GG Resume
GG Resume
GG Resume
45 Sycamore Ave. #227
Charleston, SC 29407 843-693-8021
Institutional Honors Graduate with over 400 hours in the classroom, including four weeks of full time
teaching. Motivated to assist students to succeed in a continually evolving society, with the strongest emphasis
placed on hands-on learning while also utilizing various other teaching techniques by incorporating various
technologies such as: SMARTboard, Weebly, Edmodo, Class Dojo, Moviemaker and Prezi.
Lander University Greenwood, SC Graduation Date: May 2014
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
GPA: 3.14
Wando High School Mt. Pleasant, SC Class of 2010
Mathews Elementary Greenwood, SC Spring 2014
Student Teaching: First Grade, Mrs. Holly Skipper
Assumed full-time teaching responsibilities for 21 students ranging from six to eight years in age
Designed and delivered various lesson plans using OnCourse
Incorporated various learning techniques by incorporating technology, such as; Weebly, Class Dojo,
Edmodo and SMARTboard
Instructed students in whole groups, small groups, and individually
Taught Jan Richardson modeled Guided Reading lessons daily
Frequently analyzed students reading progress using running records
Mathews Elementary Greenwood, SC Fall 2013
Field Experience: First Grade, Mrs. Holly Skipper
Created and delivered lesson plans focusing on ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Integrated Arts
Completed 139 hours in the classroom with 21 students
Organized and maintained a classroom leveled library
Greenwood Early Childhood Center Greenwood, SC Spring 2013
Field Experience: Four Year Old Child Development, Mrs. Cecelia Shelley
Instructed students in whole group and small group activities
Planned and instructed lessons focusing on ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Integrated Arts
Completed 82 hours in the classroom with 19 students
Rice Elementary Greenwood, SC Fall 2011
Field Experience: First Grade, Mrs. Katie Babb
Observed and interacted with students
Completed tasks as needed by the teacher
Completed 30 hours in the classroom
Blue Key National Honor Society Organization Active member since Fall 2013
Landers Association for the Education of Young Children Active member since Spring 2012