Mahindra Duro
Mahindra Duro
Mahindra Duro
ahindra and Mahindra similar designs and specifications, however,
are well known for their tractors the Duro is not like the ordinary models. It
and commercial vehicles that roam features a 125cc engine with a comfortable
desi roads. They are also famous for their seat, an easy to read console, ample storage
SUVs, however, the two-wheeled segment is capacity and enough power to leave the
an entirely new field for the firm. In their 100cc scoots behind. This scoot retails at
initial innings, the company has launched around Rs 43,477 (OTR, Pune) making it
two new scoots – the Rodeo and the Duro. cheaper than the competition.
The first offering is for the fun loving rider Underneath the contemporary design, the
whereas the latter scoot is for the serious and Duro is powered by a 125cc mill with quite a
no-nonsense types. good amount of power. Taking a closer look
at the details you realize that the proportions
What is Duro? are well in order and nothing seems to be out
Well, the Duro is a scooter with an attitude of place. The neat front end with vertically
that commands respect on the road. It is mounted blinkers appears quite decent. The
aimed at men and women who prefer to ride subtle layout of the front is evidence of the
around the city doing some serious stuff like no-nonsense image of the scooter. This
going to the office, dropping kids to school, subtleness is also quite evident in the
grocery shopping and similar tasks. In analogue console that features a speedometer
today’s world we notice a lot of scooters with and a fuel gauge. Continuing towards the
City Knight
Mahindra’s debutant scooter in the market,
the Duro is an ideal vehicle for city riding
Words: Ravi Chandnani Photography Sanjay Raikar
50 51
India December 2009 December 2009 India
Mahindra Duro ROAD TEST # 81
Rider: Saeed Akhtar GENERAL DATA
Helmet KBC
Jacket Technik
Gloves DSG
Height 1076mm
Boots Puma
spare. The Duro is available in six different brakes up front and at the rear. 20 1.71
shades and has minimal use of stickers to keep Time, seconds
the scoot looking decent and subtle. Verdict 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
When you consider buying a scooter that will Standing Quarter Mile (0-400m) 26.01s@80.62km/h
How does it handle? spend much of its life in the city you need to go ROLL - ON
30-60 km/h 8.53s
Acceleration is good with ample power flowing in for a tough and durable machine that not only SPEEDOMETER ERROR True Speed Indicated Speed
to the rear wheel when you wring the throttle. offers good quality but also value for money. A 36.8km/h 40 km/h
Being majorly dedicated to city riding, the 125cc engine, a top whack of 87km/h, a 56.5 km/h 60 km/h
76.5 km/h 80 km/h
Duro handles traffic without any hassles. The comfortable ride with loads of storage space and Top Speed 87km/h (True)
125cc engine develops 8PS of power and 9Nm fairly good suspension and brakes at a pretty BRAKING*
of torque which is more than enough for reasonably price, makes the Duro a good value 60km/h to standstill 23.28metres / 2.62s
(* Drum Brakes)
negotiating crowded streets and tight spots on for money scoot to ride around in the city.