Jeffrey S. Bary & Michael S. Petersen: Preprint Typeset Using L TEX Style Emulateapj v. 5/2/11
Jeffrey S. Bary & Michael S. Petersen: Preprint Typeset Using L TEX Style Emulateapj v. 5/2/11
Jeffrey S. Bary & Michael S. Petersen: Preprint Typeset Using L TEX Style Emulateapj v. 5/2/11
Accepted to the The Astrophysical Journal
Preprint typeset using L
X style emulateapj v. 5/2/11
Jeffrey S. Bary
& Michael S. Petersen
Accepted to the The Astrophysical Journal
We report the detection of an anomalous accretion are in the tight eccentric pre-main-sequence
binary system DQ Tau. In a multi-epoch survey consisting of randomly acquired low to moderate
resolution near-infrared spectra obtained over a period of almost ten years, we detect a signicant
and simultaneous brightening of four standard accretion indicators (Ca ii infrared triplet, the Paschen
and Brackett series H i lines, and He i 1.083 m), on back-to-back nights ( = 0.372 & 0.433) with
the are increasing in strength as the system approached apastron ( = 0.5). The mass accretion
rate measured for the anomalous are is nearly an order of magnitude stronger than the average
quiescent rate. While previous observations established that frequent, periodic accretion ares phased
with periastron passages occur in this system, these data provide evidence that orbitally-modulated
accretion ares occur near apastron, when the stars make their closest approach to the circumbinary
disk. The timing of the are suggests that this outburst is due to interactions of the stellar cores
(or the highly truncated circumstellar disks) with material in non-axisymmetric structures located at
the inner edge of the circumbinary disk. We also explore the optical/infrared spectral type mismatch
previously observed for T Tauri stars and successfully model the shape of the spectra from 0.8 to 1.0
m and the strengths of the TiO and FeH bands as manifestations of large cool spots on the surfaces
of the stellar companions in DQ Tau. These ndings illustrate that a complete model of near-infrared
spectra of many T Tauri stars must include parameters for spot lling factors and temperatures.
Subject headings: stars: pre-main-sequence stars: accretion stars: formation stars: individual
(DQ Tau)
Since the initial discovery of a hot jupiter orbiting
51 Peg, exoplanet searches have rmly established that
planetary systems, though unexpectedly diverse, are
quite common in the Galaxy. While the interaction
between a forming planet and its circumstellar disk
successfully explains orbital migration and the exis-
tence of hot jupiters, the similarly complex orbital
dynamics in binary and higher-order multiple star
systems might lead to the conclusion that planets
should be rare in such systems. Hence, initial searches
for exoplanets selectively surveyed stars thought to
be single star systems. However, it has become ap-
parent that planets do not form solely around single
stars, as many exoplanet host stars have been revealed
to be components of widely separated binary and
higher-order multiple systems (e.g., Patience et al.
2002; Eggenberger et al. 2004; Mugrauer et al. 2007;
Takeda et al. 2008; Mugrauer & Neuh auser 2009).
While these detections demonstrate that planets may
form in the circumstellar disks orbiting individual stars
in young multiple systems, Kepler 16b, 34b, 35b, and
47b and c indicate that planets also form in circumbi-
nary disks orbiting tight binaries (Doyle et al. 2011;
Welsh et al. 2012; Orosz et al. 2012).
Observational surveys of main and pre-main-
Colgate University, Department of Physics & Astronomy,
13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346
Visiting Astronomer, Laboratoire AIM Paris-Saclay,
CEA/Irfu Universite Paris-Diderot CNRS/INSU, 91191 Gif-sur-
Yvette, France
University of Massachusetts, Department of Astronomy, 710
North Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01003
sequence solar-type stars have rmly established
that more than half form in binary and multiple
systems (e.g., Duquennoy & Mayor 1991; Ghez et al.
1993; Reipurth & Zinnecker 1993; Leinert et al. 1993;
Simon & Prato 1995; Duchene et al. 2007). In fact, a
notably higher multiplicity rate has been determined for
pre-main-sequence stars suggesting that a substantial
fraction of single eld stars formed in multiple systems.
These results along with those of the exoplanet surveys,
underscore the importance of studying the eects of
multiplicity on the formation of stars and planetary
systems. Therefore, robust models of planet formation
including the more dynamically complex multi-star
systems with their combinations of circumstellar and
circumbinary (circumsystem) material must be regarded
as equally important for understanding planet formation
and explaining the diversity of planetary systems.
The recent Kepler detections of circumbinary planets
highlight the importance that understanding the dynam-
ics of these complex systems will have on the study of
star and planet formation. The interactions of the stellar
components with the circumbinary disks and the forma-
tion of planets within the circumbinary material must be
considered when developing models of the complex star-
disk interactions between the forming stars, their indi-
vidual circumstellar disks, and the circumbinary(system)
At present, hydrodynamic simulations of the com-
plex interactions between binary protostars with cir-
cumstellar and circumbinary disks lay a founda-
tion for characterizing the impact of multiplicity on
the formation and evolution of planets in such sys-
tems (Artymowicz et al. 1991; Artymowicz & Lubow
2 Bary & Petersen
1994; Artymowicz & Lubow 1996; Rozyczka & Laughlin
1997; G unther & Kley 2002; Pierens & Nelson 2008a,b;
Hanawa et al. 2010; de Val-Borro et al. 2011). These
simulations depict how the central sources in a binary
system each truncate the outer region of the companions
circumstellar disk, while quickly clearing a dynamically
unstable region located between the central stars and the
inner region of the circumbinary disk. Once the inner
disks are cut o from the larger reservoir of circumbi-
nary material, the truncated inner disks will accrete
onto the central star on a timescale expected to be too
short to allow for the formation of a planetary system.
