolini, or t%at e4a&es its &ty to t%e '/lic as (as &one in t%e +%ili' $orris case- # &o not /elie4e t%ere is a &octor nas%ame& of a me&ical ;ornal (%ic% '/lis%es fa1e 'ictres, fa1e &escri'tions of an Iotla(e&I 'ro&ct an& t%en /am/oo6les a mem/er of t%e Knite& *tates *enate into inserting t%em in t%e !ongressional .ecor&- #n eac% instance Fis%/ein clmsily a&mitte& t%at %e 1ne( not%ing of t%e 'ro&ct /ecase %e refse& to in4estigate it- ,%is statement is a &ea& gi4ea(ay- ,%ese Inort%o&o8I met%o&s are a''ro4e& /y t%e .oc1efeller Drg ,rst, or t%e Drg !%am/er of !ommerce (ol& ne4er /e allo(e& to commit t%em, Fis%/ein or no Fis%/ein- ,%e ,rst itself is con&cting rac1ets on a far larger scale an& t%erefore loo1s /ene4olently on t%e smalltime 'ecca&illoes of its 4ala/le front an& stooge " t%e American $e&ical Association- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 192 / 210
3ha,ter 40 Time Mar;hes On 3it% all %is conscience an& one eye as1e(, *o false %e 'artly ta1es %imself for tre - " .&yar& Ai'ling-
,%e scene is ancient ?reece, circa 400 @- !- $r- Hi''ocrates, (it% mc% scientific am/ition /t little scientific ammnition, esta/lis%es %imself as t%e +a'a of $e&icine- He s''lants e8isting %ealing a/sr&ities (it% a/sr&ities of %is o(n an& starts t%e me&ical /all rolling- $r- H- is an o''ortnist e8traor&inaire- *ince t%e year B,000 @- !, (%en t%e @a/ylonians inagrate& t%e &rg traffic, %man cra4ings stimlate& t%e &isco4ery an& creation of %n&re&s of t%ese %a/it forming items- Fat%er Hi''o merely too1 t%is into accont, co&ifie& t%e 4arios narcotics, t%og%t ' %man &isor&ers (%ic% t%ey (ere s''ose& to cre, an& 'resto, %e %a& a Iscience-I #f t%e /all (as fm/le& an& rolle& ot of /on&s, t%at can %ar&ly /e /lame& on +a'a- ,o&ay %e (ol& %a4e /een t%e first to las% ot at me&ical &iscssionists (%o 'reen t%emsel4es on 1no(ing a t%osan& t(ee&le&ms an& t(ee&le&ees (%ile %os'itals increasingly fill faster t%an t%ey can /e em'tie&- Hi''o %a& a lot of stff on t%e /all- He la/ore& tremen&osly, e4en if %orren&osly, on a (i&e 4ariety of s/;ects- ,%ere (as t%at amsingly senile stff %e (rote a/ot t%e 4aricolore& /iles an& ot%er fli&s of t%e /o&yQ /t (ritten (it% sc% literary e8cellence t%at %is a/solte not%ings 'o''e& from t%e 'age li1e t%ey mig%t /e im'ortant somet%ings- From %im really flo(e& t%e 'resent &ay me&ical fas%ion of saying an& (riting n(or1a/le i&eas in sc% an in4ol4e& an& 'olysylla/ic style t%at t%ey actally son& &istingis%e& an& comman& res'ect- *c% as t%e cte (rin1le of (riting 'rescri'tions in Gatin " to im'ress t%e /rg%ers (it% not%ingQ an& sen&ing /ills in 9nglis% " to get 'ai& somet%ing for not%ing- @t for all %is generally inaccrate t%og% al(ays attracti4e mean&erings, Hi''ocrates &i& trn ot a fe( (or1manli1e 'ieces of &iagnosis, 'rognosis, %ea& in;ries, e'i&emics an& sc%li1e- For t%at &ay an& age t%ey (ere really remar1a/le- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 19= / 210 $ore remar1a/le, %o(e4er, (ere t%e &rgless conce'ts of t%is fat%er of &rggingQ o/ser4ations on &iet, /reat%ing, (ater cre, s'inal mani'lations an& sc% similar stff (%ic% t%e me&icos of to&ay con4eniently call Jac1is%- Hi''ocrates ma&e a forci/le statement in t%e long, long ago t%at (ill li4e fore4er as an incontro4erti/le trt% (%en %e sai&< IAs is t%e /loo&, so is t%e man " %e is ;st as (ea1, ;st as strong-I
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year DD A.D. The ,la;e is $alestine. :ess of >a6aret%, alrea&y /a'ti6e& /y :o%n, tra4els t%e contrysi&e for t%ree years an& 'erforms miracles /y t%e laying on of %an&s- ,%e &olts of t%e time are confse&, /e(il&ere&- @t it mig%t /e t%og%t t%at t%e me&ical (ig%ts (ol& try to note t%e e8act ner4e centers He toc%e& or any ot%er e8act met%o& t%e $aster em'loye& in 'erforming His cres, instea& of /eing o/sesse& (it% a fren6ie& &esire to call Him IJac1-I @t t%at (as not to /e- All t%at consme& t%e /ree& (as to say Him nay- 3it% for centries of t%e Hi''ocratic tec%nic alrea&y n&er t%eir /elt t%ey c%aracteristically t%og%t little of noting His met%o& /t e4eryt%ing of la/elling it ma&ness- ,o 'reser4e t%eir 'lace in t%e sn as t%e or&aine& an& &ignifie& %ealers it (as t%eir 'lain &ty to t%e '/lic (elfare to start ' t%e c%ors of ri&icle- For He (as an Iirreglar-I !on&emnation (it%ot in4estigation of an IirreglarI (as a IreglarI 4irte- 3%en it came to 'ass t%at t%ey nsee1ingly stm/le& on some of t%e $aster's great cres, an& more 'articlarly on one (%o sai&, IAll # 1no( is t%at once # (as /lin& an& no( # can see,I t%eir a4enging arm only %ar&ene& t%e more in anger t%at One, not of t%e IreglarI sc%ool, s%ol& &o in His Ic%arlatanesJeI (ay t%at (%ic% t%ey col& not go an& &o li1e(ise- S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 412 A.D. The ,la;e is Rome. ?alen, %ailing from ?reece, gat%ers t%e (%ole store of me&ical 1no(le&ge an& ties it ' so firmly t%at it /ecomes for many The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 194 / 210 centries t%e at%oritati4e fon&ation of t%e science- ,%e smallis% me&ical stan&'atters of t%e &ay are arose&- Fi8ing t%emsel4es in a 'ose of rig%teosness, a la *talin, t%ey as1 %o( any yong sJirt &are& &o sc% a 