This document is a newsletter from the Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy with Calary. It provides information on upcoming events including the official opening of a new Parish Centre, farewell events for the Rectory Cottage, and fundraising efforts for repairing the church tower in Calary. It also lists church services, officials, and notes of thanks to volunteers and musicians in the parish.
This document is a newsletter from the Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy with Calary. It provides information on upcoming events including the official opening of a new Parish Centre, farewell events for the Rectory Cottage, and fundraising efforts for repairing the church tower in Calary. It also lists church services, officials, and notes of thanks to volunteers and musicians in the parish.
This document is a newsletter from the Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy with Calary. It provides information on upcoming events including the official opening of a new Parish Centre, farewell events for the Rectory Cottage, and fundraising efforts for repairing the church tower in Calary. It also lists church services, officials, and notes of thanks to volunteers and musicians in the parish.
This document is a newsletter from the Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy with Calary. It provides information on upcoming events including the official opening of a new Parish Centre, farewell events for the Rectory Cottage, and fundraising efforts for repairing the church tower in Calary. It also lists church services, officials, and notes of thanks to volunteers and musicians in the parish.
087-9480317 Layreaders: Caroline Tindal Michael Croly Parish Administrator: Karen Reynolds 087-2866889 Parish Websites: PARISH INFORMATION NEWS SHEET Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy with Calary PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 2 FromtheRectorsDesk Dear Parishioners, It is really happening - the long wait is nearly over and soon we will be handed the key to our new Parish Centre. I know there is a lot to be done on site but the builders have assured us that all will be ready for us to move in as we begin the autumn and leave the summer behind. The official opening has been fixed for Sept 27th in the afternoon when the Archbishop will ask God to consecrate the building for his glory and the benefit of this community. The Centre will be functioning from late August/early September and I hope you will feel that this is your facility and that you will all find various things happening there which you can be involved in. The opening of the Centre means that we say bye bye to the cottage as it has functioned for the past 6 years. We hope you will drop in to that final celebration and in doing so you will be supporting our steadily-growing youth and children's work in the parish. Apart from the new Parish Centre life goes on and lots of things need to be attended to within our Parishes. The repair of the Church Tower in Calary is a big undertaking for the parishioners. Great efforts are being made to raise the necessary funds to complete this essential work. A very successful sale was held in the Grainstore, Kilruddery on May27th. Organised by Elizabeth Evans and a great team from Calary the sale exceeded all expectations. The beautiful weather added greatly to the carnival atmosphere. We are indebted to lord and Lady Ardee and the Brabazon family for their generous hospitality in allowing the use of their ideal facilities for the sale. Please note that the Sunday services in Newtownmountkennedy and Newcastle are united for July and August and are at 11.30am. and the calendar on the back pages gives the venue for each service. I hope you will make a special effort to travel to worship even if not in your usual Church. I hope you all find some time to enjoy some period for holiday and relaxation during the summer. The Sunday School teachers will be back on duty in September and we also look forward to the sweet voices of the Junior Choir during the next term. Sincere thanks to Karen Kissane and her team for their work with the Sunday School and to Joan Dempsey and her helpers for all they are doing with the Junior Choir. The Parish Choir, under Andy's guidance, has been very committed to their singing and