Observations of scattered light and continuum emission
from dust grains in the circumstellar and circumbinary
disks have conrmed the existence of nearly dust-free
gaps in several nearby binary systems (i.e., GG Tau,
SR 24, DQ Tau; Dutrey et al. 1994; Roddier et al. 1996;
Jensen & Mathieu 1997; McCabe et al. 2002; Krist et al.
2002, 2005; Pietu et al. 2011).
Simulations of young binary systems also provide
a physical understanding of how circumbinary disk
material falls into the unstable region via high-
velocity streams of gas and dust (Artymowicz & Lubow
1996; Rozyczka & Laughlin 1997; G unther & Kley 2002;
de Val-Borro et al. 2011). The streams of material, also
referred to as streamers, will fall towards the stel-
lar companions either replenishing the inner circumstel-
lar disks or perhaps accreting directly onto the sur-
faces of the stellar components. In the cases of SR 24
and GG Tau, scattered light (H-band) and millimeter
continuum observations provide evidence that the un-
stable regions are not completely devoid of material
(Mayama et al. 2010; Pietu et al. 2011); these observa-
tions lend support to the theory that predicts accretion
streams. In fact, both hint at the presence of narrow
streams of gas and dust owing from the circumbinary
disk to the inner circumstellar disks. For the GG Tau
system, known to possess a distinctive circumbinary ring
with an inner radius of 180 AU, a recent high spatial
resolution image of molecular hydrogen emission shows
a ridge of shock-excited gas located within the circumbi-
nary disk and near the edge of the truncation region of
the inner circumstellar disks (Beck et al. 2012). The H
emission is spatially coincident with the location of the
dust streamers and appears to conrm the existence of
streamers in the GG Tau A system.
1.1. The DQ Tau System
The DQ Tau system, the subject of the study presented
here, is a tight binary (P 15.8 days; Huerta et al. 2005)
located in the nearby Taurus-Auriga star forming region
(D 140 pc; Age 1-3 Myr). DQ Tau possesses two
nearly equal mass stars (M
+ M
1.3 M
) with a
high orbital eccentricity (e = 0.556; Mathieu et al. 1997).
For this binary system, possessing a semi-major axis of
0.13 AU, the inner truncation radius of the circumbi-
nary disk should reside at 0.4 AU. The spectral energy
distribution (SED) shows both near- and mid-infrared
excesses suggesting the presence of both a circumbinary
disk and warm dust in the environment of the circusmtel-
lar disks (Strom et al. 1989; Skrutskie et al. 1990). Re-
cent Keck Interferometer observations and modeling of
the K-band excess emission conrm that the warm dust
must exist in the region where circumstellar disk material
should reside with an extent of 0.1-0.2 AU (Boden et al.
2009). Combined with previous detections of warm CO
line emission (T1200 K; R0.1 AU; Carr et al. 2001),
these observations suggest that the dynamically cleared
region located within the circumbinary disk contains dust
and gas, leading to the conclusion that material is con-
tinually drawn inward from the outer disk.
For high-eccentricity binary systems such as DQ Tau,
hydrodynamic models predict that orbitally-modulated
accretion activity should result in accretion ares oc-
curring at periastron passes of the stellar companions
(G unther & Kley 2002; de Val-Borro et al. 2011). Quasi-
periodic ares phased with periastron in the DQ Tau
system were rst observed, using broad-band photom-
etry, by Mathieu et al. (1997). Subsequent multi-
epoch optical and near-infrared spectroscopic observa-
tions detected increases in the uxes of several stan-
dard accretion signatures similarly phased with perias-
tron passages in DQ Tau and two other tight binaries,
UZ Tau E and AK Sco (Basri et al. 1997; Huerta et al.
2005; Jensen et al. 2007; Bary et al. 2008). For these sys-
tems, in which the stellar companions come within a few
stellar radii of one another, the aring could be explained
by interacting magnetospheres and are likely the cause
of millimeter and X-ray ares observed in the DQ Tau
and UZ Tau E systems (Salter et al. 2008; Salter et al.
2010; Getman et al. 2011; Kosp al et al. 2011). As the
stars recede, the strength of the interaction between the
magnetospheres diminishes rapidly with increasing dis-
tance. The length of the millimeter and X-ray ares is
on the order of hours, while the optical photometric and
spectral feature ares last for several days or as much as
a third of the orbit. Noting that the longer ares occur
relatively far in orbital phase from periastron passage,
Jensen & Mathieu (1997) argue that accretion activity is
most likely responsible for this aring. Therefore, these
observations likely conrm the hydrodynamical model
predictions that material from the circumbinary disk can
ow into the unstable region, replenishing the inner cir-
cumstellar disks.
