Stream Junction: Purpose
Stream Junction: Purpose
Stream Junction: Purpose
E X A M P L E 10
Stream Junction
This example was performed to demonstrate the analysis of a stream junction.
The program can analyze 12 different types of junctions. These 12 types of
problems are obtained by combining the 3 flow regimes (subcritical,
supercritical, and mixed) with the 2 geometric configurations (combining or
splitting) and the 2 analysis methods (energy and momentum). For this
example, a subcritical flow combining junction was analyzed using both the
energy and the momentum methods.
The discussion of this example will focus on the analysis of the stream
junction. The modeler is referred to chapter 4 of the Hydraulic Reference
Manual for additional discussion on modeling stream junctions. For looped
networks, the modeler is referred to example 8.
To review the data files for this example, from the main program window
select File and then Open Project. Select the project labeled Stream
Junction - Example 10. This will open the project and activate the following
Plan: Junction - Energy
Geometry: Base Geometry - Energy Junction
Flow: 10 Year Profile
Geometric Data
The geometric data for this example consists of the river system schematic,
the cross section placement, the cross section data, and the stream junction
data. Each of these components are discussed below.
River System Schematic
To view the river system schematic, from the main program window select
Edit and then Geometric Data. This will activate the Geometric Data
Editor and display the river system schematic as shown in Figure 10.1. The
schematic shows the layout of the two rivers (Spring Creek and Spruce
Creek) broken into three reaches: Upper Reach, Lower Reach, and Spruce
Creek. The Upper and Lower Reach of Spring Creek are divided at the
junction with Spruce Creek. This junction occurs at the city of Pottsville.
Example 10 Stream Junction
Figure 10.1 River System Schematic
To create the river system schematic, the River Reach icon was selected and
a line was drawn in the downstream direction. Then, the program requested
the name of the river and reach. The titles Spring Creek and Upper
Reach were entered respectively. Then the River Reach icon was selected
again and the Lower Reach was sketched. The program requested titles for
this river reach and then prompted for a title of the stream junction. The
name Pottsville was entered for the stream junction title. Finally, the River
Reach icon was selected a third time and the Spruce Creek tributary was
drawn and labeled. This created the river system schematic as shown in
Figure 10.1 (without the river stations). The cross section data for the river
stations were entered next and are described subsequently.
Example 10 Stream Junction
Cross Section Placement
The location of the cross sections in relation to the stream junction are crucial
for the accurate calculation of the energy losses and the water surface across
the junction. There are three criteria that can be used as guidelines for the
placement of the cross sections. First, the cross sections should be placed
close to the stream junction. This will allow for a more accurate evaluation of
the energy losses when performing an energy analysis. For a momentum
analysis, the program assumes that the water surface at the two upstream
sections of the junction are equal. Therefore, to minimize the error associated
with this assumption, the cross sections should be closely spaced around the
The second criterion is that the data used for the cross sections does not
overlap. The cross section data is acquired from a line perpendicular to the
flow lines. If these lines of cross-section data intersect upstream of the
junction, then the flow area may be accounted for twice and produce incorrect
results. As shown in the schematic in Figure 10.2, the cross sections 7 and 1
for the Upper Reach and Spruce Creek would not be portraying accurate flow
cross section data. Part of the flow area would be accounted for twice and,
additionally, the cross sections would not contain the flow in the overbank
areas. The cross sections numbered 8 and 2 would more accurately portray
the flow situation because they do not intersect and the entire flow area is
contained within the cross section data.
Upper Reach
Spr uce Creek
Limit of
Water Surface
Figure 10.2 Cross Section Placement Schematic
Example 10 Stream Junction
Finally, a third criterion is concerned with the fact that the program is a one-
dimensional model. Therefore, the cross sections should be located in regions
where the flow direction is perpendicular to the section. For example, as
shown in Figure 10.2, the cross section number 6 should be placed adequately
downstream from the junction so that the flow is predominately in the
downstream direction. This cross section should not be placed in the junction
where the turbulent mixing of the flow is occurring. However, as discussed
previously, the cross sections should be placed close to the stream junction to
accurately evaluate the energy losses across the junction and to provide a
reasonable result for the momentum method, which equates the two upstream
water surface elevations. Observations of water surface elevations at high
flows can assist the modeler in determining the appropriate locations for the
cross sections.
