Thematic Tafsīr (Heavenly Hues) (Haadi)
Thematic Tafsīr (Heavenly Hues) (Haadi)
Thematic Tafsīr (Heavenly Hues) (Haadi)
7. There is a share for men and a share for women from what is let by parents and those nearest related,
whether the property be small or large.
First ayah which discusses issue of inheritance directly
very clear about the shares of men and women should not be mixed and should have each their
own share from their parents and their relatives
Allah subhanahu wa taala says: regardless of the amount. They are eligible for the inheritance.
In Jahiliyyah, Inheritance was exclusive monopoly for the men
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April 18, 2008
Women now for the first time in history shared in part of the inheritance
Naseeb Mafrood: portions ordained by Allah
Surah An- Nisaa
4: 11/12, 4:19, 4:29, 4:30-33, 4:176
o Women used to be inherited, but Allah made it Haram
o A man is responsible for the female members of society. it is his responsibility to maintain the family.
o Allah subhanahu wa taala has given 1 share for the woman, and 2 shares for the male- 1 share to put it in his pocket,
the other share goes to him to take care of his sister. itd be fair and just.
o And if no children, in this case parents will take the whole estate, however, mother will take 1 third and the rest goes to
the father.
o Allah subhanahu wa taala made it haram to inherit women! you are FORBIDDEN from this!
o What if the woman desires to be inherited? This ayah brings a condition which was common in the society.
o an abrogated Ayah; before the brotherhood would inherit, but now this has been abrogated, and it
goes to the blood family instead.
o The ones who had a pledge, this was abrogated later in surah al Anfaal.
o final ayah is a final reminder about inheritance
-al kalalah- man or woman leaving no father or mother or children and they arent married. It would go to their brothers and
F. Rules Of Engagement
o Jumhoor al mufasereen- this trust is allegiance given to the khalifah - and in return you receive justice
Repetition of wa aTeeoo for Allah and the Messenger, and no repetition for Ulul Amr
Because obedience to Allah and His Messenger is means absolute obedience
When it comes to obedience to Ulul Amr then this is subject to the previous two
categories because if they disobey Allah and His Messenger, then you cannot obey
Ulul Amr = the Scholars and the Political Leaders
o Ibn Taymiyyah said who is the most worthy of being in the position of authority: he should be
the most skillful and be surrounded by righteous people.
4:115, 4:65, 4:74, 4:75
4:86, 4:88
o Hypocrites will always be there, but if they make their Kufr manifest, then you fight them.
o You never label a person as such, it is not up to you, and it is only up to Allah
o So all kinds of whispering are bad, except what is done as Sadaqah, and Amr bil-Maroof
o You cannot whisper in a group of three, except with permission!
o Same with speaking a foreign language while others dont understand
There are three permissible lies:
1. During the war to deceive the enemy
2. Between the husband and the wife, say a food is made, its ok to say good.
a. Not necessarily among friends, as the culture between husband & wife is very diff. than
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
3. Lies that help to reconcile between two conflicting parties.
o Ulama had four main axis of the Quran
1. Tawheed and Theology
2. Commandments and law
3. History and tales
4. Ethics and Morality ( Mannerism and Social Life)
Section 1: Tawheed and Theology
A. The Concept of God
(When studying for exam, make sure to memorize titles, subtitles and try to memorize ayaat!)
How does the Quran explain the concept of God?
His Oneness
Ayat al-Kursi: Allah identifies himself
From the root: , from love, out of love, you submit to something, and you obey
them, and that is worship
Greatest Names of Allah, if you call upon them, Allah will answer you, most say it is
Allah Himself, some say it is al-Hayy al-Qayyum, etc.
They say Allah because you usually refer to Him as such
How do we know Allah?We have the verbal Ayat we know that Allah is only One
and then we have to Visual Ayaat like the creation that shows us that Allah is One.
Impossibility of Multiplicity
Anbiyaa: 22
God cannot be more than one
Anaam: 19
Al Maidah: 73
An nahl: 51
Al Hashr 22-24
Worship Him Alone
Al faithah 5
Al baqarah 21
Surah al Baqarah- 21
o What is the signifcane of this ayah? It is the FIRST command in the sequence of the
mushaf, and that first ayah is the command to worship ALLAH Azza wa Jal.
o command to worship ALLAH Azza wa Jal.
o It says O MANKIND. It doesnt say o you who believe. Its about mankind in general.
Worship your Lord! It didnt say: worship your God. Why would you worship Him?
because He is the Creator, He gives you good, prevents evil away from youthese
are Attributes of Lordship. That is why we say: worship your Lord.
o That was not the first command ever revealed- Iqra was. This is the first command in
the order of the mushaf.
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April 18, 2008
o 89:5:
Summarizes the concept of Law. All the commands that you see in the Quran
Concept of the command, whole concept of law in shariah, is to manifest sincerity to your
Lord in worship. And that is indeed the right and straight religion.
If someone claims they believe in Allah but dont worship Him Azza wa Jal, what is the
value of this? Nothing. You HAVE to worship Allah subhanahu wa taala. Alhamdullilah
rectifying mistakes has been made easy for us.
He cannot be questioned
Anbiyaa 23
If you can subject God to questioning, question God, then He is not God.
Surah Al maidah: 1
One of the High Attributes of ALLAH Azza wa Jal: Al Mutakabir- arabic text is actually arrogant.
In human perception, this is sign of deficiency. Except when it comes to Allah subhanahu wa
taala. Allah deserves to be so because ALLAH is the LORD. You cannot question Allah
subhanahu wa taala about this.
He cannot be seen (in this world)
Anaam 103
If you can see God, then he is not God
The most Merciful severe in punishment
Al Maidah: 98
Why punishment here first, everywhere else mercy comes first. This is for the ones
who rely on mercy only all the time
B.Articles of Faith
An Nisaa: 136
o From this Ayah we learn that Belief itself is an action, not just a claim
Al hadeed 22-23
o First Ayah doesnt include Qadr, it is in the following Ayahs
If Allah knows that you will choose guidance, Allah will make it easy for you.
If you Allah knows you will choose misguidance, Allah will make that easy for you.
Whatever achievement youve made, its because Allah facilitated it for you
The best way is the middle way
True righteousness is following the commandments of Allahmaking Halal, Halal,
and making Haram, Haram.
o How should we use al qada wal qadr: says in this vesre: le Kaylaatakum.
Its not about YOU. its about what Allah subhanahu wa taala has allowed to happen to you.
If it wasnt for Allah subhanahu wa taala Who made circumstances to happen to you, you wouldnt
have been in that place! Dont be in grief and sorrow, be in moderate happiness and sadness. If you
exaggerate, youre going to fall into path of being arrogant or desperate from Mercy of Allah
subhanahu wa taala.
J. Parables of the Quran
The Many Parables of the Quran:
-Mostly about aqeedah and tawheed
-for us to reflect upon
-you need to acquire knowledge in order to understand the parables
-Allah is NOT ashamed to bring a parable of even a mosquito!
-depends on the reaction of the people and the ones who want to be guided will be, etc.
