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White Paper

Advance and Challenge

This White Paper provides an overview of major
techniques used in DVB-T2 and their impact on
service planning and operation of this new
transmission technology.

October 2010
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This White Paper provides an overview of major
techniques used in DVB-T2 and their impact on service
planning and operation of this new transmission
technology. The first part outlines the increase in
capacity through robustness gain achieved by rotated
constellations and Q-delay. A study using the broadcast
planning tool CHIRplus_BC illustrates the feasibility of
large scale SFNs (Single Frequency Networks). The next
part uses a simplistic example to show how MISO
(Multiple Input Single Output) makes better use of the
SFN Gain and how it can increase coverage. The paper
closes with an evaluation of the new flexibility gained
from the improved robustness when planning DVB-T2. It
points out how DVB-T2 can reduce the transmission cost
per program or how it can make delivery of HD services
economically viable.
The appendix provides a table comparing DVB-T and
DVB-T2 introduces a new technique to improve
performance in channels with frequency selective fading.
The IQ constellation diagrams are counterclockwise
rotated to achieve constellation points with unique
values on the I and Q axis (Figure 1). The information is
therefore present on both axes.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 11 1: Non rotated and rotated : Non rotated and rotated : Non rotated and rotated : Non rotated and rotated QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK constellation constellation constellation constellation
But what is the practical use of this technique? In DVB-T
the data bits from carriers which are severely degraded
(e.g. due to fading) are lost. The FEC has to recover those
lost bits. This can lead to a significant increase in the
minimum field strength required to decode the signal.
Rotated Constellation is a way to significantly relieve the
FEC. This technique results in more accurate detection of
the data bits and therefore less errors that have to be
corrected by the FEC. As a result it can use its capability
for other channel impairments, e.g. noise. The trick is that
the rotated constellation comes with Q-delay. After the
constellation mapping (bits QAM) the Q axis is delayed.
Delay means in this context that it is shifted to the next
cell as depicted in Figure 2. Therefore the information is
split into I and Q values with both carrying full information
but being transmitted on different carriers.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 2 22 2: Q : Q : Q : Q- -- -delay delay delay delay (exemplary) (exemplary) (exemplary) (exemplary)
With the multitude of interleaver stages following this
stage of the modulator both axes are transmitted on well
separated carriers.
If some carriers get severely degraded only one axis is
erased but the other axis is more likely to be still present.
Of course, splitting the information in two parts makes
each part slightly less robust than the combination of the
parts. But overall the mechanism provides a significant
increase of the robustness of the signal in severely
degraded channels.
A worst case channel is the 0 dB Echo channel which
consists of two paths with equal level and the second
arriving later than the first as shown in Figure 3 below.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 3 33 3: Channel impulse response of a 0 : Channel impulse response of a 0 : Channel impulse response of a 0 : Channel impulse response of a 0 dB dB dB dB e ee echo cho cho cho
Figure 4 shows the frequency selective cancelling that
occur in a 0 dB echo channel.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 4 44 4: Frequency response of a 0 : Frequency response of a 0 : Frequency response of a 0 : Frequency response of a 0 dB dB dB dB e ee echo cho cho cho channel channel channel channel
The data bits on such affected subcarriers are very likely
to be lost. Only the FEC can recover those bits unless the
rotated constellation technique is used. Instead of
requiring a 2 to 5 dB higher minimum C/N than a



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Rayleigh channel it is about the same when using rotated
Lets take the concept one step further and see how
rotated constellations relieve the FEC. The higher the
code rate of the T2-system (i.e. the less protection it has)
the larger is the decrease of the required minimum C/N
achieved by using this technique. The additional
robustness can be used to increase the data rate by
choosing a higher code rate (e.g. for a portable reception
scenario) while keeping the same minimum field
strength. The additional capacity can be used to improve
picture quality or to provide additional services.
The following section covers three areas of DVB-T2
planning. The first part evaluates the possibility of large
scale SFNs which can be significantly larger than DVB-T
SFNs. The next part presents MISO operation which
enlarges the coverage area. A discussion about the
operational scenarios that are possible due to the
improved efficiency concludes this section.
3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 Large Scale Large Scale Large Scale Large Scale SFNs SFNs SFNs SFNs
DVB-T offers a maximum transmitter distance in a SFN of
67.2 km. This assumes an 8 MHz channel using the 8K
carrier mode and guard interval 1/4. For SISO (Single
Input Single Output) operation of DVB-T2 which means
each transmitter emits the same signal the maximum
transmitter distance can be up to 159.6 km (8 MHz
channel). At this distance significant earth curvature is
present which further increases the opportunity to
include more distant transmitters in the SFN.
A planning exercise using the broadcast planning tool
CHIRplus_BC for a SFN to cover the two southern
German states Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria (470
km x 360 km) using the current DVB-T transmitter
network was performed. A common propagation model
as specified in Section 4 was used. Only coordination
antenna patterns were applied, real antenna patterns
would however result in more accurate coverage
predictions and less interference. The power is the same
as it is currently used for DVB-T. To put it into context the
coverage for DVB-T is presented first. The parameters are
shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