Cross Section Data
To enter the cross section data, from the Geometric Data Editor select the
Cross Section icon on the left side of the window. This will activate the
Cross Section Data Editor as shown in Figure 10.3. Cross section data were
entered for each of the three river reaches for this example. The top portion
of the editor shows the river, reach and the river station. The river stations
correspond to the river miles of the specific river reach. Additionally, a
description was entered for each river station.
Figure 10.3 Cross Section Data Editor
Example 10 Stream Junction
The left side of the editor is where the station and elevation data for the cross
section coordinates were entered. The right side of the editor displays the
entered values for the downstream reach lengths, Mannings n values, main
channel bank stations, and the contraction and expansion coefficients. The
downstream reach lengths for the last cross section of each river reach should
be set at zero or left blank. Therefore, for this example, the downstream
reach lengths at the river stations of 10.106, 10.000, and 0.013 for Upper
Reach, Lower Reach, and Spruce Creek, respectively, were set at 0.
Finally, any levees, ineffective flow areas, blocked obstructions, etc. would
be entered at this time. For this example, the flow and cross sectional data
did not provide for the use of any of these options.
Stream Junction Data - Energy Method
The final component of the geometric data for this example is the stream
junction data. To enter the junction data, from the Geometric Data Editor
select the Junction icon on the left side of the window. This will activate the
Junction Data Editor as shown in Figure 10.4.
Figure 10.4 Junction Data Editor for Energy Method
To enter the stream junction data, first one of the stream junctions was
selected by depressing the down arrow adjacent to the Junction Name box.
For this example, there was only one junction, which had been named
Pottsville and this junction name automatically appeared. Next, a
description for the junction was entered. The entire description can be
viewed by selecting the ... button. The ... button can then be re-selected
to exit the description display.
The next item of information required is the stream lengths across the
junction. The table at the bottom left side of the editor will automatically
display the names of the river reaches at the junction for which the user must
enter the reach lengths. For this example, a reach length of 80 feet was
entered as the distance across the junction from Upper Reach to Lower
Example 10 Stream Junction
Reach. The program will then use this distance of 80 feet as the length from
river station 10.106 (the downstream river station of Upper Reach) to river
station 10.091 (the upstream river station of Lower Reach). Similarly, a
distance of 70 feet was entered as the length across the junction from the
upstream river station on Lower Reach (10.091) to the downstream river
station on Spruce Creek (0.013).
The last item for the Junction Data Editor is the Computation Mode. The
user must select either the energy or the momentum method for the
computational procedure. For this example, the energy method was selected.
After the discussion of the output for the energy method analysis, the
momentum method will be selected and the results from the two methods will
be compared. A discussion on the computational procedures for each method
will be addressed during the review of the output for each method.
The selection of the energy method for the junction analysis completed the
geometric input for this example. The junction editor was then closed by
selecting the OK button. Finally, the geometric data was then saved by
selecting File and then Save Geometric Data As from the Geometric Data
Editor. The title Base Geometry - Energy Junction was entered for the
name of the file. The next procedure was to enter the steady flow data.
Steady Flow Data
To enter the steady flow data, from the main program window select Edit and
then Steady Flow Data. This will activate the Steady Flow Data Editor as
shown in Figure 10.5. For this example, the number of profiles was selected
as one. When this number was entered, the table for the steady flow data
adjusted to account for the number of profiles that were selected.
