Meezan Bank Internship Report
Meezan Bank Internship Report
Meezan Bank Internship Report
Submitted By
SESSION: 2012-2013
All praise to Almighty Allah, the most merciful and compassionate, who give me skills
and abilities to complete this report successfully
I am grateful to my parents who are always been a source of encouragement for me
throughout my life and from start to the end of this report
I feel deeply indebted to all my teachers for provision of inestimable, priceless and
valuable co operation and support.
I would also like to thanks Meean Bank !imited for provision of valuable guidance and
information. I found every one very co"operative and helpful for providing me the
theoretical as well as practical knowledge about the function and operation of the bank.
!ast but not least I would prefer to convey the credit to International Islamic university
islamabad without whose on time support and guidance it would be difficult for me to
achieve this task successfully.
Ammar #asir
$his Report is specially meant for the student of MBA. It is concerned to a brief study of
the operation, %unction, tasks and services of Meean Bank of &akistan.
Banking play very important role in the commerce and economic development of a
country. 'ow"a"days banks are using different modern technologies, which influence the
managerial activities that are why I decided to do my internship $raining in the bank.
Meean Bank !imited, a publicly listed company, was incorporated on (anuary )*, +,,*
and started operations as an investment bank in August that year. In (anuary, )--) in a
historic initiative, Meean Bank was granted the nation.s first full"fledged commercial
banking license as a dedicated Islamic Bank, by the /tate Bank of &akistan. MB! is the
largest Islamic Bank in &akistan with a network of )-+ branches in 01 cities.
In preparation of this Report I have tried my best to provide all possible information
about the operation, function and tasks of MB! in brief and comprehensive form. $he
report begins with the purpose of making such report than detailed introduction of MB!
discussed. It also includes management structure of MB! and different products and
services offered by MB! along with their features. It also includes a brief department
worked during internship and /2O$ of MB!. I have also tried my best to use simple and
easy words.
$o discuss the financial position of MB! financial statements and ratios are also shown.
$he internship report ends with some recommendation after identification of some
problems observed during the course of internship.
C!"te# $ 1
C!"te# $ 1
$he study is about the general operations and management of Meean Bank !imited
&23 Branch, and focuses on its function and operations, which was conducted through
interviews in the branch.
4very student of MBA 5Management of business administration6 has to under go an
internship program of si7"eight weeks in any organiation to get e7posure to the real time
business environment and to attain practical knowledge about daily operation of that
entity. $he real purpose of this internship program is to provide an opportunity to the
students to see the practical applications of their background professional studies.
$he repot is a reflection of my e7perience when I was internee in MB!, &23 branch,
Islamabad. Meean Bank !imited, a publicly listed company, was incorporated on
(anuary )*, +,,* and started operations as an investment bank in August that year. In
(anuary, )--) in a historic initiative, Meean Bank was granted the nation.s first full"
fledged commercial banking license as a dedicated Islamic Bank, by the /tate Bank of
1'2 &%R&OSE O( ST%D)
It is necessary for the student of MBA that they should be ac8uainted with practical
applications of business studies and should gain business e7perience. In this connection
every student is re8uired to undergo an internship of at least si7 weeks in any
organiation. It not only gives us a chance to interact with the people already working
there this enable us to get to know the financial institutions concern.s atmosphere and
business stature in Islamabad. &urpose of the study was two pronged.
1'2'1 Ge*e#!+ &u#",-e
$his study offers knowledge and e7perience of courses studied.
$o improve the writing and analytical skills of students.
$o familiarie the student with the practices and working environment during the
1'2'2 S"e.i/i. &u#",-e
A partial fulfillment as a re8uirement for the completion of MBA degree.
$o ob9ectively observe the operations of Meean Bank of !td in general and the
operations of MB!, &23 branch Islamabad in specific.
$o get ac8uaintance to the banking operations.
$o make recommendations or implementation plans for the improvement of the
operations of MB!, &23 branch Islamabad in the light of our professional
1'3 SCO&E O( T0E ST%D)
$he study covers two areas with its variables, which affects the operations of the branch
directly, or indirectly. $hese two areas of variables are:
Branch specific variable.
Bank specific variable.
$he branch specific variables are the variables under the control of the branch
management and directly affect its operations e.g.
!ayout of the branch.
;ustomers. relations.
3epartments in the branch
Online banking.
$he bank specific variables are those variables, which are not in control of the branch
management e.g.
<istory of MB!
/ervices provided by MB!
Role of MB!
3uring my internship while I was compiling I use the following research methodologies.
1'1'1 D!t! S,u#.e-
Both primary and secondary have been used in the compilation of this report. $he
methodology used is as under:
1'1'1'1 &RIMAR) DATA
3uring the compilation of this report, I relied mainly on the primary data. $he tools used
for the collection of primary data are interviews and observation. $o get primary data I
also performed some practical work.
$he secondary data was mainly used for as a background material and for purpose of
references. $he ma9or sources of secondary data were the annual report )-+),
management accountant.s 9ournals, newspaper, books, and MB! website.
1'1'2 Re-e!#. A""#,!.e-
=eeping in view my limitations during and the nature of the study, two research
approaches were adopted. $hese research approaches are:
Observation as.
&articipant observation and
'on"participant observation.
1'1'3 S!m"+i*2 &+!*
3etails of the sampling plan used during this report are given below.
1'1'3'1 S!m"+i*2 %*it
$he sampling unit constitutes of the following.
Manager of MB! &23 branch Islamabad.
/taff of MB! &23 branch Islamabad
1'1'3'2 S!m"+e Si3e
$he sampling sie constituted of
All the customers coming into the Bank.
One bank managers.
/i7 staff members.
1'1'3'3 S!m"+i*2 &#,.edu#e-
$he sampling procedure used was non"probability 9udgmental and convenience
1'1'3'1 C,*t!.t Met,d
&ersonal contact method was used as a contact method, which included:
/tructured interviews with managers and personnel from operations department.
>nstructured interviews with staff members.
$he /tudy was sub9ect to the following limitations, the absence of which could have
made this report more accurate, systematic and factual:
$he very limited period of time was available to conduct the detailed analysis,
which hindered procurement of e7haustive and complete per day visit, which also
cause some difficulties in obtaining ade8uate information.
$he bank officials because of secrecy of the bank matters didn.t answer the
number of 8uestions.
$he non cooperative behavior of some staff members.
$he report has been divided into eight chapters. A brief introduction of these chapters is
given below:
C!"te# 1 $his chapter contains a brief introduction of the report.
C!"te# 2 A brief organiational profiles and history of MB! is presented in this
chapter, and an overview of the services offered by MB! is given in this
C!"te# 3 $his chapter contains brief introduction of different departments
Of main sadder branch Islamabad on which I worked.
C!"te# 1 $his chapter contains a brief introduction of the management of
Meean Bank !imited
C!"te# 4 It is consist of the product and services of the MB!.
C!"te# 5 It consists of /2O$ analysis of the 5MB!, &23 branch Islamabad6
C!"te# 6 %inancial highlights of the MB!. $his chapter is consist of Ratio Analysis
C!"te# 7 It consists of the important findings of the study and the suggestions
developed in the light of these findings.
C!"te# $ 2
BA'= !IMI$43
C!"te# $ 2
BA'= !IMI$43
2'1'1 I-+!mi. (i*!*.e
Islamic finance was practiced predominantly in the Muslim world throughout the middle
Ages, fostering trade and business activities with development of credit. In /pain and the
Mediterranean and Baltic states , Islamic merchants became indispensable middleman for
trading activities. In fact 4uropean financier and businessmen later adopted many
concepts, techni8ues, and instruments of Islamic finance. $he financial system is founded
on the absolute prohibition of the payment or receipt of any predetermined. @ranted rate
of return .this closes the door to the concept of interest and precludes the use of debt"
based instrument. $he system encourages risk sharing promotes entrepreneurship,
discourages speculative behavior, and emphasies the sanctity of contracts.
2'1'2 Te I-+!mi. E.,*,mi. Sy-tem
One of the forms of capitalism, which has been flourishing in non Islamic societies, is the
interest based investment. $here are normally two participants in such transaction. One is
the investor who provides capital on loan and other manager who run the business. $he
investor has no concern whether the business run in to profit or loss he automatically get
2'1'3 Rib!
De/i*iti,* ,/ Rib!
$he word Riba means e7cess, increase or addition, which correctly interpreted according
to /hariah terminology, implies any e7cess compensation without due consideration .
5$his definition of Riba is derived from Auran and is unanimously accepted by all
Islamic scholars6
2'1'3'1 T)&ES O( RIBA
$here are two types of Riba .
+. Riba An 'asiyah
) .Riba Al %adl
1. Rib! A* N!-iy!: De/i*ed as e7cess, which result from predetermined interest which
a lender receives over and above the principle 5Ras ul Maal6.
2' Rib! A+ (!d+: 3efined as e7cess compensation without any consideration resulting
from a sale of goods.
2'1'1 C,mme#.i!+ I*te#e-t A*d %-u#y:
In +*
century two new technical terms of interest emerged after the established of
banking system.
Ti9!#ti S,,d :
Interest paid on loan taken for productive Bprofitable purposes.
S!#/i S,,d :
Interest paid on loan taken for personal need and e7penses.
2'1'4 I-+!mi. b!*:i*2:
$he interest free system envisages the gainful use of one.s saving with other on the basis
of profit and loss sharing in a defined manner. 4ffective from (an -+, +,C+, the
'ationalied commercial banks and now all other commercial banks in &akistan have
introduced the profit and loss sharing 5&!/6 3eposit /cheme features of which as under .
&!/" /aving Accounts
&!/ $erm 3eposit Accounts
Investment Of &!/ 3eposits
2'1'5 M,de- ,/ I-+!mi. B!*:i*2
!iterally it means a sale on mutually agreed profit. $echnically, it is a contract of sale in
which the seller declares his cost and profit. Islamic banks have adopted this as a mode of
financing. As a financing techni8ue, it involves a re8uest by the client to the bank to
purchase certain goods for him. $he bank does that for a definite profit over the cost,
which is stipulated in advance.
I9arah is a contract of a known and proposed usufruct against a specified and lawful
return or consideration for the service or return for the benefit proposed to be taken, or
for the effort or work proposed to be e7pended. In other words, I9arah or leasing is the
transfer of usufruct for a consideration which is rent in case of hiring of assets or things
and wage in case of hiring of persons.
A contract under which an Islamic bank provides e8uipment, building or other assets to
the client against an agreed rental together with a unilateral undertaking by the bank or
the client that at the end of the lease period, the ownership in the asset would be
transferred to the lessee. $he undertaking or the promise does not become an integral part
of the lease contract to make it conditional. $he rentals as well as the purchase price are
fi7ed in such manner that the bank gets back its principal sum alongwith with profit over
the period of lease.
Musawamah is a general and regular kind of sale in which price of the commodity to be
traded is bargained between seller and the buyer without any reference to the price paid
or cost incurred by the former. $hus, it is different from Murabaha in respect of pricing
formula. >nlike Murabaha, seller in Musawamah is not obliged to reveal his cost. Both
the parties negotiate on the price. All other conditions relevant to Murabaha are valid for
Musawamah as well. Musawamah can be used where the seller is not in a position to
ascertain precisely the costs of commodities that he is offering to sell.
It is a contractual agreement for manufacturing goods and commodities, allowing cash
payment in advance and future delivery or a future payment and future delivery. Istisna.a
can be used for providing the facility of financing the manufacture or construction of
houses, plants, pro9ects and building of bridges, roads and highways.
!iterally it means a credit sale. $echnically, it is a financing techni8ue adopted by Islamic
banks that takes the form of Murabaha Mua99al. It is a contract in which the bank earns a
profit margin on his purchase price and allows the buyer to pay the price of the
commodity at a future date in a lump sum or in installments. It has to e7pressly mention
cost of the commodity and the margin of profit is mutually agreed. $he price fi7ed for the
commodity in such a transaction can be the same as the spot price or higher or lower than
the spot price.
A form of partnership where one party provides the funds while the other provides
e7pertise and management. $he latter is referred to as the Mudarib. Any profits accrued
are shared between the two parties on a pre"agreed basis, while loss is borne only by the
provider of the capital.
Musharakah means a relationship established under a contract by the mutual consent of
the parties for sharing of profits and losses in the 9oint business. It is an agreement under
which the Islamic bank provides funds, which are mi7ed with the funds of the business
enterprise and others. All providers of capital are entitled to participate in management,
but not necessarily re8uired to do so. $he profit is distributed among the partners in pre"
agreed ratios, while the loss is borne by each partner strictly in proportion to respective
capital contributions.
