Shiksha Vedanga

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the history and importance of phonetics and Shiksha Vedanga in ancient India. It explores how phonetics was studied systematically and the role of Shiksha in pronouncing Vedic mantras correctly.

Phonetics is the study of sounds in human speech. Shiksha Vedanga defines the sounds of Sanskrit and their proper pronunciation which is important for understanding the meaning of Vedic texts. It occupies an important place in Vedic studies.

The main topics in Shiksha include the classification of sounds, their place of articulation, pitch, length, effort of production and their relation to musical notes.


Odisha Review January - 2014

The study of Phonetics was persued in Ancient
India with an interest which has few parallels in
antiquity. The Vedic phonetics has been dealt in a
systematic manner in various siksa texts as well
as in the pratisaksyas, which perform various
supportive and augmenting functions in the study
preservation and protection of Vedas and the
Vedic traditions.Phonetics from the Greek(phone)
sound or voice is the study of the physical
sound of human speech. It is concerned with the
physical properties of speech (phones) and the
process of their physiological production, auditory
reception, and neurophysiologic perception.
As the tigress carries her cubes between
two (row of) teeth taking care last they should be
dropped or bitten, so should one pronounce
the(Vedic) speech-sounds either be dropped or
bitten, so should one pronounce the(Vedic)
speech-sounds lest they should be dropped(i.e.
elided) or differentiated(i.e.mispronunced).
(Paniniya-Shiksha, 25).The high level of Vedic
phonetics is certified both by special treatises and
the Vedic mantras themselves kept in conjoint
reading (Samhita) according to the special rules
of phonetic joining of words and in phonetic per
word reading variant (Padapatha).
The ancient Indian doctrine about sounds
of speech, their classification, place of articulation,
rules of sound combinations and recitation fixed
the Vedic texts in a consonant form during
millennia. It is a circumstantial proof of existence
in the Vedas of the latent sense. The science of
phonetics is determined in the text books as a
The Significance of Phonetics and Shiksha Vedanga
Monalisa Mohanty
doctrine about sound, accent, pause and junction
of sound. Besides, it includes scientific
classification of sounds according to a place of
articulation, pitch, co-relation with musical Notes,
character of modifications and definition of tempo
of the Vedic relation. In the Vedic mantras, the
quantity of syllables and their longitude are
determining factors. The quantity of syllables is
strictly established for all the Vedas. Therefore,
the Rg-Veda, according to tradition, contains
432000, the Yajur-Veda 288000(2/3 of the Rg
- Veda) & the Sama-Veda 144000(1/3 of the
Rg- Veda) the obvious and latent syllables. The
latent syllables contain in diphthongs, long vowels
on joints of complex words, in some consonants,
such as V and Y. A part syllables, probably is
hidden in prosaic colophons and additional
hymns or mantras common to different Samhitas.
Correct division into syllables of Samhitas conjoint
text would be not possible without the advanced
science of phonetics. Therefore, Shiksha has also
the status of the Vedanga (vital part of the Veda).It
defines 64 sounds of Sanskrit (21 vowels, 25
consonants, 8 non-syllabic, sibilant and aspirants,
4 yamas or stops, anusvara or nasalization of a
preceding vowels, visarga or hard aspiration, K,
P and pluta or lengthened 1).Their scientific
classification is made in accord with 8 and 3
places of articulation. The letter three places are
co-related with three Vedic metres and three daily
ceremonies. All sounds are divided into five
groups depending on pitch (high, low and variable,
and also nine modifications), co-relations of pitch
Odisha Review January - 2014
with certain musical notes, length (short, long and
lengthened or pluta of three measures) and efforts
(initial and subsequent). Syaa remarks in
Shiksha chapter, the doctrine is necessary here,
in order to enable the pupil to read and pronounce
the sacred texts correctly, and thus to understand
their real meaning. He remarks that the correct
pronunciation is equally required for the earlier
ceremonial portion of the Veda(karmakanda).He
says that right pronunciation and understanding is
of greater importance for the philosophical part,
because mistakes in the sacrifices and the
ceremonial can be made good by penance,
while there is no Penance for a wrong
understanding of philosophical principles.
Phonetics is the systematic study of
human speech-sounds. It provides means of