Next, the flow values were entered. The user must enter a flow value at the
upstream end of each river reach and the table for the flow data will
automatically display the upstream river stations for each river reach. The
values of 1100, 3000, and 4100 were then entered as the flow values at the
upstream river stations for Spruce Creek, Upper Reach, and Lower Reach,
After the steady flow values were entered, the boundary conditions were then
assigned. This was performed by selecting the Boundary Conditions icon at
the top of the window. This activated the Boundary Conditions Data
Editor as shown in Figure 10.6. As shown in the figure, a table is displayed
that lists all of the river reaches. The table will automatically display any
internal boundary conditions such as stream junctions. These internal
boundary conditions are based upon how the river system was defined by the
geometric data. The user can then enter any external boundary condition for
each river reach.
Example 10 Stream Junction
Figure 10.5 Steady Flow Data Editor
Figure 10.6 Boundary Conditions Data Editor
Example 10 Stream Junction
For this example, a subcritical analysis was performed and therefore a
downstream boundary condition was required to be entered for the Lower
Reach of Spring Creek. To enter this boundary condition, the downstream
field for Lower Reach was selected and then the boundary condition Normal
Depth was chosen. A slope of 0.001 was then entered for this boundary
condition. For a further discussion on boundary conditions, the user is
referred to chapter 7 of the Users Manual and to chapter 3 of the Hydraulic
Reference Manual.
After all of the steady flow data had been entered, the steady flow data file
was then saved by selecting File and then Save Steady Flow Data As from
the Steady Flow Data Editor. The title 10 Year Profile was then entered
and the OK button selected.
Steady Flow Analysis (Stream Junction Energy
After the flow data were entered, the steady flow data file and the geometry
file were saved as a plan. This was performed by first selecting Run and then
Steady Flow Analysis from the main program window. This activated the
Steady Flow Analysis Window as shown in Figure 10.7.
Figure 10.7 Steady Flow Analysis Window
At the top of the Steady Flow Analysis Window, a Short ID was entered as
Energy. The next step was to select the appropriate flow regime for the
analysis. For this example, the Subcritical regime was selected. Then, the
geometry file Base Geometry - Energy Junction and the steady flow file
10 Year Profile were selected by depressing the down arrows on the right
side of the window. (Note: At this point in the example, there was only one
geometry and one flow file. Therefore, this step was not necessary.) To save
these files as a plan, select File and then Save Plan As. The title Junction -
Example 10 Stream Junction
Energy was then entered as the plan title and the OK button was selected.
This associated the geometry and the steady flow file as a plan and the name
of the plan then appeared on the Steady Flow Analysis Window (as well as
on the main program window). Finally, the COMPUTE button was selected
to perform the analysis.
Review of Output for Stream Junction Energy
To review the output for the analysis, the user can evaluate the data in both
graphical and tabular format. For this example, the water surface profile and
the standard table 2 profile table will be reviewed.
Water Surface Profile
To view the water surface profiles for the analysis, from the main program
window select View and then Water Surface Profiles. This will activate the
profile plot as shown in Figure 10.8. The profile in Figure 10.8 displays the
energy gradeline, the water surface elevation, and the critical depth line for
the reaches of Upper Reach and Lower Reach. From the figure, it can be seen
that the flow regime is subcritical because the water surface profile is above
the critical depth line. Additionally, the energy gradeline displays a constant
increase in energy in the upstream direction. Abrupt changes in the water
surface profile or the energy gradeline should prompt the user to closely
examine the flow situation at these locations.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Stream Junction - Example 10 Junction - Energy 6/2/1998
Geom: Base Geometry - Energy Junction Flow: 10 Year Profile
Main Channel Distance (ft)
EG 10 yr
WS 10 yr
Crit 10 yr
Lower Reach Upper Reach
Figure 10.8 Water Surface Profile for Energy Junction
Example 10 Stream Junction
At this time, the user can select which reaches to be displayed by selecting
Options and then Reaches. In this manner, the water surface profile for the
combination of Spruce Creek and Lower Reach can be viewed. The user can
also select to have all three reaches displayed simultaneously.
To determine the water surface profile across the stream junction, the
program used the energy based solution routine for this plan. Since this was a
subcritical flow analysis, the program started the calculations at the
downstream end of the Lower Reach and computed the water surface profile
up to the upstream river station of Lower Reach (10.091). Then the program
performed standard step calculations separately across the stream junction to
each of the downstream river stations of Upper Reach and Spruce Creek.
