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TRX - An Alternative System For Handball Physical Training Ghervan Petru

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TRX - an alternative system for handball physical training

Ghervan Petru
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
!bstract" The purpose of this study is to determine to #hat e$tent TRX training system %suspension training&
can improve physical fitness' muscle strength' fle$ibility' balance and (oint mobility )t also #ants to find out
to #hat e$tent it can eliminate or reduce the ris* of in(ury during training period and beyond )n this study
#ere included t#o athletes' handball players' #ho have follo#ed for + months a training program in #hich it
has been included hat #as included the TRX training system The results sho#ed that this method can also be
used to improve handball players, physical condition' their performance on the handball competition
Keywords: TRX, suspension training, fitness, sports performance.
The TRX was the brainchild of a Navy Seal, born out of necessity for eeping in shape during deployment.
The principles are simple: hang it up !you can do this at home using a secure bracet", grab the stirrups and wor
your body against gravity to build muscle and burn fat. The instability caused by the suspension develops serious
strength that#s very hard to replicate with regular weights.
$t was invented by the %.S. Navy Special &orces in '((')'((*. $n '((+)'((, came out on a large maret
proving super efficient.
Randy -etric and his companions from the elite troops of the %.S. Navy needed a way to train in
conditions that do not have access to traditional fitness e.uipment. The TRX has emerged as the answer. $n the
beginning it was a couple of parachute straps sewn by hand. /n the following wees and months after the TRX
creation, -etric and his comrades .uicly developed a series of e0ercises specifically designed to e0ploit this
uni.ue ind of training. Thus, in '((,, -etric and his companions founded a new and original ind of training:
Suspended Training.
The TRX training system maes use of a very simple device which can be set anywhere, is easy to transport
and you can perform virtually endless number of e0ercises.
1ou can also instantly change the difficulty level by ad2usting body position and e0ercise programs are safe
and effective for people with any fitness level.
The TRX is the new program in terms of 3roup Training and 4ersonal Training. This class involves all
muscles of the body, being suspended and using the weight of the body in different planes of inclination. The TRX
Suspension Training allows different types of worout: $nterval Training, Strength and 5ardio. %nlie traditional
programs, TRX worouts are recommended in terms of recovery for those who have problems with their 2oints or
This type of training is suitable for anyone, because you can control the resistance and difficulty. $t is a
perfect e0ercise program for rehabilitation and for intensive physical condition development.
%nlie standard worouts that allow woring out one muscle, which can lead to ris of in2ury or muscle
imbalances, The TRX Suspension Training allows a wider range of movements and training simultaneously groups
of muscle.

6. Standing facing the TRX '. Standing bac to the TRX

*. 7ateral standing to the TRX 8. S.uatting on the ground palms and feet
suspended in the TRX