describing and classifying virtually all sounds that
can be produced by human vocal tracts.A critical
observation on the treatises phonetics as well as
grammars proves beyond doubt that the ancient
India phoneticians made a splendid attempt to
establish the theory of language on the strong base
of philosophical quest. But in spite of this they fail
to analyze clearly the most complicated
mechanism of the human body involves in
speaking speech sounds. The modern linguistics,
however, are much advanced and scientific in their
persuit, because they have been able to utilize the
scientific apparatus.
There is a question comes in pupils mind
that What does phonetic mean ? Basically it
means phonetics is the study of the sounds of
human speech, in one area of specialization within
the field of linguistics. Unlike semantics, which
deals with the meaning of words, phonetics is
focused exclusively on the properties of speech
sounds and their production.
Within phonetics, there are three main
areas of analysis :
1. Auditory phonetics: The study of
speech perception and how the brain forms
perceptual representation of the input it receives
during the course of communication.
2. Articulatory phonetics : The study of
phonetics and movements of the lips, tongue, vocal
tract and other speech organs.
3. Acoustic phonetics : The study of the
sound waves and how they are perceived by the
inner era.
The phonetics actually makes use of
considerations which are strictly phonemic, that
criteria are an integral part of phonemics; and that
a description of language on any level, from
phonetics to stylistic, cannot be properly evaluated
with considering its consequences on all other
Vedas priority has been given to Shiksha
parts. Because all the culture and tradition of
Vedas depended upon the perfect pronunciation.
The principal aim of Shiksha is to keep un-
interruption in sanctity and purity of Vedic mantra.
The fault in pronunciation of mantra has been
considered as harmful as it could not express the
real theme of mantra.
A lot of importance was attached in
ancient India to correct pronunciation of the Vedic
hymns because of the brief that the Vedas were
inviolable and divine in origin. The scriptures
proclaimed that a Sanskrit syllable is the Brahman
the form of a syllable (akshara Brahman), an
imperishable entity (a+kshara), revealed to the
morals for the sake of dharma & welfare of the
world, just as the subtle sounds that could be
heard in meditation. It's medium was ether
(space), the medium of Gods. So no liberties
could be taken or transgression be made by the
mere mortals while changing them, without
attaching unhappy consequences for themselves
and those for whom they were sung. As a result
of this belief Shiksha developed into a separate
branch of study to preserve the integrity and purity
of the divine words and save the dharma from
human fallibility.
Odisha Review January - 2014
The teaching of the Shiksha are contained
in the ancient texts known as Pratishakhyas, each
attached to a particular Shiksha Samhita,
providing instructions for the recitation of the
hymns contained in it. The Pratishakhyas were
probably composed by many grammarians like
Saunaka before Panini and revised from time to
The Shiksha Vedanga played an important
role in maintaining the purity and integrity of the
Vedic tradition. Although they have lost much of
their ancient significance, they continue to occupy
an important place in academic study of the Vedas.
For centuries they taught and continue to teach
Vedic students how to recite the Vedic hymns,
understand their meaning and perform the various
rituals and ceremonies strictly according to the
established procedures. Their study inculcates
among its students a sense of discipline and
respect for tradition and helps them conduct
themselves in society as upholders of the Vedic
dharma and traditional family values.
As the Veda was learnt by recitation and
proper pronunciation, it was necessary to learn
the science of Shiksha. Shiksha means to give.
The Guru was giving the Veda to his pupil by
uttering it.So, knowledge of Shiksha was the first
necessary requirement for study of Veda , its
mastery depended upon its proper pronunciation
and recitation.It is made clear in a verse Rg-Vedic
hymn-VII, 03 in the expression .Where the word
Shaktasa = shaktimatah shikshyakasya refers
to a teacher who was possessed of the ability to
teaching by his knowledge of the science of
Shiksha, according to which he was uttering and
pronouncing the Vedic text and his pupils were
reciting from his lips (anuvadati).
The Shiksha or phonetics is the nose
of. The first Vedanga Shiksha is the prime and
primary base of all the six Vedangas, which