Portable outdoor
Modulation 16-QAM 16-QAM
Guard Interval 1/4 1/4
Max. TX distance 67.2 km 67.2 km
Code Rate 2/3 2/3
Capacity 13.3 Mbit/s 13.3 Mbit/s
Number of Programs
6 SD / 1 HD 6 SD / 1 HD
Table Table Table Table 1 11 1: DVB : DVB : DVB : DVB- -- -T T T T p pp parameter arameter arameter arameters ss s for large scale SFN planning for large scale SFN planning for large scale SFN planning for large scale SFN planning exercise exercise exercise exercise

Figure Figure Figure Figure 5 55 5: :: : DVB DVB DVB DVB- -- -T T T T c cc coverage for fixed reception for a SFN covering overage for fixed reception for a SFN covering overage for fixed reception for a SFN covering overage for fixed reception for a SFN covering
southern Germany southern Germany southern Germany southern Germany
Figure 5 shows the predicted fixed reception coverage
for a large scale DVB-T SFN. Widespread interference is
predicted over large parts of the coverage target area to
the extent where modifications of the transmitter
antenna would be insufficient to eliminate it.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 6 66 6: : : : DVB DVB DVB DVB- -- -T T T T c cc coverage for overage for overage for overage for portable outdoor portable outdoor portable outdoor portable outdoor reception for a SFN reception for a SFN reception for a SFN reception for a SFN
covering sou covering sou covering sou covering southern Germany thern Germany thern Germany thern Germany
Figure 6 shows the portable outdoor reception coverage
for a large scale DVB-T SFN. For portable reception even
worse than for fixed reception interference dominates in
the coverage target area. These coverage calculations
prove that the use of DVB-T SFNs is limited to smaller
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Portable outdoor
Modulation 64-QAM 64-QAM
FFT Size 32K 16K
Guard Interval 19/128 1/4
Max. TX distance 159.6 km 134.4 km
Code Rate 2/3 2/3
Carrier Mode Extended Extended
Capacity 24.5 Mbit/s 22.4 Mbit/s
Number of Programs
14 SD / 2 HD 12 SD / 2 HD
Table Table Table Table 2 22 2: DVB : DVB : DVB : DVB- -- -T2 parameters for large scale SFN planning exercise T2 parameters for large scale SFN planning exercise T2 parameters for large scale SFN planning exercise T2 parameters for large scale SFN planning exercise