'ro&igios ;o/ of classifying AGG me&ical 1no(le&ge as to confse t%e res'ecte& ol&sters of t%e craft- ,%at ?alen 1i& assmes too mc% " too 4ast a (ealt% of 1no(le&ge for t%eir 'icayne min&s to gras'- He is insolent " t%at is it " ma1ing t%em /y com'arati4e stan&ar&s fall into t%e s%a&o(s- Of corse %e intentionally 'er'etrate& t%is &emeaning tric1 on t%ose (%ose years %e s%ol& %a4e res'ecte&- ,%ere is /t one 'ro'er t%ing to &o- +t t%e rascal &o(n, 'in %is ears /ac1 for %is insolence, ta1e %im &o(n se4eral 'egs an& fasten %im in %is 'lace- #t is not rig%t t%at a mere yongster s%ol& to(er a/o4e t%ose (%ose (is&om 'rece&e& %is- *o t%e steamroller starts an& (it% accmlate& cnning t%e 'om'os em'ty%ea&s &eri&e ?alen to &istract '/lic attention from t%eir o(n 4acity- 94en t%s early it is alrea&y Jite in me&ical c%aracter for t%e &eri&ers to Jietly snea1 into t%eir closete& inner c%am/ers, t%ere to a/sor/ clan&estinely (%at t%e o/;ect of t%eir &erision %a& systemati6e& for t%em- An&, again Jite in c%aracter, on t%e morro( t%ey mot% as t%eir 4ery o(n t%at (%ic% t%ey learne& t%e &ay /efore- ?alen's '%ysiology &oes not /y 'resent stan&ar&s reac% t%e same e8cellence as %is anatomy, /t in t%e secon& centry %is 1no(le&ge 'asse& t%e 1no(le&ge of t%e /est of t%e reglar me&ics li1e t%e IFeen $aryI no( 'asses a ro()/oat-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& The ,la;e is England. The time aout 4**2 A.D. Gon&on (as t%en, as no(, t%e (orl&'s largest metro'olis in 'oint of nm/ers- One %n&re& t%osan& 'eo'le (ere gat%ere& toget%er, li4ing in close 'ro8imity to eac% ot%er- *anitation (as n1no(n- ,%e /at% t/ an& sanitary toilet %a& ne4er /een %ear& of- Gater, (%en someone &i& in4ent t%e /at% t/, it ga4e t%e me&ical reactionaries of t%at &ay an o''ortnity to strt t%eir stff an& &enonce it from t%e %oseto's- ,%e &eat% rate (as frig%tfl o(ing to t%e fact t%at t%e natre of The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 19B / 210 &isease an& its cases (ere %ar&ly 1no(n at all- +%ysicians generally 'rescri/e& s(allo(ing a s'i&er ali4e in syr' for fe4er, t%in1ing t%at t%e s'i&er (ol& eat t%e fe4er '- *na1e)eating (as s''ose& to /e goo& for se8al im'otency- :st (%at t%e me&ical t%eory on t%is (as is not of recor&- +ro/a/ly t%e &ocs ;st s%oo1 t%eir %ea&s an& loo1e& (ise li1e t%ey &o (%en t%ey (rite ot a 'rescri'tion for one teas'oonfl of sgar in (ater in Gatin, an& c%arge yo t(o &ollars for it- 94ery/o&y (ore amlets ('retty or cra6y loo1ing little c%arms) to (ar& off &isease- $ost ailments (ere s''ose& to /e case& /y e4il s'irits (%ic% col& /e cre& only /y c%arming t%e gilty (rait%s- *anitation (as n%ear& of- All t%e to(ns (ere fll of filt%, /t t%e in%a/itants' olfactory ner4es (ere se& to itQ an& so it case& t%em no incon4enience- All sorts of refse an& e4en %man e8crement (ere t%ro(n from (in&o(s into t%e street- ,%e streets (ere not 'a4e& /t (ere an1le &ee' in m& in rainy (eat%er- >eit%er (ere t%ey e4er cleane&- Kn&er t%ese con&itions small'o8, c%olera an& 'lage /ro1e ot from time to time an& &ecimate& t%e 'o'lation- #t (as not ntil t%is filt% (as cleane& ' t%at t%ese &iseases came n&er control- @y t%is time t%e &rg traffic %a& /ecome (%at (as, at t%at time, consi&ere& /ig /siness (it% a co'le of ca'ital I@'s-I ,%e first '%armaco'oeia (as '/lis%e& /y an enter'rising ?erman '/lis%ing %ose- #t (as calle& I+%armaco'oeia AgstanaI an& it liste& 1,100 Ime&icinal agents-I ,%is %ge traffic in &rgs %as gro(n ntil to&ay t%e 2=r& e&ition of t%e Knite& *tates Dis'ensary tells s t%ere are =0,000 sc% Iitems-I
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 4141. The ,la;e is still 8ondon. 3illiam Har4ey is on t%e lectre 'latform- !losete& (it% %im are me&ical snggle'''ers to (%om %e is e8'laining %is original an& com'lete 4ie(s on t%e circlation of t%e /loo&- *ome (ea1 sisters in t%e room get tongetie&, /ol&er ones glo(er, lea&ers (it% re'tations to '%ol& frot% from t%e mot%- I+re'osteros,I t%ey t%n&er, Iarteries contain air, not /loo&-I #t mig%t /e t%og%t t%at to settle t%e 'oint Jic1ly an& Jite satisfactorily some one of t%em (ol& &eci&e to (atc% a li4ing The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 19C / 210 artery, or o'en one to see t%e /loo& s'rt (it% eac% 'on&ing of t%e %eart- @t so sim'le an em'loyment of ncom'licate& %orse sense (as not for t%em- ,%ese /oys %a& t%eir 'restige to t%in1 a/ot- Ha& t%ey not al(ays sai& t%at arteries con4eye& air5 Does t%e 4ery name IarteryI not in itself connote t%e air)con4eying fact5 3%o is t%is r%ematic /m'1in t%at %e &ares 'set all t%at 5 ,%e t%ing to &o is to 't t%e %eat%en &o(nT ,(el4e years later Har4ey t%m/e& %is nose at t%e em/arrasse& gang an& ga4e %is magnificent treatise to t%e (orl&- ,%e ntame& me&ical cre( snorte& li1e (il& mstangs at t%is 'ersonal affront to t%eir &ignity- #t (as o/4ios to t%em t%at t%is (as Har4ey's (ay of saying %e itc%e& for a real fig%t- 3ell, %e as1e& for it- ,%e &es'ica/le ones rolle& ' t%eir slee4es- ,%eir &estroying mills /egan to grin& " Jic1ly an& e8cee&ingly (ell- All t%e IreglarI /oys, (it% ne8'lorati4e min&s /t ;st /arely t%e sense to follo( (%at (as set &o(n, (ere e8%orte& to fig%t Ifor t%eir %onor-I ,%ey 'olis%e& ' t%e ol& fa4orite s(or&, a''lica/le to one an& all /eyon& or otsi&e t%e clan, an& calle& Har4ey a IJac1-I Organi6e& me&icine smote %ar&, /itterly, relentlessly, an& t%ey %a& Har4ey &ri4en into &isgrace- #t (as a terri/le fig%t- @t no(, t%e (or1 &one an& t%e goo& &ee& accom'lis%e&, t%ey /rs%e& from t%eir mon1ey sits t%e grime of t%e scffle, reca'tre& t%eir accstome& %oly air of science, an& (ent ot to tell a (aiting (orl& t%at t%ey %a& ;st (ritten anot%er c%a'ter in t%e /oo1 title& I$e&ical +rogress-I
