2:induction Motor Action: Torque Induced Magnetic Field

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2:Induction Motor Action

Induction motors use shorted wire loops on a rotating armature and obtain their torque
from currents induced in these loops by the changing magnetic field produced in the
stator (stationary) coils.

Figure1 ;Magnetic field in stator

At the moment illustrated shown in figure 1 , the current in the stator coil is in the
direction shown and increasing. The induced voltage in the coil shown drives current
and results in a clockwise torque.

Note that this simplified motorshwon in figure 2 will turn once it is started in motion,
but has no starting torque. Various techniques are used to produce some asymmetry in
the fields to give the motor a starting torque.

figure 2
A large percentage of small AC motors are classed as induction motors. This implies
that there is no current supplied to the rotating coils. These coils are closed loops
which have large currents induced in them because of thAn induction motor must
achieve a rotating magnetic field to continue to exert a torque on the armature coils. In
this example, the rotating field is achieved by the extra coils on the pole pieces.

eir low resistanceAn induction motor (IM) is a type of asynchronous AC motor

where power is supplied to the rotating device by means of electromagnetic induction.
Another commonly used name is squirrel cage motor because the rotor bars with short
circuit rings resemble a squirrel cage (hamster wheel).

An electric motor converts electrical power to mechanical power in its rotor (rotating
part). There are several ways to supply power to the rotor. In a DC motor this power
is supplied to the armature directly from a DC source, while in an induction motor this
power is induced in the rotating device. An induction motor is sometimes called a
rotating transformer because the stator (stationary part) is essentially the primary side
of the transformer and the rotor (rotating part) is the secondary side. Induction motors
are widely used, especially polyphase induction motors, which are frequently used in
industrial drives.

3:Method of starting Three Phase Induction motor

3:1 [Direct-on-line starting

The simplest way to start a three-phase induction motor is to connect its terminals to
the line. In an induction motor, the magnitude of the induced EMF in the rotor circuit
is proportional to the stator field and the slip speed (the difference between
synchronous and rotor speeds) of the motor, and the rotor current depends on this
EMF. When the motor is started, the slip speed is equal to the synchronous speed, as
the rotor speed is zero (slip equal to 1), so the induced EMF in the rotor is large. As a
result, a very high current flows through the rotor. This is similar to a transformer
with the secondary coil short circuited, which causes the primary coil to draw a high
current from the mains. When an induction motor starts DOL, a very high current is
drawn by the stator, in the order of 5 to 9 times the full load current. This high current
can, in some motors, damage the windings; in addition, because it causes heavy line
voltage drop, other appliances connected to the same line may be affected by the
voltage fluctuation. To avoid such effects, several other strategies are employed for
starting motors.

3:2 Star-delta starters

An induction motor's windings can be connected to a 3-phase AC line in two different

ways: wye (star in Europe), where the windings are connected from phases of the
supply to the neutral, and delta (sometimes mesh in Europe), where the windings are
connected between phases of the supply. A delta connection results in a higher
voltage to the windings than a wye connection (the voltage is multiplied by ). A
star-delta starter initially connects the motor in wye, which produces a lower starting
current than delta, then switches to delta when the motor has reached a set speed.
Their disadvantages over DOL starting are:

• Lower starting torque, which may be a serious issue with pumps or any
devices with significant breakaway torque
• Increased complexity: more contactors and some sort of speed switch
are needed
• Two shocks to the motor (one for the initial start and another when the
motor switches from wye to delta)

3:3 Variable-frequency drives

VFDs can be of considerable use in starting as well as running motors. A VFD can
easily start a motor at a lower frequency than the AC line, as well as a lower voltage,
so that the motor starts with full rated torque and with no inrush of current. The rotor
circuit's impedance increases with slip frequency, which is equal to supply frequency
for a stationary rotor, so running at a lower frequency actually increases Torque

3:4Resistance starters

This method is used with slip ring motors where the rotor poles are connected to the
slip rings. At start these are wired with a variable power resistors via brushes and at
full speed switched to short circuit.

While start-up the resistors leads to lesser weakening of the field strength from the
stator. As a result the inrush current is reduced. Another important advance is higher
start-up torque. The resistors also generate a phase shift in the field and thus the
resulting magnetic force onto the rotor has a favorable angle.

4: conclusion

Induction motors are now the preferred choice for industrial

motors due to their rugged construction, absence of brushes
(which are required in most DC motors) and — thank Starting
of induction motors

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