all will now have a little time to relax. Thank you for all you put into your work and we hope you will encourage us by your presence at worship even when taking a break from official duties. With every good wish to all, William PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 3 Easter Vestry Newcastle& Newtownmountkennedy Rectors Churchwarden Newcastle: Billy Smith Peoples Churchwarden Newcastle: Ed Power Rectors Churchwarden St Matthews: Ian Fleming Peoples Churchwarden St Matthews: Doug Hatton Glebe Wardens: Mervyn Garrett, James Norse Select Vestry Members: Andy Sleeman (Hon Treasurer), Margaret Murphy (Hon Secretary) Marjorie Stokes, Michael Pettigrew, Maurice Madden, Karen Reynolds, Peter Johnston, Jean Harris, Gillian ONeill, Erika White, Edie Wheatley, Caroline Tindal Parochial Nominators: Peter Johnston, Gillian ONeill, Karen Reynolds Synodspersons: James Norse, Karen Reynolds RECTORSHOLIDAYS William will be off-duty from 28th July. Back on duty on 12th August. In case of emergency please phone Karen at 087-2866889 (Withhumbleapologiestothosewhowereleft out intheMayPINS) St FrancisNS Good Luck and Best Wishes to our Sixth Class Rebecca Stewart Laura Stewart Melanie Williams Lainey Magee Baker Sarah Byrne Sarah Jennings Leah Herman Meghan Gallagher Cathrine McCullagh Zara Herdman Joshua Fromholz James Fortune Jamie Plant Mark Norse Ronan Cullen PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 4 Baptismat Newcastle 25th May 2014 Donncha Patrick Thornton, son of Alan and Siobhan, 27 Garden Village Court, Kilpedder, Co Wicklow. Donncha's christening took place in the open air on Rogation Sunday, under the beaming sunshine and to the sound of happily barking dogs and noises of the various animals attending the service with their owners. Congratulations to Alan and Siobhan and we pray that little Donncha will bring them lots of joy and happiness and eventually make the promises personal to follow in the path of Jesus for his life. Coffeeat theCottage Coffee will continue every Tuesday morning from 10.30am in the cottage, finishing up with a special Goodbye to the Cottage Coffee Morning on 12th August. Everyone who has ever had occasion to visit the cottage is invited to drop in that morning for an event to say farewell to the well-loved little house. Funds raised will go towards youth work in the parish. Coffee will resume in September in our new sitting room in the Parish Centre. CottageLunch Our final lunch in the cottage will take place on Thursday 24th July, so book early for this special occasion. Usual price of 10 per person. No lunch in August. CottageonSundays The cottage will be open during morning service in Newcastle through July and the first half of August, should parents want to take their little ones out of church. FromTheTreasurer Thank you to the 25 parishioners who have returned the completed CHY4 tax certificates to me to date. This is almost half the expected certificates returned. Please, if you have not returned yours, would you do so as soon as possible so I can make the claim to Revenue. This will make a big difference to Parish finances. TriptoCarrickfergus The trip to Carrickfergus and the Titanic exhibition was a great success. A lot of laughter and not one moanan ideal group of travellers. (See opposite) Roll on the next trip. Did I hear Scotland suggested? PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 5 TimeOut The Time Out prayer group will meet in the cottage on the first Tuesday in July at the usual time of 8.30pm. There will be no meeting in August. Important DateFor Your Diary The Official Opening of the new Parish Centre will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 27th September. Put it in your diary. TriptoChessington 31 recent confirmees and members of the youth club, accompanied by 4 adults, are off to Chessington on Wednesday 20th August. Fingers crossed for good weather. Choir News The choir is now on Summer holidays. Thank you to all the choir members who have enriched our worship during the past months. We will resume practices on Monday September 1st and new members will be very welcome, particularly Sopranos and Basses. We will be rehearsing for the opening of the Parish Centre and Harvest during September. TheCarrickfergusGroup MeetingSelect Vestry- Tuesday15thJ ulyat 8pm, McLeanRoom PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 6 Goodbye to the Cottage Cof f ee Morning Tuesday 12th August f rom10. 