Figure Figure Figure Figure 7 77 7: :: : DVB DVB DVB DVB- -- -T2 T2 T2 T2 c cc coverage overage overage overage for fixed for fixed for fixed for fixed reception reception reception reception for a SFN covering for a SFN covering for a SFN covering for a SFN covering
southern Germany southern Germany southern Germany southern Germany
Figure 7 shows the coverage for a large scale DVB-T2
SFN for fixed reception. Most areas have interference
free coverage with only some very small areas showing
predicted interference.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 8 88 8: :: : DVB DVB DVB DVB- -- -T2 T2 T2 T2 c cc coverage overage overage overage for portable outdoor reception for portable outdoor reception for portable outdoor reception for portable outdoor reception for a for a for a for a
SFN covering southern Germany SFN covering southern Germany SFN covering southern Germany SFN covering southern Germany
Figure 8 shows the portable outdoor DVB-T2 reception
case. It shows that predicted interference only on some
mountain ridges. As noted previously elevation antenna
pattern data (down-tilts) was not used in this analysis, in
general that would improve the predicted interference
situation in those areas. This example points out that
large scale SFNs, which are sometimes called nationwide
SFNs, are a viable option. This was not the case for DVB-T.
But as coverage is just one side of the planning,
coordination has also to be considered. In ITU Region 1
GE06 DVB-T Plan entries can be used for DVB-T2 as it fits
under the GE06 DVB-T spectrum mask. An optimum SFN
size for DVB-T2 as indicated in the example would mean
larger allotment areas than the standard size in the GE06
Plan and require coordination with affected
administrations. In this example the coordination is
required with 14 administrations. Some of them do not
even have a common border with Germany.
These large scale SFNs are available in DVB-T2 SISO
mode. In MISO mode the maximum transmitter distance
is limited to 79.8 km which is only slightly more than
what DVB-T offered. SFN size and the use of MISO have
to be carefully evaluated depending on the reception
3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 MISO Mode MISO Mode MISO Mode MISO Mode
During the period when technical concepts were
evaluated for DVB-T2, one group of BBC engineers
looked into using MIMO techniques for DVB-T2 [5]. They
analyzed a dual polarization MIMO system. The results
were quite promising from a technical viewpoint but to
achieve the potential benefit the receiver antenna
needed to be properly adjusted to use its complete
potential. Unfortunately that is far from the reality that
exists on most viewers rooftops, let alone the
requirement to change every television antenna in the
country! Finally the commercial module of DVB-T2 set
the limits by requiring that the viewers antenna
installation should be left untouched. For the receiver
side it is the single antenna again, but using two
antennas with different polarization or two separate
transmitter locations for a multiple input system is still a
valid option on the broadcaster side.
The simplest MISO technique considering the calculation
power is the Alamouti coding - a two-transmit antenna
system as shown in Figure 9 [9].

Figure Figure Figure Figure 9 99 9: : : : Alamouti Alamouti Alamouti Alamouti MISO MISO MISO MISO s ss system ystem ystem ystem
It is also called Space-Time Block Coding. The
information is coded via two antennas separated in
space and time. Two adjacent symbols build one block
where the coding is performed. DVB-T2 uses a modified
Alamouti coding transferring the concept from space-
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time with adjacent symbols to space-frequency with two
adjacent carriers.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 10 10 10 10: :: : DVB DVB DVB DVB- -- -T2 modified Alamouti coding T2 modified Alamouti coding T2 modified Alamouti coding T2 modified Alamouti coding
Figure 10 shows that the coding is performed in pairs.
Two data carriers are transmitted unmodified on TX1
while they get mathematically adapted and change
position for transmission on TX2.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 11 11 11 11: :: : Co Co Co Co- -- -located located located located and distributed MISO and distributed MISO and distributed MISO and distributed MISO
Figure 11 shows the possible configurations for MISO
operation. The two signals can either be transmitted from
the same mast on antennas with different polarization or
from 2 different transmitter sites.
If the two signals correlate (DVB-T2 SISO SFN or DVB-T
SFN) it leads to severe degradations of the signal which
need to be compensated by higher field strength.
Areas with similar signal levels show a statistical SFN
Gain. But this gain is insufficient to compensate for this
increase in the required minimum field strength. When
removing this correlation using MISO the SFN Gain
contributes fully to the coverage. Another effect also
improves the coverage range of the transmitters. In areas
with similar levels and a short delay between the echoes,
MISO lowers the required minimum field strength relative
to the non-MISO case. The total effects are shown in the
following simplistic coverage planning example, based on
a calculation with a statistical propagation model as
described in Section 4 with the broadcast planning tool
Figure 12 shows that in areas with similar field strength
both effects lead to an increase in coverage. The blue
area results from the SFN Gain and the red area from the
gain operating in MISO mode. As coverage is displayed
on a yes or no basis the figure does not show that the
SFN Gain area is also subject to some MISO gain.
Therefore some extra reliability for the coverage is also