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 4666. The ,la;e is $hiladel,hia. ,%e s'ea1er is Dr- @en;amin .s%, mem/er of t%e !ontinental !ongress, signer of t%e Declaration of #n&e'en&ence, a me&ical officer in 3as%ington's army /et(een sessions, e&cate& at +rinceton an& in me&icine at +%ila&el'%ia, 9&in/rg%, Gon&on an& +aris, 'rofessor of c%emistry in t%e +%ila&el'%ia $e&ical !ollege, 4olminos (riter on me&ical s/;ects, %onore& /y 9ro'ean so4ereigns for %is me&ical contri/tions an& calle& I,%e *y&en%am of America-I .s% %as ;st resigne& %is army The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 19D / 210 'ortfolio after nsccessfl attem'ts to sto' fra&s 'er'etrate& on sol&iers in t%e %os'ital stores- His 'assion is li/erty, lo4ing (it% %is e4ery fi/er free&om in all t%ings- His s'ecial %atre&s are %y'ocritical 'retense, graft an& corr'tion- ,%e assem/le& me&ical /ret%ren are &(arfe& /y t%e /ig man an& feel ill at ease- ,%ey sense %o( 'oorly t%is man of 'rinci'le fits in (it% men of t%eir il1- #n self &efense t%ey con4ince t%emsel4es t%at %e mig%t e4en /e ;st anot%er Jac1- .s% is tal1ing a/ot free&om an& t%e in&e'en&ent states- He ma1es an im'assione& 'lea for clean li/erty clean t%rog%- He says t%at if (e garantee religios an& 'olitical free&om /t &o not%ing a/ot safegar&ing me&ical free&om, t%e time (ill come (%en me&icine (ill organi6e into an n&erco4er &ictators%i' an& force 'eo'le (%o (is% to select t%e &octors an& treatments of t%eir c%oice to acce't only (%at t%e &ictating organi6ation %as to offer- ,%e 'ro'%et is (it%ot %onor, t%e long4ie(e& fello( a''ears coc1eye& to t%e astigmatic /nc% aron& %im, t%e man of real foresig%t son&s Icrac1e&I to t%e myo'ic 'ygmies (%o t%in1 t%emsel4es s'erior- *o t%ese contem'orary croa1ers listen scornflly to Dr- .s%, (%i' ' a generos &raft of 4enomos o''ro/rim, an& concerte&ly gi4e %im t%e /m's rs%-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 4651. The ,la;e is Merrie England. 9&(ar& :enner 'tters aron& co(s an& t%ings for si8teen years an& /rings fort% t%e i&ea of e8tracting /o4ine 4accine lym'% an& s%ooting it into %man /loo&streams as a s'ecific for small'o8- 3it% a /oy in to( as t%e first to inoclate, :enner strts %is stff /efore t%e me&ical lig%ts of t%e time- #mme&iately t%e scre(s mo4e in, tra4eling %is (ay to(ar& a 4lnera/le center- :enner, long acJainte& (it% co(s, is not to /e co(e&- #n t%e 4ery teet% of t%e rm/ling all a/ot %im %e /ra4ely '/lis%es t%e reslts of %is (or1 t(o years later- >o( t%e otfit goes into its song an& &ance in earnest- +rom't inJisitions /egin- >ot%ing nsal, c%ief among t%e inJisitional me&icasters is t%e (lag%ingly) res'ecta/le !ollege of +%ysicians-
(>ote< " Ha& t%e /oys 1no(n t%en (%at t%e more in4estigati4e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 19H / 210 an& less scr'los 1no( no( " t%at t%is serm)sJirting 4oge (ol& e4entally gro( into a /siness getter /y creating increases in %eart an& 1i&ney an& /rain &egenerations (%ile s''ose&ly c%ec1ing lesser tro/les " t%ey mig%t %a4e cla''e& t%eir %an&s an& sng a &ifferent tne-)
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 4/0+. Ba;. to $hiladel,hia $e&ical men im'lore t%e city fat%ers to stri1e ot against /at%t/s, es'ecially &ring t%e *anta !las an& re& flannel n&er(ear season- #n @oston, some(%at later, me&ics as1 for " an& get " a la( 'ermitting /at%t//ing only on 'ossession of a 'ri6e& me&ical 'rescri'tion-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is( the year 4/00. The ,la;e is Boston. A @oston @ean, 'racticing &ental srgery, is engage& in e8'erimental st&y- He is Dr- 3illiam ,%omas ?reen $orton, t(o years ot of a @altimore &ental college (%ere %e finis%e& t%e reglar t(o)year corse- $orton is c%asing cles for e8citement an& rns into sl'%ric et%er- +restoT ,%e (orl& (itnesses t%e /irt% of anest%esia- +%ysicians get a s(ell /rea1- >o( t%ey can tal1 ' t%e 'ainlessness of srgery as t%ey s(itc% to srgication t%ose (%om t%ey'& faile& to %el' (it% me&ication- *rgeons get a s(eller /rea1- !tting ot an& a(ay t%at (%ic% faile& to res'on& to me&ical treatment, t%ey can no( &o a roaring /siness (it%ot necessity of a'ologi6ing for t%e 'ain inflicte& (it%ot anest%etics- ,%ey 1no( t%ings t%at 'lain '%ysicians only glim'se- ,%ey remem/er t%at @en Fran1lin (as rig%t< I>atre cres an& t%e &octor 'oc1ets t%e fee-I .eali6ing t%at t%e failre of t%e '%ysician is t%e o''ortnity of t%e srgeon, t%ey no( 1no( t%at (%ene4er >atre &oes not %el' t%ere (ill /e no cre an& t%e /siness (ill all flo( t%eir (ay- *o t%ey lay &o(n correct fee)s'litting lines (it% '%ysicians, tal1 ' t%e IcomfortI n&er anest%esia an& of corse mention