For widely-separated young binary systems, accretion
streams provide a mechanism for increasing the lifetimes
of the individual circumstellar disks, potentially impact-
ing the formation of planets in such systems. While it
may be unreasonable to expect planets to form on stable
orbits in the tidally-truncated circumstellar disks asso-
ciated with the stellar companions in the DQ Tau sys-
tem, the recent Kepler detections of circumbinary plan-
ets clearly indicate that the circumbinary disk is a viable
site for planet formation. While star-disk interactions
play an important role in the evolution of planet-forming
disks in single star systems, star-star-circumbinary disk
interactions are presumed to be equally important in the
evolution of circumbinary planetary systems. In addi-
tion, as described by Artymowicz & Lubow (1996) and
Rozyczka & Laughlin (1997), the structure of a tight bi-
nary that is in the process of clearing a gap in the in-
ner region of its circumbinary disk is analogous to the
structure of a transitional disk system in which a gas
giant planet is suspected of clearing a gap in the inner
region of a circumstellar disk. The potential for anal-
ogous orbitally-modulated accretion activity in transi-
tional disk systems underscores the importance of study-
ing young binary systems and their star-star-disk inter-
Accretion and Spots in DQ Tau 3
Fig. 1. Two epochs of normalized NIR spectra of DQ Tau acquired with CorMASS at the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope.
The observation taken on 2003 December 4 UT captured the system during an outburst phase as indicated by the presence of strong H i
and Ca ii infrared triplet emission lines. The lower spectrum 2003 December 13 UT, obtained eight days after the spectrum above, shows
little evidence of H i or Ca ii emission suggesting that relatively little accretion activity is occurring during this point in the orbital phase
of the system. The bottom panel shows the spectrum of an M2.5V spectral standard (Gliese 381) from the SpeX library Rayner et al.
(2009). The resolution of the standard star spectrum has been degraded to match the resolution of CorMASS. Following the plot format
from Vacca & Sandell (2011), regions of poor atmospheric transmission are identied by the gray (<80%) and dark gray (<20%) vertical
In this paper, we present a multi-epoch spectroscopic
study of pulsed-accretion activity in the DQ Tau system.
We use near-infrared (IR) spectral accretion signatures
(i.e., H i, Ca ii, and He i) to establish an average mass
accretion rate for the system in its quiescent accretion
phase. We report for the rst time the detection of an
anomalous accretion are well outside of the usual perias-
tron related activity, timed more closely in orbital phase
with an apastron passage of the system. The detection is
discussed in the context of current hydrodynamic models
of star-star-disk-disk interactions. The moderate resolu-
tion spectra allow for the determination of the infrared
spectral type of the DQ Tau system based on the spec-
tral shape, molecular absorption features, and metallic
absorption lines. Similar to previous studies of near-IR
spectra of T Tauri stars (TTSs), we nd a discrepancy
between the spectral types previously derived from op-
tical spectroscopy and the near-IR spectral type. Other
authors have also noted a color anomaly at IR wave-
lengths for TTSs and have suggested that both discrep-
ancies may be related to the existence of large cool spots
on the surfaces of these stars (Gullbring et al. 1998a,b).
We construct simple synthetic spectra to represent a
spotted star from spectral standards and perform a t
to a representative DQ Tau spectra. We solve simulta-
neously for visual extinction, photospheric temperature,
spot temperature, and spot lling factor by tting the
strong TiO and FeH bands and the shape of the near-IR
spectrum. The best ts cover a small region of param-
eter space and demonstrate that the existence of large,
cool spots are reasonable explanations for the observed
optical/IR spectral mismatch and the color anomaly.
The multi-epoch data presented in this study were col-
lected over the past ten years using three dierent instru-
ments (CorMASS, TripleSpec, and SpeX) mounted on
three dierent telescopes. The initial observations were
made as part of a larger spectroscopic variability study of
near-IR emission lines observed from actively accreting
TTSs (Bary et al. 2008). The survey utilized CorMASS
(Cornell-Massachusetts Slit Spectrograph; Wilson et al.
2001), a low-resolution (R300) cross-dispersed near-IR
spectrograph that provides continuous wavelength cover-
age from 0.8 to 2.5 m. Data were collected on the 1.8-m
Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) atop
Mt. Graham in Arizona from 2003 December through
2005 January. In 2005, CorMASS was moved to Apache
Point Observatory (APO) in New Mexico where it was
positioned at the Naysmith focus of the 3.5-m Astrophys-
ical Research Consortium (ARC) telescope. The survey
4 Bary & Petersen
Fig. 2. Plotted are 18 epochs of DQ Tau spectra from 1.07 to 1.15 m to highlight the variations of the He i and Pa features at
1.083 m and 1.0938 m, respectively. For the epochs where SpeX and TripleSpec data of higher resolution were collected, we present both
the full resolution spectrum (bold) and a spectrum degraded to the resolution of the CorMASS data (gray). The higher resolution spectra
containing the He i feature show how the blueshifted absorption feature waxes and wanes and changes shape. In addition, the degraded
spectra demonstrate the utility of the high resolution spectra for measuring the quiescent accretion activity and the unusual strength of
the Pa feature associated with the potential apastron are at = 0.372 and 0.433.
continued as spectra were collected at APO in late 2005
and early 2006. As part of the larger variability study,
CorMASS observations of DQ Tau were not phased with
the orbital period. Instead, they were collected ran-
domly when telescope time was available and the tar-
gets were well positioned. Additional observations of the
DQ Tau system were collected during 2010 January and
2012 October observing runs with TripleSpec (TSpec;
Wilson et al. 2004), also mounted on the ARC telescope
at APO. An instrumental cousin of CorMASS, TSpec
is a cross-dispersed near-IR spectrograph providing con-
tinuous wavelength coverage from 0.9 to 2.5 m with an
order of magnitude higher resolving power (R3,000). In
addition, three consecutive nights of data were acquired
at the IRTF during 2011 November, using SpeX, also
a cross-dispersed near-IR spectrograph providing nearly
continuous wavelength coverage from 0.8 to 2.4 m in the
short-wavelength cross-dispersed mode (SXD; R2000).