Figure Figure Figure Figure 12 12 12 12: : : : Coverage Coverage Coverage Coverage improvement improvement improvement improvement through SFN through SFN through SFN through SFN g gg gain and MISO ain and MISO ain and MISO ain and MISO g gg gain ain ain ain
(distributed MISO) (distributed MISO) (distributed MISO) (distributed MISO)
The Alamouti coding is based on two transmit antennas
(two sites) but it can also be used with more than two
transmitters. These are then divided into two groups.
Extending the MISO planning to more than two
transmitters will be more of a challenge. Research is still
underway to find a suitable planning model that will
result in an optimum network topology i.e. assigning the
transmitters to MISO group 1 or 2.
3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Larger Larger Larger Larger c cc coverage or higher overage or higher overage or higher overage or higher c cc capacity or both? apacity or both? apacity or both? apacity or both?
A multitude of techniques makes DVB-T2 more efficient
than DVB-T. In DVB-T2 the minimum required SNR per bit
) is significantly decreased. There are two
possibilities to make use of it.
The first option is to hold the data rate fixed and lower
the minimum field strength values. This results in a larger
coverage while reducing the network costs per program
because the number of transmitters can be reduced.
Otherwise it can be used to provide the same coverage
while reducing transmitter power and therefore reducing
the network costs per program.
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The second option is to use the additional robustness for
increasing transmission capacities while keeping the
minimum field strength the same. For the same power
more data can be transmitted and therefore the costs
per program are reduced, which may also improve the
viability of introducing HD services.
Using the broadcast planning tool CHIRplus_BC, an
example with three transmitters in the southwest of
Germany was performed. The parameters are given in
Table 3 and Section 4.

same Emin
same data rate
Modulation 16-QAM 64-QAM 16-QAM
FFT Size 8K 16K 16K
Guard Interval 1/4 1/8 1/8
Code Rate 2/3 2/3 3/5
Carrier Mode Normal Extended Extended
Capacity 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 Mbit/s 25.0 Mbit/s 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 Mbit/s
Number of Programs
6 SD
1 HD
14 SD
2 HD
6 SD
1 HD
(500 MHz; 1.5 m) 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 dBV/m 68 68 68 68.6 .6 .6 .6 dBV/m
62.4 dBV/m

Table Table Table Table 3 33 3: :: : DVB DVB DVB DVB- -- -T and T2 T and T2 T and T2 T and T2 portable indoor reception portable indoor reception portable indoor reception portable indoor reception parameters parameters parameters parameters for for for for
same same same same E EE E
min min min min
and same data rate and same data rate and same data rate and same data rate

Figure Figure Figure Figure 13 13 13 13: :: : C CC Coverage overage overage overage portable portable portable portable indoor reception indoor reception indoor reception indoor reception for for for for same E same E same E same E
min min min min
and and and and
same data rate same data rate same data rate same data rate

This value has been calculated based on GE06 Annex 3.4 and DVB
A133 (Dec 09), a noise figure of 6dB and an implementation margin of
0.5 dB was used
Figure 13 shows that a significant coverage increase for
portable indoor reception can be gained when keeping
the data rate constant but lowering the minimum field
strength. DVB-T2 allows the noise to be 6.2 dB higher
while providing slightly more data capacity than DVB-T.
It is possible to combine the two general options of
larger coverage or higher capacity using the Physical
Layer Pipe (PLP) concept. Using one PLP with a high
capacity for HD services for fixed reception and another
PLP targeting portable indoor reception with SD services
is a viable option. Including mobile and fixed services
would actually require a tradeoff between the services.
Especially in markets that are just commencing digital
terrestrial TV (DTT) this issue should be closely
For SFN operation the increase in data rate that can be
achieved is shown in Table 4 and Table 5. The minimum
field strength for DVB-T was used to find the matching
DVB-T2 parameter set. The high carrier modes in DVB-T2
(8K, 16K or 32K) have the option of adding carriers on
each side of the spectrum to make better use of the
channel (extended carrier mode).

