Jewish Futures: Rewiring The Brain

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Jewish Futures
Rewiring the Brain
By Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dror, Apr 4, !!"
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Rewiring the Brain
Rabbi Moshe Dror, 11 minutes
0o' are li*ely a part of the 1et 2eneration. 0o' ha,e been born in
a $igiti3e$ worl$ an$ now 'se the 4nternet 'nceasingly.
All wor$s, all printe$ te5t, are hoo*e$ into sentences, paragraphs
an$ boo*s. 6his is hoo*e$ into the left(si$e of yo'r brain. 6he wet
wear of yo'r brain, whether the left(hemisphere or right(
hemisphere is switche$ thro'gh the corp's coll'som.
6hro'gh the agency of 'sing comp'ters on a $aily basis, yo'r brain is being rewire$.
6he ne'ral channels are being reor$ere$ as ne,er before. 4 grew 'p learning from
boo*s, te5ts. 4 only play with comp'ters, b't it is all the same wor$s. 6hat analog'e
patterning percei,es the wor$ in pieces an$ then yo' p't it together.
6his acti,ity in ci,ili3ation was mostly associate$ with males. 7ince the intro$'ction
of linear rea$ing an$ written lang'age, it become male $ominate$ an$ patriarchal.
)on,ersely, what is happening now thro'gh the e5tensi,e 'se of internet technology,
yo' are now $ealing with images, not 8'st parts of a image. 4t $raws from the right
hemisphere. 0o' learn to manip'late space, o'ter space, inner space, geographic
space an$ archtectonic space. An$ how yo' $eal with m'sic.
6he right hemisphere learning $eals with wholes, in terms of thin*ing, seeing. 6his
$eals with n't'rance. 6his is pro,i$ing a female, yin, learning acti,ity. All men an$ all
women ha,e these components of learning. B't schools emphasi3e mostly rea$ing,
writing an$ arithmatic.
All other intelligences are not emphasi3e$, whether the arts, m'sic, or emotional
capacities. B't there is a ma8or re,ol'tion going on now thro'gh an 4conic
7ince the $e,elopment of film, tele,ision, comp'ter graphics, ,irt'al reality or now
who *now what, more an$ more information is being enco$e$ in images. 0o' are
going to ha,e more an$ more right brain energy interpreting that.
9hen yo' rea$ any te5t, yo' 'se light ,iew it. 6here is ambiant light that bo'nces
onto a page, an$ then into yo'r eye. 0o' are then able to $eco$e the te5t into
meanings. 6hat is the 'se of reflecte$ light. 6here is a theory that this light allows
the left(hemisphere of the brain to operate.
6here is another way to $eal with light, when yo' watch a tele,ision or interacti,e
comp'ter screen. 0o' are not $ealing with reflecti,e light, b't emitte$ light. 0o'r
ne'ro(physiology of perception, the way o'r anatomy interprets it is by the right(
brain hemisphere. 0o' $eal with that thro'gh alpha an$ theta brain wa,es.
6his gi,es yo' a $ifferent perception, a $ifferent e5perience. 6o 'se the 8argon of
Marshall Mc:'han, the me$i'm is the message. 4t not only the conte5t of what yo'
are seeing, b't what yo' are seeing.
%'r goal as religio's f't'rists is to 'n$erstan$ this an$ 'se this for the best
a$,antage of b'il$ing the spirit'al ci,ili3ations of tomorrow.
Mc:'han, M., ; <iore, =. ->?.@/. The medium is the message. 1ew 0or*: Ran$om
:ogan, R. B. ->?C./. The alphabet effect: The impact of the phonetic alphabet on the
development of western civilization. 1ew 0or*: Morrow.
7hlain, :. ->??C/. The alphabet versus the goddess: The conflict between word and
image. 1ew 0or*: #i*ing.
D !!3 by 9orl$ 1etwor* of Religio's <'t'rists.

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