Table 1 summarizes the observations including the or-
bital phases at which the measurements were taken.
The slit dimensions are 1.
6 and 0.
and 5.
1 and 0.
5 in width and 45
and 15
) = (1.140.16) log(
) +(3.150.58) (1)
-values for the dierent temperature and density model ts to
the observed Paschen decrement values from 2003 December 04
UT. The trough in the front of the surface locates the models
that are the best ts to the data and indicates the small range of
best t densities, while doing little to constrain the temperatures
over the 7500 K to 12500 K range in the models. For instance,
the steep ride of the surface for high temperatures and densities,
strongly rule out the possibility of the emitting gas being both hot
and dense by KF model standards.
Fig. 10. Same as Figure 9 for observations of DQ Tau on 2006
October 05 UT.
Fig. 11. Same as Figure 9 for observations of DQ Tau on 2012
October 02 UT.
Accretion and Spots in DQ Tau 9
= log
log (7.18)
to convert the accretion luminosity to a mass accretion
rate. In Table 2, we present the equivalent widths and
upper limits of the four strongest hydrogen emission lines
(Pa, Pa, Pa, and Br) and the 1.083 m He i feature
as well as the accretion luminosities and mass accretion
rates. We note that the log
of the accretion luminosi-
ties presented were determined using the stronger, higher
signal-to-noise ratio Pa line luminosity. In Section 3.6,
we discuss the determination of the spectral type of the
DQ Tau system from which we base a mass and stellar
radius (M
= 1.3 M
and R
= 1.6 R
, respectively)
for the determination of
M. In Figure 5, we plot the
accretion luminosity versus orbital phase.
The randomly collected data sample the strengths of
the emission features throughout the entire orbital phase,
though they do not provide continuous coverage of any
one full orbit of the system. Using H i and the Ca ii lines
as indicators of accretion activity, we detect evidence
of accretion ares in eight epochs of observations lo-
cated near four dierent periastron passages ( = 0.033,
0.037, 0.713, 0.876, 0.897, 0.961, 0.962, and 0.975; see
Table 2). The ares are denoted by a strengthening
of several Paschen and Brackett series H i emission fea-
tures, as is shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. Upper lim-
its are placed on the strengths of the emission features
during the quiescent portion of the orbit when the line
strengths fall below our sensitivity thresholds (see Fig-
ure 5). To determine a quiescent (non-aring) accretion
rate, we select epochs which do not indicate aring ac-
tivity (weak Hydrogen features, low intra-night variabil-
ity) to estimate the mean quiescent mass accretion rate
as 6.72
(this corresponds, via
linear mapping, to a quiescent accretion luminosity of -
1.76 0.1 log
(Gullbring et al.
1998a), which was derived from the excess Balmer con-
tinuum emission.
3.4. Pulsed-Accretion Activity: Anomalous Flare Near
Selecting the previously-dened quiescent observa-
tions, we nd (as noted above) a mean accretion luminos-
ity of log
A) W
A) W
A) W
A) W
-11.400.52 -5.190.52 -6.590.52 -8.910.62 -6.631.03 -1.030.05 -8.440.05
-28.670.52 -6.190.52 -11.050.52 -16.530.62 -9.61.03 -0.720.03 -8.130.03
-8.570.52 -1.010.52 -4.510.52 -3.270.62 -1.530.16 -8.940.16
-11.400.19 -0.700.19 -1.770.19 -2.300.23 -1.4620.38 -1.700.07 -9.110.07
-8.890.52 -2.220.52 -2.980.52 -6.160.62 -3.491.03 -1.210.08 -8.620.08
-8.840.52 -1.780.62 -1.830.35 -9.240.35
-10.450.19 -0.850.19 -2.290.19 -2.360.23 -1.550.38 -1.690.07 -9.100.07
-6.770.52 -2.700.52 -3.260.52 -2.400.62 -2.431.03 -1.680.23 -9.090.23
-7.610.52 -1.820.34 -9.230.34
-10.990.19 -0.790.19 -1.890.19 -2.950.23 -1.740.38 -1.580.05 -8.990.05
0.94,-7.800.09 -0.820.09 -1.220.09 -1.800.11 -2.780.18 -1.820.04 -9.230.04
1.01,-7.000.09 -0.970.09 -1.160.09 -1.410.11 -1.410.13 -1.940.06 -9.350.06
-7.490.52 -1.560.52 -2.430.62 -1.670.23 -9.080.23
-7.660.52 -2.060.52 -3.040.52 -2.070.62 -3.011.03 -1.800.32 -9.210.32
1.02,-7.440.09 -1.110.09 -1.65 0.11 -1.610.18 -1.860.05 -9.270.05
-10.900.52 -1.900.52 -5.970.52 -5.590.62 -1.260.09 -8.670.09
-9.540.52 -6.240.52 -6.670.52 -11.980.62 -6.751.03 -0.880.04 -8.440.04
-22.850.52 -3.860.52 -4.920.52 -9.180.62 -5.711.03 -1.020.05 -8.430.05
1.56,-21.450.19 -6.290.19 -12.560.19 -16.560.23 -6.250.38 -0.720.01 -8.130.01
1.58,-21.620.19 -7.900.19 -12.650.19 -16.050.23 -6.170.38 -0.740.01 -8.150.01
1.21,-18.520.19 -5.620.19 -10.490.19 -13.800.23 -4.930.38 -0.810.01 -8.220.01
Orbital phases were calculated beginning on Julian date 2449582.54 using the orbital period of 15.8016
measured by Huerta et al. (2005).