not%ing so nsalea/le as s%oc1, et%er 'nemonia, loss of /loo& or The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 199 / 210 a&%esions- #nstea& of canoni6ing $orton, /ot% '%ysicians an& srgeons, (it% t%e ngrateflness of t%eir 1in&, %ea' 4ile calmnies on %is %ea&, scorn %im /ecase %e is ;st a Itoot% &entistI instea& of a Ireglar,I la/el %im IJac1I e4en (%ile t%ey %rry to ca'itali6e on t%e manna %e /rog%t to t%em- #t is significant t%at t(o years after gra&ation, an& only for years from %is first session in a &ental classroom, $orton 1ne( more t%an t%e smg allo'at%s (%o loo1e& &o(n on %imQ enog%, in fact, to fin& (%at t%ey /a&ly nee&e& /t %a&n't t%e intelligence to (or1 ot- *ignificant also is t%e fact t%at (%ile reglars (a8e& fat car4ing %man /eings n&er anest%esia, t%is Iirreglar,I (%o ma&e 'ossi/le t%e increase in /siness, &ie& a 'a'er-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 3hi;ago( early in the 3entury. 9nter $orris Fis%/ein, t%e Hanc%, +anc% an& :o(l of organi6e& me&icine, to really 't t%e craft on a &ictatorial /asis- 3it% a&acity %is fetis%, Fis%/ein's is t%e contri/tion of t%e a&acios /siness genis- 3it% %is entrance on t%e scene, an& %is 1no(le&ge of laying &o(n organi6ation lines, t%ings /egin to clic1 at %ea&Jarters- As assistant to Ol& *immons, 'olitical /oss of Organi6e& $e&icine, Fis%/ein really goes 'laces an& &oes t%ings- A tireless (or1er an& a man (%o means to %a4e %is (ay " or else " Fis%/ein really integrates t%e &isrelate& 'arts of t%e far flng em'ire into a nifie& (%ole an& ac%ie4es (%at @en;amin .s% %a& once antici'ate& an& feare& " a $e&ical Dictators%i'- Fis%/ein is &ia/olically cle4er in e4ery fiel& %e toc%es, an& %e toc%es t%em all- #n fas%ioning %is 'rofit ma1ing enter'rise %e reali6es t%at %e mst %a4e control of t%e Association- ,o ma1e t%e trst frt%er 'rofita/le Fis%/ein sets in motion an A $ A I!ommittee on Foo&s-I ,%is si&eline rac1et I'assesI on t%e acce'ta/ility of commercial foo&s, for a 'rice, an& refses its la/el (IAcce'te& /y t%e !ommittee on Foo&s of t%e American $e&ical AssociationI) to s'erior foo&s (%ose manfactrers refse to 1ic1 in- #n an eJally o(lis% (ay %e contacts all manfactrers (%o The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 200 / 210 col& not e8ist (it%ot t%e /eneficent 's% of organi6e& me&icine an& com'els e8tensi4e an& e8'ensi4e a&4ertising in me&ical ;ornals on t%e 'art of &rg an& 4accine ma1ers an& some (%ose 'tri& 'ro&cts (ol& only clog se(ers if t%ey &i& not crry fa4or (it% t%e /oss- ,%is '%enomenon of 4ersatility ta1es on t%e e&itors%i' of t%e I:ornal of t%e A $ AI an& of t%e trst's ste'c%il& '/lication, IHygeia-I An& t%en %e in&ces t%e con4ention &elegates to 't t%e finances of t%e Association com'letely in t%e %an&s of t%e :ornal " %is o(n %an&s- ,%s %e is ma&e *'reme Dictator of t%e American $e&ical Association, (it% a strangle%ol& on t%e Dictators%i'- >ot only t%at, /t %e (rites (it% &ysenteric 4er/osity for any me&im t%at (ill allo( %im to ma1e lagna/le or inslting references to anyt%ing (%atsoe4er t%at %is fancy le& %im to sr'ing t%e 'ri4ilege of &enoncing-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is still 454+. $la;e( &e< Yor.. ,%e astonis%ing i&ea tric1les t%rog% to t%e mltit&es t%at fol1s are in large 'art t%e reslt of (%at t%ey eat an& t%at 1no(le&ge of ntrition is %an&y for %ealt%- A $acfa&&eni6e& '/lic is (%ole (%eat conscios, s'inac% conscios, orange ;ice an& enema conscios, an& it starts as1ing Jestions- >o longer content (it% 'aying a fee for a mere 'rescri'tion, a :o%nny no( says, IDoc, (%at s%all # eat5I An& Doc, floore& /y so nsal a Jery, %ems an& %a(s an& s'tters an& s'ars for time- He clears %is t%roat in correct 'rofessional manner an& ans(ers at lengt%< I7or ntritional nee&s are 'ecliarly in&i4i&al an& reJire carefl st&y " come /ac1 tomorro(-I 9m/arrassment t%s &is'ose& of, Doc &c1s /e%in& t%e scenes an& fe4eris%ly t%m/s t%e 'ages of %is me&ical tomes to forearm %imself against sc% ftre annoyances- @t t%e me&ical sc%ool %a& ne4er tag%t &ietetics an& t%e /oo1s offer not%ing- *o %e gat%ers a s%eaf of articles /y irreglars an& 'rimes %imself to t%e %ilt (it% t%e ne( 1no(le&ge- K' to no( Doc %a& /een intent on &rgging an& ctting, not on (%at to eat an& (%at to lea4e alone- 3%y, on occasions %e'& e4en 'rescri/e& /ran in &ifficlt cases of consti'ation, t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 201 / 210 'atients 'aying a &ollar to %a4e t%e 'rescri'tion fille&- >o( /ran an& sc% (ere /eing sol& n)'rofessionally an& o'enly in stores, an& grocers (ere conter 'rescri/ing- ,%e 'eo'le %a4e gone nts on t%e foo& Jestion, an& " strangely " t%ere (ere fe(er cases of t%at mot%er of &iseases, consti'ation- 3ell, if Doc is to /e force& to meet t%is ne( nee& for 1no(le&ge, so /e it- ,%osan&s of &ocs resigne&ly consent to let t%eir /etters t%rst on t%em an n&erstan&ing of t%ese sefl t%ings- ,%s &oes t%e me&ical fraternity fee& at t%e trog% of t%e IJac1s-I