And if all the trees on Earth were pens and the sea (were ink) with 7 seas behind it to add
to its (supply), yet the words of Allah would be exhausted. Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, All
Wise. (Luqman: 27)
-Never assume you are most knowledgeable
-it makes you more objective
-Ar-Rad: 17
-water that gushes down = truth and falsehood is whats being destroyed
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They think that every cry is against them
The Resurrection
-Til when they have carried a heavy-laden cloud, We drive it to a land that is dead, then
We cause water (rain) to descend thereonSimilarly, We shall raise up the dead, so that
you may remember or take heed. (Al-Araaf: 57)
Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement (Al-Hadid: 20)
A goodly word as a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixedAnd the parable of an evil
word is that of an evil tree uprooted from the surface of earth having no stability. (Ibrahim:
If you throw something evil at it, what will drop down will always be sweet
Evil try: colocynth tree
Example of the believer who recites the Quran
-Example of hypocrite who recites Quran: tastes bad but smells good
-Example of munafiq who doesnt recite Quran: tastes bad and smells bad
-These false deities cannot create (even) a fly (al-Hajj: 73)
The likeness of those who take Awliya (protectors and helpers) other than Allah is as the
likeness of a spider who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of
houses is the spiders house; if they but knew. (al-Ankaboot: 41)
-the house is weak physically but also socially!
-socially the house (family) is weak because after madding, the black
widow (female) eats the male
-you are responsible for the baby? Then you should help feed it too!
-Its better to have 1 master, not multiple
-the authority and message is diluted
-light of guidance, not light of Allah
Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The parable of His light is as (if there were)
a niche and within it a lamp, the lamp is in glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from
a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow
forth (of itself), though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to His light whom
He wills, and Allah sets forth parables for mankind, and Allah is All-Knower of everything.
(An-Noor: 35)
Olive oil is shining, beautiful, bright oil
Light upon Light (Noorun Ala Noor)
Surrounding the fire with glass/crystal so that it reflects
The crystal itself has its own shining effect
The fuel used is taken from an olive tree, the real olive oil is already shining
The quality of the oil is from a tree which is in the center of the field (always
exposed to the sun), good exposure to the sun = good oil
The oil is almost lighting up and shining even though it hasnt been
touched by fire
Axis of the Quran:
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
Commandments and Law
A. The Concept of Obedience
1. Obedience of Allah
And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy. (Aali Imran: 132)
-Obey Allah and the Messenger (absolute)
-but obedience to anyone else is not absolute and blind following
-whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah
-you are obligated to obey your parents
-its natural to be nice and kind to your kidsbut for kids, they are often in
need of reminder to be nice to their parents
-Worship Allah and Allah alone and be good to your parents
-greatest sin = Shirk
-second greatest sin = to disobey your parents
-Obey parents in everything so long as its not disobedience to Allah
-So keep your duty to Allah and fear Him as much as you can; listen and obey; and spend in
charity, that is better for yourselves, and whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, then they
are the successful ones. (At-Taghabun: 16)
-There is no excuse to sin
-abstinence from sin
-Abstinence is easy; just stay away from it!
-For waajibaat: extra effort
Truly Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves. (Al-
Baqarah: 222)
-When you come to the masjid, you should be clean and pure
-Which none can touch but the purified
-O members of the family (of the Prophet), and to purify you with a thorough purification (Ahzab:
-In Granadas Inquisition, they would persecute/prosecute even if you had a sign of being a Muslim
-they would even be tortured for smelling good!
-the way of cooking = different; Muslims used olive oil and Christians used lard
-Spiritual purification
-Zakah purifies each individual
-Tayammum = afternative when you have no water
-you dont have to roll in dirt like Ammar bin Yasir (ra) did
-And your garments purify! (Al-Muddathir: 14)
-Bani Hashim is always little in number
-Prophet (saw)s family is always small in number
-If people really are Syeds (and how do you confirm this) then they dont get a special status
-they cannot accept Zakah however
Story of Sheikh Yaser Birjas (Special Question asked by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi had a special question to Shaykh Yaser Birjas, which was broadcasted in our
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
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Heavenly Hues class:
"Fellow Haadians, I welcome you all to this beautiful class being taught by our beloved Sheikh and brother,
Sheikh Yasir Birjas.
Believe me, it gives me great jealousy that you are attending this class right now, I wish that I could be
sitting in your seat right here and now to benefit from the prose and wisdom that our dearly beloved Sheikh
and brother in Islam, Sh. Yaser Birjas is giving all of you.
My question to you my dear Sheikh is: can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and about your path
and journey to Islam, and how you ended up studying Islam and going to the University of Medina? What
are the major scholars you studied with and your favorite subject that you took, some of the anecdotes of
your personal life, especially the time you spent with our dear Sheikh Muhammad ibn Salih al Uthaymeen,
do you have any stories that truly inspires you?
My request to my fellow Haadians is, beacuse I won't be there to take the answer from our Sh. Yasir Birjas,
can you please post the answers on the forums so that all of us can benefit from what he has to say.
Lastly, I advise all of you to "milk" as much as you can out of Sh. Yaser Birjas and benefit from his wisdom.
Really and truly, he is one of the greatest source of inspiration and blessings that I, personnaly, have in this
May Allah azza wa jal increase him and all of us in their benefit, barakah and knowledge."
Below is a quick transcription of what he said please forgive me for the mistakes and for what I
couldnt take down.
We ask Allah 'Azza wa Jal to accept from our scholars.
As you know, subhanAllah, every individual has his own moment is life that directed towards this path. I
personally remember being in the masajid since I was around 11/12 years old. I joined the masajid in such
an early age. Masajid in Muslim countries always full with activities. My coming to the dawah field was
during the month of Ramadan. Such a blessing from Allah subhanahu wa taala.we were going to masjid
just like the Ramadan on getting into the masjid, we saw on the side there was a library, all kids
jumping, enjoying their timeas kids, we were so curious. All of a sudden one brother came out, with ea
beautiful smile and said, would you like to come in?
We felt kind of shy so he said come on inso we got in. Alhamdulliah I never got out out of that.
We got in there and joined those kids, and we never got out. they were learning about seerah.we start
coming everyday, Ramadan finished, just like anybody else, we went back to our old habits for a few days.
At some point, one brother came in and he said to me, theyre missing you in the masjid. subhanAllah at
that time it hit me, why should we stop? We started joining againsince then, became active in the dawah
I learned many dawah techniques the hard way. Being a childgrowing up teenagerlearned a lot of
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techniques how to deal with older people, harsh situations, however, studying Islam was never my idea
of being a profession, it was just a hobby. Its a lifestyle, not a profession
Therefore I continued with my own passions for engineering. Started with electronic engineering after
graduation. Studied for 1.5 years, I live din Kuwait, taking many classesAlhamdullilah I was very good in
sciences in general
In 1990 when Saddam invaded Kuwait, everything came to a stop. I was unable to continue my studies.
It was a time for contemplation, looking for an idea in what we need to do things change suddenly that
developed another passion in my heart. Thats when I started thinking seriously as studying
shariahincreasing my eman and knowledge about the deen. After the war in 1991, I got a chance
Alhamdullilah to go for Umrah, apply for Madinah, and I didnt expect to be acceptedbut Alhamudllilah we
were accepted
Studying in Madinah Alhamdulilah in madinah there are an abundance of mashaiekh. It is up to you to go
and benefit, or to leave and gain nothing. Alhamdulilah we had opportunity to benefit from mashaiekh.