and constrain the gas temperature and density. If the
emitting gas is located in the accretion column, either
at the point where it is loaded into the ow or where it
resides in the column (or both), the physical conditions
of this gas may be revealed by such a tting procedure.
Previously, Bary et al. (2008) used line ratios from over
70 spectra of actively accreting TTSs and the well-known
case B line excitation model, which assumes a recombin-
ing hydrogen gas in which transitions above the Lyman
series are optically thin, to solve for the average tem-
perature and density of accreting gas in TTS systems.
Bary et al. (2008) found a range of electron densities
) that were in good agree-
ment with those predicted by magnetospheric accretion
models. However, the temperatures constrained by the
best t models (T
2000 K) were considerably lower
than the typical 6000 K T
12000 K predicted for
accreting gas (Muzerolle et al. 2001). A new line excita-
tion model developed by Kwan & Fischer (2011), speci-
ed for infalling/outowing gas (|v| = 150 km s
), in-
cludes line opacity as a free parameter, in addition to
gas density, kinetic temperature, an ionizing ux, and
a local velocity gradient. The Kwan-Fischer (KF) line
excitation model places the emitting gas within a few
stellar radii of the stellar surface and includes photoion-
ization as an excitation mechanism. Using the data from
Bary et al. (2008), the KF models found a best t den-
sity of N
for temperatures in the range of
8750 K T
K and N
5 10
for tem-
peratures T
7500 K. Temperatures returned by the
KF models are in better agreement with the accretion
models. This result suggests that the case B models are
not the appropriate line excitation models for accreting
gas and that the H i line emission arises from collisional
excitation, rather than from a recombining gas.
The DQ Tau system with its periodic accretion ares
provides a unique opportunity to search for changes in
the physical conditions of the accreting gas with mass
accretion rate. While we have 20 distinct epochs of ob-
servations, ten epochs are low-resolution CorMASS spec-
tra that were not sensitive enough to detect multiple H i
features during the quiescent phases of the orbit, making
the line ratio analysis described above impossible with
this data set. Using data from one moderate resolution
spectrum during periastron and the two low-resolution
spectra that caught the system during a are, one during
periastron and another near apastron, we measured the
line ratios for ve Paschen series lines. We compared the
observed Pan/Pa decrement for each of these epochs to
the range of KF models (10
Edwards et al. 2013). In Figure 6, 7, and 8, we present
plots of the Paschen decrement for the ve lines with
measurable uxes for these three epochs. We nd that
our data constrain the densities to be between N
6.3 10
and 1.0 10
, while placing no
meaningful constraint on the gas temperatures between
7500 K to 12500 K. Figures 9, 10, and 11 present three-
dimensional surface plots of the reduced
-values for
the density and temperatures. The trough that runs
from low temperature to high temperature over a small
range of densities clearly illustrates the wide range of
acceptable temperatures for the accreting gas, while si-
multaneously demonstrating the KF models ability to
constrain the gas density. Given the large uncertain-
ties in our measurements of the line ratios, we cannot
constrain the range of temperatures and densities well
enough over the three epochs to detect variations of the
physical conditions of the accreting gas. In the future,
with the addition of more high signal-to-noise resolution
spectra during both quiescent and accretion are epochs,
we hope to search for variations in the physical conditions
of the gas as a function of accretion activity.
Accretion and Spots in DQ Tau 11
Fig. 12. A sequence of near-infrared spectra from the Spex IRTF Spectral Library (Rayner et al. 2009) spanning 0.8 to 2.45 m are
presented in normalized ux units. Interspersed is a SpeX observation of DQ Tau taken on 2011 November 13 UT corrected with the
three dierent published values of the visual extinction. The three dereddened DQ Tau spectra are positioned so as to be bracketed by the
spectral standards that best match the overall shape of the spectrum. Many of the strongest metallic photospheric absorption features are
identied. Following the plots from Vacca & Sandell (2011), regions of poor atmospheric transmission (<20%) are denoted by dark gray
and regions of moderate atmospheric transmission (<80% are denoted by light gray vertical bars.
3.6. Spectral Classication
The moderate-resolution near-IR spectra collected
with SpeX and TSpec provide an opportunity to mea-
sure a spectral type for DQ Tau from a wavelength region
inaccessible to previous spectroscopic studies that were
centered only on visible wavelengths (e.g., Joy & Abt
1974; Herbig 1977; Basri et al. 1997). Using the IRTF
SpeX Spectral Library (Rayner et al. 2009), we begin
by following a similar spectral typing procedure outlined
in Vacca & Sandell (2011), which involves comparisons
of spectral shapes and the strengths of molecular and
metallic features. We make additional comparisons to
giant stars using spectral standards from the SpeX li-
brary and model spectra from Coelho et al. (2005) to
test surface gravity eects. After nding compelling ev-
idence for a much cooler spectral type than previously
reported for DQ Tau and demonstrating the inability of
variations in surface gravity to simultaneously account
for the observed strengths of the TiO and FeH bands,
we investigate the potential eects of large cool spots on
the surfaces of the stellar companions. We show that
composite spectra of warm photospheres and large, cool
spots produce reasonable ts to the TiO bands at 0.85
and 0.88 m and the FeH feature
at 0.99 m. These ts
The iron hydride band is commonly referred to as the Wing-
Ford band (Wing & Ford 1969)
also distinguish between the three dierent values of A
published for DQ Tau.