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 45+2. The ,la;e is &e< Yor.. 9nter t%e Drg ,rst- :o%n D- .oc1efeller (t%e first) an& %is fello( /66ar&s of t%e *tan&ar& Oil !om'any's general staff %a& /ecome im'resse& (it% t%e efficiency of t%e meat 'ac1ers, (%o sol& e4ery 'art of t%e %og /t t%e sJeal- ,%ey remem/ere& IOl& @illI .oc1efeller, itinerant gran&'a''y of :o%n D-, a 'atent me&icine fa1er of t%e mi&)19t% centry (%o a&4ertise& %imself as a I'%ysicianI an& sol& /ottle& ra( 'etrolem to t%e yo1els as a cre for cancer- IOl& @illI calle& %is 'ro&ct >;ol (meaning ne( oil), to ma1e it son& &ifferent from t%e same 'ro&cts ot%er 'atent me&icine fa1ers of %is &ay (ere selling n&er sc% names as *eneca Oil, .oc1 Oil an& $e&icinal Oil- ,%ese ;ac1als of t%e oil fiel&s sol& t%eir cr&e oil as IcresI for t%e 'o'lar mala&ies of t%e &ay " li4er com'laint, c%olera mor/s, /ronc%itis an& consm'tion- IOl& @illI calle& %is a cre for cancer- *o :o%n D- /rog%t %is 'a''y's (or1s to life /y /ottling a form of cr&e oil again an& calling it >;ol- ,%is time it (as a&4ertise& as a cre for consti'ation " not cancer- #t (as ma&e /y t%e same concern, from t%e same ra( 'ro&ct an& /y mc% t%e same 'rocess as Flit, (ell 1no(n fly 1iller an& /g &iscorager- ?etting 2,000 /ottles from e4ery /arrel ($2-00 (ort% of oil) an& selling it at 2H cents a /ottle (as Igoo& /siness-I The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 202 / 210 A fe( years /efore, t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation (allege& '%ilant%ro'ic organi6ation) %a& /een c%artere& /y t%e >e( 7or1 legislatre, (%en t%e American !ongress refse& a similar rite- ,oo many !ongressmen sai& t%ey s%ol&n't gi4e official sanction to a concern (it% a $100,)000,000 sls% fn& to 'ay for 'ro'agan&a- ,%e far)seeing :o%n D- %a& %it t%e ;ac1'ot again- ,%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation (as set to (or1 to 'lg for t%e se of &rgs, &rgs an& more &rgs, (%ile t%e .oc1efeller organi6ation starte& ot to form anot%er ,rst " t%is one for t%e 'ro'agation an& &e4elo'ment of t%e &rg traffic- Hn&re&s of millions of &ollars (ere contri/te& /y t%e Fon&ation to me&ical colleges (%ic% (ol& mise&cate t%eir st&ents into t%e e8cessi4e se of &rgs- Ot%er scores of millions (ere contri/te& to '/lic agencies to 'ro'agate t%e myt% t%at all citi6ens s%ol& /e force& to s/mit to 4accination, sermi6ation an& innoclation for e4eryt%ing t%e .oc1efeller &rg com'any col& fin& an Iimmni6ing agentI for-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 45D6. The ,la;e is Atlanti; 3ity. ,%e fame& seasi&e resort is a/66 (it% e8citement- ,%is time it isn't a &o(ns(oo' of Hoo4er's ?)men on t%e &ens of 'rostittion- #t isn't e4en going to /e one of t%ose /eaty contests, alt%og% it certainly is going to /e a /eat- ,%e American $e&ical Association is %ol&ing its annal con4ention t%ere- Fis%/ein, as sal, is Gor& of t%e 3or1s- 94ery me&ical /ig s%ot fears state me&icine an& $orris %as %el& on as t%e first fi&&ler /ecase %e /rays lo&est an& /est t%at regimentation of &octors is t%e most 4icios /re( ot of t%e &ee'est ?e%enna- On t%e srface, Fis%y is against t%e i&ea from center to circmference- Al(ays (%en %is 'restige seeme& to sli' a notc% %e %as come The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 20= / 210 ot in %is :ornal (it% a mess of %o(ling fa&oo&le t%at I'ro4e&I %e still 'lle& t%e stro1e oar in fig%ting state me&icine- ,%is time Fe%rer Fis%/ein (as 'tting on no or&inary s%in&ig- He an& t%e go&s %a& or&aine& t%at it go &o(n as %istory's most ncon4entional con4ention- For as t%e (orl&'s (orst 'rofessional %ater of state me&icine %e %a& fon& %imself a ne( (rin1le t%at ot(rin1le& e4ery 'ast creation of e4en %is tric1sy /rain- 3it% t%e assem/le& me&ics calle& to or&er, Fis%/ein trotte& ot %is longtime frien& an& 'ersonal 'olitical stooge, *enator :- Ham Ge(is of #llinois, (%om %e %a& gi4en a 'lace on t%e 'rogram- All (as a res'ectfl %s% as t%e 'in1 (%is1ere& gent monte& t%e rostrm- ,%e &istingis%e& (%is1ers 'arte& s&&enly, (it%ot (arning to %is ear (itnesses, ol& Ham e8'lo&e& a /om/s%ell in t%eir mi&st- 3it%ot /atting an eyelas% Fis%/ein's 'o(erfl frien& 'ro'ose& a system of nationali6e& me&icine " a system (%ere/y e4ery &octor (as to /e s(orn in as an officer of t%e K- *- ?o4ernmentT Uo(ieT A t%osan& me&ical %earts sto''e& tic1ing all at once- A t%osan& r/ane faces momentarily (ent fro6en an& flmmo8e& li1e so many &ea& 'ans of contry ci&er sJee6ers- An& t%en (it% one /oomerang (a4e t%e &aymare 'etere& ot an& e4ery/o&y recogni6e& t%e fro6y tric1- Fis% " Fis% " Fis%/einT ,%ey %a& t%e sc%eme la/ele& &ea& to rig%ts- @ac1 to Fis%y's s&&en con4ersion to t%e !ase of *ociali6e& $e&icine (ise ones see t%e fine #talian %an& of ?ree& " for +o(er- Kncle Ham an& %is me&ical colleage in t%e *enate (.oyal *- !o'elan&) %a& 'romise& to get t%e *ecretarys%i' of Healt% for t%e All America Fac1 " $- Fis%/ein- #t (as as clear as t%at- ,%e Honora/le :- Ham, an ol& %an& at oratory, sense& t%e re/ellion in %is a&ience an& starte& sac%eting aron&- 3it% t%e /est eloJence %e /egan to moo- 3%y, e4ery /a& me&ical /ill in t%e contry (ol& /e garantee& /y t%e ta8'ayers " 3%y, e4ery man ;ac1 an& ;ill in me&ical 'ractice (ol& /e assre& a li4ing " 3%y, e4ery resorce of t%e go4ernment (ol& 'rotect all me&ical &octors in a lifetime of secrity- @l/)&/- @l/)&/) /l/- Hot air %eroics- 3it% all %is c%est t%m'ings an& ta/le /m'ings t%e /e(%is1ere& Demost%enes col&n't sgarcoat frien& Fis%/ein's n&er%an&e& creation- ,%e assem/le& &octors %a& all s&&enly ct t%eir eye teet% an& no mere r%etoric col& gil& t%e 'ill- ,o frt%er confon& an& non'ls t%e assem/le& &octors, The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 204 / 210 Fis%/ein's stooges in t%e American !ollege of +%ysicians an& in t%e American !ollege of *rgeons, ltra ltra s/si&iaries of t%e A $ A, en&orse t%e Ge(is 'ro'osal- Alt%og% fe( if any '%ysicians an& srgeons en&orse sc% a t%ing, t%e Fis%/ein stooges of $e&icine's I*%rineI are 'olitically (ise enog% to ;am a resoltion t%rog% (it%ot a mem/er 1no(ing (%at %e (as 4oting for an& (it%ot a&i/le 'rotest- *tot fella, t%at Fis%/ein- *o t%is (as %o( sincerely %e %a& all t%is time /een %ollering I3olf, (olfI at state me&icine- >o (on&er t%at as %e eye& %is s'eec%ma1ing *enatorial frien& t%e Fis%/ein '%i6 seeme& to ta1e on a lig%t of lo4e an& from t%e Fis%/ein li's seeme& to isse a tne t%at mig%t %a4e /een I@ei $ir @ist D *c%oen-I 3%y, %ere (as t%is stagey Ham /oy from t%e %ome state ser4ing Fis%/ein as 'ersonal 'atsy an& 'ro'osing state me&icine (it% a 4engeance- #f t%e 'lan of t%e /ear&e& factotm s%ol& /e a&o'te& /y t%e !ongress, e4ery &octor (ol& (a1e ' one morning (it% territory allotte& %im li1e a co' on a /eat- He (ol& /e sa&&le& (it% official or&ers ne4er to cross t%e street into anot%er &octor's /aili(ic1 e4en to treat a 'atient (%o (ante& no one else /t %is o(n c%osen family '%ysician- #t (as all too terri/ly clear- *re Fis%/ein %a& e4ery reason to loo1 on ol& +in1 3%is1ers (it% %is ten&erest lo4e, /t t%eir o(n li's s%a'e& e4ery e8'ression e8ce't I@ella, /ellaI an& En&er /ar-I For t%e e8'losion s%o(e& e4ery intelligent &octor in t%e con4ention ;st (%o (as t%e rattlesna1e /e%in& t%e 'ro'agan&a for *tate $e&icine- As if to 'ro4e %e (as not ;o1ing, *enator Ge(is intro&ce& %is /ill in !ongress- An& as if to 'ro4e t%at me&ical men (ere only lic1s'ittling coots, s'ecially create& to ser4e %is as'irations, Fis%y ma&e a s'eec% a fe( mont%s later /efore t%e District of !olm/ia $e&ical *ociety &eman&ing t%at !ongress create a De'artment of Healt%- 94ery/o&y 1ne( (%o (as to /e t%e Fis%/ein can&i&ate for *ecretary of Healt% " a man (%o (ol& not only sit on t%e +resi&ent's !a/inet an& rea' /ig coin for ra&io mot%ings an& ne(s'a'er an& maga6ine (or&)mongering, /t (%o (ol& /e a/solte c6ar not only of t%e %ealing 'rofession /t of t%e '/lic %ealt% as (ell- Here (as Fis%/ein at %is /est " or (orst- At long last a coc1)a) %oo' %a& /lossome& fort% (it% t%e 'iece &e resistance of %is (%ole career- #t %ar&ly mattere& t%at to mane4re t%is co', ma;or &omo $orris %a& to ;ettison e4ery frien& an& me&ical magnifico (%o once /elie4e& %im &ecent an& ser4e& %im The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 20B / 210 sincerely- ,%is magnificent moment (as not for nonsense an& ma(1is% sentiment- #f any &octor no( refse& to ;oin %is association as a 'ro'erly o/e&ient 'ic1t%an1 %e (ol& /e rs%e& ot of &octoring an& /e force& into 'e&&ling 'ret6els for a li4ing- Drgless &octors (ol& /e &ste& off li1e so mc% talcm 'o(&er nless t%eir associations an& financial tri/te ma&e it (ort% Aing Fis%'s (%ile to Irecogni6eI t%em- ,%is (as to /e Fis%/ein's gol&en era, an& t%ere (ol& /e none to say %im nay- >ot for not%ing %a& t%e 'a(1y Fis%/ein /rain la/ore& so long an& %ar&- *re %e %a& &enonce& *tate $e&icine " an& 4e%emently " /t t%at (as only to ;oc1ey %imself into 'osition an& 'o(er- ,%ey mig%t %a4e analy6e& it all, an& t%en t%ey (ol& %a4e seen t%at only state me&icine col& actally ac%ie4e &er Fe%rer's lifetime am/ition- #t (as for t%is t%at %e %a& fenagle& an& cllie& all t%ese years- ,%e a&ministration of sc% a measre as t%e Ge(is /ill (ol& %a4e create& a !a/inet Officer an& a !a/inet De'artment- ,%e &octors of t%e contry col& %a4e /een regimente& an& tag%t to goose ste' to t%e Fis%/ein &eman&s- @efore %is min&'s eye 'ara&e& ot%er careers nearly as (on&erfl as %is o(n- Hitler, *talin, $ssolini- DictatorT DictatorT DictatorT 7es, ot%ers /efore %im %a& clim/e& on t%e /ac1s of colleages in or&er to reac% t%e %eig%t of a Aing- 3%at transcen&ent glory for t%e 'ilgarlic1 of 'reten&e& me&ical s1ill (%en t%e IHeil, HeilI of regimente& la'&ogs (ill reac% t%e ears of t%e ne( American $ssolini-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 450*. The ,la;e is Minnea,olis. *ister 9li6a/et% Aenny, an Astralian nrse from an %onora/le !at%olic or&er, s%o(e& t%e Ilearne&I me&ical 'rofession %o( to cre t%ose 'itifl infantile 'aralysis cases /y actally cring t%em- At first t%e me&ical (ig%ts trie& to ignore %er " to 'oo% 'oo% t%e re'orts of (%at t%ey consi&ere& ImiraclosI cres- ,%e Aenny met%o& (as sim'ly t%e se of common sense, somet%ing t%at ne4er occrre& to Fe%rer Fis%/ein an& %is me&ico)'olitical &im(its- 3%ile t%ey (ere fe4eris%ly searc%ing for a germ " an& t%e (%ile in;ecting t%is germ t%ey col&n't fin& into %el'less little c%il&ren in t%eir 'rofita/le sermi6ation 'rogram " *ister Aenny (as sing t%e /rains ?o& ga4e %er- @asically t%e Aenny met%o& (as to a''ly %ot 'ac1s to t%e