Waltz - The Box Step: Left Foot Closed Change Right Foot Closed Change. Left Foot Closed Change Right Foot Closed Change

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Waltz - The Box Step

The Box Step is a very simple Waltz step lasting 6 beats and as the name would imply the steps within those 6
beats trace the shape of a box or square. The first 3 beats of the Box Step can be the same as either the Left Foot
Closed Change or the Right Foot Closed Change.
Below is an animation of the basic Box Step pattern in time to a slow Waltz beat and starting with the Left Foot
Closed Change. This in effect means your 'box shape' is danced clockwise. If you start the Box Step with the Right
Foot Closed Change your 'box shape' is danced anti-clockwise. Which foots 'Closed Change' you start with is up to
you but can be dictated by which foot you finished your previous step on.
Box Step Mens / Ladies Steps

Beat 1 Men - Step forward with your left foot. / Heel - Toe
Ladies - Step back with your right foot. / Toe - Heel
Beat 2 Men - Step out to the right with your right foot. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your left with your left foot. / Toe
Beat 3 Men - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. / Toe.
Ladies - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. / Toe.
Beat 4 Men - Step back with your right foot./ Toe - Heel
Ladies - Step forward with your left foot./ Heel - Toe
Beat 5 Men - Step out to the left with your left foot. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your right with your right foot. / Toe
Beat 6 Men - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. / Toe - Then
lower the heel of both feet to finish.
Ladies - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. / Toe - Then
lower the heel of both feet to finish.

Waltz - The Right Foot Closed Change
The Right Foot Closed Change is a very simple, basic, Waltz step lasting 3 beats. It can be alternated with the Left
Foot Closed Change as many times as you need to, or want to, in order to travel around the dance floor and is a
handy combination of basic steps that can be used to avoid other dancers or obstacles.
Below is an animation of the basic step pattern in time to a slow Waltz beat.
Right Foot Closed Change Mens / Ladies Steps

Beat 1 Men - Step forward with your right foot. / Heel - Toe
Ladies - Step back with your left foot. / Toe - Heel
Beat 2 Men - Step out to the left with your left foot. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your right with your right foot. / Toe
Beat 3 Men - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. / Toe - Then
lower the heel of both feet to finish.
Ladies - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. / Toe - Then
lower the heel of both feet to finish.

Waltz - The Left Foot Closed Change
The Left Foot Closed Change is a very simple, basic, Waltz step lasting 3 beats. It can be alternated with the Right
Foot Closed Change as many times as you need to, or want to, in order to travel around the dance floor and is a
handy combination of basic steps that can be used to avoid other dancers or obstacles. The Left Foot Closed
Change is basically the first 3 beats of the Box Step so if you have not already done the Box Step have a look at it
Below is an animation of the basic step pattern in time to a slow Waltz beat.

Left Foot Closed Change Mens / LadiesSteps

Beat 1 Men - Step forward with your left foot. / Heel - Toe
Ladies - Step back with your right foot. / Toe - Heel
Beat 2 Men - Step out to the right with your right foot. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your left with your left foot. / Toe
Beat 3 Men - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. / Toe - Then lower
the heel of both feet to finish.
Ladies - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. / Toe - Then
lower the heel of both feet to finish.

Waltz - Natural Turn
The Natural Turn is a is a simple Waltz step lasting 6 beats and is performed along the line of dance. The Natural
Turn results in a 3/4 turn to the right and starts with the man stepping forwards with his right foot, the Reverse
Turn results in a 3/4 turn to the left and starts with the man stepping forwards with his left foot. Both the Natural
Turn and the Reverse Turn can be linked by the Left Foot Closed Change or the Right Foot Closed Changeto
give you a combination of 4 steps, a total of 18 Beats.
For example Start with a Natural Turn, this finishes with the weight on the mans left foot which means you can then
dance the Right Foot Closed Change which finishes with the weight on the mans left foot enabling you to continue
with the Reverse Turn which finishes with the weight on the mans right foot so that lastly you can add on the Left
Foot Closed Change. Once completed you can start again from the beginning.
This gives you a combination of 4 steps that can adequately enable you to get around the dance floor and perform a
basic Waltz. Because the 'Closed Changes' are 3 beats long they enable you to transfer weight so that the correct
foot becomes free to start the desired next step.
Natural Turn Mens / Ladies Steps

Beat 1 Men - Step forward with your right foot as you begin to turn to your right. / Heel - Toe
Ladies - Step back with your left foot as you begin to turn to your right. / Toe - Heel
Beat 2 Men - Step out to your left with your left foot completing 1/4 turn to your right. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your right with your right foot completing 1/4 turn to your right. / Toe
Beat 3 Men - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. / Toe.
Ladies - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. / Toe.
Beat 4 Men - Step back with your left foot as you begin to turn to your right../ Toe - Heel
Ladies - Step forward with your right foot as you begin to turn to your right./ Heel - Toe
Beat 5 Men - Step out to your right with your right foot turning 1/2 turn to your right. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your left with your left foot turning 1/2 turn to your right. / Toe
Beat 6 Men - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. You should have
turned a total of 3/4 turn to your right over the 6 beats of the step. / Toe - Then lower the heel of both feet
to finish.
Ladies - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. You should
have turned a total of 3/4 turn to your right over the 6 beats of the step. / Toe - Then lower the heel of
both feet to finish.