3.6.1. IR Spectral Typing
In Figure 12, we present a sequence of spectral stan-
dards taken from the SpeX library that spans the range of
spectral types previously determined for the DQ Tau sys-
tem (M0V, M1V, and K4-5V/M1-1.5V; Joy & Abt 1974;
Herbig 1977; Basri et al. 1997). Bracketed by the main-
sequence standards that share the same general spec-
tral shape are three DQ Tau spectra generated from one
SpeX observation collected on 2011 November 13 UT
and corrected for reddening using three values of the
visual extinction (A
) taken from the literature: 0.97,
2.0, and 2.13 (Kenyon & Hartmann 1995; Mathieu et al.
1997; Strom et al. 1989) and the extinction law found in
Martin & Whittet (1990). Figure 12 clearly shows that
one magnitude dierence in visual extinction ( A
= 1)
can account for considerable variation in the shape of
the DQ Tau spectrum shortward of 1.5 m, which would
result in a spectral type mismatch. For example, M4V-
M6V seems appropriate for DQ Tau with an A
of 0.97
whereas M0V-M2V is best for an A
of 2.0 or 2.13.
The presence of several molecular absorption features
provide another means for spectral typing. Broad water
absorption bands at 1.4 and 1.9 m strongly aect the
overall spectral shape, producing the hump-like or tri-
12 Bary & Petersen
Fig. 13. A comparison of M dwarf spectra from the SpeX library to one epoch of DQ Tau taken on 2011 November 14 UT over
0.8-1.1 m. All spectra have been dereddened and normalized. A visual extinction of A
= 0.97 (Kenyon & Hartmann 1995) was used for
DQ Tau. The spectral sequence of M dwarfs chosen to bracket the DQ Tau spectra is based primarily on the strengths of the TiO bands
at 0.85 and 0.88 m and the FeH band at 0.99 m. The residual spectrum is the dierence between the DQ Tau and the M3.5V spectrum.
angular features in the H- and K-bands (see Figure 12).
The magnitude of the hump in the H band is best approx-
imated by the M5V and M6V standards over the entire
range of A
, while the feature in the K-band is better
t by M3-3.5V. It is important to note that the H-band
spectra of young stars has a more pronounced triangular
shape as compared to the more smoothly rounded fea-
tures in the spectra of evolved eld stars (Lucas et al.
2001; Allers et al. 2007; Allers & Liu 2013). Thus the
shape of the DQ Tau spectrum in the H band will not
be perfectly matched by the spectral shape of the more
evolved standards in the SpeX library. Nonetheless, clear
variations in the strength of the H-band feature are evi-
dent in Figure 12
In addition to the broad water absorption features in
the DQ Tau spectrum, we note the presence of the fol-
lowing molecular features: (1) TiO absorption bands at
0.85 and 0.88 m, (2) FeH at 0.99 m, (3) a strong H
band at 1.33 m, and (4)
CO bandheads in the K-
band. The strengths of the TiO absorption bands at
0.85 and 0.88 m, though slightly aected by the choice
of A
, are much deeper than those of the K5-M2V spec-
tra for all values of A
. Figure 13 provides a direct com-
parison between a dereddened DQ Tau spectrum (2011
We note that the H-band feature is poorly t by the M7V
spectral standard, making M6V a rm limit to later-type M stars
and explaining why it is not included in the gure.
November 14 UT
; A
= 0.97) and the spectral stan-
dards that bracket DQ Tau between 0.8 and 1.1 m.
Based on the strengths of the TiO bands and the FeH
feature, ts between the main-sequence standards and
DQ Tau constrain the spectral type to be between an
M3 and M4V over the 0.85-1.0 m wavelength range, a
value 2-3 spectral classes cooler than quoted in the lit-
erature. Schiavon et al. (1997) clearly demonstrate that
the FeH feature heavily depends on the surface gravity
with cool dwarf stars possessing the strongest FeH fea-
tures. Therefore, the strength of the FeH feature, in ad-
dition to suggesting a cooler spectral type, also indicates
a dwarf-like surface gravity for these stars.
Figure 14 shows the DQ Tau spectrum between 1.1
and 1.35 m, which includes the H
O feature at 1.33 m.
The strength of the H
O feature is best t in the M2.5V
to M3.5V spectral type range. Figure 15 contains the K-
band and several CO bandhead absorption features. The
CO feature strengths were best t between an M3.5V and
M4.5V, in rough agreement with the spectral type sug-
gested by the spectral shape in the K-band. Any signi-
cant continuum veiling in the K-band due to an infrared
excess would result in a determination of spectral types
corresponding to higher temperatures than the that of
the actual photosphere. Therefore, M3.5V-M4.5V are
A dierent night is used for this gure due to the high quality
of data near 0.8 m. We note that the accretion activity was
measured to be the same on both nights.