During each of the separate calculations, the friction losses and the
contraction and expansion losses were calculated to balance the energy from
river station 10.091 to each of the river stations 10.106 and 0.013 of Upper
Reach and Spruce Creek, respectively. By performing the calculations in this
manner, the downstream water surface elevations of Upper Reach and Spruce
Creek do not necessarily have to coincide.
Standard Table 2
As a further review of the output, from the main program window select
View and then Profile Summary Table. Then select Std. Tables and then
Standard Table 2. This will result in the display as shown in Figure 10.9.
The first two columns in the table are in fixed format and display the river
reach and the river stationing. The columns in the non-fixed area of the table
(as shown in Figure 10.9) display the energy gradeline, the water surface
elevation, the velocity head, the friction losses, and the contraction/expansion
losses. The remaining portion of the table can be viewed by depressing the
left and right arrows at the bottom of the window.
The table in Figure 10.9 can be reviewed to follow the standard step
computations across the stream junction. The energy gradeline elevation for
the upstream river station of Lower Reach (10.091) was 75.86 ft. When
calculating the energy losses across the stream junction from river station
10.091 to 10.106 (the downstream river station of Upper Reach), the program
determined that the friction loss was 0.09 feet and the contraction/expansion
loss was 0.06 feet. These values are displayed in the row for the Upper Reach
station of 10.106. By summing these losses, a total energy loss of 0.10 + 0.06
= 0.16 feet is obtained. Then, this 0.16 feet of energy was added to the
energy of 75.86 feet to obtain an energy value of 0.16 + 75.86 = 76.02 feet at
river station 10.106. (Note: The table only displayed the values to two
decimal places and rounding of numerical values occurred.) The standard
step procedure was then continued upstream through the reach of Upper
Example 10 Stream Junction
Figure 10.9 Profile Standard Table 2 for Energy Junction Analysis
Similarly, the user can toggle the table to display the information for Spruce
Creek and follow the same procedure to determine the energy losses across
the junction from the upstream river station of Lower Reach to the
downstream river station of Spruce Creek. (Note: If the table does not
display the information for all of the river reaches, the user can select the
appropriate reaches for display under the Options menu.)
Steady Flow Analysis (Stream Junction Momentum
After the energy method was used to analyze the stream junction, the
computation procedure was changed to the momentum method. This was
performed by opening the Geometric Data Editor and selecting the
Junction icon on the left side of the window. This will activate the Junction
Data Editor as shown in Figure 10.10.
The components of Junction Name, Description, and Reach Lengths were
kept the same as described for the energy method analysis. However, the
Computation Mode was selected as Momentum for the subsequent analysis.
For the momentum method, the user must enter the angles at which the
reaches are entering or leaving the junction. For a flow combining situation
(such as this example), the user must enter the angles of the inflow reaches as
measured from a line perpendicular to the upstream cross section of the
Example 10 Stream Junction
outflow reach. (Note: Figure 4.9 in the Hydraulic Reference Manual will
assist the user to visualize the flow angles.)
Figure 10.10 Junction Data Editor for Momentum Method
For this example, the tributary angle from Upper Reach to Lower Reach was
entered as 0 degrees. This implies that the flow will continue in a straight
line. The flow angle from Spruce Creek to Lower Reach was then entered as
45 degrees, as measured from the survey data.
Finally, the user must select whether the program should include the weight
and/or the friction terms in the momentum equation. For this example, the
terms were included by selecting the appropriate boxes in the lower right
corner of the window. The user should refer to chapter 4 of the Hydraulic
Reference Manual for a further discussion of the momentum equations.
After these changes were made, the Apply Data button was selected and the
junction editor was closed. Since this geometry file was changed, it was then
saved as a new file. This was performed by selecting File and then Save
Geometry As. The title Base Geometry - Momentum Junction was entered
and the OK button selected. Then the Geometric Data Editor was closed.