BAI SALAM: /alam means a contract in which advance payment is made for goods to
be delivered later on. $he seller undertakes to supply some specific goods to the buyer at
a future date in e7change of an advance price fully paid at the time of contract. It is
necessary that the 8uality of the commodity intended to be purchased is fully specified
leaving no ambiguity leading to dispute. $he ob9ects of this sale are goods and cannot be
gold, silver or currencies. Barring this, BaiD/alam covers almost everything, which is
capable of being definitely described as to 8uantity, 8uality and workmanship.
Meean Bank !imited, a publicly listed company, was incorporated on (anuary
)*, +,,* and started operations as an investment bank in August that year. In
(anuary, )--) in a historic initiative, Meean Bank was granted the nation.s first
full"fledged commercial banking license as a dedicated Islamic Bank, by the /tate
Bank of &akistan.
Meean Bank has clearly established itself as the largest Islamic Bank in &akistan
with the largest Islamic Banking b#!*. *et>,#: in the country. $he banking
sector is showing a significant paradigm shift away from traditional means of
business and is catering to an increasingly astute and demanding financial
consumer, who is also becoming keenly aware of Islamic Banking. Meean Bank
bears the critical responsibility of leading the way forward in establishing a stable
and dynamic Islamic Banking system replete with dynamic and cutting"edge
products and services.
3uring the eight years of its operations as an Islamic commercial bank offering
universal banking services to customers, Meean Bank has been one of the fastest
growing banks in the history of &akistan.s banking sector. Average growth in
deposits has been 00E per annum during this period while the branch network
grew from 1 to )-+. $he Bank has established a strong and credible m!*!2eme*t
te!m comprised of e7perienced professionals, that have achieved a strong balance
sheet with e7cellent operating profitability and strong ratios, which places the
Bank at the top of the Islamic Banking industry. $he Bank has been assigned a
long"term entity rating of AF with a G/table. outlook and a short"term entity rating
of A+.
$he Bank.s main -!#e,+de#- are leading financial institutions of the Region
namely, 'oor %inancial Investment ;ompany, =uwait, a leading investment
company based in =uwaitH &ak"=uwait Investment ;ompany, a AAA rated
financial entity in the country and the Islamic 3evelopment Bank of (eddah. $he
established position, reputation, strength and stability, of these institutions add
significant value to the Bank through Board representation and applied synergies.
$he Bank has an internationally renowned S!#i! Su"e#?i-,#y B,!#d ;haired
by (ustice 5Retd.6 Maulana Muhammad $a8i >smani, an internationally renowned
figure in the field of /hariah, particularly Islamic %inance. <e holds the position
of 3eputy ;hairman at the Islamic %i8h Academy, (eddah and in his long and
illustrious career has also served as a (udge in the /hariat Appellate Bench,
/upreme ;ourt of &akistan. $he Board also includes /heikh 4ssam M. Isha8
5Bahrain6, 3r. Abdul /attar Abu @huddah 5/audi Arabia6 and 3r. Imran >smani
who is also the resident /hariah Advisor of the Bank. 3r. Imran is assisted by a
team of professionals who strictly monitor the regular transactions of the Bank
and are also responsible for &roduct 3evelopment.
$he bank has developed an e7traordinary research and development capability by
combining investment bankers, commercial bankers, /hariah scholars and legal
e7perts to develop innovative, viable, and competitive value propositions that not
only meet the re8uirements of today.s comple7 financial world, but do so with
world"class service e7cellence which our customers demand, all within the
bounds of /hariah.
Meean Bank has a strong technology focus. It has invested heavily in state"of"
the"art software applications I namely $emenos $")1 and Oracle. It has also
recently upgraded its hardware platform and also has a Ghot. disaster recovery site
in place to cater to any unforeseen eventualities.
By implementing robust and aggressive strategic and tactical initiatives on the
side of consumer banking, Meean Bank aims to fulfill its prime target of
providing customers accessibility and convenience, within an atmosphere and
culture of dedicated service and recognition of their needs. $he Bank has a rapidly
growing branch network across all ma9or cities nation"wide.
At Meean Bank, we believe in adding value to our customers. lives and
businesses through dynamic and competitive products and services that fulfill
their needs while conforming completely to the dictates of /hariah. At the same
time, we endeavor to deliver competitive risk"ad9usted returns to our stakeholders
$he inception of &akistan as the first Islamic Republic created in the name of Islam.
;II presents report on the elimination of Interest genuinely considered to be the first
ma9or comprehensive work in the world undertaken on Islamic banking and finance.
;ommercial banks transformed their nomenclature stating all Rupee /aving Accounts as
interest"free. <owever, foreign currency deposits in &akistan and foreign loans continued
as before.
&rocedure adopted by banks in +,C0 was declared un"Islamic by the %ederal /hariat
;ourt 5%/;6. $he @overnment and some banksJ3%Is made appeals to the /hariat
Appellate Bench 5/AB6 of the /upreme ;ourt of &akistan.
Al"Meean Investment Bank is established with a mandate to pursue Islamic Banking.
Mr. Irfan /iddi8ui appointed as first and founding ;hief 47ecutive Officer.
$he /hariat Appellate Bench of the /upreme ;ourt of &akistan re9ects the appeals and
directs all laws on interest banking to cease. $he government sets up a high level
commission, task forces and committees to institute and promote Islamic banking on
parallel basis with conventional system.
$he /hariah /upervisory Board is established at Al"Meean Investment Bank led by
(ustice 5Retd.6 Muhammad $a8i >smani as chairman. /tate Bank of &akistan sets criteria
for establishment of Islamic commercial banks in private sector and subsidiaries and
stand"alone branches by e7isting commercial banks to conduct Islamic banking in the
Meean Bank ac8uires the &akistan operations of /ociete @enerale and concurrently Al
Meean Investment Bank converts itself into a full fledged Islamic commercial bank. $he
first Islamic banking license
is issued to the Bank and it is renamed Meean Bank. &resident @eneral &erve
Musharraf inaugurates the new Islamic ;ommercial Bank at a formal ceremony in
Meean Bank establishes itself as the pioneer of Islamic Banking in &akistan and 8uickly
establishes branches in all ma9or cities of the country. A wide range of products are
developed and launched consolidating the Bank.s position as the premier Islamic Bank of
the country Al Meean Investment Management !imited 5AMIM6, the asset management
arm of Meean Bank, introduces Meean Islamic %und 5MI%6, the country.s first open"
end Islamic Mutual %und.
$he /tate Bank establishes a dedicated Islamic Banking 3epartment 5IB36 by merging
the Islamic 4conomics 3ivision of the Research 3epartment with the Islamic Banking
3ivision of the Banking &olicy 3epartment. A /hariah Board has been appointed to
regulate and approve guidelines for the emerging Islamic Banking industry. $he
@overnment of &akistan awards the mandate for debut of international /ukuk 5Bond6
offering for >/3 0-- million. $he offering is a success and establishes a benchmark for
&akistan. Meean Bank acts as the /hariah /tructuring Advisor for this historic
Meean Bank becomes the first customer of Islamic Insurance 5$akaful6 by signing the
first Memorandum of >nderstanding Mo> with &ak"=uwait $akaful ;ompany !imited
5&=$;!6. $he signing of this Mo> has ushered &akistan into a new era of Islamic
Insurance 5$akaful6.
A number of new dedicated Islamic Banks, namely Bank Islami and 3ubai Islamic Bank,
commence operations in &akistan.Meean continues its leadership position in the industry
by more than doubling it branch network to a total of K) branches in )+ cities, clearly
establishing itself as the largest Islamic Bank of the country. Meean Bank, becomes the
first Islamic bank to introduce C am to C pm banking at selected branches in =arachi.
Meean Bank opens up its +--th branch. $wo new dedicated Islamic Banks start
operations in &akistan, namely 4mirates @lobal Islamic Bank and 3awood Islamic Bank.
2ith +KK Branches 5including L0 sub"branches6 in 1- cities across &akistan, Meean
Bank is clearly positioned as the leading Islamic Bank in the country. 2ork starts on the
construction of Meean Bank.s new <ead Office building.$he financing and investment
portfolio of local Islamic banks reached Rs. +C0 billion in 3ecember )-+) compared to
Rs. +L*.K billion in 3ecember )-++. Market share in the overall banking increased to five
per cent at end 3ecember )-+) compared with four per cent at end 3ecember )-++. $otal
assetsof Islamic banking reached Rs. )*+.+ billion in 3ecember )-+) compared to Rs.
)-0.) billion in 3ecember )-++.
Branch network of si7 dedicated Islamic banks increases to 1C- Branches 5Including /ub"
Branches6 with Meean Bank having a 1)E share of the Islamic Banking branch network
in the country with )-+ branches in 01 cities accross the country. Islamic BankingMs share
grows to over 0.0E of the total Banking industry
4stablish Islamic banking as banking of first choice to facilitate the
implementation of an e8uitable economic system, providing a strong
foundation for establishing a fair and 9ust society for mankind.
$o be a premier Islamic bank, offering a one"stop shop for
innovative value added products and services to our customers
within the bounds of /hariah, while optimiing the stakeholders
value through an organiational culture based on learning, fairness,
respect for individual enterprise and performance.
$o develop a committed service culture which ensures the consistent
delivery of our products and services within the highest 8uality
service parameters, promoting Islamic values and ensuring
recognition and a 8uality banking e7perience to our customers.
2'7 Mee3!* B!*: e*tity #!ti*2 ,/ AA- /,# medium t, +,*2 te#m !*d A-1 /,# -,#t-
Mee3!* B!*: e*tity #!ti*2 u"2#!ded by ;CR-AIS: Meean Bank has received entity
ratings of AA" 53ouble A Minus6 for medium to long"term and A"+ 5A"One6 for short"
term. $hese ratings have been assigned by (;R"NI/ ;redit Rating ;ompany, which has
also set Meean Bank.s outlook on medium to long"term rating as O/tableP.
Meean Bank.s ratings are based on its shareholding with world"renowned financial
institutions, pioneering role in the industry, strong management initiatives in continuously
introducing various range of Islamic products.
Medium t, L,*2 Te#m S,#t Te#m
AAF, AA, AA<igh: <igh credit 8uality.
&rotection factors are strong. Risk is modest
but may vary slightly from time to time
because of economic conditions.
A"+: <igh certainity of timely payment.
!i8uidity factors are e7cellent and
supported by good fundamental protection
factors. Risk factors are minor.
Alhamdolillah, Meean Bank has established )-+ branches in 01 cities across &akistan.
$his is a milestone that is not only the success story of Meean Bank but also the
continuing success story of Islamic Banking in &akistan. 2ith this e7tensive network, our
e7isting and potential customers are now closer than ever in attaining Islamic Banking at
their doorstep. All branches provide real time online banking facilities to customers.
As the first and largest dedicated Islamic Bank in &akistan, Meean Bank team continues
to build on its Nision of establishing QIslamic Banking the Banking of %irst ;hoiceQ. One
of the key ob9ectives of the Bank is to have its footprint strategically placed throughout
the country enabling the public to avail the benefits of /hariah ;ompliant Banking in
their neighborhood.
$he Bank is currently segmented into three Regions of &akistan. $he cities in which the
Bank presently operates are as follows:
S,ute#* Re2i,* Ce*t#!+ Re2i,* N,#te#* Re2i,*
<ub 5!asbela6
Arifwala Abbottabad
=arachi Burewala 3era Ismail =han
Mirpurkhas ;hiniot 3ina
'awabshah 3aska @u9ar =han
Auetta 3era @hai =han <aripur
/akrand %aisalabad <avelian
$ando Adam @u9ranwala (helum
$ando"Allah"#ar @u9rat =ohat
<afiabad Mansehra
(hang Mardan
=hanpur 'owshera
=hushab &eshawar
!ahore Rawalpindi
!alamusa /wat
Mandi Bahauddin
Mian ;hannu
Rahim #ar =han
Mee3!* B!*: Limited !*d I-+!mi. Re+ie/ -i2* MO% /,# +!u*.i*2 I-+!mi.
Mi.#,/i*!*.e: Meean Bank signed an MO> with Islamic Relief, an independent
International Relief and 3evelopment Organiation founded in +,C1 in >= with
offices in more than )0 countries, for launching Islamic Microfinance in &akistan.
>nder the MO>, Meean Bank will assist Islamic Relief to enhance its Islamic
Microfinance operations in &akistan by capacity building, training and product
development support.
&ub+i. !>!#e*e-- -emi*!#- ,* I-+!mi. B!*:i*2: Meean Bank conducted )1
Islamic Banking seminars in +1 cities across &akistan during )-++. ;ustomers
appreciated this initiative by Meean Bank and re8uested that such seminars
should be held more fre8uently since these help them in gaining a better
understanding of Islamic Banking.