comprises rules regarding letters, accents, quantity,
organs, enumeration, delivery and euphonic
combinations.We have another reference Shiksha
called the Manduki-Shiksha or phonetics in
minimum. Shiksha is mentioned in Taittiriya-
aranyaka where the rules on Shiksha had formally
their place in this chapter of the Taittiriya-
aranyaka. Though Shiksha, the development of
the dhvani-shastra, began. The word Shiksha
first appeared in Taittiriya-Upanishad, in which
vara, svara, matra, bala, sama, santana has been
incorporated and the research work on it had
been going on since very ancient era. In ancient
time this Shiksha concept was developed to a
great extent. All the tradition of Veda always
depend upon the perfect pronunciation. The main
aim of Shiksha is always pronounce the purified
Vedic mantras (rituals). Not only the wrong
utterance of mantras are very harmful but also it
is uncapable for express the real meaning. So in
Shiksha, varna svara matra bala sama santana
are the important theme. The Shiksha is the
science of pronunciation of letters, accents etc.
Sayana remarks that, as a correct pronunciation
is equally required for the earlier ceremonial
portion of the Veda (karma-kanda), the Shiksha
ought to have been inserted there. The word
Shiksha is at first derived from Taittiriya Upanisad.
And also in The phonetic observations of Indian
Grammarian it is said that
The subject of svarabhakti has been
exhaustively treated by Schmidt in his
Geschichte des Indo-germanischen vokalismus,
and it is unnecessary to go over the same ground
again. But a few interesting points may be noted
here relating to the conditions and pronunciation
of Sanskrit svarabhakti which have been
mentioned by Indian grammarians and which do
not seem to have come to the notice of that
Shiksha Vedanga is related to phonetic
education. In the physiology, Shiksha is
represented by the structures which compute and
express the internal aspects of the physiology,
such as its biochemical constituents, temperature,
pressure etc. (the expression of the automic
Odisha Review January - 2014
nervous system). These expressions are
channeled via the automic ganglia. These are 36
on each side of the spinal cord .
It is the first branch of Vedic learning
which played an important role in maintaining the
purity and integrity of the Vedic tradition. It
occupies an important place in the academic study
of the Vedas. Its study includes among its students
a sense of discipline and respect for tradition and
helps them to conduct themselves in society as
upholds of the Vedic dharma and traditional
family value. This is an integral and essential part
of ancient Vedic education system, aimed to
promote all-round development of the students
with a better understanding of the Vedas and Vedic
References :
1. Allen, William Sidney., Phonetics in Ancient India,
Oxford University Press, London, Reprint 1953.
2. Chaturvedi, Ramamurti, Vaidikasiksa Svarupa
Vimarsah, Sampurnananda Sanskrit University,
Varanasi, 1
ed. 2003.
3. Murti, M, Srimannarayan, An Introduction to
Sanskrit Linguistics, D. K. Publications, New
Delhi 1984.
4. Sharma, K.L., Vedanga (A critical and
comprehensive History of Vedic Literature, vol-
VI), Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute,
Sadhu Ashram, Hoshiarpur (Punjab, India), 1983.
5. Unlenbeck, C.C, A manual of Sanskrit Phonetics,
Edited by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
pvt. Ltd. 54 Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi 110055,
ed. 1898, 2
ed. 1977.
6. Varma, Siddheswar, Critical study in Phonetics
Observations of Indian Grammer, Munsiram
Manoharlal, Delhi, 1961.
7. Tony Nadar, Human Physiology : Expression of
Veda and the Vedic literature, pp.80-81.
J ournals :
1. Agarwal, Uma., Suklayajurvediya siksaomen
Ucarana Vaisistya, Ambhriniyam, Acharya
Ramesh Chandra Sukla Felicitaion Volume, editor-
Satya prakash Sharma, Aligarh, 1
ed., November
2. Kielhorn, Lorenz Franz, Remarks on the Siksa,
Indian Antiquary-5, Reprint 1969.
3. Singh, Maan, Vedartha Prakriya Main siksa
Vedanga, Pavamani, Quality Research Jounal,
Part 16
, 2
and 3
volume, Svami Sampurnananda
Vaidika sodha Sansthana, Gurukula Pravata
Ashrama, Mirat, April 2001.
4. Ratha, Prativa Manjari, Prerequisite
Qualifications For Vedic Studies: A Desideratum
of Vedic Research Presented in 42
All Indian
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Sanskrit University, Varanasi (Summaries of Paper,
P. 104.)
Monalisa Mohanty, P.G.. Department of Sanskrit, Utkal
University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar (PRT-Hindi &
Sanskrit), C/o-Vikash Residential School, At/Po-
Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar.

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