The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 20C / 210 'araly6e& lim/s " to rela8 t%e msclar s'asm case& /y t%e in;ection into a 're /loo& stream of &isease& animal 's- #f t%e me&icos %a&n't in;ecte& too mc% foreign matter t%e Aenny $et%o& generally effecte& a cre- 3%ile t%is (as going on a gigantic %m/g (as /eing 'ractice& on t%e (arm)%earte& American '/lic e4ery time t%e /irt%&ay of +resi&ent .oose4elt " %imself a 4ictim of me&ical incom'etence an& t%e serm rac1et " rolle& aron&- +eo'le (ere e8%orte& /y all me&ims of '/licity to gi4e Ia mile of &imesI an& to atten& t%e stylis% +resi&ent's /irt%&ay /alls " to I&ance t%at some little c%il& mig%t (al1-I ,%is money (as s''ose& to /e gi4en to t%e 3arm *'rings Fon&ation (%ic% al(ays refse& to ta1e c%arity cases an& %a& no recor& of cres li1e *ister Aenny's- Actally only $1,014,44= of t%e 19=4 recei'ts (as gi4en to 3arm *'rings, none of t%e 19=B Ita1e,I only $122,D21 in 19=C, only $=2B,000 in 19=D an& not a &ime in 19=H, 19=9, 1940, 1941, 1942, 194=, 1944 an&/or 194B- ,%e Astralian nrse contine& to ama6e t%e me&ical (orl& (it% cres (%ic% t%ey col&n't accom'lis% *omet%ing mst /e &one- *o Der Fe%rer of Organi6e& $e&icine " F1- $orris Fis%/ein " or&ere& t%is /enefactor of little c%il&ren to lea4e t%e contry- ,%ere (as no room in t%e Knite& *tates, %e intimate&, for 'ersons (%o col& &o (%at %is stooges (ere na/le to &o on sc% a large an& sccessfl scale-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& The time is 45D5. The ,la;e is Ro;.efeller 3enter. A ma&man in t%e ?erman c%ancellery %as set t%e (orl& on fire- *tan&ar& Oil %as &erric1s all o4er t%e (orl&- A c%arlatan in t%e American 3%ite Hose, /e%ol&en to t%e .oc1efeller $o/ for %is first foray into 'olitics, &eci&es to force %is o(n contry into t%e (ar to 'rotect *tan&ar&'s foreign in4estments an& commitments- ,%e ?erman !%emical ,rst %as ;st com'lete& a &eal (it% American *tan&ar& Oil to 'ool t%eir 'atents an& control t%e &rg /siness of t%e (orl&- ,%e .oc1efellers are /sy acJiring control o4er t%e American &rg traffic ;ointly (it% t%e ?erman cartel- All t%e (%ile t%e Heinies are 'lling t%e (ool o4er American eyes, (it%%ol&ing t%eir synt%etic r//er information from *tan&ar& Oil (%ile 'rocring e4ery secret t%e Americans %a&- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 20D / 210 ,%e *tan&ar& Oil mo/ gat%ers o4er 100 &rg firms an& organi6es t%e greatest &rg trst in t%e %istory of man1in&- Alrea&y t%e .oc1efeller Fon&ation %a& so(n t%e see& of Drgs, Drgs an& $ore Drgs in t%e crrent generation of me&ical &octors- Anot%er Drg ,rst a&;nct %a& /een create& calle& t%e .oc1efeller #nstitte- ,%is one 't scientists to (or1 &isco4ering ne( ses for &rgs- #t mattere& little to t%e .oc1efeller cro(& t%at t%e na' t%ey too1 on synt%etic r//er almost lost t%e (ar for t%e Knite& *tates- ,%eir firms (ere cleaning ' eac% year many times t%eir actal '%ysical assets-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& The Se;ond @orld @ar 7s On. An& (%at a (ar it (as for t%e Drg ,rst- Fifteen million of America's %ealt%iest yot% (ere &rafte&- 99)99/100P of t%em (ent (illingly for t%ey /elie4e& t%eir %omes an& firesi&es (ere in &anger from foreign in4a&ers- At recrit cam' t%ey (ere force& to n&ergo in;ections of filt%y animal 's (%ic% s%ortene& t%eir li4es fi4e to ten years- An& from time to time ot%er in;ections of filt%y %orse an& co( 's (ere force& on t%em- ,%e serm trst (as /ecoming alarmingly ric% from t%ese 200,000,000 o&& s%ots of serm sol& an& 'ai& for /y t%e American ta8'ayer- >ot content (it% t%e 'rofits from serms, t%e Drg ,rst /egan sing t%e Army ginea 'igs to 'romote t%e sale of ne( &rgs (it% fancy names- +enicillin, slfa, stre'tomycin " it all son&e& goo& (%en 'alme& off on t%e 'ress /y t%e %ig% 'o(ere& '/lic relations g%ols of t%e Drg ,rst- @t as fast as one item (ol& /ecome a fa&, t%e me&ical (ig%ts annonce& t%at it (as no goo& /t t%at somet%ing else (as- ,%s an en&less ron& of fa&s (%ic% /rog%t %ge /n&les of s%ec1els into t%e coffers of t%e Drg ,rst-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& The $la;e is &e< Yor.. The year is 4506. The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 20H / 210 Damon .nyon, a great s'orts (riter, &ie& of cancer of t%e t%roat- Damon /elie4e& (%at t%e me&icos tol& %im " t%at cancer (as case& /y a /g (%ic% t%e me&icos %a& /een fritlessly searc%ing for t%e last 100 years- A %alf &o6en cancer control rac1ets (ere in e8istence, eagerly ta1ing money from glli/le /t (ell meaning Americans, an& all eJally ftile in t%eir met%o&s an& reslts- 3alter 3inc%ell, t%e most contro4ersial of all ra&io artists, /t (it% a %ge clientele of listeners, /egan to 'lg for Damon .nyon !ancer Fn&- $oney came in /y t%e /n&le an& /y t%e /ale- #n a s%ort time t%e sm of = million &ollars (as contri/te&- All /t t%at 'ortion (%ic% (as grafte&, (as gi4en to c%emists (%o 'lay (it% t%e test t/es to contine t%e fritless =,000)year searc% for a /g- >ot a &ime (as gi4en to Aoc%, or Goffler, or @lass, or Ho8sey or any of t%ose (%o actally cre cancer /y &ri4ing e8cess to8ins from t%e /loo& stream- #nstea&, all t%e Drg ,rst stooges in 3as%ington, 'lante& /y t%e .oc1efeller #nstitte in t%e Foo& L Drg A&ministration, t%e K- *- +/lic Healt% *er4ice, t%e Army $e&ical !or's, t%e >a4y @rea of $e&icine L *rgery, t%e +ost Office *olicitor's Office, t%e Fe&eral ,ra&e !ommission, et al, (ere or&ere& to 'once on Dr- Aoc% an& t%ose (%o cre& cancer /y sing t%e /rains ?o& ga4e t%em- ,%ese cres mig%t &estroy t%e sale of some &rgs- An& t%ey certainly ma&e t%e Drg ,rst stooges loo1 silly (it% e4ery case of cancer t%ey cre&- #t (ol& ne4er, ne4er &o-