L!u*. ,/ MBA i* I-+!mi. B!*:i*2 !t Ri"! %*i?e#-ityC I-+!m!b!d:
Meean Bank !imited and Riphah International >niversity, Islamabad signed an
MO> for 9ointly launching a programme on Islamic Business and %inance for
students and finance professionals. Meean Bank will provide e7pertise in
structuring the course, provide faculty for conducting credit hour courses and for
conducting workshops B seminars and share case studies and proprietary
C!"te# $ 3
C!"te# $ 3
Branch 'ame : &23 Islamabad
Address : &23, Islamabad
&hone : 5,)"0+6 )*C*,,+",L
%a7 : 5,)"0+6 )*C)**)
4mail :
Branch Manager : Irshad Ali ;hachar
A$M available
Te#e !#e 4 m!i* de"!#tme*t- !t te b#!*.:
;>/$OM4R /4RNI;4/ 34&AR$M4'$
O&4RA$IO'/ 34&AR$M4'$
;A/< 34&AR$M4'$
;R43I$ 34&AR$M4'$
%OR4I@' ;>RR4';# 34&AR$M4'$
Account opening and closing is the function of customer services department. $he bank.s
customers includes individuals 5single or 9oint6, firm 5partnershipJproprietorship6,
Autonomous corporations, !imited companies, ;haritable Institutions, associations,
4ducational Institutions or local bodies.
Brief 47planation of these accounts is as follows
3'2'1 &#,du.t- ,//e#ed by ti- de"!#tme*t:
a6 Riba %ree Rupee /avings Account
;urrent account
/aving Account
b6 Riba %ree 3ollar /avings Account
%oreign ;urrency Account
Account opening is the basic and first relationship, which is established between Bank
and the customer. In account opening e7treme care has to be e7ercised in case of
completion of account opening documentation.
2henever a client comes in the bank in order to open an account the first information that
is given to himJher about the types of accounts, which can be opened, so far this purpose
the client is given detailed information about the accounts and their respective profit
$4RM 34&O/I$
3'2'1 Sub-.!te2,#ie- ,/ A..,u*t- !*d te B!-i. ReDui#eme*t-:
Bay form and copy of passport minor
'ational Identity card of @uardian
/ignature re8uirement of guardian
;opy of national identity card
;omplete account opening form
!etter of introduction if re8uired
Nisiting ;ard 5if the person is employed6
As evident from the name these accounts can be 9ointly opened by any number of
persons. $he minimum number of persons re8uired to open a 9oint account is two but
there is no ma7imum limit.
'ational Identity card of all Applicants.
/ignature of all Applicants.
?akat Affidavit of all Applicants 5akat 47amption6.
Operation of account clearly mentioned.
$he options available to operate the account are:
4ither or /urvivor
Other5s65&lease specify6
;ertified copy of resolution
;ertified copy of rules
;opies of 'ational Identity cards of all directorsJpassports
;ompleted account opening form
/pecimen /ignature ;ard
;ompleted account opening form
/pecimen /ignature ;ard
;ertified copy of trust deed
;opy of rulesJby laws
;opies of 'ational Identity cards of all trustees
3eclaration !etter
;opy of 'I;J&assport of the proprietor
'ational $a7 ;ertificate
3eclaration of /ole &roprietor on company letterhead
Business registration ;ertificate
/pecimen /ignature ;ards and completed account opening form.
&artnership 3eed, certified copy.
&hotocopies of 'I; of all partners.
&artnership Mandate 5&rescribed %ormat6.
!ist of 3irectors of company.
'I; of all 3irectors.
;opy of certificate of Incorporation.
Memorandum of Association.
Article of Association.
;opy of Board Resolution.
!atest ;opy of %orm"),
/tamp of ;ompany, which is to be affi7ed on the account opening form.
;ertificate of ;ommencement of Business
$hese accounts can be opened individually or 9ointly.
%or men, the right hand thumb impression and for women, the left hand thumb
impression is taken on account opening form.
$he customer is given advice to come to bank by himself in order to withdraw any cash
or deposit the che8ue.
&hotocopy of 'I; of Account <older.
$wo"three passport sie photographs.
%irst of all, after in8uiring from the customer what type of account heJshe wants to open,
the account opening form is got filled from the customer and signed it. Along with the
account opening form, the customer is also signed two /pecimen /ignatures ;ards.
After fulfilling all the formalities of account opening, the computer generated account
number is given to the customer that is of special series depending on the type of account.
A re8uisition slip is given to the customer to sign it so that the customer can get
che8uebook. ;he8uebook is issued after one day of receiving the re8uisition slip.
After opening the account OA !etter Of $hanksP is send to the customer in order to thank
the customer for opening an account in the Bank. $his letter tells all the information
regarding hisJher accounts, which are kept very confidential.
After an account is opened, an entry is made in the account opening register, which has
the following columns:
Account 'umber
'ame B Address
$elephone 'umber
Initial 3eposit
;ustomer /ervicesJRelation Officer enters the new account opened in computer and the
/pecimen signature ;ards are also scanned so that whenever a che8ue of the respective
account comes for encashment, the signatures can be verified.
3'2'5 O?e#!++ /u*.ti,*- "e#/,#med by Cu-t,me# Se#?i.e- De"!#tme*t:
A;;O>'$ O&4'I'@
A;;O>'$ ;!O/I'@
@4'4RA! ;!I4'$ 34A!I'@
L.L.+.+ ;!4ARI'@
L.L.+.) R4MI$$A';4
3'3'1'1 CLEARING
In clearing process, if the account holder of MB! receives the che8ue of other bank like
;ity Bank, <abib Bank !imited etc, and he submits it in MB! branch to be cashed. At
the same time the clearing process starts. %irst the bank name, ;he8ue number and the
amount are written in the register. After this three kind of stamps are re8uired first bank
name stamp, secondly clearing stamp of ne7t date and If the che8ue is not local then the
inter city clearing stamp is re8uired.
/ome che8ues are local and some are outstation. $he institution '.I.%.$. provides the
services in clearing the che8ue. $hey send the different che8ue to different banks. $he
'.I.%.$ service is only in few cities, like =arachi, !ahore, Rawalpindi. $he che8ue of
inter city is send through '.I.%.$. And where, the '.I.%.$ service is not available so the
che8ue is sent through $.;./.
$he clearance of che8ue is informed through advice. /ome che8ue is not passed so they
should return so Rs. +-- is deducted and if the che8ue is inter city then the postage
charges is deducted. %or this purpose the 3ebit B ;redit voucher is used. 2hen the
che8ue is cleared the today stamp is re8uired. /ome che8ue is drawn on MB!. $his is
called outward clearing. $hese che8ues will be entered in the outward clearing register.
And the advice is sent for the clearance of che8ues. $he account holder account is
Inward clearing
Outward clearing
In the morning, the bank receives its own che8ues, which have been presented by the
customers in some other bank to be deposited in their account. 'I%$ provides the facility
of bringing che8ues for inward and also takes the che8ues of outward clearing to other
banks. $he che8ues received in inward clearing are the che8ues drawn on bank and the
bank has to pay for them. %or this purpose the bank makes clearing in computer by
checking the balances of the respective customer, if their balances are up to the mark then
that che8ue is cleared and the respective customer account is debited with the respective
amount. If the balances are short then that che8ue is bounced back to the related bank.
Re!-,*- /,# #etu#*i*2 ! .eDue:
All re8uired stamps of ;learing, ;rossing and 4ndorsement are not present on
;he8ue is post date.
Refer to drawer
4ffects not cleared, may be presented again
Amounts in words and figures differ.
If any of these reasons e7ists then that che8ue is returned through 'I%$ and deducts Rs.
L-- from customer. account as che8ue returned charges.
$hen the report of returning any che8ue is sent through fa7 to the head office =arachi.
After this put the entry in ;he8ue return register showing the following columns:
$itle of account
Account number
;he8ue number
Bank and Branch name
Reason to return
All the che8ues of other banks which are deposited to MB! are presented in outward
clearing. $his is said as outward clearing because they are presented on the very ne7t day
after depositing a che8ue.
I. $RA'/%4R O% AMO>'$
II. $4!!I'@ A;;O>'$ BA!A';4/
III. I//>I'@ ;<4A>4/ BOO=/
If a customer holds two accounts in the bank and heJshe wants to transfer money from
one account to other account, customer writes a che8ue and fills deposit slip in which
heJshe writes account number to which amount is to be transferred. After making transfer
entry in the computer, affi7 transfer stamp in the middle of the che8ue, crossing on the
upper left and bank.s endorsement stamp on the backside of the che8ue.
2henever clearing officer receives phone call from the customer in8uiring about hisJher
account balance after confirming the name, address and other information he
tells the balance through computer.
It is also the duty of department to issue a che8uebook when an officer receives re8uest
from the customer.
Another important department in MB! is Remittances 3epartment. $he remittances
department transfers the funds from one bank to other bank and from one place to another
In remittances department the collection take place. $he MB! made payment of only
open che8ues on the counter and prohibits the payment of crossed che8ues. MB!
transfers money from one place to another by the following means:
a6 &ay order
b6 3emand drafts
c6 Inward collection
d6 Outward collection
&ay order is an order to pay money but this payment is to be made within city. In other
words it can be said that the payee and the payer should be in one city.
In pay order the payment can be made in
A6 ;ash
B6 ;learing
;6 $ransfer
In case of pay order first of all the customer has to fill a pay order application form in
favoring section: name, account number, amount, beneficiary name, address, etc.
$he data is entered in already set format of pay order in computer and pay order print out
is taken. An authoried person and manager operations are signed pay order.
$he original copy of the pay order is given to the customer and carbon copy is kept with
bank for office record.
An order to pay money to the payee who is residing outside the city. 33 can be for a
customer who may or may not have an account in the bank but the other person.s account
must be maintained with the bank for which the payer has demanded the 33.
2hen the bank receives che8ues of any other bank from its any branch situated in the
some other city, then those have been dealt as inward collection.
!ockers operations shall not be permitted under power of attorney of a customer. A
customer wishing to allow another person or agent may be re8uested to open a new
locker account under 9oint names and close the e7isting account.
In offering this facility branches have to be selective and should provide lockers to the
customers whose identity and integrity is verified, who should maintain account with the
branch and have potential for deposits and other banking business. It is reiterated that
honesty, creditability and good reputation of the customer is of utmost importance in the
selection of customer for lockers.
Available in selected branches
Available in L sies 5small, medium and large6
%or all eligible Account <olders
=ey security 3eposit &=R L---
Application on &rescribed %orm duly filled
/avingJ;urrent Account with MB!
-) &assport sie &hotographs
bI CeDue B,,:- 0!*d+i*2
Application for 'ew ;he8ue Book
$he following products are handled under the operation department.
;ertificate of Islamic Investment
Monthly Mudarabah ;ertificates
3ollar Mudarabah ;ertificates
Meean Amdan ;ertificates
Meean &rovidence ;ertificate
$he cash department is the most important department of the bank. It receives cash from
customers and then deposits it into the accounts of the customers and maintained their
balances. $his is the most important and critical department in a Bank. $here are two
basic functions performed by the cash department. $hese are
3'1'1 Re.ei"t-
An individual who has account in the Bank can deposit money in his account. %or deposit
of the money the individual has to fill the deposit slip in which the account holder writes
his name, Account number, amount of the money both in figures and in words.
After filling the deposit slip the ;ash amount along with the deposit slip is submitted
with the cashier. $he cashier collects the cash and counts it and after verification the
cashier stamps the deposit slip. One part of the deposit slip is given back to the customer
and the other part of the deposit slip remains with the bank for the record purposes
$he cashier also record the deposits made by the customers in credit sheets daily. $he
deposits of all customers of the bank are controlled by mean of ledger account. 4very
customer has its own ledger account and has separate ledger cards in which his J her total
record is kept.
Bill collection is also one of the main functions of bank. ;ashier has to prepare a list of
bills. serial number, a copy of which is to be sent to the corresponding organiation.
3'1'2 &!yme*t-
$he procedure of clearance of a che8ue or payments is as following. %irst of all the
customer presents his che8ue to the cashier. $he cashier records the account number and
the amount, which is to be drawn. $hen the cashier check the che8ue number in the
computer for the verification whether the account holder has such amount in his account
which he is demanding or not. If the computer passes the che8ue, the &assing officer
signs the che8ue and sent it to the cash counter then cashier pays the written amount to
the customer and then in the end cashier records the amount paid in computer.
3'1'3 I* .!- de"!#tme*t /,++,>i*2 b,,:- !#e m!i*t!i*ed'
/croll book
&aying book
;ash balance book
2hen cash is received at the customer it is recorded in the scroll book.
$he cashier makes entry in the paying cashbook when cash is paid.
$he consolidated figure of receipt and payment of cash is entered in cash balance book.
$he basis function of the bank is to accept deposit and lend money to the borrowers
against a spread so to be able to give some profit to the depositors as well as to earn profit
for the bank. $he main function of the credit department is to lend money to the
customer. MB! lends money in the form of clean advances against promissory notes as
well as secured advances against tangible and marketable securities.