30am at Rectory Cottage J oin us to say f arewell to the little cottage which has served us so well f or the last 6 years Funds raised will go towards youth work f or the children and teenagers in our parish PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 7 MusicinCalary The Cassiopeia Wind Quintet will perform in Calary Church at 8pm on Thursday 24 July. The Quintet is made up of Matthew Manning (oboe), Catriona Ryan (flute), Deirdre O'Leary (clarinet), Cormac O hAodain (French horn) and John Hearne (bassoon). We will also welcome Musici Ireland (Beth McNinch, viola, Vourneen Ryan, flute & Diane Marshall, harp) who will be performing on Thursday 21 August at 8pm. Tickets are 15 or 12 for concessions and can be booked by emailing [email protected] HeritageWeek Free guided historical tours of Calary Church and grounds will be available between 2pm and 6pm on Saturday 23 rd , Sunday 24 th , Saturday 30 th and Sunday 31 st August to celebrate the 180 th anniversary of the consecration of the church. In addition, there will be a photographic exhibition including images celebrating the last 180 years, both old images and of items of historical interest. To include an image, please contact Eve Holmes on 2819311. There will also be plants and crafts on sale. SundaySchool Sunday School in Calary will continue during the summer months, except when there is Family Service. STOP PRESS Date f or the Diary Fashion Show in Fishers Thursday 11th September at 7. 30pm I n aid of Calary Bell Tower AnEveningwithCatherineFulvio Areally enjoyable evening was had by all who attended the cookery demonstration by Catherine Fulvio at Newcastle Garage on Thursday 26th June in aid of the new Parish Centre. Thanks to Colin Watchorn for a fantastic success . PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 8 Come As You Are Service Newcastle Church 11. 30am Sunday 13th J uly Sunday 27th J uly Very inf ormal service with a dif f erence Flipf lops, shorts, T- shirts welcome For all the f amily Toys and snacks provided CountdowntotheParishCentre CanYouHelp? Weneedthefollowingitemsfor theYouthClubRoom: PlayStation3 IpodDockingStation Beanbags Floor Cushions Indoor SportsEquipment Whiteboards NoticeBoards Craft Items If youhaveanyof theseitemsinGOODASNEW conditionand wouldliketodonatethem, pleasecontact Karen087-2866889 PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 9 PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 10 EnrollingNow! Locatedat thenewParishCentre, ChurchLane, Newcastle Lovelypurpose-built premises Veryexperiencedstaff team OpeningFriday29thAugust 2014 2yrstoPrimarySchool Age ECCE andpart-timeplacesavailable I nformationandEnrolment formsfrom: [email protected] or PhoneKaren: 087-2866889 CastleKidz Playschool PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 11 Please send any items for inclusion in September PINS to: [email protected] Itemsmust bereceivedbyMONDAY 25thAugust for publication SERVICES IN AUGUST SERVICES IN AUGUST SERVICES IN AUGUST DATE CHURCH TI ME ? SERVI CE READI NG Sunday 3rd Calary St Matthews 9.30 11.30 CT CT MP MP Isaiah:55:1-5 Romans9:1-5 Matt. 14:13-21 Sunday 10th Calary Newcastle 9.30 11.30 CT CT MP MP 1Kings:19:9-18 Romans10:5-15 Matt. 14:22-33 Sunday 17th Calary St Matthews 9.30 11.30 JMcC JMcC MP MP + Holy Baptism Isaiah:56:1, 6-8 Romans11:1-2, and29-32 Sunday 24th Newcastle Calary 11.30 19.00 WB WB HC Songs of Praise Romans12:1-8 Sunday 31st Calary St Matthews 9.30 11.30 WB WB MP MP Romans12:9-21 Matt. 16:21-28 PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0 12 DATE CHURCH TI ME ? SERVI CE READI NG Sunday 6th Calary St Matthews 9.30 11.30 WB WB MP MP Romans7:15-25 Matt. 11:25-30 Sunday 13th Calary Newcastle 9.30 11.30 WB WB MP Come As You Are Romans8:1-11 Matt. 13:1-9, and18-23 Sunday 20th Calary St Matthews 9.30 11.30 WB WB HC HC Romans8:12-25 Sunday 27th Calary Newcastle 9.30 11.30 WB WB MP Come As You Are + Holy Baptism Gen. 18:1-10 Luke10:38-42 Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday, with prayer for the sick, at 10.30am in St Matthews, followed by a cup of tea / coffee in the McLean Room. All welcome! SERVICES IN J ULY SERVICES IN J ULY SERVICES IN J ULY PDF Creator - PDF4Free v3.0