One thing I learned from this, and I want you also to consider that. When you hear an opportunity that there
is a shaykh coming to give a lecture, seminarwhatever activity, dont let people discourage you. Wallahi
you will regret that for the rest of your life.
After we finished the first year in Madinah, Shaykh Uthamin rahimahullah lived about 400 mil from Madinah.
After, we asked our senior students who were about to graduate, we think he lives over there [the seniors
told them to go back to their countires to make dawah] for me, it was a disaster. Didnt benefit as much this
summer [for listening to the seniors and not going to study with the Shaykh].
He made decisions no matter how difficult will go to Unayza with Shaykh Uthamin rahimahullah. They went,
group fo students about 4-5 of us, and as we went there we asked for accommodations. The Shaykh and
two buildings at that time, like dorm for students who live there, but we asked permission to get in there and
they said no, sorry, we dont have space for you. so you stay in the masjid, but the food, youre welcome.
We learned later that that was a technique to filter the students. if you cannot endure the hardships, go
home. So we stayed in masjid for almost a week, eating by the mosquitoes. During that week we used to
attend all the programs, and we learned the technique with the Shaykh. During Hajj, Ramadan and so on,
we learned so much from the personal interaction than the academic learning we had in university of
Madinah. The shaykh had a lifestyle that is completely amazing. Never seen a shaykh so active, always
busy teaching subhanAllah, almost all the moments of his life.
For fajr for instance, he doesnt allow students to walk with him from his house to the masjid, he walks by
himself and barefoot. Why? This is sunnah of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam that sometimes you
do so so that youll get a little bit ruff for dhur, asr maghrib and ishaa, students would go and wait for
him by his door. Once he walks out, the halaqaat begins. Students will be walking, carrying with them
recording, for each of them 2-3 minutes theyll read from the book, shaykh explains that, shaykh answers,
next, next nextby the time get to masjid, probably interact with 20 people. Same thing on the way back.
Questions, answers, programs, halaqaat. Hes seen people studying books with the shaykh going back and
forth with him.
After asr explains Riyad as Saliheenm
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After maghirb from sahih Muslim. Between adhan and iqama sahih Bukhari.
During summer: first session: 35 min, second and third 25last session 10 minutes. There are always
some types of beeping when you hear the shaykh giving lecture for the alarm, class end, ..
Makes it easier for the students. once you say 35 minutesetcit makes it easier for you to stay until the
end fo the program.
Had a very sophisticated well organized program, rahmatAllahe alayhe
Whenever you get an opportunity and chance to go attend these programs, dont let someone discourage
you. dont let them say, you dont have to attend it. If you think you can benefit, Bismillah, go ahead and
That second year, he felt so guilty about the previous year. Allahu mustaan..why did we even ask them the
question? We should have gone immediately. Since then, every year we go and interact with the Shaykh,
meet him had a lot of experiences in that local.
One thing also I learned from that experience is that you learn from his manners and etiquette before his
knowledgethe way he is with awwam, with students of knowledge, dignitariesdealing with all these
peopleone time there was a janaza. While he walks, everyone in town knows him. even the bakers,
mechanics, everyone says as salamu alaykum, all the way to the cemetery just giving salamu alaykum.
Even sometimes the shakykh will repeat his salams twice if someone is not paying attention.
Unfortunately, in America we miss that. We dont have resident scholars who live with usyou make sure
you benefit from Shaykh Jamaal Zarabozo (Note: Alhamdullilah the Shaykh moved here recently). Dont
let this opportunity slip from your hand.
My message: please, dont let anyone discourage you from seeking knowledge. Always aspire to go further
in youre education and increase your eman and if you learn something that you practice what you learn.
Wa Allahu taala alam
Q and A with Shaykh:
-Since Shaykh Uthamin rahimahullah did not live in the west, should we still follow his fatawa since some
people say he was not familiar with this area? (the question was something like that)?
The shaykh would know about things going around students would inform him about what is going on. In
the middle of class, the Shaykh would bring information about all around the worldalways being informed.
Sometimes he would call some students who were from specific areas to talk to his students. one time we
were there and the Shaykh realized that here were no students coming from certain areas and he wanted
some of them to inform the students about the condition of the students in his location so he asked one of
them to talk and he spoke for about 25 minutes, and the Shaykh commented about what he heard, how
students should make duaa for each other, etc.
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-Which is better? Finish formal degree here and then go and study shariah, or leave studies, go study
shariah and then come back
Depends on circumstances he explained that both situations may work. Wa Allahu alam
Let me tell you one thing about Shaykh Uthamieen: he liked to laugh so much. He would laugh so much, if
there wasn't a wall, he would have fall over on his back, rahmatAllahe alayhe.
The shaykh personally has adapted his style saying ya jamaathats his rahimahullah. Ya jamaa!
The style of standing is from Shaykh Al Shinqeeti hafidahullahstudents would tell him to sit down when
teaching. No. I feel it is not even halal for me to sit down while I am teaching.
Amazing, these ulema moving around, teaching you the deen.
May Allah subhanahu wat aala reward them for teaching us the deen. And I am carrying their message to
you, so that you may carry it to others biidnillah subhanahu wa taala."
C. Dhikr
Therefore remember me. I will remember you, and be grateful to me and never be ungrateful to
me. (al-Baqarah: 152)
O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify His praises morning
and late afternoon
Aseelah: after Asr and before Maghrib
-remember Allah humbly and w/o loudness
Plan of Action:
Remember Allah in morning and evening; otherwise you will be considered as one of the neglected
Prophet (saw) said: Fear Allah wherever you are
-As human beings we fall short sometimes and make mistakes
-always follow your bad deeds with good deeds
-character is based on your habits!
In the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (Ar-Rad: 28)
-when Prophet (saw) died, the Sahabah were like sheep/lost
-Abu Bakr said to Umar: sit down when Muhammad (saw) died
-Abu Bakr gave his famous speech: Anyone who worshipped Muhammad (saw), know that Muhammad
has died. But whoever worshipped Allah, (know that) Allah is alive and shall never die
-What if you dont feel a connection?
-You need to re-connect, check where you have your connection
-Shaytan distracts you from Dhikr
-You are in a battlefield with Shaytan
-If you love someone and something, they will always be on your mind
-If you love Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) then you should always think about Him and remember Him
-Your speech should be in moderation:
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
-Did you ever feel like you were going to be sick because of all the gossip and socializing you
-But other times, all people talk about is Dhikryou might make others bored
-Moderation = key
-Dont give halaqas in wedding parties
-Taking fromthe Dunya is like digging a hole and you keep going deeper and deeper and
finally when its time to die, you are too deep in the hole
-Anyone who prays Fajr in Jamaah, makes dhikr until the Sun rises, prays 2 rakah = like making Hajj/
-Ibn Taymiyyah used to do this daily
-This was his daily breakfast
-On an individual level we are very weak
-AlMaghrib classes, group Qiyams, etc. wont help us only; the most important thing = individual
-chain is as strong as its weakest link!
-the masjid in Madinah used to sound like a beehive mmm. Because of all the dhikrAllah
-you need to build self-discipline!!!