Accretion and Spots in DQ Tau 13
Fig. 14. A comparison of M dwarf SpeX library spectra to one epoch of DQ Tau taken on 2011 November 13 UT over 1.1-1.35 m.
The spectral sequence of M dwarfs is chosen to bracket the DQ Tau spectra based primarily on the strength of the H
O feature at 1.33 m.
upper limits to the spectral type determination from the
K-band. Regardless of the visual extinction value we
choose to adopt, the strengths of these molecular fea-
tures collectively and denitively suggest a spectral type
cooler than those previously proposed for the DQ Tau
system, with the earliest type being an M2.5V and other
features suggesting a type as cool as an M6V.
On the other hand, the strength of temperature sen-
sitive metal lines such as K i at 1.16934, 1.17761, and
1.51725 m (see Figures 12 and 14) and several Mg i fea-
tures at 1.18314, 1.4881874, 1.50518, 1.57450, 1.57533,
and 1.71133 m (see Figures 14 and 16) indicate a bet-
ter match with slightly early-M-type spectral standards,
M2V and M0V, in agreement with those found in the lit-
erature. Joy & Abt (1974) used the strengths of TiO
absorption bands at visible wavelengths to determine
a spectral type of M0V. Herbig (1977) later classied
DQ Tau as an M1V based on ratios of metallic lines in the
optical (5850 < < 6700
A). Most recently, Basri et al.
(1997), using high-resolution echelle spectra, reported an
M1-1.5V type based upon the strength of the TiO band
at 7125
A. However, in the same study, a comparison
of the ratio of the temperature sensitive 6210.7
A Sc i
line to a pair of nearby temperature insensitive Fe i lines
resulted in a far earlier spectral type of K4-5V. Contin-
uum veiling was discussed as a potential explanation for
the inconsistency in spectral types (Basri et al. 1997).
However, the line ratios were formed from spectral fea-
tures in a narrow region of the spectrum, which should
have mitigated any eects of veiling on the spectral type.
Basri et al. (1997) also suggested that the discrepancy
may be due to cool star spots or strong chromospheric
activity, but suggested that clear evidence in support of
either scenario did not exist. Therefore, Basri et al. con-
cluded that the lower surface gravity of the pued-up
T Tauri star photospheres may lead to a strengthening of
the TiO band, resulting in a cooler spectral type relative
to that determined by the metallic lines.
3.6.2. Testing Spectral-Type Dependence on log g
The SpeX Spectral Library also includes spectral stan-
dards for giant stars over the spectral range presented in
Figure 12; these standards enable us to test the sugges-
tion that the pued-up photospheres aect the spec-
tral typing. In other words, do warm pued-up or
giant stars have TiO bands in the IR with strengths
comparable to those observed in DQ Tau? In Figure
17, we compare two dereddened DQ Tau spectra to the
spectra of giant stars in a spectral type range similar
to those presented in Figure 12. By visual inspection,
the DQ Tau TiO features at 0.85, 0.86, and 0.88 m are
clearly stronger than that of the giant stars as cool as
an M4III. The low pressure photospheres of giant stars
cannot account for the optical/IR spectral type discrep-
ancy we observe for DQ Tau. In addition to the TiO fea-
ture, the giant spectra also appear to lack the pronounced
triangular spectral shape in the H-band and have com-
paratively weak FeH and H
O absorption features also
suggesting that the photospheres in the DQ Tau system
are more like that of a dwarf than a giant star.
14 Bary & Petersen
Fig. 15. A comparison of M dwarf SpeX library spectra to one epoch of DQ Tau taken on 2011 November 13 UT over 2.0-2.4 m.
Note that the strengths of the CO bandheads at 2.2935, 2.3227, 2.3525, and 2.3830 m are more similar to those of the later M5-6V than
the earlier M2-4V spectral types. However, the strengths of the Na i, Mg i, Al i, and Ca i metallic lines more closely agree with the earlier
spectral types.
We investigated this further, using a library of syn-
thetic spectra (0.3 m 1.8 m) calculated
by Coelho et al. (2005) to probe the dependence of
the TiO and FeH feature strengths on surface grav-
ity. The library covers a broad range of eec-
tive temperatures (3500 K T 7000 K), metal-
liticies (-2.5 [
] +0.5), and surface gravities
(0.0 log g 5.0). Figure 18 plots two model spectra
over a wavelength region that includes a portion of the
visible and very near-IR (0.65 m 1.0 m) for two
stars with T = 4500 K (roughly a K4-5 per Basri et al.
1997), solar metallicity, and log g values of 3.5 and 4.5.
The lower log g value of 3.5 represents a pued up
, while 4.5 corresponds to a main-sequence star.