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 45*5. Again in 3hi;ago. #t is a centry since t%e gol& rs% &ays- $c% gol& %as streame& into me&ical coffers- Healt% /oar&s %a4e /een in t%e sa&&le an& t%e $e&ical ,rst, egge& on /y serm manfactrers (%o a&4ertise an& contri/te mc% to t%e treasry, %as force& &rgs an& serms on all citi6ens (%o %a&n't t%e intestinal fortit&e to fig%t against it- #t is a 'ea1 year for inoclations, serms for e4eryt%ing an& more an& more serms as &isease is more an& more in e4i&ence- Fis%/ein (a&&les across a me&ically 'rifie& !%icago *treet- An The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 209 / 210 atomo/ile careens along at a t%n&eros 'ace- #t sails into t%e Fis%/ein 'at% /t t%e ol& man is too slo( to a4oi& it- *)c) reetc%)T !ras%T " all t%at remains is %man talcm 'o(&er- #t is esta/lis%e& t%at t%e &ri4er stole t%e car after esca'ing from a %os'ital in a serm cra6e& con&ition- An in4estigation is %el&- ,%e &rgless researc%ists testify t%at t%ey %a4e long (arne& t%e '/lic a/ot t%e effect of sermi6ation on t%e mentality- ,%ere is a great to)&o, e4en a nasty scene at t%e Fis%/ein fneral- $e&ical to'notc%ers orate t%at one of t%e 'rofession's greatest lig%ts %as gone to %is gran& re(ar&- @t a (ag on a &isres'ectfl s%eet %ea&s %is story< I*erm +s%ing @oss @m'e& Off /y *erm !ra6e& @m-I
S S S T7ME MAR3%ES O& 7t is the year 4512. Same ,la;e. A year to t%e &ay since t%e /oss 'asse& a(ay- 3it% t%e 'ressre of Fe%rer Fis%/ein's rt%lessness off, me&ics ma&e a /i& for sanity- ,%e organi6ation ta1es a /reat%er an& %as itself a loo1 aron&- 3it% Fis%/ein ot of t%e (ay, le4el %ea&e& lea&ers in t%e me&ical 'rofession forgot a/ot an& ignore& t%e Drg ,rst, an& too1 stoc1- His former allies, t%e $ayo @rot%ers, %a& 'rece&e& $ean&ering $orrie to t%e '%ysicians' Eal%alla- 94en t%e inflence of t%e .oc1efeller &ollars %a& /egn to (ane an& t%e 'ai& me&ical staffs of t%e .oc1efeller en&o(e& me&ical colleges (ere gi4en t%e gran& %orse lag% (%ene4er t%ey a&4ance& socialistic i&eas in 3as%ington or in !%icago- #t seeme& t%at t%e $e&ical $illennim (as at least on its (ay- ,imes %a4e c%ange&- !once'ts %a4e fli'flo''e& o4er from non) sense to sense- ,%e 'ac%y&ermatos /ello(ings of t%e @ig Fis% are gone- ?one also is t%e insincere s(agger an& t%e insi&ios fanfare of %is era- $ost nlamente& is t%e left)%an&e& Fis%/ein a''roac% to matters of %ealt%, (it% Fis%/einian langage as c%aracteristically mo&est as a mo4ie trailer- ,%at ol& cas% element, so s'er)im'ortantly consi&ere& /y t%e Fis%/ein an& *immons il1, %as /een &iscar&e&- ,%e ni4ersal yar&stic1 is $9.#, alone, an& t%at (%ic% cannot 'ro4e its (ort% after %onest testings fin&s t%at it is a mig%ty sic1 calf (%ic% isn't e4en (ort% 1ic1ing ot of t%e roa&- The Drug Story Morris A. Bealle on the Rockefeller Drug Trust 210 / 210 ,%e (orl& of %ealing %as a certain soli& somet%ing a/ot it no(- ,%ose ol&, %ig%ly tote& an& '/lici6e& Ino()it)is)an&)no()it) ain'tI ty'e of ne( cres (%ic% 'ro4e& as fleeting as a :a'anese militarist's a'ology, are no( no longer filling ne(s'a'er colmns inten&e& for &issemination of real ne(s items- ,%ey are amsing crios in t%e antiJarian's collection of classics a/ot @oo/ylan&- ,%e /ar1ing of Fis%/ein " (%o (as t%e @ig Fi&&le an& (%ose tne (as ;st as /ass " %as fa&e& into ric%ly &eser4e& not%ingness- #nstea&, t%e msic flo(s from a c%eering an& encoraging section (%ic% offers ' sincere ra%)ra%s for all t%e ne( %el's an& tec%niJes " emanating from (%ate4er sorce " (%ic% %a4e nJestiona/ly /een 'ro4e& sefl- >e( t%eories are recei4e& (it% ten&erness an& consi&ere& (it% &is'assionate careflness- For t%ose (%ic% 'romise a ;ot of merit t%ere comes energetic encoragement- For t%ose (%ic% test ot to /e &efinitely %el'fl to sffering %manity t%ere comes t%n&eros a''ro4al, fitting cre&it, an& &ecent remneration for t%e time, effort an& e8'ense in4ol4e& in nrtring t%e ne( /a/e into c%il&/irt%- ,%e nefarios rac1et once con&cte& /y $e&icine's t(o most notorios Jac1s remains an n'leasant memory (%ic% still stic1s in t%e t%roat an& (%ic% e4ery &octor (ol& li1e eit%er to s'e( ' or s(allo( &o(n, in eit%er (ay %a4ing it I'rge&I ot of %is system- Goo1ing /ac1(ar& at Fis%/ein, it can /e sai& of %im (%at t%e great @ismarc1 is re'te& to %a4e sai& a/ot t%e little >a'oleon< I,%e man %a& a great, nrecogni6e&, ina/ility-I
Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin; Written by Himself, Volume II (of 2)
With his Most Interesting Essays, Letters, and Miscellaneous Writings; Familiar, Moral, Political, Economical, and Philosophical, Selected with Care from All His Published Productions, and Comprising Whatever Is Most Entertaining and Valuable to the General Reader