-Make dua in secrecy and with full humility
-Show the fear, hope and love
-Do not say: Oh Allah, forgive me if you wish
-Dont ask Allah for impossible things
O Allah, make me a superman
-Fear and hope
-You need to use the names that will manifest these attributes of Allah
ex: If you want more money, use Ar-Razzaq
-if you dont know enough of Allahs Names, you need to learn them
Why Would you use these names anyway?
-Etiquette of asking Allah is like you are knocking on someones door
-You dont use any middle person when you are asking Allah for something
-You shouldnt just ask Allah Help me this is rude
-you should praise Him first
-Al-Mumin ayah 60: this ayah constitutes dua meaning worship
Is it not He (Allah swt) who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him
So invoke not with Allah another Ilah (God) lest you be among those who receive
punishment. (ash-Shuara: 213)
-For a believer, every dua should be the sincerest one
-Can we ask Allah to make us of the Saliheen, Siddiquin, Shuhada, etc.
-No this is not transgression!
-If you aim for the highest, inshaAllah if you have fallen short, then you wouldnt fall too
-One Sahabee said: I want to be your companion in Jannah
-Prophet (saw) said: If you want that, increase your number of Sujood
-If you dont make Qiyam al-Layl, you are missing a lot!
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-Does Dua change Qadar?
-Dua can possibly avert Qadar
-Dua can increase age of a person and also good relations with relatives helps too
-Dawah of Nuh (as) was more than 950 years
-the Ambiya made dua for their parents
Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the day when the
reckoning will be established. (Ibrahim: 35-40)
Zakariyyah: asked Allah for a righteous child
-Yoonus (as) was in darkness (plural of darkness)
-darkness of the whale, darkness of the sea, darkness of the ocean, darkness of
the clouds and rain
-Yunus (as) was swallowed by a whale because he left his people
Saturday April 26, 2008
Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem
-Dont destroy the people of Taif because maybe Allah will bring from their offspring some who worship
-Abu Jahl Ikrimah came from his offspring
-you have right to make dua against someone who is oppressing you/hurting you, etc. but its better to ask
for Mercy
-Can you ask for worldly things?
Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort our eyes and make us
leaders for the pious
-Some people criticize others too much and make it a habit to scrutinize small things
-Al-Hashr:101refers to Ansar and Muhajireen
-Focus on yourself and improve yourself
-Ask Allah to forgive you and those who came before you
-Prophet (saw) got protection from Mutim but Mutim would not allow the Prophet (saw) to continue his
-After this incident, after the Prophet lost hope in all the people, Jibril said: Wake up, come on, just get on
this animal (Buraq). They went to Jerusalem and Prophet thought this is it. They passed up the whole
universe and met his Lord Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala); his heart was SO much strengthened; he was
absolutely ready to say it to the public; after Uhud when he was severely injured, he made dua against
them (how come people would be successful after doing this to the Prophets; this was after Hamza (ra) had
been killed
the ayah came down that its not for you to make dua against them/destroy this
-in fact, many like Khalid ibn Waleed and Amr ibn Aas became Muslim
this event changed the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wassalams life forever and made his entire
vision in life different
-Why didnt many people accompany him to at-Taif?
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
-there were only a few believers; maybe 80 or so; he wanted to search for some hope outside of
Makkah; it was in at-Taif
-You cannot be a successful leader outside the home unless you are a leader at home
-you need to have a balance in personal life and professional life
-its a message for your families: if you want to help your spouses become leaders for others, you
need to give them peace and tranquility at home
-What if you do know someone who is a good Quran teacher, has knowledge, etc. but their personal life is
so bad, you know things about them which they do behind their back?
-if its just a matter of information, Iblis would be the strongest Muslim because he knows the most
-its not a matter of knowledge; its a matter of implementation! Its about your Eeman and love of
Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
-personal gem: we see many scholars of Islam at universities who are non-muslims;
probably Orientalists and those who study Islamic culture and history and religion, but its not with
the niyyah (intention) to implement
-Finding an advice in this day is so scarce; what is even more scarce is accepting the advice (Imam
now think about our day
Shaytan will always come to you and say Oh, they think you are incompetent!
dont go with arrogance when you give naseeha!
show mercy on them
its up to them to accept it or not
Heavenly Hues: what does it mean?
-the different colors of the light; they beautify the light
-these are the lights associated with the guidance
E. Charity
-its a purification act because you purify your greed; its a moral and spiritual purification
-there are 70 excuses not to give the charity
-this will definitely purify your heart
-when the imam gives a khutba about fundraising, you say at Dhuhr time, I will give $1000! But
when its time to give the money at Maghrib time, it has gone down to $5!
-when you are giving charity, you are giving a loan to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
-Allah doesnt need your money
-but he needs the taqwa from you
-using interest and usury is haram except with Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala); with Allah (subhanahu
wa ta'ala) you expect a 700% or more percent return (reward)
-we ALL need Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)s reward!!!
-it is up to Allah to increase or decrease your provision
If you lend to Allah a goodly loan; He will double it for you, and will forgive you (at-Taghaabun:
and lend to Allah a goodly loan
-when someone gives charity for the sake of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), Allah will raise this for
them; he will make this more beneficial and make it grow more
-how much exactly do you get from Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)?
The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain (or
corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to
whom He pleases. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures needs, All-Knower. (al-Baqarah:
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April 18, 2008
-you should expect a reward with Allah
-al-Musadiqeen and al-Musadiqaat = those who give Sadaqah (Zakat and alms), men and women
-a woman is allowed to give charity from the money of her husband but obviously its better to ask if
its a big amount
-both men and women have equal opportunity to get reward from Allah
What to Offer as Charity
O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which
we have produced from the earth for you, and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it,
though you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein. And know that
Allah is rich (free of all wants), and worthy of all praise. (al-Baqarah: 261)
-dont give the homeless people the expired cans! Give them what is good
-dont give your interest money as charity! You might say: well, its better that it goes to a
Muslim person; well, first of all, you shouldnt even be dealing with interest in the first place!
Secondly, Allah is GOOD and loves what is GOOD
-its ok to disclose your charity but if you keep it secret, thats better for you
-theres no cheating with Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
-can charity be nullified?
Yes, charity can be nullified:
-dont keep mentioning it or reminding
-dont do it to be seen by others!
-charity can be given to non-Muslims though
Recipients of the Zakah:
-it is exclusively for Muslims
-Fuqara (poor)
-Masakeen (poor)
-both are considered poor but different categories of being poor; poor = one who begs
people (faqir), miskeen is poor but have self-esteem/honor so doesnt go outside and ask
-ameeleena alayhi
-if you know you have a share of it, you will become more protective of it
-you are paid a salary
-then you will protect it more and not just run away with it!
-to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam)
-the person who may be far from Islam because of financial situation
-you should give Zakah immediately
-free the captives
-this was in the time of slavery; Allah wanted to free the slaves
-tanjeem: some of the slaves would strike a deal with the family and work to pay off the
slavery (indentured servitude)
-for those in debt
-fi sabilillah means Jihaad
-not necessarily Hajj because to go for Hajj, you should be able to achieve it
-dawah fields: this is a disputable field
-sheikh Yaser believes fi sabilillahs interpretation should be opened a little bit
especially here in the west (not a lot because its a really controversial thing in
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
-Zakah should strengthen the social bond within the same community itself
-the rich in one community should help the poor in one community
-you should not give $$ overseas until all of the people in your community have been covered
-association in your intentions: does that reduce the reward you get in the Aakhirah or not?