Islamic %inancing for the following:
3'4'1 Ty"e ,/ .u-t,me# !*d "#,du.t- ,//e#ed by MEE8AN BANK LIMITED
C,*-ume# /i*!*.e
4asy <ome 5housing finance6
;ar I9ara 5auto finance6
C,#",#!te B!*:i*2
2orking ;apital %inance
&ro9ect %inancing for e7isting ;orporate having e7pansion or BMR
Islamic 47port Refinance %acility 5&art I and &art II6
$rade Related /ervices
C,mme#.i!+ B!*:i*2
2orking ;apital %inance
&ro9ect %inancing, 47pansion or BMR Re8uirements
Islamic 47port Refinance %acility
$rade Related /ervices
SME B!*:i*2
2orking ;apital %inance
&ro9ect %inancing, 47pansion or BMR Re8uirments
Islamic 47port Refinance %acility
$rade Related /ervices
I*?e-tme*t b!*:i*2
/yndications B /tructured %inance
&ro9ect %inancing
%inancial Advisory /ervices
$he account dealing with the foreign currency is called foreign currency account. Meean
home Remittance provides Auick Remittance in ma9or currencies i.e.
3'5'1 &#,du.t ,/ MBL /,# /,#ei2* .u##e*.y
Riba %ree 3ollar /avings Account
%oreign ;urrency Account
Meean visa dibit card
3ollar Mudarabah ;ertificates
2ith a minimum of only S+-- you can open a 3ollar /aving Account with us under
a Mudarabah arrangement that is strictly in conformity with the principles of Islamic
/hariah. $he return earned on the Mudarabah pool is calculated every month and the
profit ratio for all investors is declared at the beginning of the month. If you maintain a
minimum average monthly balance of S 0--, you shall be eligible to receive profits that
shall be credited to your account every month.If any person wants to import goods from
foreign, an account is re8uired and for international trading the %; is needed. MB!
provide foreign currency on &ak rupee at booking rate and the central office sent Rates
In foreign currency department the remittance is sent through %oreign $elegraphic
$ransfer. $he account holder can sent the amount in foreign bank account. If any
transaction is made the daily report is given to the central office =arachi daily.
3ifferent accounts can be open like 9oint account or company account. $he thankful letter
is sent for opening the foreign currency account to account holder and introducer. 2hen
any transaction is made the bank inform stock e7change daily. $he foreign currency note
is counted and recorded in the cash memo book. $he people in the foreign country sent
the amount through /.2.I.%.$. 2eekly and monthly report of all the transaction is given
to the stock e7change. ;he8ue book is also issued to the account holder B the foreign
currency Account number is given to him. In this %B; B %BR is done. 3ebit ;redit
Noucher is used. $he charges are deducted while closing the foreign currency account.
And the che8ue book is return while closing the account.
$he branch sent e7cess foreign currency to its main branch. If any branch needs foreign
e7change they sent to this branch.
C!"te# $ 1
C!"te# $ 1
$he letter and spirit of Islamic Banking rest upon absolute adherence to the /hariah. $he
foundations of a strong /hariah underpinning at Meean Bank were laid from the
beginning. A world renowned /hariah /upervisory Board and a highly 8ualified and
e7perienced in house /hariah Advisor are fundamental aspects of the BankMs core >/&.
$he primary role of this board is to maintain and further strengthen this commitment and
to ensure strict /hariah compliance in all the BankMs operations. $he members of the
/hariah /upervisory Board of Meean Bank are Internationally"renowned scholars,
serving on the boards of many Islamic banks operating in different countries.
Te membe#- ,/ te B,!#d !#e:
(ustice 5Retd.6 Muhammad $a8i >smani 5;hairman6
3r. Abdul /attar Abu @huddah
/heikh 4ssam M. Isha8
3r. Muhammad Imran Ashraf >smani 5Advisor6
$he Board of 3irectors of Meean Bank are:
<. 4. /heikh 4brahim Bin =halifa Al"=halifa 5;hairman65Minister of
<ousing, Ministry of <ousing, =ingdom of Bahrain6
Mr. 'aser Abdul Mohsen Al"Marri 5Nice ;hairman6
Mr. (assar 3akheel Al"(assar
Mr. Rana Ahmed <umayun
Mr. Mohammed Aaroog Ra9ab
Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahim Mohamed
Mr. 'awal Ahmed
Mr. Alaa A. Al"/arawi
Mr. Mian Muhammad #ounis
Mr. Irfan /iddi8ui 5&resident B ;hief 47ecutive Officer6
Mr. Ariful Islam 5;hief Operating Officer6
/hare <olders Rs. in million E
'oor %inancial Investment
;ompany, =uwait
L,1), 1,.++
&akistan =uwait Investment
;ompany 5&vt.6 !imited
),-,0 L-.--
Islamic 3evelopment Bank, (eddah
K0+ ,.L)
+-- E&aid up ;apitalOthers
Meean Bank is managed by a team of professional bankers committed to the cause of
Islamic Banking. $his single unifying factor unleashes the tremendous power of a
dedicated and motivated team committed to fulfilling the Nision and Mission of this
Te bu-i*e-- -e2me*t- ,/ te B!*: !#e:
;orporate Banking
Investment Banking
;ommercial Banking and /M4
;onsumer Banking
$reasury B %inancial Institutions
Asset Management 5managed through a subsidiary Al Meean Investment
Management !imited.6
Retail Banking is organied in seven regions across &akistan, namely /outh"I
Region, /outh"II Region, /outh"III Region, !ahore Region, %aisalabad
Region, Multan Region, and 'orth Region.
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
Meean bank personal banking provides the following products and services.
A variety of shariah compliant Rupee and 3ollar accounts, with an opportunity to earn a
high rate of return in the form of halal profits. Account holders may avail numerous
special banking services including an e7clusive Cam to C pm branch banking service,
3ebit card facility, access to A$Ms nationwide and account accessibility through
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
numerous alternate distribution channels including Internet Banking and &hone banking
1' R%&EE C%RRENT ACCO%NT HRib! /#eeI
Meean Bank is pleased to offer Riba"%ree ;urrent Account, a fle7ible Rupee based
account that is ideal for individuals and businesses looking for /hariah compliant banking
and professionalism both under one roof.
$he Meean Bank ;urrent Account, is a comprehensive <alal method of ac8uiring a
secure and easily maintainable Riba %ree bank account.
Bundled with )1J* and special banking services, the Meean Bank ;urrent Account is an
innovative value added account which provides customers both ease of utility and
unmatched service 8uality.
Key /e!tu#e- ,/ te Rib! -(#ee Cu##e*t A..,u*t
Instant access to funds at any online branch
%ree Real"time Online Banking /ervices across our branch network
Nisa 3ebit ;ard
%ree )1J* Internet Banking
'o restriction on withdrawals or number of transactions
'o deduction on low balance maintained
Bank balance certificates B duplicate statements of account
/M/ Alerts service
/top &ayment B <old Mail instructions
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete &hone"banking services
&ersonal financial consultancy services
/pecialied C to C Banking at selected branches
2' R%&EE SAAING ACCO%NT HM,*t+y &#,/it &!yme*tI
A uni8ue bank account that offers the opportunity to earn <alal profits, while en9oying a
range of added benefits. It can be opened with a minimum amount of only Rs.+-,---. $he
profit on this account is calculated and paid on a monthly basis, and comes with a variety
of free benefits, no restrictions on transactions, priority banking and more.
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
Minimum amount re8uired to open an account is Rs. +-,---
Riba %ree ;OII <olders may open accounts without any minimum balance
Riba %ree Rupee /aving Account works under the principles of Mudarabah and is strictly
in conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah. &rofit calculation and all banking
transactions are in strict adherence to the Islamic /hariah, monitored by our /hariah
Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board
Key /e!tu#e-
Apart from first class service and personalied attention that our customers get when they
bank with us, we offer the following additional conveniences:
&rofit will be calculated on daily product basis
3istribution of profit on monthly basis
Instant access to funds at any online branch
%ree Online Banking services at all Meean Bank branches nationwide
'o restriction on withdrawals or number of transactions
Bank balance certificates B duplicate statements of account
/top &ayment B <old Mail instructions
Nisa 3ebit ;ard
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete &hone"banking services
&ersonal financial consultancy services
/pecialied C to C Banking at selected branches
3' DOLLAR SAAING ACCO%NT H(,#ei2* Cu##e*.y b!-ed I*?e-tme*t
Meean Bank is pleased to offer Riba"%ree 3ollar /aving Account, a foreign"currency
based investment opportunity that is set up on the principles of /hariah and as a result is
free from the element of interest.
2ith a minimum of only S+-- you can open a 3ollar /aving Account with us under a
Mudarabah arrangement that is strictly in conformity with the principles of Islamic
/hariah. $he return earned on the Mudarabah pool is calculated every month and the
profit ratio for all investors is declared at the beginning of the month. If you maintain a
minimum average monthly balance of S 0--, you shall be eligible to receive profits that
shall be credited to your account every month.
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
C!"te# $ 4
Chapter I
Introduction to
Additi,*!+ (e!tu#e-
Apart from first class service and personalied attention that our customers get when they
bank with us, we offer the following additional conveniences to our customers:
Monthly profit payment
'o restriction on withdrawals or number of transactions.
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete &hone"banking services
$aking stop payment instructions
$aking hold mail instructions
Issuance of duplicate statement of account
&ersonal financial consultancy services
1' MEE8AN BAC0AT ACCO%NT H0i2 eJ"e.ted R!te ,/ Retu#*I
Meean Bachat Account is a uni8ue saving account that provides high monthly returns
with the fle7ibility to withdraw savings if needed. $hus Meean Bachat Account offers a
higher e7pected rate of return with the convenience of a savings account.
2ith a Meean Bachat Account, you are entitled for a higher the profit with a higher
account balance. #ou receive profit even if your balance falls below Rs. )0,---J" in any
month. &rofit is credited to your account every month and is calculated with reference to
the minimum balance maintained in the account during the preceding month.
$he Riba"%ree Meean Bachat Account works under the principles of Mudarabah and is
strictly in conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah. &rofit calculation and all banking
transactions are in strict adherence to the Islamic /hariah, monitored by our /hariah
Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board.
Key (e!tu#e-
E*9,y ! #!*2e ,/ ?!+u!b+e /e!tu#e- i*.+udi*2:
<alal B <igh ;ompetitive returns
&rofit payment on monthly basis open for individuals only
Minimum balance for account opening is 9ust Rs.)0,---J"
Ma7imum balance limit for getting highest profit rate is Rs. +,---,---J"
2aiver of application fee for ;ar I9arah B 4asy <ome for accounts with
minimum balance of Rs. 0--,---
%ree Realtime Online Banking services at all Meean Bank branches
%ree bank balance certificates
Nisa 3ebit ;ard
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete &hone"banking services
)1J* Internet Banking I free and instant access to your account5s6 anytime B
&ersonal financial consultancy services.
/pecialied C to C Banking at selected branches
4' KAROBARI M%NA(A ACCO%NT H(,# +!#2e C,#",#!te E*titie-I
=arobari Munafa is a high profit savings account specifically tailored for large ;orporate
or @o& controlled entities. It allows customers to earn higher returns on surplus cash
balances. It has no preset transaction limits and comes with a variety of free packaged
Key (e!tu#e-
&rofit will be calculated on a 3aily &roduct Basis
Minimum balance re8uirement for account opening is Rs. + Million
'o restriction on deposits and withdrawals
%ree facilities: che8uebooks and payorders
3edicated account J relationship manager
$he =arobari Munafa Account works under the principles of Mudarabah and is strictly in
conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah. &rofit calculation and all banking
transactions are in strict adherence to the Islamic /hariah, monitored by our /hariah
Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board
!abbaik /aving Aasaan is ideal for you if you are a small saver and wish to save for your
spouse, children, parents etc. #ou can take benefit from this special Mudarabah based
3eposit account 5available from K months to )- year plans6 for >mrah B <a99 where you
will also be entitled for profit on the deposited amount thus providing you a bigger
incentive to save for >mrahJ<a99 through !abbaik /aving Aasaan.
Our dedicated branch staff will guide you for the e7pected <a99J>mrah package prices for
the specific year in which you wish to undertake the <oly 9ourney and set the monthly
deposit amount as per plan. Once the deposited amount reaches the package price you
can fulfill your ob9ective of performing >mrahJ<a99.
$he !abbaik /aving Aasaan Account is a non"checking account i.e. no che8ue book or
A$M card will be issued to you, however you shall have the option to withdraw from the
scheme any time by closing your !abbaik /aving Aasaan Account.