From the main program window, Run and then Steady Flow Analysis were
then selected. This activated the Steady Flow Analysis Window as shown
in Figure 10.11.
Example 10 Stream Junction
Figure 10.11 Steady Flow Analysis Window for Momentum Method
In the upper right corner of the window, a Short ID was entered as
Momentum. Then, the geometry file Base Geometry - Momentum
Junction and the flow file 10 Year Profile were selected by depressing the
down arrows on the right side of the window. Next, the Flow Regime was
selected as Subcritical. Then, File and Save Plan As were selected and the
title Junction - Momentum was entered. This plan title then appeared at the
top of the window (as well as on the main program window). Finally, the
COMPUTE button was selected to perform the analysis.
Review of Output for Stream Junction Momentum
To review the output for the analysis, the user can evaluate the data in both
graphical and tabular format. For this example, the water surface profile and
the standard table 2 profile table will be reviewed.
Water Surface Profile
To view the water surface profiles for the analysis, from the main program
window select View and then Water Surface Profiles. This will activate the
profile plot as shown in Figure 10.12.
The profile plot shown in Figure 10.12 is similar to the plot as shown in
Figure 10.8, except Figure 10.12 is for the results of the momentum analysis
of the stream junction. Figure 10.12 shows the energy gradeline, the water
surface elevation, and the critical depth line. The profile is seen to be
occurring in the subcritical flow regime. As discussed previously, the user
can select other reaches to display the corresponding water surface profiles.
Example 10 Stream Junction
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Stream Junction - Example 10 Junction - Momentum 6/2/1998
Geom: Base Geometry - Momemtum Junction Flow: 10 Year Profile
Main Channel Distance (ft)
EG 10 yr
WS 10 yr
Crit 10 yr
Lower Reach Upper Reach
Figure 10.12 Water Surface Profiles for Momentum Junction Analysis
To determine the water surface profiles, the program started at the
downstream end of the Lower Reach (since this was a subcritical flow
analysis) and used the standard step procedure up to the upstream end of
Lower Reach. At the stream junction, the program then used the momentum
method to balance the forces across the junction. The momentum method
(for this example) will solve simultaneously the forces in the X-direction for
the flow at river stations 10.091 (the upstream river station of Lower River),
10.106 (the downstream river station of Upper Reach), and 0.013 (the
downstream river station of Spruce Creek). The X-direction is determined as
the direction of the flow out of the junction (the direction of flow at river
station 10.091).
Since the water surface elevations at the downstream ends of Upper Reach
and Spruce Creek are two unknown values and are solved simultaneously, the
program will assume that these water surface elevations are equal to each
other. Therefore, it is necessary that the cross sections be placed close to the
stream junction in order to minimize the error associated with this
assumption. For a more detailed discussion on the momentum method
analysis, the user is referred to chapter 4 of the Hydraulic Reference
Standard Table 2
As a further review of the output, from the main program window select
View and then Profile Table. Then select Std. Tables and then Standard
Table 2. This will result in the display as shown in Figure 10.13. As
discussed previously, the first two columns in the table are in fixed format
Example 10 Stream Junction
and display the river reach and the river stationing. (Note: For this table, all 3
river reaches were selected to be displayed.) The columns in the non-fixed
area of the table display the energy gradeline, the water surface elevation, the
velocity head, the friction losses, and the contraction/expansion losses. The
remaining portion of the table can be viewed by depressing the left and right
arrows at the bottom of the window.
As shown in Figure 10.13, the water surface elevations for Lower Reach are
exactly the same values in the previous run because nothing has changed in
the downstream reach. However, for this plan, the water surface elevations
across the stream junction were determined using the momentum method. As
discussed previously, to perform the momentum calculations at the stream
junction, the program will equate the two upstream water surface elevations.