-its a controversial issue with the scholars
-you want to give money for the sake of Allah and for Hereafter, you
-complete and perfect reliance of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
-if you donate your time, what is the reward? (volunteering)
-in our contemporary society, time = money
-Allah knows best but its a good thing to do
F. Clothes
O children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves and as an
adornment, and the raiment of righteousness, that is better. Such are among the ayaat of Allah, that they
may remember. O Children of Adam! Let not Shaytan deceive you, as he got your parents out of paradise,
stripping them of their raiments, to show them their private parts. Verily, he and his tribe see you from
where you cannot see them. Verily, we made the devils protectors and helpers for those who believe not.
(Al-Araaf: 26-27)
-there is physical covering which covers your physical awrah (covers your deficiencies)
-there is a cover of taqwa that covers you morally; errors, mistakes, and covers your moral
-if the person doesnt have the cover of righteousness, he will always remain naked, even if he puts all the
clothes available on Earth
-you will always look naked if you dont have covering of righteousness
-one of the areas of fighting and struggling with Shaytan is the area of human body
-shaytan wants to make the whole life a battlefield
-this is one of the biggest reasons for temptation for men and women in this life
- O Children of Adam! Let not Shaytan deceive you, as he got your parents out of
paradise, stripping them of their raiments, to show them their private parts.
-men try to look buff by exercising; women try to look thin and wear a small amount of
money; the pornography industry is about taking clothes off; clubs are about this also
-first problem that Shaytan created for mankind
-until this day and until day of Judgment, Shaytan will try to use this again
-dont let Shaytan let you get deceived especially on Day of Judgment
-clothes also protect against heat and also in times of war (shields)
-keep your garments purified
Womens Clothes:
And tell the believing women to lower their, and protect their private parts and not to show off their
adornment except only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna and not
to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands fathers, their
sons, their husbands sons, their brothers or their brothers sons, or their sisters sons, or their
(Muslim) women, or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who
lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their
feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O
believers, that you may be successful. (Noor:31)
-the culture of nowadays has changed everything; a 70 year old man might not be included
in this ayah or little kids even know about it earlier
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April 18, 2008
-O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their
cloaks (veils) all over their bodies that will be better; that they should be known (as free respectable
women) so as to not be annoyed. And Allah is ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (al-Ahzaab: 59)
modesty is a practice of other women too (outside of women)
-its not like men are like wolves or animals! Its just in their nature for men to look and then
-women get attracted through speech, personality, etc and looks too but for men, the
primary attraction is physical beauty
-#1 attraction for men = beauty
-when you see a women who is covered (niqaab) you should honor her and encourage her
-And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wedlock, it is no sin on them if they discard their
(outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (keep the Hijab on) is better for
them. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (an-Noor: 60)
-its unfair for parents to not expose girls to Hijab and to give her an environment in the best manner
-they need to be trained to do so
-For women past child-bearing age (menopause time), they can be a little bit relaxed; it doesnt mean to go
-do not show your adornment completely
-Alhamdulillah, Im wild now! LOL
-it should follow the general rule of modesty
-can a brother wear pink thobe? It depends on the culture and is normal to them
-For women, as long as its not a male exclusive dress
-its based on the culture
-Sheikh Yasers opinion is that Muslim women can remove Hijab in front of non-Muslim women too if they
are trustworthy and dont describe them to other women
Clothes in Jannah (Paradise)
therein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine and thick silk.
They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good is the reward, and what an excellent Murtafaqa
(dwelling, resting place, etc.)! (al-Kahf: 30-31)
-whats the significance of the color green?
-even though silk and gold are haram for men in this life, they can wear it in this life
their garments will be of fine green silk, and gold embroidery
-these are only the outer garments; just imagine
Clothes in Jahannam (Hell-Fire)
-this isnt like Fantastic Four where fire on your body is considered cool!
-this fire made of clothes is a sign of deficiency and humiliation
Q & A about clothes
Do Muslim men have to cover their heads?
-when Prophet (saw) wore a turban, what was this?
-it was the culture of the Arabs at that time
-many of them are weak ahadith that speak of the Fardh ruling of kufis
-he asked sheikh Uthaymeen and sheikh Shinqeeti and they believed: you should follow your culture as
long as it does not contradict Shariah
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April 18, 2008
Some conditions for Hijab: Transparent, loose, doesnt describe details of body, color not too bright, doesnt
look like a mans way of dressing, etc.
-public places swimming for women
-red color: are men allowed to wear pure red? You cannot wear Al-Muasfar (this color is the bright bright
red; some say comes from usfur which is bright yellow color)
-if it has any other designs, etc stripes, etc. it should be OK
-is it allowed for a woman to see a male doctor?
-only if there are no women; its better to have a mahram involved
-for emergencies, there is really no option
-it all depends on being trustworthy (man or woman) and being skilled
-As we can see, the Quran covers all aspects of life
-Islam observes culture too
-Islam didnt come to eliminate culture; but Islam does not promote using culture for segregation people
tend to sit with those who look like them and are like them
-dont create a cultural segregation
-we should break the ice between different barriers in Muslim society
-the identity for a Muslim should be Islam, not culture itself
Concept of Food in the Quran:
G. Food
-Allah is the Provider
-How Allah creates food
Then let man look at his food, that we pour forth water in abundance, and we split the earth in
clefts, and we cause therein the grain to grow, and grapes and clover plants, and olives and date-palms,
and gardens, dense with many trees, and fruits and Abba (herbage.), (to be) a provision and benefit for you
and your cattle. (Abasa: 24-32)
-Eating food is a sign of humanity
-they both ate food: showing that they are both humans; if they both ate food, that means they are
human beings
-if you eat food, you will have to use the bathroom
-if you dont find any bathroom, you go to the bushes!
-I have never heard of a divine bathroom LOL
-Look how We make the Ayat clear to them,
if they eat food, they cannot be God
-And We never sent before you (O Muhammad) any of the Messengers but verily, they ate food and
walked in the markets. And We have made some of you as a trial for others: will you have patience? And
your Lord is ever All-Seer (of everything). (Al-Furqaan: 20)
What is Halal and what is Haram?
-this is part of the test
-Allah sent His Messenger (saw) to explain this to us
-O you who believe! Make not unlawful the Tayyibaat which Allah has made lawful to you, and transgress
not. Verily, Allah does not like the transgressors. (Al-Maidah: 87)
-First answer to your question (Why do you wear Hijab? Why do you not eat pork?): Because Allah said so.
if you want to talk about science, etc. then
-Prophet Yaqub is a Messenger of Allah (his name was Israil)
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April 18, 2008
-if you have political disagreements with state of Israel, dont ever insult the name Israel itself
because it is the name of Allahs Messenger
-you are not allowed to make Haram what Allah made Halal; you are not allowed to make Halal what Allah
made Haram
vegetarian: are you allowed to go vegetarian?
-if you just dont like meat, thats OK
-you should speak out against the inhumane way they treat the animals
-but it doesnt mean you can make meat HARAM for yourself
Can you deprive yourself of something which is halal to get closer to Allah?
-righteousness is what is there in the Quran and Sunnah
-this will not make you closer to Allah
-Zuhd means asceticism
-making haram halal and making halal haram is equally bad
-moderation is the best way!!!