%-e ,u# .!+.u+!t,#- t, .!+.u+!te y,u# /+eJib+e "!yme*t "+!*
<a99 /aving Aasaan ;alculator
>mrah /aving Aasaan ;alculator
0,> it >,#:-
On agreeing to become a !abbaik /aving Aasaan Account holder, you will enter into the
relationship of Mudarabah with the Bank. >nder this relationship, you will be the
Investor 5or Rab"ul" Maal6 and the Bank will be the Manager 5or Mudarib6 of the funds
deposited by you in the 3eposit pool. $hese funds will be utilied by the Bank to provide
financing to ;ustomers under the Islamic modes, including but not limited to Murabaha,
I9arah, Istina and 3iminishing Musharakah.
$he Bank will calculate the profit of the deposit pool every month and income will be
shared between the Bank and the ;ustomers on a @ross Income level, based on the pre
agreed profit sharing ratios announced at the beginning of the period. $he profit sharing
ratios are available here or can also be re8uested from the branches. $he profit will be
distributed among the !abbaik /aving Aasaan Account holder as per the profit sharing
2eightages announced at the beginning of the month. Accordingly your account will be
credited with the proportionate profit amount.
In case of any loss, as per the rules of Mudarabah, the Rab"ul"Maal shall bear the loss in
the ratio of their investment.
Meean Business &lus is a Mudaraba"based account that allows you to conduct your
banking transactions while availing a wide range of free services and therefore provides
you the ideal blend of convenience B fle7ibility that you deserve in Islamic banking.
Mee3!* Bu-i*e-- &+u- A..,u*t .!* be ,"e*ed by:
/ole &roprietorships
!imited ;ompanies
Key /e!tu#e-
Minimum investment re8uired to open an account is Rs. +--,---J"
$here is no restriction on withdrawals or numbers of transactions
$here is no deduction of service charges if the balance maintained is low
#ou will have instant access to your account both through Internet Banking and
through Online Banking at all branches of Meean Bank across &akistan
$he following facilities will be provided free of chargeT if an average monthly
balance of Rs. +--,---J"is maintained in the account
%ree ;he8ue books
%ree &ay Orders
%ree NI/A 3ebit ;ard
%ree Account /tatements
%ree Online Banking
%ree Internet Banking
%ree <old Mail %acility
%ree /M/ Alert services
%ree intercity clearing
Meean Bank provides a complete range of term certificates. %rom short term to long
term with intermittent e7change in a range of currencies, the product menu is at once
robust and dynamic.
4'1'2'1 Ou# #!*2e ,/ te#m de",-it "#,du.t- i*.+ude:
$he Riba %ree ;ertificate of Islamic Investment is a /hariah compliant investment
certificate with a minimum investment of Rs. 0-,--- and offering tenures from L months
to 0 years. &rofit on investment may be earned on the following basis:
Monthly profit on +, ), L and 0 years 5Minimum Investment Rs. )--,---6
Auarterly profit on +, ), L and 0 years
At maturity profit payment for all tenures
Riba"%ree ;ertificate of Islamic Investment 5;OII6 works under the principles of
Mudarabah and is strictly in conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah. &rofit
calculation and all banking transactions are in strict adherence to the Islamic /hariah,
monitored by our /hariah Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board.
E*9,y ! #!*2e ,/ ?!+u!b+e /e!tu#e- i*.+udi*2:
<alal and high competitive returns
&re"mature withdrawal options available
%ree Online Banking services at any of our branches
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete &hone"banking services
/pecialied C to C Banking at selected branches
$he Riba"%ree Meean Aamdan ;ertificate 5MA;6 is a long"term deposit certificate with
an e7ceptionally high monthly profit designed especially for those individuals and
corporations who are in need of regular stream of monthly income. MA; is a monthly
income 5mahana aamdani6 certificate with a variety of free packaged benefits.
$he certificate under the principles of Mudarabah, is strictly in conformity with the rules
of Islamic /hariah. &rofit calculation and all banking transactions are in strict adherence
to the Islamic /hariah, monitored by our /hariah Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory
Key (e!tu#e-
E*9,y ! #!*2e ,/ ?!+u!b+e /e!tu#e- i*.+udi*2:
<alal high competitive returns
Minimum investment amount: Rs. +--,---J"
/pecial attraction for 2idows and /enior citiens with minimum investment of
&=R 0-,---J"
Available tenures of 0U years and * years
&rofit payment on monthly basis.
&re"mature withdrawal options available as per approved schedule
%ree che8ue book
%ree A$M withdrawals 5unlimited transactions per month6 from Meean Bank
A$M outlet nationwide network
%ree Online Banking services at all Meean Bank branches nationwide
%ree Internet banking facility
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete $ele"banking services
/pecialied C to C Banking at selected branches
Meean &rovidence ;ertificate is a long"term investment certificate specially designed to
cater to the needs of corporate and business concerns for purposes of investing their
&rovident, &ension and @ratuity %unds.
As any prudent investor, your main concerns would be total security along with the best
returns possible, especially as these funds are a trust from your employees and one that
bears an important responsibility.
Meean &rovidence rests on the well known and solid financial strength of Meean Bank,
which has a strong and credible balance sheet with e7cellent operating profitability,
including a capital ade8uacy ratio that has placed the Bank at the top of the industry, a
long"term entity rating of AF, and a short"term entity rating of A+. %urthermore, our
sterling track record shows consistently beneficial and highly competitive returns for our
broad range of investors.
%inally, comes the benefit of truly <alal returns, a benefit you may not have had the
opportunity to en9oy before and one that you can now pass on to your employees, many
of whom would be grateful for such an opportunity.
Riba"%ree Meean &rovidence ;ertificate 5M&;6 works under the principles of
Mudarabah and is strictly in conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah. &rofit
calculation and all banking transactions are in strict adherence to the Islamic /hariah,
monitored by our /hariah Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board.
Key (e!tu#e-
E*9,y ! #!*2e ,/ ?!+u!b+e /e!tu#e- i*.+udi*2:
A +--E halal investment in strict compliance with /hariah
<igh Returns
!ong"term security ensured
Minimum investment amount: &=R +,---,---
Available tenures of ), L, 0 and * years
&re"mature withdrawal options available
E+i2ibi+ity C#ite#i!
Investing is simple and easy, as all you need is:
$o have a registered or unregistered 4mployee &rovidentJ@ratuityJ&ension %und.
<ave operations based in &akistan.
Riba %ree Monthly Mudarabah ;ertificates is a fle7ible rupee based investment which
has been designed to give you a monthly return. $he minimum investment re8uired is
only Rs. +--,--- and you receive profit for each complete month of investment with the
$he Monthly Mudarabah ;ertificate works under the principles of Mudarabah and in
strict conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah, the &rofit calculation of Monthly
Mudarabah ;ertificates and all other banking transactions are in strict adherence to the
Islamic /hariah, monitored by our /hariah Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board.
Key (e!tu#e-
3uring your relationship with us, you would be entitled to receive the following
additional benefits.
A +--E halal investment in strict compliance with /hariah
Monthly profit payment to your current or saving account with us
&re"mature withdrawal option available as per approved schedule 5applicable to
all certificates6
Bank balance certificates
%ree Online Banking services at all Meean Bank branches
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete &hone"banking services
&ersonal financial consultancy services
/pecialied C to C Banking and !adies Banking at selected branches
$he Riba"%ree 3ollar Mudarabah ;ertificate 53M;6 is a fle7ible investment product
which has been designed to give you profit payment options at monthly, 8uarterly and
maturity. 3M; works under the principles of Mudarabah and is strictly in conformity
with the rules of Islamic /hariah.
On agreeing to become a 3M; holder, the customer enters into a relationship based on
Mudarabah with Meean Bank. >nder this relationship, the customer is an investor 5Rab"
ul"Maal6, and the Bank is the Manager 5Mudarib6 of the funds deposited by the
$he Bank allocates the funds received from the customers to a deposit pool. $hese funds
from the pool are utilied to provide financing to customers under Islamic modes that
include, but are not restricted to Murabaha, I9arah, Istisna and 3iminishing
Musharkah.;ertificate works under the principles of Mudarabah and is strictly in
conformity with the rules of Islamic /hariah. &rofit calculation and all banking
transactions are in strict adherence to the Islamic /hariah, monitored by our /hariah
Advisor and the /hariah /upervisory Board.
Key (e!tu#e-
E*9,y ! #!*2e ,/ ?!+u!b+e /e!tu#e- i*.+udi*2:
<alal competitive returns
Minimum investment amount: >/3 +-,---J"
Available tenures of L months, K months, + year, and L years
&rofit payment option at maturity and si7 monthly basis
&re"mature withdrawal options available as per approved schedule
Bank balance certificates
Access to priority desk.
&ersonal financial consultancy services
)1J* ;all ;enter with complete phone banking services
Cam to Cpm Banking and !adies Banking at selected branches
Meean bank consumer financing, provides /hariah ;ompliant financing solutions for
1' C!# I9!#! HAut, (i*!*.i*2I
As a step towards Meean Bank.s mission to provide a one"stop shop for innovative
value added /hariah compliant products, Meean Bank.s ;ar I9arah unit provides a car
financing, based on the principles of I9arah and is free of the element of interest.
;ar I9arah is &akistan.s first Interest %ree car financing based on the Islamic financing
mode of I9arah 5Islamic leasing6. $his product is ideal for individuals looking for car
financing while avoiding an interest"based transaction.
Meean Bank. ;ar I9arah is a car rental agreement, under which the Bank purchases the
car and rents it out to the customer for a period of L to 0 years, agreed at the time of the
contract. >pon completion of the lease period the customer gets ownership of the car
against his initial security deposit.
;ar I9arah also features >sed NehiclesV
In addition to our leasing of new cars, Meean Bank also provides the uni8ue opportunity
of leasing second hand, both locally assembled and imported vehicles. $his feature is
specifically designed as a highly economical option. $he >sed ;ar I9arah facility is made
available at a minimum"security deposit as low as )-E. %inancing of used cars are
sub9ect to a selection criteria.
Key (e!tu#e- ,/ C!# I9!#!
!ow monthly rental
Rental paid after delivery, not in advanced
%astest processing and delivery
$racker option available
Minimum security deposit as low as +-ET
All new, used, local, imported and lu7ury vehicles can be financed
2' EAS) 0OME H0,u-i*2 /i*!*.eI
4asy <ome is &akistan.s first totally /hariah"compliant <ome %inance facilityV One that
is comprehensive, affordable, and totally hassle"free. %or at Meean Bank, we are
committed to meeting our customers. needs, in a truly /hariah"compliant manner coupled
with dedicated service e7cellence.
2ith 4asy <ome you participate with Meean Bank in a 9oint ownership of your
property, where the Bank will provide a certain amount of financing 5usually up to C-E6.
#ou agree to a monthly payment to the bank of which a component is for the use of the
home, and another for your e8uity share. In fact, the total monthly payment is reduced
regularly as your share in the property grows. 2hen you have made the full investment,
which had been agreed upon, you become the sole owner with a free and clear title to the
W!t -"e.i/i.!++y m!:e- E!-y 0,me S!#i! .,m"+i!*tK
As a 3iminishing Musharakah it conforms to /hariah laws specifically related to
financing, ownership and trade. $aking ownership through a partnership and then
transferring complete ownership to the consumer instead of simply lending money is the
ma9or factor that makes our product /hariah compliant. $he nature of the contract is a co"
ownership and not a loan because the transaction is not based on the lending and
borrowing of money but on the 9oint ownership of an asset. Meean Bank shares in the
cost of the asset being purchased, for e7ample in the case of buying a home. In
conventional mortgages the interest charged is a mark"up on the money lent. $he profit
charged by Meean Bank is the utiliation payment for your use of our share throughout
the life of the contract. #our payments to Meean Bank are completely riba"free.
Wy i- te "#,/it m!#2i* .!#2ed by Mee3!* B!*: .,##e+!ted t, te .,*?e*ti,*!+
m,#t2!2e m!#:et t#e*d-K
At Meean Bank, the profit margin is directly correlated to market trends to provide a
competitive product to our customers. /hariah allows the use of any conventional market
factor as a benchmark to determine the profit rate of a particular product. $he mere fact
that the applied profit rate of our product is based on similar factors used in determining
the applied rate of interest of a mortgage does not render the transaction or the contract
invalid from the /hariah perspective, and neither does it make the transaction an interest"
bearing one. On the other hand, it is the underlying structure of the product that
determines its /hariah compliance.
&!yme*t &+!*
Ste"-u" M,de+
$he /tep"up &ayment plan is introduced for customers who intend to avail ma7imum
financing facility with lower installments. $he step up model is based on /hariah
;ompliant structure of 3iminishing Musharakah. In this model, the bank.s share s
divided into more Musharakah units and in the initial half of the facility tenure, the
customer purchases one Musharakah unit from bank every month and in the later half of
the facility tenure, the customer purchases two Musharakah units from bank every month.
$hus the monthly installment during initial years is comparatively lower which is easily
affordable. $his model is a /hariah ;ompliant Alternative available to the customers who
wish to avail ma7imum financing facility from bank.