Modulation 64-QAM 256-QAM
FFT Size 8K 32K
Guard Interval 1/4 1/16
Code Rate 2/3 2/3
Carrier Mode Normal Extended
Capacity 19.9 Mbit/s 37.0 Mbit/s
Number of Programs
9 SD
2 HD
20 SD
4 HD
(500 MHz; 10 m) 52.5 dBV/m 51.8 dBV/m

Table Table Table Table 4 44 4: :: : Potential capacity increase of 86% for fixed Potential capacity increase of 86% for fixed Potential capacity increase of 86% for fixed Potential capacity increase of 86% for fixed reception reception reception reception SFN SFN SFN SFN
mode mode mode mode
Modulation 16-QAM 64-QAM
FFT Size 8K 16K
Guard Interval 1/4 1/8
Code Rate 2/3 2/3
Carrier Mode Normal Extended
Capacity 13.3 Mbit/s 25.0 Mbit/s
Number of Programs
6 SD
1 HD
14 SD
2 HD
(500 MHz; 1.5 m) 56.4 dBV/m 56.8 dBV/m

Table Table Table Table 5 55 5: :: : Potential capacity increase of 88% for portable outdoor Potential capacity increase of 88% for portable outdoor Potential capacity increase of 88% for portable outdoor Potential capacity increase of 88% for portable outdoor
reception reception reception reception SFN mode SFN mode SFN mode SFN mode
Table 4 and Table 5 show the clear advantage of using
DVB-T2. The fixed SFN mode here would allow the
carriage of 4 HD (MPEG-4, 720p) services with
reasonable picture quality while the portable option
would allow distribution of 14 SD (MPEG-4, 576i)
services. With DVB-T2 the terrestrial platform becomes a
very good basis for competition with satellite or cable
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DVB-T2 is not just limited to fixed and portable reception.
Mobile reception will even be further improved as DVB-
NGH (Next Generation Handheld) will be based on DVB-
T2 Future Extension Frames and therefore has the
possibility to share a multiplex with it.
The coverage calculations in Sections 3.1 and 3.3 are
based on field strength calculations that use a
propagation model based on digital terrain and land
usage data. This model uses the Deygout diffraction
algorithm with up to seven knife edges and empirical
corrections depending on the morphology. This model is
well proven with measurements [6]. The frequency is
722 MHz.
The coverage calculations on section 3.2 are based on
field strength calculations performed with the
propagation model specified in Recommendation ITU-R
P.1546-4. This model is based on empirically derived
field strength curves and the effective antenna height
) which takes into account terrain heights in a range
of 3 to 15 km from the transmitting antenna. The
calculations here used an equal h
for each direction.
Terrain Clearance Angle was not used. A generalized
model was preferred to provide a clear understanding of
the described effect without mixing it up with
propagation effects.
Minimum field strength (Emin) values in this document
are for 50% time and 95% locations.
DVB-T2 provides data rates between 50% and 90% higher
than DVB-T for the same level of robustness. The
increase results from the following advances:
Improved FEC
Rotated Constellation and Q-delay
Greater choice for guard interval
Higher FFT modes (number of carriers) larger SFNs
Flexible Pilot Pattern
This definitely makes it the first choice when introducing
DTT or adding HD services to the terrestrial platform.
However, accurate definition of the key parameters of
the DVB-T2 system is more critical in planning DVB-T2
networks than it is for DVB-T.
The industry leading broadcast planning tool
CHIRplus_BC is being constantly refined to provide
accurate calculation for selection of the right SFN size
and other DVB-T2 core parameters that will be vital for
successful operation of DVB-T2 networks.
LS telcom offers consulting services to find the right
parameter set to optimally match your business case.
BCH Bose, Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem Code
C/N Carrier to Noise Ratio
DTT Digital Terrestrial Television
Minimum Field Strength
FEC Forward Error Correction
FEF Future Extension Frame
GI Guard Interval
HD High Definition
Effective Transmitting Antenna Height acc. to ITU-R
LDPC Low-Density Parity-Check Code
MFN Multi Frequency Network
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
MISO Multiple Input Single Output
PLP Physical Layer Pipe
PP Pilot Pattern
SD Standard Definition
SFN Single Frequency Network
SISO Single Input Single Output
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
[1] DVB A122 (Dec 09) Draft ETSI EN 302755
DVB-T2 1.2.1
[2] DVB A133 (Dec 09) Implementation
Guidelines for DVB-T2
[3] Fischer, W.: Digitale Fernseh- und
Hrfunktechnik in Theorie und Praxis, Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
[4] Requirements to NorDig-T2 compliant IRDs,
Version 1.0.1, 2010
[5] Mitchell, J.; Moss, P.; Thorp, M.: A dual
polarization MIMO broadcast TV system, BBC
Research White Paper (WHP 144), 2006
[6] Grokopf, R.: Vergleich verschiedener
Feldstrkevorhersagen mit Messungen im DAB-
Gleichwellennetz in Bayern, Rundfunktechnische
Mitteilungen 39 (1995), 3, S. 102 114
[7] Recommendation ITU-R P.1546-4: Method for
point-to-area predictions for terrestrial services
in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3 000 MHz,
ITU, Geneva (2009)
[8] Fischer, W.: Digital Video and Audio
Broadcasting Technology: A Practical
Engineering Guide, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
[9] Alamouti, S.M, A Simple Transmit Diversity
Technique for Wireless Communications, IEEE
Journal, Vol. 16, 1998
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The forward error correction (FEC) performance of DVB-T2 was greatly improved compared to its predecessor DVB-T It
accounts for a 30% higher data capacity. Together with a multitude of new techniques an increase of the data rate of more
than 50% is achieved. The table below shows the differences in detail.