Those who believe and do righteous good deeds, there is no sin on them for what they ate (in the past), if
they fear Allah, and believe and do righteous good deeds, and again fear Allah and believe, and once again
fear Allah and do good deeds without Ihsaan (perfection). And Allah loves the good doers. (Al-Maidah:
Halal Food
-This isnt a fiqh class; you already know all the different opinions and this class wont be about the different
debates and opinions!
-trained animals are the only halal weapons to use for hunting
O you who eat of the lawful things that we have provided you with, and be grateful to Allah if it is indeed
He whom you worship. (Al-Baqarah: 172)
Baheematul Anaam
-goats, different breeds, etc.
-when you wear the Ihraam (Hujjaj) you are not allowed to hunt animals or cut trees, etc. (the whole
ecological system will be destroyed); subhanAllah, Islam wants to maintain the system of the environment!
-its permissible for those who live in that area, however
-when you go hunting, you have to say Bismillah and shoot
-according to the Shafee madhab, if you didnt say Bismillah and shoot the animal, it is not halal for
-It is halal to eat the meat of the people of the book
-we wont really get into the debate however
o Blood is haram to consume
o Accidental events = suffocated or accidentally killed itself (ie. the animal)
o Can you eat it? No.
o What if someone intentionally beats the animal? Its a common practice in
You cannot make an analogy based on general exception
-What if its between life and death?
-If its alive and may stay alive for an hour, etc.
-Car is not a means for slaughter!
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April 18, 2008
-You cant Bismillah while running over a deer on the road and saying: Oh, I did a halal slaughter!
-Because here you are smashing the animals
-In some areas of China and Mongolia, they use blood to season food
-you need to cut the meat in the name of Allah
-debatable issue with Ahlul Kitab
-cannot say: Bismika ya Ali or Bismika ya Hussein
-Kosher is even more strict than halal
-if its certified kosher, then its halal! waAllahu alam
-What if something is halal but not tayyib?
-Foods in which they add Wine, even if it will be evaporated, shouldnt be eaten
-How about pregnant animals?
-If you find out its pregnant, try not to slaughter it
-Any food that does not involve meat is halal even if done by Hindus and atheists
-If its part of a religious ceremony then that may be different. waAllahu alam
-fishing is OK even if you are traveling for Hajj in Ihraam
-taaamuhu in Al-Maidah 4-5 you can eat the dead animals from sea
-Hanafi madhab does not allow shrimps and lobster
-you can even eat sharks
-a random brother yells out: But eat it before it eats you!
-can you eat amphibians? (live in land and water)
-is it halal?
-alligators, crocodiles, etc.
-some opinions consider the opinion that its haram
-sheikh Yaser feels its not halal
-snakes = no; snails = Allahu alam (Sheikh Yaser said: Did you guys already eat
everything else so you only have the snails left? )
Etiquette of Consuming Food
-dont waste
-there was a non-profit organization in Madinah which would go to non-profit organizations and get
extra walima food
-they would give it to the needy people in the community mashaAllah
-the system here sometimes encourages food
-waste not extravagantly
-when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken your meal, disperse, without sitting for a
they used to stay longer at Prophet (saw)s house because hey! He is Rasul Allah! But
he would feel shy to tell them to leave when hes tired, etc. so Allah revealed the ayah to
not bother him so much!
There is no restriction on the blind nor any restriction on the lame, nor any restriction on the sick, nor on
yourselves. If you eat from your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or
the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your fathers brothers, or the
houses of your fathers sisters (an-Noor: 61)
Qualities of Food
-when sleepers of the cave woke up, they wanted food
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
-they wanted the best food; they had been hungry for 300 years
-So send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the town, and let him find out which is the
good lawful food, and bring some of that to you. And let him be careful and let no man know of
you. (al-Kahf: 19)
thus, there is a preference in humans for certain foods; but you should never ever
criticize the food
dhab (lizard): the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wassalam didnt want to eat it
-When they give the food, they give it away even though they love it!
We feed you seeking Allah countenance/pleasure ONLY. We wish for no
reward, nor thanks from you. (Insaan: 8-9)
-Allah will not be happy with an arrogant beggar!
-You should not be offended if they dont thank you because you did it for the sake of Allah
-Being stingy is a sin!
Then fasten Him with a chain whereof the length is 70 cubits! Verily he used to not believe
in Allah, the Most Great, and urged not on the feeding of the poor, so no friend has he here
this day, nor any food except filth from the washing of wounds. (al-Haaqqah: 32-36)
What has caused you to enter Hell? They will say: We were not of those who used to
offer their prayers. Nor we used to feed the poor. (al-Muddathir: 42-44)
just give the charity without any conditions; note: the ayah didnt say anything
about giving to Muslim poor only
-Imam Malik liked bananas!!
-he liked it because it reminded him of the descriptions of the fruits of Jannah
-the fruits of Jannah are always available and for his time, bananas never went out of
-some scholars believe that the fruits in Jannah taste like different things in each bite
-4 different kinds of rivers you can drink from:
1) fresh water the taste and smell of which are not changed
2) rivers of milk of which the taste never changes
3) rivers of wine (the good kind! It will not make you intoxicated; it doesnt mean people will
be totally wasted in Jannah lol)
4) rivers of honey
-rivers in Jannah dont need different elevations and trenches; rather, they can just be flowing on
top of the land
In them (both) will be fruits, and date-palms and pomegranates. (Ar-Rahmaan: 68)
-Allah gave examples which Arabs at that time could comprehend
Kas means wine
With cups, and jugs, and a glass from the flowing wine. Wherefrom they will get neither any aching
of the head, nor any intoxication. And fruit; that they may choose. And the flesh of fowls that they
desire. (Al-Waaqiah)
-laa maqthooaa (doesnt go out of season); wa laa mamnooaa (its in your reach)
And they will be given to drink there a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabeel (ginger). (al-Insaan: 17)
It (that wine) will be mixed with Tasneem. (Al-Mutaffifeen: 27)
-in Jannah there are different kinds of wine! Just think: if there are so many brands of wines in this
world, think of how good it will be in Jannah
Food of Jahannam:
-But those who disbelieved will have a drink of boiling fluids and painful torment because they used to
disbelieve (Yunus: 4)
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
-In front of him (every obstinate, arrogant dictator) is Hell, and he will be made to drink boiling, festering
water. (Ibrahim: 16)
And say: The truth is from your Lord. Then whosoever wills, let him believe and whosoever wills, let him
disbelieve. Verily, we have prepared for the wrong doers a fire whose walls will be surrounding them and if
they ask for help they will be granted water like boiling oil that will scald their faces. Terrible the drink and
an evil resting place! (Al-Kahf: 29)
You verily will eat of the trees of Zaqqoom. Then you will fill your bellies therewith, and drink boiling water
on top of it, so you will drink (that) like thirsty camels! (Al-Waaqiah)
Dont eat garlic or raw onion and go to the masjid
-this refers to fresh garlic or onion
Penalty for Stinginessits a sin.