%MI M,de+
4asy <ome is structured under the concept of diminishing Musharakah where Meean
Bank and ;ustomer enter into a Musharakah Agreement whereby both the parties provide
their investments to be utilied for the purposes of purchaseJconstructJrenovate the
property. $he (oint ownership is created in the property between Bank B customer by
virtue of the Musharakah agreement. 5$his is based on the principle of /hirkat ul Milk6
Bank.s share is divided into units and is given to the client on rent and ;lient promises to
purchase Bank.s share 5units6 over the tenure of transaction ;lient purchases the units
every month and will eventually become the owner of the property. Rental amount is
ad9usted according to the bank.s share 5units6 remaining in the property. In >MI , the
Musharakah unit price remains constant through out the financing period.
BuyC Bui+dC Re*,?!teC ,# Re"+!.eL
Buyi*2 ! 0,me i- E!-y M 0!+!+L
;hoose it and be ready to move in. Meean Bank will finance up to ma7imum
of *-E5/alaried, /4&, 'R&6 of the appraised value of your new home or up to
a value of Rs. 1- million, and a ma7imum of K-E5Businessman6 up to a value
of Rs 0 Million with a financing tenor of up to )- years. ;lick here for details
Bui+di*2 ! ,me i- E!-y M 0!+!+L
%or that special home you want to build yourself. Meean Bank provides
financing up to *-E5salaried, /4&, and 'R&6 of the appraised value or Rs. 1-
million, and a ma7imum of K-E5Businessman6 up to a value of Rs 0 Million
for a tenor of up to )- years. ;lick here for details
Re*,?!ti*2 y,u# ,me i- E!-y M 0!+!+L
Making your home even better or 9ust repairing it. Meean Bank helps with
financing up to L-E and a financing tenor of up to +0 years. ;lick here for
Re"+!.i*2 y,u# eJi-ti*2 M,#t2!2e i- E!-y M 0!+!+L
$he wait is over. 'ow continue to en9oy your home but with the added
satisfaction and peace of mind you have always wanted. Meean Bank will
help you switch your e7isting liability over to us and let you en9oy the benefits
of <alal and totally fle7ible financing. %inancing up to Rs. 1- million5/alaried,
/4&, 'R&6 and Rs 0 million5Businessman6 and a tenor of up to )- years. ;lick
here for details
4'1'1 21E6 BANKING
)1J* Banking provides non stop banking convenience, twenty four hours a day, seven
days a week. $hese services provide account access to you from any location within
&akistan and abroad 5via Internet Banking6, even on holidays.
#ou can stay in touch with your account via the following services
1' Ai-! Debit C!#d
2ant access to your money anytime, anywhereD 2ith a Meean Nisa 3ebit ;ard, you
have access to the money in your account wherever you are, whenever you want,
wherever you see the Nisa symbol. $he money is deducted from your balance straight
away W there is no interest to pay, no bills B no late feesV
>sing your card is 8uicker than making a trip to the bank, more convenient than 8ueuing
for a cash dispenser and safer than carrying money.
(e!tu#e- !t ! G+!*.e
>se your own money at more than L- million outlets and +K- countries
>se it to buy both big and small items, wherever you see the Nisa symbol.
4ach withdrawal taken directly from your Meean Bank !inked Account.
A safe and convenient alternative to carrying cash.
#ou can call support )1 hours a day, * days a week with any 8ueries. /imply call
All shopping transactions on your card are signature based. /imply swipe and
#our perfect travel companion
'e7t time planning to go abroad, you can use your Nisa debit card for all
your purchases and to withdraw cash at A$Ms, 9ust as you do at home wherever
you see the Nisa symbol.
;onvenient " 'o need to buy foreign currency or travellers. che8ues in advance.
/afe " 'o need to take large amounts of cash with you.
Accepted all over the world " &ay for hotels, sightseeing, shopping and dining out.
2' 21E6 Debit C!#d HN, L,*2e# I--uedI
Accepted at most prominent outlets across &akistan, the Meean Bank 3ebit ;ard offers
you safety, convenience and control on spending )1 hours a day, seven days a week.
>nlike credit cards, there are no monthly bills, no service charges and no late payment
fees as it works on QBuy 'ow, &ay 'owQ principle.
$he purchase limit on your 3ebit ;ard is &=R 0-,--- per day, sub9ect to
sufficient funds being in your selected account to cover your transaction.
'ever tell your 1"digit &I' ;O34 to the merchant, always enter it yourself.
At merchant outlets, make sure that your A$M J 3ebit card is swiped only O';4,
in your presence, and on an Ori7 machine.
3' I*te#*et B!*:i*2
Meean Internet Banking is the smarter way to bank, providing you global access to your
account )1 hours a day, * days a week. 2ith Meean Internet Banking, you can get
secure and convenient access to the following facilities: "
Balance in8uiry of multiple accounts
Niew account statement
Real time che8ue status and stop payment re8uest
;he8ue book and payorder re8uest
!odging and tracking status of complaints
Account activity alerts
$o utilie the Meean Bank internet banking facilities, simply follow the two"step
registration process by filling in the online registration form and submitting a hardcopy of
the same as an indemnity form at your branch.
1' ATM Net>,#:
Meean Bank offers a wide network of A$Ms located at its branches as well as prominent
offsite locations. #ou do not need to carry cash anymoreH simply go to the A$M and
withdraw cash anywhere, anytime. 2e also offer access to more than ),--- A$M
locations country"wide via +!ink and M'4$ 'etwork.
$ransfer funds between your own accounts in the same branch via A$M.
$he cash withdrawal limit for Meean Nisa 3ebit ;ard per day sub9ect to the
funds present in your selected account.
#ou can withdraw cash from any other bank.s A$M which is the member of either
M'4$ or +!ink network
%unds can only be transferred between accounts 5of different nature6 within the
same branch.
Applies to same branch accounts which have been linked to the A$M card being
If using any non"Meean A$M, the cash with drawl limit of that machine will be
applicable on you.
%or e7ample if the machineMs daily cash limit is &=R +-,---, then that machine
will only provide the customer &=R +-,--- during that day.
;harges of &=R +0 per transaction will be applied when +!ink or M'4$ A$Ms
are used for cash with drawl.
4' SMS A+e#t-
Meean /M/ Alerts service makes your life easier and more convenient than ever before.
'ow you do not need to call or visit the branch to in8uire about your daily transactions.
Once you sign up for the Meean /M/ Alert service, you will receive an instant /M/
alert from Meean Bank on your mobile phone whenever any of the following
transactions occur on your ;urrent or /avings account5s6.
A+e#t- Ty"e-
3ebit Alert: An instant /M/ alert to inform you when any amount is deducted
from your ;urrent or /avings account5s6.
;redit Alert: An instant /M/ alert to inform you when any amount is added into
your ;urrent or /avings account5s6.
!ow Balance: An instant /M/ alert is sent to inform you that your account5s6 has
gone below the predefined low balance amount.
;he8ue Bounce: An instant /M/ alert to inform you that your che8ue has been
A""+yi*2 /,# SMS A+e#t Se#?i.e
&lease visit any Meean Bank branch and submit your completed /M/ Alert Registration
form 5available at all branches6. #ou will receive the /M/ Activation alert within three
days of submission, acknowledging that you have successfully registered for the service.
/M/ Alert service is applicable to all ;urrent and /aving accounts 5either or
survivor in case of 9oint accounts6
$he service is currently for customers residing in &akistan.
/M/ Alert /ervice is not available on Mobile 'etwork &ortable 5M'&6 numbers
5' 21E6 C!++ Ce*te#
2ith our ;all ;entre facility, you no longer have to take time out to visit your branch for
your everyday banking needs. By simply dialing +++"LL+"LL+ 5dial --",)")+"+++"LL+"
LL+ from outside &akistan6 you get access to a wide range of $ele"banking solutions and
personalied banking services including answers to 8uestions on Islamic Banking. #ou
can also access our self"service banking, where you will be guided and assisted in all
transactions by our Interactive Noice Response /ystem 5INR6.
Se#?i.e- &#,?ided ,* IAR
;heck your account balances
Instruct issuance of pay orders and demand drafts
$ransfer funds between your own accounts
Order issuance of che8uebook
;heck transaction history of your accounts
Receive information on various MB! products and services
Issue stop payment instructions
Report loss of your che8uebook
Register your comments and suggestions regarding MB! products and services
Re8uest or change $"&I'
A$M &I' Reissuance
Report loss of Nisa 3ebit ;ard or che8ue5s6
Re8uest for new Internet Banking >sername J &assword.
ATM 0e+"+i*e
#ou may instantly contact our ;all ;enter officers for any in8uiry by 9ust picking up the
phone located beside the A$M.
Available at selected branches, Meean BankMs /pecial Banking services is part of our
mission to focus on customer convenience and service 8uality and make Islamic Banking
the banking of %irst ;hoice.
/pecial Banking services include:
1' 7 t, 7 B!*:i*2 H7 !m - 7 "m b!*:i*2I
Meean Bank is proud to be the first bank in &akistan to introduce the concept of 4ight to
4ight banking, giving our customers access to the branch from C Mo clock in the morning
to C Mo clock at night.
$his adds a completely new dimension to our banking service and has been designed so
as to enable our customers to do banking at their convenience. ;ustomers may visit their
respective branch early in the morning before going to work, or can drop by in the
evening on their way home and not have to worry about losing valuable office hours.
%rom Cam till 0pm we offer the full range of our banking services. After 0pm and until
Cpm our customers are able to carry out the numerous transactions 5value ne7t day6
which meet most of their daily re8uirements.
Se#?i.e- "#,?ided /#,m 7!m t, 7"m
Acceptance of cash
Acceptance of che8ues for collection and clearing
Acceptance of transfer instructions
Acceptance of ;he8ue Book, &ay Order and 3emand 3raft re8uests
Accepting A$M, telephone banking and Internet banking re8uests
Our C to C banking service is only a part of Meean Banks mission to focus on customer
convenience and service 8uality and make Islamic Banking the banking of %irst ;hoice.
$his service is presently being offered at select branches in =arachi, !ahore, Islamabad
and %aisalabad and will be offered at some of our other branches very soon. InshaMAllah.
2' L!die- B!*:i*2
$he Bank is the first in the country to introduce M!adies BankingM a dedicated banking
section only for ladies. $his new service provides an e7clusive banking area as per the set
/hariah principles for our lady customers in a more comfortable environment.
$he dedicated ;ustomer /ervices Officer in our ladies only banking area will provide
consultancy for a full range of our <alal banking services including, ,am to 0pm Online
Banking, $erm ;ertificates, ;urrent B /aving Accounts, ;onsumer %inancing and )1J*
banking services.
Se#?i.e- "#,?ided !t te L!die- B!*:i*2 Se.ti,* i*.+ude:
/pecial Baking /ervices: 3edicated ;ustomer /ervices Officer in our ladies only
banking area who provide consultancy for all <alal banking needs.
;onsumer %inancing: ;ar I9arah and 4asy <ome
Retail Banking: ;urrent B /avings Accounts, %oreign ;urrency Accounts, $erm
)1J* Banking /ervices: A$MJ3ebit ;ard, ;all ;enter, Internet Banking
Our ladies banking service is a part of Meean Banks mission to focus on customer
convenience and service 8uality and make Islamic Banking the banking of %irst ;hoice.
$his service is presently being offered at Barkat"e"<yderi branch in =arachi, and will be
offered at some of our other branches very soon. InshaMAllah.
2elcome to Meean Bank.s 'on"Resident &akistani BankingV 2here you are important
and your needs e7clusive. Our Remittance services are simple and reliable. $hey are
available at your doorstep through a wide and efficient networfk of corresponding banks
worldwide. Only leading global financial institutions form this network of correspondent
Ad?!*t!2e- ,/ Mee3!* 0,me Remitt!*.e:
Auick Remittance in ma9or currencies i.e >/3, @B&, 4>R, (&#, ;<%, /@3,
47tensive branch network in all ma9or cities of &akistan
Instant online transfer within our branch network without any charges
%ree Internet banking facility
1' C,#",#!te B!*:i*2
2e are dedicated to providing you /hariah";ompliant financing. 2ith our e7tensive and
dynamic product portfolio, we are continuously working not only to improve and
strengthen our customer relationships but to further provide new and better products and
services to our customers.
At present, ;orporate Banking has a large number of multinational and local clients
representing various sectors of the economy. ;lient relationships are handled by
dedicated Relationship Managers and fully supported by our Branch staff to provide high
8uality service at competitive and market driven pricing.