This is seen to have occurred as the water surface elevations at river station
10.106 (the downstream station of Upper Reach) and river station 0.013 (the
downstream river station of Spruce Creek) are both equal to 75.50 feet. Then,
the program determined separately the remaining water surface profiles for
Upper Reach and Spruce Creek by using the standard step procedure in the
upstream direction.
Figure 10.13 Standard Profile Table 2 for Momentum Junction Analysis
Example 10 Stream Junction
Comparison of Energy and Momentum Results
To compare the water surface profiles for the energy and the momentum
analyses of the stream junction, the water surface profile plot was selected to
view both of the plans. This was performed by selecting View and then
Water Surface Profiles from the main program window. Then, under the
Options menu, the reaches were selected as Upper Reach and Lower Reach.
Finally, under the Options menu again, both Plans were selected. This
resulted in the display as shown in Figure 10.14.
Figure 10.14 shows the water surface elevations for Upper Reach and Lower
Reach for both methods of junction analysis. At the top of the figure, the
heading lists the project name Stream Junction - Example 10 and the short
identifiers listed for each plan.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Stream Junction - Example 10 1) Momentum 2) Energy
Geom: Base Geometry - Momemtum Junction Flow: 10 Year Profile
Main Channel Distance (ft)
WS 10 yr - Momentum
WS 10 yr - Energy
Crit 10 yr - Momentum
Crit 10 yr - Energy
Lower Reach Upper Reach
Figure 10.14 Water Surface profiles for Upper Reach and Lower Reach
for Both Energy and Momentum Junction Analyses
By visually comparing the two results, it can be seen that the calculated water
surface profile for Lower Reach was the same for both plans. However, the
water surface profile for Upper Reach was different. This is due to the fact
that the starting downstream water surface elevation at river station 10.106 of
Upper Reach was different, for the two methods of computation across the
junction. If the standard step procedure was allowed to continue for a longer
distance upstream on Upper Reach, both of the water surface profiles would
eventually converge.
Example 10 Stream Junction
At this time, the user can select to view the combination of Spruce Creek and
Lower Reach and observe a similar result. The profile would show that the
momentum method produced a higher resulting water surface profile on
Spruce Creek than the energy method. However, the difference of the water
surface profiles for Spruce Creek is not as significant as that for Upper Reach.
The energy method uses friction and the coefficients of contraction and
expansion in determining the energy losses across the junction. The user can
adjust these coefficients to account for any abrupt transitions that occur in the
cross sectional area. Additionally, the user could adjust the Mannings n
value at the stream junction to account for additional internal energy losses
associated with the junction. By adjusting these parameters, the calculated
water surface profile can be calibrated to actual measured water surface
For the momentum method, the program determines the water surface
elevations across the stream junction by taking into account the forces
associated with the flow. To balance the forces across the junction, the
program only uses the forces in the X-direction. This direction is determined
as being perpendicular to the outflow direction (for a flow combining
situation). Therefore, the tributary angles, as entered by the user, are crucial
for the accurate calculation of the forces. Additionally, as for the energy
method, the Mannings n values can be adjusted to account for additional
friction losses associated with the stream junction.
Both the energy and the momentum methods were used to determine the
water surface profiles across the stream junction. For this example, the
resulting water surface profiles differed upstream of the junction for the two
calculation procedures.
The energy method used the standard step procedure with the coefficients of
expansion and contraction and the Mannings n value to account for energy
losses across the junction. With the energy method, the program calculated
separately the resulting upstream water surface elevations. The momentum
method equated the forces in one dimension and used the tributary angles to
balance the forces at the stream junction. Additionally, the Mannings n
values are used to account for friction losses. The momentum method should
be used when the tributary flow angles play an important role in influencing
the water surface around the junction. However, in order to solve the
momentum calculations, the upstream water surface elevations were equated.
To reduce the error associated with this assumption, the cross sections should
be located close to the stream junction.
The momentum method is an attempt at a more theoretical analysis of the
stream junction. However, the user should be aware of the limitations of this
one-dimensional analysis. To determine the most applicable method for the
analysis, the user should compare the results to observed data and calibrate
the model as deemed appropriate.