Modulation COFDM: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM COFDM: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM
Used Bands Band III, IV/V (VHF, UHF) Band III, IV/V (VHF, UHF) + L-Band
Supported channel raster 6, 7, 8 MHz 1.75, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 MHz
FEC Channel Coding Convolutional Code + Reed Solomon Code
Code Rates: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
LDPC Code + BCH Code
Code Rates: 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6
FFT Size 2K, 8K 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K
C/N range (Rice channel) 5 dB (QPSK 1/2) to 23 dB (64QAM 7/8) 3 dB (QPSK 1/2) to 24 dB (256QAM 5/6)
Pilot Pattern 1 Pilot Pattern 8 Pilot Patterns: PP1 to PP8
PP1: identical to DVB-T (~8% overhead)
PP7: 1/12 of DVB-T (~1% overhead)
Guard Intervals 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 1/128, 1/32, 1/16, 19/256, 1/8, 19/128, 1/4
Max. Tx Distance in SFN
(8 MHz channel)
67.2 km (8K mode) 159.6 km (32K mode), 134.4 km (16K mode)
Signal Bandwidth 5.71, 6.66, 7.61 MHz 1.54, 4.76, 5.71, 6.66, 7.61 , 9.51 MHz (normal)
1.57, 4.86, 5.83, 6.80, 7.77 , 9.71 MHz (extended)
Extended bandwidth used in 8K, 16K and 32K
mode for higher bitrates through less guard bands.
Service Specific
Very Limited
If using Hierarchical Modulation it is possible
but not very flexible.
Physical Layer Pipes (PLP)
Data is split in PLPs which can have different
Modulation, FEC Code Rates and time
interleaving depth.
Interleaving Bit + Frequency
Very small interleaving only within one OFDM
Symbol is performed.
Bit+ Cell+ Time + Frequency
Interleaving depth from 70 ms in Mode A
(single PLP) up to more than 200ms in Mode
B. In case of multi frame interleaving >500ms
possible for low data rate PLPs.
Diversity SISO, (SIMO if diversity receiver) SISO, MISO, (SIMO, MIMO if diversity receiver)
Rotated Constellations -- Significant robustness gain in channels with
severe degradations (multipath, SFN
operation, narrow band interference, )
Mode for Extensions -- Future Extension Frame (FEF)
Allows something completely different in
between T2-Frames e.g. for Next Generation
Handheld (DVB-NGH) or transmitter
Max Bit Rates
(8 MHz)
31.7 Mbit/s
(8K, 64QAM, CR=7/8, GI=1/32)
50.3 Mbit/s
(32Ke, 256QAM, CR=5/6, GI=1/128, PP7)
Used Bit Rates
(8 MHz)
Portable SFN: 13.3 Mbit/s
Fixed SFN: 19.9 Mbit/s
Fixed MFN: 24.1 Mbit/s
Portable SFN: 25.0 Mbit/s
Fixed SFN: 37.0 Mbit/s
Fixed MFN: 40.2 Mbit/s
GE06 compatible GE06 planning based on DVB-T Signal is under the mask of DVB-T (power
level measured in a 4 kHz bandwidth)
Table Table Table Table 6 66 6: Parameter c : Parameter c : Parameter c : Parameter comparison between DVB omparison between DVB omparison between DVB omparison between DVB- -- -T and DVB T and DVB T and DVB T and DVB- -- -T2 T2 T2 T2

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