We .,u+d eJte*d /i*!*.i*2 t, .!te# t, y,u# bu-i*e-- *eed- i* te /,++,>i*2 !#e!-:
2orking ;apital %inance
&ro9ect %inancing for e7isting ;orporates having e7pansion or BMR re8uirements
Islamic 47port Refinance %acility 5&art I and &art II6
$rade Related /ervices
C,#",#!te B!*:i*2 Cu-t,me#-
#ou are a ;orporate Banking ;ustomer if
#our annual sales turnover is Rs. C-- million or more
#ou need funded and non"funded lines of over Rs. +0- million
#ou have a successful business trade record for a minumum period of L years,
backed by audited financials
2' C,mme#.i!+ B!*:i*2
As the first and largest Islamic Bank in &akistan, we recognie the significance of the
;ommercial Banking sector in the country and the diverse business needs. ;atering to the
need for /hariah ;ompliant financial solutions in this sector, our evergrowing
commercial banking clientele covers medium"sie industries, traders, importers,
e7porters and distributors.
Te #!*2e ,/ "#,du.t i-:
2orking ;apital %inance
&ro9ect %inancing, 47pansion or BMR Re8uirments
Islamic 47port Refinance %acility
$rade Related /ervices
C,mme#.i!+ B!*:i*2 Cu-t,me#-
#ou are a ;ommercial Banking ;ustomer if:
#our annual sales turnover is between Rs. L-- million to Rs. C-- million
#ou need funded and non"funded lines of upton Rs. +0- million
3' SME B!*:i*2
As the first and largest Islamic Bank in &akistan, we are proud to be providing financial
solutions for the needs of the /mall and Medium 4nterprise /ector 5/M46 in the country.
/M4s are categoried in &akistan as $rading and /ervice concerns employing ma7imum
0- staff and having total assets 5e7cluding land and building6 of Rs. 0- million 5ma76 and
the Manufacturing concerns employing ma7imum )0- staff and having total assets
5e7cluding land and building6 of Rs.+-- Million 5ma76. $he growth in the /M4 sector in
&akistan in recent years has been a ma9or contributor to the growth in the national
economy. Meean Bank is committed towards developing tailored financial solutions and
e7panding our footprint in the /M4 sector.
Te #!*2e- ,/ "#,du.t- !#e:
2orking ;apital %inance
&ro9ect %inancing, 47pansion or BMR Re8uirments
Islamic 47port Refinance %acility
$rade Related /ervices
Sm!++ M Medium E*te#"#i-e HSMEI
#ou are a /M4 Banking ;ustomer if:
#our annual sales turnover is upto Rs. L-- million
#ou need funded and non"funded lines of upto Rs. *0 million
Realiing the increasingly diverse needs of our customers for advisory and structured
finance transactions, a specialied department focusing on Investment Banking is
funtioning at Meean Bank. $he Investment Banking department provides uni8ue
structuring by using comple7 /hariah structures for transactions so as to meet customerMs
commercial needs. Meean Bank as torchbearer of Islamic Banking has been making
significant contribution in the Investment Banking industry by playing leading roles in
business transactions.
Key Se#?i.e-
/yndications B /tructured %inance
&ro9ect %inancing
%inancial Advisory /ervices
Al Meean Investment Management !imited 5Al Meean6, the asset management and
investment advisory arm of Meean Bank !imited, specialies in the development and
management of /hariah compliant investment solutions. Al Meean Investments has one
of the longest and the most successful track record of managing mutual funds in the
private sector, spanning over fourteen years.
Al Meean is presently managing eight funds and an administrative plan i.e. Al Meean
Mutual %und !imited 5AMM%6 " a closed end e8uity fundH Meean Islamic %und 5MI%6 "
an open"end e8uity fundH Meean Balanced %und 5MB%6 " a closed end balanced schemeH
Meean Islamic Income %und 5MII%6 " &akistan.s first /hariah compliant open end
income fund " Meean $ahaffu &ension %und 5M$&%6 " a Noluntary &ension /cheme,
Meean ;apital &rotected %und"I 5M;&%"I6 " &akistan.s first /hariah compliant open end
capital protected fund, Meean Mahana =harch Account 5MM=A6 " an administrative
plan of MII% to provide monthly income, Meean ;ash %und 5M;%6 " &akistan.s first
/hariah compliant open end money market fund and Meean /overeign %und 5M/%6 "
&akistan.s first /hariah compliant open end government securities fund.
$he total sie of these eight funds under management as at March L+, )-+) is over &=R
+C.) billion as compared to &=R +L.0 billion at the corresponding date last year. $he
increasing sie of assets under management manifests the ability of the professional fund
management team to consistently out"perform the peers and conse8uently build upon the
investor confidence.
Al Meean is ranked among the best performing asset management companies in
&akistan. $he fund wise break up of net assets as at March L+, )-+) is as under:
&KR HMi++i,*-I
M!#. 31C 2012
Meean ;ash %und
Meean Islamic %und
Meean Islamic Income %und
Al Meean Mutual %und +,0)+
Meean Balanced %und
Meean ;apital &rotected %und"I +,L+, KLL
Meean /overeign %und 0LK
&ension %und
Al Meean has also achieved Management Auality Rating OAM)P, assigned by (;R"NI/.
AM) is currently the highest Management Auality Rating assigned by (;R"NI/ to any
Asset Management ;ompany. $his rating denotes high management 8uality rating with a
stable outlook. Al Meean.s funds carrying e8uity e7posures including Meean Islamic
%und and Al Meean Mutual %und have befen amongst the top performing funds in their
respective categories for the calendar year )-++.
$he /hariah Advisor of Meean Bank !imited, also being the /hariah Advisor of Al
Meean, supervises the operations in order to ensure /hariah compliance of the funds. In
addition to the service 8uality, /hariah compliance and impressive performance in terms
of returns to investors, Al Meean also complies with the global best practices in asset
management and has voluntarily adopted OAsset Manager ;ode of &rofessional ;onductP
from ;%A Institute, >/A. <ence it has the distinction of being the first asset management
company in &akistan to comply with the global best practices in asset management.
>nits of all open end funds are available at the offices of Al Meean and all branches of
Meean Bank !imited 5MB!6 across &akistan. %or the convenience of investors, Al
Meean has placed dedicated investment officers at the selected branches of MB!. $hese
officers provide guidance and assist the investors in meeting their investment ob9ectives.
Meean Bank has e7tensive e7perience and e7pertise in developing and advising on the
creation of /hariah"compliant financial products and services. $he main ob9ective of
Meean Bank.s Islamic %inancial Advisory function is to assist %inancial Institutions
develop Islamic banking alternatives by sharing our e7pertise, research and success
stories. $his function works under the guidance of /hariah /upervisory Board which
comprises of renowned Islamic /cholars from both &akistan and abroad. $his function
primarily focuses on the following:
&roduct 3evelopment and &roduct Refinement
Islamic ;apital Market Advisory /ervices
4stablishing and Managing Islamic Market Indices
Advisory /ervices to /tart"up %irms
/hariah";ompliant ;orporate Restructuring
Internal and 47ternal $raining /essions
/hariah Audit, ;ompliance B /trengthening Internal ;ontrols
S!#Bi! S.#ee*i*2 C#ite#i!
%or any stock to be /har.iah compliant, it must meet all si7 key criteria as below.
+. Business of the Investee ;ompany
). Interest Bearing 3ebt to $otal Assets
L. 'on";ompliant Investments to $otal Assets
1. 'on"complaint Income to $otal revenue
0. Illi8uid Assets to $otal Assets
K. 'et !i8uid AssetsJ/hare Ns Market &riceJ/hare
C!"te# $ 5
C!"te# $ 5
K. /2O$ A'A!#/I/
Meean Bank being a 8uality organiation strives to provide 8uality to all its
stakeholders, customers, employees and environment. In &akistan, it is operating in a
very volatile economic and political environment. I have summaried its ma9or strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the following paragraphs.
MB! has this privilege to be the first in the Islamic Banking sector which gives
MB! a competitive edge over all other banks and being the pioneer of this
industry MB! is en9oying ma9or share of it.
$he largest Islamic Bank in &akistan with a network of over )-+ branches in 01
$he members of the /hariah /upervisory Board of Meean Bank are
Internationally"renowned scholars, serving on the boards of many Islamic banks
operating in different countries.
=arachi, August )-, )-+): Meean Bank, the largest Islamic Bank in &akistan has
been conferred the Best Islamic Bank Award by Rawalpindi ;hamber of
;ommerce and Industry.
Being an Islamic bank, MB! has a wide national network. As an emerging
markets bank, it has branches in all the ma9or cities of &akistan with the facility of
online banking, it is very easy for its customers to transact all over the country.
Online banking service means that a customer can withdraw and deposit his
money at any branch in the country. 2here this service is not present, che8ue has
to be presented only in that branch on which they are drawn. But with this facility,
a person has access to its funds at any branch of the bank. $hat would mean that
any person who has an account with the bank, has an account in )1 branches of it.
It provides a lot of comfort and convenience to the customers.
$here are many value added features in the products offered by the bank. A$M
cards are provided with every account. Other features are present in the various
products. $he priority customers en9oy a much"pampered status at the bank.
$he employees at the bank provide impeccable customer service to their
customers. %or them Othe customer is the king.. ;ustomers are treated with great
respect and honored to the utmost degree.
$he working environment of the bank is very friendly and cooperative. $here is
no bossiness in the higher management. $he upper management consults its staff
in making decisions and provides them independence in their 9ob areas. %or the
ob9ective is performance and not conformance with the boss.
$ill the last year, MB! had a totally different perspective. $he management was
of the view that the customer should come to them and they don.t need to go to
the customer. But in this era of mass marketing and advertising, it is not possible
to stay in competition without these took. $he bank has now changed its
perception arid has started an effective marketing and advertising strategy. But the
previous gaps are still there and there is lack of awareness in the people about the
bank and its products. $he bank needs to improve on its marketing and
advertising areas.
It was observed in the bank that the degree of satisfaction of the employees was
8uite low. %irst of all, the pays are lower those offered in other banks. /econdly,
the employees are given targets that are too difficult to achieve. %or e7ample, the
targets given to the personnel in sales and services department are higher than any
other bank in the country, be it a local bank or a foreign bank. $his makes the 9ob
too stressful and tensed It is good to keep the people under a continuous move,
but to overstress them can be harmful to them and as well as to the organiation.
3ue to the dissatisfaction of staff, there is high turnover among them. &eople who
find other alternatives do not stay with the bank. $herefore, the bank incurs loss
on their training and development. $he bank should provide incentives to its
employees so that they show more loyalty. %or e7ample, there is no commission
provided to the sales personnel which otherwise is a general rule all over the
$here are no sorts of training programmes for the employees. $he employees who
are newly appointed are straight away placed at their positions with no prior
orientation. $his creates problem for new personnel because they find difficult to
understand the environment and culture of the organiation.
$he decision"making is carried out the upper management level and the
subordinates are not included in this process. $his creates a sense of insecurity in
the lower managers and that is why there is a lack of loyalty among the personnel.
Although the upper management is very friendly with the lower managers but that
is only to the e7tent of cordial relationships.
<ouse financing sector can be targeted to ma7imie the profit.
@rowing demand of Islamic financial product and services.
Nenturing into Islamic groups out side the countries as opportunity to e7pand
business in >A4 and @olf states. i"e financial institutions.
;oming up with. &roducts for the /M4 to targeting the medium level customers.
3oing business with companies having Islamic mindset. I"e Islamic financial
Increase branch network within the country.
Right now there are a few banks that are providing islamic banking services in
addition to the Meean Bank. $hese banks include Bank Islami, Al"Barkah Bank
and some branches of Bank Alfalah which are dedicated for islamic banking
services. $hat.s why we can say that although there is no intense threat for the
Meean Bank in the near future but it is not difficult to say that more banks may
enter in this field as the awareness of islamic banking is increasing among the
public. $herefore the Meean Bank should not be contented to its present market
share but should strive for providing better and better and modern services.
3ue to the increase in the number of conventional commercial banks, there is an
increase in competition. Also there is a lot of aggressive marketing by the
competitor banks. $his is also a threat for MB!.
Reviewing this /2O$ analysis from time to time would help evaluate the bankMs
position. It would help the management in comparing their strengths of the past with
those of the present and to what e7tent the management has been able to overcome the
C!"te# $ 6
Ratio Analysis
C!"te# $ 6
Ratio Analysis
R!ti, !*!+y-i-:
*.- $he Balance /heet and the /tatement of Income are essential, but they are only the
starting point for successful financial management. Apply Ratio Analysis to %inancial
/tatements to analye the success, failure, and progress of your business. ratio analysis is
used to analye the performance of the organiation and also to compare these ratios with
the previous year ratios of the organiation. tn this chapter we well measure and interpret
the important ratios of meean bank and the amount in 5---6
6'1'1I Retu#* ,* eDuity
Return on e8uity X net profit after ta7 J stockholder e8uity
$his ratio is used to measure the profit earned by the organiation as a percentage of the
amount of the capital invested by the organiation. 2e have measured and analyed the
five years return to understand RO4 of Meean bank shares. $he return on e8uity is paid
in the market price of share mostly a percentage of current share price in market and is
paid to shareholders after ta7.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net r!"#t a"ter
4194%% 6042% 963%01 621187 102%3%1 1649
St!&' (!)*ers
2970940 47%6409 %719910 6341097 9090%3% 10740
Ret-r. !.