+. 7ying with your feet suspended ,. Side Stand with feet suspended
in the TRX in the TRX
-enefits of the TRX training"
9 Train all body muscles
9 :evelops muscle strength
9 $t is a good cardio worout;
9 $ncreases fle0ibility, balance and 2oint mobility
9 Reduces ris of in2ury
9 $nfluences athletic performance
Materials and methods
The TRX training method was tested on high performance athletes, football players, bodybuilders,
gymnasts, etc, having a beneficial impact on their performance, but also in terms of improving their physical
condition. %ntil now, this method has not been tested on handball players. This study proves that TRX worout
system has a benefic influence regarding handball players# physical fitness and their sports performance.
The research methods included in this study were: literature review, discussions with specialists, testing
method, e0perimental method, the method of graphical representation, etc.
$n this study were included two students from Stefan cel <are %niversity of Suceava, from 4hysical
=ducation and Sport &aculty, handball players who were trained with The TRX e0ercises for two months, three times
a wee.
.o .ame and prename !ge /ccupation
6 :%<$TR>S R>?@>N '*
handball player
' T$3>N>S% $/N%T 5/S<$N '*
handball player
Table 6. Sub2ects included in this study
Results and conclusions
The obtained results at the initial and final tests were introduced into a table and then graphically
represented. Sub2ects had a higher development in terms of the measured parameters comparing the initial and final
The performance progressive increase can be observed by comparing the initial results with the
intermediary and the final one.
Ra0van 1umitras
<otor action A type of
:ate 6B.(6.'(6* '+.(6.'(6* (6.('.'(6* (,.('.'(6* 6+.('.'(6* ''.('.'(6* 'B.('.'(6*
' S.uats 6B 6, '+ '8 '8 ', ',
* S.uats with right foot !left foot" 6, 6, '( '8 '( '8 '6
S.uats with left foot !right foot
6+ 6+ 6C '' 6C '* '6
+ Starting on the wrong foot sprint 6+ 6, 6C '( '* '+ ''
, Start the sprint with the right foot 6, 6, 6D '6 '' '+ ''
Sprint starting on the wrong foot
with separation A Eounce off right
6+ 6D '( 6B '6 '* ''
Sprinter starting with the right with
separation A bounce from the left foot
6D 68 6B '( '' '* '6
7ying on his bac with nees
stretched raising and lowering the
6D 6, '* 6C '( ', '8
7ying on your bac with nees bent
raising and lowering the leg
6D 6B 6D 6D '( '6 ',
=0ercise for the bac with both
6B 6B '' '* '* ', '8
6' =0ercise for bac left arm 68 6' 6* 68 6B 6C 6B
6* Eac e0ercise straight arm 68 68 68 6+ 6, 6C 6B
68 4ushups 68 6+ 6D 6D 6B '( ''
6+ 4ushups with leg support 6* 6* 6D '( '( '( ''
6, T e0ercises for deltoid muscles 6* 66 6* 6+ 6B 6C 6C
6D 1 e0ercises deltoids muscles 6' C 6* 6D 6B 6C '(
6B Rolling ahead the stand 6* 6' 68 6+ 6B '' ',
6C Rolling ahead of the nee 68 6' 68 6* 6, 6C '*
'( Suspended, standing on the elbows *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s
7ateral suspended, standing on the
*(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s
'' 5runches 6D '8 *( '+ *( *( *6
'* Side crunches 6, '( 6D '( '' '+ '6
Table '. The results obtained by the athlete :umitras RaFvan on the '* tests
Tiganasu $onut 5osmin
<otor action A type of
:ate 6B.(6.'(6* '+.(6.'(6* (6.('.'(6* (,.('.'(6* 6+.('.'(6* ''.('.'(6* 'B.('.'(6*
' S.uats 6C '' '8 '* '+ '+ 'C
* S.uats with right foot !left foot" 6+ 6C 6C '( '8 '8 '+
S.uats with left foot !right foot
6B '( '( 6C '* '* '+
+ Starting on the wrong foot sprint 68 6B '( '* '8 '+ '+
, Start the sprint with the right foot 6+ 6C '6 '' '+ '' '+
Sprint starting on the wrong foot with
separation A Eounce off right foot
6, '6 '( '6 '' '' 'D
Sprinter starting with the right with
separation A bounce from the left foot
6D 6C 6C '' '' '' '8
7ying on his bac with nees
stretched raising and lowering the legs
6, 6C '* '8 ', ', '6
7ying on your bac with nees bent
raising and lowering the leg
66 6B 6C '( 6C 6C ',
66 =0ercise for the bac with both hands 68 '( '* '' ', '+ 'D
6' =0ercise for bac left arm 6' 6D '( 6B '( '( '8
6* Eac e0ercise straight arm 6' 6D 6C 6B '( '( '*
68 4ushups 6* 6D 6B '6 '' '6 '+
6+ 4ushups with leg support 6+ 6B 6B '( '( '( '*
6, T e0ercises for deltoid muscles + 6, 6C 6C 6C 6C ''
6D 1 e0ercises deltoids muscles , 6D 6B 6B 6C 6C '*
6B Rolling ahead the stand C 68 6, 6B 6C 6C *(
6C Rolling ahead of the nee C 68 6D 6D 6C 6C '*
'( Suspended, standing on the elbows *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s
7ateral suspended, standing on the
'(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s *(s
'' 5runches 6* 6C 'D *' *' *6 *D
'* Side crunches 6' 6, 6, '' '+ '+ 'D
Table *. The results obtained by the athlete Tiganasu $onut 5osmin on the '* tests
/n the represented graph, we selected some tests relevant to determining the evolution of the measured
parameters in which we can observe a performance improvement of their accomplishment.

3raphics regarding several applied tests for the two athlets
&ollowing this suspended training program !The TRX" showed that the two athletes were able to perform
further reps in *( seconds, but also noted an improvement in performance during official games and worouts since
following parameters increased: speed reaction rate, muscle strength, balance and fitness level.
The benefits of suspended training e0ercises are not only for athletes. They are relevant to anyone looing
for a safe and rapid method to improve physical fitness. The vast variety of e0ercises mae the TRX a viable
worout solution regardless of age, se0, training level and can be used almost anywhere. >ll e0ercises can be
modified to form a personal training program for anyone.

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