The two model spectra were normalized over the same
wavelength region and subtracted to produce the resid-
uals plotted in the bottom panel. The magnitude of the
residuals clearly shows that there is no discernible dier-
ence in the TiO features at 0.71 and 0.85 m between
the spectra with dierent log g values. A similar dif-
ferencing of spectra between the target DQ Tau and the
log g = 3.5 model spectrum ([DQTau - 3.5]) shows that
the strength of the TiO and the FeH absorption features
Using the stellar parameters from Mathieu et al. (1997) of
0.65 M
and 1.6 R
-values for Spotted Star Model Fits
Spot Filling Factor M0V
+M6Vsp M1V
+M6Vsp M0V
+M7Vsp M1V
(fs) (A
=0.97, 2.13) (A
=0.97, 2.13) (A
=0.97, 2.13) (A
=0.97, 2.13)
0.1 5.82, 1.17 2.48, 1.02 6.42, 1.32 2.86, 0.95
0.2 4.32, 0.92 1.58, 1.37 5.42, 1.09 2.22, 1.10
0.3 2.88, 0.94 0.84, 2.07 4.33, 0.93 1.58, 1.40
0.4 1.59, 1.37 0.38, 3.27 3.16, 0.92 0.97, 1.95
0.5 0.65, 2.46 0.37, 5.22 1.97, 1.21 0.51, 2.95
0.6 0.35, 4.63 1.18, 8.27 0.92, 2.11 0.40, 4.75
and no infrared excess. The veiling measurements for all
epochs with moderate spectral resolution are presented
in Table 4 and Figure 23. Based on the strengths of the
accretion indicators, we know that the magnitudes of the
periastron accretion ares vary from passage to passage.
Therefore, it is not surprising to see in Figure 23 that the
veiling is not always the highest at periastron for all lines
measured. The same can be said for the veiling outside
periastron passage where the values also uctuate and
indicate that, for some lines, the veiling can remain high
through much of the orbit. Despite the range of values
measured for veiling at periastron, a general trend sug-
gests that veiling is consistently higher at periastron than
the rest of the orbit.
The formation of the molecular absorption features
within cool spots indicates the potential for variability in
the strengths of the 0.85 and 0.88 m TiO and 0.99 m
FeH bands in DQ Tau due to the rotation of the stars
and evolution of the spots (Herbst & Levreault 1990;
Berdyugina et al. 1992), in addition to veiling of the
features and the potential for heating during accretion
events. In Figure 24, we present 15 epochs of DQ Tau
spectra for which we have data on both the TiO and FeH
bands, plotting the percent dierence between a DQ Tau
reference spectrum taken at apastron ( = 0.500) during
an apparent quiescent accretion phase and each of the
spectra that show clear evidence for variability in both
the continuum shape and strength of spectral features.
Visual inspection of these spectra reveal signicant vari-
ations in the strength of the TiO features, but less so
for the FeH feature. The shape and depth of the fea-
tures are roughly consistent for observations outside of
20 Bary & Petersen
Fig. 21. Same as Figure 20, this gure shows a slightly better t for a spot size of 50%.
Veiling Measurements by Orbital Phase
Orbital r
Phase 0.99 m 1.169 m 1.183 m 1.189 m 1.244 m 1.264 m 1.588 m 1.673 m 1.676 m 2.117 m 2.206 m
0.402 0.52 0.73 1.25 0.68 0.64 0.80 0.66 1.26 1.01 1.73 1.58
0.466 0.45 0.76 1.19 0.78 0.71 1.26 0.70 1.81 0.04
0.539 0.46 0.85 1.56 1.02 0.75 0.88 0.91 1.76 1.78 2.03 1.75
0.546 0.48 0.83 1.47 0.98 0.77 0.95 0.98 1.72 1.95 2.33 1.63
0.666 0.49 0.81 1.85 1.03 0.76 0.93 1.10 1.58 1.97 1.95
0.961 0.56 1.09 1.09 1.84 1.10 1.17 1.01 1.59 2.23 2.43
0.962 0.52 1.19 1.00 1.90 1.09 1.14 1.08 1.72 2.17 2.42
0.963 0.56 1.05 1.45 1.25 0.89 1.01 0.86 1.91 2.36 2.40 2.13
periastron passes, with the exception of = 0.372 and
0.433. In general, the largest variations in the strengths
of both the atomic and molecular features coincide with
epochs when the star is experiencing an increase in accre-
tion activity. The TiO bands weaken signicantly during
epochs in which the accretion indicators are in or near
a are state, including the two exceptional are epochs
taken near apastron. However, one epoch very near pe-
riastron ( = 0.897) shows little evidence of variation
from the reference spectrum and thus retains a strong
TiO band. Interestingly, the increase in strength of the
Ca ii and H i features should correlate with a lling
in of the TiO features due to veiling associated with the
accretion activity.
The majority of the data that includes both the TiO
and FeH bands are low resolution CorMASS spectra,
making dicult a simultaneous measurement of the veil-
ing in both the TiO and FeH features. Establishing a
continuum level in order to measure the strength of the
TiO features also increases the uncertainty in such a mea-
surement. In addition, a measurement of the strength of
the TiO band is complicated by the contribution of the
Ca ii emission features residing within the TiO band,
which increases the uncertainty in the measurement of
the TiO feature and the estimate of its variability. As-
suming that the variation in the strength of the feature is
due solely to veiling and after smoothing over the calcium
features, we estimate r
to be 0.4 during epochs in
the quiescent phase of the orbit ( = 0.404, 0.460, and
0.530) for which we have SpeX observations, and con-
servatively estimate a lower limit of r
0.6 and an
upper limit of 1.0 for the heightened accretion activity
occurring in the periastron passages observed with Cor-
Accretion and Spots in DQ Tau 21
Fig. 22. Same as Figure 20, this gure shows a poor t for a spot size of 10% for A
= 0.97. However, modestly good ts are found
for the higher values of visual extinction.
Fig. 23. Plot of veiling, r