14.12 12.70 16.84 9.80 11.28 1%.%3
In )--* this RO4 was +1 percent but there is continuous fluctuation in the later years. In
the year )-++ the RO4 improved to ++ percent but once again in the year )-+) RO4
increase because of meean bank policy to increase the amount of capital but the net
profit after ta7 could not be increased according to that ratio.
In )-+) the RO4 increased to the ma7imum level of the bank. <owever in the
)-++ the situation is not bad as compared to the last year.s ratio and )-+) there is
increase in RO4 which means the amount of profit increased
6'1'2I Retu#* ,* !--et-
Return on assets X net profit after ta7 J total assets
$his ratio shows the percentage of the net profit after ta7 to total assets. $his ration is also
known as return on the investments because investment by the bank in the business is
always in the form of different types of assets.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net r!"#t a"ter
4194%% 6042%1 963%01 621187 102%3%1 1649
T!ta) assets 3067%82
46438623 67178%%9 8%276070 124181734 1%47%2
Ret-r. !.
1.37 1.30 1.43 0.73 0.82 1.06
$he return on the asset of the meean bank shows that the return earned by the bank on
its total investment is fluctuating from year to year. $he reason is that bank has trend
increased its investments in the total assets but against the investment the bank earning
sufficient amount of profit. $his ratio is better in )--, because of the highest profit. $he
return percentage is +.1L. $he bank should consider the situation and should try to rectify
6'1'3I Net S"#e!d m!#2i*
'et /pread margin X net return in loans and advances J total assets
$his net spread margin shows the gross earning on the financing less the return paid to
the deposit holders as a percentage of the total assets. $his is somehow the gross profit
ratio and because the earning on the financing is the main revenue of the bank where the
bank return paid to the deposit holders in the cost of those funds.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net ret-r. #.
)!a. a.*
729831 1117229 168%888 2997%%9 3612968 411234
T!ta) assets 3067%82
673029 67178%%9 8%276070 12426112 1%47%20%
Net srea*
2.38 1.66 1.98 3.%2 2.7 2.6%
$he net spread margin ration was better in )-++ but in the year )-+) once again it
declined. $here is a continuous increase and decrease in the net spread margin ratio.
Although the net profit after ta7 in the year is lesser than that of the previous years but
this show that the bank has become efficient in its core operations and the problem lies
with its other income and other e7penses.
6'1'1I Net ,te# i*.,me m!#2i*
'et other income margin X 'et other income J total assets
'et other income margin is the percentage that show the return earned by the bank from
the sources other than its core operations. =eeping in view the intense competition among
the banks today a bank must seriously concentrated on the other sources because in this
sheer competition a bank is not in a position to earn premium revenue on the finances
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net !t(er
#.&!0e 0ar1#.
6221%1 690%61 1347893 707980 1%97804 1649112
T!ta) assets 3067%82
46438623 67178%%9 8%276070 12426112 1%47%20%
Net !t(er #.&!0e
2.03 1.49 2.01 8.3 12.9 10.09
$he net other income margin of meean bank shows that there have been the fluctuation
in other income from year to year but the situation is very bad in the year )--C where this
ratio is the minimum of all the previous years. 3ue to this reason the overall performance
of the bank declined.
6'1'4I E!#*i*2 "e# -!#e
4arnings per share X 'et profit after ta7 J number of shares issued
4&/ is the ratio that measures how many rupees the company has earned against one
ordinary share issued to the shareholders. $he greater is the ratio the better it would be. It
is because the bank will have greater amount of profit per share to pay as dividend to the
shareholders .$he price earnings ratio is commonly used to assess the owner.s appraisal
of the share value. $he ratio is measure to know the amount the investors are willing to
pay for each rupee of the bank.s earnings. $he level of this ratio indicates the degree of
the confidence that the investors. confidence in the company.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net r!"#t a"ter ta$ 419 604 963 621 102% 16%0
N-02er !" s(ares
2033 3779 491% 492% 66%0 6983
Ear.#.1 er s(are .21 .1%8 .196 .126 .1%4 .234
4arnings per share ratio of Meean bank shows that the ratio improve from the year )--C
to the year )-+) with a little e7ception in )-+-, in year )-++ and )-+) there is a slight
increase in the per share price which is because the bank has issued bonus shares to its
shareholders as a stock dividend. . $he figure calculated above show that the investors.
confidence in the company is increasing from earlier years to the later years. In the year
)-++ this ratio was decreased but soon after that this ratio was improved in )-+) and
because even better in )-+).
6'1'5I &#i.e e!#*i*2- #!ti,
&rice earnings ratio X Market price per share J 4arning per share
$he price earnings ratio is commonly used to assess the owner.s appraisal of the share
value. $he ratio is measure to know the amount thet investors are willing to pay for each
rupee of the bank.s earnings. $he level of this ratio indicates the degree of the confidence
that the investors. confidence in the company.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
3ar'et r#&e er
23.2% 19.%0 38.%% 21.48 1%.74 16.90
Ear.#.1s er s(are 1.46 1.88 1.96 1.22 1.62 2.36
Pr#&e ear.#.1s
1%.92 10.%1 1%.12 17.60 9.71 7.16
$he figure calculated above show that the investors. confidence in the company is
increasing from earlier years to the later years. In the year )--C this ratio was decreased
but soon after that this ratio was improved in )--, and because even better in )-+-. $he
ratio is continuously decreasing in the ne7t years which are not good for the bank.
6'1'6I B,,: ?!+ue "e# -!#e
Book value per share X /tockholders e8uity J 'o. of common shares issued
Book value per share is the ratio that how much values of assets the bank has to pay to its
shareholders in the event of its winding up. If we book value per share is less than the
market value of share the bank is in good position.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
302%3 47633 %7203 63413 90903 10740
N!.!" &!00!.
s(ares #ss-e*
20363 37793 29333 492%3 66%03 69383
5!!' /a)-e er
1.49 er
1.97 er
1.9% er
1.29 er
1.36 er
1.%4 er
If we compare the book value per share with the market value per share we see that
although the book value per share is much lesser than the market value even the
shareholders are willing to pay much higher price for the share of the bank.
6'1'7I Debt #!ti,
3ebt ratio X $otal debt J $otal assets
$he debt ratio compares a companyMs total debt to its total assets, which is used to gain a
general idea as to the amount of leverage being used by a bank. A low percentage means
that the bank is less dependent on leverage
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
T!ta) *e2t 2762% 4167% 61471 79301 114984 143672
T!ta) assets 30676 46438 67178 8%276 124168 1%47%2
6e2t rat#! .9014 .897 .91% .9299 .9%01 .92
$he debt to total asset assets moves in the same direction with the passage of time .when
total assets increases the financing also increases, the bank deposits increases with the
passage of time which is a good indicator for banks. so the Meean bank deposits
position also increases with the passage of time.
6'1'@I Debt eDuity R!ti,
3ebt e8uity Ratio X 3ebt liabilitiesJ 'et assets
$he 3ebtJe8uity ratio is certainly far from perfect. A low ratio of -.)K means that the
company is e7posing itself to a large amount of e8uity. $his is certainly better than a
high ratio of ) or more since this would e7pose the company to risk such as interest rate
increases and creditor nervousness.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
6e2t )#a2#)#t#es 24408 36826 %7864 7432% 108801 136899
Net assets 68127 10212 %706 %974 91%4 11080
6e2t e+-#t, rat#! 3.%8 3.60 10.13 12.4 11.84 12.3%
$he debt to e8uity ratio of meean bank is good at the begging years )--* and )--C but it
is constantly increasing in the ne7t years which is not good for the bank because if the
bank need credit for there operations the creditors will charge high interest to the bank
due to the high debt to e8uity ratio the credit worthiness of the bank is low
6'1'10I LiDuidity #!ti,
!i8uidity ratio X current assets J current liabilities
$he main 8uestion this ratio addresses is. 3oes your business have enough current assets
to meet the payment schedule of its current debts with a margin of safety for possible
losses in current assets, such as inventory shrinkage or collectable accounts. A generally
acceptable current ratio is ) to +. But whether or not a specific ratio is satisfactory
depends on the nature of the business and the characteristics of its current assets and
liabilities. $he minimum acceptable current ratio is obviously +:+, but that relationship is
usually playing it too close for comfort.
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
7-rre.t assets %6%%361 6812761 10212269 9373%77 710868% 823%%61
7-rre.t )#a2#)#t#es 3013444 3242446 4848440 3607766 %06%%13 6783832
8#+-#*#t, rat#! 1.87 2.1 2.10 2.%9 1.4 1.21
$his data shows that Meean bank has a good li8uidity .and there is rare chances of
default in the market. $he li8uidity ratio is very good in the beginning years but slowly it
decrease in the ne7t two years )-++ and )-+) which is not good for the bank the bank
should try their best to reduce their current liabilities and increase current assets to
improve li8uidity ratio.
C!"te# $ 7
C!"te# $ 7
I spent si7 weeks of my internship in MB! main sadder Islamabad Branch. 3uring these
si7 weeks, I felt myself to be a part of bank. 4ven, this was my first e7perience of
working in a bank, but I learned a lot from this e7perience. Based on my e7perience B
observation regarding the operations and policies of Meean Bank, I have tried to show
some problems and recommendations for further improvement.
+. $he employee turnover is very high which they have to cut down as they are
losing a number of good trained employees due to its poor policy.
). $he year )-+) is e7pected to offer increased competition in the secured assets
business as more Islamic banks are in the market.
L. !ack of awareness of Islamic banking in general public.
1. $he employees usually face work over loaded problems.
0. !ack of 9ob training program for employees.
K. Branches increases but business of Meean bank may not increase with same
*. %inancial information of Meean bank are not clearly disclose on any media.
C. 2ork activities among employees were not distributed e8ually. /ome of the
employees are overburdened while some sections are overstaffed.
,. !ack of 9ob rotation that is one of the ways to increase employee 9ob skills.
+-. Meean bank does not provide 9ob security to the employees. Mostly are hired on
contractual basis
++. ;ongested waiting room for customers.
+). !ack of market 5competitors6 research.
+L. !ack of team work.
+1. !ack of new and attractive schemes.
+0. 'on effective marketing strategy.
+. %irst of all, I would I like to suggest that the bank must pursue a very aggressive
marketing and advertising strategy so that it can create awareness in the general
public about its Islamic products and services
). /econdly, there is a need for creating satisfaction among employees. $hey do not
feel any attachment to the organiation. $here is a re8uirement for building up
their loyalties so that the bank can curtail the dissatisfaction and turnover among
L. $he personnel in the bank should not be overstressed with workload. $he
workload is of a destructive level. At that level of load the employees loose all the
comfort in their work and remain tense and frustrated.
1. (ob training is a very important aspect that MB! is lacking in. 'ew employees are
recruited directly without any prior training or orientation. $he result is that they
do not understand the organiational structure and culture and become frustrated
in their start. $his reduces their productivity and efficiency. If such a training
programmed is started, then the new employees would feel more comfortable and
adapt easily to the environment.
0. Meean Bank !imited should continue to e7pand its business, by increasing its
deposit portfolio through aggressive market penetration strategies.
K. Meean Bank !imited needs to improve its website. More information relating to
financial performance of the bank should be available on the website.
*. Management should distribute work e8ually among different employees.
C. Related 9obs should be assigned to the employees so that they can work more
,. It is suggested that the employees signed 9obs for specific period and than they
should shifted to other department so that they gain knowledge of other 9obs.
+-. Increase the /ie of waiting room.
++. RIBA %R44 ;OMM4R;IA! BA'=I'@ to be set up in all countries of the
worldJ Muslims B non"Muslims. $his will greatly facilitate international e7port
import trade without the fear of being involved in any riba dealing.
+). More people must be employed on permanent basisJ providing 9ob security and
+L. YMB! should become very specific about its competitors, so that it can understand
whose its competitor is in the first degree and who is in the second degree YA
research cell should continuously try to gather information about the present
action so its competitors and e7pected future actions. /o in this way more
effective strategies can be formulated.
+1. $he worker should be given sense of teamwork and the managers should be
trained to manage the team as a good leader
+0. 'ew schemes should be introduced and ma7imum privileges should be given to
customer, so that to win money market.
+K. Y'ew marketing strategies should be developed to attract new customers.
Annual Report of Meean Bank !imited )-++.
&ractice and !aw of Banking in &akistan by 3r A/RAR < /I33IA>I.
Money and Banking B %inance by M. /A443 'A/IR.
Business Recorder