Its one of the attributes of the people of Jahannam
o The ayaat speaking about feeding the poor do not mention their religion
Surahs Al-Haaqqah (32-36), Al-Muddaththir (42-44)
The people didnt give to the poor, nor encouraged the people to do so, thus they had a terrible
punishment in Jahannam and were given food from the washing of wounds
Hadith: On Judgment Day Allah will not speak to these people an arrogant beggar.
The Food of Jannah
Main quality of the food of Jannah: eternal supply, nothing in Jannah is the same, but its name.
o Taste will always be different
o Some said every bite will be different
To drink something, you go to the rivers
o Rivers will be flowing on the surface, and do not need trenches or mountains and they will
be deep
o Always Fresh, never rotten.
Every kind of fruit
o Names are not to show that they are the same thing, just to give you an example of the
different kinds of fruit they will see in Jannah
Whenever Kas is mentioned, refers to wine. 56:18.
Koob will refer to vessel which carries other drinks
Fruit is within reach, never out of season and whenever you desire something, it will come down
to you 56:28-33.
Wine mixed with Zanjabeel [76:17]: there will be different flavors of wine
o What is Tasneem? 83:27. Allahu Alam.
Imam Maliks favorite fruit was bananas because they were always available.
Its provision and its shade are eternal, do not go out of season, always available
The milk rivers taste will never change (will never go bad)
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April 18, 2008
Rivers of wine (not that causes you drunkenness
Rivers of pure honey
Rivers will flow on the surface and still be deep
Meat will be served in Jannah
Date trees and pomegranates
With cups, jugs and glasses
Food of Jahannam
Those who disbelieve they will be drinks of boiling fluid. The discharge from the punishment will
be fluid running like river.
Ma Sadeed: the discharges of Jahannum flowing as a river 14:16.
Those who get next to the boiling liquid, their face will melt.
Like drunken people they will drink, their stomach will vanish away, melt.
Tree of Zaqqoom.
o The tree feeds from all the discharges come down and the roots are nourished from this
and go up into the tree: this is the significance of being at the bottom of the hell
Its flowers will look like the heads of the devils
They will eat from it and fill their bellies with it
It Will cause their bellies to boil
Drinking like thirsty camels, they stick their whole head in the water, and they might kill themselves
drinking the water because their stomachs are not accustomed to absorbing the water so quickly.
Cannot help themselves due to their thirst
They will eat no food except that of the washing of wounds.
Money and Wealth
Man loves his wealth passionately: Dont try to suppress your desire to be rich, it is natural, but
know how to handle wealth.
Fajr 19-20 - wa tuhiboona al mala huban jamma - and you love wealth with much love
Ownership is for Allah: Even if you have it in your possession, it is Allahs, and you should treat is
as such.
o Ta Ha v 6 - everything that is on the earth between and under the soil -
o Munafiqoon 7 - wa lilahee khazain samawatee wal ard
o 20:6: What is beneath the earth? Oil!
It is Allah who made you reach that level of skill, intelligence to become rich: so He made you a
59:7-9: the evil of capitalism
o Too much wealth in the hands of a few
o Inheritance law came to break this monopoly
In order to distribute the wealth evenly
In the DOJ well have to show checks and balances.
Wealth and Social classes
There are levels of who gets rizq but the purpose is trial and testing.
o If you were born in a rich or poor family, it is a test, to show how much patience you
show, and how you react, are you going to be grateful/thankful, etc.
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April 18, 2008
Zukhruf:32: Those who become very resentful about the social class they were born init is not
for you to decide!
Zukhruf:32; the answer to the question of capitalism in Islam,
o If all people were born rich, who would take care of the jobs which are considered very
lowly, but they are very essential.
o This is so that some may employ others in their work.
o At the end, Allah says not to worry about it, because your concern should be the mercy of
o Make your concern the Akhirah and do a good job at whatever youve been assigned.
The Poor have right in the wealth of the Rich, giving zakat is not charity, it is an obligation.
o Does that mean that a poor can come and demand that right from you, in individual? No.
o It is for YOU to give Zakah, and for them to be patient Many people who are rich donate
only with strings attached.
Charity is the right of those who need it, those who accept your charity should be thanked for
accepting it
Sources of wealthmany people neglect the ones mentioned in the Quran:
What is Halal
o What is Tayyib (Good)
o Being thankful for it
o War-booty
o Taqwa: if you try your best to fear Allah and you act upon it, Allah will provide for you.
65:3. For those who fear Allah, He will provide for him from (sources) he could not
imagine. SUBHANALLAH!!!
[Here Shaykh Yaser mentioned his experience as a student in Madinah. Before the students
could run out of money, they would receive scholarships and such that would replenish their
o Seeking forgiveness: Istighfaar
o Being grateful
Moderation: Do not waste anything, and do not be ungrateful for whatever Allah
has given you
o Spending fee sabilAllah; If you spend for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it
How does your wealth increase? Perhaps the cash, or it will be the Barakah and blessing in the
wealth, bargains, etc.
Haraam Sources used to increase the wealth
o Riba (interest) 2:275
You cannot sign any contract with Riba involved whether giving or receiving
Eaters of Riba are like those possessed by Shaytan
Prepare for war with Allah and his Messenger; Riba is the only sin Allah declares war
o Consuming the wealth of the orphans unjustly: results in a fire in the belly in jahannam
and burning in the Fire. 4:10.
It is permissible to take from their wealth to sustain them however.
o Returning the Mahr either by force or by pressure is haram.
The only times you can use the Mahr are when they give it willingly share it with
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
you, or in case of Khula. 4:19.
o Bribery 2:188.
You cant bribe (take others rights in a hospital line) even in a health crisis
o Cheating in sales 83:1-3.
o Stealing from the war booty/embezzlement i.e. adding zeros, taking portions while the
$$$ is in your care.
o Al-Khiyanah: Betrayal the trust
o If you are trusted to hold on to a sealed envelope w/ 10k and you borrow 2k w/out
notifying the owner and something happens to the other 8k (natural disaster for example),
you are responsible for returning the whole 10k. If you dont open the seal, and
something happens (natural disaster for example) you are not responsible at all.
- Amana (trust)
- Wakala (agent) you are responsible for the loss of the money
o Forgery
o Magic and Sorcery, including fortunetelling
Act of kufr
Use of emulates w/ weird marks
Carrying the quran as amulate
Was not practiced by any sahabas; may not be allowed
o Treason
Breaching the covenant
o Learning the deen for the sake of income only by selling suggestions, guidance
o A known figure: some imams salary in the: 65, 70,.110k
Invest and Earn
Islam promotes investment and trade
Dont hold on to the money, otherwise it will get consumed by zakat.
No treasuring, wealth must keep moving, otherwise youll be consumed by Zakah and you wont
stimulate the market and it will become stagnant and there will be an economic crisis.
o Any item for which the Zakat is paid, is not considered Treasure
Invest and Learn
o Prohibition during Salat al Jumuah is because of the time itself, not the person making
the transaction. (There is a difference of opinion regarding who the transactions can be
continued with (non-Muslims); but the Ijma (consensus) is that any money earned in
the time of salaat al-Jumuah is HARAAM.)
Moderation not extravagance 17:29:
Do not spent wastefully in extravagance
All of goodness cannot be extravagance, but extravagance is not good.
Miserliness is haram
Wealth is a fitna and trial.
