Super Institute of Technology and Management Trust Rajasthan Jaipur

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Super Institute of Technology and Management Trust Rajasthan Jaipur

F-12, 1
Floor, Sunny la!a, 2
"rossing, #aguru $alo %a Rasta "handpol #a!ar Jaipur
$e& Site- '''(sitmeducation(in )mail- sitmedujaipur*gmail(com
"ontact +o( ,1-1-./122.0, /21---1112, 2.21213/21, /3/-2120.1
We invite all Computer Institute application to become Computer Information technology and management. We assure
you that we will provide you the best services by creating Interactive Educational atmosphere and continuous efforts
will be done to upgrade the students socially and technically by proper exposure to the students which will generate
competence and excellence of knowledge in all courses.
Our organiation is looking for institute!company!trust!person all over India who are interested in becoming over
franchisee will open new entrance for you in the profit street for the singular reason that we have an experience of more
in this field.
We are planning to spend its branches in all over India With the innovative and dynamic approach for the benefit of all
the class. Creed" age" sex" and religion. #ll the $eam of %I$M working for making %I$M
is a synonym to &elieve and reliance. %I$M E'(C#$IO) CE)$E* stands for +uality and honoring commitment to
the highest of ethics and standards.

#bout %I$M
,%(-E* I)%$I$($E O. $EC/)O0O12 #)' M#)#1EME)$ $*(%$3
We are a charitable $*(%$ ,%(-E* I)%$I$($E O. $EC/)O0O12 #)' M#)#1EME)$ $*(%$ *E1. by %tate
govt.456!7aipur under govt. of India. #nd *eg. &y. M%ME8%%I 969:;;:9<=<; and working for at large especially in
the field of information $echnology and management. It is the collective effort of the experienced faculty" professionals
and management that the %I$M has been able to sustain its prestigious image since its childhood. With the cooperation
of dedicated people" social workers" volunteers we are able to extend our services to the needy student who has keenly
needed a professional +uality in him.
What is a franchisee> /ow does it work>
When you buy a franchisee" you are buying the right to use a specific trademark
Or business concept. $he business you run is essentially the same as all other business being
run under the same name. In order to do this" you may have to buy things like products" tools"
advertising assistance" and training from the franchisor ,the organiation that owns the rights to
$he business3.
T5) M6T)RI67 FR)) 8F "8ST R89I:): ;)+)R67 "8<RS)S T8 T5) ST<:)+T #= SITM
<niform, #ag, "ourse #oo>s, )?tra Supporting Material, Registers, en, encils 6nd 8ther Related
Materials ,Students Identity "ards 6nd Final "ertificates
'O)#$IO) ! I)COME 1E)E*#$E' $/*O(1/ $/I% 1E)E*#0 CO(*%E ?
%tudent 'uration 1rant!'onation
59 ; month ;5"999 per month
:99 ; month 59"999 per month
:59 ; month =5"999 per month
;99 ; month :"99999 per month
Sitm head office provide electric bill for the all institutes - This is &ill aya&le all
courses 0, Rs( er student per courses( +8 7imit +8 Target(
$e pro@ide faculty salary for the all institute its e?tra &enefit for the institute there are no limit and
no target(
I+9IT) AR6"B

+ote CDAR6"B If a franchisee recommended any franchisee outside the radius of rural area1, -12 >m and ur&an
area . to 0 >m( from his franchise centre them on e@ery recommendation he 'ill get 1,,,4 to 10,,4(- for this
recommendation and on the admission of e@ery student he 'ill get .E of monthly grant4donation 'hich is
recei@e &y ne' study center from SITM
@ Every approval in the process of appointing the franchisee the processing or verification charge will A5"99!8 , .our
$housand .ive /undred Only 3 and this fee is non refundable after approval and refundable when your franchisee will
not approved by the Education Bury 1overned &y $he %I$M .

:ear sir more details a&out franchises contact usF
SITM EDUCATION (Group of the Institutions)
Visit - www.sitmeu!" Em"i#- sitmeu$"ipur%&m"i#.!om
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