Life Under Sun: Dead Flies and Snake Charmers: More
Life Under Sun: Dead Flies and Snake Charmers: More
Life Under Sun: Dead Flies and Snake Charmers: More
*March 10-16
Dead Flies and Snake
Charmers: More Life
Under the Sun
Read for This Weeks Study: Ecclesiastes 10.
Memory Text: Dead flies putrefy the perfumers ointment,
and cause it to give off a foul odor; so does a little folly to one
respected for wisdom and honor (Ecclesiastes 10:1, NKJV).
y this time, as far as we are in Ecclesiastes, it should be clear
that its difficult to find a unified flow of thought. That doesnt
mean there arent unified thoughts; its just not easy to find
the flow of those thoughts; that is, it doesnt progress from one
thought to another and to another in any kind of systematic flow. At
least, it doesnt seem to.
Nevertheless, important ideas and thoughts are there, all well worth
our study, especially when studied in comparison with the rest of the
This weeks lesson also could have been titled Thoughts, Words,
Actions, for it deals with all three. Solomon talks about our thoughts,
he talks about our words, and he talks about our actions, though not
exactly in that order. Of course, in one sense, if you cover thoughts,
words, and actions, theres isnt much left, is there?
With his powerful poetic style, Solomon gives us more to ponder.
Though we have to work our way through the thoughts of this chap-
ter, when we do we can see that theres a lot of meat here, a lot of prac-
tical wisdom that would do us all well to heed carefully.
*Study this weeks lesson to prepare for Sabbath, March 17.
SUNDAY March 11
Dead Flies
Ecclesiastes 10:1 really needs to be read along with Ecclesiastes
9:18, at least the last clause. Though not saying exactly the same thing,
Ecclesiastes 9:18 helps clarify the principle found in 10:1, which is
no matter how much good one does, a stupid mistake can so spoil it all.
Last week we talked a little about how in this life we have to make
the choices that will, in the end, determine our eternal destiny. But
many times our choices also have much more immediate conse-
quences. How often someone can, in a weak and unguarded moment,
make a choice that brings sudden and painful consequences. What
makes these events even more tragic is that so often those who make
those wrong choices can be good people, faithful and honorable
souls who, as we all do, slip and fall. In one sense the more honorable,
exalted, and esteemed the person is, the more responsibility upon that
person to weigh his or her decisions carefully.
Below are a few biblical examples of good folk making bad choices.
What caused these people to stumble, and what were the results of
their folly?
Gen. 3:6
Exod. 32:1-4
2 Sam. 11:1-4
A man works many years for the Lord only to, in a weak moment,
make a mistake, perhaps a moral fall, and thensuddenlyhis min-
istry is, if not ruined, then certainly damaged. Whether right or not,
this harsh consequence is a reality, one that should cause us all,
regardless of our position, to walk carefully and circumspectly. In all
the biblical accounts listed above, the Lord obviously forgave these
people; how much more so should we, then, forgive those who have
violated a sacred trust. But forgiveness doesnt automatically mean
that the damage is undone; most times it isnt. How easily a few dead
flies can stink up a whole jar of scented oil!
Whoever you are, whatever your position in the church, think
about the negative consequences that could occur if you were to
violate a trust. Watch and pray before you act!
I Have to Teach Tomorrow . . .
Key Text: Ecclesiastes 10:1
Teach the Class to:
Know: Faith and actions are inseparable.
Feel: Gods invitation to reflect the fruit of the Spirit in all our inter-
Do: Righteous thoughts lead to right actions.
Lesson Outline:
I. Love Mercy (Eccles. 10:1-4, 8, 9, 11-14)
What can we do to avoid being foolish? (2 Chron. 1:10, Job 11:6, Ps.
51:6, Prov. 1:3, 2:6).