Money is a test
If you are doing good then you can have extravagance, otherwise its haraam
And let not your hand be tied (like a miser) to your neck. [al-Israa: 29]
o Like an expression of a child holds on to his beloved item as no, its mine.
You are allowed to have and show luxury as long as you dont brag, or arrogance.
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
The keys themselves to his treasure required few men to carry
Wealth is a source of Lavishness and Desires
It is not haram to show your wealth and speak about it (without arrogance)
34:34; Never did we send a warner to a population, the wealthy (mutrafoohaa) among them said we
believe not in the (message) with which you have been sent. Mutrafoohaa- They generally have a
tendency to disobey.
Wealth is to be Safeguarded:
The wife is allowed to take the husbands money secretly to pay the means
If one is very irresponsible with his money he should and be demanded to put hold on his money
Both parties can put a hold on the wealth of the family to protect it
Human values in Times of Dispute
If someone borrows money from you and in the time of due cant provide it, you have the full
right to demand the money back, even if they have to borrow it
Once you let them have it, forgive them, you cant claim it back
If you forgive them its better for you, its closer to taqwa
Bitterness between husband and wife
o Mahr - 2 237 -
Insignificance of Wealth in the Sight of Allah
Only thing that will benefit you is sound heart
o Not your wealth nor child will benefit you that day except righteous deeds
And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial and that surly with Allah is a
mighty reward. [al-Anfaal: 28]
o Dont think youve something wrong if your wealth decreases, be prepared
Insignificance of Wealth in the Sight of Allah -
o Shuaraa 88 - 89 - youma la yanfoo malun wa la banoon
o Saba 37 - it is not your wealth or children that bring us nearer to us on judgment day -
P SAWS said Yaqooloo ibnee adam malee malee - wa ma hal maluka - you
eat and discharge, you wear and it wears out, charity comes after you die -
investment with Allah
Anfaal 28 - your possessions and your children are but a trial
o Baqarah 155 - Wealth is a fitnah and trial - Allah might test you - wa bashir as
sabireen - its on first strike glad tidings to the patient ones.
The real money is what is consumed, but what remains is the sadaqah you give for the sake of
Justice and Law in Islam
o Foundation of the Rule of Law
Injustice is a result of following the desires.
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
Justice transcends religion, justice is not just for Muslims.
Stand firm for justice; Stand firmly for Allah and be just witnesses
Dont let the hatred of others cause you to betray justice
If you have said you dont want to say anything bad about so and so, and remain
quiet, you have already said something negative against them
Manmade system - Allah SWT - Mutahminah 8 - an ta baraoohum - Allah loves
those who deal with justice -
Mushriks in Makkah - PSAWS commanded to deal justly with them - Tawbah 4
Tawbah 7 - obligated to fulfill terms of treaty - but if they break it - you can revoke
or declare war
o Justice in the Hereafter
o Every act will be brought before you, good or bad.
o Al Anbiyaa 46 - set up balances of justice on the day of resurrection - none will be dealt
with unjustly whether for you or against you
o More obligated to observe adl and justice in this dunya because Allah is going to be so
just in His judgment, our injustice will definitely weigh against us.
o What Hinders establishment of Justice
Following the desires
Hatred for others
Fear and intimidation
Forbiddance of the Judge to judge when he is any extreme
Having issues when you are judging: such as hunger, headache, sickness, etcetera. That will hinder
right justice. If any circumstance causes you to make or incline towards unjust decision dont make
any decision, wait it until that circumstance passes.
Example: you are a judge, you just had food, you are tired easy way to complete a case may
be ending it for the sake of your natural requirement. In cases like this as an example wait until your
normal situation is achieved.
When it comes to justice, establish justice even if its against your self and your
International Law (war and peace)
o What is the default with non Muslim nations? War or Peace?
It depends on Justice: the purpose of Jihad is to establish justice
Ibn Taymiyyah: Jihad is one of the means of Dawah
And if you can establish the Dawah without war, then there is no need
for war
The purpose of Jizyah was for protection (for the non-Muslims)
Islam has the right to interfere if the leader of another people is being
They dont have to become Muslim, but they have to practice Justice
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
War sometimes and peace most of the time.
If their leaders are unjust then we can fight against their leaders to bring
o Paradox: In some cases in order to establish peace and justice, you must go to war
Can Muslims initiate a war? Yes!
And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah
likes not the transgressors. [al-Baqarah: 190]
Dont use excessive force, just enough to keep them away from you.
The Revelation to the believers:
At first the revelation was sent that they (as-Sahaba) were not to attack those who attack
them, then they were given permission to fight back after hijrah to Medina
They were stronger now and could defend themselves, the Prophet (saw) sent expeditions
around Medina to scout out and enemy intrusion
You will establish life through capital punishment
If you do not punish these people they will spread more mischief
Once the war is over, you have no right against the citizens of a state
Unless they are still trying to fight you
Violence is only for establishing justice
If the enemy does not fight you, leave them alone
But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and put your trust in Allah
Ayat that explain fighting in the battlefield does just that
It is not meant to be nice while fighting
Make an example of them so people will not even think of fighting you
Never say anything bad about Israel, even when you are intending the state, say something different
(Zionists) because Israel (Yaqoub) was a Prophet of Allah.
Do not try to focus only on major issues, focus on both major and minor issues (not an excuse to say
that we should not follow the sunnah of eating because many Muslims dont pray or are not founding
Muslim countries!)
Be careful to scrutinize what is from the Israeliyyat and what is from Islamic texts
History and Tales: Stories in the Quran
Allah tells the best stories:
We relate to you the best of the stories
The best stories are true stories
We narrate to you their story of truth
The Wisdom behind story telling
There is a lesson involved (for men of understanding)
Confirmation of existing books
Detailed explanation of everything
A mercy for believers
To share news of the messengers
Makes strong the hearts of the believers
Shaykh Yaser Birjas
April 18, 2008
An admonition and reminder for the believer
For reflection
ASK YOURSELF: What do I need to learn from this story?
The Beginning of the Creation
o Mostly begin with this when narrating stories
o What is the Hikmah of the creation of the heavens and earth in six days?
Allah swt is teaching mankind that everything should be done in a timely manner
and its not befitting to be hasty
There are difference opinions.
Creation of heaven and earth in six days.
Creation of earth = two days
Shaping the earth = two days
Creating the heavens = two days
Total = 6 days
Creation of Adam
o Jinn existed before man.
o Source of the creation = the earth (Nuh:17)
Like the plant
Majority say that it is from the dirt and dust from THIS earth
o Ayah in Surat Ta Ha:
Verily the likeness of Isaa before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He)
said to him: BE! and he was. [Aali Imraan: 59]
And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: I am going to create a man (Adam) from
sounding clay of altered black, smooth mud. [al-Hijrj: 28]
This ayats transliteration ..khaalikum bashara-n-mmin salsaali-mmin hamayi-mmasnun
Here the word salsal means clay. The repeated pronunciation of this word also is the sounding of
clay when its knocked upon.
o Created from Dust, but it had to be mixed with water: becomes Mud
When it loses some of its moisture, it becomes Clay
o Clay: when you heat it up, it becomes solid:
When you repeat salsal, it is the sound it makes, sounding clay
When Shaytan passed by it, he knocked on it and found that it was hollow,
makes a sound, and therefore inferred that the creation of man is weak
Adam was created with dark skin.