Waltz - Reverse Turn
The Reverse Turn is a is a simple Waltz step lasting 6 beats and is performed along the line of dance. The Reverse
Turn results in a 3/4 turn to the left and starts with the man stepping forwards with his left foot, the Natural
Turnresults in a 3/4 turn to the right and starts with the man stepping forwards with his right foot. Both the Reverse
Turn and the Natural Turn can be linked by the Left Foot Closed Change or the Right Foot Closed Change to
give you a combination of 4 steps, a total of 18 Beats.
For example Start with a Natural Turn, this finishes with the weight on the mans left foot which means you can then
dance the Right Foot Closed Change which finishes with the weight on the mans left foot enabling you to continue
with the Reverse Turn which finishes with the weight on the mans right foot so that lastly you can add on the Left
Foot Closed Change. Once completed you can start again from the beginning.
This gives you a combination of 4 steps that can adequately enable you to get around the dance floor and perform a
basic Waltz. Because the 'Closed Changes' are 3 beats long they enable you to transfer weight so that the correct
foot becomes free to start the desired next step.

Reverse Turn Mens / Ladies Steps
Beat 1 Men - Step forward with your left foot as you begin to turn to your left. / Heel - Toe
Ladies - Step back with your right foot as you begin to turn to your left. / Toe - Heel
Beat 2 Men - Step out to your right with your right foot completing 1/4 turn to your left. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your left with your left foot completing 1/4 turn to your left. / Toe
Beat 3 Men - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. / Toe.
Ladies - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. / Toe.
Beat 4 Men - Step back with your right foot as you begin to turn to your left. / Toe - Heel
Ladies - Step forward with your left foot as you begin to turn to your left./ Heel - Toe
Beat 5 Men - Step out to your left with your left foot turning 1/2 turn to your left. / Toe
Ladies - Step out to your right with your right foot turning 1/2 turn to your left. / Toe
Beat 6 Men - Slide your right foot to your left foot then transfer your weight onto your right foot. You should have
turned a total of 3/4 turn to your left over the 6 beats of the step. / Toe - Then lower the heel of both feet
to finish.
Ladies - Slide your left foot to your right foot then transfer your weight onto your left foot. You should
have turned a total of 3/4 turn to your left over the 6 beats of the step. / Toe - Then lower the heel of both
feet to finish.

Reverse and natural turn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4OiaoSfWjY
Waltz steps
Waltz is a smooth dance, traveling around the line of dance. It is characterized primarily by its rise & fall
action. The shoulders move smoothly, parallel with the floor, not up and down. The head should turn in
the direction of the turn, otherwise the man's head is upright and looking over the right shoulder of the
The American Waltz is similar to the International style except it has both open and closed dance
positions. This allows the American style dancer a unique freedom of expression, including the ability to
showcase character and theatrical presentation.
The slow waltz is danced to music written in 3/4 meter with 30 - 32 measures per minute.
Rise and Fall
The rise and fall is unique to the waltz. If possible, all the the steps in the waltz should be long. On the
first step forward, the weight is taken on the heel, then on to the ball of the foot. A gradual rise to the
toes should be started at the end of the first beat, and continued to the second and third beat of each bar
of music. Lower to the normal position at the end of the third beat by lowering to the heel of the foot
which is carrying the weight.
Waltz steps:
o Left Foot Change
o Right Foot Change
o Box Step
o Forward Progressive
o Promenade
Waltz step left foot change
Man's foot position

Left foot change in Waltz

Start position (facing line of dance
Rhythm - One, two, three.

Waltz step right foot change
Man's foot position

Right foot change in Waltz

Start position (facing line of dance)
Rhythm - One, two, three.

Waltz step box
Man's foot position

Box step in Waltz

Start/finish position
Rhythm - One, two, three.

Waltz step forward progressive
Man's foot position
(left foot change and right foot change)

Forward progressive step in Waltz

Start position (face line of dance)
Rhythm - One, two, three.

Waltz step promenade
Man's foot position

Promenade in Waltz

Start position (face diagonal to wall)
Rhythm - One, two, three.

Waltz steps 2
Waltz steps:
o Left turn
o Right turn
o Whisk (man's part)
o Whisk (lady's part)
Waltz left turn step
Man's foot position

Left turn in Waltz

Rhythm - One, two, three
One basic is 6 steps.

Waltz Right turn step
Man's foot position

Right turn in Waltz

Start position
Rhythm - One, two, three
Precede with a left foot change, then 2 right
turns and finish with a right foot change.

Waltz Whisk
Man's foot position

Whisk in Waltz - Man's foot position

Start position
1. Left foot forward
2. Right foot side
3. Left foot crosses behind right foot.

Whisk - Lady's foot position

Whisk in Waltz - Ladies foot position
Rhythm - One, two, three
1. Right foot back
2. Left foot side, turning to promenade position
3. Right foot crosses behind left foot in
promenade position

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